Spelling suggestions: "subject:"are studies""
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International standards and domestic compliance: the issue of child laborChurch, Audrey Leigh 05 April 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to address the issue of non-compliance with international child labor standards in the Indian case. In order to do this I took a social constructivist approach to analyzing and explaining human behavior, utilizing methods of process tracing and secondary case study analysis. I first looked at why states ratifY treaties embodying international child labor standards but fail to comply with them. I then evaluated the viability of the popular legal positivist proposal to bring about compliance by linking non-compliance with economic sanctions. My findings demonstrated that the reason for non-compliance is that there are strong norms within the Indian social structure which support the practice of child labor, in direct contrast to the international treaties prohibiting child labor. Thus, I concluded that the linkage of non-compliance and economic sanctions would be ineffective because sanctions would do little to address the cause of the non-compliance.
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Female employment in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India and its two most urbanized districts (Ranga Reddy and Hyderabad): a 1991 census analysisRayala, Shobadevi 01 July 1998 (has links)
This research examined the relationship of female employment with three major contributing factors: ecological, motivational, and personal ability factors, in the state of Andhra Pradesh and its two highly urbanized districts (Ranga Reddy and Hyderabad). The 1991 census data were utilized as a major source. Specifically, the study tested the following six hypotheses:
1. Female work force participation rates vary by rural-urban residence, industrial categories, and National Industrial Classification (NIC).
2. Differential female work force participation rates can be observed by class of worker and occupational type.
3. Female workers vary by their educational attainment, age, and marital status.
4. The growth rate of female work force participation is significantly effected by change in industrial structure, time-period, and rural-urban residence over a period of time.
5. Female employment, especially in non-agricultural and non-household sectors, is significantly effected by education and urbanization, independently as well as combined.
6. The structure of female employment is the same between the state of Andhra Pradesh and its districts, Ranga Reddy and Hyderabad, but the size of participation may vary.
The results of the data analysis confirmed all hypotheses.
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Oman's foreign policy : foundations and practiceAl-Khalili, Majid 07 November 2005 (has links)
The object of this dissertation is to record and analyze the foreign policy of the Sultanate of Oman from the early twentieth century until 2004. It challenges the central assumption of the contemporary scholarship on the subject that Muscat's modern foreign policy begins in 1970. It is often presumed that the pre-1970 era does not merit a thorough investigation to understand Muscat's modus operandi today. This study argues that for a comprehensive understanding of Muscat's foreign policy since 1970, the frontier of the historical analysis of Oman's regional and international involvement should be pushed back to the 1930's, when the young Sultan Said assumed power over the country divided by the "Treaty" or the "Agreement" of Sib. Indeed, the thrust of this research lies at once in repudiating the conventional wisdom regarding both the persona of Sultan Said and the customary political/historical narrative of Said's reign. The critical analysis of this period is utilized to rebut the pervasive and largely inaccurate historical narrative of the events prior to 1970, to recount an original interpretation of the period, and to use the narrative as a preamble for subsequent foreign policy directions and initiatives. Furthermore, this dissertation covers the gaps in the literature resulting from the absence of any materials that either record or analyze Muscat's foreign policy from 1996 until 2004. In addition, his study provides new information and a fresh analysis of the international relations of the region, including great power rivalry, especially the competition between the United States and Great Britain, and the attitudes of major regional actors, such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq.
The use of a thorough historical inquiry is vital to support the central claim of this dissertation; therefore, a large section of this dissertation is based almost exclusively on archival materials collected from the British Public Records Office, the University of Oxford and the Library of Congress. This project represents the most comprehensive use of archival materials on the subject matter to date.
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Coffee volunteering grounded in tourism: online journals reveal volunteer rationaleTranel, Kimberly Ann 01 May 2013 (has links)
This thesis explains the emergence of volunteer tourism. By utilizing both a personal experience of volunteer tourism and comparing it to similar experiences described in online Blogs, several preliminary conclusions were made. For comparisons, the motivations, living conditions, and relationships formed for all volunteer tourists were similar. The major findings indicate that further research on the written blogs of volunteer tourists will enable research to understand the lasting impacts of volunteer tourism on both the host and the volunteers.
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[ redacted ]Awadallah, Iyad Z. 29 March 2005 (has links)
[ redacted ]
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Telecommunications reform in a developing country : the privaization of TelmexFreeman, Kelly C. 20 July 1995 (has links)
The last ten years have witnessed a major trend toward the globalization of economic activity. Telecommunications has driven this process by introducing faster exchanges and diminishing the importance of distance. However, telecommunications has not only evolved into a pervasive element in virtually all business activity, it has also become a key economic development tool for nations embarking on far-reaching liberalization strategies. In addressing the failures of state-owned telecom enterprises to expand and modernize their networks, structural reform in the telecommunications sector, especially in the developing world, has become a veritable worldwide wave of change.
