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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ruderalna flora Novog Sada kao potencijalni prirodni resurs lekovitog bilja / Ruderal flora of Novi Sad as potential natural resources of medicinal herbs

Gavrilović Marjana 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovoj studiji su predstavljeni rezultati taksonomskog, fitogeografskog i ekolo&scaron;kog istraživanja urbane flore Novog Sada sa posebnim osvrtom na uče&scaron;će alohtonih vrsta, i&scaron;čezlih i ugroženih taksona i prirodne resurse lekovitog bilja. Sprovedene taksonomske analize su komparativno rađene na ukupnoj urbanoj flori (850) i flori ruderalnih stani&scaron;ta (344) Novog Sada. Zabeleženi su i&scaron;čezli i ugroženi biljni taksoni na teritoriji grada Novog Sada. Ukupno 79 vrsta se smatra da je nestalo sa područja grada Novog Sada do<br />dana&scaron;njeg period,a &scaron;to je 8,04% od ukupnog broja vrsta. Utvrđeno je&nbsp; 115 (12,85%) vrsta koje su ugrožene na području grada Novog Sada. Od ukupno 895 vrsta ruderalne flore invazivne vrste&nbsp; su zastupljene sa 74 predstavnika (8,25%). Analizom ukupne flore evidentirano je 123 lekovitih biljaka. Iz ukupne flore izdvojene su biljke sa etarskim uljem, alkaloidima, fenolima i vitaminima koje koristi zvanična medicina. Od ukupnog broja taksona, izdvojeno je 23 medonosne biljke, 25 krmnih biljaka, 60 ukrasnih vrsta, 35 industrijskih, 68 alergijskih biljaka i 7 vrsta koje vezuju tlo. Analizom odabranih biljnih organa invazivnih vrsta&nbsp; (<em>Solidago gigantea, Iva xanthifolia, Amorpha futicosa, Fallopia<br />japonica i Ailanthus altissima</em>)&nbsp; utvrđen je ukupni sadržaj fenola i flavonoida.<br />Najveći sadržaj analiziranih ukupnih sekundarnih biomolekula (fenola i flavonoida) je utvrđen u&nbsp;<em> Fallopia japonica, Ailanthus altissima&nbsp; i&nbsp; Amorpha fruticosa</em>.&nbsp; Antiradikalsko delovanje&nbsp; ispitivanih ekstrakata je utvrđeno na nivou neutralizacije reaktivnih kiseoničnih vrsta (OH, NO i DPPH radikala). Antiradikalsko delovanje na nivou neutralizacije&nbsp; OH radikala odnosno najsnažnije &bdquo;skevindžer&ldquo; delovanje ispoljeno je od strane ekstrakta lista <em>Fallopia japonica</em>&nbsp; (IC50=10,89 &mu;g/ml)&nbsp; dok je ne&scaron;to manju aktivnost pokazala&nbsp;cvast pomenute vrste (IC50=14,87 &mu;g/ml).</p> / null / <p>Results of taxonomy, phitogeogrphical and ecological analysis of ruderal flora of Novi Sad with special attention in alien species and medicinal plant as natural resorces of&nbsp; ruderal flora are presented in this Thesis. Floristic review involving, taxonomy,&nbsp; phitogeographical and ecological analysis of total (895) and ruderal flora (344) of Novi Sad. Extincted (79) and endangered (115) species were recorded in the urban flora of Novi Sad. Invasive species (74) were recorded in total flora (8,25 %).<br />Analysis&nbsp; of the total urban flora of Novi Sad as potential natural resorces recorded 123 medicinal herbs (32 alien and 91 native), 23 nectar and polen rich plants, 25 forage crops, 60 ornamental, 35 plants for industrial use, 68 allergic i 7 soil errosion control plants.<br />The analysis of sampled plant organs of invasive species (Solidago gigantea, Iva xanthifolia, Amorpha futicosa, Fallopia japonica i Ailanthus altissima) were determined total phenolic compounds and flavonoids. Antioxidant activity of plant extracts&nbsp; was determined at the level of neutralizing reactive oxygenspecies (OH,&nbsp; NO and DPPH radicals). The Content of total phenolics and flavonoids were determinated in&nbsp; Fallopia japonica, Ailanthus altissima&nbsp; and Amorpha fruticosa. The best values of OH radical&nbsp; neutralization indicated leaves of&nbsp; Fallopia japonica&nbsp; (IC50=10,89 &mu;g/ml) and flowers (IC50=14,87 &mu;g/ml).</p>

Savremene metode ekstrakcije rtanjskog čaja (Satureja montana L.), hemijski sastav i biološka aktivnost dobijenih ekstrakata / Contemporary methods of extraction of winter savory (Satureja montana L.), chemical composition and biological activity of obtained extracts

