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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produtividade do trabalho na indústria de transformação nordestina: qual a importância do capital humano e do progresso tecnológico?

Santos, Gilvan dos 25 April 2016 (has links)
A evolução da produtividade do trabalho, particularmente no setor industrial, é um tema que vem sendo bastante discutido na literatura econômica brasileira recente e, nos anos 90, transformando-se em questão de grande interesse, dadas as modificações pelas quais passou a economia brasileira. Alguns estudos, como o de Sabóia e Carvalho (1997), trouxeram uma ampla resenha dos debates e controvérsias sobre o assunto; Bonelli e Fonseca (1998) aprofundaram a questão dos ganhos de produtividade e eficiência na economia brasileira; enquanto o estudo de Rossi Jr. E Ferreira (1999) analisou a evolução da produtividade industrial e sua relação com a abertura comercial nos anos 90. No Brasil, o foco do debate residia na discussão de saber se realmente houve aumento da produtividade da indústria brasileira ou se as taxas de crescimento estavam elevadas em virtude da superestimação dos índices do IBGE. E se houve aumento, quais a causas desse aumento. Nossa investigação objetivou entender o comportamento da produtividade do trabalho na indústria de transformação nordestina, identificar os principais fatores determinantes da sua evolução e a verificação empírica com vistas a checar se as fontes dos incrementos da produtividade do trabalho da indústria brasileira, identificadas pela literatura, também se aplica à indústria de transformação nordestina, enfatizando o papel do capital humano e do progresso tecnológico, além de analisar a contribuição desses fatores isso para o incremento observado. A metodologia consistiu na análise dos dados da PIA-IBGE sobre o comportamento da produtividade do trabalho, bem como a análise dos resultados de uma regressão com dados em painel, utilizando-se o modelo de efeitos aleatórios. Na análise dos resultados o poder explicação da variabilidade da produtividade foi de 70%, demonstrando que a variação entre indivíduos (between) superou a variação da mesma variável ao longo do tempo (within). O capital humano é a variável que melhor explica a variabilidade da produtividade do trabalho, seguida da variável que representou a abertura da economia ao mercado externo (exportações) e a produção. A proxy escolhida para representar o progresso tecnológico obteve resultado não significativo, ainda que a literatura neoclássica assegure a existência de uma relação de causalidade com o crescimento da produtividade do trabalho. Também ficou demostrada a existência de uma associação negativa e significante entre o tamanho da planta em número médio de pessoas ocupadas com a produtividade do trabalho. / A evolução da produtividade do trabalho, particularmente no setor industrial, é um tema que vem sendo bastante discutido na literatura econômica brasileira recente e, nos anos 90, transformando-se em questão de grande interesse, dadas as modificações pelas quais passou a economia brasileira. Alguns estudos, como o de Sabóia e Carvalho (1997), trouxeram uma ampla resenha dos debates e controvérsias sobre o assunto; Bonelli e Fonseca (1998) aprofundaram a questão dos ganhos de produtividade e eficiência na economia brasileira; enquanto o estudo de Rossi Jr. E Ferreira (1999) analisou a evolução da produtividade industrial e sua relação com a abertura comercial nos anos 90. No Brasil, o foco do debate residia na discussão de saber se realmente houve aumento da produtividade da indústria brasileira ou se as taxas de crescimento estavam elevadas em virtude da superestimação dos índices do IBGE. E se houve aumento, quais a causas desse aumento. Nossa investigação objetivou entender o comportamento da produtividade do trabalho na indústria de transformação nordestina, identificar os principais fatores determinantes da sua evolução e a verificação empírica com vistas a checar se as fontes dos incrementos da produtividade do trabalho da indústria brasileira, identificadas pela literatura, também se aplica à indústria de transformação nordestina, enfatizando o papel do capital humano e do progresso tecnológico, além de analisar a contribuição desses fatores isso para o incremento observado. A metodologia consistiu na análise dos dados da PIA-IBGE sobre o comportamento da produtividade do trabalho, bem como a análise dos resultados de uma regressão com dados em painel, utilizando-se o modelo de efeitos aleatórios. Na análise dos resultados o poder explicação da variabilidade da produtividade foi de 70%, demonstrando que a variação entre indivíduos (between) superou a variação da mesma variável ao longo do tempo (within). O capital humano é a variável que melhor explica a variabilidade da produtividade do trabalho, seguida da variável que representou a abertura da economia ao mercado externo (exportações) e a produção. A proxy escolhida para representar o progresso tecnológico obteve resultado não significativo, ainda que a literatura neoclássica assegure a existência de uma relação de causalidade com o crescimento da produtividade do trabalho. Também ficou demostrada a existência de uma associação negativa e significante entre o tamanho da planta em número médio de pessoas ocupadas com a produtividade do trabalho.

