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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rotina de alto nível em uma empresa líder da indústria do ônibus : um estudo ostensivo e performativo a partir das teorias da firma, evolucionária e posicionamento competitivo

Silva, Oberdan Teles da 27 November 2017 (has links)
A tese apresenta quadro conceitual baseado nas teorias da firma, evolucionária e posicionamento competitivo. É formado pelos construtos rotina e estratégia onde pesquisou-se a evolução da rotina de alto nível, representada pela qualidade da empresa Beta S.A., uma das maiores encarroçadoras de ônibus do mundo, com matriz no Rio Grande do Sul. O quadro é constituído pelos aspectos ostensivo e performativo, pelo individualismo metodológico interacionista e pelos elementos evolucionários: variação, seleção e retenção. O estudo caracterizou-se como uma abordagem qualitativa, com objetivo descritivo, tendo como estratégia de pesquisa estudo de caso. As técnicas de coleta foram a entrevista semiestruturada, história oral temática, técnica projetiva e pesquisa documental. Na variação, decorrentes da teoria evolucionária e do construto rotina, considerou-se para análise 42 questões divididas entre os blocos: seleção racional, cega, propagação seletiva path dependence, imitação, variação endógena, micromudança, padrões, conhecimento tácito e explícito, fatores emergentes e repertório individual. Pesquisaram-se os blocos, a partir da seleção, por meio das teorias do crescimento da firma e do posicionamento competitivo. Na retenção, consideraram-se os elementos que ampliam o escopo competitivo da rotina e que a limitam. Participaram da pesquisa 10 coordenadores, representados pelo nível operacional, 09 gerentes do nível tático e 10 diretores do nível estratégico. A análise ocorreu individualmente e após comparou-se com o nível correspondente. Ao final da análise de cada um dos blocos, formavam-se sistemas de inferência, que correspondiam as respostas simétricas, onde se caracterizavam, na sequência, os sistemas de dispersão, que correspondiam as assimetrias de concepção quanto a rotina da qualidade da Beta S.A. No nível operacional identificaram-se 34 sistemas de inferência, 42 no tático e 39 no estratégico. Em cada um dos blocos estabeleceram-se relações de causa e efeito comparados no modelo empírico da organização. Também se estruturaram, relações dos fatores limitantes e potencializadores da rotina a partir de subníveis. Evidenciou-se que a evolução da rotina, se deu pelas interações, erros e customização. Também se constatou que a evolução endógena da rotina, decorre de reconhecimento da restrição e ênfase na prevenção. Na aprendizagem da rotina, os resultados indicaram a necessidade de sistematização do conhecimento tácito em processo e maior comunicação. O estudo demonstrou simetria empírica com os conceitos teóricos de regularidade das rotinas, interpretações distintas, padrões heterogêneos e práticas de descobrimento. No aspecto performativo estruturou-se dois modelos para potencializar a rotina da qualidade da Beta S.A. Um, é a estruturação de estratégias futuras condicionadas ao estudo das variações retrospectivas, interações e aprendizagem. O outro objetiva ampliar a capacidade de absorção do comitê decisor da qualidade por meio do indivíduo e de segmentação de mercados transformando conhecimento de laço simples em duplo. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES / The thesis presents a conceptual framework based on the theory of the firm, it is focused on organizational evolution and competitive positioning and it is based on routines and strategy constructs. The research was conducted with such theorical context and deals with high-level quality routine in the company Beta SA, one of the leading bus manufacturers of the world, headquartered in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The conceptual framework considered ostensible and performative aspects of the research, which included an interactionist methodological individualist strategy and the elements of the evolutionary, such as variation, selection and retention. The routine study is characterized as a qualitative approach, with a descriptive objective, having as a research strategy a single case study. The techniques were semi-structured interviews, using thematic oral history, projective technique and documentary analysis. From the variation constructs, arising from the routine and the evolutionary theory, 42 questions were identified from various characteristics, such as rational selection, blind selection, selective propagation, path dependence, imitation, endogenous variation, micro-change, patterns, tacit and explicit knowledge, emerging and repertoire. These characteristics were investigated from a selection perspective, using the theories of the firm and of competitive positioning. The concept of retention is dealt with the elements that extend the competitive scope of the routine and limitation in which they are restrained. Ten coordinators, from the operational level, 09 managers of the tactical level and 10 directors of the strategic level participated in the research. The analysis occurred individually and then each analysis was compared with the corresponding level. At the end of the analysis of each of the constructs, inference systems were formed to correspond to the symmetrical responses, where the dispersion systems corresponding to the asymmetries of conception and the quality routine of Beta S.A. The whole interviews procedure allowed the identification of 34 inference systems at the operational level, 42 inference systems at the tactical level and 39 inference systems at the strategic level. For each unit, a cause and effect relationship was established, by comparing them with the empirical model of the organisation. Relationships of the limiting factors and potentiates of the routine from sub-levels were also structured. The results show that the evolution of the routine is due to interactions, errors and customization. It was also established that the endogenous evolution of the routine results from the recognition of the restriction and the emphasis on prevention. In the routine learning process, the results indicated the need to systematize the tacit knowledge into internal and greater routine communication. The study demonstrated the empirical similarity with the theoretical concepts of regularity of the routines, the different interpretations, the patterns of heterogeneous operation and the discovery practices. In the performative aspect, two models were designed to enhance the quality routine of Beta S.A. The first is the structure of the future strategies conditioned to the study of retrospective variations, interactions and learning. The second was designed to increase the absorption capacity of the quality decision-making committee through the individual transforming knowledge from single to double loop.

