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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urbane Niederschlagsbeeinflussung

Pagenkopf, Anja 12 December 2011 (has links)
Klimatologisch signifikante räumliche Strukturen der Niederschlagsverteilung in der Stadt Berlin und des Umlandes in Brandenburg wurden für den Zeitraum 1951-2000 untersucht, die durch Wirkung des urbanen Raumes verursacht werden. Für die Analyse werden Primärdaten von 247 Niederschlagsmessstationen verwendet, woraus Gebietsmittelwerte für 636 administrative Teilflächen sowie für 12 Teilflächen eines zur mittleren Windrichtung des Niederschlagstages parallelen Analyse-Transekts für jeden der 11848 Niederschlagstage interpoliert werden. Für 17 ausgewählte Kombinationen von acht Atmosphärenparametern wurde der Niederschlagsdatensatz zu klassifizierten Teilmengen gruppiert und als eigenständige geostatistische Experimente ausgewertet. Die Spannweite der in den einzelnen Experimenten verglichenen Gebietsmittelwerte überschreitet in der Regel 10 Prozent der mittleren Niederschlagshöhen nicht. Der dominierende Faktor für die Herausbildung unterscheidbarer räumlicher Niederschlagsverteilungen im Untersuchungsgebiet ist die Windrichtung in der unteren Troposphäre. Während sich der Stadtkörper unter Bedingungen, die kleinräumige Niederschlagsentstehung begünstigen, im Mittel lokal verstärkend auswirkt, kommt es bei großräumig gesteuerter Niederschlagsentstehung über dem Stadtgebiet zu einer Verringerung der Tagessummen des fallenden Niederschlags. Die Experimente angewendet auf den Datensatz weisen darauf hin, dass die urbane Verstärkung durch intensivierte Niederschlagsbildung über der Stadt bedingt wird, während die urbane Verminderung aus der Veränderung des Niederschlagsgeschehens innerhalb der Stadtatmosphäre resultiert. / An analysis of the climatologically significant spatial structures resulting from urban modification of the precipitation distribution was carried out at the sample site Berlin and its surrounding areas in Brandenburg for a period from 1951 to 2000. For the 11848 precipitation days the daily sums of 247 measurement sites are interpolated into mean areal precipitation for 636 administrative sub regions as well as for 12 elements of transects placed parallel to the mean daily wind direction. 17 combinations of eight atmospheric parameters were used to group the precipitation data into classified subsets. These subsets are treated as data resulting from independent geostatistic experiment configurations. The mean range of interpolated precipitations does not exceed 10 percent of the respective mean precipitation height in the particular experiments. The dominant synoptic factor causing the evidence of distinguishable spatial precipitation structures appears to be the wind direction in the lower troposphere. At weather conditions inducing local precipitation genesis the urban body induces predominantly locally intensified precipitation heights. When precipitation is formed mainly by synoptic processes the daily precipitation is being reduced over the city region. The experiment layouts related to these observations indicate that urban precipitation amplification evolves from intensified generation processes while urban reduction results from modified conditions for precipitation falling through the urban atmosphere.

Étude de la rugosité de surface induite par la déformation plastique de tôles minces en alliage d'aluminium AA6016 / A study of plastic strain-induced surface roughnes in thin AA6016 aluminium sheets

