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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arquitetura da cromatina na região organizadora do nucléolo e o seu papel no controle da expressão dos genes ribossomais / Nucleolus Organizer Regions chromatin architecture and its role in ribosomal genes expression

Andrade, Larissa Mara de 30 September 2011 (has links)
O nucléolo é uma organela nuclear responsável pela produção dos ribossomos, através das Regiões Organizadoras do Nucléolo (NORs). Espécies que possuem mais de um par de cromossomos contendo NORs terão, obrigatoriamente, pelo menos um par ativo, sendo as demais NORs funcionais de acordo com a demanda celular. O mecanismo de compensação de dose é visualizado e bem estabelecido em híbridos interespecíficos, conhecido como dominância nucleolar, com a inativação de NORs de um dos parentais por outras homeólogas ativas que as dominam. A arquitetura da cromatina nas NORs e o controle da sua expressão foram estudados com o objetivo de se entender os mecanismos envolvidos no fenômeno da dominância nucleolar em espécies diplóides que possuem múltiplas NORs. A espécie modelo utilizada neste estudo foi Crotalaria juncea (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), caracterizada por conter 2n=2x=16, e NORs no braço curto do cromossomo 1, sendo este o principal organizador do nucléolo, e no braço longo do cromossomo 4 adjacente à heterocromatina centromérica, sendo este um sítio adicional (sítio menor) e de expressão facultativa, previamente determinada. Nas raízes de C. juncea sincronizadas, observou-se que a nucleologênese tem seu início durante o final da telófase, em que os 4 sítios de genes ribossomais podem ter atividade e formar até 4 nucléolos, os quais tendem a se fundir durante a interfase. A Hibridação in situ fluorescente (FISH) permitiu estudos da arquitetura da cromatina, com a visualização dos territórios cromossômicos, onde a cromatina não está organizada de forma aleatória dentro do núcleo, e consequentemente o rDNA 45S dentro do nucléolo. Observou-se também que todos os sítios de rDNA 45S possuem diferença no tamanho do arranjo repetitivo. Assim sendo, a hierarquia de dominância está de acordo com o tamanho de cada arranjo (sítio), e estes são ativados de acordo com a demanda celular. As análises das modificações nas histonas mostraram que a H3K9Met1 apresentou marcas fracas no nucléolo, enquanto no restante da cromatina nuclear sua marcação foi intensa. Já a H3K9Met2 apresentou marcação fortemente associada à cromatina presente no nucléolo, com alguns pequenos pontos heterocromáticos dispersos no núcleo. Pela observação entende-se que ambas metilações controlam diferentes tipos de heterocromatinas, ou seja, a H3K9Met2 controla principalmente heterocromatinas associadas aos genes ribossomais, e a H3K9Met controla heterocromatinas não associadas ao rDNA. O rDNA é hiperacetilado dentro do nucléolo para a H3K14. Não foi observada marcação nucleolar para H4K8ac, mas pôde ser observadas regiões hiperacetiladas em outras regiões da cromatina. A metilação do DNA esteve diretamente associada à diferentes níveis de organização da cromatina das NORs. As heterocromatinas adjacentes ao nucléolo apareceram fortemente metiladas, enquanto a cromatina distendida dentro do nucléolo apresentou marcação dispersa, com algumas regiões mais fortemente marcadas, onde a cromatina apresentava-se mais condensada e provavelmente não associados com a cromatina ativa. As fibras estendidas permitiram uma análise de alta resolução, onde foi possível observar que regiões não metiladas apareciam intercaladas entre grandes regiões fortemente metiladas, sugerindo que estas regiões hipometiladas estão, possivelmente, associadas com as alças de transcrição dentro do nucléolo. 