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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fylogeneze a evoluce bodlinatých myší rodu Acomys / Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of the genus Acomys (Rodentia: Muridae)

Palupčíková, Klára January 2019 (has links)
The geographical distribution and phylogeny of the spiny mice of the genus Acomys Geoffroy I., 1838 remains a controversial and open topic. This doctoral thesis deals with the intraspecific structure and geographical distribution of the genus Acomys from the northern, eastern, central and southern parts of Africa, the Mediterranean islands of Cyprus and Crete, the Turkish coast, the Arabian and Sinai Peninsula and Iran, using molecular analyzes. Molecular analyzes were based on both the mitochondrial gene sequences of the D-loop genes (publication I.) and cytochrome b, as well as the nuclear sequences of the Intraretinal Binding Protein gene (IRBP) (publication IV) and recombinant activation gene 1 (RAG1) (publication II.). Furthermore, the data were subjected to phylogenetic analyzes using the Maximum Probability, Bayesian, Maximum Parsimony, and Minimum Evolution analysis. The results of mentioned analyses confirmed that the Afro-Mediterranean Acomys cahirinus and Asian Acomys dimidiatus are clearly separated. The large similarity between the haplotypes of continental Africa and the northern Mediterranean (A. cahirinus sensu stricto) supports the hypothesis that the ancestors of A. nesiotes, A. cilicicus and A. minous are very likely to spread as commensal populations, thereby challenging their...

Application of a multidisciplinary approach to the systematics of Acomys (Rodentia : Muridae) from northern Tanzania

Mgode, Georgies Frank 18 August 2008 (has links)
The systematic status and geographic distribution of spiny mice of the genus Acomys I. Geoffroy, 1838 in northern Tanzania is uncertain. This study assesses the systematic and geographic distribution of Acomys from northern Tanzania using a multidisciplinary approach that includes molecular, cytogenetic, traditional and geometric morphometric analyses, and classical morphology of the same individuals. The molecular analysis was based on 1140 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome b and 1297 bp of the nuclear interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP) gene sequences. These data were subjected to phylogenetic analyses using Maximum likelihood, Bayesian, Maximum parsimony, and Minimum evolution analyses. The cytogenetic analysis included G-banding of metaphase chromosomes. The morphometric analyses included univariate and multivariate analyses of traditional morphometric measurements of the cranium and mandible, and of geometric morphometric two-dimensional landmarks of the dorsal, ventral, and lateral views of the cranium, and lateral view of mandible that included thin-plate spline (TPS) analysis. The classical morphology included examination of external, cranial and mandibular morphology. Results of all these multidisciplinary analyses were congruent and provide evidence for the occurrence of two sympatric species of Acomys in northern Tanzania, namely, the previously recorded A. wilsoni (2n = 62) and a newly recorded A. cf. percivali (2n = 58). These results that also represent the first reported mitochondrial cytochrome b and nuclear IRBP gene sequences and karyotype for A. cf. percivali, increases the number of species known to occur in Tanzania from four to five. However, the mitochondrial cytochrome b data that included GenBank sequences from the type locality in Kenya suggest that A. wilsoni may not be monophyletic. Ecologically, the two species seem to partition their niches with A. cf. percivali being found in well-covered habitats with thorn bushes, rocky and mountainous areas, and A. wilsoni being found in open semi-arid grasslands as well as in rice fields. The two species appear to be isolated by complex natural barriers formed by the Great East African Rift Valley whose geological features have generally been associated with active rodent speciation. However, the present results need further multidisciplinary investigation involving extensive sampling and examination of topotypical material. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted

Morphology and mucin histochemistry of the gastrointestinal tracts of three insectivorous mammals : Acomys spinosissimus, Crocidura cyanea and Amblysomus hottentotus