Vladić Jelena 28 April 2017 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove disertacije su ispitane mogućnosti primene savremenih postupaka za dobijanje ekstrakata rtanjskog čaja (Satureja montana L.).<br />U ekstraktima dobijenim primenom superkritičnog ugljendioksida (različitih gustina) utvrđeno je prisustvo karvakrola kao najzastupljenije komponente. Ekstrakt sa najvećim sadržajem karvakrola je dobijen pri uslovima 350 bar i 50 &deg;C (60,82%), dok je najveći prinos karvakrola ostvaren pri pritiscima 325 i 350 bar i temperaturi 60 &deg;C, i iznosio je 2,4 g/100 g droge. Primenom ugljendioksida na većim pritiscima se ostvaruje efikasnija ekstrakcija karvakrola iz droge, kao i proizvodnja ekstrakata sa većim sadržajima karvakrola. Druge komponente prisutne u ekstraktima u znatno nižim koncentracijama su: p-cimen, borneol, trans-kariofilen, kariofilen-oksid, &gamma;-terpinen i linalool.<br />Da bi se utvrdila mogućnost unapređenja prinosa ekstrakcije superkritičnim ugljendioksidom, kao i pobolj&scaron;anja kvaliteta ekstrakata, ispitan je uticaj različitih predtretmana biljnog materijala. Ustanovljeno je da predtretman vodom najznačajnije povećava prinos ekstrakcije (za 25%), dok je ultrazvučni predtretman najadekvatniji izbor za dobijanje ekstrakata sa najvećim sadržajem karvakrola (66,46%). Međutim, najveći prinos ekstrakcije karvakrola iz 100 g droge postignut je primenom etanola i vode kao predtretmana.<br />Ekstrakti dobijeni primenom subkritične vode (uz variranje temperature i vremena ekstrakcije) su hemijski okarakterisani i radi utvrđivanja uslova ekstrakcije pri kojima se postiže najveći kvalitet ekstrakata u pogledu sadržaja polifenolnih komponenti, kao i antioksidantne aktivnosti, primenjena je metoda odzivne povr&scaron;ine (RSM). Utvrđena je prednost primene subkritične vode u odnosu na klasičnu metodu ekstrakcije u pogledu sadržaja polifenolnih komponenti i antioksidantne aktivnosti.<br />Suvi ekstrakti S. montana dobijeni spray drying tehnologijom su&scaron;enja (sa različitim koncentracijama maltodekstrina) su ispitani u pogledu fizičkih i hemijskih osobina. Takođe, radi ispitivanja mogućnosti primene u vidu funkcionalnih ili prehrambenih proizvoda, izvr&scaron;ena je senzorna analiza dobijenih suvih ekstrakata, i analizirana je njihova farmakolo&scaron;ka aktivnost u smislu ACE inhibitornog i antioksidantnog delovanja.<br />Ustanovljeno je da je najniža koncentracija maltodekstrina (10%) najadekvatnija za dobijanje suvog ekstrakta S. montana sa najvećim sadržajem polifenolnih komponenti, sadržajem etarskog ulja i u pogledu antioksidantne i ACE inhibitorne aktivnosti. Takođe, suvi ekstrakt sa 10% maltodekstrina ispunjava i ostale fizičko-hemijske parametre, kojima se osigurava kako efikasno su&scaron;enje, tako i kvalitet ekstrakta.<br />In vivo aktivnost odabranih ekstrakata S. montana ispitana je na modelu hepatotoksičnosti indukovane primenom ugljentetrahlorida. Analiziran je uticaj ekstrakata na funkciju jetre, enzimske parametre oksidativnog stresa i serumske parametre oksidativnog o&scaron;tećenja izazvanog ugljentetrahloridom i ustanovljen je hepatoprotektivni učinak ekstrakata S. montana. Takođe, ispitano je dejstvo ekstrakata na rast Ehrlich-ovih ascitnih tumora implantiranih mi&scaron;evima, kao i na biohemijske parametre oksidativnog stresa u ćelijama tumora i utvrđeno je da je vreme aplikacije ekstrakata od izuzetnog značaja.</p> / <p>This dissertation investigates the possibilities of applying contemporary processes for obtaining extracts of winter savory (Satureja montana L.).<br />Carvacrol was determined to be the most abundant component in extracts acquired by using supercritical carbon dioxide (of various densities). Extract with the richest content of carvacrol was obtained under conditions of 350 bar and 50 &deg;C (60,82%), while the highest carvacrol yield was produced under 325 bar and 350 bar pressures and at a 60 &deg;C temperature reaching 2.4 g/100 g of dry weight. By applying carbon dioxide on higher pressures, a more efficient carvacrol extraction from herbal material is performed, alongside production of extracts with higher carvacrol content. Other components in the extracts present in significantly lower concentrations are the following: p-cymen, borneol, trans-caryophyllene, caryophyllene-oxide, &gamma;-terpinene and linalool.<br />In order to recognize the possibility of improving the extraction yield produced by employing supercritical carbon dioxide and enhancing the quality of extracts, the influence of several different pre-treatments was investigated. It was determined that the water pre-treatment raises the extraction yield the most (for 25%), while the ultrasonic pre-treatment was the most adequate choice for acquiring extracts with the highest content of carvacrol (66.46%). However, the highest carvacrol extraction yield from 100 g of dry weight was achieved by applying ethanol and water as pre-treatment.<br />Extracts which were attained with subcritical water (by varying the temperature and time of extraction) were chemically characterized and Response Surface Method (RSM) was applied for the purposes of determining conditions of extractions under which the highest quality of extracts in terms of content of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activity is reached. The advantage of employing subcritical water over the classical method of extraction in respect of content of polyphenolic components and antioxidant activity was demonstrated.<br />Dry extracts of S. montana obtained by using the spray drying technology (with different concentrations of maltodextrine) were examined in terms of their physical and chemical characteristics. Also, in order to investigate the possibility of their use as functional or food products, sensory analysis of attained extracts was performed, and furthermore, their pharmacological activity in terms of the ACE inhibitory and antioxidant effect was analysed as well.<br />It was determined that the lowest concentration of maltodextrin (10%) was the most adequate for obtaining dry extracts of S. montana with the richest content of polyphenolic components and essential oil, and in respect of antioxidant and ACE inhibitory activities. Also, dry extract with 10% of maltodextrin meets all other physical-chemical parameters, which provide efficient drying and quality of extracts.<br />In vivo activity of selected extracts of S. montana was examined on a model of hepatotoxicity induced by applying carbon tetrachloride. The influence of extracts on liver function, enzyme parameters of oxidative stress, and serum parameters of oxidative damage caused by carbon tetrachloride was analysed and hepatoprotective effect of S. montana extracts was determined. In addition, the influence of extracts on the growth of Ehrlich ascite tumors implanted in mice was investigated, and their impact on biochemical parameters of oxidative stress in tumor cells as well, and it was determined that the time of application of extracts is of great significance.</p>