12 Esses resultados contribuem para o entendimento sobre o controle genético e epigenético na arquitetura da cromatina ribossomal, bem como seu controle na expressão dos genes ribossomais no genoma das plantas. / The nucleolus is a nuclear organelle responsible for the ribosomes production, by Nucleolus Organizer Regions (NORs). Species presenting more than one chromosome pair with NORs should present, one pair expressing the genes, at least; while the other pairs expressing their genes accordingly to cellular demand. Dosage compensation mechanism is visualized and well established of interspecific hybrids as a well-described phenomena named nucleolar dominance, where a NOR from one parental could lead to inactivation of a NOR from the other parental which is dominated. The chromatin architecture and expression of the NORs were studied to address the mechanism involved in the nucleolar dominance of diploid species containing multiple sites of 45S rDNA. The model species used in the present study was the crop Crotalaria juncea (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) characterized by 2n=2x=16 chromosomes, being the main NOR mapped into chromosome 1 short arm and presenting an additional site (minor site) in the chromosome 4 long arm adjacent to a centromeric heterochromatin and facultatively expressed. Synchronized meristematic root tip cells determined to nucleologenesis starts during the late-telophase, often expressing every ribosomal gene sites, when up to four nucleoli could be observed and these become merged during interphases. FISH allowed nucleolar chromatin architecture be accessed revealing distinct chromosomal domains (territories), suggesting a non-random distribution of the 45S rDNA, even between homologous chromosomes, into the nucleolus. The 45S rDNA sites from both chromosome pairs 1 and 4 of C. juncea showed differences in their array sizes. The differences in the 45S rDNA array sizes and the order of loci expression suggest a hierarchy of dominance, a feature of nucleolar dominance; being the small RONs activated only on demand. Immunodetection of histone modifications showed different patterns to methylation distribution across the chromatin as a whole; where H3K9Met1 was found mainly distributed along the nuclear chromatin without an evident signal into nucleolus, while H3K9Met2 was detected as conspicuous dots in the nuclear chromatin and highly accumulated into the nucleolus. The results indicate different control on heterochromatin establishment and maintenance, being the modifications specific to certain chromosomal regions. Indeed, H3K9Met is a key component in the nucleolus chromatin architecture and expression. The chromatin inside the nucleolus showed a high accumulation of H3K14ac, with a weak fluorescent signal along the nucleus; on the other hand H4K8ac showed a strong signal homogenously distributed across the nuclear chromatin, but without evident signals inside the nucleolus. DNA methylation was directly associated with different levels of chromatin organization of the NORs. The heterochromatic regions associated to RON are highly methylated, while the chromatin inside the nucleolus showed weaker signals, with some bright spots probably in condensed regions and related to chromatin inactivity. Extended DNA fiber allowed a higher resolution mapping that revealed long methylated regions intermingled by nomethylated ones, being the last probably associated to transcriptional loops of rRNA genes into the nucleolus. The results presented herein contributes to a better understand about the nucleolar chromatin architecture and the genetic and epigenetic control of the ribosomal genes expression on plant genomes.

