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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Primena algometrije kod osoba sa cervikalnom i lumbalnom radikulopatijom / Application of algometry in patients with cervical and lumbar radiculopathy

Vučinić Nikola 13 April 2018 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Radikulopatija je obično praćena bolovima i drugim senzornim i motornim poremećajima, uz smanjenje kvaliteta života u različitom obimu. Algometrija kao visokosenzitivna metoda pruža objektivan uvid u stepen bola, dok se upotrebom upitnika na jednostavan način mogu proceniti karakteristike bola i biopsihosocijalni status pacijenta. Cilj: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kako bi se izmerili prag bola i prag tolerancije na bol kod pacijenata sa cervikalnom i lumbalnom radikulopatijom i utvrdila moguća povezanost bola sa biopsihosocijalnim faktorima. Materijal i metode: Studijom je pre započinjanja i posle zavr&scaron;avanja terapijskog ciklusa ispitano 60 pacijenata sa dijagnostikovanom cervikalnom radikulopatijom (30 mu&scaron;karaca i 30 žena) i 60 pacijenata sa dijagnostikovanom lumbalnom radikulopatijom (30 mu&scaron;karaca i 30 žena). Svi pacijenti su bili hospitalno lečeni u okviru Klinike za medicinsku rehabilitaciju, Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu, a terapijski ciklus je u proseku trajao 14-21 dan. U istraživanju su kori&scaron;ćenitest za detekciju bola (Pain Detect Test), kratki upitnik o bolu (Brief Pain Inventory), indeks onesposobljenosti zbog bolova u vratu (Neck Disability Index), Kvebekova skala onesposobljenosti kod lumbalnog sindroma (Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale), bolnička skala za anksioznost i depresiju (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), upitnik za procenu prisustva straha od fizičke aktivnosti/posla i njihovog izbegavanja (The Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire)&nbsp; i skala katastrofizma bola (Pain Catastrophizing Scale). Rezultati: Nije uočena statistički značajna razlika algometrijskih vrednosti između pacijenata sa cervikalnom radikulopatijom i pacijenata sa lumbalnom radikulopatijom. Ustanovljeno je da osobe ženskog pola imaju niži prag bola i nižu toleranciju na bol od osoba mu&scaron;kog pola. Poređenjem algometrijskih vrednosti pre započinjanja i posle zavr&scaron;avanja terapijskog ciklusa zapaža se da je program rehabilitacije povoljno uticao na pacijente sa lumbalnom radikulopatijom, dok je kod pacijenata sa cervikalnom radikulopatijom do&scaron;lo do pogor&scaron;anja tegoba. Prisutna je negativna korelacija između vrednosti izmerenih algometrom i skorova za anksioznost, depresiju i strah od fizičke aktivnost i posla, &scaron;to znači da biopsihosocijalni faktori u velikoj meri utiču na bolnost. Zaključci: Kvantifikovanje i mapiranje bola uz pomoć algometra i utvrđivanje biopsihosocijalnog statusa putem upitnika će omogućiti primenu adekvatne terapije kod pacijenata, koja je zasnovana na individualnom pristupu. Istovremeno bi primenjenom metodologijom bila postignuta bolja verifikacija rezultata rehabilitacionog programa.</p> / <p>Introduction: Radiculopathy is usually accompained by pain and other sensory and motor disorders, with reducing the quality of life in different extent. Algometry as a highly sensitive method provides objective insight into the degree of pain, while the use of questionnaires in a simple way can estimate the characteristics of pain and the patient&#39;s biopsychosocial status. Objective: The study was conducted in order to measure the pressure pain threshold and pressure pain tolerance threshold in patients with cervical and lumbar radiculopathy and found a possible association of pain with the biopsychosocial factors. Materials and methods: The study examined 60 patients with cervical radiculopathy (30 men and 30 women) and 60 patients with lumbar radiculopathy (30 men and 30 women) before starting and after finishing treatment cycle. All patients were hospitalized in the Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, and a treatment cycle lasted an average of 14-21 days. Research was conducted using Pain Detect Test, Brief Pain Inventory, Neck Disability Index, Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, The Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire and Pain Catastrophizing Scale. Results: There was no statisticallly significant difference in algometric values between patients with cervical radiculopathy and patients with lumbar radiculopathy. It was found that females have a lower pressure pain threshold and lower tolerance to pain than males. Comparing algometric values before starting and after finishing treatment cycle can be noted that the program of rehabilitation favorable influence on patients with lumbar radiculopathy, while in patients with cervical radiculopathy occured deterioration in subjective symptoms. There is a negative correlation between values measured by algometer and scores for anxiety, depression and fear of physical activity and work, which means that biopsychosocial factors greatly affect the pain. Conclusions: Quantification and mapping the pain by algometer and determination of biopsychosocial status through questionnaires will provide the implementation of appropriate therapy for patients, which is based on individual approach. At the same time, the applied methodology would be achieved better verification of the results in rehabilitation program.</p>

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