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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Indicateurs de durabilité urbaine selon une approche épidémiologique : la ville de Maringá, au Brésil

Dubiela, Valter T. 03 1900 (has links)
Les analyses spatiales et statistiques ont été réalisées avec les logiciels ArcView et SPSS / Ayant la contradiction entre le développement urbain et la conservation environnementale comme problématique, la stratification socioeconomique et spatiale emèrge comme champ privilegié d’investigation au sujet des indicateurs de durabilité urbaine. Cela constitue une des raisons du choix de la ville de Maringá comme terrain de recherche. La question de cette étude est de savoir quels sont les indicateurs durabilité urbaine permettant de dégager les quartiers plus proches de l’équilibre entre la qualité de vie humaine et l’équilibre de l’environnement, tout en tenant comme hypothèse de fond le lien entre la durabilité du développement et la conscience d’appartenance sociale et environnementale. En suivant une approche épidémiologique non anthropocentrique, cette recherche contribue à la discussion de la durabilité urbaine en offrant un cadre théorique et un modèle systémique pour la construction d’indicateurs de durabilité urbaine. L’application des indicateurs montre une classification de durabilité urbaine divergente de la stratification socio-economique mises en évidence par l’IDH. Cette classification, vérifiée au moyen de corrélation s multiples d’indices, dont l’empreinte écologique, l’indice de satisfaction de revenu, l’indice d’intégration sociale, les habitudes de santé et le poids santé, à l’échelle de deux aires échantillonnées dans les quartiers Conjunto Residencial Inocente Villanova Júnior et Zona 05. Les résultats suggèrent que le revenu a une forte influence sur l’empreinte écologique des familles, cependant, 10% des cas montrent la possibilité d’avoir une empreinte durable tout en ayant un revenu familial elevé. D’autres études se montrent nécessaires pour affiner le modèle proposé. / The aim of this research is to contrast the effects of urban development with environmental conservation practices. The investigation focuses on socio-economic segregation and its impact on sustainability, as measured by specific sustainability indicators. The city of Maringa in Central Brazil was selected as a case study, applying a targeted analysis to certain neighbourhoods. The study set out to determine which urban sustainability indicators are most appropriate to identify those neighbourhoods with the most sustainable practices and life-styles, assuming a fundamental link between sustainability practices and awareness of social and environmental responsibility. Using a epidemiological, but not anthopocentric, approach, this research contributes to and enriches the urban sustainability discourse by proposing a theoretical framework and model for the systemic construction of viable urban sustainability indicators. Applying these indicators to demographic and socio-economic data analysis results in a way of assessing urban sustainability that diverges from the socio-economic stratification approach of the HDI. This approach to sustainability assessment is validated through being applied to two sample areas of Maringa: the neighbourhoods of Conjunto Residencial Inocente Villanova Júnior and of Zona 05, using corrélations between ecological footprint, satisfaction index, social integration index, residents' health habits and body weight. Results suggest that income has a strong influence on household ecological footprint. However, in 10 % of cases a sustainable footprint is possible even in households with high incomes. Additional studies are recommended to refine the proposed model. / Tendo como problemática a contradição entre o desenvolvimento urbano e a conservação ambiental, a estratificação socio-econômica emerge como um campo privilegiado para o estudo da durabilidade do nível de vida. Esta é uma das razões que levaram à escolher Maringá como caso de pesquisa. A questão é saber quais indicadores de sustentabilidade urbana permitem identificar os bairros mais proximos do equilíbrio entre qualidade de vida humana e equilibrio ecológico. A hipótese de fundo supõe uma relação entre a sustentabilidade e uma consciência de interdependência socio-ambiental. Utilisando uma abordagem épidemiológica não anthropocêntrica, esta pesquisa contribui com o debate sobre a sustentabilidade urbana oferecendo um cadro téorico e um modelo sistémico para a construção de indicadores de durabilidade urbana, propondo e examinando alguns indicadores. Os resultados mostram uma classificação de sustentabilidade que diverge da estratificação socio-econômica evidenciadas pelo IDH. Esta classificação, verificada na escala dos bairros amostrados, Conjunto Residencial Inocente Villanova Junior e Zona 05, utilizando a análise estatística de correlação entre os indices de pegada ecológica, satisfação de renda, integração social, habitos de saúde e massa corporal identificam uma forte influência entre a renda e a pegada ecológica. Porém, 10% das famílias mostram que é possível reduzir a pegada ecológica a um valor sustentável mesmo obtendo renda familiar de até 3000 reais. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de outros dados para afinar o modelo proposto.

