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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the Effect of Topology on Learning and Generalization in Random Automata Networks

Goudarzi, Alireza 01 January 2011 (has links)
We extend the study of learning and generalization in feed forward Boolean networks to random Boolean networks (RBNs). We explore the relationship between the learning capability and the network topology, the system size, the training sample size, and the complexity of the computational tasks. We show experimentally that there exists a critical connectivity Kc that improves the generalization and adaptation in networks. In addition, we show that in finite size networks, the critical K is a power-law function of the system size N and the fraction of inputs used during the training. We explain why adaptation improves at this critical connectivity by showing that the network ensemble manifests maximal topological diversity near Kc. Our work is partly motivated by self-assembled molecular and nanoscale electronics. Our findings allow to determine an automata network topology class for efficient and robust information processing.

The Effect of Computer-Adaptive Control (Remediation) on Achievement and Time on Task in Foreign Language Learning

Bachelder, Leslie Ricks 26 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Technology has provided the means for the creation of many tools to facilitate the teaching and learning of foreign languages. These tools include computer programs designed to aid language learning by providing various levels of control to the language learner. This control allows the learner to make decisions regarding some or all of the elements of a program such as the pace, sequence, and content to name but a few. Because the amount of learner control can be varied, many research efforts have sought to determine the optimal level of control for learning. These efforts have produced mixed results, with some research suggesting that learners perform better with less control while other findings suggest the opposite. The purpose of this research was to investigate the use of remediation, a computer-adaptive control, in Swahili 101 university level courses and its effect on achievement and time. Participants included Swahili language learners from two universities, three colleges, and one student not affiliated with any school. The study required that participants complete a pretest, a background survey, the Swahili 101 online lesson materials, and an opinion survey. “Gate pages," or webpage-based assessments, were used throughout the online course to assess participant progress. The participants were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. Those in the control group completed the online component at their own discretion, working through assigned tasks with review as desired. Those in the experimental group were required to obtain a minimum score on each lesson's gate page in order to advance in the lesson and thus in the course. If that score was not met, then the software assigned a series of remediation or review pages. Scores from the gate pages and time spent on the gate pages were stored and analyzed for both groups. The results from this study suggest that language learners benefit from computer intervention and guidance (remediation). The participants in the experimental group learned more Swahili than the control group, despite spending the same amount of time on the gate pages as the control group. Therefore, remediation, as defined and implemented in this study, can increase language learning while at the same time not requiring the learners to significantly increase the initial time they spend responding to questions presented on the gate pages.

