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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spánkové koreláty časného rizika bipolární afektivní poruchy u dětí a adolescentů. / Sleep correlates of early risk of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents.

Šebela, Antonín January 2019 (has links)
Background: Reports of subjective sleep impairments have been replicated in adults with bipolar disorder (BD) and young BD patients. Furthermore, circadian rhythm alterations are a core feature of BD. Despite the impairment in circadian rhythms and altered sleep included in various heuristic developmental models of BD, thus far, biomarkers in population at risk for BD have not been sufficiently objectively validated. Thus, we conducted: a) Explorative study of sleep and rest-activity circadian rhythm among offspring of BD parents. b) Study of sleep and rest-activity circadian rhythm among offspring of BD parents without the presence of psychopathology (except depression and anxiety disorders) based on our exploratory findings. Methods: a) 14 days of actigraphic assessment and subjective scales (Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire, PSQ; the Morningness/Eveningness Questionnaire, MEQ; and The General Behavior Inventory Sleep Subscale, GBISS) to assess circadian preference, and to identify sleep impairment symptoms. Psychopathology was assessed using psychiatric interview. b) ≥ 14 days of actigraphic assessment with advanced methods to assess the chronotype, social jet lag and sleep macrostructure, psychiatric interview and subjective psychometric scales to assess the full psychopathology profile. Results:...