Les municipalités dans le secteur énergétique québécois : le cas du chauffage urbain

Lachapelle, Patrick 03 1900 (has links)
In a global context of climate change and energy transition, Quebec seems to be privileged, producing a large amount of cheap hydroelectricity. But aside from the established popular belief that Quebec’s energy is abundant, clean and inexpensive, Quebec’s energy future is still precarious. Within a few decades, Quebec will have to import a significant amount of electricity at a higher price than it actually produces it; the cheap exploitable hydro resources will not only get scarcer if not nonexistent; and the national hydroelectric ``cultural`` heritage even seems to quell the development of alternative energies, letting few space for local innovation coming from municipalities. While in many countries, municipalities are recognised as key figures in the energy sector, here, in Quebec, their role in the national energy system seems marginal. As main actors responsible for territorial planning, it seams that municipalities could play a more important role on Quebec’s energy scene. So they can densify their territory, develop active and collective solutions to transportation issues, they can adopt exemplary energetic habits, they can produce their own energy with wind, solar or even district heating systems. District heating and heat networks being less well know and documented in Quebec, the present study aims at explaining their low penetration level in the Quebec energy landscape. The study also attempts to understand what are the main hurdles to the implementation of district heating in Quebec’s particular energetic context. Finally, the research tries to open a discussion on the motives that could incite municipalities to adopt district heating as an energy alternative. Based on some twenty interviews with key actors of the energy and municipal sectors, the findings give some indications that the low penetration level of district heating in the Quebec municipalities could explain itself in part by : the low priced hydroelectricity, the presence of a comfortable, sufficient and pervasive Hydro-Quebec(er) culture, and also by organizational dynamic and a certain political inertia which limit the appropriation of an energy competence by local governments. In turn, the study shows that district heating solutions are more likely to develop in contexts in which : there are minimum urban or energy density levels; the development of district heating coincides with the local or regional economic structure; and where exist a mobilising local leader or local visions from a community in favor of the implementation of alternative energy systems. / Dans un contexte de changements climatiques et de transition énergétique, le Québec semble jouir d’une situation privilégiée, produisant une importante quantité d'hydroélectricité à bon prix. Or, malgré la croyance populaire avérée voulant que l'énergie québécoise soit abondante, propre et peu coûteuse, l'avenir énergétique du Québec est pourtant précaire. D’ici quelques décennies, le Québec devra importer une quantité appréciable d'électricité à un prix plus élevé; les grands gisements hydroélectriques à faibles prix sont tous exploités; et la culture Hydro-Québec(oise) semble freiner le développement d'alternatives énergétiques, laissant peu de place à l'innovation locale qui pourrait notamment provenir des municipalités. Alors que dans plusieurs pays les municipalités sont reconnues comme étant des acteurs de premier plan dans le secteur énergétique, ici, au Québec, leur rôle dans le système énergétique national demeure somme toute marginal. En tant que principal acteur responsable de l'aménagement du territoire, il semble que les municipalités québécoises peuvent jouer un rôle de premier plan sur la scène énergétique. Ainsi peuvent-elles densifier leur territoire, développer les transports collectifs et actifs, adopter des pratiques énergétiques exemplaires, comme elles peuvent produire leur propre énergie à partir d'éoliennes, d’énergie solaire ou encore de systèmes de chauffage urbain. Le chauffage urbain et les réseaux thermiques étant moins bien connus et documentés au Québec, la présente étude tente d'expliquer le faible niveau de pénétration des réseaux thermiques dans le paysage énergétique québécois. L'étude tente également de comprendre quels ont été et quels sont les obstacles à son implantation dans le contexte énergétique fort particulier du Québec. Finalement, l'étude cherche à ouvrir la discussion sur les motifs qui pourraient pousser les municipalités québécoises à s'intéresser à ce type de développement énergétique. En se basant sur une vingtaine d'entrevues réalisées auprès d'acteurs-clés du secteur énergétique et municipal québécois, il ressort que le faible niveau de pénétration des réseaux thermiques dans les municipalités québécoises s'explique en partie par : la faiblesse des prix de l'hydroélectricité; par la prégnance d'une culture Hydro-Québec(oise) confortable et suffisante; ainsi que par des dynamiques organisationnelles et une certaine inertie politique qui limitent l’appropriation de la compétence énergétique au sein des municipalités québécoises. En contrepartie, il ressort de l'étude que les projets d'implantation de réseaux thermiques ont davantage de chance de se développer dans des contextes où : l'on assiste à des seuils minimaux de densité urbaine ou énergétique; le potentiel de développement d'une filière énergétique coïncide avec le développement de l'économie locale ou régionale; l'on constate la présence d'une vision concertée de la collectivité ou d'un agent mobilisateur dans la communauté locale.

