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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Метода мерења угаоног положаја на бази нове класе оптоелектронских сензора / Metoda merenja ugaonog položaja na bazi nove klase optoelektronskih senzora / Method of measuring angular position based on a new class ofoptoelectronic sensors

Bajić Jovan 29 December 2015 (has links)
<p>У овој докторској дисертацији извршен је преглед постојећих метода мерења угаоног положаја и дат је предлог нове методе за мерење апсолутног угаоног положаја. Предложена мерна метода заснива се на примени трансформације боје објекта из Декартовог RGB простора боја у неки од цилиндричних, кориснички оријентисаних, простора боја (HSV, HSI, HLS). На бази предложене мерне методе конструисан је сензор апсолутног угаоног положаја који се састоји од три оптичка рефлексиона сензора и штампаног шаблона са сивом скалом. Тачност, поновљивост и резолуција мерења, постигнути приликом тестирања сензора су &plusmn;1 &deg;, &plusmn;0,3 &deg; и 0,1 &deg;.</p> / <p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji izvršen je pregled postojećih metoda merenja ugaonog položaja i dat je predlog nove metode za merenje apsolutnog ugaonog položaja. Predložena merna metoda zasniva se na primeni transformacije boje objekta iz Dekartovog RGB prostora boja u neki od cilindričnih, korisnički orijentisanih, prostora boja (HSV, HSI, HLS). Na bazi predložene merne metode konstruisan je senzor apsolutnog ugaonog položaja koji se sastoji od tri optička refleksiona senzora i štampanog šablona sa sivom skalom. Tačnost, ponovljivost i rezolucija merenja, postignuti prilikom testiranja senzora su &plusmn;1 &deg;, &plusmn;0,3 &deg; i 0,1 &deg;.</p> / <p>In this doctoral thesis a review of existing methods for angular position<br />measurement is conducted and a new method for measuring absolute<br />angular position is proposed. The proposed measurement method is based<br />on the use of object color transformation from Cartesian RGB color space to<br />one of the user-oriented cylindrical color space (HSV, HSI, HLS). Оn the<br />basis of the proposed measurement method, absolute angular position<br />sensor consisting of three optical reflective sensors and a grayscale printed<br />pattern is constructed. Accuracy, repeatability and resolution of<br />measurement using proposed sensor were &plusmn; 1 &deg;, &plusmn; 0.3 &deg; and 0.1 &deg;.</p>

Projektovanje kapacitivnog senzora ugla i ugaone brzine inkrementalnog tipa na fleksibilnim supstratima / Design of incremental capacitive angular position and speed sensor utilizing flexible substrates

Krklješ Damir 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Disertacija istražuje primenu fleksibilne elektronike za<br />kapacitivne senzore ugla i ugaone brzine tipa apsolutnog i<br />inkrementalnog enkodera cilindrične strukture. Razmatraju se dve<br />strukture, apsolutnog i inkrementalnog enkodera. Izvršena je analiza<br />uticaja mehaničkih nesavršenosti na funkciju kapacitivnosti.<br />Razvijena su dva prototipa kapacitivnih senzora za statičko i<br />dinamičko ispitivanje karakteristika senzora. Razvijena je<br />elektronika za obradu senzora inkrementalnog tipa sa<br />autokalibracijom senzora.</p> / <p>In this thesis a research on application of flexible electronics for capacitive<br />angular position and speed sensors, referred to as absolute and incremental<br />encoders, is done. It considers two structures of absolute and incremental<br />encoder type. An analysis of mechanical inaccuracies influence on a<br />capacitance function is conducted. Two prototypes are developed and used<br />for static and dynamic measurements of capacitive sensor&#39;s characteristics.<br />An electronics front-end for a capacitive two channel incremental encoder with<br />auto-calibration is developed.</p>

Correction active des discontinuités pupillaires des télescopes à miroir segmenté pour l’imagerie haut contraste et la haute résolution angulaire / Active correction of pupil discontinuities on segmented telescopes for high contrast imaging and high angular resolution