Radosav Saša 17 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Увод: Физичка активност има кључну улогу у очувању здравља и општег добростања<br />деце и адолесцената. Редовна физичка активност, усмереног, систематски вођеног или<br />неструктурираног карактера у млађем животном добу, има бројне краткорочне и<br />дугорочне користи по здравље и развој деце и адолесцената. Постоје чврсти докази да<br />редовна физичка активност унапређује телесну структуру, кардиореспираторни статус,<br />мишићну издржљивост, густину костију и метаболичке процесе код деце и<br />адолесцената. Имајући у виду значај физичке активности и спорта за правилан раст и<br />развој деце и адолесцената, значај мишићне издржљивости за постуру и превенцију<br />лумбалног бола, као и осетљивост адолесценције као развојног периода, као важна<br />истраживачка тема намеће се питање доприноса физичке активности оптималном<br />физичком расту и развоју, телесној композицији и здрављу лумбалног дела кичме.<br />Циљ: Циљ истраживања је да се испитају разлике у антропометријском статусу и<br />издржљивости мишића трупа адолесцената у зависности од нивоа физичке активности,<br />као и да се утврде полне разлике разлике у нивоу физичке активности,<br />антропометријском статусу и издржљивости мишића трупа адолесцената.<br />Метод: Узорак испитаника је чинило 269 испитаника оба пола, узраста од 15 до 19<br />година, ученика средње школе из Новог Сада, од тога 60.6% испитаника мушког пола<br />и 39.4% испитаника женског пола. Сви испитаници су у време прикупљања података<br />били здрави и редовно су похађали наставу физичког васпитања. Просечна старост<br />испитаника била је 16.81 &plusmn; 1.08 година. Испитаници су на основу скорова на ИПАQ<br />упитнику, подељени у групе различитог нивоа физичке активности. Мултиваријатном<br />анализом варијансе (МАНОВА) и униваријатном анализом варијансе (МАНОВА)<br />утврђене су разлике у антропометријском статусу и издржљивости мишића трупа<br />адолесцената у зависности од нивоа физичке активности, и утврђене су полне разлике<br />разлике у нивоу физичке активности, антропометријском статусу и издржљивости<br />мишића трупа адолесцената. Кластер анализом су утврђени профили испитаника<br />мушког и женског пола у посматраном мултиваријатном простору Резултати: Утврђено је да постоје статистички значајне разлике између испитаника<br />различитог нивоа физичке активности у антропометријском статусу (p = .016) и<br />издржљивости мишића труpа (p = .001). Такође су утврђене статистички значајне pолне<br />разлике у антроpометријским карактеристикама исpитаника (p = .000), телесној комpозицији (p = .000) и издржљивости мишића труpа (p = .000). Нису утврђене<br />статистички значајне pолне разлике у нивоу физичке активности (p = .550). Поред тога,<br />утврђене су статистички значајне разлике између исpитаника ниског и високог нивоа<br />физичке активности у издржљивости мишића труpа: Изометријска издржљивост<br />латерофлексора на левој страни труpа (p = .005); Изометријска издржљивост<br />латерофлексора на десној страни труpа (p = .001); Изометријска издржљивост мишића<br />флексора труpа (p = .016) и изометријска издржљивост мишића екстензора труpа (p =<br />.000), у корист груpе која је уpражњавала висок ниво физичких активности. На основу<br />антроpометријских карактеристика, телесне комpозиције, изометријске издржљивости<br />мишића труpа и нивоа физичке активности, идентификовани су тиpични pрофили<br />адолесцената. Најризичнијим pрофилима pриpада око 39% исpитаника мушког pола и<br />чак 46% исpитаника женског pола.<br />Закључак: Резултати истраживања pотврђују да физичка активност може<br />pредстављати снажан pротективни фактор када је реч о развоју гојазности и pојави<br />лумбалног бола. Школско физичко васpитање, као важна социјална стратегија<br />pромоције физичке активности и агенс здравственог васpитања деце и младих може<br />значајно доpринети да ученици кроз наставу и ваннаставне активности стекну<br />сpособности, вештине и знања који су неоpходни за усpостављање здравог, физички<br />активног животног стила.</p> / <p>Uvod: Fizička aktivnost ima ključnu ulogu u očuvanju zdravlja i opšteg dobrostanja<br />dece i adolescenata. Redovna fizička aktivnost, usmerenog, sistematski vođenog ili<br />nestrukturiranog karaktera u mlađem životnom dobu, ima brojne kratkoročne i<br />dugoročne koristi po zdravlje i razvoj dece i adolescenata. Postoje čvrsti dokazi da<br />redovna fizička aktivnost unapređuje telesnu strukturu, kardiorespiratorni status,<br />mišićnu izdržljivost, gustinu kostiju i metaboličke procese kod dece i<br />adolescenata. Imajući u vidu značaj fizičke aktivnosti i sporta za pravilan rast i<br />razvoj dece i adolescenata, značaj mišićne izdržljivosti za posturu i prevenciju<br />lumbalnog bola, kao i osetljivost adolescencije kao razvojnog perioda, kao važna<br />istraživačka tema nameće se pitanje doprinosa fizičke aktivnosti optimalnom<br />fizičkom rastu i razvoju, telesnoj kompoziciji i zdravlju lumbalnog dela kičme.<br />Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je da se ispitaju razlike u antropometrijskom statusu i<br />izdržljivosti mišića trupa adolescenata u zavisnosti od nivoa fizičke aktivnosti,<br />kao i da se utvrde polne razlike razlike u nivou fizičke aktivnosti,<br />antropometrijskom statusu i izdržljivosti mišića trupa adolescenata.