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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un’indagine empirica Mixed-Methods nei Contesti Educativi. Percorsi di Apprendimento per Adolescenti con Background Migratorio

Ballardini, Helga 29 April 2024 (has links)
Tema della presente ricerca è la presenza ineludibile (Cerbara e Tintori, 2017) e strutturale (Carbonara & Scibetta, 2020) di adolescenti con background migratorio nella scuola italiana, dei confini labili che si vengono a creare tra le statistiche, le definizioni teoriche del fenomeno e infine nelle prassi di Inclusione all’interno dei singoli contesti scolastici. La ricerca si è focalizzata sugli effetti generati sugli alunni stessi dall’intersecarsi a livello normativo di due paradigmi: quello dell’integrazione interculturale e quello dell’Inclusione di tipo bio-psico-sociale: ciò che definisce il campo di indagine è l’uso dell’etichetta di Bisogno Educativo Speciale/Specifico applicato anche per disegnare i percorsi di apprendimento di alunni/e con bm. La portata della loro presenza e l’importanza del momento storico attuale porta a ripensare l’impatto del passaggio tra un “prima” in cui è prevalso un approccio di tipo emergenziale e regolativo e lo scenario attuale che richiama l’attenzione sugli aspetti salienti di un processo in divenire, di continua trasformazione: in questo frangente è essenziale capire come il mondo Scuola stia (o non stia) prendendo coscienza di questo fenomeno. Ci si è si chiesti fino a che punto il paradigma dell’Inclusione, così come si esplica nelle pratiche educativo-didattiche, sia ancora in grado di rispondere davvero alle esigenze di questi alunni/e; scopo dell’indagine è stato quello di individuare le modalità attraverso cui i contesti stessi possano generare prassi nuove e trasformative. L’indagine si è concretizzata in una dimensione narrativa corale dell’ anno scolastico 2021/2022 in cui sono confluite le voci di alunni, genitori e insegnanti. É costituita da un unico studio Mixed-Methods, empirico e multidimensionale, basato sulla narrazione etnografica di un’unità di analisi costituita da quattro classi dell’ultimo anno della scuola secondaria di primo grado appartenenti a diversi contesti educativi del Trentino e della Lombardia. Lo studio riporta l’integrazione dei dati raccolti nelle loro componenti sia qualitative (osservazione etnografica e interviste semistrutturate) che quantitative (valutazioni finali, questionari sulla percezione dell’inclusione, sulla resilienza e sul benessere in classe). Attraverso il dispiegarsi quotidiano delle dinamiche di contesto si è potuto operare un confronto tra le classi che ha reso espliciti gli atteggiamenti, i principi e le prassi educative-didattiche che, nate nei diversi contesti, sono risultate portatrici di maggiore inclusione e potenzialmente trasferibili e replicabili perché in grado di promuovere non solo l’apprendimento, ma anche una maggiore percezione di appartenenza e benessere a scuola.

Vnitřní motivace adolescentů ke sportu / Internal motivation of adolscents in sport

Špidlenová, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
Title: Internal motivation of adolescents in sport. Objectives:Check to compare emotionally and motivational processes in adolescents using questionnaires. Focus on boys and girl agend 16-18 years, specifically for secondary school students. Statistically processed and then Compaq the measured data, between the sexes and between schools. Then sorts the results in clear graphs and images. Methods:Students'responses analyzed using questionnaires. School choice was made in secondary schools in Liberec and Prague. Results:The questionnaires is reliable. Internal motivation does not affect the propensity to exercise. Keywords:Performance, sport, motivation, students, questionnaire. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Spiritualita adolescentů a její umělecký projev ve vztahu k biblické tradici / Development of Christian Spirituality in Adolescents through Artistic Means

MÁLOVÁ, Klára January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with spirituality in adolescents and its artistic expression in relation to the biblical tradition. The theme of the thesis partly builds on my bachelor thesis. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and research. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts, the developmental-psychological characteristics of adolescents, spirituality and art (music, fine arts, poetry, Psalms and symbols). The experimental part is devoted to work with a selected group and the evaluation of the results using content analysis.

