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Diagnosis of headwater sediment dynamics in Nepal’s middle mountains: implications for land managementCarver, Martin 11 1900 (has links)
An evaluation of headwater erosion and sediment dynamics was carried out to assess the health
of the Middle Mountain agricultural system in Nepal. Controversial statements predicting this system's
imminent demise and identifying Middle Mountain farming practices as major contributors to downstream
sedimentation and flooding have long been promoted and have suggested the following research
hypothesis: soil and sediment dynamics and the indigenous management techniques within headwater
Middle Mountains basins do not indicate a deterioration in the health of the agricultural system. Three
questions were addressed in this research. What are the main controls on normal-regime erosion? How
effective is the system of indigenous management at modifying sediment dynamics? What do headwater
sediment budgets (erosion, storage, and yield) reveal about the health of the agricultural system? Answers
to these questions are suggested and development initiatives proposed.
Intensive monitoring was carried out during 1992-1994 within nested basins ranging in size from
72 to 11 141 ha. Variation of storm-period variables in time and space was assessed using five recording
rain gauges and a network of up to fifty 24-hour gauges. Surface erosion was measured from five erosion
plots on steep bari (rainfed cultivated land). Suspended sediment behaviour was examined through event
sampling at seven hydrometric stations. Basin sediment yield was determined for three of these nested
basins. Sediment storage was assessed using accumulation pins in khet fields (irrigated cultivated land),
khet canals, and bari ditches and through erosion and channel surveys.
An annual average of 77 storms were identified over the three-year period with 3.5% of these
delivering more than 30 mm total rainfall and a peak 10-minute rainfall intensity of more than 50 mm/h.
About 1/3 of all storms regardless of magnitude occurred during the pre-monsoon season. Pre-monsoon
and monsoon storms delivered equivalent high-intensity short-term rainfall disputing the hypothesis that
it is a higher rainfall intensity in the pre-monsoon season which causes an elevated sediment regime during that season. Total storm rainfall was significantly higher during the monsoon season whereas the
period without rain before a storm begins was longer for pre-monsoon storms.
The source of suspended sediment was found to vary with season and spatial scale. During the
pre-monsoon season, surface erosion from bari was severe when high-intensity rain fell on bare ground.
Indigenous farming practices were found to be effective at limiting surface erosion except during the pre-monsoon
season when targeted intervention may be useful. During the pre-monsoon season, nutrient loss
from headwater basins due to sediment export was at its highest. Severely degraded land remained bare
throughout the rainy season, producing sediment at an elevated rate and in relation to total rainfall.
The onset of the monsoon season reduced this bari source markedly due to the complete
development of a vegetative cover under conventional management. The pre-monsoon-season surface-erosion
mechanism of sediment production was replaced with scale-dependent mechanisms resulting from
the higher total rainfall of monsoon-season storms. Within the steep terraced hillslopes, the capacity of
runoff ditches was more often exceeded resulting in episodic-regime rilling, gullying, and in some
instances, terrace failure. When sufficiently heavy and widespread, monsoon storm rainfall led also to
stream discharge high enough to damage riparian areas and the system of irrigation dams.
The farmers alter the sediment regimes profoundly and their management activities reduce soil
loss collectively over all spatial scales. Sediment budgets reveal that a significant component of the
sediment produced in the study basin (5.3 km2) was recaptured (35% to 50%) because of these indigenous
farming practices. Objective calibration of indigenous knowledge showed it to be well founded but
inconsistent. Farmers practise techniques which are well adapted to this environment reflecting their stated
receptiveness to innovation and outside support.
The detailed measurements show that the important controls on erosion are variable temporally
and spatially over scales too small to be considered by conventional monitoring programs in these
environments. Spatial differences in rainfall delivery, hysteresis effects, variability in land-surface
response, and management activities conspire to yield sediment dynamics which are difficult or impossible to quantify with typical limited monitoring. Site-specific opportunities for investigation should be
exploited and a high degree of uncertainty be anticipated.
Management recommendations focus on two topics. An improved vegetative cover during the pre-monsoon
season is required to reduce soil erosion during that period. Greater retention of these nutrient-rich
soils would directly benefit the upland farmer. Rehabilitation of degraded lands and the halting or
reversing of further degradation would benefit all farmers by providing a greater land base for biomass
production especially in light of an increasing population. Both strategies would benefit hydropower
developments by limiting reservoir sedimentation. Above all, proposed changes should enhance - not
undermine - indigenous management.
