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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling Approaches in Educational Research

Ehlers, Tim 23 January 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich modelltheoretisch mit drei Themenbereichen aus dem Feld der Bildungsforschung. Das erste Kapitel behandelt die Existenz von Studiengebühren. Bei der persönlichen Entscheidung für oder gegen ein Studium sind Studiengebühren ein Nachteil, vor allem, wenn dafür kein Angebot in Form von besseren Studienbedingungen existiert. Andererseits ist das Studium nicht nur eine finanzielle Entscheidung, sondern kann auch Nutzen in anderer Form wie Status oder Prestige bedeuten. Wenn der Status negativ von der Anzahl der Absolventen abhängt, könnte es von Vorteil sein, die Menge an Studenten künstlich durch Studiengebühren zu reduzieren. Es wird ein Modell präsentiert, in dem in einem statischen Gleichgewicht wohlhabendere und fähigere Studenten für höhere Studiengebühren stimmen, um die Absolventenzahl zu verknappen und den Status zu erhöhen. Das darauffolgende Kapitel enthält eine Erweiterung eines Signaling-Modells zur Notenvergabe. Das ursprüngliche Modell kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass Noteninflation unausweichlich ist, da gute Noten der Schule keine Kosten verursachen. Es existiert aber in der Realität ein gegenläufiger Effekt: Noteninflation hat Einfluss auf die Reputation einer Schule und führt daher bei zukünftigen Absolventen zu einer Erwartungsanpassung der Arbeitgeber. Die Erweiterung des Modells zeigt, dass Noteninflation mit Reputation verringert oder sogar vermieden werden kann. Im letzten Kapitel wird ein Modell präsentiert, das den Einfluss eines separierenden Schulsystems und eines Gesamtschulsystems auf die akademische Leistung abbildet. Es wird zwischen einer Anfangsfähigkeit eines Schülers unterschieden, die hauptsächlich durch die Familienherkunft bestimmt wird, und der Lernfähigkeit eines Schülers. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass die Leistung schlechterer Schüler in der Gesamtschule steigen kann, selbst wenn es keine Synergieeffekte zwischen guten und schlechten Schülern gibt. Der Effekt entsteht, da die Gesamtschule einen Kompromiss im Anspruchsniveau finden muss, welcher höher ist als das Anspruchsniveau in der separierten, schlechteren Klasse. Wenn die schlechteren Schüler die größere Lernfähigkeit besitzen, erhöht sich in der Gesamtschule sogar die Durchschnittsleistung aller Schüler.

Job satisfaction and organisational commitment: a comparative study between academic and support staff at a higher education institution in the Western Cape

Mcwatts, Susheela January 2005 (has links)
Research suggest that increasing employee commitment and satisfaction impacts on employee productivity and job performance, and has implications for job related behaviours such as absenteeism, turnover and tardiness. Moreover, literature also suggests that downsizing and cost-cutting negatively impacts on the satisfaction and commitment of employees and impacts on the effectiveness of organisations. The contention is that in order to reconcile the need to achieve high quality and organisational effectiveness in an environment of declining per capita resources and change, it will be necessary to secure a high level of commitment and satisfaction from all those employed in the higher education sector. This study sought to investigate the factors that produce commitment and satisfaction in academic and support staff respectively and to understand any important similarities and differences that may exist.

Processo judicial eletrônico: novos tempos para o trabalho da advocacia?