O trabalho morreu! Viva o conhecimento : notas para um estudo dos serviços em uma sociedade de classes / Work is dead! Hooray for knowledge : notes for a study on services in a society of classes

Pagotto, Maria Amelia Ferracciu 06 August 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Marcio Bilharinho Naves / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T14:37:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pagotto_MariaAmeliaFerracciu_D.pdf: 2482659 bytes, checksum: ad639239f75a03c3adb84d4f45921c84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O presente trabalho procura discutir o problema das classes sociais e suas formas de intervenção diante da reestruturação capitalista em curso, na qual o setor de serviços, bem como o processo de financeirização da economia e o de instauração do neoliberalismo, aparecem como as dimensões mais importantes enquanto indicadores de mudanças. Pretende examinar essas transformações submetendo-as às categorias de análise desenvolvidas por Marx no conjunto de sua obra, de modo que, desmistificados alguns dos dilemas centrais à economia política clássica, o avanço do setor de serviços aparece como uma das dimensões centrais que atualizam as condições de produção do valor, sobretudo como atualização das bases do fetichismo. Da mesma maneira, recorrendo à análise gramsciana sobre a relação entre classe operária e desenvolvimento da base técnica da produção, esta pesquisa estabelece a vinculação histórica dos serviços com o próprio desenvolvimento do modo de produção capitalista; enfatiza ainda sua qualidade enquanto uma das muitas expressões da crise constitutiva do capitalismo, cujos saltos conjunturais apenas podem ser compreendidos à luz da luta entre as classes sociais e pela maneira como a vida estatal é reorganizada em função dessa mesma luta. De modo que, procura-se demonstrar que o novo arranjo dos serviços sob os processos de privatização e financeirização da economia indica mais do que um impacto técnico ou econômico resultante de uma modernização in abstracto, mas é expressão política das novas formas de direção e governo das massas. Finalmente, também se elabora uma crítica ideológica das abordagens teóricas sobre o setor de serviços mostrando sua filiação às teorias da estratificação social ou outras de viés economicista. De tudo o quanto foi investigado pôde-se depreender, da atual conjuntura, os movimentos que repõem as bases da dominação capitalista e buscam deslocar os horizontes de intervenção das classes subalternas. Para isso, procuramos discutir as raízes materiais e políticas que sustentaram a inflexão criminalizadora da teoria das classes sociais na atualidade a ponto de se chegar a uma construção social, com pretensões universalizantes, que a considera inoperante diante das transformações que recompõem a força de trabalho na atualidade. Foi possível demonstrar que, tomado pela visão de mundo neoliberal, a idéia de uma 'sociedade de serviços' promove a abertura de um novo horizonte que reutiliza os princípios do liberalismo econômico no qual prestadores de serviços substituem a relação salarial construindo, assim, uma sociabilidade livre das contradições classistas. Construção que acontece ao mesmo tempo no terreno material e nas superestruturas jurídico-políticas, adequando-as aos novos imperativos da acumulação. Construção de uma nova cidadania e de uma nova forma de organizar a produção. Construção que combina a contra-revolução capitalista com os elementos de passivização necessários à aparência de que capital e trabalho podem viver harmoniosamente. O setor de serviços aparece então, finalmente, iluminado por uma perspectiva marxista e gramsciana, como lugar privilegiado do embate hegemônico entre classes sociais antagônicas / Abstract: The presented work searches to discuss the problems of the social classes and their forms of intervention in front of the capitalist restructuring in course, in which the service sector as well as the financialization of the economy and instauration of the neoliberalism processes appear as the most important dimensions while change indicators. It intends to examine these transformations submitting them to the categories of analysis by Marx in his whole work so that it can demystify some of the central dilemmas of the classical political economy and, the advance in the service sector appears as one of the central dimensions which updates the value production conditions and above all as updating the fetichism bases. Likewise, by falling back on the Gramscian analysis on the relationship between the working class and the development of the technical basis of production, this research establishes the historical bonding of services with its own development in the capitalist way of production; it still emphasizes its quality as one of the many expressions of discrepancies and the constitutive crisis of the capitalism whose gaps referring to the conjuncture can only be comprehended through the fight between the social classes and by the way the state life is reorganized according to this fight. This way, it is tried to demonstrate the new service arrangement under the privatization and financialization of the economy processes indicating more than a technical or economical impact which is an outcome from modernization in abstract, but it is a political expression of the forms of direction and government of the masses put into movement by the bourgeois in its imperialist dimension. Finally, it also elaborates an ideological criticism of the theoretical approaches on the service sector showing its filiation to the theories of social stratification or others from askance economicist. Everything which has been investigated can infer, from the present conjuncture, the movements which replace the capitalist domination bases and search to dislocate the horizons of intervention of subaltern classes. To do so, we try to discuss the material roots and policies which supported the criminalizing inflection of the social classes' theories nowadays to the point of arriving at a social construction with universalizing pretensions which consider it as not operating in front of the transformations which recompose the working force today. It was possible to show that the idea of a service society, absorbed by the neoliberal world view, promotes the opening of a new horizon that reinaugurates the principles of the economical liberalism founded in the idea of the possession of assets in which the service workers substitute the salary relationship and, by doing so, they construct then a sociability that is free from the classist contradictions. The service sector then appears finally enlightened by a Marxist and gramscian perspective as a privileged place of the hegemonic shock between the social antagonistic classes / Doutorado / Doutor em Ciências Sociais