Adaptive and model-based control in laminar boundary-layer flows

Fabbiane, Nicolò January 2014 (has links)
In boundary-layer flows it is possible to reduce the friction drag by breaking the path from laminar to turbulent state. In low turbulence environments, the laminar-to-turbulent transition is dominated by local flow instabilities – Tollmien-Schlichting (TS) waves – that exponentially grows while being con- vected by the flow and, eventually, lead to transition. Hence, by attenuating these disturbances via localised forcing in the flow it is possible to delay farther downstream the onset of turbulence and reduce the friction drag. Reactive control techniques are widely investigated to this end. The aim of this work is to compare model-based and adaptive control techniques and show how the adaptivity is crucial to control TS-waves in real applications. The control design consists in (i) choosing sensors and actuators and (ii) designing the system responsible to process on-line the measurement signals in order to compute an appropriate forcing by the actuators. This system, called compen- sator, can be static or adaptive, depending on the possibility of self-adjusting its response to unmodelled flow dynamics. A Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) regulator is chosen as representative of static controllers. Direct numerical simulations of the flow are performed to provide a model for the compensator design and test its performance. An adaptive Filtered-X Least-Mean-Squares (FXLMS) compensator is also designed for the same flow case and its per- formance is compared to the model-based compensator via simulations and experiments. Although the LQG regulator behaves better at design conditions, it lacks robustness to small flow variations. On the other hand, the FXLMS compensator proved to be able to adapt its response to overcome the varied conditions and perform an adequate control action. It is thus found that an adaptive control technique is more suitable to delay the laminar-to-turbulent transition in situations where an accurate model of the flow is not available. / I det tunna gränsskikt som uppstår en yta, kan friktionen minskas genom att förhindra omslag från ett laminärt till ett turbulent flöde. När turbulensnivån är låg  i omgivningen, domineras till en början omslaget av lokala instabiliteter (Tollmien-Schlichting (TS) v ågor) som växer i en exponentiell takt samtidigt som de propagerar nedströms. Därför, kan man förskjuta omslaget genom att dämpa TS vågors tillväxt i ett gränsskikt och därmed minska friktionen.Med detta mål i sikte, tillämpas och jämförs två reglertekniska metoder, nämligen en adaptiv signalbaserad metod och en statiskt modellbaserad metod. Vi visar att adaptivitet är av avgörande betydelse för att kunna dämpa TS vågor i en verklig miljö. Den reglertekniska konstruktionen består av val av givare och aktuatorer samt att bestämma det system som behandlar mätsignaler (on- line) för beräkning av en lämplig signal till aktuatorer. Detta system, som kallas för en kompensator, kan vara antingen statisk eller adaptiv, beroende på om det har möjlighet till att anpassa sig till omgivningen. En så kallad linjär regulator (LQG), som representerar den statiska kompensator, har tagits fram med hjälp av numeriska simuleringar of strömningsfältet. Denna kompensator jämförs med en adaptiv regulator som kallas för Filtered-X Least-Mean-Squares (FXLMS) både experimentellt och numeriskt. Det visar sig att LQG regulatorn har en bättre prestanda än FXLMS för de parametrar som den var framtagen för, men brister i robusthet. FXLMS å andra sidan, anpassar sig till icke- modellerade störningar och variationer, och kan därmed hålla en god och jämn prestanda.Man kan därmed dra slutsaten att adaptiva regulatorer är mer lämpliga för att förhala omslaget fr ån laminär till turbulent strömning i situationer då en exakt modell av fysiken saknas. / <p>QC 20141020</p>

Control Development and Design Optimization of Dual Three Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

CHOWDHURY, ANIK 27 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Automatic Control Strategies of Mean Arterial Pressure and Cardiac Output. MIMO controllers, PID, internal model control, adaptive model reference, and neural nets are developed to regulate mean arterial pressure and cardiac output using the drugs sodium Nitroprusside and dopamine

