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Contribution des neurosciences à l’étude de l’émotion en persuasion publicitaire : concepts, méthodes et mesures / Contribution of neurosciences to the study of emotion in persuasive advertising : concepts, methods and measuresLajante, Mathieu 04 December 2013 (has links)
La problématique de cette thèse est de comprendre et d’expliquer l’influence de l’activation des composantes périphérique efférente, expressive motrice et des sentiments subjectifs de l’émotion sur la formation des attitudes et des intentions comportementales du consommateur exposé à l’annonce. Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le modèle des processus composants de l’émotion développé en neurosciences affectives. Pour tester nos hypothèses, nous avons réalisé une étude selon laquelle les épisodes émotionnels du consommateur résultent de l’évaluation cognitive et dynamique des évènements mis en scène dans l’annonce. Notre protocole expérimental est fondé sur la mesure verbale des sentiments subjectifs et sur la mesure de l’activité électrophysiologique du système nerveux autonome et du système nerveux somatique des participants exposés à 6 annonces publicitaires télévisées (3 annonces commerciales / 3 annonces sociales). Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’exposition à l’annonce suscite chez le consommateur une activation des composantes périphérique efférente, expressive motrice et des sentiments subjectifs de l’émotion. La prise en compte de l’activation de ces trois composantes permet alors d’expliquer la formation de l’attitude envers l’annonce, de l’attitude envers la marque et des intentions comportementales du consommateur. Les résultats indiquent également que les annonces ne suscitent pas systématiquement des épisodes émotionnels chez les consommateurs ; c’est la présence d’évènements pertinents dans l’annonce pour un consommateur qui déclenche un processus d’évaluation cognitif à l’origine des épisodes émotionnels / The issue of this thesis is to understand and explain the influence of the activation of peripheral efference, motor expression, and subjective feeling components on the behavioural and attitude intentions of the consumer exposed to advertising. This research belongs to the components process model which is part of the developed emotion in affective neurosciences. To test our hypotheses, we have carried out a study where the emotional episodes of the consumer result from the cognitive appraisal of salient events highlighted in the advertising. Our experimental protocol is based on the verbal measure of subjective feelings and on the measure of the electrophysiological activity of the autonomous nervous system and also the somatic nervous system of the participants exposed to six television commercials (three commercial ads/ three social ads). The achieved results show that the exposure to advertising reveals in the consumer an activation of the peripheral efference, motor expression, and subjective feeling components of emotion. The awareness of the activation of those three components leads then to explain the attitude formation towards the advertising and towards the brand as well as behavioural intentions of the consumer. The results illustrate as well that the advertising do not systematically awake emotional episodes among the consumers; it is the presence of salient events in the advertising for a consumer that triggers a cognitive appraisal process to the origin of the emotional episodes
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Samhällsfastigheter som investeringstrend : Hur kan priset motiveras utifrån det man vet om framtida kassaflöden? / Public property as an investment trend : How can the price be motivated given the information about future cash flows?Ödmark, Victoria January 2012 (has links)
Det finns idag en trend i viljan att investera i samhällsfastigheter, det vill säga fastigheter där olika typer av samhällsservice bedrivs. Fördelen med denna typ av investeringar är att ägarna kan teckna långa hyresavtal med kommuner, landsting och staten som hyresgäst, vilket ger säkra kassaflöden i och med låg vakansrisk. Investeringsmarknaden för samhällsfastigheter är relativt ny för privata aktörer då dessa fastigheter tidigare ägdes i princip uteslutande av kommun och landsting, men som idag av olika anledningar valt att sälja och istället hyra tillbaka fastigheten av specialiserade fastighetsägare. Studien syftar till att identifiera de osäkerheter/risker som existerar vid investeringar i samt förvaltande av samhällsfastigheter och främst vårdfastigheter i Sverige. Genom att intervjua aktörer som deltagit i tre studerade transaktioner av vårdfastigheter från 2011 har en investeringskalkyl samt en känslighetsanalys utformats och legat till grund för de slutsatser som dragits. Att investera i samhällsfastigheter har visat sig vara en relativt stabil och säker investering, då de långa kontraktens driftnetton bidrar till att investeringen kan räknas hem redan under första kontraktstiden. Dock med antagande om att inga oväntade kostnader uppstår. De största riskerna som föreligger gällande dessa fastigheter är restvärdesrisk på grund av svår alternativanvändning för dessa hyresgästanpassade byggnader, teknisk risk då fastigheterna