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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural Investigations of HiPIMS-deposited Diamond-Like Carbon Thin Films using Raman Spectroscopy

Eriksen Tell, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) is a versatile material which exhibits excellentmechanical, electrical and optical properties making it suitable for applications rangingfrom biomedical implants to engine components. The properties of DLC thin films aredetermined by the bonding configuration (sp3/sp2 fraction) of its carbon atoms. Inorder to prepare DLC thin films for desired applications, it is essential to control andestimate the sp3/sp2 fraction precisely. Raman spectroscopy is widely employed for the estimation of sp3/sp2 fraction due toits non-destructive nature, high probing depth and possibility of quick acquisition. Thequality of information obtained from Raman analysis depends largely on the structureof DLC thin films, which varies from one deposition method to another. Using theexisting approaches for the estimation of sp3/sp2 fraction for a particular type of DLCthin films could entail large errors and thereby result in misleading conclusions. For anaccurate analysis of the film structure, it is therefore important that a carefullydesigned strategy is employed. In this work, Raman spectroscopy is employed forstructural investigation of DLC thin films deposited by High Power ImpulseMagnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS). Owing to the unique DLC film properties obtainedfrom HiPIMS, Raman spectroscopic investigations were made by developing ananalysis routine relevant for HiPIMS-deposited films. The developed approach isvalidated by complementary analysis of film density. The method is further employedfor investigating the compressive stress and thermal stability of the resulting films. Theanalyzed films were deposited using different buffer gas (Ar and Ne) and ion energy toproduce a range of sp2/sp3 ratios. Raman measurements were performed using visible(532 nm) and UV (325 nm) lasers. Film density was determined using X-RayReflectivity (XRR) and chemical composition using Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis(ERDA). The compressive stresses of the films were determined usingwafer-curvature method and thermal stability of the films was investigated byperforming Raman measurements on films annealed from 100 degrees C to 600degrees C. By developing an analysis routine and employing appropriate fitting method, it wasshown that the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the G peak in the Ramanspectrum is the most relevant parameter for estimating the sp3/sp2 fraction. Theaccuracy of the analysis routine was verified by studying the evolution of sp3/sp2fraction and film density with respect to ion energy. The correlation between sp3/sp2fraction and film density was good. The differences in mass density and compressivestresses between Ar- and Ne-HiPIMS deposited films were also found to beconsistent with the estimated sp3/sp2 fractions. The structural evolution of theannealed films, investigated by Raman spectroscopy, showed that the Ne-HiPIMS filmsexhibit a transition from sp3 rich structure to sp2 rich structure at ~450 degrees Cwhereas the transition for the Ar-HiPIMS films occurs at ~300 degrees C. This impliesthat the Ne-HiPIMS films are thermally more stable than the Ar-HiPIMS films.

Trägångjärn : -tillverkning, funktion och hållfasthet

Helgesson, Robin January 2019 (has links)
Gångjärn i trä är ett sätt att utveckla och bidra till en hållbar möbelkultur och visa på trämaterialets stora möjligheter. Jag gör en omvärldsspaning kring användningen av trägångjärn; historiskt och i samtid, studerar trä och andra materials olika egenskaper samt tillverkar olika prover med trägångjärn varefter jag utför tester på dessa. Det har visat sig att hög precision på segmentens diameter är en avgörande faktor för en lyckad och effektiv tillverkningsprocess samt att placering av centrumstiftet har en påverkan på friktionen och är tillsammans med materialval det viktigaste att tänkta på för god slitstyrka och funktion över tid. Resultaten pekar också på att centrumstift av trä kan vara en bra ersättning till stål, att bivax är ett lämpligt friktionsminskande medium och att fisklim har klarat samtliga tester lika bra som ett PVAc-lim under samma förhållanden.

High-Temperature Fatigue Behaviour of Austenitic Stainless Steel : Influence of Ageing on Thermomechanical Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction

Wärner, Hugo January 2018 (has links)
The global energy consumption is increasing and together with global warming from greenhouse gas emission, create the need for more environmental friendly energy production processes. Higher efficiency of biomass power plants can be achieved by increasing temperature and pressure in the boiler section and this would increase the generation of electricity along with the reduction in emission of greenhouse gases e.g. CO2. The power generation must also be flexible to be able to follow the demands of the energy market, this results in a need for cyclic operating conditions with alternating output and multiple start-ups and shut-downs. Because of the demands of flexibility, higher temperature and higher pressure in the boiler section of future biomass power plants, the demands on improved mechanical properties of the materials of these components are also increased. Properties like creep strength, thermomechanical fatigue resistance and high temperature corrosion resistance are critical for materials used in the next generation biomass power plants. Austenitic stainless steels are known to possess such good high temperature properties and are relatively cheap compared to the nickel-base alloys, which are already operating at high temperature cyclic conditions in other applications. The behaviour of austenitic stainless steels during these widened operating conditions are not yet fully understood. The aim of this licentiate thesis is to increase the knowledge of the mechanical behaviour at high temperature cyclic conditions for austenitic stainless steels. This is done by the use of thermomechanical fatigue- and creepfatigue testing at elevated temperatures. For safety reasons, the effect of prolonged service degradation is investigated by pre-ageing before mechanical testing. Microscopy is used to investigate the microstructural development and resulting damage behaviour of the austenitic stainless steels after testing. The results show that creep-fatigue interaction damage, creep damage and oxidation assisted cracking are present at high temperature cyclic conditions. In addition, simulated service degradation resulted in a detrimental embrittling effect due to the deterioration by the microstructural evolution.

Study of the wear mechanisms for drill bits used in core drilling

Guttenkunst, Emy January 2018 (has links)
The thesis work was made in cooperation with the I-EDDA project who evaluates the drill equipment used in core drilling. The aim of this work was to determine how and why the drill bits are worn. The work consisted of two parts; investigate drill bits used in field tests and develop a lab scale method to be able to change one drill parameter at a time and see how it affects the wear. During the field tests the rotational speed and the pressure on the drill bits were changed between the three boreholes drilled. In the lab test one parameter at a time was changed; the rotational speed, the water flow and the load. The lab test was developed to attempt to replicate the core drilling and was performed by pressing a piece of a drill bit against a rotating stone cylinder. The drill bits from the field tests and lab test were analysed with the same methods on both macro- and microscale for easier comparison. The results indicate that the lab scale test can be used to evaluate the wear of drill bits. The analyses show rock present on the matrix of all the drill bits, in various amounts. The load has the largest impact on the wear of the drill bits and cause a change in mechanism. A high pressure leads to a higher amount of damaged diamonds and three body abrasive wear on the matrix. Lower pressure leads to polished diamonds and erosive wear on the matrix.

Controlling infiltration when brazing P/M parts and during manufacture of aluminium metal matrix composites

Vuorinen, Esa January 2004 (has links)
Infiltration is used in the production of several different material groups as electric contact materials, copper infiltrated sintered steels and metal matrix composites. The mechanism of infiltration causes also unwanted difficulties in processing as brazing of porous sintered compacts. The common question, in this work has been, how is it possible to control infiltration in different materials processing techniques? In joining of powder metallurgically (P/M) produced porous compacts, by brazing, the inherent porosity of the compacts causes the melt filler metal to infiltrate the interconnected pore channels of the P/M parts, by capillary forces. This will result in high penetration depths and filler metal consumption and a limited amount of filler metal will be available for the joint. In the production of metal matrix composites (MMC:s), the difference in surface energies between the metallic and ceramic components prohibits a spontaneous infiltration of the metallic phase into the ceramic porous body. This work includes a general analyse of the different physical and mechanical methods to control infiltration in brazing of porous compacts and processing of MMC:s respectively. The experimental part of the work concentrates on the study of physical methods for the infiltration control. Brazing of porous sintered compacts has been studied experimentally through different thermal treatments. A special (Cu-Ni-Mn-Si) filler-metal, developed by others in order to facilitate alloying between iron in P/M- compacts and the elements in the filler-metal, has been used and the results has been studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy and the mechanical strength and hardness has been measured. In the work on MMC:s a method for processing of aluminium matrix-alumina reinforced composites by spontaneous infiltration has been studied by wetting and in- situ high temperature X-ray experiments. The investigation of brazing shows that the filler metal starts to melt already at 930 oC and a two phase alloy is developed in the joint. The diffusion of elements from the filler metal and the sintered compact causes a development of an alloy with high melting temperature in the surface area of the sintered compact that blocks the surface pores from continued infiltration. The wetting experiments show that the spontaneous infiltration in production of MMC:s is enabled by chemical reactions in the system concerned. The in-situ X-ray experiments show that the formation of magnesium-nitride appears below 600 oC. The formation of AlN as a second reaction product in the spontaneous infiltration has been detected for compact tested after a processing cycle with increased pressure of nitrogen- gas in the processing furnace. The in-situ X-ray study of the spontaneous infiltration has shown that the formation of magnesium nitride could be detected. The results show also that it is possible to study chemical reactions at and above the melting temperature of the metallic constituent of the system. The results show also that it would be possible to create alumina-aluminium MMC with different hardness levels. / Godkänd; 2004; 20070116 (haneit)