Boonzaier, Julia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MsCMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The gastrointestinal morphology and the distribution of the different types of mucin secreting goblet cells were investigated in three mammalian insectivorous species, namely A. spinosissimus, C. cyanea and A. hottentotus. The aim of the study was to provide a comprehensive morphological comparison between the different species. Another aim was to illustrate and compare the distribution of mucins (neutral, sulfo- and sialomucins) in the gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) of these species, in order to better understand the quality of the biofilm in the GIT. Mucins secreted onto the surface of the GIT have an effect on the colonisation of microflora in the mucosal layer, constructing a biofilm which protects the GIT surface from opportunistic pathogens. The shape, proportional length, and proportional surface areas of the different gastrointestinal regions were recorded and compared in the three species. Histochemical staining methods were used to detect and to distinguish between neutral, sulfo- and sialomucins. The number of goblet cells in the GIT containing each of the above mucins in the epithelium lining the surface or crypts was quantified, and the data expressed as the number of neutral, sulfo- or sialomucin containing goblet cells per mm2 of the surface or crypt epithelium. In all three species the stomach was uncompartmentalised. The internal aspect of the stomach in A. spinosissimus was hemi-glandular, containing stratified squamous epithelium in the fundus, with glandular epithelium in the body and pyloric region. However, C. cyanea and A. hottentotus had wholly glandular stomachs. A. spinosissimus was the only species studied that had a caecum which demonstrated transverse mucosal folds and V-shaped mucosal folds in the proximal colon. Both C. cyanea and A. hottentotus had villi up to the distal part of the GIT. Longitudinal mucosal folds were present in the distal colon. The GITs of both C. cyanea and A. hottentotus showed little morphological differentiation namely a simple, glandular stomach and the lack of a caecum. Mixed (neutral and acid) mucins and mixed acid (sulfo- and sialomucins) mucin secreting goblet cells were prominent mucin cell types in all three mammalian insectivorous species. Despite these general similarities, marked differences were observed in the qualitative expression and distribution of the three types of mucins throughout the GIT. The overall similarity between the three insectivores and other distantly related mammalian species suggests that mixed mucin secreting goblet cell types are prominent contributors to the maintenance of the intestinal biofilm in the majority of mammals, irrespective of their diet or taxonomy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bestudering van die morfologie van die spysverteringskanaal (SVK) en die verspreiding van die verskillende musien produserende bekerselle was in drie insek-etende soogdier spesies uitgevoer, naamlik in A. spinosissimus, C. cyanea en A. hottentotus. Die doel van die studie was om „n omvattende morfologiese vergelyking te maak tussen die drie spesies, sowel as om die verspreiding van die verskillende musiene te beskryf in die SVK. Kennis van die verspreiding van die verskillende tipes musiene (neutral, sulfaat en nie-sulfaat bevattende musiene) kan moontlik inligting verskaf aangaande die kwaliteit van die biofilm in the SVK. Die laasgenoemde musiene wat gesekreteer word op die oppervlak van die SVK, bepaal die kolonisasie van die mikroflora in die mukosale laag wat „n biofilm vorm en die SVK beskerm teen patogene. Die vorm, proportionele lengte en proportionele oppervlaks areas van die verskillende SVK gebiede is opgeteken, waarna dit vergelyk is tussen die drie insektivore spesies. Histochemiese kleurings tegnieke is gebruik om die musiene waar te neem en om te onderskei tussen die neutraal, sulfaat en nie-sulfaat bevattende musiene. Die aantal beker selle wat elk van die bogenoemde musiene bevat het, is getel in die oppervlaks epiteel- en kript areas van die SVK. Hierdie data is weergegee as die aantal neutraal, sulfaat en nie-sulfaat bevattende beker selle per oppervlaks epiteel- of kript area (mm2). Die vorm van die maag in al drie spesies was eenvoudig en nie gekompartementaliseer nie. Die interne aspek van die maag in A. spinosissimus het meerlagige plaveisel epiteel in die fundus gehad en klieragtige epiteel in die liggaam en pilorus gedeeltes. Daarbenewens het C. cyanea en A. hottentotus slegs klieragtige epiteel in die maag gehad. A. spinosissimus was die enigste spesie in hierdie studie wat „n sekum gehad het met dwars voue, asook V-vormige mukosale voue in die proksimale kolon. Beide C. cyanea en A. hottentotus het villi tot in die distale gedeelte van die SVK gehad. Longitudinale mukosale voue was teenwoordig in die distale gedeelte van die kolon. Die SVK van beide C. cyanea en A. hottentotus het min morfologiese differensiasie getoon deurdat die spesies „n eenvoudige, klieragtige maag gehad het en geen sekum nie. Gemenge (neutral en suur) musiene asook gemengde suur (sulfaat en nie-sulfaat bevattende) musiene was die dominante musien tipes in the SVK van al drie insek-etende soogdier spesies. Ten spyte van die algemene ooreenkomste, was daar merkwaardige verskille in die getalle en verspreiding van die verskillende musiene in die SVK. Die algemene ooreenkomste tussen die drie insektivore soogdier spesies met soogdiere van ander families, stel voor dat die gemende musien sekreterende beker selle „n prominente bydrae maak tot die onderhoud van die biofilm in the SVK in die meerderheid van soogdiere, ongeag van hul dieet of spesie klassifikasie.