behöver upprätthålla standard och viktiga funktioner samt politisk/jurisdisk risk där förändring i demografi, miljölagar, regleringar och krav påverkar samhällsfastigheters utveckling. Företagen som investerar i samhällsfastigheter är vanligtvis inriktade på denna typ av investering, vilket genom ökad kompetens inom området bidrar till en bra och långsiktig relation med hyresgästerna. Vidare har de inblandade aktörer en tämligen homogen syn på ansvarsfördelningar, kontraktsuppbyggnad och så vidare. Dessutom visar den demografiska utvecklingen i landet på en stor efterfrågan på samhällsfastigheter i framtiden och framför allt på vård- och omsorgsboenden. / There is currently a trend in the willingness to invest in public property, i.e. properties where different types of community services are provided. The advantage of this type of investment is that owners can sign long leases with tenants such as municipalities, counties and the state, providing secure cash flows and low vacancy risk. The investment market for public properties is relatively new to private operators as these properties have previously been owned almost exclusively by the municipality and county. Today, for various reasons, the municipalities and counties have decided to sell their properties and rent them back from specialized property owners. The study aims to identify the uncertainties/risks that are associated with investment and management of public properties, with a special focus on care properties in Sweden. An investment calculation and a sensitivity analysis were made through studies of three care property transactions in 2011 and interviews with the participating actors. The calculation and analysis have been the basis for the conclusions drawn. Investing in public real estate has proven to be a relatively stable and safe investment. The net operating income of the long leases that contribute to the investment could be considered as being paid back during the first contract period, assuming that no unexpected costs arise. The main risks that exist in these properties is salvage value risk due to severe alternative use for these tenant adjusted buildings, technical risk as the properties need to maintain standard and essential functions and at last political/legal risk where changes in demography, environmental laws, regulations and requirements affect public property development. Companies that invest in public real estate are usually focused on this type of investment, which through enhanced capabilities in the area contributes to a good and long-term relationship with tenants. Furthermore, the players involved have a rather homogeneous view of delegation of responsibility, contract structure and so on. Moreover, the demographic development in the country shows a high demand for public buildings in the future and especially in nursing and care homes.
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Student Perspectives of Hope, Stress, and Social Support Provision from Teachers during the COVID-19 PandemicLillbäck, Mikaela January 2021 (has links)
The present study investigated the relationship between hope, stress, and social support provision from teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants were 80 students (i.e., 34 males; 46 females) ranging in age from 16 to 22 from multiple gymnasiums across Sweden. The cross-sectional research design collected data using an online survey. Statistical analyses revealed that there was a negative correlation between perceived stress and hope. Social support from teachers was also found to be positively correlated with hope. The subcategories identifying the nature of the social support provision indicated that levels of stress were negatively correlated with appraisal, informational, and instrumental support. Students’ levels of reported hope were found to correlate with appraisal, informational, instrumental, and emotional support. Gender was also found to be associated with stress, where women reported more perceived stress than men. Taken collectively, the study found that students who feel more hope are less stressed perceive more social support provision from teachers. Implications for teachers and limitations of the present study are discussed. / Denna studie undersökte förhållandet mellan hopp, stress och socialt stöd från lärare under COVID-19 pandemin. Deltagarna var 80 studenter (34 män; 46 kvinnor) i åldrarna 16 till 22 år från gymnasieskolor över hela Sverige. Datan samlades in med hjälp av en onlineundersökning. De statistiska analyserna visade att det fanns ett negativt samband mellan upplevd stress och hopp. Socialt stöd från lärare visade sig också vara positivt korrelerat med hopp. Underkategorierna som identifierade de olika karaktärerna av socialt stöd indikerade att stressnivåerna var negativt korrelerade med bedömning, information och instrumentellt stöd. Studenternas nivåer av rapporterat hopp visade sig korrelera med bedömning, informativt, instrumentellt och emotionellt stöd. Kön visade sig också förknippas med stress, där kvinnor rapporterade mer upplevd stress än män. Sammantaget fann studien att studenter som känner mer hopp är mindre stressade och upplever mer socialt stöd från lärare. Konsekvenser för lärare och begränsningar av denna studie diskuteras.