The Individual, the Work Environment, the Family Environment, and Stress: An Investigation of Selected Variables with Implications for Personnel Management

Ross, John K., III 12 1900 (has links)
The application of the systems concept to the individual, the family, and the organization predicts that these systems will interact in such a manner that events in one system will correlate with events in the other systems. The purpose of this study is to investigate one area of system interaction, stress creation and stress outcomes. A search of the literature revealed little empirical research pertaining to the interaction between the family environment and the work environment. However, from the available literature a model of work-family interaction was developed. The model hypothesized specific relation ships between variables within and between the family environment, the work environment, type A behavior, job outcomes of perceived productivity and satisfaction, and the stress outcome of illness. To test the hypothesized relationships of the model a questionnaire was developed and distributed via intercompany mail to mid-level managers of the customer service division of an international airline. Returned usable questionnaires (N = 89) were scored and analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques.

Nuevas perspectivas en el diseño de espacios de trabajo y su relación con la productividad

Caycho Rodríguez, Juan Javier, Valerio Cruz, Ambar Herlinda 20 July 2021 (has links)
El presente estudio se ha realizado a partir de diferentes investigaciones enfocadas en las nuevas perspectivas en el diseño de espacios de trabajo y su relación con la productividad. El criterio de selección del corpus analizado gira en torno a la pertinencia del tema y la fecha de publicación de las fuentes, las cuales datan del 2015 al 2020 debido a que es necesario que la información estudiada sea la más relevante y vigente. A partir de ello, se han formulado cuatro objetivos específicos que engloban y apoyan los argumentos planteados en la investigación. El primero es determinar las diferencias que existen en el uso de los conceptos asociados con el análisis de los espacios de trabajo por parte de los autores consultados. En segundo lugar, se pretende presentar los diferentes enfoques que empresas y usuarios independientes en países altamente industrializados le dan al espacio de trabajo y cómo estos influyen en sus actividades. Luego de ello, se busca identificar el comportamiento de los trabajadores con respecto a sus espacios de trabajo a partir de las variables etaria, generacional y de género, y el impacto que tienen sobre su rendimiento laboral. Finalmente, los autores procuran establecer la conexión que ellos encuentran entre los espacios de trabajo y la productividad de las empresas. Por otra parte, la principal conclusión a la que llega este artículo es que no existe un consenso definitivo entre los autores, pues mientras que para un grupo de investigadores los cambios en el diseño de los espacios de trabajo mejoran la productividad de los colaboradores, otros refieren que estos espacios pueden deshumanizar y perjudicar la productividad empresarial. Asimismo, se debe considerar que los espacios de trabajo se han ido adaptando a las nuevas necesidades de los colaboradores para ser más productivos y crecer profesionalmente, y a las nuevas expectativas que tienen las empresas con respecto a ello. / This paper has been carried out from different research focused on new perspectives in the design of working spaces and their relationship with productivity. The selection criteria of the corpus of analysis implies the relevance of the topic and the date of publication of the sources: publications in the period 2015 - 2020. Based on this, four specific objectives have been formulated that support the arguments raised in the research. First, determining the differences that exist in the use of the concepts associated with the analysis of the working spaces by the analyzed authors. Second, it will contrast the different approaches that companies adopt in highly industrialized countries with respect to the working space that improve the activities of their users. After that, it is sought to identify the behavior of workers regarding to their working spaces based on the variables: age, generation and gender, and the impact these have on their work performance. Finally, it is looking to propose the relationship that the authors attribute to the working spaces on the productivity of the companies. The main conclusion reached by this paper establishes that there is no clear consensus among the authors: whereas for a group of researchers the changes in the design of working spaces improve the productivity of users, others refer that these spaces can dehumanize and harm business productivity. Besides, it is important to consider that the working spaces have been adapting to the new requirements that the users look to be more productive and get better opportunities in laboral promotions. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Innovación como determinante de la productividad: evidencia en el sector manufacturero peruano durante el 2009-2014 / Innovation as a determinant of productivity: evidence in the Peruvian manufacturing sector during 2009-2014