<br />Metod: Uzorak ispitanika je činilo 269 ispitanika oba pola, uzrasta od 15 do 19<br />godina, učenika srednje škole iz Novog Sada, od toga 60.6% ispitanika muškog pola<br />i 39.4% ispitanika ženskog pola. Svi ispitanici su u vreme prikupljanja podataka<br />bili zdravi i redovno su pohađali nastavu fizičkog vaspitanja. Prosečna starost<br />ispitanika bila je 16.81 &plusmn; 1.08 godina. Ispitanici su na osnovu skorova na IPAQ<br />upitniku, podeljeni u grupe različitog nivoa fizičke aktivnosti. Multivarijatnom<br />analizom varijanse (MANOVA) i univarijatnom analizom varijanse (MANOVA)<br />utvrđene su razlike u antropometrijskom statusu i izdržljivosti mišića trupa<br />adolescenata u zavisnosti od nivoa fizičke aktivnosti, i utvrđene su polne razlike<br />razlike u nivou fizičke aktivnosti, antropometrijskom statusu i izdržljivosti<br />mišića trupa adolescenata. Klaster analizom su utvrđeni profili ispitanika<br />muškog i ženskog pola u posmatranom multivarijatnom prostoru Rezultati: Utvrđeno je da postoje statistički značajne razlike između ispitanika<br />različitog nivoa fizičke aktivnosti u antropometrijskom statusu (p = .016) i<br />izdržljivosti mišića trupa (p = .001). Takođe su utvrđene statistički značajne polne<br />razlike u antropometrijskim karakteristikama ispitanika (p = .000), telesnoj kompoziciji (p = .000) i izdržljivosti mišića trupa (p = .000). Nisu utvrđene<br />statistički značajne polne razlike u nivou fizičke aktivnosti (p = .550). Pored toga,<br />utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike između ispitanika niskog i visokog nivoa<br />fizičke aktivnosti u izdržljivosti mišića trupa: Izometrijska izdržljivost<br />laterofleksora na levoj strani trupa (p = .005); Izometrijska izdržljivost<br />laterofleksora na desnoj strani trupa (p = .001); Izometrijska izdržljivost mišića<br />fleksora trupa (p = .016) i izometrijska izdržljivost mišića ekstenzora trupa (p =<br />.000), u korist grupe koja je upražnjavala visok nivo fizičkih aktivnosti. Na osnovu<br />antropometrijskih karakteristika, telesne kompozicije, izometrijske izdržljivosti<br />mišića trupa i nivoa fizičke aktivnosti, identifikovani su tipični profili<br />adolescenata. Najrizičnijim profilima pripada oko 39% ispitanika muškog pola i<br />čak 46% ispitanika ženskog pola.<br />Zaključak: Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da fizička aktivnost može<br />predstavljati snažan protektivni faktor kada je reč o razvoju gojaznosti i pojavi<br />lumbalnog bola. Školsko fizičko vaspitanje, kao važna socijalna strategija<br />promocije fizičke aktivnosti i agens zdravstvenog vaspitanja dece i mladih može<br />značajno doprineti da učenici kroz nastavu i vannastavne aktivnosti steknu<br />sposobnosti, veštine i znanja koji su neophodni za uspostavljanje zdravog, fizički<br />aktivnog životnog stila.</p> / <p>Background: Physical activity plays a key role in maintaining the health and general wellbeing of children and adolescents. Regular physical activity in young age, whether it be<br />organized or unstructured, provides many short-term and long-term developmental and health<br />benefits for youth. There is strong evidence that regular physical activity improves body<br />composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular endurance, bone density and metabolic<br />processes in children and adolescents. Bearing in mind the importance of physical activity for<br />growth and development of children and adolescents, importance of muscular endurance for<br />posture and low back pain prevention, as well as sensitivity of adolescence as a developmental<br />period, the contribution of physical activity to optimal physical growth and development, body<br />composition and lumbar spine health stands out as an important research topic.<br />Aim: The aim of the study is to analyze differences in anthropometric status and endurance<br />of flexor, extensor and lateroflexor core muscles, depending on the level of physical activity,<br />as well as to determine gender differences in the level of physical activity, anthropometric<br />status and endurance of the core muscles in adolescents.<br />Method: The sample of respondents consisted of 269 high school students from Novi Sad,<br />aged 15 to 19, of which 60.6% were males and 39.4% were females. All respondents were<br />healthy at the time of data collection and regularly attended physical education classes. The<br />average age of the respondents was 16.81 &plusmn; 1.08 years. Respondents were divided into groups<br />of different level of physical activity, based on the IPAQ questionnaire score. The multivariate<br />analysis of variance (MANOVA) and univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used in<br />order to identify differences in anthropometric status and core muscle endurance in<br />adolescents of different physical activity level, as well as gender differences in the level of<br />physical activity, anthropometric status and core muscles endurance of adolescents. Profiles<br />of males and females in multivariate domain were determined by cluster analyses.<br />Results: Statistically significant differences between subjects of different levels of physical<br />activity were identified in anthropometric status (p = .016) and endurance of the core muscles<br />(p = .001). Statistically significant gender differences were also found in the anthropometric<br />characteristics of the subjects (p = .000), body composition (p = .000) and endurance of the<br />core muscles (p = .000). No statistically significant gender differences were found in the level<br />of physical activity (p = .550). In addition, statistically significant differences between<br />subjects of low and high level of physical activity were detected in muscular endurance of the core muscles: latero flexor endurance test, left side (p = .005); latero flexor endurance test,<br />right side (p = .001); torso flexor endurance test (p = .016) and torso flexor endurance test (p<br />= .000), in favour of the group engaged in high level physical activity. According to<br />anthropometric characteristics, core muscle endurance and physical activity level, typical<br />profiles of adolescents were identified. Around 39% of male respondents and 46% of female<br />respondents belong to the highest risk profiles.<br />Conclusion: The results confirm that physical activity can act as a strong protective factor for<br />obesity and low back pain occurence. Physical education, representing a vital social strategy<br />of physical activity promotion and important health education agent in children and youth,<br />may contribute to students gaining abilities, skills and knowledge necessary for healthy, active<br />lifestyle.</p>