Guillotin, Alban 28 May 2010 (has links)
Dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche visant à l'allègement de la structure des véhicules, l'origine de lignage dans des tôles en aluminium AA6016 a été étudiée. Ce phénomène, qui peut apparaître à la suite d'une déformation plastique, est apparenté à de la rugosité de surface alignée dans la direction de laminage (DL). Sa présence est néfaste à une bonne finition de surface, et son intensité est appréciée visuellement par les fabricants.Une méthode de quantification rationnelle a été développée. La caractérisation de la distribution morphologique des motifs de rugosité a été rendue possible par l'utilisation de fonctions fréquentielles telle la densité de puissance spectrale. La note globale, construite à partir de la quantification individuelle des composantes de lignage pur et de rugosité globulaire, s'est montrée en bon accord avec les estimations visuelles, et notamment avec le niveau de lignage intermédiaire regroupant plusieurs aspects de surface différents.La microstructure des matériaux à l'état T4 a été expérimentalement mesurée couche de grains par couche de grain à l'aide d'un couplage entre polissage contrôle et acquisition par EBSD. Les 4 à 5 premières couches sous la surface (-120μm) semblent jouer un rôle mécanique prépondérant dans la formation du lignage car elles offrent à la fois une grande taille de grains moyenne, une importante ségrégation d'orientations cristallines, et une forte similitude de longueurs d'onde entre la rugosité de surface et les motifs de la microtexture.Des simulations numériques ont permis de vérifier que les couples de texture identifiés (Cube/Goss, Cube/Aléatoire et Cube/CT18DN) possédaient des différences d'amincissements hors-plans suffisantes pour générer l'ondulation d'une couche d'éléments. En revanche, l'influence mécanique de cette même couche décroit très rapidement avec son enfouissement dans la profondeur et devient négligeable sous plus de 4 couches d'éléments. / As part of a project on aluminium alloys for vehicle weight reduction, the origins of roping in AA6016 aluminium sheets have been studied. This strain-induced phenomenon is related to surface roughness but involves narrow alignments along rolling direction (RD). Its lowers the surface quality, and its intensity is visually evaluated by vehicle manufacturers.An original quantification method is proposed. The morphological characterization of roughness features has been measured by using frequency functions such as the areal power spectral density. The overall roping quality mark, determined from quantifications of both the isotropic and unidirectional components, shows good agreement with the visual assessment, especially for the intermediate roping levels which exhibit several different surface appearances.The material microtexture has been experimentally measured through grain to grain layers by using serial sectioning and EBSD scans. The first 4 to 5 layers under the surface (-120μm) seem to play a leading role in the micromechanics of roping developpment since they simultaneously exhibit a high average grain size, significant segregation of crystallographic orientations, and a close similitude between surface roughness and microstructural feature wavelenghts.Numerical simulations verified that the identified texture pairs (Cube/Goss, Cube/Random and Cube/CT18DN) have sufficient out-of-plane strain difference to promote one element thick layer undulations. But, the mechanical influence of this layer decreases gradually with depth, and becomes negligible below 4 other layers.

Elucidating the Role of Neighborhood Deprivation in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Winter, Kelly M 22 June 2018 (has links)
This dissertation examined risk factors for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) — specifically whether neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation exacerbates individual socioeconomic disadvantage (deprivation amplification) to increase the likelihood of developing HDP. To select the optimal areal unit at which to investigate HDP, geographic proxies for neighborhoods were explored. A thematic review qualitatively examined nontraditional neighborhood boundaries identified through internet sources. Data from 2008–2012 Miami-Dade County, Florida birth records (n=121,421) and the U.S. Census Bureau were used for the remaining analyses. Ordinary least squares (OLS) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) analysis empirically compared the proportion of HDP prevalence explained by six areal units: census block groups, census tracts, ZIP code tabulation areas (ZCTAs), and three types of natural neighborhood — census units clustered based on an eight-item Neighborhood Deprivation Index. Multilevel logistic regression examined relationships between HDP, neighborhood deprivation, and individual-level factors. Odds ratios (OR) and adjusted odds ratios (aOR) were calculated. The thematic review found 22 potential alternatives to census boundaries developed through techniques such as crowd-sourcing and qualitative research. In the sensitivity analysis, census tracts aggregated at the scale of ZCTAs performed twice as well as any other model (GWR2 = 0.27) and were used as the Aim 3 unit of analysis. In the multilevel logistic regression, HDP was associated with moderate (aOR=1.13; CI: 1.05, 1.21) and high neighborhood deprivation (aOR=1.16; CI: 1.07, 1.26). Compared with mothers with private insurance, uninsured women (aOR=1.69; CI: 1.56, 1.84) and Medicaid recipients (aOR=1.12; CI: 1.05, 1.18) had higher HDP odds. Non-Hispanic Black women’s HDP odds were 1.58 times those of non-Hispanic White women. Cross-level interactions — between neighborhood deprivation and educational attainment and neighborhood deprivation and insurance status — did not reach statistical significance. Private sector neighborhood boundaries hold promise for developing new public health tools. Because they are relatively easy to generate from census data, natural neighborhoods may balance tradition and innovation. While no evidence of deprivation amplification was found, results suggested that individual-level and neighborhood deprivation are HDP risk factors. Interventions that target expectant mothers in deprived neighborhoods — particularly non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic women who lack health insurance — may help reduce HDP prevalence and disparities.

Cartographie et mesure de la biodiversité du Mont Ventoux. Approche par Système d'Information Géographique et Télédétection, préconisations méthodologiques et application pour l'aménagement forestier