Esmaili Rivera, Saied Joel 23 October 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación evalúa el efecto de la innovación sobre la productividad laboral mediante el enfoque de Crepon – Duguet – Mairesse (CDM), aplicado a una base de datos panel de empresas manufactureras peruanas. Los resultados revelan que la innovación en procesos y organización permiten una reducción de costos, mientras que la innovación en comercialización un incremento de las ventas, teniendo en ambos casos una mejora de la productividad. No se encuentra un efecto positivo de la innovación en productos. Adicionalmente, se encuentra evidencia de que la inversión en innovación es rentable, por lo que resulta relevante hallar mecanismos y condiciones para impulsarla como motor de crecimiento. Al respecto, se identifica que una mayor apertura comercial extranjera, colaboración entre empresas y acceso a servicios y programas públicos de apoyo a la innovación son factores clave para que una empresa invierta en innovación. / This research assesses the effect of innovation on labor productivity through the Crepon - Duguet - Mairesse (CDM) approach, applied to a panel database of Peruvian manufacturing companies. The results reveal that innovation in processes and organization allows a reduction in costs, while innovation in marketing an increase in sales, in both cases having an improvement in productivity. No positive effect of product innovation is found. Additionally, there is evidence that investment in innovation is profitable, so it is relevant to find mechanisms and conditions to promote it as a growth engine. In this regard, it is identified that greater foreign trade openness, collaboration between companies and access to services and public programs to support innovation are key factors for a company to invest in innovation. / Tesis

Propuesta de aplicación de la metodologia virtual design and construction mediante las sesiones ICE y el BIM para mejorar la comunicación entre el equipo de proyecto en la etapa de cimentación de edificios multifamiliares del distrito de Surquillo – Lima

Quiso Diaz, Erick Vladimir, Rivera Morillo , Jesús Alexander 18 February 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad nos encontramos en la revolución tecnológica industrial, esta revolución trae consigo una reformulación de modelos de negocios, en la cual los sectores productivos se están adaptando a estas tendencias, y este se ve reflejado, principalmente, en el constante incremento de la productividad. Sin embargo, el sector construcción no ha sido caracterizado por este efecto, inclusive el avance de este indicador ha sido paupérrimo. Por este motivo, la presente investigación está enfocada en elaborar una propuesta que permita aumentar la productividad en la etapa de construcción mediante una metodología que optimice la comunicación en el equipo de proyecto. En este sentido, el objetivo del proyecto de tesis es elaborar una propuesta para aplicar la metodología Virtual Desing & Construction (VDC) centralizándose en el uso de las herramientas Buiding Information Modeling (BIM) y las sesiones de Ingeniería Concurrente e Integrada (ICE), que tiene como característica integrar a los principales involucrados del proyecto y emplear softwares especializados en el modelamiento del proyecto. Asimismo, en las sesiones ICE se incorporarán los “ejecutores de obra” (maestro de obra, capataz, etc) con la finalidad de que los modelos BIM y la explicación de los especialistas se complementen para transmitir óptimamente el concepto del trabajo a realizarse y se ejecute de manera efectiva los trabajos en obra. Finalmente, se elaboró un formato de validación a través de juicio experto en el cual los ingenieros especialistas en la construcción de edificios multifamiliares aportaron con sus opiniones y calificación de la propuesta. / Currently we are in the industrial technological revolution, this revolution brings with it a reformulation of business models, in which the productive sectors are adapting to these trends, and this is reflected, mainly, in the constant increase in productivity. However, the construction sector has not been characterized by this effect, even the advance of this indicator has been very poor. For this reason, this research is focused on preparing a proposal that allows increasing productivity in the construction stage through a methodology that optimizes communication in the project team. In this sense, the objective of the thesis project is to prepare a proposal for the application of the Virtual Desing & Construction (VDC) methodology, focusing on the use of Buiding Information Modeling (BIM) tools and the Concurrent and Integrated Engineering (ICE) sessions. which has the characteristic of integrating the main stakeholders of the project and using specialized software in project modeling. Likewise, in the ICE sessions, the “construction executors” (construction master, foreman, etc.) will be incorporated in order that the BIM models and the explanation of the specialist’s complement each other to optimally transmit the concept of the work to be carried out and effectively carry out works on site. Finally, a validation format was developed through expert judgmenºt in which the engineers specialized in the construction of multi-family buildings contributed their opinions and qualification of the proposal. / Tesis

