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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivační systém podniku a jeho vazba na výkonnost lidského kapitálu / Motivation system of enterprise and its effect of efficiency of human capital

BERKOVÁ, Ilona January 2014 (has links)
Theme of this thesis is motivation system of enterprise and its effect of efficiency of human capital. The main aim is evaluation of motivation system in specific enterprise and its effect of efficiency of human capital. Another aim is analysis of motivation factors and specific remuneration system, which is applied in this company. According to analyzed information there were suggested appropriate changes which could make more efficient motivation system. Suggested changes could motivate employees to higher efficiency. In the first part of this thesis there were elaborated information from Czech and foreign specialist literature. Bases for experimental part were gained from public available sources and internal document of company. Thanks of information was realized analysis of remuneration and motivation system which is applied in this enterprise. These documents were used to evaluation of efficiency of human capital. Satisfaction of employees with applied system was evaluated according to survey.

Planejamento operacional para execução dos sistemas prediais hidráulicos, sanitários e de gás combustível / Planning for implementation of operating systems hydraulic building, fuel gas and sanitary

Matos, Adriano Oliveira 30 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:09:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3951.pdf: 4065471 bytes, checksum: 6bca7e3049841545a8e51fd8370f8cca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-30 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / In an increasingly competitive civil construction market affected by the ever greater shortage of skilled construction labor, the correct calculation of work team size based on labor productivity data that are feasible and representative of each construction company is an important strategy for overcoming today s challenges. Construction work includes hydraulic and sanitary sewer systems and piped cooking gas installations for buildings, due to the fact that work team size is often calculated empirically. Thus, the objective of this work is to propose a method to calculate the size of teams for the execution of these systems, based on goals of labor productivity and operational planning for the execution of these services, by allocating the members of the teams to the jobs programmed within the timetable foreseen in the work schedule. The proposed method is divided into three main stages: (a) diagnosis of current labor productivity; (b) calculation of work team size and planning at operational level, involving programming of the activities of each work team over the period stipulated for the execution of the work; and (c) control of productivity according to the established goals. The method was applied at a construction site, specifically during the execution of the cold water supply systems and the sanitary sewer systems located in the wet environments of two multistorey residential towers. The method produced satisfactory results, improving labor productivity in the execution of the cold water supply systems by 20.1% and in that of the sanitary sewer systems by 27.7%. / Num mercado de construção civil cada vez mais competitivo e potencializado com o crescente aumento da escassez de mão de obra qualificada para a execução dos serviços, o correto dimensionamento das equipes de execução destes com base em dados de produtividade da mão de obra factíveis e representativos de cada empresa construtora torna-se uma estratégia importante na superação destes desafios impostos atualmente. Dentre os serviços de construção, merecem destaques aqueles relacionados aos sistemas prediais hidráulicos, sanitários e de gás combustível pelo fato de, muitas vezes, as equipes de trabalho serem dimensionadas de forma empírica. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo a proposição de um método para o planejamento operacional da execução destes serviços com base no estabelecimento de metas de produtividade da mão de obra e da programação das atividades das equipes dentro dos prazos previstos de acordo com o cronograma da obra. O método proposto é dividido em três etapas principais: (a) diagnóstico da produtividade da mão de obra vigente; (b) dimensionamento das equipes de execução e planejamento ao nível operacional contendo a programação das atividades de cada equipe ao longo do prazo estipulado para execução dos serviços e (c) controle da produtividade em função das metas estabelecidas. O método foi aplicado em um canteiro de obras, especificamente na execução dos ramais de água fria e na execução dos ramais de esgoto sanitário localizados nos ambientes molháveis de duas torres de edifício residencial de múltiplos pavimento. Os resultados obtidos com a aplicação do método nestes dois serviços foram satisfatórios, ocasionando uma melhoria da produtividade da mão de obra (RUP cumulativa) na execução destes serviços na ordem de 20,1% e 27,7%, respectivamente.

