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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A case study research on Scrum Framework

Zikopi, Eleni January 2019 (has links)
Agile methods have been widely implemented in the industry while teaching these methods is a substantial part of Computer Science and Engineering program curricula. Evidencedriven data of agile practices, methods, and tools have been extracted based on empirical studies with students, however, there is an important need for more anecdotal evidence to confirm these findings. In order to fill this gap, this paper explores the perceptions and the applicability of the Scrum Framework in a student research team in an industrial context. Empirical data have been gathered through interviews with the case study participants combined with a survey. The analysis reveals that student experiences are mainly positive and that they can easily grasp the benefits of Scrum Framework. The challenges of implementing Scrum in such a setting mainly concern the balance between coach and self-organization, formulating accurate user stories when researching, finding the most suitable estimation method, as well as planning when conducting research. The empirical findings may potentially be extrapolated in student scrum teams or even in industrial settings. Finally, this research paper should encourage other researchers to investigate the adoption of Scrum in a student setting. / Agila metoder har implementerats i stor utsträckning inom branschen, medan undervisning i dessa metoder är en väsentlig del av utbildningarna för datavetenskap och teknik. Bevisdriven data om agila arbetssätt, metoder och verktyg har tagits fram från empiriska studier med studenter, men det finns ett viktigt behov av mer anekdotiska bevis för att bekräfta dessa resultat. För att fylla detta gap utforskar den här rapporten uppfattningarna och tillämpligheten av ramverket Scrum i ett studentforskningsteam i ett industriellt sammanhang. Empiriska data har samlats genom intervjuer med deltagarna i fallstudien i kombination med ett frågeformulär. Analysen visar att studentupplevelserna är främst positiva och att man lätt kan förstå fördelarna med Scrum. Utmaningarna med att implementera Scrum i en sådan miljö gäller främst balansen mellan coaching och självorganiserande, formulera exakta användarhistorier när man forskar, finner den mest lämpliga uppskattningsmetoden samt planerar forskningsrelaterat arbete. De empiriska fynden kan eventuellt extrapoleras i Scrumteam med studenter eller till och med i industriella miljöer. Slutligen bör detta forskningsarbete uppmuntra andra forskare att undersöka införandet av Scrum i ett studentkontext.

Distributed Agile Development; Suitability, Challenges and Practices

Shahriyari, Salman January 2013 (has links)
Uncertainty in software development and business environment and the need to increase thespeed of development have driven organizations to search for methods that are responsive toboth change and speed. Providing iterative development, agile development involvescustomers and users through different phases of development, and delivers frequent releasesof software to customer while receives the corresponding feedback. Using this approach, agiledevelopment thus aims at addressing mentioned issues of speed and uncertainty whiledeveloping only what customer needs from the beginning of the project. On the other hand,distributed software development is used in many organizations to reach global talent andglobal market. The problems associated with distributed software development such as lack ofenough communication and team coherency, have forced project managers to combine it withagile to mitigate these social problems. This study focuses on distributed agile development,its suitability for a typical project and its challenges and deficiencies. Text analysis andinterviews using qualitative methods are used in this scientific research work. From thetheoretical view point, different text covering agile methodology, distributed development andcombination of them were considered. This study covered two parts: first, an evaluation ofagile and distributed development opportunities and problems to help determine whether ornot distributed development is suitable for a project and second, considering the challengesonce starting to use this method and practices required to regard them. For the empirical part,the focus was put on Volvo IT employees by having seven interviews with members who arecurrently active in distributed agile development. These interviews were used to compare andverify the finding of the theoretical part. The results of the study were categorized into twosections. In the first part, important elements required to verify the suitability of using thismethod are provided. The recommended factors for this evaluation are cost, productivity,customer, team structure, etc. In the second part, the challenges of using distributed agiledevelopment were categorized into four parts: (a) challenges of selected agile method, whichthe focus in this study is Scrum, (b) challenges with time-zone differences, (c) communicationchallenges and (d) finally team building challenges. The required practices to address thesechallenges were also provided. / Program: Masterutbildning i Informatik