Mafhoud, Ilène 16 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les données issues de la télédétection couplées à des approches de type système d'information géographique sont d'un grand intérêt potentiel pour l'aménagement forestier. Le but de cette recherche est dans un premier temps de fournir une cartographie utilisable des espèces forestières dominantes à l'échelle du pixel, en utilisant des méthodes éprouvées de la télédétection. Le site d'étude choisi est le versant sud du Mont Ventoux, une montagne méditerranéenne présentant une forte biodiversité forestière. Les travaux relatés dans la première partie ont permis de réaliser des cartographies discriminantes des espèces forestières à partir des données satellitaires (Spot 5) par classification supervisée et non supervisée, en lien avec des relevés terrains. La pertinence de ces méthodes pour la cartographie de la couverture forestière est évaluée et discutée, l'objectif étant d'identifier les conditions optimales en fonction de la résolution spatiale et de la bande spectrale pour la discrimination des espèces forestières majeures du Mont Ventoux. Ce travail nous a ensuite amenés à proposer une méthode originale de mesure de la variabilité de la biodiversité à l'aide de 4 indices classiques : indices de Shannon, de Simpson, de Richesse et de Dominance. L'approche a été appliquée en utilisant deux descripteurs de la biodiversité : l'indice de végétation normalisé (NDVI) et la diversité en espèces forestières. Cette méthode inédite permet, grâce au recours à différentes images de résolutions spatiales imbriquées et à un processus systématique d'agrégation, d'extraire la part de biodiversité (alpha et bêta) due à la structure spatiale, en éliminant l'effet du support spatial, composante déterminante du Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). Nous discutons également dans cette recherche de la capacité de notre méthode à extraire, une « échelle pertinente » de mesure de la diversité.

Sprachlateralisierung bei Epilepsiepatienten: Ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse funktioneller Magnetresonanztomografie (BOLD MRT) mit denen der Diffusionstensorbildgebung (DTI) / Speech lateralisation in epilepsy patients and healthy controls: comparing the results of functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging

Bonnkirch, Dorothee 28 January 2014 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde durch die Kombination zweier nichtinvasiver MR-Methoden in vivo untersucht, ob sich die funktionelle Sprachlateralisierung in einer strukturellen Asymmetrie der weißen Substanz widerspiegelt. Dafür wurden die Ergebnisse einer Patientengruppe mit Temporallappenepilepsie mit den Ergebnissen einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mittels BOLD MRT eine Sprachlateralisierung in der grauen Substanz nachgewiesen werden kann, die mit einem strukturellen Korrelat in der weißen Substanz der sprachdominanten Hemisphäre einhergeht. Dieses Korrelat konnte als Asymmetrie der Mikrostruktur der weißen Substanz in DTI-Messungen belegt werden. Darüber hinaus konnte bewiesen werden, dass Patienten mit einer Temporallappenepilepsie im Vergleich zu gesunden Probanden eine atypische Lateralisierung der Sprachaktivierung im Broca-Areal aufweisen, die von einer gleichsinnig atypischen strukturelle Asymmetrie der weißen Substanz im Broca-Areal begleitet wird. Die These, dass eine funktionelle Sprachlateralisierung mit einer mikrostrukturellen Veränderung der weißen Substanz assoziiert ist, wird durch die vorliegende Arbeit sowohl für die gesunden Kontrollprobanden als auch für die Patienten mit einer fokalen Epilepsie bestätigt. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen, dass DTI-Messungen eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zu BOLD MRT-Messungen in der Bestimmung der sprachrelevanten Areale darstellen können. Sprachlateralisierung könnte mit ihrer Hilfe in Zukunft exakt und nichtinvasiv bestimmt werden. Es stellte sich jedoch auch heraus, dass das in der vorliegenden Arbeit angewendete Verfahren in der Praxis sehr aufwendig ist, ohne eine entschieden höhere Aussagekraft über die Sprachlateralisierung zu erbringen. In dieser Form wird die nichtinvasive Bildgebung den Wada-Test als Goldstandard für den klinischen Alltag noch nicht ersetzen können.

Os granitóides sintectônicos pós-colisionais Sanga do Areal, intrusivos no Complexo Arroio dos Ratos, na Região de Quitéria, RS.

