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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Matorkienė, Žaneta 07 September 2010 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė papildomo ugdymo sampratos, mokinių laisvalaikio užimtumo poreikių tenkinimo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose ir socialinio pedagogo dalyvavimo popamokinės veiklos procese analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, vaikų dalyvavimą popamokinėje veikloje tėvai, ugdantys pedagogai bei socialiniai pedagogai įtakoja tik iš dalies, jų pasirinkimą labiau lemia pasiūla, galimybės ir pačių apsisprendimas. Buvo naudojamas turinio analizės metodas, kurio tikslas - išsiaiškinti popamokinės veiklos mokykloje ypatumus, galimus trūkumus ir daromas klaidas bei socialinių pedagogų galimybes dalyvauti laisvalaikiou žimtumo tenkinime, atliekant atvirų klausimų ir interviu atsakymų turinio analizę. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo siekta identifikuoti mokinių ir tėvų nuostatų į papildomąjį ugdymą raišką ir išsiaiškinti, kaip mokyklos vaidmenį, tenkinant laisvalaikio užimtumo poreikius, vertina patys proceso dalyviai. Tyrime naudoto interviu tikslas – gauti būtiną tyrimui informaciją apie neformaliojo ugdymo situaciją mokyklose, įvairius šio proceso ypatumus, mokytojų ir mokinių išgyvenimus, subjektyvią jų nuomonę apie socialinio pedagogo vaidmenį, tenkinant laisvalaikio užimtumo poreikius. Į tyrimą buvo įtraukti 454 asmenys. Anketinėje apklausoje dalyvavo 436 respondentai: 234 mokiniai ir 202 jų tėvai. Pusiau struktūruotame interviu buvo atliktas devyniose šalies mokyklose, kur buvo apklausti 9 mokyklų administracijos atstovai, kuruojantys neformalųjį ugdymą švietimo įstaigoje, ir 9 mokyklų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper deals with the theoretical analysis of additional education purpose, the schoolchildren’s spare – time entertainment participation in the comprehensive school and social educator participation in the out–of- school activity. Hypothesis: children’s participation in the out–of- school activity parents, teachers and social educator affects only partly, their choice determined by supply, opportunities and self determination. Content analysis was used to extracurricular activities at school find out the characteristics, shortcomings and mistakes, and opportunities for social educator to participate in spare – time entertainment to analyze the open questions and interview responses of content analysis. Questionnaire survey method was sought to identify schoolchildren’s and parent's attitudes towards the resolution of additional education and to explore how the role of the school, meet the needs of the entertainment, value participants themselves. Study used interviews aim to study the information about non-formal educational situation in the schools, teacher‘s and schoolchildren’s experiences, their subjective views on the social educator. The study included 452 persons. Questionnaire survey involved 436 respondents: 234 students and 202 parents. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in nine schools of the country, where were interviewed nine representatives of school administrations, the umbrella non-formal education in educational institution and nine school... [to full text]

Darbo užmokesčio karjeros valstybės tarnautojams teisinis reguliavimas / Legal regulation of career public servant remuneration