Current soil dynamics may be sustainable but it is unlikely that they can remain so in the future
under the increased landuse intensification that may be necessary with projected population increases
unless support is provided strategically from outside sources. Working with the farmers to develop
techniques to improve their ability to recapture previously-eroded soil is a useful area of applied research.
The high degree of skill and adaptability of the farmers within this environment suggest that carefully
designed intervention which targets vulnerable aspects of the agricultural system while not undermining
the present methods have a reasonable likelihood for success.
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Diagnosis of headwater sediment dynamics in Nepal’s middle mountains: implications for land managementCarver, Martin 11 1900 (has links)
An evaluation of headwater erosion and sediment dynamics was carried out to assess the health
of the Middle Mountain agricultural system in Nepal. Controversial statements predicting this system's
imminent demise and identifying Middle Mountain farming practices as major contributors to downstream
sedimentation and flooding have long been promoted and have suggested the following research
hypothesis: soil and sediment dynamics and the indigenous management techniques within headwater
Middle Mountains basins do not indicate a deterioration in the health of the agricultural system. Three
questions were addressed in this research. What are the main controls on normal-regime erosion? How
effective is the system of indigenous management at modifying sediment dynamics? What do headwater
sediment budgets (erosion, storage, and yield) reveal about the health of the agricultural system? Answers
to these questions are suggested and development initiatives proposed.
Intensive monitoring was carried out during 1992-1994 within nested basins ranging in size from
72 to 11 141 ha. Variation of storm-period variables in time and space was assessed using five recording
rain gauges and a network of up to fifty 24-hour gauges. Surface erosion was measured from five erosion
plots on steep bari (rainfed cultivated land). Suspended sediment behaviour was examined through event
sampling at seven hydrometric stations. Basin sediment yield was determined for three of these nested
basins. Sediment storage was assessed using accumulation pins in khet fields (irrigated cultivated land),
khet canals, and bari ditches and through erosion and channel surveys.
An annual average of 77 storms were identified over the three-year period with 3.5% of these
delivering more than 30 mm total rainfall and a peak 10-minute rainfall intensity of more than 50 mm/h.
About 1/3 of all storms regardless of magnitude occurred during the pre-monsoon season. Pre-monsoon
and monsoon storms delivered equivalent high-intensity short-term rainfall disputing the hypothesis that
it is a higher rainfall intensity in the pre-monsoon season which causes an elevated sediment regime during that season. Total storm rainfall was significantly higher during the monsoon season whereas the
period without rain before a storm begins was longer for pre-monsoon storms.
The source of suspended sediment was found to vary with season and spatial scale. During the
pre-monsoon season, surface erosion from bari was severe when high-intensity rain fell on bare ground.
Indigenous farming practices were found to be effective at limiting surface erosion except during the pre-monsoon
season when targeted intervention may be useful. During the pre-monsoon season, nutrient loss
from headwater basins due to sediment export was at its highest. Severely degraded land remained bare
throughout the rainy season, producing sediment at an elevated rate and in relation to total rainfall.
The onset of the monsoon season reduced this bari source markedly due to the complete
development of a vegetative cover under conventional management. The pre-monsoon-season surface-erosion
mechanism of sediment production was replaced with scale-dependent mechanisms resulting from
the higher total rainfall of monsoon-season storms. Within the steep terraced hillslopes, the capacity of
runoff ditches was more often exceeded resulting in episodic-regime rilling, gullying, and in some
instances, terrace failure. When sufficiently heavy and widespread, monsoon storm rainfall led also to
stream discharge high enough to damage riparian areas and the system of irrigation dams.
The farmers alter the sediment regimes profoundly and their management activities reduce soil
loss collectively over all spatial scales. Sediment budgets reveal that a significant component of the
sediment produced in the study basin (5.3 km2) was recaptured (35% to 50%) because of these indigenous
farming practices. Objective calibration of indigenous knowledge showed it to be well founded but
inconsistent. Farmers practise techniques which are well adapted to this environment reflecting their stated
receptiveness to innovation and outside support.
The detailed measurements show that the important controls on erosion are variable temporally
and spatially over scales too small to be considered by conventional monitoring programs in these
environments. Spatial differences in rainfall delivery, hysteresis effects, variability in land-surface
response, and management activities conspire to yield sediment dynamics which are difficult or impossible to quantify with typical limited monitoring. Site-specific opportunities for investigation should be
exploited and a high degree of uncertainty be anticipated.