Dysfunkční rodinné prostředí z pohledu adolescenta / Dysfunctional family environment from the perspective of an adolescent

Potužníková, Kristýna January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with adolescents who grew up in a dysfunctional family environment. The content of the literary-review part of the diploma thesis will be devoted to dysfunctional family systems in which the basic needs of the child are not met. It will also address the key areas of development for understanding the child's experience within individual ages of development up to adolescence. Attention will also be paid to coping strategies and child support resources during development. The research survey will consider the qualitative design, which will take place through an interview with the help of adolescents. The target group will be adolescents who grew up in a dysfunctional family environment. The aim of this research will be to describe the experience of adolescents in dysfunctional family systems. Thanks to the research part, the elaboration of this diploma thesis can be a tool for understanding the feelings and experiences of children who grew up in this environment. It can thus be applied in working with adolescents, but also with the parents of these children. At the same time, it can be a source for the prevention of mental decompensation and the possible development of more serious mental problems. Keywords Family; Dysfunction; Development; Adolescents; Coping


MILESI, DANIELE 17 June 2011 (has links)
Il lavoro qui presentato analizza le pratiche di comunicazione tra pari mediate dalle nuove tecnologie. In particolare, è stato approfondito l’utilizzo di tali modalità comunicative in un gruppo di adolescenti di origine straniera residenti a Milano. Gli obiettivi della ricerca consistevano in: 1. individuare pratiche di comunicazione e socializzazione tecnologicamente mediate, specifiche dei giovani adolescenti di origine straniera; 2. evidenziare il ruolo di tali pratiche communicative innovative nell’orientare le tra il gruppo migrante e quello degli autoctoni, in termini di processi di acculturazione; 3. definire se e in che modo tali comportamenti consentono spazi di azione creativa e mediazione culturale tra le molteplici culture di appartenenza; 4. identificare possibili strategie di costruzione identitaria in termini transnazionali. / This article analyses peer to peer communication practices mediated by digital technologies. Particularly, the forms of this kind of communication have been in depth analysed within adolescents of foreigner origins living in Milan. Aims of the research were: 1) outlining communication and socialisation practices technologically mediated (such as the use of cellular phone to exchange photos, videos etc. or the participation in social network), typical of the target group; 2) highlighting the role of these new communication practices in shaping peculiar relationship between migrants and indigenous culture, in terms of integration/differentiation processes; 3) defining if and how such behaviours enable a space of creativity, selfdetermination and cultural mediation between multiple belongings; 4) identifying any strategy of identity constructing in transnational terms.

Genitori e figli adolescenti: una prospettiva pedagogica

CORCELLA, MONICA 20 February 2009 (has links)
Lo scopo di questo lavoro di ricerca è quello di riflettere in prospettiva pedagogica sulla relazione tra genitori e figli adolescenti. La società attuale,con il suo pluralismo di valori,porta gli adolescenti a guardare all’imprevedibilità come ad un fattore costitutivo della propria identità. Spesso la tendenza all’individualizzazione della nostra società è prima di tutto radicata nel mondo adulto. I giovani sono lo specchio degli stili di vita che il mondo adulto trasmette loro. In una prospettiva pedagogica,di fiducia e di speranza,è importante continuare a guardare i giovani come una risorsa essenziale per il futuro. I veri valori della vita dovrebbero essere per gli adolescenti un cammino,una scelta consapevole e responsabile di vita;e gli adulti che li affiancano dovrebbero aiutarli in ciò. I genitori hanno la responsabilità di far comprendere e promuovere nei figli l’importanza di essere se stessi,di vivere senza condizionamenti esterni negativi,di creare relazioni significative,di progettare il futuro. L’educazione è una relazione tra persone caratterizzata dall’amore,dal donarsi,dal rispetto reciproco ed è soprattutto orientata alla libertà di ogni persona. Il dono più prezioso è quello di educare i propri figli all’amore e nell’amore e la famiglia è la più importante risorsa educativa ed umana in tal senso. / The purpose of this research is to reflect in a pedagogic perspective on the relationship between parents and adolescents. Today’s society, with its pluralism of values, drives adolescents to look at unpredictability as to a constitutive factor of their own identity. The tendency to individualization typical of our society often takes root first in the adult world itself. Young people are the mirror of the life styles that the adult world transmits them. In a pedagogic perspective, based on trust and hope, it’s important to steadily look at young people as to an essential resource for the future. The true values of life should represent for adolescents a path,an aware and responsible choice of life and adults that are close to them should help them in achieving this. Their parents have the responsibility to make their children understand and urge them to be themselves, to live without negative external conditionings, to create meaningful relationships, to plan their future. Education is a relationship between people, characterized by love, by giving oneself, by a mutual respect and should aim above all at everybody’s freedom. The most precious gift is that of teaching one’s own children love and in love and the family is the most important educational and human resource in this sense.

