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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žánrové podoby v historické próze Oldřicha Daňka / Forms of Historical Fiction in Oldřich Daněk's Proses

Fürstová, Alena January 2017 (has links)
The present thesis deals with four proses by Oldřich Daněk which use a historical setting (Král utíká z boje, Král bez přilby, Vražda v Olomouci, Nedávno...). In addition to detailing some constant features, which are typical for the author, the thesis aims primarily at showing how Daněk exploits conventions of various literary genres, specifically the historical novel, literary apocrypha and detective story. Key words: Oldřich Daněk, Historical Fiction, Literary Apocrypha, Detective Fiction

Etické aspekty v díle Karla Čapka, zejména v dramatech Bílá nemoc a Matka / Ethical Aspects in the Work of Karel Čapek, esp. in the Dramas Bílá nemoc and Matka

Jíchová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is the work of Karel Čapek in actual historical, political and social context with focus on the dramas The White Disease and The Mother. The aim of this paper is to decode the ethical aspects and the heritage to the moral values connected to the deterioration of the whole situation in democratic Europe in between the world wars inside Čapek's work. Keywords Karel Čapek, The Mother, The White Disease, apocryphas, stories, pragmatism, relativism, ethics, philosophy

Literární vztah mezi Markovým a Tomášovým evangeliem / Literary Relationship between the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Thomas

Eder, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
The thesis Literary Relationship Between the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Thomas aims to provide a closer look at the relationship between the ca- nonical Gospel According to Mark and the apocryphal Gospel According to Thomas. The first part of the thesis serves as an introduction: After prolego- mena to the Gospel of Mark and Thomas, it focuses on several contempora- ry hypotheses of the literary relationship between the Gospel of Thomas and Synoptics, as discussed in more recent articles and monographs. Thereafter, the second part of the thesis presents three studies of Thoma- sian and Markan sayings of Jesus. Where necessary, an excursion is made to other synoptic writings. The second part uses the method of linguistic comparison in order to reconstruct the redaction history and thus explain the original literary relationship of these two ancient writings.

Obraz Jidáše Iškariotského v soudobém bádání a kulturních kontextech / The Picture of Judas Iscariot in Contemporary Research and Cultural Contexts.

Poláková, Alžběta January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis attempts to outline the image of Judas in a long-lasting tradition and follows the references of this character in canonical and non-canonical reports. It is an extension of the author's bachelor's thesis, which was dedicated to the analysis of biblical and Gnostic texts concerning the figure of Judas. For this reason, the author does not deal with a detailed analysis of these texts in this work and directly refers the reader to it (the work is available for inspection in the Repository of Final Theses of Charles University). The first chapters are devoted to reports from the Gospels and Paul's works, which the author serves primarily as a springboard for the introduction of various conceptions of the person of Judas, and which became the basis for the development of a tradition in the following centuries. In addition to canonical messages, the author encounters motives from non-canonical and apocryphal texts related to Judas, which have influenced the tradition of perception of one of Jesus' disciples to a similar extent. One of the subchapters is also devoted to the text of the Book of the Cock, which is not available in Czech, and to not very well-known topics that have not been very successful in the official church tradition. In the following chapters, the author identifies...

Apokryfní Bartolomějovo evangelium ve slovanské tradici / The Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew in the Slavonic Tradition

Chromá, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The Apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew in the Slavonic Tradition (Martina Chromá) Abstract The thesis deals with the Slavonic translation of the apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew (Questions of Bartholomew), which is a literary monument written in Greek most likely in the 3rd century. The text of the monument has survived in two known Greek, two Latin and six Slavonic manuscripts. These Slavonic manuscripts are dated between the 14th - 18th centuries, with two of them pertaining to the Russian redaction of the Old Church Slavonic and the other two to the Serbian redaction. The objective of the thesis is to identify the most probable place and time assignment of the original Slavonic translation of the monument, and an outline of lines by which the manuscripts were spread in the Slavonic environment. By a detailed textological and lexical analysis we come to the conclusion that all the Slavonic manuscripts containing the text of the monument stemmed from one common archetype originated most likely in Bulgaria during the 10th century. The Slavonic translation was later moved from Bulgaria to Kievan Rusʼ, where the manuscripts were further spread and where the text of the monument was adjusted; this is how the manuscripts can be divided into two separate redactions. The manuscripts were also spread from Russia to...

Staročeský apokryf o Jozefovi Egyptském / The Old Czech Apocryphal Story of Joseph (Son of Jacob)

Sichálek, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
From the end of the 19th century, the Old Czech apocryphal story of Joseph (son of Jacob), called Life of Joseph, has not been in the center of the scholars' and editors' attention, and therefore many pivotal philological questions concerning this Old Czech composition have not been satisfactory solved yet. This thesis offers a comprehensive analysis of the Old Czech Life of Joseph in terms of textual criticism and literary history and attempts to bring answers to the main problems of its contextualization. The six extant medieval manuscripts of the Life of Joseph, representing the inherent part of the thesis, are provided with critical edition. The Old Czech Life of Joseph is a late medieval work of an anonymous author and should be dated to the second half or to the end of the 14th century. It is based on a Latin model, namely Historia Ioseph, which was composed in the year 1336 by the Spanish Dominican Alfonso Buenhombre (Alphonsus Bonihominis). The Czech Life of Joseph is the unique vernacular translation of Alfonso's Latin text. This Latin text has not been broadly disseminated. I am aware of the existence of 14 manuscripts, six of which originated in Bohemia and represent the specific Bohemian manuscript branch. The Czech translation is admittedly based on the Latin text related closely to...

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