Peniální a bakulární morfologie vybraných rodů afrických hlodavců / The morphology of penis and baculum in selected genera of African rodents

HORÁKOVÁ, Sylvie January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis consists of two main parts. The first of them represents a compilation of information and facts about baculum, specifically about its presence, function and evolution in mammals. Further I focused on biological characters of five genera of African muroid rodents (Acomys, Aethomys, Gerbilliscus, Saccostomus, Stenocephalemys), which were analyzed in detail in the second part of my thesis in respect of their penial and bacular morphology.

Vliv synantropie na vertikální aktivitu v exploračních testech: srovnání 12 populací rodu Acomys / The role of commensalism on vertical activity in exploration tests: a comparison of 12 populations of the genus Acomys

Štolhoferová, Iveta January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this work was to investigate whether there are differences between commensal and non-commensal populations of spiny mice (Acomys spp.). There is a good evidence that some populations of Acomys cahirinus have been commensal since the time of ancient Egypt, that is for at least 3,500 years. Therefore, it could be expected that some adaptation for a commensal way of life have evolved. To find out, I tested twelve populations of spiny mice in two types of open field test - a vertical test and a hole board test. In the vertical test, a wire mesh was added and offered to spiny mice to climb on. Since human settlements represent an environment with a new predation pressure as well as new hiding opportunities like those in heights above the ground, I hypothesized that commensal populations of A. cahirinus would (1) explore less on the ground and (2) prefer to spend more time on the wire mesh than the non-commensal populations. Results supported the first hypothesis as in both tests commensal spiny mice spent less time exploring on the ground than other populations. The second hypothesis, however, was not supported - all populations showed approximately equal interest in the wire mesh and commensal spiny mice did not spend more time on it compared to the others. Nevertheless, an overall...

Scatter-hoarding in Acomys subspinosus : the roles of seed traits, seasonality and cache retrieval

