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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh metodiky vývoje softwaru se zaměřením na oblast UX / Proposal of Software Development Methodology with Focus on UX

Mikula, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this work is to propose a software development methodology which will reflect both issues -- design of User Experience (UX) and its implementation. The second objective is to compare the current software development methodologies. The third objective is to describe the work environment and the principles of that environment to fully implement this methodology. The fourth objective is to test the methodology in practice and validate its performance on my own startup. The fifth objective is to analyze companies which are focusing on similar product as my startup and their approach to UX development. First I will take look at waterfall methodology and then at modern agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban and Lean management, which are now becoming standard in software development. I will describe issues with the integration of UX into software development. The next section will introduce my own methodology, which is based on Scrum. The methodology consists of general principles of Lean and Agile management and the management, which is sometimes called "freedom at work". Then I will use the proposed methodology on my own startup project and will evaluate its use in practice. In last part I will analyze development process with focus on UX in projects Medium and Facebook. Thesis combines knowledge from Lean and agile management, economy and cognitive science to show the way to succeed in today services with great UX.

SaaS ve web designu / SaaS in Web Design

Míka, Filip January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is aimed to evaluate if the current SaaS market is able to meet functional re-quirements of web design in order to appropriately support web design's activities. The theoretical part introduces the web design model which describes web design's functional requirements. The next section presents a research concept that describes model assessment (i.e. solutions delivered as SaaS that support web design) and evaluation process. The results show that the current SaaS market is able to meet the requirements of web design in areas where SaaS solutions are able to provide an essential added value to customers in comparison to on-premise software.

Optimalizace projektového řízení zavedením agilní metodiky / Optimization of Project Management by Implemetation of Agile Methodology

Čermák, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the proposal of agile project management methodology for the company engaged in the development of custom-made applications. This thesis will be based on an analysis of the current state, which describes the current state of approach to project management. The subject of the thesis is to improve processes and streamline project management using agile methods.

Efektivní využití SCRUM metodiky ve vývojovém týmu / Efficient Application of SCRUM Methodology in a Development Team

Svoboda, Radek January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on more efficient application of Scrum methodology in a development team within specific company. The thesis takes an advantage from the SW-CMM philosophy applied in agile environment in order to achieve better effectivity. Theorethical base is utilized for a comparison with current state in the company described in analytical part. Proposals for a solution of current situation are based on drawback detection. Proposals are subject for risk analysis followed by precaution. Costs of proposals implementation with included precautions are evaluated in economic evaluation part. This part also contains benefits of proposals.

Využití nástrojů projektového managementu při řízení IT projektů / The Use of Metohods of the Project Management in IT Projects

Ryll, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of project management tools in the management of IT projects. The basic theoretical concepts are described in the first part of the thesis. The analytical part is devoted to the analysis of the current situation in the company. The proposal for changes in the project focusing on the development of a new functionality of the information system for the customer is based on this analysis and its efficiency is improved using the Scrum agile methodology.

Aplikace agilní metodiky v projektovém řízení / Application of Agile Methodology in Project Management

Szuchan, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with changes for streamlining project management, software development and work in development teams by introducing the agile Scrum methodology. The beginning of the diploma thesis deals with the theoretical background and basic concepts that are used in other parts of the work. The analytical part analyses the current state of the software division. In the design part, based on the results of the analysis, a proposal for changes in project management is created using the agile methodology, which aims to streamline project management and software development. At the end of the design part, economic evaluations of the design and its benefits for the division are processed.

Využití agilních metod v praxi / Practical Usage of Agile Methodologies

Skoupý, David January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the applications of agile methodologies in actual business practice, especially in the marketing department. This thesis presents the theoretical foundations that describe the differences between the traditional concept of project management and agile methods. The other part consists of a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the company and the marketing department. The suggested part shows solutions of problems through the applications of agile methods that have been identified in the analytical part.