Centeno, Adrio Peixoto January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação faz parte de um projeto que tem como objetivo investigar a origem e evolução do magmatismo de arco e pós-colisional do Escudo Sul-rio-grandense (ESRG), caracterizando a partir de estudos geoquímicos, estruturais e petrográficos os Granitóides Sanga do Areal (GSA), localizados na região de Quitéria, porção leste do Escudo Sul-rio-grandense. Estes granitóides consistem de dois corpos principais, alongados na direção NE-SW, com aproximadamente 14 km de extensão e 2 km de largura, e também de diversas intrusões menores, posicionadas, preferencialmente, na porção mediana de alta deformação cisalhante do Complexo Arroio dos Ratos. Estão em contato na porção NW com metatonalitos, metagranodioritos e gnaisses tonalíticos a dioríticos de idade paleoproterozóica do referido complexo e com horblenda-biotita granodioritos da unidade neoproterozóica Granodiorito Cruzeiro do Sul. Na porção SE o contato se dá com tonalitos a dioritos relacionados aos Granitóides Arroio Divisa de idade neoproterozóica. Os GSA são biotita monzogranitos de textura porfirítica em seu termo principal, com cerca de 30% de megacristais de até 5 cm de comprimento de plagioclásio e K-feldspato. A matriz heterogranular média a grossa é composta por quartzo fitado, feldspato parcialmente recristalizado e biotita. Subordinadamente, observam-se corpos de espessura centimétrica a métrica de biotita granodiorito equigranular médio, com fenocristais esparsos de feldspatos alinhados na foliação. Raramente ocorrem enclaves microgranulares máficos. A foliação milonítica é bem marcada pela orientação da biotita, dos megacristais lenticulares e do quartzo fitado e tem direção E-W, com alto ângulo de mergulho para N e para S, contendo lineação de estiramento direcional, com baixo caimento para W a SW. A foliação ígnea primária, concordante a sub-concordante com a foliação milonítica, tem ocorrência restrita e é marcada pela orientação dos megacristais não deformados e das lamelas de biotita. Estruturas S-C, caudas assimétricas em porfiroclastos de feldspatos, biotita fish e fitas assimétricas de quartzo são consistentes e indicam movimento transcorrente sinistral. Os Granitóides Sanga do Areal têm afinidade sub-alcalina médio a alto K, provavelmente toleítica, compatível com ambiente pós-colisional, onde foram deformados e controlados por zonas de cisalhamento transcorrente sub-verticais. Foi obtida uma idade U-Pb em zircão dos granitóides de 626,6±4,9 Ma (MSWD=2.2), coerente com as relações de campo. / This research investigates the evolution of arc to post-collisional magmatism in the Sul-rio-grandense Shield (ESGR), using geochemistry, structural and petrographic studies of the Sanga do Areal Granitoids (GSA). These granitoids are located in the Quitéria region, east of ESRG. The GSA form two main, NE-striking intrusions, and several other small ones, mainly within the shear zone croscutting the central portion of the Arroio dos Ratos Complex. The two main bodies are about 14 km long and 2 km wide. To the northwest, the GSA rocks are in contact with Paleoproterozoic metatonalites, metagranodiorites, tonalitic to dioritic gneisses of the Complex, and Neoproterozoic horblende-biotite granodiorites of the Cruzeiro do Sul unit. To the southeast, they are surrounded by tonalitic to dioritic rocks, related to the Neoproterozoic Arroio da Divisa Granitoids. The GSA rocks are composed mainly of porphyritic biotite monzogranites, with about 30% megacrysts of plagioclase and 5 cm long K-feldspar. The medium to coarse grained heterogranular groundmass is composed of microcrystalline ribbon quartz, partially re-crystallized feldspar and biotite. Medium-grained equigranular granodiorite occurs as centimeter to meter- thick bodies, with sparse feldspar megacrysts aligned on the foliation plane. Microgranular mafic enclaves are rarely observed within the GSA rocks. The mylonitic foliation is well-developed and marked by biotite, oriented lenticular megacrysts, as well as quartz ribbons. It strikes E-W and dips at high angles either N or S. The stretching lineation within the foliation shows shallow plunges, preferentially W-SW. A primary igneous foliation is sometimes observed, and it is concordant or sub-concordant with the mylonitic one, and marked by orientation of igneous megacrysts and biotite lamellae. S-C structures, asymetric tails in feldspar porphyroclasts, biotite fish, and asymetric quartz ribbons indicate transcurrent movement with consistent sinistral shear sense. The Sanga do Areal Granitoids show subalkaline medium- to high-K affinity, probably tholeiitic, and trace element composition consistent with sources related to post-collisional settings, which were deformed and controlled by E-NE and NE sub-vertical transcurrent shear zones. A U-Pb age in zircon grains from Sanga do Areal Granitoids of 626.6 ± 4.6Ma ((MSWD=2.2) was obtained and considered coherent with stratigraphic relations.

Cartographie des événements hydrologiques extrêmes et estimation SCHADEX en sites non jaugés / Cartography of the extreme rain falls and use of the SCHADEX method for ungauged sites

