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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Creating the Language of Peace: Peace, War, and Art in the Works of Maxine Hong Kingston

Caves, Awndrea Shar, Caves, Awndrea Shar January 2017 (has links)
In Creating the Language of Peace: Peace, War, and Art in the Works of Maxine Hong Kingston, I explore how this Chinese American writer pursues the creation of peace in her writings and life. These chapters explore Kingston's discussion of war and her determination to create a language of peace through creative non-fiction, fiction, and poetry. Her works draw our attention to the ubiquity of war in our lives and furthers her endeavor to highlight this as well as her struggle for peace against the backdrop of an American pro-war political landscape. Creating the Language of Peace will be the first book length treatment of these topics across Kingston's career. It also considers Kingston's oft-expressed intention to create peace through artistic means, in her case, through writing. This dissertation will fill the gap in research and analysis, refocusing the discussion on the themes and issues Kingston has repeatedly indicated are vital to understanding her work: peace, war, art, and the creation of a language of peace. Throughout, I consider Kingston's development of a language of peace, her explorations of war and its consequences, the influence of her Buddhist philosophies, the close compatibility of her works with contemporary peace theory, and the possibility for peace poetics within her poetry. The Woman Warrior (1976) and China Men (1980) are the focus of chapter one, an investigation into Kingston's first analyses of war and its consequences for all who are touched by its violence. Chapter two takes the novel Tripmaster Monkey (1989) and compares Kingston's pacifist choices with Johan Galtung's peace theory. Thich Nhat Hanh's version of engaged Buddhism and its influence on both Kingston's The Fifth Book of Peace (2003) and her peace activism is explored in chapter three. The final chapter turns to her two books of poetry, To Be the Poet (2002) and I Love a Broad Margin to My Life (2011), exploring how the role of the American poet as a political voice develops in her poetry.

Le Discours romanesque des passions. Rhétorique et poétique des passions dans la fiction narrative en prose du XVIIe siècle / The Discourse of Passions. Rhetoric and Poetic of Passions in the Narrative Fiction in Prose of the XVIIth Century

Petit, Adrienne 15 October 2016 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est d’étudier les changements qui s’opèrent au cours du XVIIe siècle dans la manière dont les passions sont exprimées et représentées dans la fiction narrative en prose. Avec le passage des longs romans aux nouvelles galantes, la date de 1660 est souvent considérée comme une date charnière pour le genre romanesque. Ce renouveau formel intéresse tout particulièrement la question de l’affectivité – aussi bien sur les plans stylistique, énonciatif que pragmatique. Alors que l’expression pathétique se voit redéfinie par la critique de l’ornement et la promotion du naturel, les vicissitudes du roman semblent en partie corrélées à celles de l’art de parler. Travaillant sur le siècle en son entier, à partir d’un vaste choix de textes fictionnels, de rhétoriques et de poétiques, nous avons voulu décrire une à une les étapes de ce bouleversement. Cette mise en perspective invite à nuancer le caractère novateur de la nouvelle historique et galante. Si le roman baroque se présente comme une anthologie de discours passionnés, on assiste, dès les années 1620, à l’effacement de la voix narrative et, par conséquent, des marques d’une narration émue. De même, le psycho-récit qui est associé dans l’histoire littéraire à La Princesse de Clèves est déjà une technique narrative bien attestée dans le premier XVIIe siècle. Nous inscrivant dans la lignée d’une histoire des formes littéraires, nous souhaiterions proposer une nouvelle périodisation du genre romanesque, à partir de l’examen de la sémiotisation des passions. / This PhD dissertation aims at studying the changes that took place during the XVIIth century in the way passions are expressed and represented in narrative fiction in prose. With the transition from long novels (« longs romans ») to the « nouvelles galantes », the year 1660 is often considered a landmark date for the novelistic genre. This formal renewal has a particular bearing on the question of affectivity, from a stylistic, enunciative and pragmatic point of view. Whereas pathetic expression is redefined by the critique of ornament and the promotion of the natural, the vissicitudes of the novel seem to be partly correlated to those of the art of speaking. By taking the whole century as our object of study, through a vast choice of fictional, rhetoric and poetic texts, we have tried to describe one by one the stages of this evolution. This perspective leads us to qualify the innovative character of the « nouvelle historique et galante ». The baroque novel presents itself as an anthology of passionate discourses. However, from the 1620s on, a fading away of the narrative voice, and consequently of the marks of an emotional narration, take place. Equally, the psycho-narration associated in literary history with the Princesse de Clèves is already a well attested narrative technique in the first XVIIth century. Following the tradition of the history of literary forms, we wish to offer a new periodisation of the novelistic genre, through the analysis of the semiotisation of passions.