Reflecting and adjusting in large-scale Agile software development : A case study

Wahl, Emil January 2020 (has links)
Background. Agile software development has seen increased use in large-scale projects in recent times. Many larger corporations transition from using a traditional plan-driven approach for developing software to applying the Agile methodology within its processes. Large-scale Agile projects are inherently difficult to implement as there are many challenges associated with it. Many Agile frameworks have been developed to make it easier to apply the Agile methodology on a large-scale. The Agile principle of reflecting and adjusting at regular intervals can be used for developing these frameworks and allows practitioners to find ways to mitigate the challenges that large-scale Agile projects face. Objectives. This thesis aims to explore how a large-scale Agile project applies the Agile principle of reflecting and adjusting its work process, both at the overall and team level. The objectives of the thesis are to find out how the case organization regularly reflects on its work process and how it enables adjustments through the distribution of roles that can enforce changes. An additional objective is to find out what the perceived challenges are that are associated with performing regular reflections and adjustments in a large-scale Agile context. Methods. A field study is conducted at a large-scale Agile project. The field study includes direct observations of day-to-day work and scheduled meetings, interviewing project participants, and reading company documentation. The collected data is thematically analyzed to identify how the case organization reflects and adjust its work process and what the perceived challenges are. Results. Three different events are identified at the case organization to apply the Agile principle of reflecting and adjusting: reference groups to reflect on larger matters affecting much of the project, retrospective meetings to some extent to reflect within the different teams, and day-to-day reflections. All the identified roles can influence change for most parts of the process, but can only enforce change on their part of the process. Six themes are identified as perceived challenges associated with the Agile principle of reflecting and adjusting: Deadlines and time limits, multiple tasks within the teams, disinterest or misunderstanding the Agile principles, different levels of Agile, and established process and complacency. Conclusions. The case organization applies several different reflective events that address some of the challenges that are associated with large-scale Agile projects. The case organization has many other challenges relating to these events and they are all associated with other challenges previously discovered in related works. / Bakgrund. Agil mjukvaruutveckling har sett en ökad användning i storskaliga projekt under den senaste tiden. Många större företag övergår från att använda en traditionell plandriven strategi för att utveckla programvara till att tillämpa den Agila metodiken i sina processer. Det finns många utmaningar när man använder den Agila metodiken i ett storskaligt projekt. Agila projekt på stor skala är svårt att genomföra, och många Agila ramverk har utvecklats för att göra det lättare att tillämpa den Agila metodiken på stor skala. Den Agila principen att reflektera och justera med jämna mellanrum kan användas för att utveckla dessa ramverk och gör det möjligt för utövare att hitta sätt att tackla de utmaningar som storskaliga Agila projekt står inför. Syfte. Denna avhandling undersöker hur ett storskaligt Agilt projekt tillämpar den Agila principen att reflektera och justera sin arbetsprocess, både på en övergripande nivå och teamnivå. Målet med avhandlingen är att ta reda på hur organisationen regelbundet reflekterar över sin arbetsprocess och hur den möjliggör justeringar genom fördelning av roller som kan verkställa förändringarna. Ett ytterligare mål är att ta reda på vilka upplevda utmaningar som är förknippade med att utföra regelbundna reflektioner och justeringar i ett storskaligt Agilt sammanhang. Metod. En fältstudie genomförs på ett storskaligt Agilt projekt. Fältstudien inkluderar direkta observationer av det dagliga arbetet och schemalagda möten, intervjuer med projektdeltagare, och läsa företagetsdokumentation. Den insamlade datan analyseras tematiskt för att identifiera hur organisationen reflekterar och justerar sin arbetsprocess och de upplevda utmaningarna som relaterar till det. Resultat. Organisationen använder sig av tre olika sätt för att tillämpa den Agila principen för reflektion och justering: referensgrupper för att reflektera över större frågor som påverkar stora delar av projektet, retrospektiva möten i viss mån för att reflektera i de olika teamen, och dagliga reflektioner. Alla identifierade roller kan influera förändring på processen, men kan bara verkställa förändringar på sin del av processen. Sex teman identifieras som upplevda utmaningar förknippade med den Agila principen att reflektera och justera: Tidsfrister och tidsgränser, flera uppgifter inom teamen, ointresse eller missförståelse av de Agila principerna, olika nivåer av Agile, och etablerad process och självgodhet. Slutsatser. Organisationen tillämpar flera olika funktioner för reflektion som hanterar några av de utmaningar som är förknippade med storskaliga Agila projekt. Organisationen har många andra utmaningar relaterade till dessa funktioner och de är alla förknippade med andra utmaningar som tidigare upptäckts i relaterade arbeten.