Penot, David 17 October 2014 (has links)
Depuis 2006, à EDF, les études de crues extrêmes sont réalisées avec la méthode SCHADEX (Simulation Climato-Hydrologique pour l'Appréciation des Débits EXtrêmes). Elle s'appuie sur un modèle probabiliste MEWP (distribution saisonnière utilisant une classification par type de temps) pour décrire l'aléa pluie et sur une simulation stochastique croisant l'aléa pluie et l'aléa de saturation du bassin. Les approches par simulation, type SCHADEX, ont montré de bonnes performances pour estimer les distributions de crues extrêmes (projet ANR ExtraFlo , 2013). Cependant, l'utilisation de SCHADEX en l'absence de données (pluie, température, débit) sur le bassin à étudier reste problématique. Cette thèse propose une adaptation de la méthode en site non jaugé en essayant de conserver ses points forts, à savoir: - une structuration spatiale et probabiliste des précipitations conditionnée par les types de temps. - un croisement des aléas pluie et saturation du bassin par simulation stochastique. Ce travail s'est limité au pas de temps journalier afin d'aborder la problématique de régionalisation avec un maximum de données. La démarche s'est alors articulée autour de quatre grands axes: - proposer une méthode de régionalisation des précipitations journalières extrêmes ponctuelles et construire des cartes de pluies aux temps de retour remarquables. Évaluer l'intérêt d'une classification par type de temps pour la régionalisation des distributions de pluies extrêmes et qualifier l'interpolateur de pluie SPAZM pour l'estimation des pluies extrêmes. - s'intéresser à la construction de pluies de bassin (ou pluies spatiales) et en particulier à l'impact des choix de construction de cette pluie sur l'estimation des précipitations extrêmes concernant le bassin. - développer une méthode de simulation stochastique régionale permettant de proposer une distribution de débits journaliers issue d'un croisement des aléas pluies et saturation du bassin. - étudier le passage de la distribution des débits journaliers à la distribution des débits de pointe. Les principaux apports de cette thèse sont les suivants: - la prise en compte des types de temps permet d'améliorer la description des structures spatiales des précipitations extrêmes. - l'information apportée par les pluies SPAZM se révèle être précieuse pour l'estimation des pluies extrêmes en site non jaugé. - une étude de sensibilité du calcul de la pluie spatiale en fonction du nombre de postes utilisés (comparaison des pluies SPAZM et Thiessen) donne une indication sur le biais d'estimation. - le générateur de champs de pluie par bandes tournantes SAMPO permet d'étudier l'abattement sur les précipitations extrêmes et de mettre en place un modèle de correction pour les quantiles élevés des pluies spatiales SPAZM. - une nouvelle méthode de simulation stochastique peu paramétrée mais analogue à la méthode SCHADEX (croisement d'un aléa pluie et d'un aléa de saturation du bassin pour produire une distribution des débits journaliers) est proposée pour l'estimation en site non jaugé. - enfin, un travail préliminaire donne des premiers éléments sur le passage à la distribution des débits de pointe par un générateur d'hydrogrammes s'adaptant à la séquence des débits journaliers simulés. Tous ces développements et conclusions sont détaillés et justifiés dans le mémoire de thèse. / Since 2006, at EDF, extreme flood estimations are computed with the SCHADEX method (Climatic-hydrological simulation of extreme floods). This method relies on a MEWP probabilistic model (seasonal rainfall distribution using a weather pattern concept) and on a stochastic simulation to cross rainy events hazard and catchment saturation states. Simulation approaches, as SCHADEX, have shown good performances to estimate extreme flood distributions. However, the use of SCHADEX method without data for a considered catchment (rain, temperature, runoff) remains a main issue. This thesis suggests an adaptation of the method in ungauged context, trying to keep the key points of the SCHADEX method: - spatial and probabilistic structure of rainfall conditioned by weather patterns. - a cross of rainfall and catchment saturation hazards by stochastic simulation. This work is limited to a daily step to address the issue of regionalization with a maximum of data. The approach is then structured around four main points: - regionalize punctual daily extreme precipitations and construct maps of return period rainfalls. Evaluate the contribution of a weather type classification for the regionalization of extreme rainfall distributions and qualify the SPAZM interpolator for the estimation of extreme rainfall. - wonder about the construction of an areal rainfall and in particular about the impact of its construction choices on the estimation of extreme precipitations. - develop a regional stochastic simulation method to estimate a distribution of daily runoffs which crosses rainy events and catchment saturation hazards. - study the transposition from a daily runoff distribution to a peak flow distribution. The main contributions of this thesis are: - taking into account the weather types improves the description of spatial patterns of extreme precipitations. - information provided by the SPAZM rainfall interpolator proves to be valuable for the estimation of extreme rainfall in ungauged site. - a sensitivity analysis of the calculation of the areal rainfall based on the number of stations used (comparison SPAZM and Thiessen areal rainfalls) gives an indication of the estimation bias. - the SAMPO rainfall generator used to study the areal reduction factor of extreme precipitation and implement a correction model for high quantiles of SPAZM areal rainfall. - a simplified method of stochastic simulation similar to SCHADEX method (cross between a rainfall hazard and a catchment saturation hazard) is developed to produce a distribution of daily flows in ungauged site. - finally, preliminary work provides a way for the transition to the peak flow distribution using a hydrograph generator adapted to the sequence of daily simulated runoffs. All these developments and conclusions are detailed and justified in the thesis.STAR

Os granitóides sintectônicos pós-colisionais Sanga do Areal, intrusivos no Complexo Arroio dos Ratos, na Região de Quitéria, RS.