Estudo de delineamentos experimentais no esquema fatorial duplo com um tratamento adicional / Study of experimental design in two-way factorial with an additional treatment

Vaz, Marcos André Braz 28 January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo de experimentos em delineamentos em esquema fatorial duplo com tratamento adicional do tipo testemunha. Para este esquema usa-se a notação A x B +1, em que A representa o primeiro fator com i níveis (i = 1, 2, ..., a) e B representa o segundo fator com j níveis (j = 1, 2, ..., b) com a adição do tratamento adicional. Para a análise de variância deste caso, consideraram-se os modelos lineares yijk = μ + αi + βj + γij + εijk e yh = μ + τ + εh; relacionados, em que yijk é a variável observada no i-ésimo nível do fator α com o j-ésimo nível do fator β da k-ésima repetição (k = 1, 2, ..., r), μ é a média amostral, αi é o efeito do i-ésimo nível do primeiro fator, βj é o efeito do j-ésimo nível do segundo fator, γij é o efeito da interação do i-ésimo nível do fator α com o j-ésimo nível do fator β, εijk é o erro associado independente e identicamente distribuído, εijk~N(0,σ2), yh é a variável observada na h-ésima repetição do tratamento adicional, τ é o efeito do tratamento adicional e εh é o erro associado ao tratamento adicional, independente e identicamente distribuído εh~N(0,σ2). Considerou-se os delineamentos experimentais inteiramente casualizado e blocos casualizados. Para a análise do delineamento em blocos ao acaso, a adição do efeito de blocos λv (v = 1, 2, ..., w) aos modelos, se fez necessária. Foi realizada a dedução da soma de quadrados de tratamentos e sua decomposição para os efeitos dos fatores, sua interação e o contraste com o tratamento adicional. Os graus de liberdade foram deduzidos a partir do posto da matriz núcleo da forma quadrática das somas de quadrados. A técnica do diagrama de Hasse também foi adotada para dedução das somas de quadrados e graus de liberdade. Uma ilustração do método obteve os mesmos resultados da análise de variância do pacote ExpDes no programa R. Curvas de regressão linear foram ajustadas considerando o tratamento controle como um nível de fatores quantitativos. O teste de Dunnett foi empregado para comparar as médias do fatorial com o tratamento controle. / The present study aimed to study the experiments in two-way factorial designs with additional treatment of type control. For this scheme uses the notation A x B +1, where A represents the first factor levels with i (i = 1, 2, ..., a) and B is the second factor with levels j (j = 1 , 2, ..., b) with the addition of one more treatment. For the analysis of variance of this case, we considered the linear models yijk = μ + αi + βj + γij + εijk and yh = μ + τ + εh; related, wherein yijk is the variable observed in the ith level of factor α with the jth level of factor β of k-th iteration (k = 1, 2, ..., r), μ is the sample mean, αi is the effect of the ith level of the first factor, βj is the effect of the jth level of the second factor, γij is the interaction effect of the ith level of factor α with the jth level of factor β, εijk is the error associated with independent and identically distributed, εijk~N(0,σ2), yh is the variable observed in the hth repetition of the additional treatment, τ is the effect of the additional treatment and εh is the error associated to the additional treatment, independent and identically distributed εh~N(0,σ2). It was considered the completely experimental designs and randomized block design. For the analysis of the randomized block design, the addition of blocks effect λv (v = 1, 2, ..., w) to the models, was necessary. Was performed the deduction of the sum of squares of treatments and their decomposition to the effects of the factors, their interaction and the contrast with the additional treatment. The degrees of freedom were deducted from the posto of the matrix core of the quadratic form of sums of squares. The Hasse diagram technique has also been adopted for deduction of sums of squares and degrees of freedom. An illustration of the method has obtained the same results of analysis of variance program package ExpDes in R. Linear regression analysis was fitted control treatment as a level of the quantitative factors. The Dunnett test was used to compare the means of the factorial with the control treatment.

Oficinas de inglês como língua adicional para alunos de uma escola pública na cidade de Santa Rosa/RS/Brasil: uma proposta voltada para a interculturalidade