Unsettling heroines : towards a cognitive poetics exploration of power dynamics (Ophelia, Lady Macbeth, Desdemona and Cleopatra as case studies) / Héroïnes troublantes : vers une exploration de poétique cognitive des dynamiques du pouvoir (Ophélie, Lady Macbeth, Desdémone et Cléopâtre comme études de cas)

Mezghanni, Miriam 17 September 2016 (has links)
L’argument de cette recherche propose d’étudier le concept du pouvoir et ses manifestations chez les héroïnes tragiques de Shakespeare Ophélie, Desdémone, Lady Macbeth, et Cléopâtre. Cette étude suit deux axes d’interprétation, la domination et la résistance qui constituent le pouvoir féminin à travers ses productions verbales et ses projections mentales. Ces aspects sont explorés à travers une théorie de poétique cognitive et d'analyse de conversation. En parallèle, les théories critiques vont compléter la discussion des résultats trouvés. Ce travail explore comment les héroïnes tragiques de Shakespeare mènent leur propre résistance et exercent une contre-force à un poly-système patriarcal basé sur un héritage de séparation de genre. Ces personnages brossent un portrait distinctif d'héroïsme tragique féminin ; une voix indépendante et vibrante dans le texte shakespearien. / The Shakespearean tragic heroines are a polemical topic. Critics are divided between a reading that describes them as complex and dynamic protagonists and a reading that sees their presence as ornamental and paper-thin in the Shakespearean dramatic tradition. This study examines tenets of power within four major tragic figures, Ophelia, Desdemona, Lady Macbeth, and Cleopatra. Conversation analysis and disciplines from cognitive poetics, text world theory and conceptual metaphor analysis, will be used to study these characters’ utterances and thoughts. The research shows that Ophelia, Desdemona, Lady Macbeth, and Cleopatra are actively involved in power relations. They manifest dominance, exercise resistance, and sow dissidence within masculine narratives of authority. The conclusion can also be drawn that the Shakespearean tragic heroine succeeds in breaking through patriarchal embargo, embraces power, and inaugurates a distinctive concept of female heroism.

Poétique, poïétique chromatique de la céramique : le céladon entre métier archaïque et innovation non technologique / Chromatic poetic, poïetic of the ceramic : celadon between archaïc craft and non-technological innovation

Ling, Lucie 24 November 2014 (has links)
Le terme « céladon » désigne à lui seul trois éléments différents : d’abord héros de fiction issu de « L’Astrée » d’Honoré d’Urfé, puis, par extension, nom de couleur en Europe désignant une nuance de vert pâle ; finalement porcelaine chinoise créée durant au Ier Millénaire avant J.-C dont l’émail revêt des nuances bleu-vert, le céladon questionne autant sur son identité chromatique que ses sources de références. En effet, trouble et peut-être inclassable, le céladon est désigné, en Chine, par le terme qīng cí qui signifie « porcelaine verte ou bleue ». La présente étude se propose d’étudier le céladon à travers un double regard. D’une part, un point de vue occidental notamment avec la question de la nomination et, d’autre part, à travers une perception extrême-orientale où il est question de comprendre une pratique archaïque dont les fondements poétiques sont nourris par des imaginaires particuliers (jade, bronze). Toute la complexité du céladon réside ainsi dans ce pouvoir d’ubiquité qui lui a été involontairement conféré. La notion de fictionnalisation apparaît ainsi d’elle-même. Ce sont en effet les usages de l’objet lui-même, de sa couleur mais aussi de son nom qui vont engendrer de multiples imaginaires, de multiples fictions. D’une région du monde à l’autre, la perception diffère participant toujours plus à faire du céladon un objet insaisissable. Comment des imaginaires peuvent-ils nourrir la création dans le domaine des couleurs en céramique ? Comment réutiliser un savoir-faire sans en dénaturer les fondements ? Comment innover à partir d’une pratique archaïque ? / The term “celadon” refers to three definitions. First, it is a hero of a french fiction, “L’Astrée” written by Honoré d’Urfé. Then and by extension, it becomes a color name in Europe and it indicates a shade of pale green. But, finally, it makes mainly reference to one special Chinese porcelain created during the First Millennium (1250 before J.-C) which gets a blue-green glaze. Celadon questions so much about its chromatic identity that its reference sources. Indeed, shady and maybe unclassifiable, celadon is designated, in China, by the words “qing ci” which mean “green or blue porcelain”. Consequently, this research is done through a double look. On one hand, an occidental point of view question the naming, then Far East Asian perception where it is about to understand an archaic practice the poetic foundations of which are fed by specific imaginary (jade, bronze). All the complexity of the celadon so lives in this power of ubiquity which was involuntarily conferred on him. The notion of fictionnalisation so appears by itself. It is indeed the uses of the very object, of its color but also its name that are going to engender multiple imagination, multiple fictions. Of a region from the world to the other one, the perception differs always participating more to make of the celadon as an imperceptible object. How can imagination feed the creation in the field of the ceramic colors? How to reuse a know-how without distorting foundations? How can we innovate from an archaic practice?

