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Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt sett i ljuset av kognitivt lärlingsskap / An action research project in the light of cognitive apprenticeshipHaraldsson, Emma January 2003 (has links)
Computer supported collaborative learning, CSCL, is a relatively new focus for research within Instructional technology. It focuses on the process of learning in a computer supported collaborative environment. In this report I will use a model for designing effective learning-environments, called Cognitive Apprenticeship to highlight areas of importance when arranging CSCL-environments. Cognitive apprenticeship is an attempt to combine apprenticeships and in-school-work. It focuses on the facilitation of development of theoretical and practical skills in an in-school-setting. But even though the model has been described as successful, there are some drawbacks. Different conditions for school and work makes it difficult to transfer the successful apprenticeship-model to an in-school-setting. / Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL, är ett relativt nytt forskningsområde inom undervisningsteknologi. Dess fokus ligger på lärandeprocessen i en läromiljö där samarbete är grundläggande och helt eller delvis sker med hjälp av datorer. I denna rapport ska jag, med hjälp av en modell kallad Kognitivt lärlingsskap (Cognitive apprenticeship), belysa områden som är av vikt när CSCL-miljöer designas. Kognitivt lärlingsskap är ett försök till att kombinera traditionellt lärlingsskap med skolarbete. Kombinationen ska underlätta utvecklandet av teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper. Modellen har beskrivits som framgångsrik men det finns vissa skillnader mellan lärlingens lärandemiljö och elevens lärandemiljö som gör det svårt att applicera lärlingsmodellen i skolmiljön.
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Osallinen, syrjässä, marginaalissa, onnellinen?:tutkimus oppisopimuskoulutuksen erityisopiskelijoista Suomessa ja SaksassaIrjala, M. (Marja) 12 September 2017 (has links)
In our country thousands of disabled, chronically ill and other students with need for special support are living on the fringe of working life or completely outside of it. In order to improve possibilities to employ people with most minimal chances on the job market, apprenticeship training has been expanded. This term means vocational education that is based on a combination of learning on the job with theoretical learning according to the German model.
This dissertation is a multidisciplinary research on the field of vocational special education and the sociology of education. The material consists of interviews, which were conducted in Finland and in Germany, with 30 students of working age with need for special support, who have already graduated or will be graduating with the help of apprenticeship. At the same time the educational systems of both countries are being analysed.
The results show that in Germany apprenticeship has been continuously developed in cooperation with economy. Whereas in Finland vocational education has been built to an institutional system and the one mainly meant for students with need for special support has been conducted in a small-scaled experimental and evaluation activities. In Germany employers are required by law to employ people with an disability. This fact together with the firm position of apprenticeship gives studens with need for special support better chances than in Finland to find a full-time job on the open job market.
Employing disabled people, who have completed apprenticeship training, as permanently unpaid employees poses a big problem both in Finland and in Germany. Most of the German interviewees had, however, found full-time employment after apprenticeship training, whereas in Finland part-time jobs prevail. Before and during the apprenticeship training the interviewees had been supported by families, support services and classmates. In their everyday life they perceive themselves as equal and integrated. Many of them are ambitious, successful people with an optimistic attitude towards life. Employment ensures them a structured everyday life, sufficient income and positive planning for the future. / Tiivistelmä
Maassamme on tuhansia vammaisia ja pitkäaikaissairaita sekä muita erityisopiskelijoihin kuuluneita työelämän marginaalissa tai täysin ulkopuolella. Useat tahot ovat peräänkuuluttaneet vaikeimmin työllistyvien työvoiman käyttöönottoa lisäämällä oppisopimuskoulutusta eli työpaikalla oppimisen ja teoriaopiskelun yhdistelmään perustuvaa ammatillista koulutusta sen edelläkävijämaan, Saksan, malliin.