Luz, Rosinêz Fátima da 16 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Andrea Pereira (andrea.pereira@unipampa.edu.br) on 2018-07-30T19:21:05Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dis Rosonêz Luz 2018.pdf: 5157869 bytes, checksum: 1b44eb4743956e2c01faad6ad093ea60 (MD5) Prod Rosinêz Luz 2018.pdf: 3194381 bytes, checksum: 7fc803c58c04d283261a022f7a93ade5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Dayse Pestana (dayse.pestana@unipampa.edu.br) on 2018-07-31T16:21:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dis Rosonêz Luz 2018.pdf: 5157869 bytes, checksum: 1b44eb4743956e2c01faad6ad093ea60 (MD5) Prod Rosinêz Luz 2018.pdf: 3194381 bytes, checksum: 7fc803c58c04d283261a022f7a93ade5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-31T16:21:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dis Rosonêz Luz 2018.pdf: 5157869 bytes, checksum: 1b44eb4743956e2c01faad6ad093ea60 (MD5) Prod Rosinêz Luz 2018.pdf: 3194381 bytes, checksum: 7fc803c58c04d283261a022f7a93ade5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-16 / O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a implementação de uma proposta de ensino autoral, voltada para a interculturalidade desenvolvida em forma de oficinas de língua inglesa (LI) junto a estudantes da terceira série do ensino fundamental (EF), de uma escola pública de Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brasil. A presente pesquisa reflete sobre a falta de políticas públicas que assegurem o ensino de uma língua adicional (LA) para as séries iniciais nas escolas públicas, apoiada em Tonelli e Chaguri (2011), e defende a inclusão deste componente curricular baseada nos PCNs (1997); LDB (1996); Referenciais Curriculares estaduais (2009); Irala e Lefffa (2014); Schlatter e Garcez (2012); Paiva (2012). Ao mesmo tempo em que se refere a alguns estudos realizados acerca do ensino de LI, como LA para crianças, quanto à formação de professores e metodologias apropriadas para esta faixa etária, abordado por Tonelli (2008), Pires (2001), Scheifer (2008), Rocha (2007), Rocha; Tonelli; Silva (2010), onde os autores utilizam o termo LEC (língua estrangeira para criança). Para falar sobre o tema de interculturalidade e cultura são citados Hall (2006), Thompson (2009) e Motta-Roth (2003). O ensino de línguas, a partir de uma perspectiva intercultural, contribui para que o aluno compreenda as diferenças culturais existentes, sem ignorar a cultural local e, ao mesmo tempo, possibilita ao aprendiz interagir e conviver com responsabilidade social (SCHEYERL, BARROS, SANTO, 2014). A aplicação deste estudo acontece através de um conjunto de 18 aulas/oficinas com o uso de um material didático autoral (MDA), fundamentado em Leffa (2007) e Scheyerl e Siqueira (2012). A pesquisa tem como objetivos específicos: analisar, aula a aula, a percepção da professora de língua inglesa a respeito de suas próprias aulas, durante o desenvolvimento das atividades implementadas ao longo das oficinas; avaliar o engajamento discente durante a aplicação das oficinas; verificar a adequação do material didático autoral após a sua implementação, reformulando-o para fins de socialização. Para fundamentar o termo engajamento é empregado Stelko-Pereira, Valle e Williams (2015); Bzuneck, Megliato e Rufini (2013); Fredricks, Blumenfeld e Paris (2004); Gouveia (2009). Para geração de dados deste estudo foram considerados a gravação de áudios e vídeos reflexivos, feitos pela pesquisadora/autora deste estudo; relatos escritos das aulas pela professora titular da turma; autoavaliações dos alunos e questionários de avaliação aplicados ao final das aulas. Após a análise desta proposta pedagógica autoral, utilizando os instrumentos mencionados acima, foram alcançados os objetivos propostos: à professora/pesquisadora foi permito refletir acerca de sua prática pedagógica; o MDA foi reformulado para fins de facilitar o ensino e aprendizagem dos alunos; e houve o engajamento dos participantes com as atividades propostas e o aprendizado de LI através do diálogo e da reflexão sobre temáticas do cotidiano do aprendiz. / The objective of this study is to analyze the implementation of a proposal of authoring teaching, focused on interculturality developed in the form of English language (EL) workshops with third grade students of elementary school (ES), of a public school in Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. The present research reflects on the lack of public policies that assure the teaching of an additional language (AL) for the initial grades in public schools, supported by Tonelli and Chaguri (2011), and it defends the inclusion of this curricular component based on PCNs (1997); LDB (1996); Referenciais Curriculares estaduais (2009); Irala and Leffa (2014); Schlatter and Garcez (2012); Paiva (2012). At the same time, it refers to some studies carried out on the teaching of EL as an AL for children, regarding teacher training and appropriate methodologies for this age group, discussed by Tonelli (2008), Pires (2001), Scheifer (2008), Rocha (2007), Rocha; Tonelli; Silva (2010), where the authors use the term LEC (foreign language for children). To talk about the theme of interculturality and culture, are cited Hall (2006); Thompson (2009); Motta-Roth (2003). The teaching of languages as from an intercultural perspective contributes to the student's understanding of the existing cultural differences, without ignoring the local culture and, at the same time, enables the learner to interact and live with social responsibility (SCHEYERL, BARROS, SANTO, 2014). The application of this study happens through a set of 18 classes / workshops with the use of an authorial didactic material (ADM), based on Leffa (2007) and Scheyerl and Siqueira (2012). The specific objectives of the research are: to analyze, from class to class, the perception of the English teacher about her own classes during the development of the activities implemented throughout the workshops; assessing student engagement during workshops; to verify the appropriateness of the didactic material after its implementation, reformulating it for socialization purposes. To support the term engagement are employed, Stelko-Pereira, Valle and Williams (2015); Bzuneck, Megliato and Rufini (2013); Fredricks, Blumenfeld and Paris (2004); Gouveia (2009). For the generation of data of this study were considered considered the audio recording and reflective videos made by the researcher / author of this study; written reports of classes by the teacher in charge of the class; self-assessments of students and evaluation questionnaires applied at the end of classes. After analyzing this authorial pedagogical proposal, using the instruments mentioned above, the proposed objectives were reached: the teacher / researcher was allowed to reflect on their pedagogical practice; the ADM has been reformulated for the purpose of facilitating its use and student`s learning; and there was the engagement of the participants with the proposed activities and the learning of EL through dialogue and reflection on themes of the learner's everyday life.