Dynamics of Coupled Natural-Human-Engineered Systems: An Urban Water Perspective on the Sustainable Management of Security and Resilience

Elisabeth Krueger (6564809) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<div>The security, resilience and sustainability of water supply in urban areas are of major concern in cities around the world. Their dynamics and long-term trajectories result from external change processes, as well as adaptive and maladaptive management practices aiming to secure urban livelihoods. This dissertation examines the dynamics of urban water systems from a social-ecological-technical systems perspective, in which infrastructure and institutions mediate the human-water-ecosystem relationship. </div><div><br></div><div>The three concepts of security, resilience and sustainability are often used interchangeably, making the achievement of goals addressing such challenges somewhat elusive. This becomes evident in the international policy arena, with the UN Sustainable Development Goals being the most prominent example, in which aspirations for achieving the different goals for different sectors lead to conflicting objectives. Similarly, the scientific literature remains inconclusive on characterizations and quantifiable metrics. These and other urban water challenges facing the global urban community are discussed, and research questions and objectives are introduced in Section 1. </div><div><br></div><div>In Section 2, I suggest distinct definitions of urban water security, resilience and sustainability: Security refers to the state of system functioning regarding water services; resilience refers to ability to absorb shocks, to adapt and transform, and therefore describes the dynamic, short- to medium-term system behavior in response to shocks and disturbances; sustainability aims to balance the needs in terms of ecology and society (humans and the economic systems they build) of today without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations. Therefore, sustainability refers to current and long-term impacts on nature and society of maintaining system functions, and therefore affects system trajectories. I suggest that sustainability should include not only local effects, but consider impacts across scales and sectors. I propose methods for the quantification of urban water security, resilience and sustainability, an approach for modeling dynamic water system behavior, as well as an integrated framework combining the three dimensions for a holistic assessment of urban water supply systems. The framework integrates natural, human and engineered system components (“Capital Portfolio Approach”) and is applied to a range of case study cities selected from a broad range of hydro-climatic and socio-economic regions on four continents. Data on urban water infrastructure and services were collected from utilities in two cities (Amman, Jordan; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), key stakeholder interviews and a household survey conducted in Amman. Publicly available, empirical utility data and globally accessible datasets were used to support these and additional case studies. </div><div><br></div><div>The data show that community adaptation significantly contributes to urban water security and resilience, but the ability to adapt is highly heterogeneous across and within cities, leading to large inequality of water security. In cities with high levels of water security and resilience, adaptive capacity remains latent (inactive), while water-insecure cities rely on community adaptation for the self-provision of services. The framework is applied for assessing individual urban water systems, as well as for cross-city comparison for different types of cities. Results show that cities fall along a continuous gradient, ranging from water insecure and non-resilient cities with inadequate service provision prone to failure in response to extant shock regimes, to water secure and resilient systems with high levels of services and immediate recovery after shocks. Although limited by diverse constraints, the analyses show that urban water security and resilience tend to co-evolve, whereas sustainability, which considers local and global sustainable management, shows highly variable results across cities. I propose that the management of urban water systems should maintain a balance of security, resilience and sustainability.</div><div><br></div><div>The focus in Section 3 is on intra-city patterns and mechanisms, which contribute to urban water security, resilience and sustainability. In spite of engineering design and planning, and against common expectations, intra-city patterns emerge from self-organizing processes similar to those found in nature. These are related to growth processes following the principle of preferential attachment and functional efficiency considerations, which lead to Pareto power-law probability distributions characteristic of scale-free-like structures. Results presented here show that such structures are also present in urban water distribution and sanitary sewer networks, and how deviation from such specific patterns can result in vulnerability towards cascading failures. In addition, unbounded growth, unmanaged demand and unregulated water markets can lead to large inequality, which increases failure vulnerability. </div><div><br></div><div>The introduction of infrastructure and institutions for providing urban water services intercedes and mediates the human-water relationship. Complexity of infrastructural and institutional setups, growth patterns, management strategies and practices result in different levels of disconnects between citizens and the ecosystems providing freshwater resources. “Invisibility” of services to citizens results from maximized water system performance. It can lead to a lack of awareness about the effort and underlying infrastructure and institutions that operate for delivering services. Data for the seven cities illustrate different portfolios of complexity, invisibility and disconnection. Empirical data gathered in a household survey and key stakeholder interviews in Amman reveals that a misalignment of stakeholder perceptions resulting from the lack of information flow between citizens and urban managers can be misguiding and can constrain the decision-making space. Unsustainable practices are fostered by invisibility and disconnection and exacerbate the threats to urban water security and resilience. Such challenges are investigated in the context of urban water system traps: the poverty and the rigidity trap. Results indicate that urban water poverty is associated with local unsustainability, while rigidity traps combined with urban demand growth gravitate towards global unsustainability. </div><div><br></div><div>Returning to the city-level in Section 4, I investigate urban water system evolution. The question how the trajectories of urban water security, resilience and sustainability can be managed is examined using insights from hydrological and social-ecological systems research. I propose an “Urban Budyko Landscape”, which compares urban water supply systems to hydrological catchments and highlights the different roles of supply- and demand-management of water and water-related urban services. A global assessment of 38 cities around the world puts the seven case studies in perspective, emphasizing the relevance of the proposed framework and the representative, archetypal character of the selected case studies. </div><div><br></div><div>Furthermore, I examine how managing for the different dimensions of the CPA (capital availability, robustness, risk and sustainable management) determines the trajectories of urban water systems. This is done by integrating the CPA with the components of social-ecological system resilience, which explain how control of the different components determines the movement of systems through states of security and resilience in a stability landscape. Finally, potential feedbacks resulting from the global environment are investigated with respect to the role that globally sustainable local and regional water management can play in determining the trajectories of urban water systems. These assessments demonstrate how the impact of supply-oriented strategies reach beyond local, regional and into global boundaries for meeting a growing urban demand, and come at the cost of global sustainability and communities elsewhere.</div><div><br></div><div>Despite stark differences between individual cities and large heterogeneities within cities, convergent trends and patterns emerge across systems and are revealed through application of the proposed concepts and frameworks. The implications of these findings are discussed in Section 5, and are summarized here as follows: </div><div>1) The management of urban water systems needs to move beyond the security and resilience paradigms, which focus on current system functioning and short-term behavior. Sustaining a growing global, urban population will require addressing the long-term, cross-scale and inter-sector impacts of achieving and maintaining urban water security and resilience. </div><div>2) Emergent spatial patterns are driven by optimization for the objective functions. Avoiding traps, cascading failure, extreme inequality and maintaining global urban livability requires a balance of supply- and demand-management, consideration of system complexity, size and reach (i.e., footprint), as well as internal structures and management strategies (connectedness and modularity).</div><div>3) Urban water security and resilience are threatened by long-term decline, which necessitates the transformation to urban sustainability. The key to sustainability lies in experimentation, modularization and the incorporation of interdependencies across scales, systems and sectors.</div><div><br></div>