Tutkimus on monitieteinen, ammatillisen erityisopetuksen ja kasvatussosiologian aloihin kuuluva. Aineiston muodostavat 30:n Suomessa ja Saksassa oppisopimuskoulutuksen avulla ammattiin valmistuneen tai valmistuvan erityisopiskelijan haastattelut sekä molempien maiden koulutusjärjestelmien kartoitukset. Haastattelut toteutettiin suomeksi, saksaksi sekä kummankin maiden viittomakielellä. Analyysimenetelmänä on sovellettu kolmivaiheista mallia sekä osittain narratiivista menetelmää. Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu vammaisuuden ja osallisuuden sekä hyvinvoinnin ja arjen subjektiivisten kokemusten määrittelyistä.
Tulokset osoittivat, että Saksassa oppisopimuskoulutusta on kehitetty keskeytyksettä yhteistyössä maan työelämän kanssa. Ammatillinen koulutus, myös erityisopiskelijoiden osalta, tapahtuu siellä työpaikoilla. Suomessa taas ammatillista koulutusta on rakennettu laitosmaiseksi järjestelmäksi. Erityisopiskelijoiden oppisopimuskoulutus on ollut pienimuotoista kokeilu- ja kehittämistoimintaa. Saksassa työnantajien lakisääteinen velvoite työllistää vammaisia yhdessä koulutusmallin valta-aseman kanssa antaa erityisopiskelijoille paremmat mahdollisuudet kuin Suomessa työllistyä avoimille työmarkkinoille kokopäivätyöhön.
Palkattoman avotyön käyttäminen oppisopimuskoulutuksen suorittaneiden vammaisten pysyvänä työllistämismuotona osoittautui molemmissa maissa ongelmaksi. Suurin osa haastatelluista oli kuitenkin sijoittunut koulutuksen jälkeen työsuhteeseen joko kokopäivä- ja erityisesti Suomessa osa-aikatyöhön. Ennen oppisopimuskoulutusta ja sen aikana haastatellut olivat saaneet tukea perheeltään ja koulutuksen tukipalveluilta sekä vertaisiltaan. He olivat arjen hyvinvoinnin kokemuksissaan yhdenvertaisia ja sosiaalisia. Monet olivat sisukkaita, valoisia onnistujia. Työ on heille tärkeä arjen jäsentäjä, tuo riittävän toimeentulon ja antaa mahdollisuuden tulevaisuuden myönteiseen suunnitteluun. / Zusammenfassung
In unserem Land leben tausende von Behinderten und Langzeitkranken sowie andere der Sonderbetreuung bedürftige Auszubildende am Rande oder gänzlich außerhalb des Arbeitslebens. Viele Stimmen fordern für die schwersteinsetzbaren Gruppen verbesserte duale Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten. Dieser Begriff bezeichnet die berufliche Ausbildung, die nach dem deutschen Vorbild auf Lernen am Arbeitsplatz, kombiniert mit der theoretischen Ausbildung basiert.
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine multidisziplinäre Studie auf dem Gebiet der beruflichen Sonderpädagogik und Bildungssoziologie. Die Materialgrundlage bilden insgesamt 30 Interviews, die sowohl in Deutschland als auch in Finnland mit Menschen mit besonderem Unterstützungsbedarf geführt wurden, deren berufliche Ausbildung im Rahmen eines dualen Ausbildungssystems stattfindet oder stattgefunden hat. Die Empirie wird mit einer Analyse der Bildungsysteme beider Länder kombiniert.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in Deutschland das duale Ausbildungssystem kontinuierlich in Zusammenarbeit mit der Wirtschaft entwickelt wurde. In Finnland dagegen wurde die berufliche Ausbildung als ein institutionelles System konzipiert. Das duale Ausbildungssystem für die Auszubildenden mit besonderem Unterstützungsbedarf ist hauptsächlich kleinformatige Experimentier- und Entwicklungstätigkeit gewesen.
