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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Libérer et guérir : Benjamin Orange Flower ou les ambigüités du Progressisme (1889-1918) / Benjamin Orange Flower and the ambiguities of progressivism (1889-1918) : individual freedom, meliorism and social remedies at the turn of the 20th century (1889-1918)

Marin-Lamellet, Jean-Louis 02 December 2016 (has links)
À travers la biographie intellectuelle d’un réformateur et rédacteur en chef de Boston, Benjamin O. Flower (1858-1918), de la création de son magazine, The Arena, en 1889 à sa mort, cette thèse explore les ambiguïtés du progressisme et ses « étranges combinaisons théoriques », selon l’expression de l’historien Robert Wiebe. Flower considérait la corruption, la pauvreté et la faillite morale de la société américaine comme des maladies physiques et spirituelles : les idées hétérodoxes de son temps (populisme, socialisme, expérimentations sociales dans le reste du monde mais aussi médecines et spiritualités alternatives) illustraient l’esprit américain de liberté et se révélaient autant de remèdes pour régénérer l’homme et la société. Flower entendait faire de ses magazines une « arène » où débattre librement pour provoquer un nouveau « Grand Réveil » et assurer le progrès de l’humanité. La fin de sa vie voit Flower aux prises avec les ambivalences de sa lutte pour la liberté. Pendant les années 1910, lors de sa croisade pour la « liberté médicale », il lutte contre la volonté de l’American Medical Association de contrôler les médecines alternatives et contre le projet du gouvernement fédéral d’établir un ministère de la Santé. Sa défense de la liberté de la presse face à la censure de la poste le mène ensuite à travailler pendant la Grande Guerre pour un journal anticatholique, The Menace. Ces controverses sur le sens du progrès et de la liberté permettent de comprendre les fractures culturelles qui divisent le réformisme et, à la faveur de l’érection d’un seul et vrai récit de la modernisation, la relégation de son progressisme antimonopolistique dans les marges de l’histoire. / By using as a case study the intellectual biography of Boston reformer and editor Benjamin O. Flower (1858-1918) from the founding of his magazine, The Arena, in 1889 to his death, this dissertation explores the ambiguities of progressivism and revisits its “strange theoretical combinations,” to use historian Robert Wiebe’s phrase. Flower considered the corruption, the poverty and the moral bankruptcy that plagued turn-of-the-century America as physical and spiritual diseases – the nonconformist ideas of his time (populism, socialism, social experiments in the rest of the world, but also alternative medicine and spiritualities) illustrated the American spirit of freedom and could cure and regenerate individuals and society. Flower wanted his magazines, notably the aptly named Arena, to function as an open forum where ideas could be debated freely, thus bringing about a new « Great Awakening » and ensuring progress. At the end of his life, Flower grappled with the ambivalences of freedom. In the 1910s, he fought for “medical freedom,” struggling against the American Medical Association’s move to control alternative medicine and against the creation of a federal Department of Health. He also defended freedom of the press against postal censorship, which led him to work for an anti-Catholic newspaper during the Great War, The Menace. These controversies over the meaning of progress and freedom shed light on the cultural gaps which divided reformism and led to the advent of the modernization narrative and, as a result, to the relegation of antimonopoly progressivism to the margins of history.

En idrottsarena bortom det fysiska rummet : En studie kring besökares förväntningar av en virtuell arena inklusive avgörande nyckelfaktorer för användarens avsikt att besöka den virtuella arenan / A sports arena beyond the physical space : A study of visitors’ expectations to a virtual arena including crucial key factors for the user’s intention to visit a virtual arena

Lagergren, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Utveckling inom digitala- och sociala medier håller på att omdefiniera hur åskådarskap kommer se ut i framtiden. I kombination med en pandemi och en global klimatkris ställer det nya krav på hur sportarenor kan generera besökare till sina evenemang. Studiens syfte var därför att skapa förståelse för vilka förväntningar besökaren har på en virtuell arena samt skapa förståelse för vilka faktorer som är avgörande för användarens avsikt att besöka en virtuell arena. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och empiri har samlats in genom tre strukturerade fokusgrupper. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT 2) användes som baslinje i studien och har utifrån analys och diskussion av studiens empiri utökats med fler element för att vara applicerbar i den befintliga fallet. Resultatet visade att en virtuell arena bör bidra med ett mervärde jämfört med en fysisk arena. Detta genom tillgång till exklusivt material och exklusiva områden. Vidare drogs slutsatserna att förväntad möjlighet till social interaktion, förväntad förbättrad informations- och upplevelsekonsumtion och förväntad möjlighet till personaliserad upplevelse har indirekt inverkan på användarens avsikt att använda den virtuella arenan genom hedonisk motivation och prestationsförväntan. Förväntad ansträngning visade sig vara en avgörande faktor som i sin tur påverkas av tillgänglighet, användarvänlighet och teknisk prestanda. Prisvärde visade sig vara en starkt avgörande faktor. Slutligen konstaterades intresse för sporten vara en ny modererande faktor med direkt inverkan på användarens avsikt att besöka den virtuella arenan. / Development within digital and social media is redefining how spectators will experience sport in the future. In combination with a pandemic and a global climate crisis, it creates new demands on how sports arenas can generate visitors to their events. The aim of this study was therefore to gain an understanding of the visitor’s expectations on a virtual arena as well as to identify key factors that affect the consumer’s intention to visit a virtual arena. The study has a qualitative approach and empirical data has been collected through three structured focus groups. Unified Theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT 2) was used as a theoretical foundation and was extended with more elements through analysis and discussion, to better suit the current situation. The results of the study indicated that a virtual arena should contribute added value compared to a physical arena, through access to exclusive material and exclusive areas. Furthermore, it was concluded that expected opportunity for social interaction, expected improved information- and experience consumption and expected opportunity for personalized experience have an indirect impact on the visitor’s intention to use the virtual arena through hedonic motivation and performance expectancy. Effort expectancy proved to be a crucial factor which in turn is affected by accessibility, ease of use, and technical performance. Price value is shown to be a strong decisive factor. Finally, it is stated that interest in the sport is a new moderating factor with a direct impact on the user’s intention to visit the virtual arena.