Desde el barrio hasta afuera, From the Neighborhood Out: Building Sustainable Cities and Empowering Latinx Communities in Southern California through Asset-Based Community Development

Reyes Salazar, Vannesa 01 January 2019 (has links)
Being one of the largest and most influential ethnic groups in Southern California, Mexican and Latinx communities have continuously played a significant role in the shaping of major cities. Despite the history of racist and exclusionary urban planning and policy, Latinxs have persevered through adaptive and creative methods of creating space and reusing resources. Such strength, creativity, and resourcefulness are assets within Latinx communities and are also ways that they practice sustainability, thus having the potential to play a significant role in the development of sustainable cities. Therefore, by focusing local solutions and development projects on community assets as opposed to just community need, voice, autonomy, and inclusion are given to Latinx communities, where they not only participate in the development projects that affect them but are the drivers of the solutions and positive changes they see in their communities. I will be doing two case studies on two non-profit community-based organizations, Huerta del Valle and East LA Community Corporation, who practice this form of asset-based community development. Being situated in two of the most population dense areas in Southern California with the highest concentrations of Mexican and Latinx people, East Los Angeles and the Inland Empire, both organizations serve predominantly Mexican and Latinx communities. By practicing asset-based community development through their programming, Huerta del Valle and East LA Community Corporation are connecting their local communities to decision-making spaces, socially and economically empowering their communities, and overseeing green communal urban spaces. Thus, through asset-based community development, these two organizations are able to uplift and meet the needs of both human ecosystems and the natural ecosystems, creating socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable cities, especially for historically marginalized urban communities.