Management recommendations focus on two topics. An improved vegetative cover during the pre-monsoon
season is required to reduce soil erosion during that period. Greater retention of these nutrient-rich
soils would directly benefit the upland farmer. Rehabilitation of degraded lands and the halting or
reversing of further degradation would benefit all farmers by providing a greater land base for biomass
production especially in light of an increasing population. Both strategies would benefit hydropower
developments by limiting reservoir sedimentation. Above all, proposed changes should enhance - not
undermine - indigenous management.
Current soil dynamics may be sustainable but it is unlikely that they can remain so in the future
under the increased landuse intensification that may be necessary with projected population increases
unless support is provided strategically from outside sources. Working with the farmers to develop
techniques to improve their ability to recapture previously-eroded soil is a useful area of applied research.
The high degree of skill and adaptability of the farmers within this environment suggest that carefully
designed intervention which targets vulnerable aspects of the agricultural system while not undermining
the present methods have a reasonable likelihood for success. / Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies / Graduate
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Soil fertility, nutient dynamics and socio-economic interaction in the middle mountains of NepalBrown, Sandra J. 11 1900 (has links)
Understanding soil fertility issues in the Middle Mountains of Nepal requires interdisciplinary research,
integrating biophysical and socio-economic factors. Soil degradation is associated with a wide range of
human activities, natural processes, and the wider economic, political and social aspects of their setting.
This study focuses on a in the Middle Mountains and addresses four research questions:
What is the current soil fertility status? How is it changing? Why is it changing? and What are the
implications for production, sustainability and management? Soil surveys, plot studies, nutrient balance
modelling, household questionnaires and GIS mapping techniques are used to address these questions.
The overall soil fertility conditions of the study area are poor and appear to be declining under most land
uses. Soil pH averages 4.8 ± 0.4 and is below desirable levels for crop production. Soil carbon (0.99 ± 0.5
%) and cation exchange capacity (10.8 ± 4.1 cmol kg⁻¹) are low, and available phosphorus (16.6 ± 18.9
mg kg⁻¹) is a concern given the low pH. Land use is the most important factor influencing soil fertility with
khet (irrigated agriculture) showing the best fertility status (pH 5.2, Ca 5.3 cmol kg⁻¹ and available P 21.6
mg kg⁻¹), followed by bari, and grassland, with forest soil fertility being the poorest (pH 4.2, Ca 0.9 cmol
kg⁻¹ and available P 0.7 mg kg⁻¹). Soil type is the second most important factor influencing soil fertility,
with red soils displaying significantly lower available P than non-red soils (9.8 versus 22.1 mg kg⁻¹).
Phosphorus sorption studies indicate the high P fixation capacity of red soils, 1.2 g kg⁻¹ compared to 0.3 g
kg⁻¹ calculated for non-red soils. Extrapolation from site specific data to a spatial coverage using statistical
analysis and GIS techniques indicates that only 14% of the classified areas have adequate pH, available P
and exchangeable Ca, and 29% of the area has a high P fixation capacity (>1.5 g kg⁻¹).
Nutrient balance modelling provides estimates of nutrient depletion from the soil pool and raises concerns
about the sustainability of upland farming, intensive vegetable crop production and forest nutrient cycling.
Dryland maize production results in deficits of 188 kg N, 38 kg P205 and 21 kg Ca per ha furrow slice Rice-wheat cultivation on irrigated land appears to have limited impact on the soil nutrient pool, but the
addition of premonsoon maize to the rotation results in deficits of 106 kg N and 12 kg P₂O₅ per ha furrow
slice. Rates of soil fertility depletion estimated from differences in soil fertility between land uses indicate
substantial N and Ca losses from forest land (94 and 57 kg ha per furrow slice respectively).