Velasco Junior, Estanislau 22 April 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga como se dão as interações e as relações entre a tecnologia e o trabalho do(a) Advogado(a). O estudo tem o objetivo de analisar as condições atuais do trabalho na advocacia a partir das modificações trazidas pelo Processo Judicial Eletrônico – PJE. Busca-se apresentar o quantum o PJE tem condicionado a práxis cotidiana da atividade da advocacia. Temse como pressuposto teórico que o trabalho e a tecnologia não determinam o agir humano, sendo, pois, o ser humano livre para direcionador as facilidades trazidas pela tecnologia, as quais deveriam, em tese, proporcionar a melhoria nas condições materiais da vida das pessoas. Trata-se de pesquisa realizada a partir de questionários abertos que permitem, tanto uma análise qualitativa dos conteúdos de depoimentos escritos, quanto certa quantificação, via consolidação das respostas obtidas. São analisadas as transformações provocadas pela informatização do processo judicial em sua nova forma eletrônica – mudanças estas ocorridas a partir do advento da Lei 11.419/2006 – e a reestruturação do trabalho na advocacia brasileira nestes últimos anos. O problema que se pretende responder, em última análise, é o seguinte: Qual a potencialidade emancipatória da tecnologia para o trabalho do(a) advogado(a)? Ao final do estudo são apresentados os resultados obtidos na pesquisa quanto a: intensificação no trabalho do(a) advogado(a); modificações observadas na estrutura dos escritórios de advocacia; principais dificuldades dos(as) advogados(as) com o PJE; alterações na produtividade no trabalho dos(as) advogados(as); percepção dos(as) advogados(as) quanto aos impactos da implantação do PJE na saúde, e; algumas implicações de gênero, entre advogados e advogadas, para se para trabalhar com o Processo Judicial Eletrônico. / This research investigates how interactions occur and the relationship between Technology and the Work of the Lawyer. The study aims to analyze the current conditions of work of advocacy from the changes brought by Judicial Process Electronic - PJE. We seek to present the quantum the PJE has conditioned the daily praxis of advocacy activity. It has as theoretical assumption that the Work and Technology does not determine human action and therefore humans free to control the facilities brought by technology which should in theory provide the improvement in the material conditions of life people. This is research from open questionnaires that allow both a qualitative analysis of the content of the written reports, as some quantification via consolidation of replies. It analyzes the transformations caused by computerization of the judicial process in your new electronic form, these changes occurred since the enactment of Law 11.419/2006 and the restructuring of the work of Brazilian advocacy in recent years. The problem we intend to answer is the following: What is the emancipatory potential of technology to the work of the lawyer? At the end of the study presents the results obtained in the research regarding: intensification of labor lawyer, modifications in the structure of advocacy firms, lawyers 'main difficulties with the PJE, changes in work productivity of lawyers, lawyers' perception regarding impacts of the implementation of PJE in health and some gender implications between men and women lawyers to get to work with the Judicial Process Electronic.

Análise do efeito aprendizagem na execução da estrutura de um edifício de pavimentos-tipo

Agnoletto, Rafael Antonio 11 August 2010 (has links)
Com o rápido desenvolvimento, tecnologias avançadas e inovadoras, novos processos construtivos que são executados com qualidade e produtividade na construção civil e ao nível de exigências cada vez maiores do mercado e de clientes, as empresas precisam elaborar estratégias de mercado visando tornarem-se mais competitivas. Este trabalho analisa o comportamento da produtividade em um edifício de pavimentos-tipo por curvas clássicas do efeito aprendizagem em uma cidade na região sul do Brasil, em particular na execução da estrutura de concreto armado. O método adotado foi de observações através de planilhas de homem-hora e também de observações instantâneas de produtividade através de pesquisa em campo. Como resultados obtidos, observou-se que a produtividade sofreu aumentos significativos ao longo da execução, variando conforme a complexidade dos serviços, sendo que quanto mais complicado, mais se observou o aumento de produtividade do mesmo. Conclui-se, ainda, através desta pesquisa, que houve uma co-relação entre a produtividade relacionada no efeito aprendizagem pelo número de homens-hora com a amostragem de trabalho por pavimento observada, sendo que ocorreu um aumento de produtividade ao longo do processo neste edifício de caráter repetitivo e que este deve ser levado em conta para planejamento e controle de obras com estas características. / With the rapid development, advanced technologies and innovative new construction processes that are executed with quality and productivity in construction and the level of increasing demands of the market and customers, companies need to develop market strategies in order to become more competitive. This document analyzes the behavior of productivity in a building with floor-type curves for classical learning effect in a town in southern Brazil, particularly in the implementation of the reinforced concrete structure. The method used was observations through spreadsheets of man-hours of observations and also instant productivity through research in the field. The results obtained showed that productivity suffered significant increases over the lifetime, depending on complexity of services, and the more complicated the more you noticed the increased productivity of the same. It follows also that there is a correlation between productivity related to learning effect by the number of man-hours with sampling of work by surface observed, and there was an increase in productivity throughout the process in this building of the repetitive and that this should be taken into account in planning and control works with these characteristics.

Processo judicial eletrônico: novos tempos para o trabalho da advocacia?