Fitohemijski skrining i procena antioksidantnog i antiinflamatornog potencijala sekundarnih biomolekula u vrstama roda Plantago L. / Phytochemical screening and evaluation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential of secondary metabolites of Plantago L. species

Beara (Krstić) Ivana 09 July 2010 (has links)
<p>Karakterizacija metanolnih ekstrakata jedanaest vrsta samoniklih bokvica (rod<em> Plantago L.</em>) obuhvatala je fitohemijski skrining i ispitivanje antioksidantne i antiinflamatorne aktivnosti. Primenom LC-MS/MS tehnike odreĊen je sadržaj odabranih sekundarnih biomolekula. Antioksidantna aktivnosti ekstrakata (sposobnost neutralizacije slobodnih radikala, redukcioni potencijal i inhibicija lipidne peroksidacije) ispitana je primenom spektrofotometrijskih metoda. U cilju odreĊivanja antiinflamatornog potencijala, razvijena je<em> in vitro </em>metoda za praćenje aktivnosti trombocitne ciklooksigenaze-1 i 12-lipoksigenaze. Svi ispitani ekstrakti pokazali su znaĉajnu biolo&scaron;ku aktivnost.</p> / <p>Characterization of methanol extracts of eleven<em> Plantago L.</em> species included phytochemical screening and evaluation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. The content of several secondary metabolites was determined by LC-MS/MS technique. Antioxidant activity of extracts (radical scavenger capacity, reduction potential and inhibition of lipid peroxidation) was examined by spectrophotometric methods. With the intention to evaluate anti-inflammatory activity, an<em> in vitro method</em> was developed to measure activity of platelet cyclooxygenase-1 and 12-lipoxygenase. All examined extracts showed noticeable biological activity.</p>

Biopotencijal i hemijska karakterizacija ekstrakata i etarskih ulja vrsta roda Juniperus L. (Cupressaceae). / Biopotential and chemical characterization of extracts and essential oils of species from Juniperus L. genus (Cupressaceae).

Lesjak Marija 23 November 2011 (has links)
<p>Karakterizacija metanolnih ekstrakata i etarskih ulja iglica i &scaron;i&scaron;arki osam vrsta samoniklih kleka (rod Juniperus L.) obuhvatala je fitohemijski skrining i ispitivanje antioksidantne, antiinflamatorne i antimikrobne aktivnosti. Primenom LC-MS/MS i GC-MS tehnike detektovan i odreĎen je sadržaj fenolnih i terpenoidnih sekundarnih biomolekula. Antioksidantna aktivnost ekstrakata i etarskih ulja (sposobnost neutralizacije slobodnih radikala, redukcioni potencijal i inhibicija lipidne peroksidacije) ispitana je primenom spektrofotometrijskih metoda. U cilju odreĎivanja antiinflamatornog potencijala, primenjena je ex vivo metoda za praćenje aktivnosti trombocitne ciklooksigenaze-1 i 12-lipoksigenaze. Antimikrobna aktivnost etarskih ulja odreĎena je na &scaron;est odabranih bakterijskih sojeva. Ispitani ekstrakti i etarska ulja pokazali su značajnu biolo&scaron;ku aktivnost.</p> / <p> Characterization of methanol extracts and essential oils of eight Juniperus L. species included phytochemical screening and evaluation of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity. The presence and content of phenolics and terpenoids was confirmed by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS technique. Antioxidant activity of extracts and essential oils (radical scavenger capacity, reduction potential and inhibition of lipid peroxidation) was examined by spectrophotometric methods. With the intention to evaluate anti-inflammatory activity, an ex vivo method was applied to measure activity of platelet cyclooxygenase-1 and 12-lipoxygenase. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated according to six bacterial strains. Examined extracts and essential oils showed noticeable biological activity.</p>

Biohemijski mehanizmi otpornosti klonova topole (Populus spp.) na vodni stres / Biochemical aspects of resistence of poplar (Populus spp) clones on water streess