Ivaškevičius, Arvydas 28 January 2008 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos 48 straipsnyje įtvirtintos teisės gauti teisingą apmokėjimą už darbą valstybės tarnyboje realizavimą reguliuoja Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos įstatymas. Kaip praktiškai veikia valstybės nustatyta karjeros valstybės tarnautojų darbo užmokesčio teisinio reguliavimo sistema, kokios iškyla problemos ir sunkumai, ką karjeros valstybės tarnautojai mano apie savo darbo užmokesti ir jo reguliavimą, ką reikėtų keisti yra analizuojama šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe Darbo užmokesčio karjeros valstybės tarnautojams teisinis reguliavimas. Darbą sudaro dvi dalys – teorinė ir praktinė. Teorinėje dalyje autorius išsamiai nagrinėja teisės aktų, reguliavusių valstybės tarnautojų darbo užmokestį raida Lietuvoje, pateikia požiūrį į valstybės tarnautojų darbo užmokesčio teisinio reguliavimo problemas Europos Sąjungos bei Ekonominio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros organizacijos valstybėse, palygina kelių valstybių darbo užmokestį reguliuojančius teisės aktus su Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos įstatymo pagrindinėmis darbo užmokestį reguliuojančiomis nuostatomis. Apžvelgiama karjeros valstybės tarnautojų pareiginės algos, priedų ir priemokų skyrimo tvarka bei nagrinėjamos jų darbo užmokesčio teisinio reguliavimo problemos ir pateikiamos išvados bei pasiūlymai. Darbo praktinėje dalyje pateikiama atlikto empirinio tyrimo atlikimo metodologija bei tyrimo metu nustatytų rezultatų apibendrinti duomenys. Siekta nustatyti darbo užmokesčio karjeros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 48 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania realization of the rights to have proper pay of work at public service regulate Republic of Lithuania Law on Public Service. There is analysis of practical activity of the career of public servants remuneration legal regulation system, problems and difficulties, opinion of the career of public servants about the their remuneration and this law corrections in this Master’s paper “Legal regulation of career public servant remuneration”. Paper consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. Author of the paper analyses comprehensive law acts, development remuneration of public servants in Lithuania, opinion of public servant law regulation problems in European Union and economic cooperation and expansion organizations in other countries, compares several countries remuneration legal law acts with Lithuanian Republic Law on Public Service statues in theoretical part. Review remuneration of public servants basic salaries, bonuses and additional pays determination order and also investigates their remuneration law regulation problems and presents conclusions and offers. There are methodology of the fulfilled empirical analysis and also the ascertained sum up data in the practical part of the paper. Try to attain remuneration of public servants legal regulation practical relation with public servants needs, to investigate the view of the remuneration law regulation... [to full text]

Investigating lexical understanding : a study of EAL and L1 primary pupils

Hall, Bernadette January 2002 (has links)
The increasing multicultural and multilingual population of the UK has set new challenges for the education system. This study focuses on a particular aspect of this, namely pupils in schools in the city of Leicester who use English as an additional language (EAL). It compares their lexical understanding with that of their monolingual English-speaking peers, when both sets of pupils appeared to have attained the same surface proficiency in reading. This work also investigates teachers' awareness of any lexical comprehension gap that might exist for their EAL pupils. These key issues could not be studied in isolation, so this research was set in a sociocultural framework. This drew together social and cultural strands to give a situational understanding of the target pupils in city schools. It encompassed their teachers' observations and perceptions through a series of thirty interviews undertaken with these practitioners. This was complemented by interviews with ten key management personnel from the Language Support Service undertaken to investigate the objectives of the Service, and how successfully these were implemented in schools. The empirical research of this study was a Vocabulary Test undertaken with one hundred primary school pupils to test the key hypothesis that EAL pupils' lexical understanding was not as comprehensive as that of their L1 peers. Fifty of the pupils used English as an additional language, forming the EAL group of this study, and these were matched with fifty monolingual English-speaking pupils, the L1 group. The results of the Vocabulary Test substantiated this hypothesis for the target lexemes included in the test, and they also substantiated the additional hypothesis that mainstream teachers did not always fully recognise lexical misunderstandings that their EAL pupils might have. The research was classroom-based, and incorporated some principles of action research. A key factor in the action research paradigm has been disseminating the finding to schools and to teachers to effect changes in classroom practice by increasing awareness of lexical difficulties that EAL pupils might have. For this study, the dissemination has taken the form of Vocabulary Workshops for school staff, and these are ongoing at the present time. The workshops are designed to help teachers enhance EAL pupils' understanding of lexis in English and their learning through English.