Indicateurs de durabilité urbaine selon une approche épidémiologique : la ville de Maringá, au Brésil

Dubiela, Valter T. 03 1900 (has links)
Ayant la contradiction entre le développement urbain et la conservation environnementale comme problématique, la stratification socioeconomique et spatiale emèrge comme champ privilegié d’investigation au sujet des indicateurs de durabilité urbaine. Cela constitue une des raisons du choix de la ville de Maringá comme terrain de recherche. La question de cette étude est de savoir quels sont les indicateurs durabilité urbaine permettant de dégager les quartiers plus proches de l’équilibre entre la qualité de vie humaine et l’équilibre de l’environnement, tout en tenant comme hypothèse de fond le lien entre la durabilité du développement et la conscience d’appartenance sociale et environnementale. En suivant une approche épidémiologique non anthropocentrique, cette recherche contribue à la discussion de la durabilité urbaine en offrant un cadre théorique et un modèle systémique pour la construction d’indicateurs de durabilité urbaine. L’application des indicateurs montre une classification de durabilité urbaine divergente de la stratification socio-economique mises en évidence par l’IDH. Cette classification, vérifiée au moyen de corrélation s multiples d’indices, dont l’empreinte écologique, l’indice de satisfaction de revenu, l’indice d’intégration sociale, les habitudes de santé et le poids santé, à l’échelle de deux aires échantillonnées dans les quartiers Conjunto Residencial Inocente Villanova Júnior et Zona 05. Les résultats suggèrent que le revenu a une forte influence sur l’empreinte écologique des familles, cependant, 10% des cas montrent la possibilité d’avoir une empreinte durable tout en ayant un revenu familial elevé. D’autres études se montrent nécessaires pour affiner le modèle proposé. / The aim of this research is to contrast the effects of urban development with environmental conservation practices. The investigation focuses on socio-economic segregation and its impact on sustainability, as measured by specific sustainability indicators. The city of Maringa in Central Brazil was selected as a case study, applying a targeted analysis to certain neighbourhoods. The study set out to determine which urban sustainability indicators are most appropriate to identify those neighbourhoods with the most sustainable practices and life-styles, assuming a fundamental link between sustainability practices and awareness of social and environmental responsibility. Using a epidemiological, but not anthopocentric, approach, this research contributes to and enriches the urban sustainability discourse by proposing a theoretical framework and model for the systemic construction of viable urban sustainability indicators. Applying these indicators to demographic and socio-economic data analysis results in a way of assessing urban sustainability that diverges from the socio-economic stratification approach of the HDI. This approach to sustainability assessment is validated through being applied to two sample areas of Maringa: the neighbourhoods of Conjunto Residencial Inocente Villanova Júnior and of Zona 05, using corrélations between ecological footprint, satisfaction index, social integration index, residents' health habits and body weight. Results suggest that income has a strong influence on household ecological footprint. However, in 10 % of cases a sustainable footprint is possible even in households with high incomes. Additional studies are recommended to refine the proposed model. / Tendo como problemática a contradição entre o desenvolvimento urbano e a conservação ambiental, a estratificação socio-econômica emerge como um campo privilegiado para o estudo da durabilidade do nível de vida. Esta é uma das razões que levaram à escolher Maringá como caso de pesquisa. A questão é saber quais indicadores de sustentabilidade urbana permitem identificar os bairros mais proximos do equilíbrio entre qualidade de vida humana e equilibrio ecológico. A hipótese de fundo supõe uma relação entre a sustentabilidade e uma consciência de interdependência socio-ambiental. Utilisando uma abordagem épidemiológica não anthropocêntrica, esta pesquisa contribui com o debate sobre a sustentabilidade urbana oferecendo um cadro téorico e um modelo sistémico para a construção de indicadores de durabilidade urbana, propondo e examinando alguns indicadores. Os resultados mostram uma classificação de sustentabilidade que diverge da estratificação socio-econômica evidenciadas pelo IDH. Esta classificação, verificada na escala dos bairros amostrados, Conjunto Residencial Inocente Villanova Junior e Zona 05, utilizando a análise estatística de correlação entre os indices de pegada ecológica, satisfação de renda, integração social, habitos de saúde e massa corporal identificam uma forte influência entre a renda e a pegada ecológica. Porém, 10% das famílias mostram que é possível reduzir a pegada ecológica a um valor sustentável mesmo obtendo renda familiar de até 3000 reais. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de outros dados para afinar o modelo proposto. / Les analyses spatiales et statistiques ont été réalisées avec les logiciels ArcView et SPSS