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Nefinanční motivování zaměstnanců ve zdravotních a sociálních organizacích / Non-financial motivation of employees in healt and social organizationsStará, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with non-financial incentives for employees in health and social organizations. For this purpose, is in this paper mentioned the issue of non-financial incentives for employees and its significance. Aim of this thesis is to analyze the role of tools focused on non-financial motivation of employees in social and health organizations and their occurence in Jedlicka institute. This thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part there is summarized characteristics of health and social organizations and specifics of its financing. It also discusses the issue of human resources in organizations, management and evaluation and its relationship to quality management. Moreover this thesis deals with motivation to work and presents important theories of motivation. The last chapter in the theoretical part is a key chapter of this thesis is dedicated to issues of character of financial and non-financial motivation, employees motivation, incentive rules and tools of motivation. The practical part consists of two types of research - an interview with managers and questionnaries among employees. Practical part of this thesis compares identical and different perception of area of motivation and motivating tools between employees and management. This part...
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Student Attitudes Toward Use of Massive Open Online CoursesJesse, Edel January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Organization of Smallholder Tree Growers, Support Organizations, Linkages and Implications for Woodlots Performance: The Case of Mufindi District, TanzaniaHingi Simon, Ombeni 02 May 2019 (has links)
Woodlots have become the most important investment opportunity among smallholders of Mufindi district in the southern highlands of Tanzania. Smallholder woodlots are also a major source of wood supply contributing to narrow the supply gap which in 2015 was reported to be 19.5 million m3 per year, where the main wood consumption sectors being construction and domestic heating energy. However, inadequate information about smallholder woodlots, supporting organizations, their linkages and impacts on woodlots performance derail its sustainable development and potential contribution for wood supply and poverty alleviation. The present study therefore specifically explored the tree grower’s motivations, knowledge base and challenges to woodlots farming; assessed woodlot tree species, products, and performance; analyzed the linkages of tree growers with support organizations and evaluated their impacts on the performance of woodlots. Both survey and case study approaches were used to collect data in the three villages namely: Igowole, Mninga, and Nundwe, both in Mufindi district, Tanzania. Mufindi district was purposively selected because of advanced smallholder tree growing. In all the three villages, a total of 93 actors were approached, including 72 tree grower households, 24 from each village, 14 nursery operators and 9 support organizations by snowball sampling. Then, an in-depth interview was conducted to all 72 sampled households. Of which 48 woodlots, 12 - from organized and the other 12 from unorganized tree growers in each village for Igowole and Nundwe, were assessed by rapid appraisal (RA) approach and their performance compared. While 24 woodlots were assessed from Mninga village, and all were from unorganized tree growers. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 20 and the results summarized in tables and graphs in excel. Woodlots performance and social network data were analyzed using R – software. Based on the study respondents, the results revealed that tree growers were motivated to plant and manage trees mainly for economic reasons (48%, 45%, and 51%) and land security reasons (37%, 30% and 31%) for Igowole, Mninga and Nundwe respectively. About the knowledge base, most tree growers (75% – 100%) in all the three villages had the knowledge on land preparation, nursery management, planting, weeding, pruning, and fire protection. But in all the villages, respondents did not have knowledge on forest growth principles and dynamics, on objectives for the product of the plantations and influence of tree spacing on such desired products. Again, other analyses revealed that; fire, inadequate knowledge, inadequate capital, lack of improved seeds and low timber/tree prices were the main challenges constraining farmers to plant and manage trees in woodlots in the three study villages. And, the main tree species in the study area were Pinus patula and Eucalyptus sp. Organized tree growers where much more supported by organizations than the non-organized ones. Logistic regression analysis performed in R (P = 0.05) revealed significant difference in woodlots performance among organized farmers based on gaps (P = 0.00216), growth condition (P = 0.04478) and planting space (P = 0.02013) criteria. That means, woodlots from organized farmers were generally performing better than those from unorganized farmers. The better performing woodlots of organized tree growers were contributed by social capital through networks and the role of collective action of the farmers in TGAs. Nursery operator farmers were the main source of tree seedlings for unorganized tree growers, while organized tree growers obtained most of the resources including knowledge, seeds and planting materials as well as funds from tree grower associations (TGAs), which were supported by organizations. Thus, for future planning, nursery operator farmers should be supported for improved seeds and planting materials to benefit the nonorganized farmers. Nursery operator farmers should be encouraged to join TGAs, and TGAs should generally be adopted as an effective smallholder tree grower’s support platform in the study area.