Janin-Potiron, Pierre 19 October 2017 (has links)
La recherche de signes de vie extraterrestre par l'observation et la caractérisation d'exoplanètes est, entre autres, l'un des enjeux majeurs de l'astrophysique moderne. Cette quête se traduit de manière instrumentale par le développement de télescopes fournissant des résolutions angulaires supérieures à celles obtenues à l'heure actuelle. C'est pourquoi les projets de futurs très grands télescopes font usage de miroirs primaires dépassant les 30 mètres de diamètre. Leur conception est alors inévitablement basée, pour des raisons techniques et technologiques, sur une géométrie segmentée. De ce fait, la segmentation du miroir primaire implique une complexification des structures pupillaires du télescope. Dans le but d'atteindre les niveaux de qualité optique nécessaires aux applications scientifiques visées, la prise en compte et la correction des effets introduits par un mauvais alignement des segments est de prime importance puisque la résolution angulaire d'un télescope non cophasé serait équivalente à celle obtenue avec un segment individuel. Dans ce contexte, je développe dans cette thèse deux analyseurs de cophasage permettant de mesurer et de corriger les aberrations de piston, tip et tilt présentes sur une pupille segmentée. Le premier, nommé Self-Coherent Camera - Phasing Sensor (SCC-PS), est basé sur une analyse du signal en plan focal. Le second, nommé ZELDA - Phasing Sensor (ZELDA-PS), repose quant à lui sur une analyse du signal en plan pupille. Sont présentés dans ce manuscrit les résultats obtenus à l'aide de simulations numériques ainsi que ceux issus de l'implémentation de la SCC-PS sur un banc d'optique d'essai. / Searching for extraterrestrial life through the observation and characterization of exoplanets is, amongst others, one of the major goal of the modern astrophysics. This quest translate from an instrumental point of view to the development of telescope capable of reaching higher angular resolution that what is actually ongoing. That is why the future projects of extremely large telescopes are using primary mirrors exceeding the 30 meters in diameter. Their conception is consequently based, for technical and technological reasons, on a segmented geometry. The segmentation of the primary mirror therefore implies a growing complexity of the structure of its pupil. In order to reach the optical quality required by the sciences cases of interest, taking into account and correct for the effects introduced by a poor alignment of the segments is mandatory, as the angular resolution of a non-cophased telescope is equivalent to the one obtained with a single segment. In this context, I develop in this manuscript two cophasing sensors allowing to measure and correct for the aberrations of piston, tip and tilt present on a segmented pupil. The first one, the Self-Coherent Camera - Phasing Sensor (SCC-PS), is based on a focal plane analysis of the signal. The second one, the ZELDA - Phasing Sensor (ZELDA-PS), is based on a pupil plane analysis of the signal. The results obtained by means of numerical simulations and the first results coming from the implementation of the SCC-PS on an optical bench are presented in this manuscript.

Ordnungsreduktion in der Mikrosystemtechnik

Gugel, Denis 23 January 2009 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Methode der modalen Superposition als Ordnungsreduktionsverfahren in der Mikrosystemtechnik. Typische Anwendungsgebiete sind Inertialsensoren und dabei im Besonderen Drehratensensoren, für die die Simulation von zeitabhängigen Phänomenen von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Im Rahmen der Weiterentwicklung der Ordnungsreduktion nach der Methode der modalen Superposition ist es gelungen für typische lineare Kräfte eine auf analytischen Gleichungen basierende Beschreibung im reduzierten Raum zu finden. Für die Beschreibung von nichtlinearen Kräften ist im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein Verfahren entwickelt worden, das es erlaubt, bestehende Modelle im Finite-Elemente-Raum in der modalen Beschreibung zu nutzen. In dieser Arbeit werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zur Berücksichtigung von Einflüssen der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik in ordnungsreduzierten Modellen dargestellt. Neben der Einkopplung äußerer Kräfte und der Veränderung der mechanischen Randbedingungen wird auch der Einfluss der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik auf die elektrostatischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Die Parametrisierung des Verfahrens der modalen Superposition über Fit- und Interpolationsverfahren erlaubt es, parametrisierte ordnungsreduzierte Modelle für die zeitabhängige Systemsimulation zu generieren. Damit wird die Durchführung von Designoptimierung und die Berücksichtigung von Fertigungs- und Prozessschwankungen in ordnungsreduzierten Modellen auf Systemebene möglich.

Propagation des ondes acoustiques dans une multicouche composée de couches viscoélastiques liquides, solides et poreuses / Acoustic wave propagation in a multilayer composed of fluid, solid, and porous viscoelastic layers