Estimate and prospective studies on Peruvian environmental legal system after Río + 20 / Estimativas y prospectivas sobre el sistema jurídico ambiental peruano post-Río + 20

Foy Valencia, Pierre Claudio 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article is intended to explain core ideas resulting from processes of which Peruvian environmental legal system is derived; it is morean overview rather than a system characterization, as well as a perspective or sampling foresight representing Río +20 process meaning. In that sense, it examines the modern environmental regulations rising context and provides a brief retrospective of Peruvian environmental legal system development and prospective studies within the frame of green economy paradigms and the environmental governance, presenting only three prospective references aschallenges and trends on: Climate and Energy Law, a new legal Framework for a Green Economy and Sustainable Enterprise, and finally, stressing emphatically on mega-cities, Conurbation and Land use Planning issues given little attention usually law renders to this matters. / El ensayo pretende explicar las ideas fuerza de los procesos quedan origen al sistema jurídico ambiental peruano, una reseña antes que una caracterización del sistema, así como una perspectiva o prospectiva muestral a resultas de lo que representa el proceso denominado Río + 20. En ese sentido, da cuenta del contexto en que surge la normativa ambiental nacional moderna, igualmente ofrece una breve retrospectiva del desarrollo del sistema jurídico ambiental peruano y las prospectivas en el marco de los paradigmas de la economía verde y la gobernanza ambiental, mostrando solo tres referentes proyectivos a modo de desafíos y tendencias sobre el derecho climático y derecho energético, el imperativo de un nuevo marco legal parauna economía verde y empresa sostenible; y un gran énfasis al tema de las megaciudades, conurbación y ordenamiento territorial, con énfasis, debido a la poca atención que le suele brindar el derecho.

Renaissance de l'habitat participatif en France : vers de nouvelles formes négociées de fabrication de la ville ? Deux études de cas dans l'agglomération bordelaise : le projet HNord (Bordeaux) et La Ruche (Bègles) / Revival of participative housing in france : towards new negotiated forms of urban production. Two case studies in the Bordeaux area : HNord (Bordeaux) and La Ruche (Begles)