Hrdinové problémových dětí / Heroes of the troubled children

Timurová, Lenka January 2022 (has links)
The dissertation thesis points to a wide range of possibilities of therapeutic use with fairy-tale material and at the same time offers a concrete example of working with adolescents with educational problems. We worked with ten respondents, 5 boys and 5 girls who were clients of the Center for Educational Care. Based on the assumption that the fairy tale metaphor represents a non-threatening stimulus, the respondents were asked to formulate their own lives into a fairy tale. All participants were willing to work with a fairy-tale metaphor even on subjectively unpleasant topics, and in none of the stories did we encounter any significant resistance. The analysis of stories through Propp's morphology of the fairy tale brought a characteristic story of a child with an educational problem and at the same time proved to be a meaningful therapeutic tool. The analysis of the data through a narratively oriented approach inspired by McAdams and his identity as a life story yielded a demonstration of the identity of an adolescent with educational problems. An important outcome of the work is the evaluation of the internally experienced responsibility of this specific group of adolescents. Keywords: adolescents, risk behavior, fairy tale, life story, therapeutic tool

Serumska koncentracija hepcidina kao pokazatelj rezervi gvožđa u dece sa sideropenijskom anemijom / Serum concentration of hepcidin as an indicator of iron reserves in children with iron deficiency anemia

Ćulafić Jelena 24 October 2016 (has links)
<p>Anemija predstavlja problem svetskih razmera sa značajnim zdravstvenim, socijalnim i ekonomskim konsekvencama. Iako je pre mnogo godina prepoznata kao javnozdravstveni problem, malo je učinjeno u uspostavljanju kontrole anemije i prevalenca je ostala neprihvatljivo visoka. Deficit gvožđa predstavlja najče&scaron;ći uzrok anemije, deca uzrasta od 6-24 meseca i adolescenti predstavljaju vulnerabilne grupe. Hepcidin je peptidni hormon niske molekularne težine koji ima ključnu ulogu u metabolizmu gvožđa. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se odredi serumska koncentracija hepcidina kod dece uzrasta od 6 meseci do 2 godine i adolescenata uzrasta od 11 do 19 godina koji boluju od sideropenijske anemije i uporedi sa serumskim koncentracijama hepcidina u kontrolnim grupama, kao i da se utvrdi njegova povezanost sa parametrima metabolizma gvožđa. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 173 ispitanika, 89 ispitanika koji su bolovali od sideropenijske anemije i 84 ispitanika koji nisu bolovali od sideropenijske anemije i koji su predstavljali kontrolnu grupu. Svim ispitanicima je venepunkcijom uzorkovana krv za određivanje kompletne krvne slike i prametara metabolizma gvožđa. ELISA metodom je određen nivo hepcidina u serumu. Ispitivanjem je utvrđeno da je koncentracija hepcidina statistički značajno niža u dece i adolescenata koji boluju od sideropenijske anemije u poređenju sa decom i adolescentima koji ne boluju od sideropenijske anemije. Potvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između koncentarcije serumskog hepcidina i gvožđa u serumu, feritina, srednjeg volumena eritrocita i saturacije transferina, a negativna korelacija između koncentracije serumskog hepcidina i transferina i broja retikulocita. Koncentracija transferina i nezasićeni kapacitet vezivanja gvožđa, ukupni kapacitet za vezivanje gvožđa i broj retikulocita su međusobno u pozitivnoj korelaciji, a korelacija koncentracije transferina sa parametrima saturacija transferina, koncentracije gvožđa i hemoglobina je negativna. Na vrednost serumskog hepcidina ne utiču niti pol niti uzrast ispitanika &scaron;to ga čini senzitivnijim pokazateljem stanja gvožđa u organizmu i pouzdanijim biolo&scaron;kim markerom u dijagnostici sideropenijske anemije.</p> / <p>Anemia represents a worldwide problem which leads to substantial health, social and economic issues. Although it was identified as a common health problem many years ago, not a lot has been done in controlling anemia and its prevalence has stayed unacceptably high. The iron deficit is the most frequent cause of anemia, 6-24 month-old children and adolescents are vulnerable groups. Hepcidin is a peptide hormone of a low molecular weight which has a main role in the iron metabolism. The aim of the research was to determine the serum concentration of hepcidin in children aged from 6 months to 2 years and in adolescents from the age of 11 to 19 which suffer from iron deficiency anemia and compare it with the serum concentration of hepcidin in the control groups, as well as to determine its connection with the parameters of the iron metabolism. The research included 173 examinees, 89 of them suffered from iron deficiency anemia and 84 did not suffer from iron deficiency anemia. The latter represented the control group. All the examinees had their blood sampled intravenously in order for full blood count results and parameters of iron metabolism to be determined. Also, ELISA method was used for establishing the level of hepcidin in the serum. The research showed that the concentration of hepticin is statistically lower in children and adolescents who suffer from iron deficiency anemia in comparison with children and adolescents who do not have this condition. The positive correlation between the level of serum hepcidin and iron in the serum, ferritin, the medium volume of erythrocytes and transferrin saturation was confirmed but the negative one occurred in the level of the serum hepcidin, transferrin and reticulocyte. Transferrin and the unsaturated capacity of iron binding, the total capacity of iron binding and reticulocytes are in a positive correlation but the correlation of transferrin with the parameters of transferrin saturation, iron and hemoglobin is negative. The sex and the age of the examinees do not influence the level of serum hepcidin which makes it a more sensitive indicator of the level of iron in the body. Besides this, serum hepcidin is a reliable biological marker in the iron deficiency anemia diagnosis.</p>