Velasco Junior, Estanislau 22 April 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga como se dão as interações e as relações entre a tecnologia e o trabalho do(a) Advogado(a). O estudo tem o objetivo de analisar as condições atuais do trabalho na advocacia a partir das modificações trazidas pelo Processo Judicial Eletrônico – PJE. Busca-se apresentar o quantum o PJE tem condicionado a práxis cotidiana da atividade da advocacia. Temse como pressuposto teórico que o trabalho e a tecnologia não determinam o agir humano, sendo, pois, o ser humano livre para direcionador as facilidades trazidas pela tecnologia, as quais deveriam, em tese, proporcionar a melhoria nas condições materiais da vida das pessoas. Trata-se de pesquisa realizada a partir de questionários abertos que permitem, tanto uma análise qualitativa dos conteúdos de depoimentos escritos, quanto certa quantificação, via consolidação das respostas obtidas. São analisadas as transformações provocadas pela informatização do processo judicial em sua nova forma eletrônica – mudanças estas ocorridas a partir do advento da Lei 11.419/2006 – e a reestruturação do trabalho na advocacia brasileira nestes últimos anos. O problema que se pretende responder, em última análise, é o seguinte: Qual a potencialidade emancipatória da tecnologia para o trabalho do(a) advogado(a)? Ao final do estudo são apresentados os resultados obtidos na pesquisa quanto a: intensificação no trabalho do(a) advogado(a); modificações observadas na estrutura dos escritórios de advocacia; principais dificuldades dos(as) advogados(as) com o PJE; alterações na produtividade no trabalho dos(as) advogados(as); percepção dos(as) advogados(as) quanto aos impactos da implantação do PJE na saúde, e; algumas implicações de gênero, entre advogados e advogadas, para se para trabalhar com o Processo Judicial Eletrônico. / This research investigates how interactions occur and the relationship between Technology and the Work of the Lawyer. The study aims to analyze the current conditions of work of advocacy from the changes brought by Judicial Process Electronic - PJE. We seek to present the quantum the PJE has conditioned the daily praxis of advocacy activity. It has as theoretical assumption that the Work and Technology does not determine human action and therefore humans free to control the facilities brought by technology which should in theory provide the improvement in the material conditions of life people. This is research from open questionnaires that allow both a qualitative analysis of the content of the written reports, as some quantification via consolidation of replies. It analyzes the transformations caused by computerization of the judicial process in your new electronic form, these changes occurred since the enactment of Law 11.419/2006 and the restructuring of the work of Brazilian advocacy in recent years. The problem we intend to answer is the following: What is the emancipatory potential of technology to the work of the lawyer? At the end of the study presents the results obtained in the research regarding: intensification of labor lawyer, modifications in the structure of advocacy firms, lawyers 'main difficulties with the PJE, changes in work productivity of lawyers, lawyers' perception regarding impacts of the implementation of PJE in health and some gender implications between men and women lawyers to get to work with the Judicial Process Electronic.

Análise do efeito aprendizagem na execução da estrutura de um edifício de pavimentos-tipo

Agnoletto, Rafael Antonio 11 August 2010 (has links)
Com o rápido desenvolvimento, tecnologias avançadas e inovadoras, novos processos construtivos que são executados com qualidade e produtividade na construção civil e ao nível de exigências cada vez maiores do mercado e de clientes, as empresas precisam elaborar estratégias de mercado visando tornarem-se mais competitivas. Este trabalho analisa o comportamento da produtividade em um edifício de pavimentos-tipo por curvas clássicas do efeito aprendizagem em uma cidade na região sul do Brasil, em particular na execução da estrutura de concreto armado. O método adotado foi de observações através de planilhas de homem-hora e também de observações instantâneas de produtividade através de pesquisa em campo. Como resultados obtidos, observou-se que a produtividade sofreu aumentos significativos ao longo da execução, variando conforme a complexidade dos serviços, sendo que quanto mais complicado, mais se observou o aumento de produtividade do mesmo. Conclui-se, ainda, através desta pesquisa, que houve uma co-relação entre a produtividade relacionada no efeito aprendizagem pelo número de homens-hora com a amostragem de trabalho por pavimento observada, sendo que ocorreu um aumento de produtividade ao longo do processo neste edifício de caráter repetitivo e que este deve ser levado em conta para planejamento e controle de obras com estas características. / With the rapid development, advanced technologies and innovative new construction processes that are executed with quality and productivity in construction and the level of increasing demands of the market and customers, companies need to develop market strategies in order to become more competitive. This document analyzes the behavior of productivity in a building with floor-type curves for classical learning effect in a town in southern Brazil, particularly in the implementation of the reinforced concrete structure. The method used was observations through spreadsheets of man-hours of observations and also instant productivity through research in the field. The results obtained showed that productivity suffered significant increases over the lifetime, depending on complexity of services, and the more complicated the more you noticed the increased productivity of the same. It follows also that there is a correlation between productivity related to learning effect by the number of man-hours with sampling of work by surface observed, and there was an increase in productivity throughout the process in this building of the repetitive and that this should be taken into account in planning and control works with these characteristics.

