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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fitohemijske i funkcionalne karakteristike praškastih formi klijanaca pšenice, ovsa i ječma / Phytochemical and functional properties of wheat, oats and barley powdered sprouts

Aborus Naji Elhadi Alsadeg 18 July 2017 (has links)
<p>U radu su ispitani fitohemijski profil, antioksida-tivna i in vitro biolo&scaron;ka aktivnost ekstrakata klijanaca &scaron;est sorti žitarica: p&scaron;enica Spelt, Simonida, (WSSPE, WSSIM) ječam, hibrid &ldquo;NS565&rdquo; (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp distichum.) (BSNS) i ne-hibridni &ldquo;Golozrni&rdquo; (Hordeum vul-gare var nudum.) (BSG) i ovas Golozrni, Jadar (OSG, OSJ). U cilju poređenja &scaron;est istraživanih vrsta klijanaca ispitivanja su obuhvatila određivanje TPC, TFC, TChl, Chla, Chlb i TCX vrednosti i testiranje njihove biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti (antioksidativnog kapaciteta, redukcione sposobnosti, antiinflamatorne i antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti), kao i sposobnost oslobađanja fenolnih jedinjenja iz FDS tokom in vitro gastrointestinalnog varenja.<br />Spektrofotometrijskim metodama utvrđeno je da su fenolna jedinjenja najdominantnije fitohemikalije u svim ispitivanim klijancima žitarica. U uzorku BSNS utvrđen je najveći sadržaj (p &le; 0,05) ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja, hlorofila i karotenoida, a najveći sadržaj ukupnih flavonoida imali su BSNS i BSG. Najniži TFC je registrovan u uzorku OSJ (p &le; 0,05). Antioksidativna aktivnost uzoraka FDS ispitana je primenom DPPH, ABTS testa i određivanjem redukcione sposobnosti (RP). Uzorak BSNS pokazao je najveći antioksidantni kapacitet u DPPH i ABTS testu, kao i najveću redukcionu sposobnost (IC50DPPH = 0,54 mg/ml; IC50ABTS = 0,79 mg/ml; IC0,5RP = 9.35 mg / ml). U svim uzorcima FDS sprovedena su in vitro određivanja: antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti dobijenih klijanaca (definisanje potencijala inhibicije en-zima &alpha;-glukozidaze); antiinflamatorne aktivnosti klijanaca i gastro-intestinalne digestije klijanaca p&scaron;enice, ovsa i ječma. OSG je pokazao značajno veći AHgA (p &le; 0,05) u odnosu na druge FDS uzorke, zatim slede BSNS, OSJ i BSG. Svi uzorci FDS su ispoljili koncentracijski zavisnu inhibiciju denaturacije proteina (albumina) u celom opsegu ispitivanih koncentracija koncentracija, ali je ona manja od dejstva natrijumdiklofenaka (IC50AIA=0.79 mg/ml). Simulacija digestije u crevnim tečnostima (SIF) izazvalo je veće oslobađanje polifenola iz uzoraka FDS od želudačnog varenja, &scaron;to ukazuje na dobru stabilnost uzoraka u crevnoj tečnosti. Može se zaključiti da antioksidativni kapacitet i redukciona sposobnost raste sa povećanjem koncentracije polifenola u FDS, a zavisi i od strukturnih karakteristika. Utvrđena je vrlo dobra pozitivna korelacija između TPC i antioksidativne aktivnosti i redukcione spo-sobnosti, kao i između TFC i antiinflamatorne aktivnosti.</p> / <p>This study was performed to evaluate the phytochemical com-position, and in vitro antioksidativnidant capacity, reducing power, antihyperglycemic, antiinflammatory activities, and simulated gastrointestinal digestion of seven-day old cereal sprouts (CS): Cultivars, barley NS565 (BSNS), barley Golozr-ni (BSG), wheat Spelta (WSSPE), wheat Simonida (WSSIM), oat Golozrni (OSG) and oat Jadar (OSJ). Phenolic compounds were the most dominant bioactives in all CS. BSNS expressed significantly higher (p &le; 0.05) content of total phenols, chlorophyll and carotenoids. The total flavonoids content (TFC) in CS showed that the BSNS and BSG had the higher value respectively. The lowest TFC was registered in OSJ (P &le; 0.05). The FDS extracts were screened for possible antioxidant capacities using DPPH, ABTS, and reducing power (Rp) assays. The results indicated that the BSNS possessed higher antioxi-dant capacities in DPPH and ABTS assays, and reducing power (IC50DPPH = 0.54 mg/ ml; IC50ABTS = 0.79 mg/ml; IC0.5RP = 9.35 mg/ml) respectively. The