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[pt] Intrigada e curiosa por entender possíveis razões que levam as pessoas a dar
prosseguimento a seus estudos, o principal intuito desta pesquisa é compreender, através
do discurso, quais motivações levaram três amigos e a mim a continuarmos nossa
formação acadêmica, ingressando em cursos de mestrado e doutorado. Partindo da
verbalização de nossas motivações, procuro refletir criticamente sobre o modo que as
identidades e emoções moldam nossas percepções em relação a nós mesmos e aos
motivos que nos levaram a dar continuidade à nossa formação. Para tal, recorro a um
arcabouço teórico interdisciplinar, que compreende: a perspectiva contemporânea da
Linguística Aplicada; a Prática Exploratória; identidades; narrativas; emoções; a
autoetnografia e o Sistema de Avaliatividade. Esta pesquisa se insere no paradigma
qualitativo-interpretativista, estando intrinsecamente relacionada à Linguística Aplicada
Contemporânea, ao viés ético-metodológico que caracteriza a Prática Exploratória e à
pesquisa do praticante. Analiso o discurso gerado em conversas exploratórias, que são
processos dinamizadores de reflexão e de novos entendimentos sobre as questões que
perpassam a vida em diversos contextos, como o acadêmico. A partir da análise dessas
conversas, entendi que, ao contarmos narrativas, meus amigos e eu nos coconstruimos
identitariamente como pesquisadores e professores através de manifestações linguísticas
explícitas de afetos e de julgamentos positivos e negativos. Essas manifestações também
ocorreram ao abordarmos as relações que tivemos e temos com amigos e familiares, com
nossas orientadoras de mestrado e de doutorado e com outros docentes ao longo de nossa
formação, fazendo-me refletir sobre a importância do incentivo da família e dos amigos,
bem como de professores e educadores nas vidas de seus alunos. / [en] Intrigued and curious to understand possible reasons that lead people to continue
their academic studies, the main purpose of this research is to understand, through
discourse, what motivations led three friends and I to continue our academic education,
enrolling in master s and doctorate programs. From the verbalization of our motivations,
I reflect critically on the way that identities and emotions shape our perceptions of
ourselves and the reasons that led us to continue our education. In order to do this, I turn
to an interdisciplinary theoretical framework, which includes: the contemporary
perspective of Applied Linguistics; Exploratory Practice; identities; narratives; emotions;
autoethnography and Appraisal System. This research is part of the qualitativeinterpretative paradigm, being closely related to Contemporary Applied Linguistics, to
the ethical-methodological perspective that characterizes Exploratory Practice and to
practitioner research. I analyse exploratory conversations, conceptualized as reflective
dynamic processes that generate new understandings about issues that emerge from life
in different contexts, including the academic one. From the analysis of these
conversations, I understood that, when we tell narratives, my friends and I co-construct
our identities as researchers and teachers through explicit linguistic manifestations of
positive and negative affects and judgments. These manifestations also occurred when we
addressed the relationships we had and still have with friends and family, with our
master s and doctoral advisors and with other professors throughout our education. These
findings make me reflect on the importance of the encouragement of family and friends,
as well as that of teachers and educators in students lives.