Ždero Pavlović Ružica 09 November 2017 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije predstavljalo je ispitivanje uticaja vodnog stresa izazvanog&nbsp; sa polietilen glikolom (PEG)&nbsp; 6000 na biohemijske osobine klonova topole. Reznice tri klona topole (M-1, B-229 i PE19/66) su hidroponski gajene i izložene 100 mOsm i 200 mOsm PEG 6000&nbsp; tokom &scaron;est dana. Nakon tretmana u kontrolnim i stresiranim<br />biljkama su&nbsp; ispitane promene aktivnosti antioksidantnih enzima,&nbsp; aktivnost dva<br />enzimska markera polifenolnog metabolizma, fenolni profil, antioksidantna aktivnost, kao i sadržaj prolina i glicin betaina&nbsp; (GB). Takođe, ispitan je biohemijski odgovor kulture tkiva klona M-1 na vodni stres izazvan sa PEG 6000.</p><p>U oba eksperimenta uočeno je da je akumulacija prolina i GB u uslovima vodnog stresa izazvanog sa PEG 6000&nbsp;najvažnija strategija u otpornosti na stres i prevazilaženju vodnog deficita, tako da se&nbsp;ovi parametri mogu definisati kao najbolji indikatori otpornosti topole na su&scaron;u.</p><p>Rezultati ovog istraživanjaupotpunjavaju saznanja o povezanosti oksidativnog stresa uzrokovanog vodnim stresom sa antioksidantnim odgovorom, nivoom o&scaron;tećenja lipida i proteina, uključivanjem osmolita kao i promenama u polifenolnom profilu. Takođe, dobijeni rezultati su značajni za odabir klonova topola tolerantnih na vodni stres&nbsp; i&nbsp; za<br />po&scaron;umljavanje su&scaron;nih stani&scaron;ta, kojih će biti sve vi&scaron;e usled negativnog uticaja klimatskih promena.</p> / <p>The aim of presented doctoral thesis was investigation of the impact of water deficit caused by polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 on biochemical features of poplar clones.&nbsp; During six days, cuttings of three poplar clones (M-1, B-229 and PE 19/66) were grown in hydroponics and subjected to 100 and 200 mOsm PEG 6000. Changes in the activity of antioxidant enzymes, polyphenol characterization, two enzymatic markers of polyphenol metabolism, antioxidant capacity, as well as proline and glycine betaine content were investigated in stressed plants. Furthermore,&nbsp; assessment of&nbsp; biochemical response of poplar clone M-1 tissue culture to water stress induced by PEG 6000 was performed.</p><p>In both experiments, the most important strategy for stress resistance and overcoming water deficiency was accumulation of proline and glycine betaine so these parameters can be defined as the best indicators of poplar resistance to drought.</p><p>The results of this study complete&nbsp; the findings on the oxidative stress caused by water stress&nbsp; and their relationship with the antioxidant response, the level of lipid andprotein damage, accumulation of the osmolites and changes in the polyphenol profile. Also, the obtained results may be important for the selection of poplar clones resistant to water stress and for afforestation in arid sites, which appeared to be more numerous due to the effects of&nbsp; global climate change.</p>

Biološka aktivnost novosintetisanih D-seko i D-homo-estratrienskih derivata u in vivo i in vitro uslovima / Biological activity of the newly synthesized D-secoand D-homoestratriene derivatives in in vivo and in vitro experiments

Jovanović-Šanta Suzana 08 October 2010 (has links)
<p>Sintetisana su nova jedinjenja, 16- i 17-supstituisani&nbsp;16,17-sekoestratrienski derivati i D-homoestranski&nbsp;derivati, polazeći od 3-benziloksi-17-hidroksi-16,17-sekoestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-16-nitrila. Ispitana je&nbsp;estrogena i antiestrogena aktivnost u eksperimentima <em>in&nbsp;vivo</em>, antiaromatazna aktivnost <em>in vitro</em>, antioksidantna&nbsp;aktivnost DPPH &nbsp;i TBA testom, kao i antiproliferativna&nbsp;aktivnost prema ćelijskim linijama MCF-7 ATCC,&nbsp;MDA-MB-231, HT-29 i MRC-5 novosintetisanih&nbsp;jedinjenja.</p> / <p>Some new compounds, 16- and 17-substituted 16,17-secoestratriene derivatives, as&nbsp; well as D-homoestratriene derivatives, were synthesized, starting from 3-benzyloxy-17-hydroxy-16,17-secoestra-1,3,5 (10)-triene-16-nitrile. The newly synthesized compounds were tested for their <em>in vivo&nbsp;</em>estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity,&nbsp; <em>in vitro&nbsp;</em>antiaromatase activity, antioxidative activity by DPPH and TBA tests, as well as antiproliferative activity against MCF-7 ATCC, MDA-MB-231, HT-29 i MRC-5 cell lines.</p>

Antioksidantna svojstva lekovitog bilja u hrani / Antioxidant Properties of Medicinal Plants in Food

