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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En quête d'une écriture hors genre(s) : processus de déconstruction générique dans l’œuvre d’Angélica Gorodischer / Looking for a writing style without gender or genres : process of generic deconstruction in Angélica Gorodischer’s narrative work

Desmarais, Maya 24 September 2011 (has links)
Nous proposons, dans la lignée des études culturelles et des études de genre, de mettre en corrélation genres littéraires et genre (gender) à partir de l’analyse de l’œuvre narrative d’Angélica Gorodischer (1928), une auteure argentine contemporaine. Le positionnement de cette auteure féministe dans le champ littéraire repose sur la déconstruction des modèles normatifs pour interroger la logique même de catégorisation, tant au niveau des genres littéraires que des représentations sociales hétéronormatives, et donc genrées. En effet, le canon littéraire, en interaction avec le champ social, se structure à partir de rapports de domination, rendus invisibles et ahistoriques par un processus de naturalisation, dont la logique taxinomique renforce l’aspect hiérarchisant. Nous analysons les champs social et littéraire dans lesquels évolue cette auteure qui se caractérise par la rupture et assume une position périphérique par rapport à de multiples centres dont elle interroge, par son écriture, la légitimité. Ensuite, nous observons plus précisément son rapport à la norme et aux genres littéraires en étudiant les modulations génériques qu’elle opère vis-à-vis d’un cadre générique précis, puis les processus inter- ou transgénériques que les textes de l’auteure mettent en œuvre pour déconstruire, dans une logique postmoderne, taxinomies et hiérarchies. Les écarts ainsi générés par rapport au canon, qui participent à des processus anamorphotiques, mettent en tension les genres et perturbent le lecteur par rapport à ses horizons d’attente, tout en renouvelant ledit canon. / We intend, as it is traditionally done in cultural and gender studies, to connect literary genres and gender by analyzing Angelica Gorodischer’s narrative work (1928), an Argentinian contemporary female writer.This feminist female writer undoes normative models in order to question the very logic of categorization, in literary genres as well as in heteronormative social representations. Indeed, the social field and the literary canon are defined by the naturalization of a domination scheme. Indeed, the literary canon, linked with the social field, is built from domination schenes, which become invisible and out of history thanks to a naturalization process. The categorization logic of this process thus strengthens the feeling of a hierarchical organization. We analyse the social and literary fields in which this female writer evolves. She represents a rupture and questions the legitimacy of multiple centres while keeping a peripheral position. Then, we study more precisely the way she considers norm and literary genres by analyzing the generic modulations she uses in her writing, starting from a specific generic background. We then focus on the inter or transgeneric process the feminist female writer’s texts implement to undo, in a post-modern logic, categories and hierarchies. By doing so, she deviates from the canon, creating anamorphosis process which bring out the limits of genres and disturb the reader’s expectations, renewing this canon.

Geografická radiální anamorfóza v prostředí GIS / Geographic unipolar anamorphosis with the use of GIS

Žáková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to propose an algorithm for visualization of spatial digital geographic data, including both thematic and topographic content of a map, using unipolar anamorphosis method with the use of GIS. Three different approaches for transformation of topographic content of a map are discussed. In addition to the algorithm, a methodology of displaying spatial data using this method is presented. The problems associated with the use of geographic unipolar anamorphosis are described, geographic phenomena which can be visualized by this method are determined, and requirements for digital data input are defined. The practical output of this thesis is a toolbox for the ArcGIS software by ESRI which serves to visualize geographic data by unipolar anamorphosis method.

Anamorfose: um recurso cartográfico relevante na Geografia urbana do município de São Paulo / Anamorphosis: a relevant cartographic resource in urban Geography in the city of São Paulo

Tobias, Daniela Cristina 06 October 2011 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, a anamorfose foi utilizada como um recurso cartográfico para representar dinâmicas espaciais do espaço urbano, que não se expressam adequadamente no espaço euclidiano, pois nesse nem todas as relações geradas nos espaços construídos são valorizadas. No caso, a anamorfose foi tomada como um instrumento capaz de evidenciar as múltiplas espacialidades sociais nas cidades e nos espaços urbanos, de um modo geral. Com esse recurso, o município de São Paulo foi objeto da geração de um conjunto de mapas que priorizam índices do cotidiano e apresentam as percepções da sociedade paulistana com o seu espaço vivido, tais como, as condições de mobilidade e sua satisfação ou insatisfação com os equipamentos urbanos ofertados nos distritos do município. A apresentação dos mapas anamórficos relaciona a distribuição geográfica da população do município e os índices de presença do poder público (e mesmo o privado), cujos resultados podem gerar maior e menor possibilidade de práticas sociais na cidade, condição necessária para a construção de uma cidadania com participação ativa no planejamento e na gestão da cidade, a partir do seu conhecimento e de sua identificação com este espaço. / The anamorphosis has been used in this research as a cartographic tool indicated to represent the geographic phenomena within the urban spaces, which distance the Euclidean spatial relations and add value to existing socially constructed spaces. A tool that is able to remark the multiple spatialities in urban environments and in the city. As well as the dynamics of human actions within this space; this is possible through generated maps, which prioritize daily rates and present the relations of perception of the society towards its lived space, its mobility conditions and its satisfaction or dissatisfaction with urban facilities offered in the districts of the city. The presentation of the anamorphic maps that relate the distribution of city population and the proportion of the presence of the public and even private power, generating higher and lower possibility of the city practice and the possibility of creating a urban citizen, participative in the urban planning and city management, from their knowledge and their identification with this space.