Darroman, Mélanie 11 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les effets combinés des enjeux d’un urbanisme durable et d’un impératif participatif grandissant des habitants – usagers – citoyens, dans le cadre de la fabrication métropolitaine contemporaine. Depuis le début des années 2000, des expériences alternatives d’habitat émergent en France sous l’impulsion de revendications sociales portées par la société civile. Le terme générique d’« habitat participatif », définit récemment par la loi pour l’Accès au Logement et à un Urbanisme Négocié (ALUR), publiée au Journal Officiel le 26 mars 2014, rassemble ainsi d’une même voix la variété de ces initiatives à l’œuvre, contribuant à pérenniser les dynamiques de structuration et de diffusion d’un mouvement de l’habitat participatif. Faisant référence aux expressions citoyennes contestataires des années 1970-1980, avec la critique d’un urbanisme moderne et des politiques publiques, les projets actuels marquent la renaissance des questionnements autour de la place de la maîtrise d’usage – incarnée par les habitants-usagers – dans la chaîne de production des logements et, plus largement, dans les processus décisionnels d’aménagement des territoires. Porteuse de pratiques participatives innovantes, la résurgence de l’habitat participatif révèle des logiques diverses d’engagements citoyens, militants ou professionnels, et des formes négociées de fabrication de l’habitat. Dès lors, s’opposent des dynamiques « bottom-up » – illustrées par des demandes et des initiatives habitantes, et des dynamiques « top-down » – portées par des instances politico-institutionnelles en plein renouvellement de leurs modes d’action et savoir-faire. Supportée par une trame multidimensionnelle de négociations, la thèse propose alors une analyse des interactions et des formes d’hybridation de cette production collective en cours à travers trois dimensions : la dimension valorielle, pour fixer le socle des transactions sociales ; la dimension organisationnelle et relationnelle, pour observer la micropolitique des groupes-projets ; la dimension processuelle, pour saisir les temporalités du projet et les moments clés de la négociation sur l’ensemble du processus. Pour cela, nous nous appuyons sur deux cas d’étude dans l’agglomération bordelaise, en pleine métropolisation : le cas de la coopérative d’habitants HNord, sur l’îlot Dupaty à Bordeaux ; et celui d’un projet d’habitat participatif multi-partenarial, La Ruche, sur la commune de Bègles au sein de l’Opération d’Intérêt National (OIN) Bordeaux-Euratlantique. Encadrée par un dispositif CIFRE avec l’Etablissement Public d’Aménagement Bordeaux-Euratlantique (EPA), la recherche repose sur une approche ethnographique, basée sur de nombreuses situations d’observation participante, des entretiens d’acteurs cibles et une analyse documentaire. Les enquêtes menées à différentes échelles offrent une vision macro, méso et microsociale des processus de production et de diffusion de l’habitat participatif. Les résultats de la thèse mettent alors en évidence les modalités de partenariats entre différentes sphères d’acteurs – les habitants, les institutions et les experts – dans la production de l’habitat participatif conduisant à un changement de paradigme sociétal et professionnel à travers le renouvellement des modes d’habiter, des savoirs et savoir-faire. Ainsi, nous proposons une réflexion sur les moyens et possibilités d’intégration de cette dynamique collective et citoyenne au sein des processus décisionnels d’aménagement urbain pour la fabrication métropolitaine et, de voir en quoi ce phénomène participatif et collaboratif peut-il constituer un outil de management territorial novateur préfigurant le futur de nos cités. / This PhD thesis questions the combined effects of the challenges of sustainable urban development and a growing priority for inhabitants – users – citizens, to participate in contemporary metropolitan production. Since the early 2000s, there is in France an emergence of alternative housing experiences as a result of social demands. The generic term of « participative housing », recently defined by the bill for access to housing and urban renovation (ALUR), published in the Official Journal on March 26, 2014, gathers with one voice, the variety of these initiatives at work, contributing to ensure the dynamic structuring and dissemination of the participative housing movement. Referring to the civil protests of 1970-1980, criticizing modern urban planning and public policy, the current projects tackle once again of how to combine the inhabitants expertise with professional expertise in the production of housing, and more broadly in the decision-making processes of regional planning. Producing innovative participatory practices, the resurgence of participative housing reveals different logics of social commitments on the part of citizens, activists and professionals, and negotiated forms of housing production. As a consequence, the « bottom-up » dynamic, based on the demands and initiatives of the inhabitants, opposes the « top-down » dynamic, based on the initiative of politico-institutional bodies in full renewal of their modes of action and know-how. Supported by a multi-dimensional framework of negotiations, the thesis analyzes the interactions and forms of hybridization of this ongoing collective production through a three dimensional approach : the value related dimension, to set the base of social transactions ; the organizational and relational dimension to observe the micro-political groups-projects ; the procedural dimension to grasp the temporality of the project and the key moments of negotiation of the whole process. For this, we build on two case studies in the Bordeaux area, being subject to processes of metropolization : the case of the residents cooperative HNord in the Dupaty housing block in Bordeaux ; and the multi-partnered participative housing project, La Ruche, in the town of Bègles within the framework of the « Operation of National Interest » (OIN) Bordeaux-Euratlantique. Governed by a CIFRE program with the « Local Planning and Development authority » (EPA) Bordeaux-Euratlantique, the research is based on an ethnographic approach : participant observation, interviews with target stakeholders and a literature review. The investigations conducted at different scales offer a macro, meso and micro-social understanding of the process of participative housing production and dissemination. The results of the thesis highlight the partnership conditions between different groups of stakeholders – inhabitants, institutions and expertsn – in the production of participative housing leading to a societal and professional paradigm shift through a renewal of ways of living, knowledge and expertise. Thus, we propose a reflection on ways and possibilities how to integrate this collective and civic dynamics in the decision-making processes of urban planning for metropolitan production and to see how this participatory and collaborative phenomenon can serve as an innovative tool in territorial management for our future cities.

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