Mišan Aleksandra 11 December 2009 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu je izvr&scaron;eno kvantitativno&nbsp;određivanje i identifikacija biljnih fenola i&nbsp;<br />flavonoida etanolih ekstrakata ploda per&scaron;una&nbsp;(<em>Petroselini fructus</em>), kore kru&scaron;ine (<em>Frangulae&nbsp;cortex</em>), lista pitome nane (<em>Mentha piperitae&nbsp;folium</em>), ploda kima (<em>Carvi fructus</em>) i lista breze&nbsp;(<em>Betulae folium</em>), kao i komercijalnog preparata Vitalplant<sup>&reg; </sup>((<em>Frangulae cortex</em>(35 %),&nbsp; <em>Mentha&nbsp;piperitae folium</em>(20%),&nbsp; <em>Carvi fructus</em>(20 %),&nbsp;<em>Petroselini fructus&nbsp;</em>(25 %)). U nastavku&nbsp;istraživanja ispitivana je antioksidantna aktivnosti etanolih ekstrakata primenom&nbsp;direktnih, ESR &ldquo;spin trap&ldquo; spektroskopskih&nbsp;metoda određivanja &ldquo;skevindžer&ldquo; aktivnosti na&nbsp;superoksid anjon i &nbsp;hidroksil radikale i&nbsp;indirektnih, spektrofotometrijskih testova za&nbsp;određivanje skevindžer&ldquo; aktivnosti na DPPH˙&nbsp;radikale, redoks potencijala i helatacione&nbsp;aktivnosti, kao i antioksidantne aktivnosti u&nbsp;sistemu&nbsp; &beta;-karoten-linolna kiselina. Osim navedenog, deo istraživanja je posvećen&nbsp;ispitivanju termičke stabilnosti ekstrakata&nbsp;navedenih biljaka i komercijalnog preparata&nbsp;Vitalplant<sup>&reg;&nbsp;</sup>radi sticanja uvida u mogućnost&nbsp;njihove primene u &nbsp;pekarskim proizvodima. U&nbsp;poslednjoj fazi rada, izvr&scaron;eno je određivanje sposobnosti pulvisa i etanolnog ekstrakta komercijalnog &nbsp;preparata Vitalplant<sup>&reg;</sup> da inhibiraju oksidaciju lipida u keksu, primenom spektrofotometrijskih testova &ldquo;skevindžer&ldquo; aktivnosti &nbsp;na DPPH˙ radikale i MDA testa. Ispitane biljne sirovine, kao i komercijalni preparat Vitalplant<sup>&reg;&nbsp;</sup>su bogat izvor jedinjenja iz klase biljnih fenola. Sve ispitane biljne droge poseduju antioksidantnu aktivnost, koja se značajno ne menja usled termičkog tretmana. Dodatak biljne me&scaron;avine Vitalplant<sup>&reg;&nbsp;</sup>, upravo proporcionalno njenom sadržaju, &nbsp;dovodi do povećanja antioksidantne aktivnosti keksa i smanjenja stepena lipidne peroksidacije.&nbsp;</p> / <p>In this paper, quantitative determination and identification of plant phenolics and flavonoids of ethanolic extracts obtained from parsley fruit (<em>Petroselini fructus</em>), buckthorn bark (<em>Frangulae cortex</em>), mint leaves (<em>Mentha piperitae folium</em>), caraway fruit&nbsp; (<em>Carvi fructus</em>), birch leaves (<em>Betulae folium</em>), as well as from commercial preparation Vitalplant&reg; ((<em>Frangulae cortex</em>(35 %), <em>Mentha piperitae folium</em>&nbsp;(20%), <em>Carvi fructus</em>(20 %), <em>Petroselini fructus&nbsp;</em>(25 %)) was performed. In addition, antioxidant&nbsp; activity of ethanolic extracts was tested, by applying direct, ESR &ldquo;spin trap&ldquo; &nbsp;spectroscopic methods for the determination of scavenging activity on superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals, and indirect, spectrophotometric methods for the determination of DPPH˙ radical scavenging activity, reducing power, chelating activity and antioxidant activity in&nbsp; &beta;-carotene-linoleic acid model system. Moreover, thermal stability of the ethanolic extracts was tested in order to get insight into possible application of the extracts in bakery products. Finally, the ability of the commercial preparation Vitalplant&reg;, in the form of powder and extract, to inhibit oxidative changes of cookies was tested by applying spectrophotometric DPPH radical scavenging and MDA tests.</p><p>According to obtained results, investigated plant samples, including commercial preparation Vitalplant&reg;, are rich source of plant phenolics. Investigated plant drugs possess antioxidant activity, which is not significantly changed after the thermal treatment. Cookie supplementation with commercial preparation Vitalplant&reg; results in&nbsp; better oxidative stability of lipids and enhanced antioxidant activity of the cookies.</p>

Ispitivanja odabranih predstavnika podfamilije Polygonoideae (Polygonaceae A.L. de Jussieu 1789) sa područja centralnog i zapadnog Balkana. Fitohemijski i biohemijski aspekti / Phytochemical and biochemical analysis of selected species of subfamily Polygonoideae (Polygonaceae A. L. de Jussieu 1789) from Central and Western Balkan regions.