International Trade Gravitational equation Economy of scale / Human Capital Externalities impact on wages level in Peru

Infantes Zúñiga, Enzo Favian 18 November 2021 (has links)
La educación tiene un papel clave en la formación del capital humano, y claro esta su relación positiva con el nivel de ingresos para un individuo. Sin embargo, el efecto social de la educación, denominado en la literatura como las externalidades del capital humano, no presenta un consenso marcado sobre la significancia y magnitud del incremento promedio de la educación o el incremento en la participación de trabajadores cualificados en la fuerza laboral sobre los niveles de ingresos. En la presente investigación se busca identificar el impacto de las externalidades del capital humano sobre los salarios de los trabajadores para el caso peruano, tomando como base los conceptos teóricos e investigaciones empíricas sobre las externalidades pecuniarias. El trabajo permite verificar si realmente es viable y eficaz incentivar la inversión en educación para mejorar los niveles de capital humano en una localidad y así obtener una mejora en el nivel de salarios de toda la sociedad. Asimismo, al finalizar la estimación utilizando la base ENAHO para los años 2010, 2015 y 2020 se identifica que las externalidades del capital humano encontradas para el caso peruano tienen un impacto positivo sobre el nivel de ingresos de los trabajadores en una localidad determinada, pero en menor magnitud que los retornos privados de la educación. La estimación se realizó mediante el método de variables instrumentales de efectos fijos obteniendo un valor para las externalidades del capital humano equivalente a 14.5% y bajo efectos aleatorios un valor de 0.88%, lo cual significa que ante un incremento del 1% de la participación de mano de obra cualificada en la fuerza laboral los salarios de los trabajadores tenderán a incrementarse alrededor de 0.88% y 14.5%. / Education has an important role in human capital formation, and its positive relationship with wages individual levels. Nevertheless, the education social effects do not have a consensus about its significative and magnitude in increase the wages mean level. The investigation searches to identify the impact of human capital externalities on wages for the Peruvian case, based on theoretical concepts and empirical research on pecuniary externalities. Also, the research allows to verify whether it is really viable and effective try to encourage invest in education program to improve the human capital level in a region and the wage levels in society. In addition, after finishing the estimation using the ENAHO data 2010, 2015 and 2020, it is identified that human capital externalities found for the Peruvian case have a positive impact on the income level of workers in a given locality; however, this impact has a smaller magnitude than the private returns to education. The estimation was carried out using instrumental variables fixed effects model where the results show human capital externalities equal to 14.5% and with random effects this value is 0.88, which means that a 1% increase in the participation of skilled labor in the labor force, workers salary would increase by around 0.88% and 14.5%. / Trabajo de investigación

Managing the South African National Defence Force towards productivity : a human resource management perspective