De la mémoire au présent. Approche poético-herméneutique du roman francophone : lecture de l’œuvre romanesque de Kossi Efoui / Memory to the present. Poetic-hermeneutic approach the Francophone novel : reading the novels Kossi Efoui

Allogho Mantwani, Canissius 30 May 2015 (has links)
Le présent travail explore les préfigurations et les configurations mémorielles, du moins les revenances comme un retour sur les profondeurs d'une anamnèse qui engage la réflexivité d'un sujet. Ce travail cherche à valoriser le potentiel herméneutique de la mémoire au présent. Il se désolidarise d'une vision strictement passéiste de l'acte mnésique pour emprunter les contours d'une mémoire toujours à venir. Car, s'il faut entendre le souvenir comme ce qui fait revenir le passé, il n'est pas certain que ce dernier appartienne exclusivement au passé. L'acte de la souvenance se produit dans une sorte de duplicité/dédoublement qui se traduit par le fait que quelqu'un puisse se souvenir à moment donné de quelque chose. Ce qui veut dire qu'il y a une présence du sujet à lui-même, une présence qui le manifeste et le met en route en direction du passé. Cette présence à soi est du ressort d'une temporalité spécifique. Il faut absolument qu'un temps se soit écoulé pour qu'on puisse s'en rappeler ici et maintenant. Le présent élabore la mémoire, s'emploie à son effectivité, c'est-à-dire à sa reconstruction. Ainsi, en insistant sur les constructions ontologiques et historiques, les considérations éthiques et politiques de la mémoire, notre réflexion sur la représentation du passé traite des rapports de la conscience subjective et/ou collective au temps, à l'histoire, au devenir. À cet égard, contre une certaine épistémè qui trop souvent définit la mémoire comme le miroir exclusif de l'expérience passée, cette recherche interroge le passé, non pas dans une percée nostalgique déterminante, mais plutôt dans une intention de légitimation du consentement de l'être à refuser la gangrène de la mort et l'usure du temps. Que l'individu se souvienne, clairement, confusément, sans effort, avec l'assurance et l'ivresse d'un bonheur ou le déplaisir d'une angoisse traversée par la honte et la mélancolie, il va sans dire que ce dernier n'a plus à choisir entre un devoir et un oubli de mémoire, entre passé et présent, entre un déjà-là et un-pas-encore-là. Se souvenir veut dire se rappeler pour dépasser le mal, pour changer de place, pour être vivant. De ce point de vue, la pratique poético-herméneutique de la mémoire au présent consiste précisément à comprendre l'existence et le devenir de l'être en situation. / This work explores the foreshadowing and memory configurations, at least the revenances as a return to the depths of a history that engages the reflexivity of a subject. This work seeks to enhance the potential of hermeneutics memory to the present. It disengages a strictly backward-looking vision of the mnemonic act to borrow the outlines of memory still to come. For if it means the memory as making back the past, it is not certain that it belongs exclusively to the past. The act of remembrance occurs in a kind of duplicity / duplication resulting in the fact that someone can remember at some point something. This means that there is a presence of the subject himself, a presence that the manifesto and puts it off in the direction of the past. This self-presence is the responsibility of a specific temporality. It is imperative that a time has passed for us to remember here and now. This develops memory, works to its effectiveness, that is to say, its reconstruction. Thus, emphasizing the ontological and historical buildings, ethical and political considerations of memory, our thinking about the representation of the past deals with the relationship of subjective consciousness and / or collectively to time, to history, to become. In this regard, against some episteme that too often defines memory as the sole mirror of past experience, the research questions the past, not in a nostalgic decisive breakthrough, but rather an intention to legitimize the consent of the be denied gangrene of death and the passage of time. That the individual can remember, clearly, confusedly, without effort, with the assurance and the intoxication of happiness or displeasure of anxiety crossed by shame and melancholy, it goes without saying that it does has to choose between duty and memory forgetting, past and present, between an already-there-and not even then. Remember means remembering to overcome evil, to change places, to be alive. From this point of view, poetic-hermeneutic practice of this memory is precisely to understand the existence and fate of being in situation.