An Integrated Approach to Climate Change, Income Distribution, Employment, and Economic Growth*

Taylor, Lance, Rezai, Armon, Foley, Duncan K. 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
A demand-driven growth model involving capital accumulation and the dynamics of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration is set up to examine macroeconomic issues raised by global warming, e.g. effects on output and employment of rising levels of GHG; offsets by mitigation; relationships among energy use and labor productivity, income distribution, and growth; the economic significance of the Jevons and other paradoxes; sustainable consumption and possible reductions in employment; and sources of instability and cyclicality implicit in the twodimensional dynamical system. The emphasis is on the combination of biophysical limits and Post- Keynesian growth theory and the qualitative patterns of system adjustment and the dynamics that emerge. / Series: Ecological Economic Papers

A qualificação resignada = A má formação da força de trabalho como um problema estrutural do desenvolvimento brasileiro / The resigned qualification: the bad formation of workforce how a structural problem of Brazilian development

Gomes, Carlos Antônio, 1958- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Waldir José de Quadros, Vicente Rodriguez / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T11:43:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gomes_CarlosAntonio_D.pdf: 2860457 bytes, checksum: 27b886e4ea0fffe2d3bddee513428bed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo:Esse trabalho faz um diagnóstico da política de formação e do sistema de educação profissional brasileiros. O tema educação profissional nunca estivera em pauta na sociologia do trabalho e na economia do trabalho; porém, veio à tona, no final do Século XX, quando o novo estágio de acumulação explicitou a decadência do taylorismo-fordismo, denunciando que a nova organização produtiva passava a demandar níveis mais elevados de trabalho criativo. Uma questão básica move essa investigação: a onda de otimismo em torno do Brasil Potência que, desde 2007, acomete a sociedade, movida pelos níveis robustos de crescimento do PIB; essa euforia alimenta a crença que, em breve, o país comporá o capitalismo avançado. Considerando que inúmeros gargalos inibem o crescimento da economia brasileira - especialmente o da mão-de-obra qualificada - e levando em conta que um dos condicionantes importantes do desenvolvimento econômico e social é o domínio - por parte de uma sociedade - sobre a ciência e a tecnologia, esse inquérito interroga sobre a capacidade de a força de trabalho brasileira operar um sofisticado sistema produtivo, possibilitando, ao Brasil, ter uma participação menos insubordinada nas relações internacionais de troca. Levando em conta, por um lado, a importância que o capitalismo central concede à educação básica e, por outro, as fragilidades do sistema educacional brasileiro, é constatada uma das fontes das heterogeneidades sociais e obstaculizadoras do desenvolvimento brasileiro: a análise sobre os sistemas produtivos dinâmicos e as sociedades fundadas no Bem-Estar Social revela que a revolução educacional é um caminho inexorável para o desenvolvimento, também evidenciando que o Brasil ainda não pôs os seus pés nessa estrada. Quanto ao sistema de educação profissional, é constatado, nos países dinâmicos, ele se aproxima do sistema de educação formal, tendendo a minimizar a disjunção entre a educação geral e a profissional e constitui uma das trincheiras da regulação pública. No Brasil, além de ser majoritariamente privada, a estrutura de formação dos recursos humanos perde a característica sistêmica - formatada na segunda metade do século passado - dando conformidade a uma multiplicidade de subsistemas desconexos entre si, na qual poderosas forças centrífugas pressionam pela não-uniformidade. Em síntese, ainda que se pudesse dizer que o Brasil possui um sistema de aprendizagem para o trabalho, jamais a estrutura que se conforma poderia ser considerada como um modelo. Com efeito, nem o sistema educacional muito menos o de aprendizagem profissional, prestam uma contribuição substantiva à elevação da qualidade operacional da força de trabalho, não conseguindo dotá-la com habilidades mais elevadas que lhes permita operar um sistema produtivo moderno, sofisticado e competitivo. Dentre os inúmeros gargalos que obstaculizam o desenvolvimento brasileiro, o da mão-de-obra qualificada é um dos mais preocupantes e o que menos recebe atenção por parte das políticas públicas. Se a qualidade da mão-de-obra é um dentre os condicionantes mais importantes para a projeção soberana de um sistema econômico na divisão internacional do trabalho, enquanto que o Brasil pouco se atenta para esse aspecto, então, a má formação da força de trabalho constitui um dos mais graves problemas estruturais do desenvolvimento brasileiro / Abstract:This work makes a diagnosis of training policy and professional education system in Brazil. The subject had never been so professional education on the agenda in the sociology of work and labor economics, but came to light at the end of the twentieth century, when the new stage of accumulation explained the decline of Fordism-Taylorism, also denouncing the new productive organization will begin to demand higher levels of creative work. A basic question drives the research undertaken here: the wave of optimism about Brazil's power that, since 2007, affects society, driven by higher levels of robust GDP growth, the euphoria has also fueled the belief that, soon, country will make up the advanced capitalism. Whereas many bottlenecks inhibit growth of the Brazilian economy (especially of skilled labor) and taking into account the fact that one of the most important determinants of economic and social development is the domain - by a society - about science and technology, this survey asks about the actual capacity of the Brazilian labor force to operate a sophisticated production system, enabling to Brazil, have a lower participation insubordinate in international relations of exchange. Taking into account the one hand, the central importance that capitalism grants to basic education and, second, the brutal weaknesses of the Brazilian educational system is seen a major source of reproductive heterogeneity and hinders social development of Brazil: the analysis of dynamic production systems and societies based on welfare shows that the educational revolution is a relentless path to development, also showing that Brazil has not put his feet on this road. As for the professional education system, it is found that, in dynamic countries, he not only approaches the formal education system, tending to minimize the distance between general education and professional, but also is a major trenches of public regulation. However, in Brazil, and is mostly private, the structure of human resources training loses gradually the systemic character (formatted in the second half of last century), giving the line a multitude of disconnected subsystems among themselves, in which powerful forces centrifugal pressure by non-uniformity. In summary, although one could say that Brazil has a system of learning for work, never the structure that conforms could be considered as a model. Indeed, neither the education system much less the professional learning, provide a substantive contribution to the increase in operational quality of the work force, unable, therefore, endow them with higher skills to enable them to operate a modern productive system, sophisticated and competitive. Among the many bottlenecks that impede the development of Brazil, the of skilled labor is one of the most troubling and least received attention from public policy. If the quality of manpower is one of the most important conditions for the projection of a sovereign economic system in the international division of labor, while Brazil, little attention is given to this aspect, then, poor training of the workforce is one of the most serious structural problems of Brazilian development / Doutorado / Educação, Sociedade, Politica e Cultura / Doutor em Educação