Método para a proposição de diretrizes para melhoria da produtividade da mão-de-obra na produção de armaduras. / Method to propose directions improving labor productivity in the steel reinforcement activities.

Luís Otávio Cocito de Araujo 03 August 2005 (has links)
A competição acirrada no mercado da Construção Civil tem exigido das empresas construtoras a busca pela melhoria de sua eficiência produtiva. Dentro desse contexto, a melhoria da produtividade da mão-de-obra apresenta-se como caminho relevante na medida em que seus custos representam parcela significativa do ônus total relativo à produção, e existe uma variação significativa de desempenhos nas empresas atuantes no mercado. Como qualquer outro tipo de serviço de construção, o serviço de armação carece deste mesmo tipo de abordagem, haja vista a existência, nos canteiros de obras brasileiros, de uma alta variabilidade na produtividade da mão-de-obra envolvida na fabricação e montagem das armaduras para estruturas de concreto armado (30 a 100 Homens-hora/tonelada). Some-se a esse aspecto o fato de se detectar, na bibliografia, um número de trabalhos bastante mais expressivos quanto a outros serviços; por exemplo, discutem-se muito os projetos de processo para fôrmas enquanto não se dá esta mesma abordagem à armação. Portanto, o diagnóstico da produtividade e dos estudos relativos ao tema demonstram a importância do estudo de ações que possam levar à melhoria da competitividade na produção de armaduras. Este trabalho apresenta um método para a proposição de diretrizes, relativas ao processo de produção de armaduras para estruturas de concreto armado, que visam melhorar a produtividade da mão-de-obra do serviço de armação. Para tanto, buscar-se-á, no entendimento da relação entre a produtividade e os fatores que a influenciam, o embasamento necessário para a proposição de tais diretrizes. Tais fatores podem estar relacionados ao projeto do produto (com ênfase no projeto de detalhamento das armaduras), ao método de produção e à organização do trabalho. ) Para se alcançarem os objetivos propostos, o trabalho envolve um levantamento de informações prévio, realizado com base em estudos bibliográficos, entrevistas com especialistas e um intenso contato com os canteiros de obras. Para a validação do método proposto faz-se uma aplicação do mesmo através de um caso real. As diretrizes, obtidas mediante a aplicação do método, ajudarão a tomada de decisões da construtora, que poderá auxiliar: i) os projetistas estruturais a favorecerem, no desenvolvimento dos projetos de detalhamento das armaduras, sempre que possível, a construtibilidade; ii) os contratantes na concepção de sistemas de armação, nos canteiros de obras, que possibilitem a racionalização das operações e o alcance das produtividades potenciais da mão-de-obra; iii) os responsáveis pela mão-de-obra na organização do trabalho, de maneira a favorecer a melhoria da produtividade com benefícios a todas as partes envolvidas. / The increasing competition in Brazilian building industry has encouraged construction companies to develop efforts in order to enhance their productive efficiency. Naturally, improving labor productivity becomes a critical path to achieve the above goal, since labor represents a significant component of construction costs and its performance may vary considerably from project to project. Likewise other construction services, concrete reinforcing planning stages reasonably lack systematic approaches to reduce the remarkable variability found in labor productivity (30 to 100 men hours/ton) throughout production and assembly processes. Moreover, and differently from other topics such as formwork, concrete reinforcing has not been covered by comprehensive studies in recent years. Therefore, the reported inefficiency in the production process, the impact on construction costs and the lack of systematic studies evidence the relevance of further investigations about this topic. This research proposes guidelines to improve labor productivity in the concrete reinforcing. The methodology involved an international literature review and an extensive data collection, which included interviews with specialists and descriptive case studies in construction sites. Initially, factors that influence labor productivity were identified through literature review and empirical studies. Subsequently, these factors were grouped in three main categories: product design (especiallyreinforcement detailing), production method and work organization factors. Then a method to improve the productivity in concrete reinforcing was proposed and finally validated though application in a real case study. ) The resulting guidelines may arguably support decision makers throughout the planning process of concrete reinforcing, including: i) structural engineers, who may take into account construct ability issues during the conception of design solutions; ii) contractors and subcontractors, who may conceive reinforcing systems more efficiently as to rationalize production operations and achieve better performances; and iii) those responsible for workers\' organization, who may bring efficiency gains to the production process and benefits for all the stakeholders.