Land use change, the impact on nutrient flows and relationships between nutrient inputs, crop uptake,
nutrient balances and soil fertility provide an understanding of why soil fertility is changing. Historical
forest cover data indicates substantial deforestation during the 1950-1960 period, a subsequent reversal in
the 1972-1990 period associated with afforestation efforts, and renewed losses in the 1990s. Forest soils
receive minimal nutrient inputs and large biomass removal results in a low soil fertility status. Expansion
and marginalization of dryland agriculture were noted from 1972-1990, as former grazing, shrub and
abandoned lands were terraced and cultivated. Nutrient fluxes indicate that inputs are insufficient to
maintain the soil nutrient pool under dryland cultivation due to the high nutrient requirements of maize and
nutrient losses through erosion. Nutrient balances for maize and wheat are positively correlated with
nutrient inputs but relationships with soil fertility are weak. On irrigated khet lands, cropping has
intensified and cash crop production has prompted the use of agrochemicals. Excess fertilization is leading
to eutrophication and the high use of agrochemicals is a health concern. Nutrient fluxes on khet fields
appear to be sustainable due to the addition of nutrients through irrigation and sediment trapping, but may
be insufficient to maintain triple cropping. Grass and shrub land dynamics are characterized by minimal
inputs and low productivity. The traditional farming system appears to have been sustainable, but triple
cropping and increased vegetable production are threatening sustainability. The transfer of nutrients
within the fanriing system is unbalanced. Under intensive production, nutrients on khet land are being
depleted, poor farmers are shifting their limited compost inputs from bari to khet fields, and biomass
collected from forests, disrupts the natural nutrient cycle. Population growth, land tenure, culture and poverty are the underlying socio-economic factors which
influence farming system dynamics, directly impact nutrient inputs, and indirectly drive soil fertility
degradation. Population growth rates of 2.6% have contributed to agricultural intensification and
marginalization, and pressure on forest resources. The distribution of land is highly skewed with 15% of
the surveyed households owning 46% of the land. Women play a central role in soil fertility management
through their responsibilities for livestock care, litter collection and compost application, but increasing
workloads related to commercial milk production, cash cropping and the off-farm employment of males
are a major concern. Agricultural assets, farm gross margins, market oriented production, commercial
milk production and off-farm employment provide indicators of economic well-being and are positively
correlated with nutrient inputs. Total returns and gross margins are greatest for households growing
vegetable crops as part of their rotation, and these households apply significantly more compost and
fertilizer to both khet and bari land. Access to land is a key factor driving nutrient management and
influencing economic well-being. Land is the main agricultural asset in the study area, khet land is the
most productive and khet provides the greatest opportunity of cash crop production. However, given the
increased labour demands for triple cropping, vegetable production and commercial milk production, the
social sustainability is being threatened. Some 47% of the households were not able to fulfil their basic
need requirements from the land they farm. They will have no alternative but to exhaust the capital stock
of soil nutrients rather than investing in soil fertility.
Maintenance of soil fertility is essential to meet the basic food and resource needs of the growing
population. Organic matter management is critical, supplying macro- and micro nutrients, reducing
acidification, maintaining soil structure and enhancing microbial activity. Water management and sediment
trapping on lowland fields provide additional nutrients on khet land; soil acidity on upland fields and forest
land needs to be better managed given the increased fertilizer use on bari and high biomass removal from
forests; and the incorporation of N fixing species into agricultural production systems are an option which
may provide additional animal fodder and help sustain soil fertility.
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Soil fertility, nutient dynamics and socio-economic interaction in the middle mountains of NepalBrown, Sandra J. 11 1900 (has links)
Understanding soil fertility issues in the Middle Mountains of Nepal requires interdisciplinary research,
integrating biophysical and socio-economic factors. Soil degradation is associated with a wide range of
human activities, natural processes, and the wider economic, political and social aspects of their setting.
This study focuses on a in the Middle Mountains and addresses four research questions:
What is the current soil fertility status? How is it changing? Why is it changing? and What are the
implications for production, sustainability and management? Soil surveys, plot studies, nutrient balance
modelling, household questionnaires and GIS mapping techniques are used to address these questions.
The overall soil fertility conditions of the study area are poor and appear to be declining under most land
uses. Soil pH averages 4.8 ± 0.4 and is below desirable levels for crop production. Soil carbon (0.99 ± 0.5
%) and cation exchange capacity (10.8 ± 4.1 cmol kg⁻¹) are low, and available phosphorus (16.6 ± 18.9
mg kg⁻¹) is a concern given the low pH. Land use is the most important factor influencing soil fertility with
khet (irrigated agriculture) showing the best fertility status (pH 5.2, Ca 5.3 cmol kg⁻¹ and available P 21.6
mg kg⁻¹), followed by bari, and grassland, with forest soil fertility being the poorest (pH 4.2, Ca 0.9 cmol
kg⁻¹ and available P 0.7 mg kg⁻¹). Soil type is the second most important factor influencing soil fertility,
with red soils displaying significantly lower available P than non-red soils (9.8 versus 22.1 mg kg⁻¹).