L'oeuvre poétique de Léopold Sédar Senghor : esthétique de la reception, procès de la création / Poetic work of Léopold Sédar Senghor : esthetics of receptionand lawsuit of creation

Singare, Issiaka Ahmadou 15 December 2012 (has links)
RESUMEŒuvre poétique, publié en 1990 par les éditions du Seuil rassemble la totalité de la création littéraire de Léopold Sédar. Les poèmes qui y sont insérés, examinés à la lumière des déclarations de leur auteur, font déceler trois périodes de création : celle des « poèmes perdus », celle des « poèmes divers » et celle des poèmes de la maturité répartis entre les titres de recueils que sont : Chants d'Ombre (1945), Hosties noires (1948), Ethiopiques (1956), Nocturnes (1961), Lettres d'hivernage (1973), Elégies majeures (1979). Les « poèmes perdus » sont présentés comme des « poèmes imparfaits », les « poèmes divers » comme ceux qui, contrairement aux premiers, se rapprochent de l'esthétique négro-africaine et les poèmes de la maturité comme des textes illustrant « le modèle nègre ».L'existence de ces trois étapes se justifie par le fait que Senghor a commencé à rédiger des poèmes avant de concevoir un projet poétique. Déjà, sur les bancs du collège, à Dakar, il versifiait et, une fois à Paris, dans le courant des années 1930, il se consacre, en militant nationaliste, à « la défense et l'illustration des valeurs civilisatrices du monde noir » injustement méconnues ou méprisées. L'une des conséquences de ce militantisme fut la découverte et la formulation des lois de l'esthétique négro-africaine ; lesquelles furent suivies de la formulation d'un projet : créer une nouvelle poésie nègre de langue française. Il entend réaliser ce projet, confie l'avoir réalisé, d'une part, à l'attention d'un public constitué par « mon peuple » et « le peuple de France » ; d'autre part, en rompant avec la poétique française traditionnelle pour renouer avec la poétique négro-africaine. Le militantisme dans le cadre de l'affirmation de la négritude a donc mené Senghor à se choisir : un public, une thématique et une poétique.Que Senghor soit l'auteur d'une œuvre poétique de premier plan est incontestable : poète franco-sénégalais, il a élargi les sources d'inspiration de la poésie française et créé une nouvelle poésie nègre. Cependant, la réalisation de son projet poétique amène à poser deux questions : a-t-il réellement écrit pour le public qu'il s'est choisi ? Ses poèmes constituent-ils réellement une illustration des lois de l'esthétique négro-africaine telles qu'il les a présentées dans plusieurs de ses essais ? Voilà les deux questions auxquelles le présent travail entend répondre. Il y sera question, en premier lieu, d'une biographie conçue pour éclairer la signification des poèmes. Ensuite, l'accent sera mis sur la quête et la découverte de la poétique négro-africaine et des conséquences qui en découlèrent. Enfin, la réflexion portera sur le processus créateur de la réalisation et l'esthétique de la réception. / ABSTRACTSŒuvre poétique, published in 1990 by Le Seuil Edition gathers all the literary creation of Léopold Sédar Senghor. Poems inserted in, examined in the light of the statements made by the author, make reveal three periods of creation : the one of “lost poem”, the one of “various poems” and that of maturity poems shared among titles of collections which are : Chants d'Ombre (1945), Hosties Noires (1948), Ethiopiques (1956), Nocturnes (1961), Lettres d'hivernage (1973), Elégies majeures (1979). The “lost poems” are shown as “imperfect poems”, the “various poem” as those which, opposite to the first ones, are close to Negro-African aesthetics and the poems of maturity are shown as being the texts illustrating by the “negro template”.Existence of these three steps is justified by the fact that Senghor started to poetize before designing a poetical project. Before, on the benches of school in Dakar, he put into verse and, once in Paris, during the years 1930s, he devoted, while being a nationalist activist, to “defence and illustration of civilizing values of the black world” unjustly ignored of despised. One of the consequences of that activism was the discovery and the formulation of a project : create a new Negro French language poetry. He thinks to implement that project, confides having executed it, on the one hand, to the attention of an audience composed of “my people from France”; on the other, breaking with French traditional poetry to take up with Negro-African again. Activism in the framework of assertion of negritude therefore led Senghor to choose for himself an audience, a theme and Poetry.The fact that Senghor is the author of uppermost poetical work is unquestionable: as a Franco-Senegalese poet, he widened sources of inspiration of French Poetry and created a new Negro Poetry. However, implementation of his poetical project leads to ask two questions: was he the one who actually wrote for the audience he chose? Do his poems actually constitute an illustration of laws of Negro-African aesthetics as he presented them in many of his essays? These are two questions which the present word undertakes to answer. It will concern, at first a biography designs do enlighten meaning of poems. Then, emphasis will be put on the quest and discovery of Negro-African poetry and consequences which derived from. Finally, reflection will relate to the creating process of the implementation and aesthetics of acceptance.

