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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emotion and concentration regulation training in Swedish female handball players : A short-term IZOF-based intervention.

Olausson, David January 2014 (has links)
The objectives of this mixed-method intervention study were: (1) To examine idiosyncratic profiles of emotions and performance of 3-4 leading handball team players in successful and less successful games and identify their strengths and limitations in emotion-concentration regulation; (2) To develop, implement, and evaluate an intervention program aimed at optimizing the players' emotion-concentration regulation and performance. The participants (n= 4, age= 24,5) consisted of four female elite handball players from the same team. An emotion-performance profiling process was conducted to facilitate objective one. To facilitate objective two, a small group IZOF based short term intervention was developed and implemented. The participants’ emotion-performance profiles are presented. The evaluation of the intervention indicated that the intervention increased the participants’ awareness and knowledge, and stimulated psychological skills development (i.e., emotion regulation and concentration). Methodological issues,future directions, and implications are discussed.

Toward a Cross-Disciplinary Analysis of Group Development Models: Intersecting Organizational Studies with Applied Sport Psychology

Le Blanc-Blanchard, Michèle 23 November 2011 (has links)
Group development research conducted within applied sport psychology shares many conceptual similarities with the field of organizational studies. This thesis investigates how the cross-integration of two group development models referenced from separate fields of study can converge to produce a comprehensive analytic model for evaluating group performance. Integrating Tuckman's (1965; Tuckman & Jensen, 1977) successive five stage group development model with Carron's (1982) general conceptual system for cohesiveness in sport teams, this thesis develops an original integrative cross-disciplinary schematic for group development. Guided by a systems approach, the analysis of this model reveals how cross-disciplinary research conducted within these two fields serves to identify mutual benefits, while highlighting the similarities and differences from both group development models. A key contribution of this study is the consideration of opportunities for enhancing current knowledge, and the harmonization of strategic and humanistic approaches to management. The conclusions drawn from this thesis raise significant questions about the potential yielded through the adoption of theoretical applications from applied sport psychology to an organizational context.

Toward a Cross-Disciplinary Analysis of Group Development Models: Intersecting Organizational Studies with Applied Sport Psychology

Le Blanc-Blanchard, Michèle 23 November 2011 (has links)
Group development research conducted within applied sport psychology shares many conceptual similarities with the field of organizational studies. This thesis investigates how the cross-integration of two group development models referenced from separate fields of study can converge to produce a comprehensive analytic model for evaluating group performance. Integrating Tuckman's (1965; Tuckman & Jensen, 1977) successive five stage group development model with Carron's (1982) general conceptual system for cohesiveness in sport teams, this thesis develops an original integrative cross-disciplinary schematic for group development. Guided by a systems approach, the analysis of this model reveals how cross-disciplinary research conducted within these two fields serves to identify mutual benefits, while highlighting the similarities and differences from both group development models. A key contribution of this study is the consideration of opportunities for enhancing current knowledge, and the harmonization of strategic and humanistic approaches to management. The conclusions drawn from this thesis raise significant questions about the potential yielded through the adoption of theoretical applications from applied sport psychology to an organizational context.

Toward a Cross-Disciplinary Analysis of Group Development Models: Intersecting Organizational Studies with Applied Sport Psychology

Le Blanc-Blanchard, Michèle 23 November 2011 (has links)
Group development research conducted within applied sport psychology shares many conceptual similarities with the field of organizational studies. This thesis investigates how the cross-integration of two group development models referenced from separate fields of study can converge to produce a comprehensive analytic model for evaluating group performance. Integrating Tuckman's (1965; Tuckman & Jensen, 1977) successive five stage group development model with Carron's (1982) general conceptual system for cohesiveness in sport teams, this thesis develops an original integrative cross-disciplinary schematic for group development. Guided by a systems approach, the analysis of this model reveals how cross-disciplinary research conducted within these two fields serves to identify mutual benefits, while highlighting the similarities and differences from both group development models. A key contribution of this study is the consideration of opportunities for enhancing current knowledge, and the harmonization of strategic and humanistic approaches to management. The conclusions drawn from this thesis raise significant questions about the potential yielded through the adoption of theoretical applications from applied sport psychology to an organizational context.

Toward a Cross-Disciplinary Analysis of Group Development Models: Intersecting Organizational Studies with Applied Sport Psychology

Le Blanc-Blanchard, Michèle January 2011 (has links)
Group development research conducted within applied sport psychology shares many conceptual similarities with the field of organizational studies. This thesis investigates how the cross-integration of two group development models referenced from separate fields of study can converge to produce a comprehensive analytic model for evaluating group performance. Integrating Tuckman's (1965; Tuckman & Jensen, 1977) successive five stage group development model with Carron's (1982) general conceptual system for cohesiveness in sport teams, this thesis develops an original integrative cross-disciplinary schematic for group development. Guided by a systems approach, the analysis of this model reveals how cross-disciplinary research conducted within these two fields serves to identify mutual benefits, while highlighting the similarities and differences from both group development models. A key contribution of this study is the consideration of opportunities for enhancing current knowledge, and the harmonization of strategic and humanistic approaches to management. The conclusions drawn from this thesis raise significant questions about the potential yielded through the adoption of theoretical applications from applied sport psychology to an organizational context.