Svirčev Emilija 24 September 2014 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji prikazani su rezultati istraživanja 15&nbsp;vrsta&nbsp; biljaka&nbsp; koje&nbsp; pripadaju&nbsp; rodovima <em>Rumex,&nbsp; Polygonum,&nbsp;Bistorta,&nbsp; Persicaria i&nbsp; Fagopyrum,</em>&nbsp; podfamilije&nbsp; Polygonoideae,&nbsp;familije&nbsp; Polygonaceae,&nbsp; sakupljenih&nbsp; na&nbsp; teritoriji&nbsp; centralnog&nbsp; i&nbsp;zapadnog &nbsp;Balkana u periodu od 2009-2011. godine. Sprovedena&nbsp;istraživanja&nbsp; su&nbsp; se&nbsp; odvijala&nbsp; u&nbsp; dva&nbsp; pravca:&nbsp; fitohemijska&nbsp; i&nbsp;biohemijsko-biolo&scaron;ka&nbsp; ispitivanja.&nbsp; Predmet&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; bili&nbsp; su&nbsp;ekstrakti&nbsp; herbi&nbsp; i&nbsp; rizoma&nbsp; ispitivanih&nbsp; biljaka.&nbsp; Fitohemijska&nbsp;ispitivanja&nbsp; obuhvatila&nbsp; su,&nbsp; pored&nbsp; spektrofotometrijskog&nbsp;određivanja&nbsp; ukupnih&nbsp; fenola,&nbsp; ukupnih&nbsp; flavonoida&nbsp; i&nbsp; ukupnih&nbsp;antrahinonskih jedinjenja, i određivanje sadržaja 51 komponente&nbsp;iz standardne sme&scaron;e različitih klasa fenolnih jedinjenja LC-MSMS&nbsp; metodom,&nbsp; odnosno &nbsp;hromatografsko&nbsp; profilisanje&nbsp; ekstrakata&nbsp;LC-DAD-MS&nbsp; metodom.&nbsp; Odabirom&nbsp; nekoliko&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; model&nbsp;sistema&nbsp; za&nbsp; merenje&nbsp; antioksidantne&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; (neutralizacija&nbsp;DPPH&nbsp; radikala,&nbsp; redoks&nbsp; kapacitet&nbsp; -&nbsp; FRAP&nbsp; test,&nbsp; skevindžer&nbsp;aktivnost&nbsp; prema&nbsp; superoksidanjon&nbsp; radikalu,&nbsp; NO&nbsp; radikalu&nbsp; i&nbsp; OH&nbsp;radikalu,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; inhibicija&nbsp; lipidne&nbsp; peroksidacije)&nbsp; procenjen&nbsp; je&nbsp;antioksidantni&nbsp; potencijal&nbsp; ekstrakata,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; je&nbsp; za&nbsp; procenu&nbsp; njihove&nbsp;antiinflamatorne&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćen&nbsp; potencijal&nbsp; inhibicije&nbsp;biosinteze medijatora inflamacije u humanim trombocitima (kao&nbsp;model&nbsp; sistemu).&nbsp; Mikrobiolo&scaron;ka&nbsp; ispitivanja&nbsp; su&nbsp; obuhvatila&nbsp;određivanje&nbsp; potencijala&nbsp; ovih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; u&nbsp; inhibiciji&nbsp; rasta&nbsp; serije&nbsp; gram&nbsp;pozitivnih i gram negativnih sojeva batkerija. Konačno, urađena&nbsp;je&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; korelacije&nbsp; hemijskog&nbsp; sastava,&nbsp; biolo&scaron;ke&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; i&nbsp;pripadnosti taksonomskim grupama.</p> / <p>Phytochemical&nbsp; and&nbsp; biochemical&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; herbal&nbsp; and&nbsp; root&nbsp;ethanol&nbsp; extracts&nbsp; of&nbsp; 15&nbsp; species&nbsp; belonging&nbsp; to&nbsp; different&nbsp; genera&nbsp;(<em>Rumex,&nbsp; Polygonum,&nbsp; Bistorta,&nbsp; Persicaria and&nbsp; Fagopyrum</em>)&nbsp; of&nbsp;subfamily&nbsp; Polygonoideae,&nbsp; was&nbsp; examined.&nbsp; Phytochemical&nbsp;characterization&nbsp; included&nbsp; spectrophotometric&nbsp; determination&nbsp; of&nbsp;total&nbsp; phenolic,&nbsp; total&nbsp; flavonoids&nbsp; and&nbsp; total&nbsp; anthraquinone&nbsp; contents,&nbsp;quantification&nbsp; of&nbsp; 51&nbsp; secondary&nbsp; metabolites&nbsp; by&nbsp; LC/MS/MS&nbsp;analysis&nbsp; and&nbsp; chromatographic&nbsp; fingerprinting by&nbsp; LC/DAD/MS&nbsp;technique,&nbsp; of&nbsp; prepared&nbsp; extracts.&nbsp; The&nbsp; antioxidant&nbsp; activity&nbsp; was&nbsp;evaluated&nbsp; by&nbsp; measuring&nbsp; ferric&nbsp; reducing&nbsp; ability&nbsp; (FRAP)&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp;extracts and their radical scavenging capacity towards DPPH, OH,&nbsp;NO and O<sub>2</sub><sup>&ndash;&nbsp;</sup>radicals, and inhibition of lipid peroxidation). Antiinflammatory activity was evaluated by LC/MS/MS monitoring of&nbsp;selected&nbsp; metabolites&nbsp; (12-(S)-HHT,&nbsp; 12(S)-HETE,&nbsp; PGE<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>,&nbsp; PGF<sub>2&alpha;</sub>,&nbsp;and TXB<sub>2</sub>) formed in cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways&nbsp;of arachidonic acid metabolism. Human platelets were used as a&nbsp;source&nbsp; of&nbsp; enzymes,&nbsp; while&nbsp; inflammation&nbsp; was&nbsp; induced&nbsp; by&nbsp;calcimycin. The antibacterial activity of prepared&nbsp; extracts against&nbsp;nine&nbsp; bacterial&nbsp; strains&nbsp; was&nbsp; evaluated&nbsp; by&nbsp; microtiter&nbsp; assay&nbsp; with&nbsp;resazurin as a colorimetric growth indicator.</p>