Kahn, Sinval Benjamin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The end of apartheid, April 1994 brought the dawn of a new era and the integration of the seven armed forces into the South Afiican National Defence Force. For the first time in the history of South Afiica, former enemies are not only colleagues, but work together to guard the sovereignty of the state and defend the country against foreign invasion. The eradication of discriminatory policies and practices established an environment conducive to the implementation of affirmative action and equal employment opportunities. It also instituted special training and development programmes to accommodate historically disadvantaged employees. The effectiveness of these programmes will determine the extent to which disadvantaged employees will contribute to increased productivity and the effectiveness of the South Afiican National Defence Force. Organisational transformation needs to be externally and internally visible. On 27 April 1994, the South Afiican National Defence Force started a process of change and some of the changes soon affected were m: • language policy, including the use of English as the official medium of communication; • appointing a Secretary of Defence as the accounting officer; • organisational culture, structure and design; and • uniform and rank insignia. This research (1994 to 2001), however, found that the South Afiican National Defence Force is still grappling with the challenge of being productive amist the impediments created by the integration of seven former enemy forces. In addition, the former South Afiican Defence Force entered into the amalgamation as two groups, one with a long history of military experience, the other allowed into the former force much later, still subject to various discriminatory constraints. The dissertation focuses on human resource variables to find solutions. Productivity is defined as the input of resources (material, capital, technological and human) and the output of greater qualitative and quantitative consumable goods and services. It improves the factors of production and benefits all stakeholders (government, entrepreneurs, management and employees). Increased productivity is achieved by a motivated workforce, whose competencies, abilities, skills and advanced technology are used to increase performance. However also, management needs to capitalise on employees' competencies, skills and abilities to optimally utilise them and appoint the most competent employees to the most appropriate positions. Management also needs to accept responsibility for achieving increased productivity and reaching organisational goals and objectives since they manage, command and control organisational resources. The South African National Defence Force can achieve increased productivity by the optimal utilisation of its resources. It now has sophisticated armament, equipment and technology. The South African National Defence Force however also needs competent and professional employees to maximise the use of existing armament, equipment and technology. The diverse workforce should be trained, developed, motivated and optimally utilised to increase their performance and enhance productivity. Professional leaders and managers are needed to manage the resources of the South African National Defence Force during the transformation period and the twenty-first century. Effective leadership results in effective human resource management, which is needed to manage, motivate, train and develop the diverse workforce to be effective, creative and productive, and to achieve increased performance and productivity. This will enable the South African National Defence Force to accomplish increased productivity and to exceed the military professionalism of the former South African Defence Force. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die einde van apartheid, April 1994 was die begin van 'n nuwe era en die integrasie van die sewe magte het gelei tot die totstandkoming van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. Vir die eerste keer in die Suid-Afiikaanse geskiedenis is die voormalige vyande nie net kollegas nie, maar mede-beskermers van die soewereiniteit van die staat, en hulle beskerm die Republiek van Suid-Afrika teen enige vreemde inval of bedreiging teen die land. Die afskaffing van diskrimenerende beleid en gebruike het 'n omgewing geskep vir die implementering van regstellende aksie en gelyke werksgeleenthede. Dit het ook spesiale opleiding en ontwikkelingsprogramme ingestel om die histories benadeelde werkers te akkommodeer. Die effektiwiteit van hierdie programme sal bepaal tot watter mate die benadeelde werkers sal bydra tot verhoogde produktiwiteit en effektiwiteit van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. Die bewyse van organisatoriese transformasie moet ekstern en intern sigbaar wees. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag het reeds begin met die proses van verandering op 27 April 1994, en die veranderinge wat gou aangebring is, was in: • kommunikasietaal en die aanvaarding van Engels as voertaal; • die aanstel van 'n Sekretaris van Verdediging as rekenpligtige beampte; • organisatoriese kultuur en strukture; en • uniform en ranginsignia. Hierdie navorsing (1994 tot 2001) het egter gevind dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag steeds worstel met die uitdaging van produktiwiteit te midde van die hindernisse wat uit die integrasie van sewe voormalige vyandelike magte onstaan het. Daarbenewens het die voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag die samesmelting ingegaan as twee groepe, een met 'n lang geskiedenis van militere ondervinding, die ander veel later toegelaat tot die voormalige mag en steeds onderwerp aan verskeie diskriminerende beperkinge. Die proefskrif fokus op menslike hulpbron veranderlikes om oplossings te kry. Produktiwiteit word gedefinieer as die inset van hulpbronne (materiaal, kapitaal, tegnologie en menslik) en die uitset van beter kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe produkte en dienste. Produktiwiteit verbeter die faktore van produksie en bevoordeel alle rolspelers (die staat, bestuurders and werkers). Verhoogde produktiwiteit kan slegs verkry word deur 'n gemotiveerde werksmag, wat hul vaardighede en gevorderde tegnologie gebruik om uitset te verhoog. Om verhoogde produktiwiteit te bereik moet bestuurders kapitaliseer op werkers se vaardighede en hulle optimaal benut. As gevolg van die feit dat leiers en bestuurders organisatoriese bronne bestuur, beheer en kontroleer, aanvaar hulle ook verantwoordelikheid vir die behaling van verhoogde produktiwiteit en organisatoriese doelwitte. Die Suid-Afikaanse Nasionale Weermag kan verhoogde produktiwiteit bereik deur die optimale benutting van hulpbronne. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag beskik oor nuwe wapentuig, toerusting en tegnologie. Die Suid-Afikaanse Nasionale Weermag benodig egter ook professionele werkers om die huidige wapentuig en tegnologie ten volle te benut. Daarom moet die veelsydige werksmag opgelei, ontwikkel, gemotiveer en optimaal benut word sodat hulle produktiwiteit kan verhoog. Professionele leiers en bestuurders word daadwerklik benodig om die hulpbronne van die Suid-Afikaanse Nasionale Weermag gedurende die transformasieproses en die een-en-twintigste eeu te bestuur. Effektiewe leierskap het effektiewe menlike hulpbronstuur tot gevolg wat benodig word om 'n veelsydige werksmag te bestuur, motiveer en ontwikkel, sodat hulle effektief, kreaktief en produktief kan wees. Die veelsydige werksmag kan bydra tot verhoogde produktiwiteit en kan die militere professionalisme van die vorige Suid- Afiikaanse Weermag oortref.