Pacientų ketinimų mokėti už sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų teikiamas paslaugas vertinimas / Assessment of patients willingness to pay for health care services

Šakėnaitė, Indrė 12 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti pacientų ketinimus mokėti už sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų teikiamas paslaugas. Metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo pacientai, tyrimo vykdymo laikotarpiu apsilankę sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Respondentams buvo pateikta anoniminė anketa, kurią sudarė 37 klausimai. Pagrindinės klausimų grupės buvo: pacientų charakteristikos; naudojimosi paslaugomis dažnis ir papildomas mokėjimas; pacientų ketinimas mokėti už sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų teikiamas paslaugas, priklausomai nuo naudojimosi paslaugomis dažnio ir savo sveikatos būklės vertinimo; veiksniai, įtakojantys pacientų ketinimus mokėti. Iš visų tyrime dalyvavusių pacientų anketas užpildė 604 (atsako dažnis 86,3 proc.). Statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS statistinį paketą (17.0 versija). Hipotezėms, kad požymiai tarpusavyje susiję, tikrinti skaičiuotas chi kvadrato (χ2) kriterijus bei Spearmano koreliacijos koeficientas (r). Proporcijų skirtumų statistiniam reikšmingumui nustatyti buvo skaičiuojamas z - kriterijus. Rezultatai. Per paskutinius 6 mėn. į gydymo įstaigą kreipėsi 80,3 proc. apklaustųjų. 32,1 proc. pacientų teigė, kad niekada nėra papildomai mokėję už sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų teikiamas paslaugas. Dažniausiai papildomai už suteiktas sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas yra tekę mokėti mieste gyvenantiems pacientams bei turintiems aukštąjį neuniversitetinį (17,1 proc.) ir profesinį (12,4 proc.) išsilavinimą. Vidutiniškai kas 9 apklaustasis teigė, kad už daugumą sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study - assess patients willingness to pay for health care services. Methods. The study included pacients, who at the duration of the study visited health care facilities. The respondents were given an anonymous questionnaire consisting of 37 questions. The main groups of questions were: characteristics of patients; access to services frequency and additional payments; patients willingness to pay for health care services depending on the frequency of use of these services and their health status; factors influencing the patient's intentions. Of all the participating pacients filled out questionnaires to 604 (response rate 86.3 percent). Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical package (version 17.0). Hypothesis that the features are related, check the calculated chi-square (χ2) criteria and Spearman's correlation coefficient. Statistical significance of differences between proportions were calculated to determine z - criteria. Results. Over the last 6 months 80.3 percent interviewees wented to the hospital. Respondents most commonly applied to medical institutions for chronic diseases or acute illnesses or appropriate tests. 32.1 percent patients said that they have never paid for additional health care services. The most common extra for the costs of health care have had to pay the city for patients and those with higher education (17.1 percent) and professional education (12.4 percent). On average every 9 interviewee said that the majority of... [to full text]

”Det är ju inte konstigare saker än så egentligen” : En intervjustudie om hur lärare använder och utvecklar extra anpassningar i historieundervisningen för att möta variationen av elevers olikheter / “After all, that`s really all there is to it” : An interview study on how teachers make use of and develop additional adjustments in history instruction to meet students’ differences