In Deutschland sind die Arbeitgeber gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet, Behinderte zu beschäftigen. Zusammen mit der festen Verankerung des dualen Ausbildungsystems gibt dies den Auszubildenden mit besonderem Unterstützungsbedarf bessere Chancen als in Finnland, auf dem offenen Arbeitsmarkt eine Ganztagsbeschäftigung zu finden.
Der größte Teil der Interviewten hat nach der dualen Ausbildung Arbeit als Ganztagsbeschäftigte gefunden, wobei in Finnland die Teilzeitbeschäftigung überwiegt. In beiden Ländern erwies sich aber der Einsatz dualausgebildeter Behinderter als unbezahlte Arbeitskräfte in Dauerbeschäftigung durchaus als Problem.
Vor und während der Ausbildung erhielten die Interviewten Unterstützung von der Familie, Ausbildungsbegleitern und Mitschülern. Sie waren in ihren Alltagserfahrungen gleichwertig und integriert. Viele von ihnen waren Menschen mit positivem Lebensgefühl, strebsam und glücklich. Die Arbeit ermöglicht ihnen einen strukturierten Alltag, ausreichendes Einkommen und positive Zukunftsplanung.
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Learners' experience of the integration of theory and practice in a wholesale and retail generalist (NQF Level 2) learnershipDe Mink, Karen Joy January 2007 (has links)
Master Education - Med / Skills development is essential for every country to keep abreast with, at least one aspect of globalisation, namely, changes regarding production in the modern world. The way in which each country implements its skills development programme will depend on the unique history and circumstances of that country. Germany and Japan are amongst those countries that opted for a high skills strategy, whilst the United Kingdom opted for a low skills strategy. Kraak (2005) argues that South Africa would benefit by implementing a ‘multi-pronged’ skills strategy because many of its citizens are unskilled or have very low skills. This approach would cater for lowskills, intermediate-skills and continue to develop high skills. South Africa’s inputs-based education and training system has been replaced by a controversial outcomes-based approach. Many authors view an outcomes-based programme as lacking theory or content (Kraak, 1998; Young, 2004; Brown & Keep, 2000; Boreham, 2002), as reductive and mechanistic (Bates & Dutson, 1995, in Boreham, 2002) and mainly work-based and assessment-driven (Boreham, 2002). These criticisms question the quality of outcomes-based programmes. New laws promulgated by the South African government have introduced learnerships that form part of this new Skills Development strategy. This study reviewed the general policy on skills development and explored the experiences of learners who completed a Wholesale and Retail Learnership in the context of the structured college-based learning, the practical work-based learning as well as the integration of theory and practice, in South Africa. A qualitative approach was selected to enhance the researcher’s understanding of the personal perspectives and experiences of learners who completed the learnership. The case study approach was used with a focus on analysing the subjective opinions of this group of learners. The research methods employed to clarify the understanding of how these learners experienced the learnership were semi-structured interviews, observations and analysis of documents. The research shows that South Africa’s multi-level National Qualifications Framework provides for academic as well as vocational training and promotes a ‘multi-pronged’ skills strategy. The findings suggest that the learners on this learnership experienced the theoretical learning in the college and the practical learning on the job as an integrated whole. The study concludes that the structured college-based learning enabled the learners on this learnership to implement what they learnt at college in the workplace. / South Africa
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Konnektivität in der Dualen AusbildungBank, Volker, Glaß, Chistiane 29 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In der beruflichen Bildung stellt sich in besonderer Weise die Frage nach dem Verhältnis der idealtypischen Lernorte Betrieb und Berufsschule. Obwohl dieser Duplizität der Lernorte offenbar eine besondere bildende Kraft innewohnt, reichen die Forderungen, diese Zweiheit zu gestalten von der radikalen Trennung bis hin zur vollständigen Abstimmung der jeweiligen Aktivitäten von Lehren und Lernen. Richtigerweise wurden von Tenberg, Aprea und Pittich (2012) in einem grundlegenden Positionspapier diese instrumentellen Vorschläge als empirisch gehaltlos kritisiert. Zwischenzeitlich gibt es eine nähere Untersuchung der faktischen Verhältnisse. Dafür wurde an der TU Chemnitz im Rahmen der von eben diesen Autoren federführend lancierten europäischen ConVet-Studie zunächst eine Dokumentenanalyse durchgeführt. Dieses wurde um eine Befragung von Auszubildenden/ Schülerinnen und Schülern sowie von deren Ausbildern und Lehrkräften erweitert. Als ein erster wesentlicher Hinweis ist diesen Untersuchungen zu entnehmen, dass die eine Konnektivität höherer Ordnung bzw. eine abgeschwächte Hypothese der Komplementarität Anspruch auf Gültigkeit besitzen könnten. Die Dokumentenstudie und die Pilotbefragung sollen Grundlage für weitere Studien quantitativer Ausrichtung sein, die einen quantitativ deutlich weitergesteckten Probandenrahmen umfassen sollen.