Assessing the impact of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome on Volkswagen of South Africa

White, Stephen Mark January 2001 (has links)
This treatise takes the form of an impact study. It is based on a three-month period of research involving literature review, interviews with VWSA officers and a survey of 111 of the 5500 workers who comprised the workforce of the VWSA plant in Uitenhage at that time. The author has attempted to portray the general views of experts in the field of HIV/AIDS corporate impact and impact management. In addition he has attempted to assay the current and forecast policies and practices in respect of the management of the epidemic by VWSA. The workers in the plant were consulted by survey and a variety of insights into the level of understanding of the epidemic, tolerance levels, expectations and so on were made. The quantification of these insights must be viewed with caution since the survey sample of 111 was relatively low for a workforce of circa 5500. Calculations in respect of representativity are included to facilitate calculated caution. It has been shown that the HIV/AIDS epidemic has a considerable current impact on the company and that this impact can be expected to grow considerably in the future. It has been suggested that an active intervention program would be well timed if implemented immediately

The Effects of Extended Loan Period, Released Time, and Incentive Pay on Increasing Shelving and Shelf-Reading Productivity of Student Assistants in Academic Libraries

Banks, Julia Ann 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine if an extended loan period, released tine, and incentive pay increased the student assistants' shelving and shelf-reading rates. The first quasi-experiment utilized loan, time, and pay given across the board as motivators. Because the population for this study was small, a questionnaire, intended to strenghten the study's results by identifying additional libraries which effectively use similar motivational techniques, was mailed to the forty private university libraries throughout Texas. A second questionnaire polled the student participants about their feelings about shelving and shelf-reading and about the motivators used in the study. The second quasi-experiment motivated the student assistants by pay tied to productivity. Gender, grade point average, and academic classification were control variables for this study.

The effect of office setting on employees performance : a case study of eThekwini Municipality