inhibitory effect of FDS extracts on &alpha;-glucosidase activity was investigated. The BSNS extracts exhibited higher inhibitory activity (IC50AHgA = 1.43 mg/ml) against &alpha;-glucosidase (p &le; 0.05). The antiinflammatory activity (Denaturation of protein in vitro) showed significantly different between the CS, and Diclofenac sodium (DS). The IC50AIA of DS and BSNS was 0.79 and 1.86 (mg/ml) respectively. The in vitro simulation of gastro-intestinal (GI) digestion showed TPC was a higher release (p &le; 0.05) of phenolic compounds in intestinal fluid than in gastric fluid in all FDS. There was a strong positive correlation between TPC and antioxidant activities and reducing power, and also between TFC and antiinflammatory activity.</p>

Hemijski sastav i biološki potencijal ploda, soka i tropa kultivisane i divlje kupine (Rubus fruticosus L.) / Chemical composition and biological potential of cultivated and wild blackberries (Rubus fruticosus L.)

Jazić Miodrag 09 December 2019 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove disertacije ispitan je hemijski, mineralni i<br />polifenolni sastav, kao i biolo&scaron;ki potencijal četiri sorte<br />kupina sa dva različita lokaliteta sjeverozapadnog dijela<br />Bosne i Hercegovine, sa lokaliteta Verići (divlja i<br />kultivisana sorta Čačanska bestrna) i sa lokaliteta<br />Javorani (divlja sorta i kultivisana sorta Chester<br />Thornles). Određen je sadržaj suve materije, pepela,<br />sirove celuloze, ukupnih &scaron;ećera, ukupna kiselost i sadržaj<br />askorbinske kiseline. Sadržaj mineralnih materija<br />detektovan je metodom optičke emisione spektrometrije<br />(ICP-OES). Za izdvajanje ekstrakata je kori&scaron;tena klasična<br />ekstrakciona tehnika prema Soxhlet-u uz upotrebu 80 %<br />etanola (v/v). Spektrofotometrijskim metodama određen<br />je sadržaj ukupnih polifenola, flavonida, flavonola,<br />ukupnih i monomernih antocijana. Kvalitativnom i<br />kvantitativnom HPLC metodom je utvrđen sadržaj<br />pojedinačnih polifenolih jedinjenja. Biolo&scaron;ki potencijal<br />uzoraka je utvrđen u sistemima in vitro, gdje je određena:<br />antioksidativna aktivnost, antihiperglikemijska aktivnost,<br />antiproliferativni efekat i antimikrobna aktivnost.<br />Antioksidativna aktivnost uzoraka je ispitana sa četiri<br />metode: DPPH test, ABTS test, sposobnost neutralizacije<br />hidroksil radikala i metodom inhibicije Briggs Rauscherovih oscilatornih reakcija. Antihiperglikemijska aktivnost<br />ispitivanih uzoraka kupine je dokazan na osnovu<br />sposobnosti inhibicije enzima &alpha;-glukozidaze.<br />Antiproliferativni efekat ispitivanih uzoraka je određen<br />prema inhibiciji rasta četiri humane ćelijske linije: HeLa<br />(epitelnog karcinoma cerviksa), HT-29 (adenokarcinoma<br />debelog crijeva), MRC-5 (zdravim ćelijama fibroblasti<br />pluća) i prema ćelijskoj liniji MCF7 (adenokarcinoma<br />dojke). Antimikrobna aktivnost je utvrđena prema gram<br />pozitivnom soju (G<sup>+</sup>) bakterija S. Aureus i gram<br />negativnom (G<sup>-</sup>) soju E. coli, rastu micelija Aspergillusa<br />niger i Candida albicans. Regresionom analizom prema<br />Pirson-u su određeni odnosi između sadržaja polifenolnih<br />jedinjenja i biolo&scaron;kog potencijala, sa statističkim<br />značajem (p &le; 0,01).</p> / <p>The chemical, mineral, polyphenolics composition and<br />biological potentials of four blackberries varieties from two<br />different locations in the northwestern part of Bosnia and<br />Herzegovina (Verići - wild and cultivated variety Čačanska<br />bestrna and Javorani - wild and cultivated variety Chester<br />Thornless) were determined. The contents of dry matter, ash,<br />crude cellulose, total sugars, total acidity and ascorbic acid were<br />obtained. The contents of mineral matter were detected by<br />optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) method. A classic<br />Soxhlet extraction technique with 80% ethanol (v/v) was<br />applied to obtain extracts. The spectrophotometric methods<br />were used to determine the content of total polyphenolics,<br />flavonoids, flavonols, and total and monomer anthocyanins. The<br />content of individual polyphenolic compounds was determined<br />by HPLC method. The biological potentials (antioxidant<br />activity, antihyperglycemic activity, antiproliferative effect and<br />antimicrobial activity) of the samples were determined in vitro<br />systems. The antioxidant activity was tested with four methods:<br />DPPH test, ABTS test, ability to neutralize OH radicals and the<br />method of inhibiting Briggs Rauscher oscillatory reactions. The<br />antihyperglycaemic activity of the tested blackberry samples<br />was based on the ability to inhibit &alpha;-glucosidase enzyme. The<br />antiproliferative effect of the tested samples was determined by<br />inhibiting the growth of four human cell lines: epithelial<br />carcinoma of the cervix (HeLa), colon adenocarcinoma (HT-<br />29), healthy lung fibroblast cells (MRC-5) and the cell line of<br />breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7). The extracts showed the<br />highest inhibitory effect on the cell line of breast<br />adenocarcinoma (MCF-7). The antimicrobial activity was<br />determined according to gram-positive bacteria (G <sup>+</sup>) of<br />Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative bacteria (G <sup>-</sup>)<br />Escherichia coli, growth of mycelium Aspergillus niger and<br />fungi Candida albicans. The Pearson correlations were<br />statistically determined the relationship between the content of<br />polyphenolic compounds and biological potential, with<br />statistical significance (p &le; 0.01).</p>

Savremene metode ekstrakcije očajnice (Marrubium vulgare L.) i sušenje odabranih ekstrakata, hemijski sastav i biološke aktivnosti / Contemporary methods of extraction of white horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) and drying of selected extracts, chemical composition and biological activities

Gavarić Aleksandra 11 December 2020 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove disertacije ispitane su mogućnosti primene savremenih metoda za dobijanje tečnih ekstrakata (ultrazvučna ekstrakcija, mikrotalasna ekstrakcija i ekstrakcija subkritičnom vodom) i lipofilnih ekstrakata (ekstrakcija superkritičnim ugljendioksidom) bogatih polifenolima iz nadzemnog dela očajnice (Marrubium vulgare L.). Tečni ekstrakti su optimizovani primenom eksperimentalnog dizajna i metode odzivne povr&scaron;ine, i podvrgnuti su spray drying tehnici su&scaron;enja. Tečni i suvi ekstrakti su detaljno ispitani po pitanju hemijskog sastava i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti, antimikrobne i in vitro antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti.<br />Za svaku od navedenih ekstrakcionih tehnika ispitan je uticaj glavnih parametara: ultrazvučna ekstrakcija (temperatura, vreme ekstrakcije i snaga ultrazvuka), mikrotalasna ekstrakcija (koncentracija etanola, vreme ekstrakcije i snaga mikrotalasa) i ekstrakcija subkritičnom vodom (temperatura, vreme ekstrakcije i koncentracija HCl u ekstragensu). Kod tečnih ekstrakata dobijenih ultrazvučnom i mikrotalasnom ekstrakcijom na optimizovanim uslovima utvrđeno je prisustvo hlorogenske kiseline i kvercetina koji nisu detektovani u maceratima. Ispitana je antimikrobna aktivnost oba ekstrakta i utvrđeno da je B. cereus najosetljiviji bakterijski soj, dok je u slučaju kvasaca S. cerevisiae posebno osetljiv na oba ekstrakta. Pored ove aktivnosti ispitana je i in vitro antihiperglikemijska aktivnost oba ekstrakta prema &alpha;-amilazi i &alpha;-glukozidazi, pri čemu ultrazvučni ekstrakt pokazuje veću antihiperglikemijsku aktivnost (50,63% inhibira &alpha;-amilazu i 48,67% inhibira &alpha;-glukozidazu) &scaron;to se potencijalno može objasniti prisustvom hlorogenske kiseline (33,11 &mu;g/mL) i kvercetina (34,88 &mu;g/mL). U subkritičnom ekstraktu, dobijenom na optimalnim uslovima, detektovano je jedino prisustvo hidroksi metilfurfurala usled čega ovaj ekstrakt nije podvrgnut ispitivanju antimikrobne i antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti.<br />U cilju ekstrakcije lipofilnih komponenata M. vulgare primenjene su destilacija etarskog ulja (0,05%), Soxhlet ekstrakcija (3,23%) i ekstrakcija superkritičnim ugljendioksidom na pritiscima 100, 200 i 300 bar i temperaturama 40, 50 i 60 &deg;C. Najdominantnija komponenta u svim dobijenim superkritičnim ekstraktima je hemotaksonomski marker marubiin koji nije identifikovan u Soxhlet ekstraktu.<br />Tečni ekstrakti dobijeni ultrazvučnom i mikrotalasnom ekstrakcijom na optimizovanim uslovima i macerat su osu&scaron;eni spray drying tehnikom (uz dodatak 10 i 50% maltodekstrina) u cilju dobijanja stabilnije forme suvog ekstrakta. Suvim ekstraktima su određene najznačajnije fizičke osobine i hemijski sastav kao i antimikrobna i antihiperglikemijska aktivnost kako bi se procenila mogućnost njihove inkorporacije u funkcionalnu hranu, dijetetske suplemente ili u formulaciji različitih gotovih proizvoda koji se primenjuju preventivno ili radi pobolj&scaron;anja zdravlja ljudi.</p> / <p>Within the scope of this dissertation, the possibilities of applying modern methods for obtaining liquid (ultrasonic extraction, microwave extraction and subcritical water extraction) and lipophilic extracts (extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide) rich in polyphenols from the aboveground part of white horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) were examined. Liquid extracts were optimized using an experimental design and response surface method, and subjected to spray drying. Liquid and dry extracts have been extensively examined for their chemical composition and biological activity, antimicrobial and in vitro antihyperglycaemic activities.<br />For each of these extraction techniques, the influence of the main parameters was examined: ultrasonic extraction (temperature, extraction time and ultrasound power), microwave extraction (ethanol concentration, extraction time and microwave power) and subcritical water extraction (temperature, extraction time and HCl concentration in the extractant). Liquid extracts obtained by ultrasonic and microwave extraction under optimized conditions revealed the presence of chlorogenic acid and quercetin, which were not detected in macerates. The antimicrobial activity of both extracts was examined and B. cereus was found to be the most sensitive bacterial strain, whereas in the case of yeast S. cerevisiae was particularly sensitive to both extracts. In addition to this activity, the in vitro antihyperglycaemic activities of both extracts against &alpha;-amylase and &alpha;-glucosidase were investigated, with ultrasound extract showing higher antihyperglycemic activity (50.63% inhibited &alpha;-amylase and 48.67% inhibited &alpha;-glucosidase) which could potentially be explained by the presence of chlorogenic acid (33.11 &mu;g/mL) and quercetin (34.88 &mu;g/mL). In the subcritical extract, obtained under optimal conditions, only the presence of hydroxy methylfurfural was detected, and this extract was not subjected to antimicrobial and antihyperglycemic activity.<br />For the extraction of lipophilic components of M. vulgare, distillation of essential oil (0.05%), Soxhlet extraction (3.23%) and extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide at pressures of 100, 200 and 300 bar and at temperatures of 40, 50 and 60 &deg; C were applied. The most dominant component in all the supercritical extracts obtained is the chemotaxonomic marker marubiin, which was not identified in the Soxhlet extract.<br />The liquid extracts obtained by the ultrasound and microwave extraction under optimized conditions and the macerate were spray dried (with the addition of 10 and 50% maltodextrin) to obtain a more stable form of the dry extract. Dry extracts underwent determination of the most important physical properties and chemical composition as well as antimicrobial and antihyperglycemic activities to evaluate their incorporation into functional foods, dietary supplements or in the formulation of various finished dosage forms that are administered preventively or to improve human health.</p>

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