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Analýza příčin nezaměstnanosti mladých ve věku 15-24 let v EU v letech 2000-2015 / The analysis of causes of the youth unemployment (15-24 age class) in European Union in years 2000-2015Šulai, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to analyze main causes of youth unemployment in countries of European Union. In order to assess main determinants of this negative phenomenon, an econometric model based on panel data was constructed. Source dataset, containing mainly Eurostat data, covers EU-28 countries in the 2000-2014 period. Results of a regression inclined that youth unemployment is effected mainly by overall economic development. Youth unemployment is more sensitive for economic downturns than unemployment in an adult age class. The model also suggested that cuts in payroll taxes and deregulation in the minimum wage legislation could have positive effect on youth employment. Based on the literature, reforms toward more practical and effective education system with elements of dual apprenticeship, could be also a positive step in tackling youth unemployment. However, an econometric-based proof of this hypothesis was not found.
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Interactions didactiques en classe de français langue non maternelle (enfants de 7-8 ans) en école algérienne : compétences langagières visées et pratiques de classe / Didactic interactions in class of French not maternal language (tongue) (7-8-year-old children) in Algerian school : aimed ans practical linguistics skills of classStambouli, Meriem 10 June 2011 (has links)
Afin d’analyser l’écart entre prescriptions institutionnelles (approche par compétences) et pratiques réelles dans des classes de français en Algérie, nous avons procédé à une approche ethnographique de la classe sur la base d’un corpus filmé (en deux périodes). L’analyse de ce corpus et des textes institutionnels de référence (programme, manuels) montrent que les cultures d’enseignement-apprentissages scolaires en Algérie insistent plus sur le savoir (règles linguistiques) et sur les quatre compétences classiques (écouter, parler, lire, écrire) en des interactions centrées autour du maître, que sur le savoir-faire et le savoir-être (règles sociolinguistiques, socioculturelles et pragmatiques). Dans de telles situations, certainement pas propres à l’Algérie seule, sans doute serait-il recommandable d’aller vers des méthodologies d’enseignement et apprentissage basées sur une pédagogie des interactions didactiques centrée autour des apprenants, de la médiation par l’adulte, du besoin langagier et éducatif et de la découverte selon les termes du modèle socio-constructiviste de l’apprentissage. Notre recherche-action vise la réflexion sur une possible didactique intégrée, plurilingue et contextualisée qui souligne le rôle et l’importance des langues maternelles des apprenants algériens dans les apprentissages langagiers et même disciplinaires / In order to analyse the difference between institutional guidelines (an approach according to skill), and actual practices in the French classes in Algeria, we used an ethnographic approach to the class, based on a body of film made in two sessions. The analysis of this body and of institutional texts for reference (curriculum, guidelines) show that the cultures of teaching and apprenticeship in Algerian schools insist more on knowledge (rules of language) and on the four traditional skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) during interactions with the teacher than on their own ability and self-confidence (sociolinguistic, socio cultural and pragmatic rules). In such situations, certainly not unique to Algeria, it would undoubtedly be advisable, to move towards methods of teaching and apprenticeship, based on a teaching structured around didactic interactions focused on those learning, around mediation by the adult of the linguistic and educational needs, and around education according to the terms of the socio constructivist model of apprenticeship. Our research is concentrated on the consideration of a potential integrated didactic model, multilingual and contextualised, which underlines the role and the importance of native languages of Algerian pupils in the learning of languages and of other disciplines
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An analysis of regional occupational programs that offer academic credit, college articulation, state licensing, and apprenticeship training creditShaw, Joseph 01 January 1994 (has links)
This study survey all ROP's in the State. It determined the degree to which the ROP's were meeting the changing need for enhancing and utilization vocation educational programs to meet the mandates of ̲S̲ec̲oṉḏ ṯ̲o Ṉ̲oṉ̲e.