Enbiya, Saleh A. January 2013 (has links)
High blood pressure, also called hypertension is one of the most common worldwide diseases afflicting humans and is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction, vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease. If blood pressure is controlled and oscillations in the hemodynamic variables are reduced, patients experience fewer complications after surgery. In clinical practice, this is usually achieved using manual drug delivery. Given that different patients have different sensitivity and reaction time to drugs, determining manually the right drug infusion rates may be difficult. This is a problem where automatic drug delivery can provide a solution, especially if it is designed to adapt to variations in the patient’s conditions. This research work presents an investigation into the development of abnormal blood pressure (hypertension) controllers for postoperative patients. Control of the drugs infusion rates is used to simultaneously regulate the hemodynamic variables such as the Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and the Cardiac Output (CO) at the desired level. The implementation of optimal control system is very essential to improve the quality of patient care and also to reduce the workload of healthcare staff and costs. Many researchers have conducted studies earlier on modelling and/or control of abnormal blood pressure for postoperative patients. However, there are still many concerns about smooth transition of blood pressure without any side effect. The blood pressure is classified in two categories: high blood pressure (Hypertension) and low blood pressure (Hypotension). The hypertension often occurred after cardiac surgery, and the hypotension occurred during cardiac surgery. To achieve the optimal control solution for these abnormal blood pressures, many methods are proposed, one of the common methods is infusing the drug related to blood pressure to maintain it at the desired level. There are several kinds of vasodilating drugs such as Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP), Dopamine (DPM), Nitro-glycerine (NTG), and so on, which can be used to treat postoperative patients, also used for hypertensive emergencies to keep the blood pressure at safety level. A comparative performance of two types of algorithms has been presented in chapter four. These include the Internal Model Control (IMC), and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller. The resulting controllers are implemented, tested and verified for three sensitivity patient response. SNP is used for all three patients’ situation in order to reduce the pressure smoothly and maintain it at the desire level. A Genetic Algorithms (GAs) optimization technique has been implemented to optimise the controllers’ parameters. A set of experiments are presented to demonstrate the merits and capabilities of the control algorithms. The simulation results in chapter four have demonstrated that the performance criteria are satisfied with the IMC, and PID controllers. On the other hand, the settling time for the PID control of all three patients’ response is shorter than the settling time with IMC controller. Using multiple interacting drugs to control both the MAP and CO of patients with different sensitivity to drugs is a challenging task. A Multivariable Model Reference Adaptive Control (MMRAC) algorithm is developed using a two-input, two-output patient model. Because of the difference in patient’s sensitivity to the drug, and in order to cover the wide ranges of patients, Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) has been implemented to obtain the optimal infusion rates of DPM and SNP. This is developed in chapters five and six. Computer simulations were carried out to investigate the performance of this controller. The results show that the proposed adaptive scheme is robust with respect to disturbances and variations in model parameters, the simulation results have demonstrated that this algorithm cannot cover the wide range of patient’s sensitivity to drugs, due to that shortcoming, a PID controller using a Neural Network that tunes the controller parameters was designed and implemented. The parameters of the PID controller were optimised offline using Matlab genetic algorithm. The proposed Neuro-PID controller has been tested and validated to demonstrate its merits and capabilities compared to the existing approaches to cover wide range of patients. / Libyan Ministry of Higher Education scholarship

Adaptiv styrning avtvärcirkulerande kanaltork : Analys och förutsättningar för adaptivfuktkvotsberäkning och justering av torktid / Adaptive Control of Cross CirculatingContinuous Kiln dryer : Analysis and conditions for adaptive control of crosscirculating continuous dryer

Backlund, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
För att minska energiförbrukningen och höja kapaciteten vid virkestorkning kan adaptiv styrning användas. Adaptiv styrning är en typ av processåterkoppling som visar på hur torkningen fortskrider och kan användas för att styra torkprocessen optimalt. Adaptiv styrning har funnits till kammartorkar länge. Tvärcirkulerande kanaltorkar (TC) liknar kammartorkar och man vill nu införa adaptiv styrning på dem. Syftet med studien var att analysera förutsättningarna för att tillämpa adaptiv styrning i TC-torken. En fältstudie genomfördes där funktionen adaptiv fuktkvotsberäkning som används som styrvariabel vid adaptiv styrning kontrollerades. Klimatmätningar under torkning genomfördes för att kontrollera om temperaturgivarna ger en bra bild av klimatet vid torksatsen.  Resultatet visar att funktionen adaptiv fuktkvotsberäkning stämmer överens för start- och slutfuktkvot i TC-torken. Funktionen fungerade något sämre på satser som innehöll virke med blandade dimensioner. Klimatmätningarna visar att temperaturgivarna återskapar klimatet vid virkessatsen på ett korrekt vis. Simuleringar visar att virket idag övertorkas och att en viss förkortning av torktiden hade varit möjlig. Det finns goda förutsättningar för att tillämpa adaptiv styrning i TC-torken

A Reinforcement Learning Controller for Functional Electrical Stimulation of a Human Arm

Thomas, Philip S. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Active Control Of Noise Radiated From Personal Computers