Matta, Sandrine 07 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse propose un formalisme général pour modéliser la propagation des ondes acoustiques dans une multicouche composée de toute combinaison de couches liquides, solides élastiques isotropes et poro-élastiques isotropes, la méthode ayant la flexibilité d'être développée pour inclure d'autres natures de couches. Dans un premier lieu, un algorithme stable est développé, basé sur l'approche récursive de la matrice de rigidité, pour modéliser la propagation d'une onde plane incidente sur la multicouche en fonction de son angle d'incidence et de sa fréquence. Cet algorithme fusionne de manière récursive les matrices de rigidité des couches individuelles de la structure en une matrice de rigidité totale et permet ensuite le calcul des coefficients de réflexion et de transmission, ainsi que les composantes de déplacement et de contrainte à l'intérieur de la multicouche pour chaque direction d'incidence des ondes planes. Deuxièmement, pour modéliser la propagation d'un faisceau délimité d'ondes incidentes, la technique du spectre angulaire est utilisée, basée sur la décomposition de ce faisceau en un spectre d'ondes planes se propageant dans des directions différentes. Par la suite, le faisceau d'onde réfléchi dans le milieu d'incidence et le faisceau d'onde transmis dans le milieu de transmission, ainsi que la distribution des champs (composantes de déplacement et de contrainte) à l'intérieur de la multicouche sont obtenus en superposant la contribution de toutes les ondes planes se propageant dans les différentes directions. Comme application numérique, une tri-couche solide-poreuse-solide immergée dans l'eau est simulée. La réflexion et la transmission qui en résultent, ainsi que les composantes de déplacement et de contrainte dans la multicouche, correspondants à l’onde plane incidente et au faisceau limité incident, révèlent la stabilité du procédé et la continuité des déplacements et des contraintes aux interfaces. / This thesis proposes a general formalism to model the acoustic wave propagation in a multilayer consisting of any combination of fluid, isotropic elastic solid, and isotropic poroelastic layers, the method having the flexibility to be extended to include other layer-natures. At a first stage, a stable algorithm is developed, based on the recursive stiffness matrix approach, to model the propagation of a plane wave incident on the multilayer as a function of its incidence angle and frequency. This algorithm merges recursively the structureindividual layers stiffness matrices into one total stiffness matrix and allows then the calculation of the reflection and transmission coefficients, as well as the displacement and stress components inside the multilayer for every incident plane wave direction. Secondly, to model the propagation of a bounded incident wave beam, the angular spectrum technique is used which is based on the decomposition of this beam into a spectrum of plane waves traveling in different directions. The corresponding reflected wave beam in the incidence medium, and the transmitted wave beam in the transmission medium, as well as the fields distributions (displacement and stress components) inside the multilayer are obtained by summing the contribution of all the plane waves traveling in different directions. As a numerical application, a three-layered solid-porous-solid structure immersed in water is simulated. The resulting reflection and transmission as well as the displacement and stress components in the multilayer corresponding to both, the incident plane wave in different directions and the incident bounded beam reveal the stability of the method and the continuity of the displacements and stresses at the interfaces.

Probing and modeling of optical resonances in rolled-up structures

Li, Shilong 22 January 2015 (has links)
Optical microcavities (OMs) are receiving increasing attention owing to their potential applications ranging from cavity quantum electrodynamics, optical detection to photonic devices. Recently, rolled-up structures have been demonstrated as OMs which have gained considerable attention owing to their excellent customizability. To fully exploit this customizability, asymmetric and topological rolled-up OMs are proposed and investigated in addition to conventional rolled-up OMs in this thesis. By doing so, novel phenomena and applications are demonstrated in OMs. The fabrication of conventional rolled-up OMs is presented in details. Then, dynamic mode tuning by a near-field probe is performed on a conventional rolled-up OM. Next, mode splitting in rolled-up OMs is investigated. The effect of single nanoparticles on mode splitting in a rolled-up OM is studied. Because of a non-synchronized oscillating shift for different azimuthal split modes induced by a single nanoparticle at different positions, the position of the nanoparticle can be determined on the rolled-up OM. Moreover, asymmetric rolled-up OMs are fabricated for the purpose of introducing coupling between spin and orbital angular momenta (SOC) of light into OMs. Elliptically polarized modes are observed due to the SOC of light. Modes with an elliptical polarization can also be modeled as coupling between the linearly polarized TE and TM mode in asymmetric rolled-up OMs. Furthermore, by adding a helical geometry to rolled-up structures, Berry phase of light is introduced into OMs. A -π Berry phase is generated for light in topological rolled-up OMs so that modes have a half-integer number of wavelengths. In order to obtain a deeper understanding for existing rolled-up OMs and to develop the new type of rolled-up OMs, complete theoretical models are also presented in this thesis.