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České učňovské školství na rozcestí / Czech apprenticeship at a crossroadsKnedla, Dalibor January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Czech apprenticeship at a crossroads" deals with the controversial topic of apprenticeship. Thesis is based on theoretical concepts of educational reproduction, positive functions of diversified educational systems, lifelong learning and problem delimitation in public policy. It brings the international perspective viewpoint and identifies strengths and weaknesses of different systems. Author looks into causes and consequences of negative phenomena while trying to understand different positions of employers and apprentices. Key areas are based on the delimited problem. These areas are: sole system of vocational education, which favors students with higher socioeconomic background; career guidance field, whose role in the process of decision making of students entering apprenticeship is small; the area of cooperation with social partners, which is crucial in enhancing the quality of apprenticeship. Author introduces possible ways of political change in these areas. Keywords Apprenticeship, vocational programme, public policy stakeholders, problem delimitation, unemployment, labour market, educational reproduction
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How High School Students Learn to Write Literary Arguments through Social Interactions: An ApprenticeshipVanDerHeide, Jennifer Lynn 10 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Preservice Teachers' Beliefs about Writing and Their Plans to Teach Writing: The Apprenticeship of ObservationThompson, Emily Kyle 12 1900 (has links)
Preservice teachers (PSTs) bring a plethora of knowledge and experiences to their educator preparation courses. The PSTs have also formed ideas about how to teach based on their observations during the thousands of hours they spent as students in the classroom from kindergarten through high school graduation. This phenomenon, coined by Lortie, is called the apprenticeship of observation. Past research has focused on the apprenticeship of observation in general while neglecting to specifically explore how this phenomenon influences PSTs in regards to writing. Guiding this study were three research questions: (1) what are the PSTs' beliefs about writing instruction and themselves as writers, (2) how have PSTs' experiences as students affected their beliefs about themselves as writers, and (3) how do PSTs' experiences as students influence their plans to teach writing? After conducting a thematic analysis, there are four findings that stemmed from the data. First, PSTs come to their educator preparation programs with beliefs about themselves as writers. Particularly, the PSTs believe they are either writers or non-writers, Next, PSTs believe that writing instruction should be high-quality and foster student interest. Additionally, data suggested that PSTs' past experiences as students in a writing classroom influenced the PSTs' beliefs. Particularly, the PSTs' experiences around feedback and the control they had over writing were the most discussed. Lastly, past experiences stemming from the PSTs' apprenticeship of observation formed the basis for the plans the PSTs had about teaching writing. These findings have implications for both teacher educators and the PSTs they teach. It is imperative that teacher educators take steps to uncover the beliefs and past experiences of the PSTs as these serve as a lens through which the PSTs look through during their writing methods courses. Teacher educators must also use this information as a springboard for instruction. Finally, teacher educators must challenge the apprenticeship of observation to ensure that the plans PSTs have for teaching writing are not simply a conservative recreation of past experiences devoid of a theoretical basis.
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