Implanta??o e an?lise do framework scrum no desenvolvimento da plataforma aberta Nosso Exerc?cio

Eliote, Yvssa Carneiro Desmots 22 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-26T19:47:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) yvssa_carneiro_desmots_eliote.pdf: 2710883 bytes, checksum: d37c2db27a339449a69986281db2966a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-11-10T11:13:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) yvssa_carneiro_desmots_eliote.pdf: 2710883 bytes, checksum: d37c2db27a339449a69986281db2966a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-10T11:13:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) yvssa_carneiro_desmots_eliote.pdf: 2710883 bytes, checksum: d37c2db27a339449a69986281db2966a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / Este estudo prop?e a implementa??o e an?lise do Framework Scrum no desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidade para o website Nosso Exerc?cio. Esta aplica??o web consiste em um dos projetos do Programa de Educa??o Tutorial, PET-UFVJM/Campus do Mucuri situada na cidade de Te?filo Otoni-MG e tem como finalidade o compartilhamento aberto de exerc?cios did?ticos de diversas ?reas do conhecimento. Por solicita??o de seus idealizadores, novas funcionalidades foram demandadas para o Nosso Exerc?cio, por?m, n?o existiam para este projeto metas claras nem um plano de trabalho a ser seguido, os requisitos n?o estavam formalizados e a equipe dispon?vel n?o estava madura nas tecnologias utilizadas. Levando-se em considera??o o desafio enfrentado na gera??o de software de qualidade e o limite de tempo dispon?vel para a realiza??o desta pesquisa, foi proposto o uso de um processo da Engenharia de Software com intuito de se obter maior controle e qualidade do produto final a ser desenvolvido. O m?todo ?gil Scrum foi o escolhido para gerenciar as atividades de desenvolvimento para este software. Assim, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa consistiu em buscar uma resposta para a seguinte pergunta-problema: Quais benef?cios e/ou dificuldades podem ser obtidas atrav?s da aplica??o do Framework Scrum na evolu??o do desenvolvimento da plataforma aberta Nosso Exerc?cio? Seguindo o modelo sugerido por Coughlan e Coghlan (2002), o m?todo de pesquisa-a??o foi utilizado para descrever a din?mica conduzida durante este trabalho. A implanta??o do Scrum no Nosso Exerc?cio ocorreu em duas etapas, a primeira, visou realizar uma capacita??o sobre o Scrum e as ferramentas tecnol?gicas utilizadas no desenvolvimento do Nosso Exerc?cio. J? a segunda, tratou do desenvolvimento das funcionalidades para este website. A an?lise dos resultados mostrou v?rios benef?cios obtidos com a implanta??o do Scrum neste projeto, como: o foco e compromisso do Time durante o seu trabalho, o atendimento ?s reais necessidades do cliente (Product Owner), a flexibilidade do framework em se ajustar ?s condi??es de ambiente e trabalho de cada Time criado; o aprendizado cont?nuo do software e do processo resultante das discuss?es feitas nas Reuni?es de Planejamento, Revis?o e Retrospectiva. O ponto cr?tico do trabalho deu-se sobre a imaturidade com as tecnologias utilizadas para o desenvolvimento do website. As li??es aprendidas com esta pesquisa indicam que ? poss?vel obter benef?cios com a implanta??o do framework Scrum que superem as suas dificuldades, desde que sejam feitas as devidas an?lises do ambiente em que o mesmo for adotado. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Tecnologia, Sa?de e Sociedade, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018. / This study proposes na implementation and analysis of Scrum Framework in the development of new functionalities to ?Nosso Exerc?cio? (Our Exercise) website. This web application consists in one of the Tutorial Education Program Projects, PET-UFVJM/Mucuri Campus, located in Te?filo Otoni city, Minas Gerais state and it has as its objective the open share of teaching exercises of several knowledge areas. At the request of its creators, new functionalities were demanded to ?Nosso Exerc?cio? (Our Exercise), however, there were not clear goals for this project nor a work plan to be followed, the requirements were not formalised and the available team was not mature enough on the tecnologies applied. Considering the challenge faced on the generation of a good quality software and the time limit available for taking this research, the use of a software engineering was proposed aiming to get bigger quality control of the final Product to be developed. The agile method Scrum was the one chosen to manage the developing activities to this software. So, the general goal of this research consisted in searching for an answer to the following question-problem: Which benefits and/or difficulties can be obtained through the apllication of Scrum Framework on the evolution of the development of ?Nosso Exerc?cio? open plataforma? According to the model suggested by Coughlan and Coghlan (2002), the research-action method was used to describe a dinamic conducted during this work. The Scrum implantation on ?Nosso Exerc?cio? occurred in two stages, the first one, aimed to do a training about Scrum and the technological tools used in the development of ?Nosso Exerc?cio?. The second one, dealt with the development of functionalities to this website. The analyses of the results showed many benefits gotten with the implatation of Scrum in this project, like focus and commitment of ?Time? during its work, the attendance to the costumer?s real needs (Product Owner), the framework flexibility in adjusting to environment and work conditions of each ?Time? created, the continuous learning of the software and of the process resulting of the discussions taken on planning, reviewing and retrospecto meetings. The critical work point was about the immaturity with the technologies used for the website development. The learned lessons with this research indicate that it?s possible to get benefits with the implantation of Scrum Framework which overcome the difficulties, as long as the needed analysis of the enviroment where it was adopted be done.


