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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Ispitivanje uticaja odabranih amida na adsorpciju nitro derivata fenola iz vodene sredine na aktivnom uglju / Investigation of selected amide influence on adsorption of nitro derivatives of phenol on activated carbon from water

Kordić Branko 18 September 2019 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; ispitan&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; amida&nbsp; kao&nbsp; modela&nbsp; AOM-a (Algalne organske materije)&nbsp; na adsorpciju nitrofenola iz vodene&nbsp; sredine&nbsp; na&nbsp; aktivnom&nbsp; uglju.&nbsp; Istraţivanje&nbsp; se sastojalo&nbsp; iz&nbsp; tri&nbsp; faze:&nbsp; ispitivanje&nbsp; uticaja&nbsp; karateristika amida&nbsp; na&nbsp; adsorpciju&nbsp; nitrofenola,&nbsp; ispitivanje&nbsp; uticaja granulacije na adsorpciju nitrofenola u prisustvu amida i ispitvanje karakterisitka samih nitrofenola na adsorpciju u&nbsp; prisustvu&nbsp; amida.&nbsp; Pre&nbsp; ispitivanja&nbsp; adsorpcije&nbsp; u dvokomponentnim&nbsp; sistemima&nbsp; ispitana&nbsp; je&nbsp; adsorpcija jednokomponentnih&nbsp; sistema&nbsp; 4-nitrofenola,&nbsp; 2,4-dinitrofenola&nbsp; i&nbsp; 2,4,6-trinitrofenola,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; amida&nbsp; Nmetilbenzamid,&nbsp; nikotinamida&nbsp; i&nbsp; N-benzilbenzamida&nbsp; na komercijalnim&nbsp; aktivnim&nbsp; ugljevima&nbsp; NORIT&nbsp; SA2&nbsp; i&nbsp; dve granulacije&nbsp; aktivnog&nbsp; uglja&nbsp; DARCO.&nbsp; Aktivni&nbsp; ugljevi&nbsp; su ispitani&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; FTIR&nbsp; spektroskopije,&nbsp; SEM&nbsp; analizom, analizom&nbsp; povr&scaron;ine&nbsp; adsorpcijom&nbsp; azota&nbsp; na&nbsp; niskoj temperaturi&nbsp; i&nbsp; određivanjem&nbsp; taĉke&nbsp; nultog&nbsp; naelektrisanja. Urađena&nbsp; je&nbsp; geometrijska&nbsp; optimizacija&nbsp; modela&nbsp; molekula ispitivanih nitrofenola i amida i izraĉunati su molekulski parametri.&nbsp; Uticaj&nbsp; amida&nbsp; kao&nbsp; modela&nbsp; AOM-a&nbsp; je&nbsp; ispitan kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; razliĉitih&nbsp; ravnotežnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; difuzionih adsorpcionih&nbsp; modela.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; kriterijum&nbsp; za&nbsp; određivanje najsporije&nbsp; adsorpcione&nbsp; faze&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćen&nbsp; je&nbsp; Biotov&nbsp; broj.<br />Adsorpcioni&nbsp; parametri&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; u&nbsp; eksperimentima&nbsp; sa dvokomponentnim&nbsp; sistemima&nbsp; su&nbsp; upoređivani&nbsp; sa parametrima dobijenim za adsorpciju samih nitrofenola.</p> / <p>In this research influence of selected amides, as a model of&nbsp; AOM&nbsp; (Algal&nbsp; organic&nbsp; matter),&nbsp; on&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; of nitrophenols&nbsp; from&nbsp; water&nbsp; on&nbsp; activated&nbsp; carbon&nbsp; has&nbsp; been<br />investigated.&nbsp; Research&nbsp; is&nbsp; divided&nbsp; in&nbsp; three&nbsp; phases: investigation&nbsp; of&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of&nbsp; amide&nbsp; molecule characteristics&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; of&nbsp; nitrophenols, investigation&nbsp; of&nbsp; granulation&nbsp; influence&nbsp; on&nbsp; nitrophenol adsorption in&nbsp; the&nbsp; presence of amide and investigation of nitrophenol characteristics that can influence adsorption in&nbsp; the&nbsp; presence&nbsp; of&nbsp; amides.&nbsp; Adsorption&nbsp; of&nbsp; nitrophenols and&nbsp; amides&nbsp; in&nbsp; single- component&nbsp; systems&nbsp; has&nbsp; also&nbsp; been carried&nbsp; out.&nbsp; Adsorption&nbsp; kinetics&nbsp; of&nbsp; 4-nitrophenol,&nbsp; 2,4-dinitrophenol,&nbsp; 2,4,6-trinitrophenol,&nbsp; N-methylbenzamide,<br />nicotinamide&nbsp; and&nbsp; N-benzylbenzamide&nbsp; has&nbsp; also&nbsp; been investigated. Commercial activated carbons NORIT SA2 and&nbsp; two&nbsp; granulations&nbsp; of&nbsp; DARCO&nbsp; were&nbsp; used.&nbsp; Activated carbons&nbsp; were&nbsp; characterized&nbsp; using&nbsp; FTIR&nbsp; spectroscopy, SEM&nbsp; analysis,&nbsp; internal&nbsp; surface&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; using&nbsp; nitrogen adsorption&nbsp; on&nbsp; low&nbsp; temperature&nbsp; and&nbsp; determination&nbsp; of point&nbsp; of&nbsp; zero&nbsp; charge.&nbsp; Geometry&nbsp; optimization&nbsp; of nitrophenol&nbsp; and&nbsp; amide&nbsp; molecules&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; carried&nbsp; out and different molecular parameters have been calculated. Influence&nbsp; of&nbsp; amides&nbsp; as&nbsp; AOM&nbsp; model&nbsp; has&nbsp; been investigated by using diffusion and equilibrium models. Biot number has been obtained&nbsp; in order to establish the limiting&nbsp; step&nbsp; in&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; process.&nbsp;&nbsp; Adsorption parameters&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; in&nbsp; two-component&nbsp; adsorption systems&nbsp; were&nbsp; compared&nbsp; to&nbsp; parameters&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; for adsorption of nitrophenols alone.</p>

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