Centeno, Adrio Peixoto January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação faz parte de um projeto que tem como objetivo investigar a origem e evolução do magmatismo de arco e pós-colisional do Escudo Sul-rio-grandense (ESRG), caracterizando a partir de estudos geoquímicos, estruturais e petrográficos os Granitóides Sanga do Areal (GSA), localizados na região de Quitéria, porção leste do Escudo Sul-rio-grandense. Estes granitóides consistem de dois corpos principais, alongados na direção NE-SW, com aproximadamente 14 km de extensão e 2 km de largura, e também de diversas intrusões menores, posicionadas, preferencialmente, na porção mediana de alta deformação cisalhante do Complexo Arroio dos Ratos. Estão em contato na porção NW com metatonalitos, metagranodioritos e gnaisses tonalíticos a dioríticos de idade paleoproterozóica do referido complexo e com horblenda-biotita granodioritos da unidade neoproterozóica Granodiorito Cruzeiro do Sul. Na porção SE o contato se dá com tonalitos a dioritos relacionados aos Granitóides Arroio Divisa de idade neoproterozóica. Os GSA são biotita monzogranitos de textura porfirítica em seu termo principal, com cerca de 30% de megacristais de até 5 cm de comprimento de plagioclásio e K-feldspato. A matriz heterogranular média a grossa é composta por quartzo fitado, feldspato parcialmente recristalizado e biotita. Subordinadamente, observam-se corpos de espessura centimétrica a métrica de biotita granodiorito equigranular médio, com fenocristais esparsos de feldspatos alinhados na foliação. Raramente ocorrem enclaves microgranulares máficos. A foliação milonítica é bem marcada pela orientação da biotita, dos megacristais lenticulares e do quartzo fitado e tem direção E-W, com alto ângulo de mergulho para N e para S, contendo lineação de estiramento direcional, com baixo caimento para W a SW. A foliação ígnea primária, concordante a sub-concordante com a foliação milonítica, tem ocorrência restrita e é marcada pela orientação dos megacristais não deformados e das lamelas de biotita. Estruturas S-C, caudas assimétricas em porfiroclastos de feldspatos, biotita fish e fitas assimétricas de quartzo são consistentes e indicam movimento transcorrente sinistral. Os Granitóides Sanga do Areal têm afinidade sub-alcalina médio a alto K, provavelmente toleítica, compatível com ambiente pós-colisional, onde foram deformados e controlados por zonas de cisalhamento transcorrente sub-verticais. Foi obtida uma idade U-Pb em zircão dos granitóides de 626,6±4,9 Ma (MSWD=2.2), coerente com as relações de campo. / This research investigates the evolution of arc to post-collisional magmatism in the Sul-rio-grandense Shield (ESGR), using geochemistry, structural and petrographic studies of the Sanga do Areal Granitoids (GSA). These granitoids are located in the Quitéria region, east of ESRG. The GSA form two main, NE-striking intrusions, and several other small ones, mainly within the shear zone croscutting the central portion of the Arroio dos Ratos Complex. The two main bodies are about 14 km long and 2 km wide. To the northwest, the GSA rocks are in contact with Paleoproterozoic metatonalites, metagranodiorites, tonalitic to dioritic gneisses of the Complex, and Neoproterozoic horblende-biotite granodiorites of the Cruzeiro do Sul unit. To the southeast, they are surrounded by tonalitic to dioritic rocks, related to the Neoproterozoic Arroio da Divisa Granitoids. The GSA rocks are composed mainly of porphyritic biotite monzogranites, with about 30% megacrysts of plagioclase and 5 cm long K-feldspar. The medium to coarse grained heterogranular groundmass is composed of microcrystalline ribbon quartz, partially re-crystallized feldspar and biotite. Medium-grained equigranular granodiorite occurs as centimeter to meter- thick bodies, with sparse feldspar megacrysts aligned on the foliation plane. Microgranular mafic enclaves are rarely observed within the GSA rocks. The mylonitic foliation is well-developed and marked by biotite, oriented lenticular megacrysts, as well as quartz ribbons. It strikes E-W and dips at high angles either N or S. The stretching lineation within the foliation shows shallow plunges, preferentially W-SW. A primary igneous foliation is sometimes observed, and it is concordant or sub-concordant with the mylonitic one, and marked by orientation of igneous megacrysts and biotite lamellae. S-C structures, asymetric tails in feldspar porphyroclasts, biotite fish, and asymetric quartz ribbons indicate transcurrent movement with consistent sinistral shear sense. The Sanga do Areal Granitoids show subalkaline medium- to high-K affinity, probably tholeiitic, and trace element composition consistent with sources related to post-collisional settings, which were deformed and controlled by E-NE and NE sub-vertical transcurrent shear zones. A U-Pb age in zircon grains from Sanga do Areal Granitoids of 626.6 ± 4.6Ma ((MSWD=2.2) was obtained and considered coherent with stratigraphic relations.