Biohemijska i fiziološka karakterizacija klonovatopole (Populus spp.) u procesu fitoekstrakcije bakra, nikla i kadmijuma / Biohemical and physiological characterization of three poplar clones (Populus spp.) during the copper, nickel and cadmium phytoextraction process

Kebert Marko 12 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Predmet ovog istaživanja&nbsp; bio je ispitivanje&nbsp;uticaja jona tri te&scaron;ka metala (Ni<sup>2+</sup>, Cu<sup>2+&nbsp;</sup>i Cd<sup>2+</sup>)&nbsp;u dve toksične koncentracije u zemlji&scaron;tu na&nbsp;fiziolo&scaron;ke i biohemijske karakteristike&nbsp;<br />odabranih klonova topola, M1, B229 i Pe 19/66.&nbsp;Ispitan je i potencijal odabranih klonova topola&nbsp;da vr&scaron;e fitoekstrakciju-akumulaciju te&scaron;kih&nbsp;metala iz zemlji&scaron;ta u svoje nadzemne delove &scaron;to&nbsp;dovodi&nbsp; do dugoročnog uklanjanja ovih&nbsp;perzistentnih polutanata iz životne sredine.&nbsp;Takođe, ispitan je uticaj te&scaron;kih metala na&nbsp;antioksidantni potencijal, sposobnost&nbsp;<br />neutalizacije slobodnih radikala, aktivnosti&nbsp;antioksidantih enzima kao i&nbsp; na sadržaj&nbsp;slobodnih i konjugovanih poliamina (Put, Spm,&nbsp;Spd),&nbsp; određenih HPLC analizom,&nbsp; i sadržaj&nbsp;biljnih hormona poput indol-3-sirćetne kiseline&nbsp;i&nbsp; abscisinske &nbsp;kiseline,&nbsp; određenih GC/MS&nbsp;analizom, u listovima i korenovima klonova topola.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to estimate and compare phytoextraction capacities of three&nbsp;poplar clones (M1, B229 and Pe 19/66) in soil. Furthermore, the goal was to assess &nbsp;different biological responses among the poplar clones during exposure to different concentration of three heavy metal ions (Ni<sup>2+</sup>, Cu<sup>2+</sup> i Cd<sup>2+</sup>). In order to track changes in&nbsp; poplars&rsquo;mineral, physiological, biochemical and antioxidant status during the&nbsp; abiotic stress, quantification of physiological properties, free and conjugated polyamines, total phenolics&nbsp; as well as quantification of phytohormones (indol-3-acetic and abscisic acid) was done. Furthermore, assessment of antioxidant potential by tracking radical scavenger capacities (RSC) against DPPH, ABTS, OH and NO radicals and by measuring enzymes activities (SOD, GSH-Px, GPx, GR) in vitro was performed in root and leaves of poplar clones.</p>

Fitohemijska karakterizacija i biohemijska ispitivanja plodova vrsta roda Sorbus L. 1753 (Rosaceae, Maloideae) kao izvora prirodnih nutraceutika / Phytochemical characterization and biochemical activity of fruits of genus Sorbus L. 1753 (Rosaceae, Maloideae) as natural source of nutraceutics