Becoming Established in Applied Sport Psychology Practice – Reflections of established practitioners in Denmark

Felding, Michael January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative study focused on how Danish practitioners made the transition into established professionals in the Danish field of applied sport psychology. This was done by: (1) examining demands, resources, barriers, coping strategies experienced during this transition into an established practitioner, and (2) to highlight the most important learning experiences made by the participants after having become established members of the Danish applied field of sport psychology. There were 6 participants in this study, 4 male- and 2 female. All considered established and accomplished within the Danish field of applied sport psychology. The level of experience ranged from 8-30 years of working with individual clients and teams. A semi-structured interview guide was created with help of the theoretical model by Stambulova (2003) i.e. the athletic carrier transition model. The interviews were coded using thematic content analysis and uncovered 256 raw data units which were categorized into five profiles; demands, barriers, resources, coping strategies and lessons learned during the transition. Rønnestad and Skovholt's (2003) theory of therapist development was used to determine what was required in order to consider an established professional. The results are discussed in relation to previous research and theoretical models. Lastly, the author has attempted to use the results to provide guidance and give advice to the new generation of novice practitioners in Danish field of applied sport psychology as well as Danish educational institutions. / Denna kvalitativa studie fokuserade kring hur danska praktiserande har lyckats etablera sig inom applicerad sportpsykologi i Danmark. Detta gjordes genom: (1) att undersöka krav, resurser, barriärer, copingstrategier inom övergången till en etablerad konsulent och (2) att uppvisa de viktigaste lärdomar deltagarna i studien gjorde sig genom deras etablering inom det praktiska fältet i dansk applicerad idrottspsykologi. I denna studien deltog 6 deltagare, 4 manliga och 2 kvinnliga. Alla betraktades som etablerade och succéfulla inom det danska fältet av dansk applicerad idrottspsykologi. Erfarenhetsnivån varierade från 8–30 års arbete med individuella klienter, grupper och lag. En semi-strukturerad intervjuguide gjordes med hjälp av den teoretiska modellen av (Stambulova, 2003) i.e. the athletic career transition model och användes för att samla in data i studien. Intervjuerna blev kodade och analyserade genom tematisk innehålls analys och 256 rådata utdrogs ur intervjuerna som i efterhand kategoriserades i en av sex profiler; krav, resurser, barriärer, copingstrategier eller lärdomar genom övergångs. Rønnestad and Skovholts (2003) teori om terapeuters utveckling användes för att värdera vad som behövdes för att kunna betraktas som etablerad professionell. Resultaten diskuteras i relation till tidigare forskning och teoretiska modeller. Slutligen försöka författaren att använda resultaten genom at ge goda råd och stöd till den nästa generationen av idrottspsykologiska rådgivare och danska akademiska institutioner.

Getting Established in Applied Sport Psychology : An Examination of Two Experienced Nordic Practitioners’ Stories About Their Transition into Establishment / Getting Established in Applied Sport Psychology : An Examination of Two Experienced Nordic Practitioners’ Stories About Their Transition into Establishment

Fredriksson, Timmy January 2021 (has links)
This qualitative study explored sport psychologists’ transition into professional establishment through the stories of two highly experienced Nordic sport psychology practitioners. At the time of the study, the two males (named Charlie and Billie for the study) had worked applied with clients for more than 20 years and were each holding a master’s degree in sport psychology. Narrative interviews were administered to investigate the participants’ stories of the transition from novice professional to experienced professional practitioner, with each interview lasting about one and a half hour. Additionally, participants were enquired on one follow up interview each to allow for further elaboration. The researcher then took the position of the story analyst (Smith, 2017) and conducted a thematic narrative analysis based on the gathered data. A narrative theme of “paving the way” emerged, relating to how the participants had to create their own work within a field that was not yet nationally developed or recognized and, as a consequence of this, had to pave the way for sport and exercise psychology as a professional and an academic field in their respective country. The findings are discussed based on common and individual reflections between the participants in relation to the overall narrative theme, their transition in general, previous literature, and theoretical frameworks. The practical implications provided by this study may assist novice and semi-experienced practitioners striving to get established, as well as supervisors and educational institutions to better support and prepare students for their upcoming careers as applied sport psychologists. / Föreliggande kvalitativa studie undersökte idrottspsykologiska rådgivares övergång till professionell etablering genom historierna från två väl erfarna nordiska idrottspsykologiska rådgivare. Vid studiens tidpunkt hade de två manliga deltagarna (kallade Charlie och Billie i den här studien) arbetat tillämpat med klienter i mer än 20 år och var och en av dem innehade en magisterexamen i idrottspsykologi. Narrativa intervjuer utfördes i syfte att undersöka deltagarnas historier om övergången från oerfaren till erfaren professionell rådgivare, varav varje intervju varade cirka en och en halv timme. Dessutom tillfrågades deltagarna att delta i varsin uppföljningsintervju i syfte att öppna upp möjlighet för ytterligare informationsgivande. Forskaren intog sedan perspektivet av en historieanalytiker (Smith, 2017) och utförde en tematisk narrativ analys baserat på den insamlade datan. Ett narrativt tema av ”bana väg” framkom relaterat till hur deltagarna varit tvungna att skapa sin egen tjänst inom ett fält som inte än blivit nationellt utvecklat eller erkänt. Som en konsekvens av detta fick de bana väg för idrotts- och motionspsykologin som ett professionellt och ett akademiskt område i deras respektive länder. Resultatet diskuteras utifrån gemensamma och individuella reflektioner deltagarna emellan vad gäller det övergripande narrativa temat, deras övergång generellt, föregående litteratur och teoretiska ramverk. De praktiska implikationerna som framförs till följd av denna studie kan bistå oerfarna och semierfarna rådgivare som strävar mot att bli etablerade och även handledare och utbildningsinstitutioner för att de bättre ska kunna förbereda och stötta studenter inför deras kommande karriärer som tillämpade idrottspsykologiska rådgivare.

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