BATISTA, Amélia Acácia de Miranda 20 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T14:53:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao de Amelia Acacia.pdf: 4459088 bytes, checksum: a31339e9163af53009c50173988fd82f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-20 / Agile principles can be used appropriately in management of generic projects, including outside the object of study of computer science and allow a quick adaptation to new domains. In this work we propose a management process model of Distance Learning Courses (DLC) within the context of the Open University of Brazil (UAB). This process model aims to manage the flow of activities in the construction and management of a DLC. As a complement of the research work, a prototype tool resulting from process modeling was developed, whose application favored the validation of the proposed model performed by an illustrative example. The prototype was developed using Eclipse Modeling Framework and Java Server Pages, addition to JPA specification associated with the Hibernate framework for persistence of data. For these goals to be achieved, were performed activities such as UAB operating environment characterization, process tailoring and construction metamodels for each phase of the model (called the Agile-UAB). As academic contributions of this study, we detach: the generation of a domain specific language, modeling Kanban agile method adapted to the UAB and the construction of a project management tool DL. We still consider as the real benefit of this research the improvement of the control flow of activities involved in the construction of a distance learning course within the context of UAB. / Os princípios ágeis podem ser usados apropriadamente no gerenciamento de projetos gerais, inclusive fora do objeto de estudo da informática, e permitem uma rápida adaptação às novas realidades. Neste trabalho, propomos um modelo de processo baseado em uma abordagem ágil para suportar a gestão de cursos de Ensino à Distância (EaD) dentro do contexto da Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB). Este modelo de processo tem o objetivo de controlar e efetivar o fluxo de atividades na construção e gestão de um curso EaD. Como complemento do trabalho de pesquisa, o protótipo de uma ferramenta resultante da modelagem do processo foi desenvolvido, cuja aplicação favoreceu os testes para validação do modelo de gestão proposto, realizado através de um exemplo ilustrativo. O protótipo foi desenvolvido utilizando o Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) e a linguagem Java Server Pages (JSP), além da especificação JPA associada ao framework Hibernate para persistência dos dados. Para que esses objetivos fossem alcançados, foram realizadas atividades como a caracterização do ambiente UAB, tailoring de processo e construção de metamodelos das fases que compõem o modelo de gestão (denominado de UAB-Ágil). Relacionamos como contribuições acadêmicas deste estudo: a geração de uma linguagem especifica de domínio, a modelagem do método ágil Kanban adaptado ao contexto da UAB e a construção de uma ferramenta de gestão de projetos EaD. Consideramos ainda como real benefício desta pesquisa a melhoria no controle do fluxo das atividades envolvidas no processo de construção de um curso à distância dentro do contexto da UAB.