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The Effect of the Engineering Design Process on the Critical Thinking Skills of High School StudentsUre, Heather 12 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the research reported here was to determine the impact learning the engineering design process (EDP) would have on the critical thinking skills of high school physics students. An EDP unit was conducted with 5 classes of high school physics students in grades 10-12 over 1 month. The EDP unit's curriculum allowed for the gradual release of responsibility as students became more familiar with the EDP and more consistent in using it. The six steps used in this EDP unit were Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Test, and Improve. The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal was given as a pre- and post-test to measure the growth in critical thinking skills. By measured standards, qualitative analysis and observation, students showed an increase in critical thinking skills and in confidence to use them.
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[pt] Nesta pesquisa, tenho por objetivo criar inteligibilidades acerca da prática do pole dance, a partir da investigação dos discursos narrativos produzidos por mulheres da comunidade desta dança-esporte. Situado na área da Linguística Aplicada Contemporânea (MOITA LOPES, 2006; FABRÍCIO 2006), o estudo dedica-se à interpretação dos sentidos criados em narrativas orais (LABOV, 1972; BASTOS, 2005) contadas por pole dancers, a fim de entender a emergência de estigmas (GOFFMAN, [1963] 2004) e a construção de identidades (MOITA LOPES, 2002, HALL, 2005) voltados às praticantes e à própria atividade. A arquitetura teórica fundamenta-se em uma visão socioconstrucionista de narrativas (BASTOS; BIAR, 2015) e de identidades (MOITA LOPES, 2001) para a análise da prática discursiva avaliativa (LINDE, 1997; THOMPSON; ALBA-JUEZ, 2014) que traz à tona estigmas e ressignificações sobre o pole dance. O estudo tem a sua metodologia alinhada ao paradigma qualitativo de pesquisa (DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006), com o corpus gerado por meio de entrevistas realizadas com alunas e professoras do estúdio de pole dance do qual faço parte, na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro. A análise microdiscursiva é baseada no Sistema de Avaliatividade (MARTIN, 2001; MARTIN; WHITE, 2005), integrante da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994; EGGINS, 2004), para a observação das instâncias léxicogramaticais avaliativas que contribuíram para construção discursiva de estigmas e de identidades nas narrativas compartilhadas. As análises sugerem que as participantes se (re)construíram identitariamente na relação com suas vivências no pole dance, refletindo sobre questões de preconceito e do fazer do pole dance em si. As pole dancers pareceram reconhecer e reprovar a estigmatização que as rotulam negativamente e que confere descrédito a elas e à atividade que praticam, gerando contradiscursos de resistência e de ressignificação do pole dance. Nesse sentido, em geral, as dançarinas-atletas construíram o pole dance positivamente enquanto prática transformadora que proporciona às suas praticantes autoconhecimento, libertação, superação, despertar de forças, empoderamento e muitos outros aprendizados. / [en] This research aims to create intelligibilities about the pole dancing pratice through the investigation of narrative discourses produced by women from this dance-sport community. Situated in the area of Contemporary Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006; FABRÍCIO 2006), the study is dedicated to the interpretation of meanings created in oral narratives (LABOV, 1972; BASTOS, 2005) told by pole dancers, in order to understand the emergence of stigmas (GOFFMAN, [1963] 2004) and the construction of identities (MOITA LOPES, 2002, HALL, 2005) related to the practitioners and the activity itself. The theoretical architecture is based on a socio-constructionist perspective of narratives (BASTOS; BIAR, 2015) and identities (MOITA LOPES, 2001) for the analysis of the evaluative discursive practice (LINDE, 1997; THOMPSON; ALBA-JUEZ, 2014) which brings up stigmas and resignifications of the pole dancing practice. The methodology is aligned with the qualitative research paradigm (DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006) and the corpus was generated through interviews with learners and teachers from the pole dance studio where I practice pole dancing, located in the south zone of Rio de Janeiro. The microdiscursive analysis is based on the Appraisal System (MARTIN, 2001; MARTIN; WHITE, 2005), part of the Sistemic-Functional Linguistics theory (HALLIDAY, 1994; EGGINS, 2004), for the observation of evaluative lexicogrammatical instances which contributed to the discursive construction of stigmas and identities in the narratives shared. The analysis suggests that participants (re)constructed their identities in relation to their pole dancing experiences, reflecting upon prejudice issues and the pole dancing practice itself. The pole dancers seemed to recognize and disapprove the stigmatization that negatively labels them and discredits the activity they practice, generating counter-discourses of resistance and resignification of pole dancing. Thus, in general, the dancers-athletes constructed pole dancing positively as a transformative practice which provides them with self-awareness, liberation, resilience, awakening of strengths, empowerment and many other learnings.