Charpentier, Arnaud 19 November 2002 (has links)
As an indirect consequence of increased heat cooling requirements, personal computers (PC) have become noisier due to the increased use of fans. Hard disk drives also contribute to the annoying noise radiated by personal computers, creating a need for the control of computer noise. Due to size constraints, the implementation of passive noise control techniques in PC is difficult. Alternatively, active noise control (ANC) may provide a compact solution to the noise problems discussed above, which is the subject of this work. First, the computer noise sources were characterized. The structure-borne path was altered passively through the decoupling of the vibrating sources from the chassis. Global noise control strategy was then investigated with a hybrid passive/active noise control technique based on folded lined ducts, integrating microphones and speakers, that were added to the PC air inlet and outlet. While the ducts were effective above 1000Hz, the use of a MIMO adaptive feedforward digital controller lead to significant noise reduction at the ducts outlets below 1000Hz. However, global performance was limited due to important airborne flanking paths. Finally, the same type of controller was used to create a zone of quiet around the PC user head location. It was implemented using multimedia speakers and microphones, while the computer was placed in a semi-reverberant environment. A large zone of quiet surrounding the head was created at low frequencies (250Hz), and its size would reduce with increasing frequency (up to 1000Hz). / Master of Science

Guidance and Control System for VTOL UAVs operating in Contested Environments

Binder, Paul Edward 01 March 2024 (has links)
This thesis presents the initial components of an integrated guidance, navigation, and control system for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) such that they may map complex environments that may be hostile. The first part of this thesis presents an autonomous guidance system. For goal selection, the map is partitioned around the presence of obstacles and whether that area has been explored. To perform this partitioning, the Octree algorithm is implemented. In this thesis, we test this algorithm to find a parameter set that optimizes this algorithm. Having selected goal points, we perform a comparison of the LPA* and A* path planning algorithms with a custom heuristic that enables reckless or tactical maneuvers as the UAV maps the environment. For trajectory planning, the fMPC algorithm is applied to the feedback-linearized equations of motion of a quadcopter. For collision avoidance, standalone versions of 4 different constraint generation algorithms are evaluated to compare their resulting computation times, accuracy, and computed volume on a voxel map that simulates a 2-story house along with fixed paths that vary in length at fixed intervals as basis of tests. The second part of this thesis presents the theory of Model Reference Adaptive Control(MRAC) along with augmentation for output signal tracking and switched-dynamic systems. We then detail the development of longitudinal and lateral controllers a Quad-Rotor Tailsitter(QRBP) style UAV. In order to successfully implement the proposed controller on the QRBP, significant effort was placed upon physical design and testing apparatus. / Master of Science / For an autonomously operated, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), to operate, it requires a guidance system to determine where and how to go, and a control system to effectively actuate the guidance system's commands. In this thesis, we detail the characterization and optimization of the algorithms comprising the guidance system. We then delve into the theory of MRAC and apply it toward a control system for a QRBP. We then detail additional tools developed to support the testing of the QRBP.

Characterizing and controlling program behavior using execution-time variance

Kumar, Tushar 27 May 2016 (has links)
Immersive applications, such as computer gaming, computer vision and video codecs, are an important emerging class of applications with QoS requirements that are difficult to characterize and control using traditional methods. This thesis proposes new techniques reliant on execution-time variance to both characterize and control program behavior. The proposed techniques are intended to be broadly applicable to a wide variety of immersive applications and are intended to be easy for programmers to apply without needing to gain specialized expertise. First, we create new QoS controllers that programmers can easily apply to their applications to achieve desired application-specific QoS objectives on any platform or application data-set, provided the programmers verify that their applications satisfy some simple domain requirements specific to immersive applications. The controllers adjust programmer-identified knobs every application frame to effect desired values for programmer-identified QoS metrics. The control techniques are novel in that they do not require the user to provide any kind of application behavior models, and are effective for immersive applications that defy the traditional requirements for feedback controller construction. Second, we create new profiling techniques that provide visibility into the behavior of a large complex application, inferring behavior relationships across application components based on the execution-time variance observed at all levels of granularity of the application functionality. Additionally for immersive applications, some of the most important QoS requirements relate to managing the execution-time variance of key application components, for example, the frame-rate. The profiling techniques not only identify and summarize behavior directly relevant to the QoS aspects related to timing, but also indirectly reveal non-timing related properties of behavior, such as the identification of components that are sensitive to data, or those whose behavior changes based on the call-context.

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