Mazubane, Nonkululeko Thabisile January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of the Master of Information Technology, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa.,2016. / Office setting is a widely acceptable means of providing an enabling environment that best facilitates employees’ performance and general productivity. This study sought to investigate the impact of office setting on employee performance using, eThekwini (KwaZulu-Natal) municipal offices and employees at the Durban City Hall, as a case study. The objectives of the study were to analyse the office design, finishes and furnishings of the head office building of eThekwini municipality and identify features in the design, finishes and furnishings in terms of their suitability and comfort of the employees; assess the impact of office settings on the performance of eThekwini municipality employees at the City Hall; and propose specific settings based interventions that would address employee health, comfort and wellbeing and thereby enhance optimum performance. The study was based on a sample of 65 City Hall staff randomly drawn from various departments and units, as well as 10 senior managers. Data for the study obtained mainly from the administration of questionnaires was analysed quantitatively using SPSS and Microsoft Excel and presented with the aid of frequency distributions, pie charts, tables, pictures and graphs. The research identified considerable office settings deficiencies which included uninspiring and old-fashioned office design and decor (largely cellular offices), use of dark wooden partitions resulting in poorly illuminated offices, and continued use of old furniture at the City Hall. The study also confirmed that the settings deficiencies had varying adverse effects on the performance of City Hall employees by between (20% - 80%). The study recommends the relocation of the City Hall head office to a new modern facility designed and furnished to suit the particular needs of the organisation. The development and operation of a real estate policy that leverages on the workplace environment to attract, retain and boost employee performance has also been recommended. / M

A construction health and safety performance improvement model for South African small and medium enterprises

Agumba, Justus Ngala 09 December 2013 (has links)
D.Phil. (Engineering Management) / Considering its share in and impact on national economies, the construction industry receives additional attention in terms of its performance and productivity especially small and medium construction enterprises (SMEs). However, with the extensive amount of workforce it employs, health and safety (H&S) has become important. Since the industry has the reputation of poor H&S performance especially SMEs. It has been accepted that H&S management practices constitute a vehicle to improve H&S performance, which reflects the H&S culture of the organization. However, the challenge is to determine what needs to be measured and practiced by SMEs at project level. The main objective of this thesis was to develop a construction H&S performance improvement model at project level of SMEs. A triangulation approach was used to develop the model using Delphi method and questionnaire survey. The Delphi method straddles between quantitative and qualitative research. Thirty H&S experts were purposively sampled and 20 agreed to participate in the Delphi process. However, 16 H&S experts completed the four iterations. The experts reached consensus on 31 statements or leading indicator metrics categorized in seven H&S elements/constructs. The final refined H&S conceptual model consisted of one independent construct, four intervening constructs and one dependent construct. Furthermore, a quantitative survey with 1,450 conveniently sampled SMEs was conducted. A total of 228 questionnaires were returned of which 216 were deemed usable representing 15.72% response rate. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 using Maximum Likelihood with Promax rotation was used to determine the validity and reliability of the six H&S constructs of the refined conceptual model. The six H&S construct and 40 statements were retained as valid and reliable measures of H&S for SMEs at project level. A further validity and reliability test was conducted using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using Mplus version 6.1, software program. The CFA revealed acceptable model fit of the measurement model after the re-specification of some of the measurement models. Finally the structural model was tested using Mplus version 6.1 to determine the constructs relationship. The findings revealed that the structural model data was acceptable and of the 12 hypotheses tested, six were significant. However, four significant relationships influenced H&S performance. The influential relationships were; upper management commitment and involvement in H&S indirectly influenced H&S performance through project supervision and H&S resources and training. These three proactive H&S elements are posited to be essential to improve H&S performance at project level of SMEs. Furthermore, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) established no statistical significant difference on the respondents’ perception of H&S model elements. However, t–test revealed statistical significant difference on the respondents’ perception on H&S performance, upper management commitment and involvement in H&S and H&S resources and training. The respondents with post-matric qualification strongly agreed that the way they managed H&S at project level had improved their H&S performance. Furthermore, they strongly agreed that upper management are committed and involved in H&S and H&S resources and training were provided. Multiple linear regression analysis was further used to test the influence of demographic variables on the H&S model elements. The selected demographic variables were; experience in the construction industry, education level and the number of employees. The result indicated that the demographic variables were not good predicators of the H&S model elements. Finally, the use of self-reported questionnaire and majority of respondents conducting business in Gauteng province in South Africa were some of the limitations in this study.

An analysis of regulatory mechanisms during sustained task execution in cognitive, motor and sensory tasks / Assessing fatigue regulation as a mechanisms for coping with fatigue : an analysis of regulatory mechanisms during sustained task execution in cognitive, motor and sensory tasks

