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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ligoninės darbuotojų pasitenkinimas darbu ir įsipareigojimas organizacijai / Hospital employees' job satisfaction and organizational commitment

Stirbytė, Jolita 06 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: to study hospital employees‘ job satisfaction and organizational commitment in Šilalė district hospital and Klaipėda county hospital. The methods of the study. The anonymous questionnaire, containing 23 questions, was developed for the survey. The respondents were asked to score responses on a 7-point Likert scale where 1 stood for „completely disagree/completely dissatisfied“ and 7 – „completely agree/completely satisfied“. The response rate of Šilalė hospital employees‘ was 91 % (N = 117) and of Klaipėda hospital – 60 % (N = 378). The collected survey data was analysed using SPSS statistical analysis package, version 11.0. Results. Employees‘ overall job satisfaction (5,5) and the level of organizational commitment (4,2) is not high. Šilalė hospital employees, comparing them with Klaipėda, are more satisfied with the job (accordingly 5,9 ir 5,3) and are more commited to the organization (accordingly 4,7 ir 4,0). Health professionals are mostly satisfied with such job dimensions as relationship with their colleagues (5,7), opportunity for professional growth (5,1) and possibility for using their skills at work (4,9). The main dissatisfiers are salary (2,8), opportunity for advancement (3,7), social security (3,9). The level of affective and continuance commitment is not high (accordingly 4,7 and 4,4), and normative commitment – low (3,6). The strongest correlation (Spearmen‘s ratio) was observed between overall job satisfaction and satisfaction with... [to full text]

Structure and Process of Channel Program Selections: Retailers Choice among Parity Trade Promotions

Poddar, Amit 14 August 2007 (has links)
This research tried to explain the role of calculative commitment, loyalty commitment and power asymmetry on behavioral commitment in a business to business scenario. We specifically looked at the trade promotion scenario since retailers face more trade promotions than they can accept and extant research suggests that retailers always choose trade promotions that offer the greatest immediate benefit. This dissertation addressed the following managerial question, “How does a firm select a program (trade deal) when all its vendors offer the same short term economic incentives”. We proposed that other aspects of retailer’s relationship with its vendors determine / influence the program selection decision. First, incentives imbedded in channel relationships namely economic incentives (e.g., access to new products) and social incentives (e.g., affect toward vendor / salesperson) lead to a selection decision. Second, the power asymmetry the retailer has with the various vendors directly impacts decision making and also moderates the impact of the embedded economic / social incentives. We used commitment theory and an experimental design to test our model. We find that calculative commitment has the greatest impact on decision making followed by power asymmetry. We also find that loyalty commitment has the least impact. We also found that under high power asymmetry, calculative commitment has a bigger impact than loyalty commitment on behavioral commitment than under low power asymmetry when loyalty commitment has a bigger impact.

Pareigūnų, dirbančių priešgaisrinėje gelbėjimo tarnyboje, asmenybės savybių, įsipareigojimo organizacijai ir profesinio pervargimo sąsajos / The relations between fire fighters' personal traits, organizational commitment and burnout at work