Karlsson, Josefin January 2018 (has links)
Elever ska ges ledning och stimulans i undervisningen för att kunna utveckla kunskaper i enlighet med utbildningens mål. Historieundervisningen ska således utformas så att hänsyn tas till elevers olika behov och förutsättningar. Om denna ledning och stimulans inte är tillräcklig kan det bli aktuellt med stödinsatser i form av extra anpassningar. Studiens syfte är därför att undersöka hur lärare i årskurs 4–6 använder och utvecklar stödinsatser i form av extra anpassningar i historieundervisningen för att möta den variation av olikheter som finns i en elevgrupp. Då det i studien är av intresse att undersöka lärares resonemang, erfarenheter och beskrivningar av begreppet extra anpassningar i historieundervisningen har en kvalitativ forskningsansats valts och fem lärare har intervjuats. Syftet uppfylls genom att det redovisas hur lärarna tillämpar extra anpassningar i historieundervisningen och hur de utformar denna stödinsats i samverkan. Vidare beskrivs hur uppföljning och utvärdering görs för att utveckla arbetet med extra anpassningar i historieundervisningen. En specialpedagogisk analysram med utgångspunkt i det relationella perspektivet samt det kommunikativa och relationsinriktade perspektivet, KoRP, har använts i analysen och tolkningen av det insamlade empiriska materialet. Resultatet visar att det finns ett behov av att tydliggöra skillnaden mellan ledning och stimulans, extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd. Det framkommer också att lärares inställning till arbetet med extra anpassningar påverkar både hur stödinsatsen utformas och dess kvalité. I resultatet synliggörs det även att handledning från specialpedagoger och speciallärare är viktigt för att lärare ska kunna skapa adekvata extra anpassningar men också att det finns explicita rutiner om hur detta arbete ska följas upp och utvärderas / Students should be given guidance and stimulation in the instruction to be able to develop knowledge accordingly to the aims of the education. The history instruction should consider students’ different needs and abilities. If the guidance and stimulation is not sufficient, the teacher must form additional adjustments. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how teachers in grade 4-6 make use of and develop additional adjustments in history instruction to meet students' differences. Since teachers reasoning, experiences and descriptions of additional adjustments are interesting to investigate, a qualitative method has been chosen and five teachers in grade 4 to 6 have participated in the study. The purpose of the study has been answered by how teachers apply additional adjustments in history instruction and how they collaborate when forming these adjustments. Furthermore, it describes how teachers follow up and evaluate the additional adjustments to develop their history instruction. This interview study has its point of departure in the relational perspective and the communicative relational perspective (KoRP). Therefore, the analysis and the interpretation of the collected empirical evidence have been reviewed with a special education point of view. The result shows that the differences between guidance and stimulation, additional adjustments and special support need to be distinguished. It also discloses that teachers’ attitudes towards additional adjustments affects how the adjustments are formed but also what quality they have. A conclusion that is drawn is that guidance from special educators is important if teachers should be able to form adequate additional adjustments. It is also important that there are clear routines of how this work should be followed up and evaluated.

Lights and Shadows of Arbitration in Government Procurement / Luces y Sombras del Arbitraje en Contrataciones del Estado

Campos Medina, Alexander, Alarcón Canchari, Alan Carlos, Guzmán-Barrón Sobrevilla, César, Latorre Boza, Derik, Martínez Zamora, Marco Antonio, Espinoza Quiñones, Sandro 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present event talks about some relevant aspects in arbitration on public procurement matter, such as additional the non-arbitrability of additional provisions, the use of interim measures against administrative penalties and corruption of arbitration on public procurement matter. The discussion is done in the frame of the new Public Procurement Law. / El presente evento gira entorno a algunos aspectos relevantes respecto al arbitraje en contratación pública, tales como la no arbitrabilidad de adicionales de obra, la presentación de una medida cautelar ante una sanción administrativa y la corrupción en arbitraje en contrataciones del Estado. La discusión se enmarca, además, en el panorama de la nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado.

Bostadens förändringar : De boendes egna idéer / Changes in the residence : The residents' own ideas

Clemén, Robin, Lundgren, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Português língua adicional : progressão curricular com base em gêneros do discurso