The effects of higher education on law enforcement

Tolbert, Harrison 01 January 2004 (has links)
This paper focused on many aspects of higher education, and how this complex topic is affeccting law enforcement today and will continue to affect it in the future. The role of police officers has changed over the preceding two hundred years from watchman to professional peacekeeper. Experts attribute this change to increases in societal awareness of crime, the implementation of civil service protection, and educational advances.

Incertidumbre y aplicación de la metodología BIM-LPS en el flujo de trabajo, durante la ejecución del proyecto C.C. Plaza Surco bajo la modalidad Fast-track

Quiñonez Pezo, Carlos Augusto 21 October 2020 (has links)
Un flujo de trabajo confiable se logra mediante un buen planeamiento según la metodología del Last Planner. Sin embargo, en proyectos donde se usa el método de Fast-track, la aplicación del Last Planner (LPS) es mucho más complicada. Se sabe que el método de Fast-track origina muchos problemas al momento de construir, puesto a que el diseño aún no se encuentra definido en su totalidad. Un flujo de trabajo que se interrumpe, normalmente conlleva a grandes pérdidas en la productividad. Si bien el LPS es una herramienta que ayuda en asegurar un “flujo continuo de trabajo” debido a los planes detallados que se realizan, en la medida en que se acerca a la fecha de ejecución, el método de Fast-track limita sus ventajas, aumentando exponencialmente a la vez, la variabilidad en el proyecto. Es por esta razón, que es muy importante usar las herramientas BIM con el propósito de dar soporte visual y evaluar de mejor manera la confiabilidad de los planes que se hacen en el Look Ahead y en el plan semanal. Los softwares del BIM permiten gestionar la información, los espacios de trabajo, e identificar lo antes posible las restricciones de diseño. Con lo dicho anteriormente, es necesario usar y proponer la integración del BIM y el Last Planner con la finalidad de reducir la variabilidad y que se pueda generar hacer las programaciones con mayor confiabilidad, en proyectos que se ejecuten bajo la modalidad Fast-track.. Esta investigación va a abarcar en primer lugar, la investigación de tres proyectos de edificaciones correspondiente a centros comerciales donde se haya utilizado el Last Planner System, con el propósito de encontrar las deficiencias tanto en el proceso constructivo, como en el uso del Last Planner. Se toma en cuenta las notas de mejora y las acciones preventivas en su aplicación en esos proyectos. De esta forma, basándose en la recopilación de toda esa información, se plantea una mejora en el sistema del Last Planner mediante la elaboración de una guía que muestre los pasos para realizar la integración de la tecnología BIM con las herramientas del Last Planner. Y por último, se aplica a un centro comercial, con la finalidad de cuantificar su impacto en la disminución de la variabilidad y generar un flujo de trabajo continuo durante la etapa de ejecución de la fase de estructuras. / A reliable workflow is achieved through good planning according to the Last Planner methodology. However, in projects where the Fast-track method is used, the application of the Last Planner (LPS) is much more complicated. The Fast-track method is known to cause many problems at the time of construction, since the design is not yet fully defined. An interrupted workflow usually leads to huge losses in productivity. Although the LPS is a tool that helps to ensure a “continuous workflow” due to the detailed plans that are made, as the execution date approaches, the Fast-track method limits its advantages, increasing exponentially at the same time, the variability in the project. For this reason, it is very important to use BIM tools in order to provide visual support and better evaluate the reliability of the plans made in the Look Ahead and in the weekly plan. BIM software allows you to manage information, workspaces, and identify design restrictions as soon as possible. With the aforementioned, it is necessary to use and propose the integration of BIM and the Last Planner in order to reduce variability and that it can be generated to do the programming with greater reliability, in projects that are executed under the Fast-track mode. This investigation will cover, in the first place, the investigation of three building projects corresponding to shopping centers where the Last Planner System has been used, in order to find deficiencies both in the construction process and in the use of the Last Planner. Notes for improvement and preventive actions are taken into account in their application in these projects. In this way, based on the compilation of all this information, an improvement in the Last Planner system is proposed by preparing a guide that shows the steps to integrate BIM technology with the Last Planner tools. And finally, it is applied to a shopping center, in order to quantify its impact on reducing variability and generating a continuous work flow during the execution stage of the structures phase. / Tesis