Vliv závislostí a závislostního chování dospělých na děti a adolescenty / The Impact of Addiction and Addictive Behavior of Adults on Children and Adolescents

Madárová, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation called "Influence of adult addictions and addictive behavior on children and adolescents" is divided into two parts: theoretical one and a practical one. In the theoretical part, there will be defined the addiction and the addictive behavior, after they will be put into the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. Then we will analyse concrete psychoactive substances that causes the addiction, types of addictive behavior, factors that encourage genesis of addiction and addictive behavior, influence of addictions and addictive behavior on children and adolescents. The last chapter of theoretical part occupies with possibilities of therapy of addiction and addictive behavior. The practical part proceeds from anonymous questionnaire survey that took place at an elementary school and at a high school. In the end there is a discussion about influence of adult addictions and addictive behavior on children and adolescents.

Stanovení nových referenčních hodnot maximálních inspiračních a expiračních tlaků a hodnot PO.1 u normální populace ve věkovém rozmezí 16 až 17 let / Definition of new referential values of maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures and P0.1 values in normal population of the 16 - to - 17 age range

Kálalová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to define norms for inspiratory (Pimax) and expiratory (Pemax) pressures and mouth occlusion pressure (P0.1) in healthy white population of the 16-17 age group in the Czech Republic, specifically the capital city of Prague and its close vicinity. Furthermore, this work aspires to ascertain whether there is a correlation between the respiratory pressures, P0.1 and selected anthropometric and pulmonary values. In order to define the norms, 79 children were tested, including 41 boys and 38 girls 16 to 17 years old. After establishing the subjects' case histories, anthropometric, spirometric inspiratory, expiratory and forced vital capacity measurements were made. The study defined the norms of respiratory pressures and P0.1 in 16 to 17-year-old boys and girls, thus achieving its main goal. Furthermore, a difference was found between the average measured Pimax and Pemax values for boys and girls, with the boys showing higher values comparing with the girls. The study did not ascertain a correlation between respiratory pressures, P0.1 and selected anthropometric values (age, height, weight, BMI, BSA). No correlation was found between respiratory pressures and static pulmonary volumes. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Poruchy příjmu potravy u adolescentů z pohledu učitelů středních škol / Adolescents' eating disorders from the point of view of high school teachers

Bicanová, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The master thesis deals with the eating disorders and foreknowledge of high school physical education teachers of this disease. The thesis is divided in the theoretical part and the practical part. The theoretical part includes remarks from scientific literature and it is concerned with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and eating disorders not otherwise specified. Research was carried out by interviewing secondary teachers. The aim of research was to find out whether the pedagogues know what the eating disorders are, what are their potential causations, possibilities of prevention and competency of teachers for solving these disorders. The results indicate that physical education teachers have only basic knowledge about eating disorders. In view of the fact of these and other findings, a draft of activities for teachers who solve the eating disorders has been developed.