Kraemer, Fernanda Farencena January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho visa a refletir sobre como se pode organizar uma progressão curricular para o ensino de português como língua adicional (PLA) com base na noção bakhtiniana de gêneros do discurso (BAKHTIN, 2003; BAKHTIN / VOLOCHÍNOV, 2006). Para tanto, apresento os conteúdos dos cursos de referência do Programa de Português para Estrangeiros da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), contexto desta pesquisa; descrevo o perfil dos alunos e suas necessidades de uso da língua portuguesa e analiso documentos de referência para o ensino de línguas, a saber, o Quadro de Referência para o Ensino de Português no Estrangeiro (GROSSO et al., 2011), os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (BRASIL, 1998), os Referenciais Curriculares do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS, 2009) e as especificações do Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (BRASIL, 2011). Tendo em vista que o currículo é “o projeto que preside as atividades educativas escolares, define suas intenções e proporciona guias de ação adequadas e úteis para os professores, que são diretamente responsáveis pela sua execução” (COLL, 1996, p. 45), espera-se que ele desempenhe as seguintes funções: descrever e explicitar o projeto educativo (as intenções e o plano de ação) em relação às finalidades da educação e às expectativas da sociedade; fornecer um instrumento que oriente as práticas dos professores; levar em conta as condições nas quais se realizam essas práticas; analisar as condições de exequibilidade, de modo a evitar uma descontinuidade excessiva entre os princípios e as restrições colocadas pelas situações de ensino. Inspirada principalmente nos Referenciais Curriculares do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS, 2009), defendo que o ensino da língua adicional propicie oportunidades para o uso da língua portuguesa por meio de tarefas que coloquem os aprendizes em contato com textos de diferentes gêneros do discurso e promovam o uso integrado das competências, habilidades e recursos linguísticos necessários para compreender e produzir esses textos em situações significativas através de projetos pedagógicos. Considerando todos os aspectos analisados, aponto alguns critérios para se organizar uma progressão curricular para o ensino de PLA e apresento um projeto de progressão curricular para os cursos Básico I e II, Intermediário I e II do Programa de Português para Estrangeiros da UFRGS. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a área de PLA propondo critérios que possam orientar a organização de currículos em instituições de ensino que têm como meta promover a participação dos educandos em atividades de uso da língua portuguesa nos diversos contextos em que eles já circulam ou que desejam circular. / This work aims to discuss the design of a curriculum progression for the teaching of Portuguese as an Additional Language (PAL) based on the bakhtinian notion of speech genres (BAKHTIN, 2003; BAKHTIN / VOLOCHÍNOV, 2006). In order to reflect on the design of such curriculum, the first steps taken were to analyze the contents of the reference subjects ministered at the Program of Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), the context of this research, and to describe the students’ profile and language needs. Next, official documents for language teaching were analyzed, namely the Framework of Reference for Teaching Portuguese Abroad (GROSSO et al., 2011), the National Curriculum Parameters (BRAZIL, 1998), the State Standards for Portuguese/English/Spanish Language Arts and Literacy (RS, 2009) and the specifications of the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese as a Foreign Language (Celpe-Bras) (BRAZIL, 2011). Considering that a curriculum is "the project that guides the school educational activities, defines their aims and provides appropriate and useful directions for the teachers, who are directly responsible for its implementation " (COLL, 1996, p. 45), its guidelines should describe and explain the educational project (aims and plan of action) in relation to the purposes of education and the expectations of society; provide an instrument to guide teachers' practice, taking into account the conditions in which these practices are carried out; analyze its feasibility in order to avoid excessive inconsistencies between the principles that underlie the proposal and the constraints posed by the teaching context. Inspired mainly in the State Standards for Portuguese/English/Spanish Language Arts and Literacy (RS, 2009), it is argued that additional language teaching should foster opportunities for Portuguese language use through tasks that enable learners to get in contact with texts of different speech genres and promote the integrated use of language skills and linguistic resources in order to understand and produce texts in meaningful contexts through educational projects. Considering all the aspects analyzed, some criteria are suggested to organize a curriculum for the teaching of PAL and a curriculum progression is proposed for the basic and intermediate courses offered by the Program of Portuguese for Speakers of other Languages at UFRGS. This work aims to contribute to the area of PAL by proposing criteria to guide the organization of curricula in educational institutions that aim to promote the students’ engagement in activities developed in Portuguese in various contexts in which they have or wish to participate.

