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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluacija efekata primene specifičnog programa vežbanja kod različitih generacija dece, uzrasta 4-5 godina, u desetogodišnjem periodu / The Evaluation of the Effect of Applying Specific Exercise Program with the Different Generations of Children aged 4-5 years, the Ten-Year Period

Stupar Dušan 22 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U cilju utvrđivanja efekata procene specifičnog programa vežbanjana motoričke sposobnosti i antropometrijske karakteristike dece pred&scaron;kolskog uzrasta, primenjene subaterija od 7 motoričkih testova i osam antropometrijskih mera. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 191pred&scaron;kolca (90 u eksperimentalnim i 101 u kontrolnim grupama), uzrasta od 4 do 5 godina. Oni su bili ispitanici u tri projekta koje je realizovao Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Novi Sad, u periodu od deset godina. Dobijeni podaci su analizirani multivarijacionom analizom kovarijanse (MANCOVA). Moglo se zaključiti da je primena eksperimentalnog programa vežbanja dovela do značajnog pobolj&scaron;anja pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti eksperimentalnih grupa u odnosu na kontrolne grupe. U prostoru antropometrije nije pokazana statistički značajna razlika između grupa u posmatrane tri vremenske tačke u periodu od deset godina. Ova doktorska disertacija je pokazala na pozitivne efekte na transformaciju pojedinih dimenzija antropolo&scaron;kog statusa u različitim vremenskim tačkama i sa različitim generacijama dece, bez obzira na socio-ekonomskog statusa nivo fizičke aktivnosti dece. U osnovi, praktična vrednost ovog rada je analizirani model kineziolo&scaron;kih aktivnosti, koji se može primeniti u svim klubovima i &scaron;kolama koje rade sa decom pred&scaron;kolskog i ranog &scaron;kolskog uzrasta.</p> / <p>In order to determine the evaluation effects of specific exercise program on motor abilities and anthropometric characteristicsof preschool children, a battery of 7 motor tests and eightanthropometric measures were applied.The current study was conducted on a sample of 191preschoolers (90 in the experimental and 101 in the control groups), aged 4 to 5 five. They were the respondents in three projects implemented by the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education Novi Sad, in the tenyear period. The obtained data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). It can be concluded that the application of experimental and control models of exercise resulted in substantial improvement of certain motor skills in the experimental group compared to the control group. In the space of anthropometry it was not statistically significant difference between groups in the observed three time points in the ten-year period.This doctoral thesis revealed that positive effects of the transformation of certain dimensions&nbsp; anthropological statusat different time points and with different generations of children, regardless of socioeconomic status, level of physical activity of children. In fact, the practical value of this work is to analyze the model of kinetic activities, which as such can be applied to all clubs and schools that work with children of preschool and early school age.</p>

Motoricko funkční příprava v tělesné výchově na 1. stupni základní školy / Motor function preparation in physical education in elementary school

Bízková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The physical culture, which includes physical education, recreation and sports, is a very intensely discussed topic, which is being given ever more attention at both the lay and the professional level. This issue is also addressed at the national level, as sport and movement generally bring a number of positive externalities in particular. These include, for example, a reduction in the level of bulky non-infectious diseases that allow for financial savings in healthcare. Another positive impact of the higher physical culture of the population is the social and cultural cultivation of human potential, which leads to the reduction of problems in the field of crime or drug issues. The modern world is facing a number of problems and the lack of movement is one of them. Even in younger children, the negative effects of the current lifestyle of the population are manifested as civilization diseases. Among the most common among children are allergies, respiratory diseases, cardiac and vascular diseases, but also body weaknesses that bind joint or back pain. Outer form of these problems is obesity, a relatively serious illness that affects a growing group of children. These diseases can be prevented by regular physical activity. In order for the population to devote sufficient attention to physical...

Hodnocení úrovně motoriky dětí mladšího školního věku testovou baterií MABC-2 na základní škole v Jihlavě / Evaluation of level motor skills children of younger school age by MABC-2 test battery at primary school in Jihlava

KŘEČEK, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this graduation thesis was to find out the level of motor skills in younger school age children, namely in the group of 7-10 years, using the standardized test battery MABC-2 (Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2nd Edition) at our chosen primary school. 62 children participated in the testing, of which 34 were girls and 28 were boys. We tested three components - gross motor skills, fine motor skills and balance. After evaluating all three components, we compared both sexes with each other. The results showed that all 62 children (100%) did not show any motor difficulties and ranked in the 1st zone. However, in a more detailed examination of the sub-components, we encountered problems with aiming & catching (coarse motoring). There were six children who were diagnosed with the risk of developing motor problems with recommendations for further monitoring (2nd band). In the same component, there were even 9 children who had significant motor difficulties with recommendation for specialized examinations (3rd band).