An investigation of South African economic themes based on data obtained from the annual reports of industrial companies listed on the JSE Securities Exchange

Van Aswegen, Ninette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study consists of three independent papers which all broadly examine South African economic issues using accounting data obtained from the annual reports of industrial The first paper reports on employment trends amongst listed industrial companies in South Africa over the period 1996 to 2002. The results obtained showed that overall employment decreased 1,26% per annum for the companies under review. This negative trend in the largest companies in the sample. By contrast, smaller companies showed excellent growth in employment numbers. Hence appeared that smaller companies might be the most important vehicle for employment growth in the formal sector of the South African economy. It was therefore recommended that greater emphasis be placed on encouraging small business development in order to reverse the declining rates of employment in South Africa. The of ratios calculated from value added statement data in South Africa. The sample used for this purpose included all listed industrial companies which published value added statements or cash value added statements over the period 1990 to 2002. The ratio V A x 100/sales and the various components of value added as a percentage of total value added were considered in studies, it was not wholly apparent why the central location of the ratio V A x 100/sales remained stable, while the central location of the value added component ratios varied over time. The paper examines the changes which took place in the formal sector of the South African economy vis-a-vis economic growth, employment, labour productivity and from the annual financial statements of 62 industrial companies listed on the JSE Securities by companies listed on the JSE Securities Exchange. by employment growth appeared to be driven mainly by decreased rates of employment amongst it second paper expands on existing knowledge concerning the trends and characteristics VA I detail. Although these ratios were shown to have values similar to those reported in previous I third growth. remuneration and also compares these changes with projections put forward in the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) policy. The data used in the study was gathered Exchange over the period 1994 to 2000. income differential in South Africa. It thus appeared that in reality few of the projections put forward in GEAR were achieved by the companies representing the formal sector of the South The findings of this study demonstrated that value added could be used successfully as a proxy for economic growth. Although appeared as though labour productivity had increased, the increase was panly due to an overall decrease in employment, rather than a greater than expected increase in value added. emerged that the majority of companies which decreased employment in fact contributed negatively to economic growth. The companies which decreased employment were also shown to have increased salaries on a per employee basis, which meant that these companies did not reduce their overall salary expenses substantially. By decreasing employee numbers and increasing per capita remuneration, the companies in question only acted to further increase an already wide ronnal African economy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk bestaan uit drie onafhanklike artikels wat Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomiese aspekte behandel. Die bogenoemde ekonomiese temas word ondersoek deur middel van die gebruik van rekenkundige data wat verkry is uit die jaarverslae van industriële maatskappye wat op die JSE Effektebeurs genoteer is. Die eerste artikeI beskryf die patrone van indiensneming van werkers deur genoteerde industriele maatskappye in Suid-Afrika gedurende die tydperk 1996 tot 2002. Die bevindings van hierdie studie bewys dat indiensneming met 1,26% per jaar gedaal het. Hierdie negatiewe neiging in indiensneming is grootliks veroorsaak deur 'n vermindering in die aantal werknemers in kleiner maatskappye toegeneem. Dit blyk dus asof kleiner maatskappye 'n belangrike roI kan speel om te verseker dat indiensneming in Suid-Afrika styg. Daar word op die ontwikkeling van kleiner besighede geplaas moet stuit. Die tweede artikel bou voort op die bestaande kennis oor kenmerke en neigings in toegevoegde waarde staat-verhoudings in Suid-Afrika. Die steekproef wat in hierdie geval bestudeer is, sluit alle genoteerde industriele maatskappye wat oor die tydperk 1990 tot 2002 toegevoegde waarde state in hul jaarverslae gepubliseer het. in. Die verhouding van TW x 100/verkope, asook die verhoudings van die verskillende komponente van toegevoegde waarde as 'n persentasie van die totale toegevoegde waarde, is ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat die waardes van die verhoudings ooreenstem met waardes in vroeëre onderdoeke. Dit was egter nie heeltemal duidelik waarom die sentrale plasing van die verhouding TW x 100/verkope bestendig gebly het, terwyl die sentrale plasing van die toegevoegde waarde komponentverhoudings nie. Die derde artikel ondersoek die veranderinge wat plaasgevind het in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomiese groei, indiensneming, arbeidsproduktiwiteit en vergoeding en vergelyk dit met die verandering wat in die Groei, werkskepping en herverdeling (GEAR) dokument voorspel is. Die data wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, is afkomstig van die jaarverslae van 62 industriële maatskappye wat vanaf 1994 to 2000 op die JSE Effectebeurs genoteer was. Die resultate van hierdie studie het gewys dat die verbetering in arbeidsproduktiwiteit deels as gevolg van 'n afname in indiensneming, eerder as 'n bo-gemiddelde toename in toegevoegde waarde, plaasgevind het. Daar is bevind dat die maatskappye wat indiensneming verminder het, 'n negatiewe bydrae gemaak het tot die ekonomie. Verder het hierdie maatskappye ook vergoeding per werknemer verhoog wat beteken dat hulle nie in geheel bespaar het op indiensnemingskoste nie. Die maatskappye wat hulle werknemers verminder en hulle salarisse per werknemer verhoog het, het net verder bygedra tot die groeiende inkomste differensiaal in Suid-Afrika. Dit blyk dus dat min van die beramings wat in GEAR uitgelê was deur maatskappye verteenwoordigend van die formele sektor van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie, in hierdie studie bereik is.