TM-rolling of heavy plate and roll wear

Jonsson, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
The heavy plate rolling process needs accurate predictions of the process parameters. The plate thickness, flatness and rolling stability are of this direct influenced as well as the productivity. Therefore, careful calculation of the process parameters and pass schedules is necessary. The thesis is concerned with two aspects of controlling rolling; the choice of optimal pass schedules and roll wear. A software has been developed in Paper A to determine optimal pass schedules for thermomechanical rolling in order to obtain a fine microstructure. It includes models of the effect of strain, precipitates, static and dynamic recrystallization and austenite grain size on the final grain size. The predicted grain sizes for four different cases were compared with experimental results. It was also used to study the effect of different delay times during the pass schedule of rolling thermomechanical plate. The results shows that an increase in delay times results in finer ferrite grains are received. The refinement is however small for long delay times. Long delay times also affect the productivity negatively. A method for modeling of the work roll contour in a four high mill is presented in Paper B. The active parameters were found to be the plate length and the variations of the pressure from the plate and the back-up roll on the work roll along the work roll barrel. The method is build up with statistical methods. The bases for the statistics are simulations of different rolling cases and measurements from the production of heavy plates in Oxelösund. The proposed wear contour model was found to be in good agreement with the measurements from the production. / <p>Godkänd; 2006; 20061206 (pafi)</p>

Modelling microstructure evolution of weld deposited Ti-6Al-4V

Charles, Corinne January 2008 (has links)
The microstructure and consequently the mechanical properties of titanium alloys are highly dependent on the temperature history endured by the material. The manufacturing process of metal deposition induces repetitive cooling and heating in the material determining a specific microstructure. The presented study is devoted to developing and implementing a microstructure model for Ti-6Al-4V intended to be coupled to a thermo- mechanical model of the metal deposition process. Microstructural analysis of the metal deposited samples was first performed to understand the formed microstructure. A set of representative parameters for microstructure modelling were then selected as representative for the known impact of Ti-6Al-4V microstructure on mechanical properties. Evolution equations for these parameters were implemented for thermal finite element analysis of the process. Six representative state variables are modelled: the phase volume fraction of total alpha, beta, Widmanstätten alpha, grain boundary alpha, martensite alpha, and the alpha lath thickness. Heating, cooling and repeated re-heating involved in the process of metal deposition are taken into account in the model. The phase transformations were modelled based on a diffusionnal theory described by a Johnson-Mehl-Avrami formulation, as well as diffusionless transformations for the martensite alpha formation and the beta reformation during reheating. The Arrhenius equation is applied as a simplification to model temperature dependent alpha lath size calculation. Grain growth is not included in the present formulation, but would have to be added for capturing alpha lath coarsening during long term heat treatment. The temperature history during robotised tungsten inert gas deposition welding is simulated together with the microstructure. The implementation of the model handles well the complex cyclic thermal loading from the metal deposition process. A particular banded structure observed in the metal deposited microstructure is partially explained using the proposed microstructure model. It is concluded that although qualitatively interesting results have been achieved, further calibration testing over a wider range of temperature histories must be performed to improve the transformation kinetic parameters for reliable quantitative predictions of the microstructure. / <p>Godkänd; 2008; 20081128 (ysko)</p>