An investigation to determine the readiness of management at selected manufacturing organisations in the Buffalo City area to manage the HIV/AIDS epidemic

Meintjes, Samuel David January 2002 (has links)
The present study was conducted to determine the readiness of management at selected manufacturing organisation in the Buffalo City area to manage the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The study was conducted in the Buffalo City area on manufacturing organisations with a workforce greater than 250. The main aims of the present study were: · To provide an overview of relevant literature concerning theoretical key issues related to the management of HIV/AIDS in the workplace. · To assess the readiness of Buffalo City organisations in managing HIV/AIDS in the workplace, and to identify areas of improvement. · In the light of the findings, make further recommendations to manufacturing organisations to further improve their workplace policy, education and awareness programmes; and the accommodation of HIV-infected employees in the workplace. Another objective of the study was to provide additional research as a tool to assist organisations in managing HIV/AIDS in the workplace and to assist in fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Buffalo City area. The research process entailed: the selection of a test sample of manufacturing organisations in the Buffalo City area, and selecting an appropriate Human Resource manager or representative from these organisations to complete a structured questionnaire. The research tool used in the study was a questionnaire, which was used to extract relevant information on the demographics, policies, education and the accommodation of HIV/AIDS affected and infected employees in the workplace. The results revealed the following: · 73 percent of the selected manufacturing organisations in the Buffalo City have an HIV/AIDS policy in place; · 87 percent of the organisation indicated that their management are committed to the development and implementation of a HIV/AIDS policy; · management and supervisors in these organisations have not been adequately trained to manage the impact of HIV/AIDS in the workplace; · organisations in the Buffalo City area need to collaborate and share information; and · that very few organisations benchmark against best practices. Future research on HIV/AIDS policy can explore the effective implementation of HIV/AIDS policies in these organisations as well as the effective management of HIV/AIDS in the workplace.

The strategic impact of HIV/AIDS on first level component suppliers to the motor industry, located in the Nelson Mandela Metropole

Hughes, Edward Peter Clive January 2001 (has links)
HIV/AIDS is undoubtedly the single most important and daunting health problem facing Africa. Globally too, this is one of the most serious health, medical and social preoccupations of our time (Chinery-Hesse, 2000: 1). The aim of this research study is to evaluate the strategic impact of HIV/AIDS on first level component suppliers to the motor industry located in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. To achieve this aim a literature study was undertaken to determine the patterns of development, the infection statistics and to explore strategic options and actions for dealing with the effects of the disease. An empirical study has been conducted to assess the opinions of senior management within first level component suppliers. The results from the study indicate that most companies in the selected group believe that HIV/AIDS will have a serious impact on their organisations. In conclusion, various recommendations have been made with regards to the findings ascertained in the literature review and empirical study.