Software Development across Time Zones : A Study of Globally Distributed Software Development in Small Enterprises

Rangevik, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Globally distributed software development has become an important topic for small and medium enterprises. However, the distinct requirements of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are still not fullyunderstood. To contribute to this growing discussion, I will present an ethnographical field study of a Swedish software company engaged in a distributed development practice with its American branch. By applying a theoretical view based on communication, coordination and control over time, space and socio/cultural difference, I show to what extent a distributed software development model affects SMEs. Whereproblems related to formal and informal communication, knowledge sharing, articulation work and programming methodologies are discussed. My findings suggest that organizational adjustments are needed for SMEs in order to take advantage of distributed software development (DSD), that specialized tools supporting coordination and articulation work is not so common in practice and that certain adjustment to agile methodologies could be made in order to better support DSD.

Agil transformation : Faktorer att beakta & utmaningar att undvika / Challenges and success factors for agile transformation

Bergqvist, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Studien syftar till att genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod undersöka vilka faktorer som gynnar en organisation för agil transformation. Det undersöks även vilka utmaningar en organisation kan stöta på vid genomförandet av en agil transformation. Syftet uppfylls genom att besvara forskningsfrågan: Vilka faktorer gynnar en organisations agila transformation och vilka utmaningar kan uppstå? Via semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem respondenter som varit aktiva vid genomförandet av en agil transformation har djup kunskap om agil transformation inhämtas, tolkats och analyserats. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns flera framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar att beakta med agil transformation. Att förbereda alla medarbetare är en av framgångsfaktorerna som identifierades i studien. Resultatet av studien kan vara användbar för organisationer som ämnar genomgå en agil transformation.

Návrh informačního systému / Information System Design

Štancl, Marek January 2016 (has links)
The content of this thesis is analysis and design Planning software using agile software development methodology for small and middle size projects. I focused primary on specific work products of roles Analytic and Project manager laid down by selected methodology. Created solution can be used as project documentation for the subsequent development of application itself. The result of this thesis allow the reuse of this principles and practices to future projects of similar scope.

Adoption hurdles faced by organizations embracing SAFe®

Rodriguez Leon, Alexis, Singh, Khushboo January 2020 (has links)
Agile methodology has gained wide adoption. Agile methodology, with its iterative and incremental approach for software development, has gained popularity within IT organizations that are facing a dynamic business environment. Agile software development has emerged as an alternative to the traditional Waterfall model in delivering software at a faster pace and having more receptiveness towards the changing requirements. However, Agile methodology was originally designed for small and individual teams. This makes moving Agile to large-scale organizations a complicated task. In this thesis, we will review the challenges and success factors presented by (Dikert et al., 2016) in their systematic literature review for SAFe (Scaled Agile framework). Our thesis is based on empirical research. The authors have conducted interviews to gather data to underpin or dissent from the findings in the systematic literature review regarding the challenges and success factors of implementing SAFe in organizations.

Cross-disciplinary communication in game development : How does modifications to agile methodologies affect communication across disciplines?

Kaya, Selin January 2023 (has links)
Many software methodologies are being used for the development of video games. However, there are very few studies that cover how these methodologies are deployed and what they affect in the game development process. This study aims to explore the connection between agile development modifications applied in video game studios and their effect on cross-disciplinary communication. The research was conducted in three parts; talks of professional game developers were analysed, a field study in a studio was conducted, and a survey was designed to gain more insights from game developers around the world. After obtaining the results in three parts, a content analysis was carried out to find patterns in agile development that affect communication across disciplines. The found patterns were the overlapping work of developers, the amount of cross-disciplinary meetings, and doing experiments to find a methodology that best fits the development team. This research contributes to the field of game development with a focus on the impact on communication between different disciplines with the usage of agile development.