Vices et vertus de l’interprétation, Diderot en quête d’éthique (1773-1784) / In Quest of ethics, Interpretation in Diderot’s late work (1773-1784)

Vincent, Charles 19 November 2012 (has links)
Notre thèse vise à interpréter le décousu du discours moral de Diderot depuis son voyage à Saint-Pétersbourg jusqu’à sa mort (1773-1784), à l’aide de quatre disciplines : analyse de controverses, logique, épistémologie et herméneutique. Le philosophe vieillissant a fait l’objet d’une triple critique : incohérence philosophique, hypocrisie morale et décousu stylistique. Cette image d’une girouette un peu sénile et un peu lâche est pour partie le résultat d’une lecture simplificatrice, initiée par les Antiphilosophes dès l’époque des Lumières, et pour partie le résultat d’une écriture et d’une pensée plurielle, dont la complexité échappe. Le philosophe vieillissant étudie la morale de différents points de vue complémentaires ou antagonistes, oscillant entre la recherche d’une norme universelle du bien et l’étude des circonstances qui font varier les comportements. Nous proposons de lire son œuvre ultime à l’aune de l’encyclopédisme comme une anamorphose jouant de plusieurs thèmes, savoirs et écritures. La cohérence de sa morale dépend alors du point de vue que le lecteur ou le critique adopte. Diderot, conscient que la multiplicité des regards et des styles qu’il propose sur la morale risque d’en troubler la cohérence, réfléchit, dans l’Essai sur les règnes de Claude et de Néron, à une éthique de l’interprétation. Il propose un mode lecture de l’œuvre et la vie de Sénèque qui vaut aussi pour son époque et pour lui-même. Loin de dissoudre l’exigence d’une morale universelle dans l’infinie variation des cultures, des circonstances et des langues, l’interprétation bienveillante rapproche les cultures autant que les différentes conceptions du bien. / This thesis attempts to interpret Diderot’s disjointed style in ethics, from his trip to Saint-Petersburg until his death (1773-1784), with the help of four disciplines: analysis of the controversies, logic, epistemology and hermeneutic. In the late period, Diderot was criticised for incoherence, moral hypocrisy and ragged writing. On one hand, this image was the result of simplistic reading, initiated by the Counter-Enlightenment. On the other, it comes from a plural way of writing and thinking. The aging philosopher studied ethics from different points of view, oscillating between the search for universal rules and the study of varying circumstances. Considering Diderot’s encyclopedism, this thesis proposes reading the late work as an anamorphosis playing on several themes, knowledge and writings. The consistency of his ethics will therefore rely on the reader’s perspective. Diderot was well aware of the plural reading of his complex work. To counter misinterpretations, he reflected on a moral way to interpret Seneca in his Essai sur les règnes de Claude et de Néron. This practice of interpretation applied as much for Diderot himself as it did for his period. Far from dissolving the need for a universal moral truth in an infinite variation of cultures, circumstances and languages, the philosopher instead tried to bring together these cultures as well as different conceptions of good and evil.

Anamorfose: um recurso cartográfico relevante na Geografia urbana do município de São Paulo / Anamorphosis: a relevant cartographic resource in urban Geography in the city of São Paulo