Úroveň pohybových schopností u basketbalistů mladšího školního věku / Level of motor skills in young school-age basketball players

Lasovská, Věra January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to ascertain the level of motor skills of basketball players of younger school age. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part summarises knowledge obtained from scientific literature, defines fundamental terms related to the issue and clarifies the links between them. The theoretical part includes a definition of the UNIFITTEST 6 - 60 testing method, which appears to be the most suitable form of testing pupils aged 8 to 10 on the basis of scientific literature. The practical part focuses on the actual testing of pupils. The aim of the thesis is to compare the results of pupils obtained in the Prague Sokol Organization who do sports actively also outside of school with those of pupils who only do sports as part of their compulsory education and just have the number of PE lessons the law stipulates for primary education. By comparing the obtained results, it will be possible to determine whether pupils who do sports only at school can reach the results of pupils in the Prague Sokol Organization. On the basis of this finding we may assume which pupils are talented and can be worked with further so as to allow their potential talent to develop.

Vliv tříměsíčního tréninku na motoriku hokejistů předškolního věku / The impact of a three-month training on motor functions in preschool hockey players

Kopalová, Magdaléna January 2012 (has links)
Title: The impact of a three-month training on motor functions in preschool hockey players Objectives: The goal of this diploma thesis is to summarize the knowledge about motor functions in preschool children. Also to find suitable test methods which should help to evaluate the motor level of children this age who are attending the preparation course in the hockey club Sparta Praha and also evaluate the influence of a three month hockey training on postural maturity and development of motor skills on the regular surface and on the ice. Methods: The pre-experiment was conducted in hockey preparation course HC Sparta Praha in preschool children during their training. It was carried out using 5 tests evaluating postural maturity, which were evaluated by two physiotherapists and 4 tests evaluating the level of motor skills on the regular surface and on the ice, which was measured on time. Tests were performed twice, with a three-month interval. Results: After three months of training, there was no substantial improvement in postural maturity assessment tests, although the consensus of the two physiotherapists in the assessment of the postural tests maturity was relatively high, for both measurements. The top rated test was tandem walk over the line. In this test, there was also the most improvement...

Analýza vybraných pohybových dovedností u dívek v pražských volejbalových přípravkách / Analysis of selected movement skills in girls volleyball team in Prague

Machová, Blanka January 2013 (has links)
Title: Analysis of selected moving skills of girls in Prague volleyball preparation Objectives: The aim of this work is based on repeated testing to analyze the level of selected moving skills of girls in Prague volleyball preparation. Methods: There was carried out two outdoor measurements of six moving skills of girls in Prague volleyball preparation. The results were summarized in tables and graphs and compared with each other using the average method. Results: It was found, that the optimal composition of volleyball preparation are girls aged 6- 9 years. This age range is identical to the sensitive period, that is most suitable for the development of moving skills and abilities. Key words: volleyball, moving ability, moving skills, children of younger school age, sports training, trainer, versatile physical training, motor tests

Vliv přírodního prostředí na rozvoj pohybových a poznávacích schopností dítěte předškolního věku / Influence of the natural environment on the development of motor and cognitive abilities of preschool age.

Havířová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with the effect the natural environment on the development of motor and cognitive abilities of preschool age. The aim is to determine the effect of education in the natural environment to the level of motor skills and knowledge of preschool children. The theoretical part describes the characteristics of preschool age. Acquaints with the development of motor skills and their training in the natural environment. It also deals with the cognitive component of the preschool child's personality and the possibilities of its development in the countryside. Zooms problems of education in a forest environment, types of learnin and methods of training in the various components of the child's personality just in a forest. The practical part is a qualitative research method used is a questionnaire survey among kindergarten teachers to determine the most commonly used educational environment, the method standardized test for 4-6-year old children to determine the level of motor skills of the children, and the method of diagnostic interview, which examined the effect of natural environments on children's knowledge. Results in agreement with reported literature confirm the positive influence of education in the natural environment for the development of several components of the child's personality.

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