Brand consistency : A case study of Stadium

Hedin, Charlotte, Balogh, Britta January 2011 (has links)
A brand has to communicate to its customers in a consistent way to achieve a strong position and to distinguish from competitors on today’s market. Many companies operate and offer their products and services on the current market in physical and virtual environments. Therefore the issue to communicate in a consistent appearance within all channels is an increasing challenge. This thesis work studies the matter of how companiesare working with brand consistency in their business in physical and virtual environments. This was done to analyze the consequences of the problem when a brand isinconsistent in its messages to the customer and in its operations. For this work the qualitative research method and a case study have been chosen. The case study includes observations of three physical Stadium stores, located in the centre of Gothenburg, Sweden and Stadium’s website. This was chosen to analyze this matter in real life in both environments. The theoretical framework consists of two main areas: These are branding and relationship marketing, which support this research. Brand includes the theories of brand identity and brand image, and relationship marketing comprises the theories of customer loyalty, brand communities and additional value. These areas have been used throughout the whole work as tools to research the issue of brand consistency. The empirical data has also been recorded according to these areas. As the conclusion, the findings of the thesis work have shown that brand consistency builds an important part in a company’s communication channels. For the case of Stadium it can be stated that it has positive approaches in working with brand consistency but also points out parts that are lacking and indicating inconsistency. / Program: Magisterutbildning i Fashion Management

O ensino de língua adicional a partir de comunidades de prática: uma experiência docente de unidade didática para o curso normal