Daniela Cristina Tobias 06 October 2011 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, a anamorfose foi utilizada como um recurso cartográfico para representar dinâmicas espaciais do espaço urbano, que não se expressam adequadamente no espaço euclidiano, pois nesse nem todas as relações geradas nos espaços construídos são valorizadas. No caso, a anamorfose foi tomada como um instrumento capaz de evidenciar as múltiplas espacialidades sociais nas cidades e nos espaços urbanos, de um modo geral. Com esse recurso, o município de São Paulo foi objeto da geração de um conjunto de mapas que priorizam índices do cotidiano e apresentam as percepções da sociedade paulistana com o seu espaço vivido, tais como, as condições de mobilidade e sua satisfação ou insatisfação com os equipamentos urbanos ofertados nos distritos do município. A apresentação dos mapas anamórficos relaciona a distribuição geográfica da população do município e os índices de presença do poder público (e mesmo o privado), cujos resultados podem gerar maior e menor possibilidade de práticas sociais na cidade, condição necessária para a construção de uma cidadania com participação ativa no planejamento e na gestão da cidade, a partir do seu conhecimento e de sua identificação com este espaço. / The anamorphosis has been used in this research as a cartographic tool indicated to represent the geographic phenomena within the urban spaces, which distance the Euclidean spatial relations and add value to existing socially constructed spaces. A tool that is able to remark the multiple spatialities in urban environments and in the city. As well as the dynamics of human actions within this space; this is possible through generated maps, which prioritize daily rates and present the relations of perception of the society towards its lived space, its mobility conditions and its satisfaction or dissatisfaction with urban facilities offered in the districts of the city. The presentation of the anamorphic maps that relate the distribution of city population and the proportion of the presence of the public and even private power, generating higher and lower possibility of the city practice and the possibility of creating a urban citizen, participative in the urban planning and city management, from their knowledge and their identification with this space.

The Politics of Tradition : Examining the History of the Old English Poems The Wife's Lament and Wulf and Eadwacer

Åström, Berit January 2002 (has links)
<p>Old English literary studies is a fascinating field of research which spans many various approaches including philology and linguistics as well as literary and cultural theories. The field is characterised by a certain conservatism, what in this thesis is referred to as tradition. This thesis examines the scholarship on The Wife's Lament and Wulf and Eadwacer, projecting its cumbersome affinities with tradition as a conservative force as well as the resistance against it. The investigation focuses mainly on two aspects of scholarly research: the emergence of a professional identity among Anglo-Saxonist scholars and their choice of either a metaphoric or metonymic approach to the material. A final chapter studies the concomitant changes within Old English feminist studies. The thesis also summarises the approaches to points of ambiguity in the poems, and provides a comprehensive bibliography of scholarship on the two texts.</p>

The Politics of Tradition : Examining the History of the Old English Poems The Wife's Lament and Wulf and Eadwacer

Åström, Berit January 2002 (has links)
Old English literary studies is a fascinating field of research which spans many various approaches including philology and linguistics as well as literary and cultural theories. The field is characterised by a certain conservatism, what in this thesis is referred to as tradition. This thesis examines the scholarship on The Wife's Lament and Wulf and Eadwacer, projecting its cumbersome affinities with tradition as a conservative force as well as the resistance against it. The investigation focuses mainly on two aspects of scholarly research: the emergence of a professional identity among Anglo-Saxonist scholars and their choice of either a metaphoric or metonymic approach to the material. A final chapter studies the concomitant changes within Old English feminist studies. The thesis also summarises the approaches to points of ambiguity in the poems, and provides a comprehensive bibliography of scholarship on the two texts.

Interstitialités et virtualité - une approche dialogique des anamorphoses et des images doubles dans l’art contemporain / Interstitialities and virtuality : a dialogical approach to anamorphoses and double images in contemporary art.

Limare, Sophie 16 November 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche, inscrite dans le champ de l’esthétique et de l’histoire de l’art, a pour objectif de rendre compte de la multiplicité et de la polysémie des productions artistiques du XXIe siècle relevant de l’anamorphose et de l’image double. Ces œuvres instables ont la faculté de conjuguer le flux et l’immobilité, tout en permettant de « saisir » la virtualité par le biais de l’entrevision. Constitutives d’ambiguïtés irréductibles, elles réactualisent les détournements de la perspective issus de la Renaissance et produisent des images immatérielles sans nécessairement faire appel aux nouvelles technologies caractérisant l’art numérique. En s’appuyant notamment sur la pensée philosophique de Marcello Vitali Rosati, précisant que le virtuel est la dynamicité de l’interstice, il est posé comme hypothèse de cette investigation que l’analyse de l’ « entre-deux » permettra d’appréhender la virtualité dans la richesse de sa complexité. / This research project in the field of aesthetics aims at accounting for the multiplicity and polysemy of 21st century works of art pertaining to the idea of anamorphosis and double image. These unstable works of art have the power to combine flux and stasis while allowing the spectator to “seize” virtuality through in between-vision. In carrying intractable ambiguities, they revive the Renaissance uses of perspective and illusion and produce immaterial images without necessarily resorting to state- of- the- art digital technology. Drawing on the philosophical works of Marcello Vitali Rosati positing the virtual as being the dynamics of the interstice, the working assumption of this research is that the analysis of “in-betweeness” shall help to get more insight into virtuality in all its richness and complexity.