Úroveň pohybové aktivity u studentů studujících gymnázium Písek a jejich rodičů. / The level of physical activity among high school students and their parents study Písek .

SKOVAJSA, Radko January 2017 (has links)
In our thesis we deal with motion fitness of teenagers, students of Písek´s grammar school, aged between 17 19. Our survey focused on students´ motion activity expressed in number of footsteps during one week. Measuring was done in spring and in autumn. In addition to that we compared relations between boys´ and girls´ physical fitness and motion fitness and grade of motion activity in relation to body fat expressed by BMI index.Research work was done in group of 39 students; 20 girls and 19 boys who registered one by one in INDARES COM system on-line. They put the numbers of their footsteps and filled the IPEN forms in. To test motion fitness we have used test battery recommended by INDARES, to find out the volume of motion activity pedometres have been utilized. Data have been processed and evaluated with Minilab programme. Ascertained results show that motion activity of the youngsters move downwards.

Poruchy chování jako důsledek specifických vývojových poruch učení / Conduct disorders as a result of specific learning disorders

VOKROJOVÁ, Nela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on relationship between specific learning disorders and conduct disorders in puberty. The theoretical part explains the basic terms apearing in the thesis such as specific learning disorders, conduct disorders, puberty and prevention of conduct disorder formation. It presents Czech and foreign research which have already been done in this and related areas. The empirical part uses a quantitative method to measure anxiety and occurrence of conduct disorders in second grade students in 2. ZŠ in Třeboň and ZŠ Londýnská in Prague. Data gained from children with specific learning disorder are compared with data from children without disorder.

Funkce oblékání a identita u adolescentů / Function of clothing and identity in adolescents

Ciencialová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
This work focuses on fashion and its function in a class at school, mainly with adolescets. Pupils of the eight grade at primary school were involved for comparation and students of the second year of high school were involved. The main questions are: What these young people consider as fashionable? Do they percieve the fashion to be an instrument to achieve any goals? What can certain clothing enable to them? The aim was to map the importance that students attach to the clothing, and the allocation of the various functions of a clothes according to their importance. This is all in connection with the formation of identity, which is the main developmental task in the period of adolescence. Following methods were used in order to collect information: observation, short completing interviews and questionnaire, which was fundamental. This questionnaire consisted of three parts. The first part was focused on what do they consider as fashionable, the second part was focused on personal preferences and the third part was focused on the functions of clothing. On the basis of the analysis of questionnaires and other data, have been set fashion trends and the function of clothes, which are described according to the importance. Also been found a social group created on the basis of the modes and relations....

Vzorce užívání nikotinu u adolescentů v Ambulanci dětské a dorostové adiktologie Kliniky adiktologie / Patterns of nicotine use among adolescents

Srpová, Marta January 2017 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Tobacco is the most commonly used addictive substance among adolescents, according to the ESPAD study, and is often the first psychoactive substance to try out in life. However, the risks associated with the use of tobacco at the young age are not negligible. In the Ambulance for children and adolescents addictology Clinics of addictology, where attend adolescents with various addictological and psychological problems, no research regarding the use of nicotine has been carried out. AIMS: The aim of the work is to map and describe the patterns of use of nicotine and motivation for use among children and adolescents with problems with addictive substances or in the field of non-addictive addictions. Another aim of the work is to find the degree of physical dependence on nicotine in the target group of respondents. METHODS: Data were collected using a questionnaire, which included Fagerström's nicotine addiction test for adolescents to assess the degree of physical nicotine dependence in respondents. The questionnaire was submitted in paper form to the clients of the Ambulance for children and adolescents addictology of the Clinic of addictology. The research sample was selected by deliberate selection through the institution. Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate the results and...

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