Lições de sintaxe do português brasileiro para estrangeiros

Pabst, Luiza Ujvari January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho se insere no âmbito da Teoria e Análise Linguística, bem como no do Ensino de Português como Língua Adicional, área que vem crescendo constantemente no Brasil, e que necessita, cada vez mais, de estudos destinados a contribuir para essa realidade. A partir da breve – mas significativa – experiência da autora nessa área de docência, foram reunidos sete tópicos gramaticais (a saber, a estrutura da frase, o uso do sistema verbal, as preposições, os artigos, a concordância nominal, uso e colocação dos pronomes oblíquos e o uso dos demonstrativos no português brasileiro), sobre os quais não se encontra material tão consistente destinado àquele público, e foram propostas quatorze lições a eles relacionadas. Dessas quatorze lições, as sete primeiras são destinadas ao aprendiz de Português como Língua Adicional, considerando como principal público alunos de nível intermediário em diante; já as sete últimas são lições correspondentes às primeiras, mas destinadas ao professor da área. Nelas, o profissional encontrará fundamentação e discussão teórica a respeito dos pontos apresentados no material do aluno. Este trabalho, portanto, objetiva trazer um material relacionado à descrição sintática do português brasileiro, mas aplicado à área de ensino de Português como Língua Adicional. / This work is not only inserted in the Linguistic Theory and Analysis field, but also in the Portuguese as an Additional Language area, which is constantly being expanded in Brazil, and in which there is a considerable necessity of academic studies to be done. From the brief but significant experience the author of this work has in this teaching area, it has been selected seven grammatical topics to be developed: the sentence structure, the use of the verbal system, the prepositions, the articles, the nominal agreement, the use and placement of object pronouns and the use of demonstrative pronouns in Brazilian Portuguese. As normally the material found about these topics is not satisfactory to reach those public necessities, we proposed fourteen lessons, considering that the first seven are designed to the students, especially to the intermediate to advanced ones, and the last seven were designed to the teachers of this area. In these lessons, the teacher will find theory discussion about the issues developed in student’s lessons. This work, thus, intends to bring to the interested reader a material related to syntactic description of Brazilian Portuguese, but applied to the Portuguese as an Additional Language teaching area.

Avaliação em escrita no ensino on-line de português como língua adicional : do LMS à rede social

Sidi, Walkiria Ayres January 2015 (has links)
A avaliação da aprendizagem é uma preocupação docente constante e que enfrenta novos desafios com o advento do ensino a distancia on-line (Polak, 2009). Neste trabalho, são analisados e discutidos parâmetros e práticas de avaliação qualitativa em um curso de português como língua adicional a distância com vistas à geração e validação de critérios adicionais. O contexto de ensino é o Curso de Espanhol e Português para Intercâmbio (CEPI), destinado aos participantes do Programa Escala de mobilidade discente e ofertado pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle, com o uso pedagógico e complementar da rede social Facebook. Em face aos objetivos propostos pelo curso na edição de 2012-1, adota-se uma perspectiva acional de uso da linguagem (Clark, 1996) e de aprendizagem colaborativa e situada (Stahl, 2006; Wenger, 1998), para enfocar e analisar dados discursivos com relação aos seguintes aspectos: a) competências de uso linguístico expressas nos conteúdos programáticos; b) instrumentos e critérios de avaliação de rendimento utilizados em tarefas de escrita; c) desempenho escrito nas ferramentas dos espaços virtuais de aprendizagem constituídos. Com base nos resultados da análise são definidos índices de qualidade no desempenho discursivo que podem contribuir para uma descrição mais ampla da aprendizagem em contexto digital e permitir uma avaliação integral. / Learning assessment is a constant concern for teachers that now face new challenges with the advent of online education (Polak, 2009). In this work, criteria and qualitative assessment practices in a course of Portuguese as an additional language are analysed and discussed aiming at the generation and validation of additional criteria. The educational context is the on-line Portuguese course (CEPI) for specific purposes offered by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul to Spanish-speaking students participating in the Escala Exchange Program. The course was hosted in the Moodle virtual learning environment with the additional use of the social network Facebook. Given the objectives proposed for the 2012-1 edition of the course, a perspective of language use (Clark, 1996) and of collaborative and situated learning (Stahl, 2006; Wenger, 1998) is taken in order to analyse discourse data with respect to: a) language skills listed in the course contents; b) tools and assessment criteria used in writing tasks; c) writing skills demonstrated in the virtual learning environments. Based on the results of this analysis, quality indexes in written performance were defined to construct a broader description of learning in this digital context and enable an integral assessment.

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