Os granitóides sintectônicos pós-colisionais Sanga do Areal, intrusivos no Complexo Arroio dos Ratos, na Região de Quitéria, RS.

Centeno, Adrio Peixoto January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação faz parte de um projeto que tem como objetivo investigar a origem e evolução do magmatismo de arco e pós-colisional do Escudo Sul-rio-grandense (ESRG), caracterizando a partir de estudos geoquímicos, estruturais e petrográficos os Granitóides Sanga do Areal (GSA), localizados na região de Quitéria, porção leste do Escudo Sul-rio-grandense. Estes granitóides consistem de dois corpos principais, alongados na direção NE-SW, com aproximadamente 14 km de extensão e 2 km de largura, e também de diversas intrusões menores, posicionadas, preferencialmente, na porção mediana de alta deformação cisalhante do Complexo Arroio dos Ratos. Estão em contato na porção NW com metatonalitos, metagranodioritos e gnaisses tonalíticos a dioríticos de idade paleoproterozóica do referido complexo e com horblenda-biotita granodioritos da unidade neoproterozóica Granodiorito Cruzeiro do Sul. Na porção SE o contato se dá com tonalitos a dioritos relacionados aos Granitóides Arroio Divisa de idade neoproterozóica. Os GSA são biotita monzogranitos de textura porfirítica em seu termo principal, com cerca de 30% de megacristais de até 5 cm de comprimento de plagioclásio e K-feldspato. A matriz heterogranular média a grossa é composta por quartzo fitado, feldspato parcialmente recristalizado e biotita. Subordinadamente, observam-se corpos de espessura centimétrica a métrica de biotita granodiorito equigranular médio, com fenocristais esparsos de feldspatos alinhados na foliação. Raramente ocorrem enclaves microgranulares máficos. A foliação milonítica é bem marcada pela orientação da biotita, dos megacristais lenticulares e do quartzo fitado e tem direção E-W, com alto ângulo de mergulho para N e para S, contendo lineação de estiramento direcional, com baixo caimento para W a SW. A foliação ígnea primária, concordante a sub-concordante com a foliação milonítica, tem ocorrência restrita e é marcada pela orientação dos megacristais não deformados e das lamelas de biotita. Estruturas S-C, caudas assimétricas em porfiroclastos de feldspatos, biotita fish e fitas assimétricas de quartzo são consistentes e indicam movimento transcorrente sinistral. Os Granitóides Sanga do Areal têm afinidade sub-alcalina médio a alto K, provavelmente toleítica, compatível com ambiente pós-colisional, onde foram deformados e controlados por zonas de cisalhamento transcorrente sub-verticais. Foi obtida uma idade U-Pb em zircão dos granitóides de 626,6±4,9 Ma (MSWD=2.2), coerente com as relações de campo. / This research investigates the evolution of arc to post-collisional magmatism in the Sul-rio-grandense Shield (ESGR), using geochemistry, structural and petrographic studies of the Sanga do Areal Granitoids (GSA). These granitoids are located in the Quitéria region, east of ESRG. The GSA form two main, NE-striking intrusions, and several other small ones, mainly within the shear zone croscutting the central portion of the Arroio dos Ratos Complex. The two main bodies are about 14 km long and 2 km wide. To the northwest, the GSA rocks are in contact with Paleoproterozoic metatonalites, metagranodiorites, tonalitic to dioritic gneisses of the Complex, and Neoproterozoic horblende-biotite granodiorites of the Cruzeiro do Sul unit. To the southeast, they are surrounded by tonalitic to dioritic rocks, related to the Neoproterozoic Arroio da Divisa Granitoids. The GSA rocks are composed mainly of porphyritic biotite monzogranites, with about 30% megacrysts of plagioclase and 5 cm long K-feldspar. The medium to coarse grained heterogranular groundmass is composed of microcrystalline ribbon quartz, partially re-crystallized feldspar and biotite. Medium-grained equigranular granodiorite occurs as centimeter to meter- thick bodies, with sparse feldspar megacrysts aligned on the foliation plane. Microgranular mafic enclaves are rarely observed within the GSA rocks. The mylonitic foliation is well-developed and marked by biotite, oriented lenticular megacrysts, as well as quartz ribbons. It strikes E-W and dips at high angles either N or S. The stretching lineation within the foliation shows shallow plunges, preferentially W-SW. A primary igneous foliation is sometimes observed, and it is concordant or sub-concordant with the mylonitic one, and marked by orientation of igneous megacrysts and biotite lamellae. S-C structures, asymetric tails in feldspar porphyroclasts, biotite fish, and asymetric quartz ribbons indicate transcurrent movement with consistent sinistral shear sense. The Sanga do Areal Granitoids show subalkaline medium- to high-K affinity, probably tholeiitic, and trace element composition consistent with sources related to post-collisional settings, which were deformed and controlled by E-NE and NE sub-vertical transcurrent shear zones. A U-Pb age in zircon grains from Sanga do Areal Granitoids of 626.6 ± 4.6Ma ((MSWD=2.2) was obtained and considered coherent with stratigraphic relations.