Generation of Hyperentangled N00N States with Radial and Orbital Angular Momentum Laguerre-Gauss Modes and Detection-Basis Control

Guerra Vazquez, Jose Cesar 20 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Soft Surface Roll Mechanics Parameters for Light Vehicle Rollover Accident Reconstruction

Henry, Kevin Claude 18 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Light vehicle rollover accidents on soft surfaces can be modeled assuming constant drag with linear motion equations and other engineering principles. The concept of using segment average results to evaluate roll mechanics parameters throughout a roll sequence, and specifically, segment duration to evaluate vehicle trajectory between ground impacts is developed. The trajectory model is presented, explained and compared to values obtained by analyzing digital video of rollover crash tests. Detailed film analysis procedures are developed to obtain data from rollover crash tests that are not otherwise documented. Elevation of the center of gravity of vehicles is obtained where instrumentation does not explicitly yield this data. Instantaneous center of gravity elevation data throughout a roll sequence provides the opportunity to calculate descend distances as a vehicle travels from one ground contact to another. This data is used to quantify severity of ground impacts as a vehicle interact with the ground throughout a roll sequence. Segment average analysis is a reasonable method for determining general roll mechanics parameters. Because of the chaotic nature of rollover accidents, the range of effective drag factors for a given roll surface may be quite large. Choosing an average of typical drag factors is a reasonable approach for a first-order approximation although certain parameters may be predicted less accurately than if actual values were known. The trajectory results demonstrate the influence of drag factor descent height calculations. Typical constant drag factors tend to overestimate descent height early in a roll sequence and underestimate descent height later in the sequence. The trajectory model is a useful tool to aid in understanding rollover mechanics although a rolling vehicle may be in contact with the ground for a significant fraction of a roll segment. The model should not be used at locations in roll sequences where there are extremes in translational center of gravity decelerations. These extremes include the segments immediately following overturn where there are large angular accelerations and large differences between the tangential velocity of the vehicle perimeter and the translational velocity of the center of gravity, as well as segments that include vehicle impacts with irregular topography.

A Measurement of Lambda-Hyperon Spin Polarization in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=3 GeV with STAR

Adams, Joseph Richard January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of Electric Currents on Performance of Grease Lubricated Rolling Element Bearings / Inverkan av elektriska strömmar på prestandan hos fettsmorda rullager

Chanamolu, Bharath January 2022 (has links)
The technological advancement in electrical machinery represents the need to understand the lubricant behaviour in the electrical environment. As shaft voltages are unavoidable in electrical machinery, developing new grease formulations and studying their performance against electric loads is required. The thesis aims to design, develop, install and validate a novel test machine to study grease performance under the influence of electric currents. The system aims to supply damaging electric currents through the bearing, but that was not possible to accomplish due to miscalculations. The test machine is designed to carry out experiments using angular contact bearings. The experiments were performed with four greases, Lithium-complex and polypropylene-based, of high and low base-oil viscosity, respectively. The study compares the frictional moments and self-induced temperatures in the bearings with and without the influence of electric currents. Along with the frictional moment measurements, the lubricant film thickness was estimated using the “electrical-capacitance” method to monitor the status of the lubricant inside the bearing in real-time. The test machine is limited to speeds up to 3600 rpm, and the project lays out a foundation for research in film thickness estimation in rolling element bearings. As a part of the thesis, new slip rings were specified to facilitate the test machine to perform studies at higher speeds up to (17000rpm). / De tekniska framstegen inom elektriska maskiner representerar behovet av att förstå smörjmedlets beteende i den elektriska miljön. Eftersom axelspänningar är oundvikliga i elektriska maskiner krävs utveckling av nya fettformuleringar och studier av deras prestanda mot elektriska belastningar. Avhandlingen syftar till att designa, utveckla, installera och validera en ny testmaskin för att studera fettprestanda under påverkan av elektriska strömmar. Systemet syftar till att leverera skadliga elektriska strömmar genom lagret, men det var inte möjligt att åstadkomma på grund av felberäkningar. Testmaskinen är designad för att utföra experiment med vinkelkontaktlager. Experimenten utfördes med fyra fetter, litiumkomplex- och polypropenbaserade, med hög respektive låg basoljeviskositet. Studien jämför friktionsmomenten och självinducerade temperaturer i lagren med och utan påverkan av elektriska strömmar. Tillsammans med mätningarna av friktionsmomentet uppskattades smörjmedelsfilmtjockleken med hjälp av metoden "elektrisk kapacitans" för att övervaka statusen för smörjmedlet inuti lagret i realtid. Testmaskinen är begränsad till hastigheter upp till 3600 rpm, och projektet lägger en grund för forskning inom filmtjockleksuppskattning i rullager. Som en del av avhandlingen specificerades nya släpringar för att underlätta för testmaskinen att utföra studier vid högre hastigheter upp till (17000rpm).

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