Mystiken kring överlämningen i den agila projektmodellen : Svenska bankers upplevelse av överlämningen av en produkt och dess konsekvenser / The mystery of the handover in agile project methodology : Swedish banks experiences of the handover of a product and its consequences

Lundgren, Sara, Lundkvist, Tove January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den agila projektmodellen har under de senaste två decennierna vuxit fram som en utmanare till den traditionella vattenfallsmodellen. En av de stora skillnaderna mellan projektmodellerna är att i det agila arbetssättet involveras kunden kontinuerligt. Frågan är vad som då händer med överlämningen av den sista versionen av produkten, när utvecklingen är färdig? Samtidigt har bankbranschen på senare år utmanats av nya aktörer vilka profilerar sig som just digitala och IT-inriktade, och både dessa moderna banker såväl som de traditionella storbankerna har anammat det agila arbetssättet för att kunna konkurrera om kundernas uppmärksamhet. Dessa banker arbetar inte agilt till lika hög grad, och frågan är om överlämningen påverkas av det? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur överlämningen av det slutliga projektresultatet i agila projekt ser ut på svenska banker. Vidare ska studien undersöka om den skiljer sig mellan banker med olika agil mognad samt vilka konsekvenser som kan uppkomma i samband med överlämningen. Genomförande: Studien är genomförd som en flerfallstudie där två fall - storbanker och nischbanker, undersöks. Vidare har en fenomenologisk ansats och ett kvalitativt angreppssätt använts. Empirin har samlats in genom ett målstyrt urval varpå semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med tio projektledare. Slutsats: Studien resulterar i slutsatsen att en överlämning av en slutlig produkt i agila projekt inte genomförs på ett formellt sätt, till skillnad från vad teorin tidigare har antytt. I synnerhet lämnar aldrig ansvaret för produkten någonsin det team som har utvecklat den. Vidare visar studien att storbanker arbetar med en lägre grad av agil mognad än vad nischbanker gör, men att detta inte påverkar hur överlämningen ser ut. Slutligen bidrar studien till insikter om konsekvenser kring att överlämningen inte existerar på ett formellt sätt. Detta leder till en reflektion kring att organisationer behöver anpassa sin agila projektmetodik till sin egen kontext. Projektledare generellt bör dessutom fundera över hur organisationens arbetssätt påverkar organisationen i stort samt vara medveten om de konsekvenser som dyker upp vid förändringar i arbetssättet. / Background: During the last two decades, the agile project methodology has grown as a competitor to the more traditional waterfall methodology. One of the biggest differences is, with an agile methodology the customer is involved throughout the project. But what happens in the final handover, when the development is finished? At the same time, the Swedish banking industry has been challenged by new actors whom profile themselves as digital focused and IT centred. Both types of banks have developed an agile way of working to be able to compete about the customers. However, the two types of banks does not work agile with the same maturity, and we wonder if the handover is affected by that? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding of what the handover of the final product in agile projects at Swedish banks looks like. Further, the study will examine if the handover differ between banks with different agile maturity, and which consequences that may arise in connection to the handover. Completion: The study was conducted as a multiple-case study in which two cases - traditional banks and specialised banks were examined. Further, a phenomenological and a qualitative approach has been used. The empirical data has been conducted through a targeted selection, where semi-structured interviews have been held with ten project leaders. Conclusion: The study concludes that the handover of the final product in agile projects does not exist in the formal way previous research has suggested. Specifically, the responsibility of the product does never leave the team developing it. Further, the study show traditional banks work with a lower degree of agile maturity in comparison to specialised banks. However, this does not affect the characteristics of the handover. Finally, the study contributes to insights about the consequences of the handover not being as formal. This contributes to a discussion about the need for organisations to be able to adapt their agile methodology to their own context. In general, project leaders also should reflect upon how their way of working affect the organisation as a whole, as well as being aware of the consequences that appears when changing the organisation’s way of working.

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