Utilisation of employee assistance programme to reduce absenteeism on construction sites

Mashinini, Michael Thammie 25 November 2013 (has links)
M.Tech (Construction Management) / Many construction companies are beginning to realize the value of their employees. Employees are to a large extent the engine of the organisation. Todays employees are under a lot of pressure and stress from home and at the construction sites. The construction industry just like any other industry, is faced with the challenges of dealing with personal as well as work related problems. These problems they have effect on job performance. An Employee assistance Programme is a programme that is utilized to resolve personal and work related programme. An EAP can be defined as a programme that is designed to deal with the personal and work related problems of employees and their family member, which may be impacting on productivity and social functioning. EAP has to be based on the special needs and interest of employees, who will be served by such a programme needs for assessment is important to ensure that the EAP closely matches the needs of the employees.

Winsdeelskemas : 'n alternatiewe oplossing vir onrealistiese looneise

Jansen van Rensburg, Adriaan 18 February 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Business Management) / A higher standard of living is one of the greatest needs of the South African population. Labour movements believe that a higher standard of living can actually be achieved by paying higher wages. Unfortunately higher wages are demanded and paid at the expense of productivity which is a vital ingredient for economic growth and ultimately economic survival. Employers within the South African economy can address the low productivity ratios through the implementation of performance related schemes. Gain sharing is one of many interventions management can implement to achieve greater performance through labour. By implementing a gain sharing scheme management is able to relate pay to performance and address efficiency ratios which ultimately affects the competitiveness of South African goods and services against world competitors.

The effect of the introduction of individual performance based remuneration within Alpha Cement

Swanepoel, Stephen David 13 August 2012 (has links)
M.B.A. / Many organisations have approached employee remuneration in new ways in recent years. Most of these new approaches are based on the principles of aligning a portion of individual or team remuneration to achievement against specific goals. Such systems are most commonly referred to as performance based remuneration systems. Alpha (Pty) Ltd has very recently introduced a performance based remuneration system aimed at individuals within the organisation. It is evident that there is no single system that can be applied across the infinite number of organisations globally, and that developing any ideal performance related system requires careful consideration of many variables. To develop and implement an effective system within any organisation, requires custom tailoring the system to best suit that organisation. This research paper aims to analyse what impact the introduction of an individual performance based remuneration system has had within the cement business unit of Alpha (Pty) Ltd, how the findings of the research compare to the theoretical reference on the subject, and whether there is room for improvement to the existing system.

Productivity management in the South African civil construction industry

Bierman, Marius 25 June 2015 (has links)
M.Ing. (Engineering Management) / Labour productivity in South Africa is at its lowest in 46 years, according to Naicker. South Africa, when compared to its competitors in the emerging market, is less efficient and labour productivity is one of the lowest in the developing world; this does not bode well for the economy and the wellbeing of its citizens. ProductivitySA stated that productivity has an impact on several aspects of a country such as the economy and the society in general and is seen as “a critical driver of economic growth, employment, poverty reduction, and competitiveness” The Civil Construction Industry contributes 3.5% to the GDP of South Africa and it is faced with challenges such as an environment that is exceedingly competitive and organizations in the civil industry experience financial difficulties such as low profit margins. Furthermore, the industry is labour intensive and employs a significant number of unskilled and semi-skilled labour from the local community which is located within the vicinity of the project. The aim of this dissertation, therefore, is to identify the factors that have an impact on the productivity of the civil construction industry of South Africa. A secondary aim is to utilize the factors, which have been identified, to create a productivity management framework with a view to improve construction productivity as part of the normal project management system. An industry specific survey was conducted, in the form of a questionnaire, to ascertain the perceptions of industry professionals regarding factors that have an impact on productivity. A literature study was done to create a benchmark which was used to compare the findings of the questionnaire. The top ranked factors were then used as the foundation of the productivity management framework.

Job satisfaction and organisational commitment: a comparative study between academic and support staff at a higher education institution in the Western Cape

Mcwatts, Susheela January 2005 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Research suggest that increasing employee commitment and satisfaction impacts on employee productivity and job performance, and has implications for job related behaviours such as absenteeism, turnover and tardiness. Moreover, literature also suggests that downsizing and cost-cutting negatively impacts on the satisfaction and commitment of employees and impacts on the effectiveness of organisations. The contention is that in order to reconcile the need to achieve high quality and organisational effectiveness in an environment of declining per capita resources and change, it will be necessary to secure a high level of commitment and satisfaction from all those employed in the higher education sector. This study sought to investigate the factors that produce commitment and satisfaction in academic and support staff respectively and to understand any important similarities and differences that may exist. / South Africa

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