Por uma clínica poética : experimentações em risco nas imagens em performance / For a poetic clinic : experimentations at risk on the images in performances

Bom-Tempo, Juliana Soares, 1981- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Carlos Rodrigues de Amorim / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T15:12:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bom-Tempo_JulianaSoares_D.pdf: 3212391 bytes, checksum: abd86f952a9cc47ef5f73560a40c35b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: A composição proposta se dá entre imagens, performances, clínicas, educação e filosofias. Para esse empreendimento parte-se em direção ao que não se sabe de antemão, portando uma pergunta como bússola: "seria na criação, produção e execução de imagens em performance um 'quando' para o acontecimento de uma clínica poética?" Diante dessa questão, têm-se, para pensar um 'quando' do acontecimento de uma clínica poética, imagens em performances criadas, produzidas e executadas em parcerias com a autora desse texto. Frente a essa composição, construíram-se quatro elementos-indicadores para encontrar coordenadas espaço-temporais que localizariam esse "quando", quais sejam: as zonas de riscos; as mobilizações dos signos; o figurar a carne e uma educação dos afetos. Operou-se junto às imagens em performances de Crútero; Carne; Cariogamia e o risco do aborto; Clara; Ovo-boca; Ilhas, linhas, palavras... germens; Egg-Mouth-Debris, tomadas como casos práticos, ao engendrarem zonas de riscos para agenciar individuações, que nunca se efetivam por completo, sempre portando algo de pré-individual e individuando também um meio; ao mobilizarem os signos territorializados pelo ordinário, fazendo-os variar a língua e as palavras de ordem ditadas pelo cotidiano em outras composições de sentido, outras maquinações; ao gerarem um figurar da carne, desorganizando os corpos, isolando-os na produção de um terreno de força que faz o corpo vazar e desfazer as funcionalidades dos órgãos; e, por fim, ao produzirem uma educação dos afetos, colocando as percepções em devires e desacoplando os visíveis e os dizíveis na produção de pequenos desertos que convocam a criação de um povo ainda por vir. As imagens em performances apresentadas, desse modo, foram se movimentando em busca pelas potências de produzir um "quando" espaço-temporal colocando em zonas de riscos os territórios, mobilizando os signos que formatam os cotidianos, abrindo os corpos a uma desorganização e a produção de uma educação dos afetos para o acontecimento de uma clínica poética / Abstract: The proposed composition occurs between images, performances, clinics, education and philosophies. For this enterprise we depart for what is not known beforehand, so with a question as a compass: "would it be in the creation, production and implementation of images in a performance a "when" for the event of a poetic clinic?" In light of this, there are, in order to think a ' when ' of the event of a poetic clinic, images in performances created, produced and executed in partnerships with the author of this text. Faced with this composition, we built four indicators to find spatio-temporal coordinates that would spot that "when", namely: risk zones; the mobilizations of the signs; the figuring of the flesh and an education of the affections. We dealt with the images in Crútero performances; Flesh; Karyogamy and the risk of abortion; Egg white; Egg-mouth; Islands, threads, words ... germs; Egg-Mouth-Debris, taken as case studies, by engendering risks areas to promote individuations, which never actualize thoroughly, thus always something of pre-individual and also individuating a environment; by mobilizing the signs territorialized by the ordinary, causing them to vary the language and the words of order dictated by the everyday in other compositions of sense, other machinations; by generating a figure of flesh, disarranging the bodies, isolating them in the production of a ground force that causes the body to leak out and undo the functionalities of the organs; and, finally, by producing an education of affections, by placing the perceptions in becoming and disconnecting the visible and the utterable in the production of small deserts that call for the creation of a people yet to come. The images in performances presented, thereby, were moving in search for the power of producing a spatio-temporal "when" putting the territories in risk areas, mobilizing the signs that format the day-to-day, opening the bodies to a disorganization and the production of an education of affections for the event of a poetic clinic / Doutorado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Doutora em Educação