El capital humano como determinante en la transición del empleo informal al empleo formal / Human capital as a determinant in the transition from informal to formal employment

Visurraga Sánchez, Boris Anderson 24 November 2021 (has links)
La informalidad laboral es una gran problemática del mercado laboral pero afecta a toda la economía. Entre sus causas y consecuencias implica muchos problemas económicos, sociales e institucionales. En el 2019 la informalidad laboral en el Perú fue del 72%, lo cual es alarmante. El presente trabajo de investigación se limita a analizar al empleado informal, es decir observar sus características y condiciones, para posteriormente evaluar de qué manera estos trabajadores podrían pasar a ser trabajadores formales. Dentro de los determinantes de la transición del empleo informal al empleo formal, el foco de atención está en el capital humano, el cual está representado por los años de educación. Para modelar este proceso se utilizó la base de microdatos de la ENAHO Panel 2015-2019, donde mediante estimaciones logit de elección binaria, teniendo de probabilidad éxito pasar a la formalidad y de fracaso que se mantenga en la informalidad, se exploraron las transiciones desde t a t+1 hasta t a t+4. Finalmente, se comprueba la hipótesis general, es decir el capital humano es un determinante que aumenta la probabilidad de que se migre al empleo formal, con un resultado robusto por la contundencia en todas las estimaciones. / Labor informality is a major problem in the labor market but it affects the entire economy. Among its causes and consequences, it involves many economic, social and institutional problems. In 2019, labor informality in Peru was 72%, which is alarming. The present research work is limited to analyzing the informal employee, that is, observing their characteristics and conditions, to later evaluate how these workers could become formal workers. Among the determinants of the transition from informal to formal employment, the focus is on human capital, which is represented by years of education. To model this process, the microdata base of the ENAHO Panel 2015-2019 was used, where by means of logit estimates of binary choice, having the probability of success going to formality and of failure remaining in informality, the transitions from ta t + 1 to ta t + 4. Finally, the general hypothesis is verified, that is, human capital is a determinant that increases the probability of migrating to formal employment, with a robust result due to the forcefulness in all estimates. / Trabajo de investigación

Оптимизация работы персонала на предприятии ООО «ТФК «ЕВРАЗИЯ» : магистерская диссертация / Optimization of personnel work at «TFC EURASIA Enterprise»

Лобанов, А. В., Lobanov, A. V. January 2020 (has links)
Процедура оптимизации персонала на предприятии во многом зависит от того, какая методология будет внедрена. Таким образом, классический подход к оптимизации персонала выглядит довольно простым событием, однако он имеет много недостатков и не является актуальной методологией в современном управлении персоналом. Однако многие работодатели прибегают к этому, поэтому каждый участник трудовых отношений должен с ним ознакомиться. Оптимизация численности работников предприятия по стандартной методике предусматривает избавление от тех работников, которые непосредственно не участвуют в формировании прибыли компании или чей вклад в ее формирование минимален. Более того, иногда довольно жесткие меры могут применяться в виде массовых сокращений с учетом чисто экономических показателей. В этом случае негативными аспектами этого процесса могут стать снижение производительности оставшегося персонала, отстранение работников, косвенно положительно повлиявших на производительность труда, снижение имиджа предприятия и другие риски. / The procedure for optimizing personnel in an enterprise depends to a large extent on which methodology will be implemented. Thus, the classic approach to staff optimization looks quite simple, but it has many shortcomings and is not an actual methodology in modern personnel management. However, many employers resort to this, so each employee must familiarize himself with it. Optimization of the number of employees of the enterprise according to the standard methodology provides for the disposal of those workers who do not directly participate in the formation of the company's profit or whose contribution to its formation is minimal. Moreover, sometimes rather stringent measures can be applied in the form of mass reductions, taking into account purely economic indicators. In this case, the negative aspects of this process may be a decrease in the productivity of the remaining personnel, the removal of employees who indirectly positively affected labor productivity, a decrease in the image of the enterprise and other risks.

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