This study reviews the causes and implications of this trend for developing countries. Specifically, the thesis offers an exploratory study of the privatization of the Mexican telephone company, Telmex, focusing on the decision to privatize as a function of broader political and economic determinants. The process of implementing the divestiture, and the consequent form of the telecom sector, is analyzed as a reflection of the Mexican political model and of the macroeconomic circumstances within which privatization occurred.
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Rorty, neopragmatism and non-foundational international ethicsGould, Harry Damon 29 July 1996 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to apply the work of Richard Rorty to questions of ethics in International Relations.
Beginning- with discussion of Pragmatism in this chapter, and Rorty's political beliefs in the second, the paper moves in Chapter Three to the means by which Rorty has come to hold his ethical beliefs. This takes the reader through discussions of the contingency of language, self and community to the notions of irony and liberal ironism. Chapter Four contrasts the (neo) Pragmatist conception of progressive, piecemeal social change to traditions which eschew such a notion in favor of immanent critique. Discussion in chapter five moves to the application of this neopragmatist line of thought to the discussion of solidarity and human rights, bringing all of the various strands of this paper together. In the conclusion, two apparent inconsistencies in Rorty's clarified.
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Crossing borders: from Iowa to Argentina : a cross-cultural training program for business professionalsSchneckloth, Lindsey Lea 01 May 2011 (has links)
Crossing Borders: From Iowa to Argentina is a cross-cultural training program for business professionals originating from Iowa that may work in Argentina or with individuals that do or are from there.
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The Interactions of the Traditional and Modern Healthcare Systems in GujaratMehta, Neha 15 June 2011 (has links)
This exploratory research seeks to understand the interactions and dynamics of the traditional and modern healthcare systems in the West Indian state of Gujarat, including both private and public components. The people of Gujarat make use of both allopathic and traditional medicines, but it remains unclear as to what factors influence these decisions. This study states that age, gender, area of origination, and education play important roles in determining what sort of healthcare is sought after.
In order to obtain this information, 500 surveys were orally administered over the course of three months in three different areas of Gujarat. Each individual was asked general biographical information, opened ended opinion questions, and ailment specific questions. These answers were then coded and statistically analyzed.
The results from this study do indicate that the aforementioned factors affect health system choice. It is also revealed that Gujaratis are not satisfied with any of the healthcare systems they have and would like to see changes. In the future, it is hoped that the results from this study can be used to create a more efficient overlap of the healthcare systems in Gujarat.
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Violencia Contra la Mujer en Latinoamerica Durante y Despues Conflicto Interno en Mexico y GuatemalaMartin del Campo, Erika 01 January 2011 (has links)
En este trabajo voy a exponer las situaciones de dos países Latinoamericanos con respeto a la violencia en contra de la mujer. Esto dos países son México y Guatemala. Similares, y costumbres, religión, cultura, y lenguaje y continente estas dos naciones tan iguales y a la vez tan diferentes, México conteniendo la ciudad más grande del mundo y Guatemala sosteniendo el título de uno de los países más pobres y peligrosos del mundo. México, un país con ilimitados recursos naturales, Guatemala en la pobreza extrema. Estas dos naciones también comparten la posteridad de conflictos internos, en el caso de Guatemala la Guerra Civil que duro 36 años de 1960 a 1996 y, en el caso de México la Guerra Sucia y las consecuentes crises económicas del país. Estas dos naciones comparten un síntoma postraumático que incrementa la violencia y la brutalidad de la misma en contra de la mujer. Primeramente mostraré los antecedentes políticos y sociales de ambos países, seguido de un reporte anual sobre los derechos humanos de cada país por Amnistía Internacional. Expondré las diferentes teorías literarias específicas al caso de Ciudad Juárez, México y la violencia generalizada contra la mujer en Guatemala. También,mostraré las estadísticas de muertes violentas en contra de las mujeres para ambos países. Los medios de comunicación han sido una parte importante en el seguimiento de los casos en parte para acusar a las víctimas de ser las provocadoras de su propia muerte y por otra parte, como medio de comunicación de un fenómeno como es el Femicidio. Mostraré las diferentes actitudes de los gobiernos con respecto al Femicidio, y la impunidad del crimen organizado, la corrupción policial y también el trabajo de los últimos gobernantes de México y Guatemala. Presento una serie de documentales creados a raíz de este fenómeno. También, mostrare algunos casos particularmente conocidos que han llamado la atención mundial y hare las conclusiones pertinentes con la esperanza de que mi trabajo afecte de una manera positiva al lector y le mueva a actuar con un compromiso social y humano a favor de la mujer para evitar todo el tipo de violencia en su contra.
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