Strategie zvládání stresových situací v populaci jedinců s poruchami chování / Coping Strategies with Stressful Situations in Population of Individuals with Behavioral Disorders

Bidmonová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
4 Abstract The topic of this thesis is the strategy of coping with stressful situations in a population of individuals with behavioral disorders. The starting point of the thesis lies in the assumption that adolescents with behavioral disorders show greater difficulties in coping with stressful situations and react differently from their peers that have no behavioral disorders. The target group of respondents is represented by clients of juvenile correctional institutions, specifically boys between 15 and 19 years of age. Their answers are compared with a comparison group of students from secondary schools that have no behavioral disorders. The strategies of coping with stress are examined through the use of two methods, a questionnaire "Strategie zvládání stresu SVF 78" and the semiprojective Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Test. The results indicate that the group of adolescent boys placed in juvenile correctional institutions, shows the tendency to resign more frequently and the effort to gain control over stressful situations less often. Contrary to expectations, the predicted search for alternative activities to escape from stressful situations was not confirmed. Furthemore, neither the tendency for a behavior-oriented self defence nor ones` aggresive actions directed at the surroundings occured....

Formazione e informazione di attualità. Modelli, metodologie, esperienze, confronti / Education and News Media. Models, Methods, Experiences, Comparisons

VALMACHINO, CHIARA 02 April 2007 (has links)
Questa tesi analizza le relazioni tra informazione e formazione degli adolescenti. la prima parte descrive il sistema dell'informazione e i suoi meccanismi nell'età tardo. moderna; offre una definizione dell'adolescenza, soprattutto rispetto ai processi di costruzione della cittadinanza . Si presenta, infine, lo stato della ricerca empirica sul tema in oggetto. La seconda sezione si occupa dei modelli pedagogici e delle metodologie didattiche per l'educazione alla/con l'informazione presentando, infine, recenti esperienze realizzate in Italia e in Germania. / This dissertation analyses the relationship among news, teenagers and education. The first part describes how the information-system works in the late-modern age; it draws a picture of the today's teenagers-generation and the making of citizens processes. Finally it gives an overview of the empirical research concerning teens and news. The second part suggests pedagogical models and methods to introduce news in (civic) education, concluding with recent didactical experiences in Italy and Germany.

Scrittura espressiva in adolescenza: Dalla meta-analisi ad un test sperimentale di un nuovo intervento di scrittura / Expressive writing in adolescence: From meta-analysis to an experimental test of a novel writing intervention

TRAVAGIN, GABRIELE 23 February 2012 (has links)
Il presente programma di ricerca approfondisce l’uso dell’Expressive Writing (EW) con gli adolescenti a partire da tre studi, organizzati in modo sequenziale. Lo Studio 1 indaga l’efficacia e i fattori di moderazione dell’EW con gli adolescenti tramite meta-analisi. In particolare, è stata eseguita una review quantitativa degli studi sull’EW con partecipanti in età adolescenziale, attraverso i seguenti passaggi: ricerca sistematica e codifica degli studi; calcolo degli effect size; analisi dei moderatori. Lo Studio 2 confronta sperimentalmente sugli adolescenti gli effetti a breve e lungo termine di due tipi di istruzioni di scrittura, una convenzionale (EW) e l’altra orientata cognitivamente (CEW), elaborata sulla base dei risultati della meta-analisi. Le analisi sono state finalizzate a testare gli effetti della modificazione delle consegne di scrittura sul funzionamento emotivo e sociale degli adolescenti. Lo Studio 3 consiste in un’analisi secondaria dello Studio 2 ed esplora l’esito dell’intervento in funzione delle traiettorie di cambiamento dei meccanismi cognitivi (“Self-distancing”) rilevati negli scritti, tramite Group-Based Trajectory Modeling. I risultati degli studi sono discussi in funzione delle loro implicazioni teoriche e pratiche. / The present research program aims at evaluating the use of Expressive Writing (EW) with adolescents through three studies, organized in a progressive fashion. Study 1 investigates the efficacy and moderators of EW with adolescents through a meta-analysis. The study performed a quantitative review of the EW interventions with adolescent samples, according to the following steps: systematic literature search and coding of the studies; calculation of the effect size; analysis of the moderators. Study 2 experimentally compares the short- and long-term effects of the traditional writing condition (EW) to a cognitively-oriented EW condition (CEW) on a sample of adolescents. The analyses had the objective to test the effects of altering the writing instructions on social and emotional adjustment of participants. Study 3 consists in a secondary analysis of the written essays collected in Study 2 with the intent of examining the effects of the intervention as a function of the cognitive processes (“Self-distancing”) observed during the writing sessions by means of the Group-Based Trajectory Modeling. The findings are discussed on the basis of their theoretical and practical implications.

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