Confluência genérica na Elegia Erótica de Ovídio ou a Elegia Erótica em elevação / The combination of genres in Ovid\'s Erotic Elegy or elevating the Erotic

Cecília Gonçalves Lopes 19 February 2010 (has links)
No final do século I a.C., a Elegia Erótica Romana desafiou os gregos e as convenções poéticas apresentando um poeta-amante que cantava suas aventuras amorosas em primeira pessoa. Como se isso não bastasse, esse eu-elegíaco se dedicava à puella como se tal tarefa fosse uma militia, um seruitium amoris, e que exigia tempo integral. Galo, Propércio e Tibulo nos apresentaram suas dominas e se negaram a servir à pátria. Ovídio foi além: seguiu seus predecessores mas fez com que seus leitores aprendessem a entender o papel de cada uma das normas na construção desse gênero. Escreveu seu primeiro livro, Amores, e , a partir daí, começou a traçar um caminho ascendente: queria sua Elegia elevada, não apenas média. Para isso, produziu recusationes, elegias programáticas e, o mais importante, confluiu gêneros. Fez uso da Epistolografia, da Retórica, da Didática e de personas e exempla míticos para compor Heroides, Ars amatoria e Remedia amoris. Nesta dissertação, mostra-se a trajetória do poeta na elevação da Elegia Erótica de Ovídio. / At the end of the 1st. century b.C., Latin Erotic Elegy challenged Greeks and poetic conventions when portrayed a man, poet and lover, talking, in the first person, about his adventures: he also dedicated himself to a puella as if it were a militia, his seruitium amoris, which was a full-time job. Gallus, Propertius and Tibullus introduced us to their dominas and did not (want to) serve their nation. Ovid did more than that: he followed his predecessors but made his readers learn the role of each of the principles of the genre. He wrote his first book, Amores, and, from then on, delineated an ascendant path: he wanted his Elegy to be high, not only something that depicted an average subject. In order to achieve it, he composed recusationes, programmatic elegies and, most important of all, he converged genres: he was able to use Epistolography, Rhetoric, Didactic and mythological personas and exempla to write Heroides, Ars amatoria and Remedia amoris. In this dissertation, we show his trajectory in the elevation of Ovids Erotic Elegy.