Milkintaitė, Laima 04 August 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti pareigūnų, dirbančių priešgaisrinėje gelbėjimo tarnyboje, asmenybės savybių, įsipareigojimo organizacijai ir profesinio pervargimo sąsajas. Tyrimo metodai. Tyrimo metu naudotas apklausos (raštu) metodas. Naudota anketa, kurią sudarė bendra informacija (socialiniai – demografiniai kintamieji) apie tiriamąjį, Didžiojo penketo (NEO FFI) asmenybės, empatijos, įsipareigojimo organizacijai ir pervargimo darbe klausimynai. Statistinės analizės metodai: aprašomoji statistika, T kriterijus (Independent Samples T test), Pearson‘o ir Spearman‘o koreliacijos koeficientai, regresinė analizė. Tyrimo imtis. Tyrimas atliktas 2009 m. kovo-balandžio mėn. Tyrime dalyvavo 240 pareigūnų iš Šiaulių ir Telšių apskričių priešgaisrinės gelbėjimo valdyboms priklausančių priešgaisrinių gelbėjimo tarnybų. Visi (100%) tyrime dalyvavę pareigūnai yra vyrai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog pareigūnai, pasižymintys labiau išreikštu neurotizmu, yra labiau pervargę darbe nei pareigūnai, pasižymintys mažiau išreikštu neurotizmu. Pareigūnai, pasižymintys mažiau išreikštu sutarimu su kitais, sąžiningumu, ekstraversija bei empatija, pasižymi didesniu profesiniu pervargimu nei pareigūnai, turintys labiau išreikštą sutarimą su kitais, sąžiningumą, ekstraversiją bei empatiją. Labiau įsipareigoję organizacijai pareigūnai yra mažiau pervargę darbe. Pareigūnai, kuriems būdingas mažiau išreikštas neurotizmas, yra labiau įsipareigoję organizacijai nei pasižymintys labiau išreikštu neurotizmu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study – to ascertain the relations between fire fighters’ personal traits, organizational commitment and burnout at work. The methodology of the research. The study was based on four methods: Big Five (NEO FFI), Empathy Questionnaire (Omdahl, O'Donnell), the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire and Burnout Inventory. It was used the descriptive statistic, the average comparison (Independent Samples T test), Pearson, Spearman correlation rates, regression analysis. The sample of research. The research was carried out March-April 2009. 240 fire fighters were surveyed (100% men) from Šiauliai and Telšiai counties fire and rescue boards fire and rescue services. The results of research showed that fire fighters with lower emotional stability links to burnout at work much more than those who have higher emotional stability. The lower empathy, agreeableness, conscientiousness and extraversion impact fire fighters’ higher burnout at work. Fire fighters’ higher organizational commitment links to lower burnout. Fire fighters’ higher emotional stability links to higher organizational commitment. And the higher fire fighters’ empathy, agreeableness, conscientiousness and extraversion links to higher organizational commitment.

Predicting Persistence: An Examination of Two Critical Indicators of Brand Relationship Strength

Shabaga, Rebecca 09 August 2013 (has links)
The current research argues that brand commitment, a multidimensional construct consisting of brand attachment, long-term orientation, and intent to persist, is a better indicator of brand relationship strength than brand attachment alone. Brand commitment is a better indicator of brand relationship strength because it is able to predict brand relationship persistence, is influenced by important antecedents of brand relationship strength, and can explain the relationship between the antecedents of brand relationship strength and relationship persistence while brand attachment cannot. The current research employs survey methodology, SEM, and a between-subjects experimental design to test this argument. The results indicate that brand commitment predicts relationship persistence and reveal that long-term orientation and intent to persist are important predictors of relationship persistence. These findings contribute to the consumer-brand relationship literature by illustrating the importance of understanding all three of components of brand commitment.

Factors affecting the retention of Black employees at a large financial institution.

Mohamed, Fatiema. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman"> <p align="left">The results emanating from the study indicate that Work Environment variables played the most crucial role in retaining Black talent in the organisation at which the research was undertaken. There were significant relationships between some of the biographical variables and retention, and the four retention factors significantly explained the variance in retention. Recommendations based on the data were made to various stakeholders in order to address the existing problem, while simultaneously protecting the rights to confidentiality of the respondents.</p> </font></p>

Transparent and Fluid : Is a liquid loyalty the answer? Nurses and loyalty in a postmodern context

Öhrn, Jan January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Förhandlingslösning som alternativ till fortsatt militär kamp : en studie av två irreguljära parters val