Mrkonjić Zorica 02 October 2017 (has links)
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Cilj ove doktorske disertacije predstavljao je ispitivanje fitohemijskog sastava i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti vodenih i metanolnih ekstrakata svežih i suvih plodova, kao&nbsp; i pekmeza&nbsp; pripremljenog&nbsp; po tradicionalnoj recepturi od plodova&nbsp; četiri (od kojih se jedna javlja u dve forme)&nbsp; samonike&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; roda&nbsp; <em>Sorbus</em>&nbsp; L.:&nbsp; S.<em> aucuparia</em>, S.<em> domestica</em>, S. <em>torminalis</em>&nbsp; f.&nbsp; t<em>orminalis</em>, S. <em>torminalis</em>&nbsp; f. <em>semitorminalis</em>&nbsp; i&nbsp; S. intermedia Ispitivanje fitohemijskog sastava obuhvatalo je LC-MS/MS analizu&nbsp; 44 odabrana fenolna jedinjenja&nbsp; i&nbsp; hinske kiseline (organska&nbsp; kiselina). Takođe, spektrofotometrijski je&nbsp; određen&nbsp; sadržaj&nbsp; ukupnih fenolnih i flavonoidnih jedinjenja, kao i&nbsp; sadržaj askorbinske kiseline. Evaluacija biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti obuhvatala je&nbsp; <em>in vitro&nbsp; </em>ispitivanja antioksidantne aktivnosti, kao i ispitivanje uticaja ekstrakata odabranih vrsta&nbsp; roda&nbsp;<em> Sorbus</em>&nbsp; na aktivnost enzima acetilholinesteraze, antimikrobni, kao i antiproliferativni potencijal.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Sumiranjem dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da sveži i suvi plodovi ispitivanih vrsta&nbsp; <em>Sorbus</em>,&nbsp; kao i&nbsp; pekmezi&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; umeren izvor&nbsp; fenolnih jedinjenja.&nbsp; Kao najzastupljenije fenolne kiseline izdvojile su se protokatehinska i&nbsp; ferulna, a među flavonoidima amentoflavon i kvercetin-3<em>-O-</em>glukozid.&nbsp; Pored toga, hinska kiselina je zabeležena u značajnoj količini u svim analiziranim ekstraktima.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ekstrakti ispitivanih vrsta pokazali su&nbsp; umeren&nbsp; antioksidantni potencijal koji se ogleda u njihovoj sposobnosti neutralizacije nekoliko radikalskih vrsta, redukcionom potencijalu i sposobnosti inhibicije lipidne peroksidacije.&nbsp; Ispitivanjem uticaja ekstrakata odabranih vrsta&nbsp;<em> Sorbus</em>&nbsp; naaktivnost&nbsp; enzima&nbsp; acetilholinesteraze&nbsp; dokazana&nbsp; je&nbsp; jedino&nbsp; umerena aktivnost&nbsp; ekstrakata vrste&nbsp; <em>S. aucuparia</em>.&nbsp; Takođe, ispitivani ekstrakti&nbsp; vrsta roda&nbsp; <em>Sorbus</em>&nbsp; ispoljili su umerenu&nbsp; antimikrobnu&nbsp; aktivnost u pogledu inhibicije&nbsp; rasta Gram pozitivne bakterije,&nbsp; <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>, i Gram negativne bakterije,&nbsp;<em> Escherichia coli</em>.&nbsp; Vodeni i metanolni ekstrakti svežih i suvih plodova vrste&nbsp; <em>S. aucuparia</em>&nbsp; pokazali su umeren i inhibitorni potencijal prema rastu tumorskih (HeLa, MCF7, HT-29), ali i netumorskih ćelijskih linija (MRC-5).&nbsp; Rezultati dobijeni u ovoj doktorskoj distertaciji&nbsp; ukazuju na značajan&nbsp; biopotencijal plodova i pekmeza&nbsp; ispitivanih vrsta&nbsp;<em> Sorbus</em>&nbsp; i ukazuju na njihovu primenu u prehrambenoj industriji u vidu funkcionalne hrane.</p> / <p>The aim of presented&nbsp; PhD&nbsp; thesis was investigation of phytochemical composition and biological activity of water and methanol extracts of fresh and air-dried&nbsp; fruits, as&nbsp;&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; jam,&nbsp; made according to traditional recipe,&nbsp; of fruits&nbsp; of four&nbsp; (one of them occurs in two forms)&nbsp; wild growing&nbsp; <em>Sorbus</em>&nbsp; L. species:&nbsp; <em>S. aucuparia, S. domestica, S. torminalis&nbsp; f. torminalis, S. torminalis f. semitorminalis</em> and <em>S. intermedia</em>. Examination of phytochemical composition included LC-MS/MS analysis of 44 selected phenolic compounds&nbsp; and&nbsp; quinic acid (organic acid).&nbsp; Also, total phenolic and flavonoid contents, as well as&nbsp; ascorbic acid&nbsp; content,&nbsp; were determined spectrophotometrically. Biological activity evaluation of extracts of<em>&nbsp; Sorbus</em>&nbsp; species included&nbsp;<em> in vitro&nbsp;</em> investigation of antioxidant, anti-acetylcholinesterase, antimicrobial&nbsp; and cytotoxic activity.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; According to obtained results, fresh and air-dried&nbsp; fruits, as well as jam&nbsp; present&nbsp; moderate&nbsp; source of phenolic compounds. Amongs examined phenolic acids protocatechuic&nbsp; and ferulic acids were the most abundant, and amongs investigated flavonoids amentoflavone and quercetin-3-<em>O</em>-glucoside wete present in noticeable amount.&nbsp; Furthermore, high concentration of quinic acid was present in all examined extracts.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Extracts of all examined species showed&nbsp; moderate&nbsp;&nbsp; antioxidant activity in terms of radical scavenging ability, reduction potential and inhibition of lipid peroxidation.&nbsp; Also, investigation of&nbsp; anti-acetylcholinesterase activity revealed moderate activity only of extracts of <em>S. aucuparia</em>. Furthermore, examinated extracts of<em> Sorbus</em> species showedmoderate antimicrobial activity against Gram&ndash;positive bacteria, <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>, and Gram-negative bacteria,&nbsp;<em> Escherichia coli</em>.&nbsp; In addition, water&nbsp; and methanol&nbsp; extracts of fresh and air-dried&nbsp; fruits of&nbsp;<em> S.aucuparia</em>&nbsp; showed&nbsp; inhibitory activity toward&nbsp; tumor (HeLa, MCF7, HT-29), and also non-tumor (MRC-5) cell lines. Presented results indicate significant&nbsp; biopotential of examined&nbsp; fruits of&nbsp; <em>Sorbus&nbsp;</em> species&nbsp; and&nbsp; support their use in food industry as functional food.</p>

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