Phosphorus sorption studies indicate the high P fixation capacity of red soils, 1.2 g kg⁻¹ compared to 0.3 g
kg⁻¹ calculated for non-red soils. Extrapolation from site specific data to a spatial coverage using statistical
analysis and GIS techniques indicates that only 14% of the classified areas have adequate pH, available P
and exchangeable Ca, and 29% of the area has a high P fixation capacity (>1.5 g kg⁻¹).
Nutrient balance modelling provides estimates of nutrient depletion from the soil pool and raises concerns
about the sustainability of upland farming, intensive vegetable crop production and forest nutrient cycling.
Dryland maize production results in deficits of 188 kg N, 38 kg P205 and 21 kg Ca per ha furrow slice Rice-wheat cultivation on irrigated land appears to have limited impact on the soil nutrient pool, but the
addition of premonsoon maize to the rotation results in deficits of 106 kg N and 12 kg P₂O₅ per ha furrow
slice. Rates of soil fertility depletion estimated from differences in soil fertility between land uses indicate
substantial N and Ca losses from forest land (94 and 57 kg ha per furrow slice respectively).
Land use change, the impact on nutrient flows and relationships between nutrient inputs, crop uptake,
nutrient balances and soil fertility provide an understanding of why soil fertility is changing. Historical
forest cover data indicates substantial deforestation during the 1950-1960 period, a subsequent reversal in
the 1972-1990 period associated with afforestation efforts, and renewed losses in the 1990s. Forest soils
receive minimal nutrient inputs and large biomass removal results in a low soil fertility status. Expansion
and marginalization of dryland agriculture were noted from 1972-1990, as former grazing, shrub and
abandoned lands were terraced and cultivated. Nutrient fluxes indicate that inputs are insufficient to
maintain the soil nutrient pool under dryland cultivation due to the high nutrient requirements of maize and
nutrient losses through erosion. Nutrient balances for maize and wheat are positively correlated with
nutrient inputs but relationships with soil fertility are weak. On irrigated khet lands, cropping has
intensified and cash crop production has prompted the use of agrochemicals. Excess fertilization is leading
to eutrophication and the high use of agrochemicals is a health concern. Nutrient fluxes on khet fields
appear to be sustainable due to the addition of nutrients through irrigation and sediment trapping, but may
be insufficient to maintain triple cropping. Grass and shrub land dynamics are characterized by minimal
inputs and low productivity. The traditional farming system appears to have been sustainable, but triple
cropping and increased vegetable production are threatening sustainability. The transfer of nutrients
within the fanriing system is unbalanced. Under intensive production, nutrients on khet land are being
depleted, poor farmers are shifting their limited compost inputs from bari to khet fields, and biomass
collected from forests, disrupts the natural nutrient cycle. Population growth, land tenure, culture and poverty are the underlying socio-economic factors which
influence farming system dynamics, directly impact nutrient inputs, and indirectly drive soil fertility
degradation. Population growth rates of 2.6% have contributed to agricultural intensification and
marginalization, and pressure on forest resources. The distribution of land is highly skewed with 15% of
the surveyed households owning 46% of the land. Women play a central role in soil fertility management
through their responsibilities for livestock care, litter collection and compost application, but increasing
workloads related to commercial milk production, cash cropping and the off-farm employment of males
are a major concern. Agricultural assets, farm gross margins, market oriented production, commercial
milk production and off-farm employment provide indicators of economic well-being and are positively
correlated with nutrient inputs. Total returns and gross margins are greatest for households growing
vegetable crops as part of their rotation, and these households apply significantly more compost and
fertilizer to both khet and bari land. Access to land is a key factor driving nutrient management and
influencing economic well-being. Land is the main agricultural asset in the study area, khet land is the
most productive and khet provides the greatest opportunity of cash crop production. However, given the
increased labour demands for triple cropping, vegetable production and commercial milk production, the
social sustainability is being threatened. Some 47% of the households were not able to fulfil their basic
need requirements from the land they farm. They will have no alternative but to exhaust the capital stock
of soil nutrients rather than investing in soil fertility.
Maintenance of soil fertility is essential to meet the basic food and resource needs of the growing
population. Organic matter management is critical, supplying macro- and micro nutrients, reducing
acidification, maintaining soil structure and enhancing microbial activity. Water management and sediment
trapping on lowland fields provide additional nutrients on khet land; soil acidity on upland fields and forest
land needs to be better managed given the increased fertilizer use on bari and high biomass removal from
forests; and the incorporation of N fixing species into agricultural production systems are an option which
may provide additional animal fodder and help sustain soil fertility. / Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies / Graduate
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