Harryson, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
The Swedish Armed Forces tend to ask themselves if it is sufficiently multinational interoperablefor participation in international operations. An equally valid question today should be whether theSwedish Armed Forces are sufficiently nationally / internally interoperable, between their branchesof service, to be able to conduct independent operations based on the joint warfare theory.The lack of ability to joint warfare in the armed forces in general and the Swedish Armed Forcesspecially constitutes the essay´s fundamental problem. By using Codners and Sjöbloms custominteroperability theory, the Swedish Armed Forces documents were analyzed to highlight anyweaknesses related to joint warfare and national interoperability between Ground and Air Forces.The survey shows weaknesses linked to the custom theory and Swedish Armed Forces governingdocuments. The ability of a national interoperability is limited between Ground and Air Forcestoday, mostly because of weaknesses in the Swedish Armed Forces strategic concept which doesnot describe the importance of joint warfare at all levels sufficiently. This leads to deficienciesreflected in doctrines, regulations, technology, techniques and exercises. Lack of common documents,techniques, methods and exercises in turn affects armed services understanding of theirdifferent backgrounds and unique perspectives. The result will therefore be low national interoperabilityamong the armed services.

How readiness for strategic change affects employee commitment and flexibility : considering type of organizational culture

Persson, Sara January 2014 (has links)
Based on previous research readiness for strategic change has found to impact employee commitment and flexibility positively, by increasing the willingness to embrace and adapt changes faster. However, the relationship has mainly been investigated within the health care industry or from a national perspective, but lacks empirical research taking organizational culture into account. This study aims to investigate the relationship between readiness for strategic change, employee commitment and flexibility, with organizational culture as a moderating factor. The survey was conducted at an organization belonging to a multinational company including participants in four different countries. The results only showed partial support for the investigated relationship, and significant differentials between areas was also found to be present. A main finding was the major impact by organizational culture for employee commitment and flexibility at the presence of strategic changes.

Att vara dig trogen : En studie om hur trogen dagens konsument faktiskt är mot sin butik

Lindberg, Mikaela, Strengbohm, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Internets framfart har föranlett att den elektroniska handeln etablerat sig som en allt vanligare kanal för konsumtion. Denna utveckling har gett dagens konsumenter betydligt fler alternativ att välja bland vid konsumtion, vilket har försvårat utvecklingen av långvariga relationer mellan konsument och företag. Genom ett konsumentperspektiv undersöker därför denna explorativa studie hur trogen dagens konsument egentligen är mot sin nuvarande butik. Genom att fokusera på de relationella komponenterna knowledge, trust och commitment är studiens syfte att ge en klarare bild av huruvida relationer påverkar konsumenters val att hålla fast vid en och samma butik. Studien genomförs med hjälp av teoretiskt stöd från tidigare forskning om de olika komponenterna. Försök görs också att kategorisera konsumenter efter hur stark konsumentens relation till butiken är. Utifrån denna kategorisering är det möjligt att utläsa hur trogna dagens konsumenter faktiskt är. Studiens empiriska resultat grundar sig på en kvantitativ enkätstudie ställd till konsumenter. Studien mynnar ut i slutsatsen att relationer har betydelse för att konsumenter ska hålla fast vid en och samma butik vid elektronisk handel, vilket innebär att dagens konsumenter kan betraktas som trogna sina butiker.

An Exploration of the Organization-Public Relationship Through Online Media: The Case of the Tampa Bay Rays

Lynch, Steven 01 January 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT Organizations are working to establish and maintain relationships with their target publics using a wide variety of communication tools. How they work at developing this organization-public relationship (OPR) is open to the organization, but previous research suggests there are measurement scales that can indicate what factors an organization may be doing right and those they may need to improve on. This study examines relationship building efforts of the Tampa Bay Rays organization and the representation it has demonstrated through online content. Utilizing a content analysis, sample articles were collected and coded to examine if relationship components could be found through the organization's affiliated website and the target public's local newspaper. The structure and development of this study was created based on the relationship indicators that were established by Hon and Grunig (1999) and Huang (2001). Based on the analysis of the results, it was discovered that OPR indicators were being used by the Tampa Bay Rays. Examples of commitment, satisfaction, and control mutuality were the most frequent indicators throughout the online content. Trust and face and favor were the two remaining indicators that showed the lowest frequency of representation through the online content. From the study, the results revealed: (1) that differences in framing exist; (2) a representation of frequent OPR material and topics does occur; (3) there are thematic patterns on the part of the source; and finally, (4) the organization perspective of what may show up from online content may differ from the outside perspective.

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