Barbosa, Virginia Ponche 15 December 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Andrea Pereira (andrea.pereira@unipampa.edu.br) on 2019-02-25T17:37:54Z No. of bitstreams: 3 DIS Virginia Barbosa 2018.pdf: 3650680 bytes, checksum: 8b650d310388feff33de65fb23da7b0d (MD5) Prod. Edu. Virginia Barbosa 2018..pdf: 551050 bytes, checksum: 1df747493849daf5173caec0325c0a48 (MD5) Prod. Edu. 2 Virginia Barbosa 2018.pdf: 366661 bytes, checksum: 4a046d0c7881dc9f46a94f3db9f61c4b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Dayse Pestana (dayse.pestana@unipampa.edu.br) on 2019-02-25T18:48:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 DIS Virginia Barbosa 2018.pdf: 3650680 bytes, checksum: 8b650d310388feff33de65fb23da7b0d (MD5) Prod. Edu. Virginia Barbosa 2018..pdf: 551050 bytes, checksum: 1df747493849daf5173caec0325c0a48 (MD5) Prod. Edu. 2 Virginia Barbosa 2018.pdf: 366661 bytes, checksum: 4a046d0c7881dc9f46a94f3db9f61c4b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-02-25T18:48:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 DIS Virginia Barbosa 2018.pdf: 3650680 bytes, checksum: 8b650d310388feff33de65fb23da7b0d (MD5) Prod. Edu. Virginia Barbosa 2018..pdf: 551050 bytes, checksum: 1df747493849daf5173caec0325c0a48 (MD5) Prod. Edu. 2 Virginia Barbosa 2018.pdf: 366661 bytes, checksum: 4a046d0c7881dc9f46a94f3db9f61c4b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-12-15 / O presente trabalho surgiu do desejo de buscar novas perspectivas de prática que pudessem vislumbrar outras formas de ensino/aprendizagem da língua adicional/inglês. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa teve como objetivo principal desenvolver e implantar uma unidade didática para o ensino da língua adicional/inglês junto ao primeiro ano do Curso Normal a partir da formação de uma Comunidade de Prática. Para a aplicação do projeto, foi utilizada uma prática de pesquisa-ação na implantação de uma unidade didática com uma turma de primeiro ano do curso normal da rede pública estadual de ensino, no município de Santana do Livramento/RS, entre os meses de abril a agosto de 2018. Durante a intervenção, analisamos de que maneira o trabalho desenvolvido na implantação da unidade didática, a partir de Comunidades de Prática, constituída de 8 módulos, abordando Ensino Baseado em Tarefas e utilizando-se de ferramentas digitais, contribuiu para o ensino de uma língua adicional. Para fundamentar este estudo, o trabalho foi amparado na teoria sobre Comunidades de Prática (LAVE; WENGER, 2007) e em Morrison (1931), para abordarmos sobre a unidade didática. Uma vez que a unidade didática era constituída de oito módulos e dentro de cada módulo haviam diversas atividades a serem desenvolvidas, discorremos sobre o Ensino Baseado em Tarefas, segundo Ellis (2003), e sobre o letramento digital (MORAN, 2004; BUZATO, 2006; LEFFA, 2006), ao abordarmos as ferramentas digitais. A partir do produto elaborado para esta pesquisa-ação, uma Unidade Didática, e das atividades desenvolvidas em cada módulo, realizamos a análise dos dados gerados através dos questionários, rubrica e notas de campo com o intuito de verificar se os objetivos iniciais foram alcançados. O resultado da análise qualitativa e da observação dos dados mostrou que a elaboração da unidade didática, baseada no engajamento dos alunos na formação de Comunidades de Prática, auxilia de maneira significativa os alunos na execução das tarefas. Embora a aprendizagem da língua adicional em estudo tenha focado o aprendizado do vocabulário e de algumas performances da parte de alguns alunos, a interação do grupo e a curiosidade para o além da sala de aula ficou semeada. / The present work arose from the desire of seeking for new perspectives of practice that could glimpse other forms of teaching / learning of the additional language / English. In this aspect, the main objective of the research was to develop and implement a didactic unit for the teaching of the additional language / English in the first year of the Normal Course from the formation of a Community of Practice. For the application of the project, it was used an action research practice for the implementation of a didactic unit with a group of the first year of the normal course in a state public school, in Santana do Livramento / RS, from April to August 2018. During the intervetion, it was analyzed how the work developed in the implementation of the didactic unit, from Communities of Practice, constituted of 8 modules, addressing Teaching Based on Tasks and using digital tools, contributed for teaching an additional language. In order to base this study, the work was supported in the theory on Communities of Practice (LAVE ; WENGER, 2007) and by Morrison (1931), to discuss the didactic unit. Since the didactic unit was made up of eight modules and within each module there were several activities to be developed, we discoursed about Teaching Based Tasks by Ellis (2003) and on Digital Literacy (MORAN, 2004; BUZATO, 2006; LEFFA, 2006), when we approach the digital tools. From the product elaborated for this action research, a didactic unit, and the activities developed in each module, we performed the analysis of the data generated through the questionnaires, rubrica and field notes in order to verify if the initials objectives were reached. The result of the qualitative analysis and the observation of the data showed that the elaboration of the didactic unit, based on the students’ engagement in the formation of Communities of Practice, significantly assists the students in the execution of the tasks. Although the learning of the additional language under study has focused on learning vocabulary and some performances on the part of some students, group interaction and curiosity for the beyond the classroom has been sown.