Simulation of stainless steel tube extrusion

Hansson, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
The simulation of hot extrusion processes is a difficult and challenging problem in process modeling. This is due to very large deformations, high strain rates and large temperature changes during the process. Computer models that with sufficient accuracy can describe the material behavior during extrusion can be very useful in process and product development. Today, the process development in industrial extrusion is to a great extent based on trial and error and often involves full size experiments. Numerical simulations can most likely replace many of these experiments, which are often both expensive and time consuming. The motivation for this research project is a request for accurate finite element models that can be used in process design and development of stainless steel tube extrusion. The models will be used to investigate the effect of different process parameters on the quality of the extruded tube. In the work presented in this thesis, thermo-mechanically coupled simulations of glass-lubricated tube extrusion were performed. Extrusion models in two and three dimensions were developed. Only extrusion problems with radial symmetry were considered. Simulations were carried out using the commercial code MSC.Marc, which is a Lagrangian finite element code. Frequent remeshing was therefore needed during the analyses. The models were validated by comparing predicted values of extrusion force and exit surface temperature with measurements from an industrial extrusion press. The two- dimensional model was shown to provide good and fast solutions to extrusion problems with radial symmetry. A two-dimensional model is sufficient for many applications and this model is planned to be used for solving process problems further on. For the three-dimensional model it was concluded that a very fine mesh would be needed to successfully predict the extrusion force using four-node tetrahedrons. This would result in unacceptably long computational times. The future work will be aiming at improving the three- dimensional model in order obtain accurate results within a reasonable time. To obtain reliable simulation results a good constitutive model is crucial. This work has focused on the use of physically based material models, which are based on the underlying physical processes that cause the deformation. It is expected that these models can be extrapolated to a wider range of strains, strain rates and temperatures than more commonly used empirical models, provided that the correct physical processes are described by the model and that no new phenomena occurs. Physically based models are of special interest for steel extrusion simulations since the process is carried out at higher strain rates than what are normally used in mechanical laboratory tests. A dislocation density-based material model for the AISI type 316L stainless steel was used in the finite element simulations included in this thesis. The material model was calibrated by data from compression tests performed at different temperatures and strain rates. / <p>Godkänd; 2006; 20070109 (haneit)</p>

Förutbestämt och improviserat : Alternativa vägval i en snickares arbetsprocess / Predefined and improvised : Alternative ways in a joiners work process

Rosenquist, Olle January 2017 (has links)
How do we perceive the influence of the hand on the material in the things that surround us in our everyday life? This is a reflective thesis that addresses questions about the relations between human and machine and discusses our approach to the traces of the human hand and thought in the products we create and use. In this thesis, I try out a method which main purpose is to clarifiy which parts of the craft I think are most interesting, depending on how you choose to approach it. I have taken the role of the effective carpenter and the improvising carpenter. Based on these two roles I have built 4 stools. In my choices as the effective and the improvising carpenter, I have tried to visualize my own attitudes, values and approaches to my craft. The result of my survey has shown that there are interesting parts in both ways that I want to work with. Hopefully this thesis can serve to broaden and discuss the view of craftsmanship today.

Ti3SiC2 synthesis by powder metallurgical methods

Kero, Ida January 2007 (has links)
The MAX phases constitute a group of ternary ceramics which has received intense attention over the last decade due to their unique combination of properties. The Ti3SiC2 is the most well studied MAX phase to date and it has turned out to be a promising candidate for high temperature applications. It is oxidation resistant, refractory and not susceptible to thermal shock, while at the same time it can be machined with conventional tools which is of great technological importance. Most attempts to synthesize bulk Ti3SiC2 have involved pure titanium in the starting powder mixtures, but Ti powder is oxidising and requires an inert atmosphere throughout the synthesis process which makes the procedures unsuitable for large scale production. The aim of the first part of this study was to delineate the influence of sintering time and temperature on the formation of Ti3SiC2 from a starting powder which does not contain pure titanium. Titanium silicon carbide MAX phase was synthesised from ball milled TiC/Si powders, sintered under vacuum for different times and temperatures. After heat treatment the samples were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). This study showed that TiC was always present in the final products whereas TiSi2 was an intermediate phase to the Ti3SiC2 formation. The highest amount of Ti3SiC2 was achieved for short holding times of 2-4 hours, at high temperatures, 1350-1400¢ªC. More elevated temperatures or extended times resulted in silicon loss and decomposition of Ti3SiC2. In the second part of this study the sintering reactions and the mechanisms of formation of Ti3SiC2 were investigated by x-ray diffractometry, thermodilatometry, thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry and mass spectrometry. TiC/Si powders of the different ratios; 3:2 and 3:2.2, were heated to different temperatures under flowing argon gas in a dilatometer and examined by XRD. The TiC/Si powder samples of the ratio 3:2 were further investigated by the other thermal analysis methods. The results confirmed the presence of the intermediate phase TiSi2. From 1500¢ªC silicon evaporation and MAX phase decomposition were observed, and the results show that the MAX phase formation may be concurrent with the melting of silicon. TiC was always present in the final products, either as a reactant or as a decomposition product. The extra silicon of the 3:2.2 TiC/Si powder significantly increased the Ti3SiC2 conversion and no intermediate phases were observed for this powder mixture. The Si of these samples did not melt or evaporate, and only minor decomposition was observed even at 1700¢ªC. These results indicate that the silicon content of the initial powder mixture is decisive to the reaction mechanisms of the sintering process. / <p>Godkänd; 2007; 20070523 (ysko)</p>

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