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[pt] Nesta dissertação, busco gerar entendimentos sobre os processos de migração da minha família, que saiu de São Benedito (Ceará) com destino à favela da Rocinha, entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990. Neste estudo autoetnográfico (Ellis; Bochner, 2000), almejo olhar para como avaliamos nossas experiências de migração, que podem abarcar desde o momento da decisão de deixar a terra natal até o momento atual. Em específico, a partir da análise de narrativas (Bastos, 2005; Bastos; Biar, 2015; De Fina, 2008), examino a construção discursiva de identidades (Moita Lopes, 2001; 2002; 2003; Snow, 2001; Duszak, 2002) e pertencimentos (Krzyżanowski; Wodak, 2008; Angouri et al., 2020) dos participantes no que tange à forma como nos relacionamos com o lugar de origem e o lugar de destino (Souza, 2006), São Benedito e Rocinha, respectivamente. Esta pesquisa está inserida na área da Linguística Aplicada Contemporânea (Moita Lopes, 2006) e orienta-se pelo paradigma qualitativo-interpretativo de pesquisa (Denzin; Lincoln, 2006). Para a análise discursiva do corpus, foi selecionada a ferramenta de análise textual proposta pelo Sistema de Avaliatividade (Martin, 2001; Martin; Rose, 2007; White, 2004). Os resultados apontam para três movimentos distintos efetuados pelos participantes. Um dos meus irmãos, por exemplo, constrói um forte pertencimento ao seu local de origem, São Benedito, simultaneamente construindo um não pertencimento e um distanciamento da Rocinha/Rio de Janeiro. Nas narrativas de minha irmã, percebemos que ela ainda mantém um vínculo com seu local de nascimento, mas que não criou um vínculo com a Rocinha. Todos os outros membros da família - eu, mãe, pai e irmão indicam se sentirem pertencentes aos dois lugares, São Benedito e Rocinha. / [en] In this dissertation, I seek to generate understandings about the migration processes of my family that left São Benedito (Ceará) and came to the favela of Rocinha, between the 1980s and the 1990s. In this autoethnographic study (Ellis; Bochner, 2000) I aim to look at how we evaluate our migration experiences, which can cover from the decision moment of leaving the hometown up to the present date. Specifically, based on the analysis of narratives (Bastos, 2005; Bastos; Biar, 2015; De Fina, 2008), I examine the discursive construction of identities (Moita Lopes, 2001; 2002; 2003; Snow, 2001; Duszak, 2002) and belongings (Krzyżanowski; Wodak, 2008; Angouri et al., 2020) of the participants when it comes to the way we relate to the place of origin and to the place of destination (Souza, 2006), São Benedito and Rocinha, respectively. This is a Contemporary Ap plied Linguistics study (Moita Lopes, 2006) that follows a qualitative-interpretive paradigm of research (Denzin; Lincoln, 2006). For the discursive analysis of the corpus, the tool of text analysis proposed by the Appraisal System was selected (Martin, 2001; Martin; Rose, 2007; White, 2004). The results point to three distinct movements made by the participants. One of my brothers, for example, constructs a strong belonging to his place of origin, São Benedito, while simultaneously constructing a non-belonging and a detachment from Rocinha/Rio de Janeiro. In my sister’s narratives, she still maintains a connection with her place of birth, but does not appear to have created a connection with Rocinha. All the other family members – me, mother, father and brother indicate they feel that they belong to both places, São Benedito and Rocinha.
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