The Feeling and Perception of Using Analog and Digital Task Management Tools within Agile Development

Wolter, Liam January 2018 (has links)
The field of software development has rapidly been changing due to changes in work requirements and expectations of stakeholders. As a result, there has been a widespread adoption of agile methodology within the software industry, as it allows for a constant stream of deliveries and project adjustments. Agile methodology allows project teams to pick and adjust appropriate agile practices as they see fit, meaning that situations differ in various ways. With respect to the young age of agile methodology and the various approaches has created gaps that could affect project efficiency and quality. Specifically, one of these unperfected areas is the task management tools, that has had a hard time being established in the digital space. This can be illustrated by the popular use analog tools such as post-it notes and whiteboards. Likewise, analog and digital task management tools have varying advantages and disadvantages that forces project teams to work in certain ways. For example, analog tools are easily adjusted and digital tool are instead more structured. Typically, this creates restrictions to the physical work space for employees and obstacles of project progression communication to external parties. Towards addressing the issue, a set of seven task board requirements are established as the foundation for the solution, which are based on the theoretical and practical findings. The solution is a digitalized whiteboard with syncing and cross platform abilities.

Identifierade hinder och utmaningar inom Scrum för spelutveckling och dess lösningsförslag / Identified issues and challenges within Scrum for game development and its solutions

Norinder, Oskar, Tsehaye, Retta January 2018 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker hinder och utmaningar som uppstår inom spelutveckling. Mer precist undersöks arbetsmetoden Scrum, som är ett agilt ramverk. Metoden som användes i studien är en kvalitativ undersökning. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med personer som har erfarenhet inom Scrum för spelutveckling, för att identifiera deras hinder och utmaningar, men även för att ta fram lösningsförslag. Följaktligen är frågeställningen, ”Vilka hinder och utmaningar identifieras då man använder Scrum inom spelutveckling, och hur kan dessa lösas?”. Lösningsförslagen togs fram med hjälp av både intervjuobjekt och relaterad forskning. Resultatet gav att det fanns hinder och utmaningar inom fem områden. Planering av arbete, spelutvecklingens många discipliner, spelutvecklingens långa projekt, Pre-production fasen och problem som uppstår på grund av själva Scrum-ramverket. Planeringen av arbetet var ett hinder eftersom den bland annat innefattar estimering av arbete, klarkriterium, och vad som skall göras. Lösningsförslagen var att andra metoder skall användas med Scrum, bland annat för att ersätta problemen man har i utforskande faser eller när man har estetiska mål. Kortfattat så fungerar Scrum när det finns information om vad som skall göras och när det skall göras. Problematiken är att den informationen inte alltid är given inom spelutveckling / This study researches issues and challenges that arise within game development. More specific it examines the Scrum methodology, which is an agile framework.  A qualitative research method was conducted for this study. In order to identify impediments and challenges, but as well proposals for solutions, semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants who have experience from Scrum within game development. Therefore, the research question in this study is “Which issues and challenges can be identified within game development, and how could they be solved?”. The proposed solutions were constructed with help from both the interviewees and related research.  The results of the study located issues and challenges in five different areas. Planning work, the many different discipline present in game development, the long development time for game projects, the Pre-production phase, and the problems that arise from the Scrum framework itself. Planning the work was an impediment because it includes estimating the amount of work, definition of done and what to do. The proposed solutions were, to use other methods together with Scrum, for instance to replace the problems in explorative phases or when working with aesthetic goals. In short, Scrum works when there exists information about what to do and when to do it. The problem is that the information is not always available within game development.

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