Productivity trends in the Thai manufacturing sector : the pre- and post-crisis evidence relating to the 1997 economic crisis

Arunsawadiwong, Suwannee January 2007 (has links)
The principal aim of this thesis is to examine the validity of the claim that low productivity led to a decline in Thailand’s competitiveness, and hence, to the 1997 economic crisis. For a decade from 1985 to 1995, Thailand was one of the world’s fastest-growing economies with an average real annual GDP growth of 8.4 percent. However, such growth was criticized as being simply the result of large inward investment and rapid accumulation of capital, leading to very little productivity growth, and therefore, being unsustainable in the long run. Worse still, the later surges of capital inflows came in mainly as speculative stashes, instead of as foreign direct investments in production and businesses. Hence, as predicted, the boom finally came to a sudden end in 1997. The economic growth statistics recorded severe contraction, financial market collapsed, the currency was battered, domestic demand slumped, severe excess capacity was experienced, employment deteriorated, personal and corporate income diminished, inflation and the cost of living mounted, and finally, poverty surged. This thesis utilizes a stochastic production frontier approach to verify the claim that low productivity lessened Thailand’s competitiveness. This approach, unlike the standard econometric approach, allows the existence of technical inefficiency in the production process. It also, unlike other non-parametric approaches, recognizes that such inefficiency can sometimes occur as a result of external factors that are out of the firms’ direct control, such as statistical errors and random shocks. The period covered in this thesis is from 1990 to 2002. This is divided into 2 sub-periods, i.e. the pre-crisis period (1990 – 1996) and the post-crisis period (1997 – 2002). The estimation results indicate a structural shift in the Thai manufacturing sector, from being labour intensive in the pre-crisis period to being capital intensive in the post-crisis period. The productivity level also improved post-crisis, as compared to the pre-crisis level, and is shown to follow an increasing trend. The low productive investment level in the pre-crisis period is identified as having led to the decline in the manufacturing sector’s efficiency. The thesis concludes that this low productivity level did indeed lead to the decline in Thailand’s competitiveness, and hence, to the decline of export growth, which was at that time the main source of Thailand’s economic growth; in turn, playing an important role in precipitating the 1997 economic crisis.

Job satisfaction and organisational commitment: a comparative study between academic and support staff at a higher education institution in the Western Cape

Mcwatts, Susheela January 2005 (has links)
Research suggest that increasing employee commitment and satisfaction impacts on employee productivity and job performance, and has implications for job related behaviours such as absenteeism, turnover and tardiness. Moreover, literature also suggests that downsizing and cost-cutting negatively impacts on the satisfaction and commitment of employees and impacts on the effectiveness of organisations. The contention is that in order to reconcile the need to achieve high quality and organisational effectiveness in an environment of declining per capita resources and change, it will be necessary to secure a high level of commitment and satisfaction from all those employed in the higher education sector. This study sought to investigate the factors that produce commitment and satisfaction in academic and support staff respectively and to understand any important similarities and differences that may exist.

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