Anamorfosis y violencia narrativa : Un estudio hermenéutico analógico de 2666 de Bolaño

Saldías, Mónica January 2015 (has links)
En 2666, novela póstuma del escritor chileno Roberto Bolaño, asistimos a la representación del mal y la violencia a través de un discurso narrativo que se caracteriza por la fragmentación, la liminariedad y la hipertextualidad.  El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es estudiar el uso de la anamorfosis como procedimiento deformatorio que oculta claves de la novela, y el carácter oblicuo de la violencia narrativa.  Para ello adoptamos como metodología de análisis la hermenéutica analógica del filósofo mexicano Mauricio Beuchot, ya que nos brinda un modelo que nos permite estudiar cómo opera el procedimiento de la anamorfosis en la representación de la violencia narrativa, develando las relaciones analógica intratextuales e hipertextuales, y así la dimensión simbólico-icónica de la novela.  También nos hacemos cargo de los conceptos de liminariedad del antropólogo británico Victor Turner y de ritos de paso del etnólogo y antropólogo francés Arnold van Gennep, y del concepto de hipertextualidad del narratólogo francés Gérard Genette.

Malformation artério-veineuses cérébrales : d'une amélioration des techniques d'imagerie vers un changement de paradigme des traitements / Brain arteriovenous malformations : from imaging technique improvement toward treatment paradigm shift

Clarençon, Frédéric 11 December 2014 (has links)
Les malformations artério-­‐veineuses cérébrales (MAVc) sont des pathologies vasculaires agressives présentant un risque hémorragique lourd de conséquence en terme de morbi-­‐mortalité. Les outils d’imagerie disponibles actuellement ne permettent de comprendre que difficilement leur angio-­‐ architecture. Nous avons développé dans notre travail deux outils d’imagerie permettant d’affiner la compréhension de l’anatomie des ces malformations : un algorithme de segmentation semi-­‐automatisé et un algorithme d’anamorphose sphérique convexe. Ces algorithmes ont été élaborés pour être utilisés sur les acquisitions d’angiographie rotationnelle 3D ; ils permettent de mieux visualiser la veine de drainage principale des MAVc, notamment d’identifier une sténose ou une ectasie focale sur cette veine, et également de déceler de façon plus fiable la présence d’un anévrysme intra-­‐nidal. Ces améliorations dans l’analyse de l’angio-­‐architecture des MAVc permettront vraisemblablement de réduire le risque thérapeutique pour ces malformations. En vue de tester le potentiel des agents anti-­‐angiogéniques pour le traitement des MAVc, nous avons élaboré un modèle porcin simplifié de MAVc consistant en une occlusion unilatérale d’artère carotide primitive par voie endovasculaire. La comparaison entre le volume de rete mirabile à J0 et à 3 mois et les valeurs obtenues pour un groupe témoin a montré une augmentation significative du volume du rete mirabile chez les porcs ayant eu l’occlusion carotidienne. D’autre part, une tendance nette à l’augmentation des taux de VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) à proximité du rete mirabile était observée dans le groupe occlusion. Enfin, des modifications anatomopathologiques proches de celles des MAVc humaines étaient visualisées sur les pièces autopsiques des rete mirabile dans le groupe occlusion. / Brain arteriovenous malformations (bAVMs) are aggressive vascular malformations presenting a haemorrhagic complication risk that may lead to severe consequences in terms of morbi-­‐mortality. Available imaging tools poorly help in understanding their angio-­‐architecture. We have developed two imaging tools improving our understanding of the anatomy of these malformations: a semi-­‐automated segmentation algorithm and a convex spherical anamorphosis algorithm. These algorithms have been elaborated for use on 3D rotational angiography acquisitions; they provide a better visualisation of the bAVMs’ main draining vein, especially for venous stenosis or for focal ectasia. They also help in depicting accurately intranidal aneurysms. These improvements in the analysis of the bAVMs’ angioarchitecure may help in reducing the therapeutic risk for these malformations. For a further testing of the potential of anti-­‐angiogenic agents for the treatment of bAVMs, we have elaborated a simplified swine AVM model consisting in the occlusion of a common carotid artery by endovascular means. The comparison between the volume of the rete mirabile at D0 and 3 months and those measured in a control group showed a significant increasing of the retia in the occlusion group. Moreover, a tendency was observed concerning an increase in VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) serum levels close to the rete mirabile in the occlusion group. Finally, pathological changes close to those seen in human bAVMs were observed on autopsy samples in the occlusion group.

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