Avaliação em escrita no ensino on-line de português como língua adicional : do LMS à rede social

Sidi, Walkiria Ayres January 2015 (has links)
A avaliação da aprendizagem é uma preocupação docente constante e que enfrenta novos desafios com o advento do ensino a distancia on-line (Polak, 2009). Neste trabalho, são analisados e discutidos parâmetros e práticas de avaliação qualitativa em um curso de português como língua adicional a distância com vistas à geração e validação de critérios adicionais. O contexto de ensino é o Curso de Espanhol e Português para Intercâmbio (CEPI), destinado aos participantes do Programa Escala de mobilidade discente e ofertado pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle, com o uso pedagógico e complementar da rede social Facebook. Em face aos objetivos propostos pelo curso na edição de 2012-1, adota-se uma perspectiva acional de uso da linguagem (Clark, 1996) e de aprendizagem colaborativa e situada (Stahl, 2006; Wenger, 1998), para enfocar e analisar dados discursivos com relação aos seguintes aspectos: a) competências de uso linguístico expressas nos conteúdos programáticos; b) instrumentos e critérios de avaliação de rendimento utilizados em tarefas de escrita; c) desempenho escrito nas ferramentas dos espaços virtuais de aprendizagem constituídos. Com base nos resultados da análise são definidos índices de qualidade no desempenho discursivo que podem contribuir para uma descrição mais ampla da aprendizagem em contexto digital e permitir uma avaliação integral. / Learning assessment is a constant concern for teachers that now face new challenges with the advent of online education (Polak, 2009). In this work, criteria and qualitative assessment practices in a course of Portuguese as an additional language are analysed and discussed aiming at the generation and validation of additional criteria. The educational context is the on-line Portuguese course (CEPI) for specific purposes offered by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul to Spanish-speaking students participating in the Escala Exchange Program. The course was hosted in the Moodle virtual learning environment with the additional use of the social network Facebook. Given the objectives proposed for the 2012-1 edition of the course, a perspective of language use (Clark, 1996) and of collaborative and situated learning (Stahl, 2006; Wenger, 1998) is taken in order to analyse discourse data with respect to: a) language skills listed in the course contents; b) tools and assessment criteria used in writing tasks; c) writing skills demonstrated in the virtual learning environments. Based on the results of this analysis, quality indexes in written performance were defined to construct a broader description of learning in this digital context and enable an integral assessment.

Systemic risks with Contingent Convertible Bonds : A simulated study in systemic risks of triggering CoCos in a stressed European banking system.

Lien Oskarsson, Mathias January 2019 (has links)
Ever since the great financial crisis of 2008 regulators have pushed toward more resilient banks, resulting in more demanding regulation and an increase of regulator’s insight and power. Through the revision of the BASEL framework, Contingent Convertible Bonds were introduced in 2010 as a part of regulatory capital and has since then grown increasingly popular. However, these instruments have never been tested in a stressed European financial system. Hence, there is no genuine information of how these instruments would behave. Neither have there been any published efforts in testing this through simulation, to the best of my knowledge. Using a temporally disaggregated augmentation of the EBA 2016 stress test, I simulate how the financial system would be affected by triggering the CoCos. Studying the implications of both low and high trigger instruments. Results indicate that there are low risks for a systemic fallout and showcases some notable differences as a result of CoCo design and type of trigger.