Letras de Rap e a linguagem poética: uma proposta de ensino de leitura no ensino médio

Nátali Soares de Agustino 09 April 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa propõe uma articulação entre as letras de RAP e a linguagem poética como possibilidade de ensino de leitura no Ensino Médio. A pesquisa foi motivada ao constatar, durante a prática docente, o desinteresse da linguagem poética pelos educandos do Ensino Médio de algumas escolas públicas estaduais. Ao se perceber a necessidade de trabalhar a linguagem poética de maneira atrativa dentro da sala de aula, a pergunta de pesquisa surge: É possível uma articulação entre o RAP e a linguagem poética? Na tentativa de solucionar tal pergunta, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar, por intermédio da leitura fruitiva, uma proposta de ensino de leitura. Para cumprir esse projeto utilizamos as letras das canções `Cálice, de Chico Buarque e Criolo e o poema `José, de Drummond no intuito de aproximar os alunos de linguagens diferenciadas, partindo da mais comum que é a do RAP para levá-los a textos mais elaborados da literatura. Como fundamentação teórica, utilizam-se os estudos de Mikhail Bakhtin e do Círculo, que servem de arcabouço teórico, visando a importância das relações dialógicas no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. A realização da análise possibilitou verificar a presença das diferentes vozes que permeiam o processo discursivo, observando-se principalmente o dialogismo, a interdiscursividade e a intertextualidade, os efeitos de sentido e as marcas da ideologia para a assimilação do texto poético como materialidade sócio-histórica e cultural. A conclusão apresenta uma discussão do resultado das análises desenvolvidas na pesquisa, demonstrando o enriquecimento decorrente da relação dialógica mantida entre os gêneros e da possibilidade de ampliar o horizonte cultural dos alunos, tornando efetiva a formação de leitores críticos e responsivos. / This current research proposes an articulation between RAP lyrics and the poetic language as means of reading lectures in secondary education. The motivation for this research came during faculty practice when observed the indifference that the student body had at certain public secondary schools towards the subject. While realizing the necessity of dealing with the poetic language in a more attractive way, the question for this research emerged: Is it possible to articulate RAP and poetic language? In the attempt to answer such question, the target of this research is to present a proposal for reading lectures through mediation of pleasant reading to the students. In order to perform this project, we utilize the lyrics of the songs `Cálice from Chico Buarque and Criolo and the poem `José from Drummond. As an attempt to bring the students closer to more distinguished language stiles, we start from the most common, which is RAP, to take them to more elaborate readings. As foundation for this thesis, studies from Mikhail Bakhtin and from Criolo are used. They serve as theoretical structures aiming for the importance of dialogical relationships in the teaching/learning process. Through the achievement of the analysis, it was possible to verify the presence of different voices that permeate the speech process, specially observing the dialogical, interdiscoursive and intertextual aspects, the meaning effects, and the ideological signs in order to assimilate the poetic text as a social-historical and cultural materialization. The conclusion presents a discussion of the analyses results that were developed in this research that demonstrate the enrichment of the dialogical relationships maintained between the genres and the possibility to magnify the students cultural horizons making the formation of critic and responsive readers become real.

Análisis conceptual de las películas 2001: Odisea del Espacio y La Naranja Mecánica del director Stanley Kubrick, desde el trabajo de Dirección Fotográfica y su impacto en la sociedad estadounidense de la década del setenta / Conceptual analysis of the films 2001: a space odyssey and the clockwork orange by stanley kubrick from the work of photography directing and it’s impact on the united states society of the seventies decade

Injoque Gonzales, Daniela Patricia 25 November 2019 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se analizará las películas 2001: Odisea del Espacio y La Naranja Mecánica del director Stanley Kubrick desde la perspectiva visual de la dirección fotográfica, y su impacto en la sociedad estadounidense de los años 70’s.  El objetivo de este estudio es identificar los mensajes ocultos que busca demostrar Stanley Kubrick por medio del uso de técnicas fotográficas en sus películas 2001: Odisea del espacio y La Naranja Mecánica. Por ello, se realizará un análisis de la composición fotográfica, el manejo del color e iluminación, con la finalidad de interpretar y comprender su simbolismo, así como impacto social en Estados Unidos de la década del setenta. / In the present investigation, we will be analyzed from the visual perspective of the images composition of the films 2001: Space Odyssey and The Clockwork Orange by Stanley Kubrick with the purpose of what was their impact on American society in the decade of 1970. The objective of this study is to identify the hidden messages that Stanley Kubrick seeks to demonstrate through symbolism in his films, 2001: Space Odyssey and The Clockwork Orange. Therefore, an analysis can be made in the photographic composition of elements, the most explicit scenes of this work, in order to interpret them and understand their impact on American society in the seventies. / Trabajo de investigación

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