Identification of new genes that control neurogenesis in the cerebral cortex

Van Den Ameele, Jelle 20 May 2014 (has links)
The cerebral cortex is one of the most complex and divergent of all biological structures and is composed of hundreds of different types of highly interconnected neurons. This complexity underlies its ability to perform exceedingly complex neural processes. One of the most important questions in developmental neurobiology is how such a vast degree of diversity and specificity is achieved during embryogenesis. Furthermore, understanding the cellular and genetic basis of cortical development may yield insights into the mechanisms underlying human disorders such as mental retardation, autism, epilepsies and brain tumors. <p>During this Phd-project, we set out to identify novel transcription factors involved in cortical neurogenesis. Therefore, we initially took advantage of a model of in vitro embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived corticogenesis that was previously established in the lab (Gaspard et al. 2008) and from several previously generated ESC lines that allow overexpression of specific transcription factors potentially involved in corticogenesis (van den Ameele et al. 2012). <p>Among the genes tested, Bcl6, a B-cell lymphoma oncogene known to be expressed during cortical development but without well-characterized function in this context, displayed a strong proneurogenic activity and thus became the main focus of this thesis. <p><p>During neurogenesis, neural stem/progenitor cells (NPCs) undergo an irreversible fate transition to become neurons. The Notch pathway is well known to be important for this process, and repression of Notch-dependent Hes genes is essential for triggering differentiation. However, Notch signalling often remains active throughout neuronal differentiation, implying a change in the transcriptional responsiveness to Notch during the neurogenic transition.<p>We showed that Bcl6 starts to be expressed specifically during the transition from progenitors to postmitotic neurons and is required for proper neurogenesis of the mouse cerebral cortex. Bcl6 promotes this neurogenic conversion by switching the composition of Notch-dependent transcriptional complexes at the Hes5 promoter. Bcl6 triggers exclusion of the co-activator Mastermind-like 1 and recruitment of the NAD+-dependent deacetylase Sirt1, which we showed to be required for Bcl6-dependent neurogenesis in vitro. The resulting epigenetic silencing of Hes5 leads to neuronal differentiation despite active Notch signalling. These findings thus suggest a role for Bcl6 as a novel proneurogenic factor and uncover Notch-Bcl6-Sirt1 interactions that may affect other aspects of physiology and disease (Tiberi et al. 2012a). <p><p>A subsequent yet unpublished part of this Phd-project focused on unraveling roles for Bcl6 in regionalization of the cerebral cortex. In all mammals, the three major areas of the neocortex are the motor, somatosensory and visual areas, each subdivided in secondary domains and complemented with species-specific additional areas. All these domains comprise of neurons with different functionality, molecular profiles, electrical activity and connectivity. Spatial patterning of the cortex is mainly under the control of diffusible molecules produced by organizing centers, but is also regulated by intrinsic, cell-autonomous programs (Tiberi et al. 2012b). <p>Since Bcl6 expression is confined to frontal and parietal regions of the developing cerebral cortex and remains high in postmitotic neurons, also after completion of neurogenesis, we hypothesized it would be involved in acquisition of motor and somatosensory identity. As expected from the neurogenesis defect in these regions, we observed a trend towards a reduced size of the frontal areas in the Bcl6 mutant cortex. Preliminary data from cDNA microarray profiling after gain- and loss-of-function of Bcl6 and from in situ hybridization on mouse cortex however do not show dramatic changes in molecular markers of different cortical areas. Similarly, the coarse-grained pattern of thalamocortical and efferent projections of motor and somatosensory neurons appears to be spared. These preliminary findings thus suggest that Bcl6 is not strictly required for proper acquisition of motor and somatosensory areal identity. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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