A narrative inquiry into refugee students' high school experiences

Fedorchuk, Arlene J. 29 January 2009
The increasing numbers of refugee students in our schools present under-prepared and under-resourced schools with particular challenges because of the students diverse cultural and educational backgrounds, language acquisition processes, and ways of knowing and learning. Refugee students stories are unique in their texture and context compared to other stories, with their themes of oppressive governments, war trauma, loss of home and family, loss of cultural identity, and diaspora. These narratives shape the stories they live by (Clandinin & Connelly, 1999, p. 4). According to Clandinin & Connellys (2000) notion of four directions (p. 50) when researching experiences, this narrative inquiry involved looking inward and outward, and backward and forward into students lived experiences. Listening to the refugee students narratives of their past lives, their present experiences in high school and in the community, as well as their hopes for the future provides educators, administrators and policy makers with a clearer picture of their complex lives. The students narratives in this research give educators an opportunity to reflect on the ways we inspire and give hope to refugee students in our classrooms.<p> As the researcher, I have interwoven my personal experiences with war as a daughter and a mother along with my personal practical knowledge (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000, p. 3) as the students EAL (English as Additional Language) teacher together with the students narratives. The goal of this study is to provide participants with an opportunity to have their voices heard and attended to, especially in light of current teaching practices and proposed school transformation in their high school. This narrative inquiry identifies ways in which refugee students exist on the borderlands in high school and areas in schools that require attention. At the same time, it contributes an understanding of what needs to change to provide responsive educational practices in high school.

Using the Internet in Education - Strengths and Weaknesses : A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Opinions on the Use of the Internet in Planning and Instruction

Brändström, Camilla January 2011 (has links)
The Internet plays a significant role in the lives of young people today. Previous research points to advantages as well as disadvantages of the use of the Internet in a formal educational context. The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of the use of the Internet on planning and instruction. Five upper secondary school teachers were interviewed face-to-face. Five recurrent themes were identified in the interview data: general opinions on and experience of the Internet, attitudes to teaching and learning, opinions on the use of the Internet as a planning and teaching resource, effects of the use of the Internet on students and teachers, and drawbacks of the use of the Internet in the school. It was found that the teachers think that the Internet is a valuable source of information and an important additional teaching tool. The Internet can e.g. motivate the students, make teaching more fun, and allows variation in teaching. Four major drawbacks of the use of the Internet were reported by the teachers, viz. students' cheating, unreliable information, technical problems, and students' extracurricular activities during lessons.

A narrative inquiry into refugee students' high school experiences

Fedorchuk, Arlene J. 29 January 2009 (has links)
The increasing numbers of refugee students in our schools present under-prepared and under-resourced schools with particular challenges because of the students diverse cultural and educational backgrounds, language acquisition processes, and ways of knowing and learning. Refugee students stories are unique in their texture and context compared to other stories, with their themes of oppressive governments, war trauma, loss of home and family, loss of cultural identity, and diaspora. These narratives shape the stories they live by (Clandinin & Connelly, 1999, p. 4). According to Clandinin & Connellys (2000) notion of four directions (p. 50) when researching experiences, this narrative inquiry involved looking inward and outward, and backward and forward into students lived experiences. Listening to the refugee students narratives of their past lives, their present experiences in high school and in the community, as well as their hopes for the future provides educators, administrators and policy makers with a clearer picture of their complex lives. The students narratives in this research give educators an opportunity to reflect on the ways we inspire and give hope to refugee students in our classrooms.<p> As the researcher, I have interwoven my personal experiences with war as a daughter and a mother along with my personal practical knowledge (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000, p. 3) as the students EAL (English as Additional Language) teacher together with the students narratives. The goal of this study is to provide participants with an opportunity to have their voices heard and attended to, especially in light of current teaching practices and proposed school transformation in their high school. This narrative inquiry identifies ways in which refugee students exist on the borderlands in high school and areas in schools that require attention. At the same time, it contributes an understanding of what needs to change to provide responsive educational practices in high school.

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