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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Prinos i kvalitet mladog krompira u zavisnosti od agrotehničkih mera i agroekoloških uslova proizvodnje / Yield and quality of early potato dependingTI on agricultural practices and argoecological condicions

Vujasinović Vuk 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Proizvodnja mladog krompira u Srbiji je značajna zbog obezbeđenja ove izuzetno cenjene&nbsp;i delikatesne namirnice u periodu od aprila do juna kada je u ponudi na trži&scaron;tu malo drugog&nbsp;svežeg povrća. Osim toga cena mladog krompira je uglavnom visoka, pa je značaj i po osnovu&nbsp;profitabilnosti ove kulture velik.<br />U periodu 2004-2006. godine ispitivan je efekat malčovanja polietilenskom folijom i<br />neposrednog pokrivanja biljaka sa i bez noseće konstrukcije, kao i kombinacija ovih specifičnih&nbsp;agrotehničkih mera na ranostasnost, prinos i komponente prinosa i kvalitet mladog krompira kod&nbsp;ranih sorti Cleopatra i Riviera. U cilju re&scaron;avanja postavljenog zadatka sprovedeno je istraživanje,&nbsp;na lokalitetu južno bačkog okruga (Begeč), postavljen je dvofaktorijalni ogled po split plot planu&nbsp;u pet ponavljanja.<br />Ispitivane agrotehničke mere i njihove kombinacije značajno su uticale na ranostasnost i&nbsp;prinos mladog krompira. Formiranje trži&scaron;nih krtola (krtole veće od 28 mm) bilo je za 10-15 dana&nbsp;ranije u odnosu na kontrolnu (nepokrivenu) varijantu. Najveći prinos u trogodi&scaron;njem istraživanju&nbsp;postignut je na varijanti agrotekstil+niski tunel (40,07 t/ha). U odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu,&nbsp;prinos je bio veći za 19% (u prvoj godini za 22%, drugoj za 16%, dok je u trećoj godini prinos bio&nbsp;veći za 18%).<br />Najveći broj krtola mladog krompira, u trogodi&scaron;njem istraživanju, ostvaren je na<br />kontrolnoj varijanti (9,43), stim &scaron;to je udeo trži&scaron;nih krtola (krtole veće od 28 mm) na kontroli&nbsp;iznosio 89% naspram 95% ostvaren na pokrivenim varijantama. Riviera je ostvarila veći broj&nbsp;krtola po biljci u odnosu na Cleopatru.<br />Ispitivane agrotehničke mere uticale su na povećanje mase krtola po biljci. Najveća masa&nbsp;krtola po biljci u trogodi&scaron;njem ogledu ostvaren je na tretmanima agrotekstil+niski tunel (853,17&nbsp;g) i malčovanje+agrotekstil+niski tunel (850,17 g), dok je najmanja masa zabeležena na&nbsp;kontrolnoj varijanti (640 g). Sorta Riviera je ostvarila značajno veću masu krtola u odnosu na&nbsp;Cleopatru.<br />Ispitivani tretmani su ostvarili veću prosečnu masu jedne krtole za 52% u odnosu na<br />kontrolnu varijantu.<br />Ispitivani tretmani značajno su uticali i na kvalitet mladog krompira; odnosno na<br />povećanje sadržaja suve materije, skroba, vitamina C, celuloze i pepela u krtolama, a na<br />smanjenje sadržaja &scaron;ećera i nitrata.</p> / <p>Production of early potato in Republic of Serbia is important because it provides this<br />highly valued delicates food during the period from April to June, when there is low offer of other<br />fresh vegetables on the market. Besides, price of early potato is usually high so it is important as<br />profitable crop.<br />During the period 2004-2006 effect of mulching with polyethylene foil and direct<br />coverage of plants with agrotextile and low tunnel, as well as combinations of these specific<br />agricultural measures on earliness, yield and yield components and quality of two early potato<br />varieties Cleopatra and Riviera was examined. In order to achieve given objective research was<br />conducted at the site in South Bačka District (Begeč), it set up the two-factorial experiment at<br />split plot plan in five replications.<br />The tested of agricultural measures and their combinations significantly influenced<br />earliness and yield of early potato. The forming of market tubers (tubers larger than 28 mm) was<br />10-15 days earlier than on the control variant (bare soil and uncover plants). The highest yield of<br />the three-year study has been made on the variant combination of agrotextile and low tunnel<br />(40,07 t/ha). Compared to the control variant, the yield was increased by 19% (in the first year<br />increase of 22%, second year increase was 16%, while in the third year yield increase was 18%).<br />The largest number of tubers of early potatoes, in three-year study, has been on the<br />control variant (9,43), but the share of market tubers (tubers larger than 28 mm) on the control<br />variant was 89% versus 95% achieved in covered variants. Variety Riviera has achieved greater<br />number of tubers per plant compared to variety Cleopatra.<br />The tested agricultural measures affected mass increase of tubers per plant. The<br />maximum weight of tubers per plant in the three-year experiment was realized in the treatment<br />combination of agrotextile and low tunnel (853,17 g) and combination of mulching, agrotextile<br />and low tunnel (850,17 g), while the lowest mass was recorded in the control variant (640 g).<br />Variety Riviera has achieved significantly higher tuber weight relative to Cleopatra.<br />The tested treatments have also achieved a higher average weight of a tuber of 52%<br />compared to the control variant.<br />The tested treatments significantly influenced quality of early potato; i.e. the increase the<br />content of dry matter, starch, vitamin C, cellulose and ash in the tubers and on reduction of sugar<br />and nitrate content.</p>

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