Tau, Sethunya Harriet Hlobisa 11 October 2013 (has links)
Fatigue is a state that, although researched for many years, is still not completely understood. Alongside this lack of a general understanding of fatigue is a lack of knowledge on the processes involved in the regulation of fatigue. The existing theories relating to regulation are focussed on mental effort regulation, suggesting that performance outcomes are co-ordinated by effort regulation that functions by making alterations to physiological processes and strategic adjustments at a cognitive level in response to cognitive demands and goals. Since fatigue is a multi-dimensional construct with psychological, physiological, and behavioural effects that respond to endogenous and exogenous variables, it follows then that fatigue assessment techniques ought to include multi-dimensional measures to acquire a holistic depiction of the fatigue symptom. This study aimed to assess whether or not a mechanism that regulated fatigue during sustained task execution could be identified and whether this mechanism resulted in regulation patterns that were distinct to a specific task. An additional aim of the study was on assessing whether the manner in which performance, psychophysical and subjective variables were modified over time followed a similar regulation pattern. The research design was aimed at inducing task-related fatigue twice on two different occasions in the same participants and evaluating the resultant changes in fatigue manifestation. This was done to assess the ability of participants to cope with fatigue as a result of previous experience. The research protocol included three tasks executed for an hour aimed at targeting and taxing the sensory, cognitive, motor resources, each task performed twice. 60 participants were recruited to participate in the current study, with 20 participants – 10 males and 10 females – randomly assigned to each of the three tasks. The cognitive resource task consisted of a memory recall task relying on working memory intended to evaluate the extent of reductions in memory and attention. The sensory resource task consisted of a reading task measuring visual scanning and perception designed to evaluate the extent of reduced vigilance. The motor resource task consisted of a modified Fitts’ stimulus response task targeted at monitoring the extent of movement timing disruption. Performance measures comprised of: response delay and the number of correctly identified digits during the cognitive resource task, the amount of correctly identified errors and reading speed during the sensory resource task, response time during the motor resource task, and responses to simple auditory reaction time tests (RTT) initiated at intervals during the task and then again at the end of each task. Physiological measures included ear temperature, eye blink frequency and duration, heart rate (HR), and heart rate variability (HRV). Subjective measures included the use of the Ratings of Perceived Exertion Category Ratio 10 scale (RPE CR 10) to measure cognitive exertion and the NASA-Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) to index mental workload. Eye blink frequency and duration, HR and HRV were sensitive to the type of task executed, showing differing response patterns both over the different tasks and over the two test sessions. The subjective measures indicated increasing RPE ratings over time in all tasks while the NASA-TLX indicated that each task elicited different workloads. Differing task performance responses were measured between the 1st test session and the 2nd test session during all tasks; while performance was found to improve during the 2nd test session for the motor and sensory tasks, it declined during the cognitive task. The findings of this research indicate that there was a regulatory mechanism for fatigue that altered the manner in which performance, psychophysical and subjective variables were modified over time, initiating a unique fatigue regulation pattern for each variable and each task. This regulation mechanism is understood to be a proactive and protective mechanism that functions through reducing a person’s ability to be vigilant, attentive, to exercise discernment, and to direct their level of responsiveness, essentially impacting how the body adapts to and copes with fatigue. The noted overall findings have industry implications; industries should consider accounting for the effects of this regulatory mechanism in their fatigue management interventions, specifically when designing job rotation and work/rest schedules because each cognitive task, having elicited a unique fatigue regulation pattern, ought to also have a different management program. / Microsoft� Office Word 2007 / Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in

Influences on productivity of construction projects with particular reference to core labour, unskilled labour and leadership style of managers

Mathura, Gonasagree Sindy January 2014 (has links)
Construction productivity is an interesting phenomenon which was an initial study into time and motion. However this remains a vital part of the construction industry today as it takes into consideration cost-savings, a precise timeous delivery of projects and the correct usage of materials. This phenomenon itself is a huge challenge to many companies in South Africa. The construction industry in South Africa is seen as a tool to alleviate the increasing unemployment and poverty levels. The ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), has made statements to decrease the unemployment rate and due to these promises, the imposition of the use of local unskilled labour from the local communities has become the norm on the majority of construction projects. This formed the basis of the Expanded Public Works Programme. This initiative has indeed shown a huge success but the programme lacks long-term support. The majority of these workers are taken on short-term projects and thereafter the workers are returned to the unemployment pool. The workers are also aware of the short-term projects and therefore there is a lack of motivation which inevitably affects the productivity on any construction site. This study looks at the challenges faced by contractor's in the Eastern Cape and analyses the effects of the use of unskilled labour from the local community. Questionnaires were completed as a measurement instrument to determine the motivation, leadership style and the communication levels among the unskilled, core and the managers on construction projects. The productivity achievements of the unskilled labour and the core labour will be measured and compared and the findings are discussed.

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