Rusch, Ursina Denise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With growing concerns about current environmental issues, such as climate change, that affect ecosystems around the world, understanding ecosystem function is becoming increasingly important. In this study, I investigate the plant – seed disperser mutualism between an endemic scatter-hoarding mouse Acomys subspinosus and its Proteaceae plant counterpart Leucadendron sessile in the biodiversity hotspot of the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the seed selection and caching behaviour of A. subspinosus. First, I determined the seed selection strategy for dispersal and burial by A. subspinosus. Acomys subspinosus may exert stabilizing selection pressure onto L. sessile seeds by dispersing and burying medium seeds with medium hull-thicknesses. Small seeds were eaten in situ and large seeds left at depots. I concluded that the buried L. sessile seeds may have a competitive advantage when it comes to seedling establishment in a post-fire environment, since seeds dispersed by rodents in the fynbos, such as L. sessile, are much larger in size and therefore have more stored nutrients and rapid growth capabilities than seeds dispersed by other vectors. Secondly, I documented rodent dispersal behaviour over a full years’ time. Acomys subspinosus dispersal behaviour changed significantly over the seasons, which I attributed to a change in food availability as the year progressed. Acomys subspinosus buried seeds in autumn after mass seed drop but began to recover caches and consume seeds during winter and spring. The rodent switched to an insectivorous diet in spring. I propose that the A. subspinosus – L. sessile relationship is mutualistic during the year, but the relationship does shift in the favour of the rodent during winter and spring. Lastly, I address the scatter-hoarding behaviour of A. subspinosus and cache recovery ability of its assumed closest food competitor Rhabdomys pumilio. I found that cache size has a profound influence on pilferage rates of L. sessile seeds. Acomys subspinosus scatter-hoarded the majority of seeds singly in the field and R. pumilio had difficulties finding those single-cached seeds in dry substrate under controlled experimental conditions, serving as evidence that scatter-hoarding is an effective method of pilferage mitigation by A. subspinosus during the dry summer months. Relatively little was known about this plant – disperser mutualism and how it functions before this thesis were conducted. I have provided insights into the influence of rodent disperser behaviour on seed morphology development, seed fate and seed persistence in the field and suspect that the plant –disperser relationship may have a larger influence on ecosystem dynamics than previously anticipated. Further research on this system is of importance, especially with today’s emerging environmental instability and human interference that threaten the robustness of highly interconnected ecosystems like the fynbos. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die huidige omgewingskwessies, soos die klimaatsverandering, wat ekosisteme wêreldwyd affekteer, word die begrip van ekosisteemfunksionering toenemend belangrik. In hierdie studie ondersoek ek die dier – saadverspreidingsmutualisme tussen die endemiese verstrooiings-storing muis Acomys subspinosus en sy Proteaceae plant eweknie Leucadendron sessile in die biodiversiteit 'hotspot’ van die Kaapse Floristiese Ryk, Suid-Afrika. Die hoof doelwit van die tesis is om die saadseleksie en storingsgedrag van A. subspinosus te ondersoek. Eerstens het ek die saadseleksie strategie vir die verspreiding en begrawing deur A. subspinosus bepaal. Acomys subspinosus het direksionele druk uitgeoefen op L. sessile sade deur mediumgrootte sade met medium saadhuiddiktes te versprei en te begrawe. Klein sade was in situ geëet en groot sade was gelaat by afgesette plekke. Ek het die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die L. sessile sade wat begrawe is ‘n kompeterende voordeel mag hê wanneer dit kom by die vestiging van saailinge in ‘n afgebrande omgewing, aangesien sade wat in die fynbos deur knaagdiere versprei word, soos L. sessile, baie groter is en dus meer gestoorde voedingstowwe en spoedige groeivermoëns het, as sade wat deur ander vektore versprei word. Tweedens het ek die knaagdier verspreidingsgedrag oor die tydperk van ‘n jaar gedokumenteer. Acomys subspinosus se verspreidingsgedrag het beduidend verander deur die verloop van die jaar, wat ek toegeskryf het aan die verandering in voedselbesbikbaarheid soos wat die jaar gevorder het. Acomys subspinosus het sade begrawe in die herfs na grootskaalse vrylating en val van die sade, maar het gestoorde sade begin terug kry en sade begin eet gedurende die winter en lente. Die knaagdier het na ‘n insekvretende dieët omgeskakel in die lente. Ek stel voor dat die A. Supspinosus – L. sessile verhouding nie die hele jaar mutualisties is nie, maar eerder antagonisties, in die knaagdier se guns, gedurende die winter en lente. In die laaste hoofstuk spreek ek die verstrooiings-storingsgedrag van A. subspinosus en storingsverkrygingvermoeë van sy naaste voedselmededinger en deponeringsdief Rhabdomys pumilio aan. Ek het gevind dat die storingsgrootte ‘n beduidende invloed het op die koers van diefstal van L. sessile sade. Acomys subspinosus het die meerderheid van die sade gestoor in die veld en R. pumilio het die enkel-gestoorde sade in droeë substraat onder gekontroleerde eksperimentele kondisies moeiliker gevind. Dit is ondersteunende bewyse dat verstrooings-storingsgedrag ‘n effektiewe metode is om diefstal te verminder in die droë somer in die fynbos. Relatief min was bekend oor hierdie dier – saad verspreidingsmutualisme en hoe dit funksioneer voordat die studie uitgevoer was. Ek het insig verskaf oor die invloed van knaagdier verspreidingsgedrag op saadmorfologie ontwikkeling, die lot van sade en die tydperk wat dit begrawe is in die veld. Ek vermoed dat die mutualisme ‘n hoeksteenproses is in die fynbos en die invloed daarvan op ekosisteemdinamieka mag dalk groter wees as wat voorheen verwag was. Verdere navorsing oor hierdie sisteem is belangrik, veral met vandag se opkomende omgewingsonstabiliteit en menslike inmenging wat die robuustheid van hoogs verbonde-netwerk ekosisteme soos die fynbos bedreig.

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