Centrum pro sport a volný čas Brno / Sports and Leisure Centre Brno

Mikócziová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The project of the Sports and Leisure Centre Brno is dealing with the issue of creating a well functioning sports and recreational complex in Brno. The main subject of this thesis is a modern multifunctional arena with a capacity of 9 800, which is a part of the complex. The multifunctional arena is located alongside the main composition axis, which stretches from West to East through the Rybníček street to the football stadium. The arena contains dressing rooms for the ice hockey home team and visiting team as well as the youth ice hockey teams. The arena can serve multiple purposes and can be used for other sport and cultural events and as a result it also contains backstage areas and large storage rooms.

Study on the effect of different arrival patterns on an emergency department's capacity using discrete event simulation

Joshi, Amita J. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering / Malgorzata J. Rys / Emergency department (ED) overcrowding is a nationwide problem affecting the safety and preparedness of our health care system. Many hospital EDs face significant short and intense surges in demand on a daily basis. However, the surge in demand during disaster event is not short and intense, but it is a sustained one. In order to meet this sudden surge as defined above, hospital EDs need to be more prepared and efficient to cater to increased volume of demand involving huge uncertainties. This thesis looks at the creation and use of discrete event simulation modeling using ARENA 10.0 software. In this thesis, an attempt is made to show how the different arrival patterns and time durations for which victims keep arriving affect the EDs ability to treat the patients. It is shown, how the model can be used to estimate additional resources that would be required to accommodate additional patients within the ED. Various shapes of arrival distributions were tested for different time durations. It was found that the arrival distribution with parameters (3, 4), (3, 3), (4, 2) and (2, 4) did not challenge the institutional capacity. In other words, the hospital was able to treat all the patients without compromising the quality of care up to 24 hours. However, distribution with parameter (3, 2), (2, 2), (3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (2, 1), (1, 4), (1, 3), (1, 1) and (0.5, 2) did affect the system performance. Under these distributions, there was at least one patient who was either dead, LWBS or diverted. This indicates the immediacy with which victims arriving under these distributions overwhelmed the limited resources Our aim was to study, how many more resources would the ED need in order to have zero critical expire, zero Left without Being Seen (LWBS) and zero patients diverted. Arrival distribution (1, 2) was randomly selected to study this objective and it was found that for a 24 hours of simulation run time, an additional of two full trauma resources were required in order to have zero critical expire in trauma rooms area and additional of five ED beds and three nurses were required in treatment area for patients with moderate severity to have zero LWBS. With these additional resources, the ED was also able to treat all the non disaster related patients thereby having zero patients diverted. The same procedure can be used to determine the number of additional resources ED would require to treat all the victims arriving with the rest of the arrival distribution for different time periods. The simulation model built would help the emergency planners to better allocate and utilize the limited ED resources in order to treat maximum possible patients. It also helps estimate the number of additional resources that would be required in a particular scenario.

L'amphithéatre d'Arles

Zugmeyer, Stéphanie 16 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue une étude de l'architecture de l'amphithéâtre antique d'Arles et de ses transformations ultérieures. La première partie traite de l'état actuel du monument et de son évolution aux époques médiévale et moderne, ainsi que des différentes campagnes de restauration des XIXe et XXe siècles. Elle comporte ensuite une description architecturale détaillée du bâtiment et plusieurs hypothèses de restitution des parties disparues. Les étapes de construction et des modes de mise en œuvre du bâtiment sont traités dans une dernière partie. / This study is an analisis of the architecture of the roman amphitheatre of Arles (France) and of its evolution in the medieval and modern times.A detailled description of the architecture and various hypothesis of restitution of the missing part of the buiding, is followed by the study of the construction work and especially the tools used.

Laserskanning av Södra Climate Arena / Laser scanning of Södra Climate Arena

Rydberg, Erik, Johannesson, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Rapporten går ut på att se om laserskanning är en bra metod att använda sig av vid ombyggnation, tillbyggnad och renovering. För att få fram ett svar på detta har två takbalkar i Södra Climate Arena skannats av. Vid genomförandet användes en laserskanner från Leica av varianten P30. Försöket innehåller fyra stycken uppställningar som riktas mot sex stycken måltavlor. Informationen som fåtts ut från skanningen i form av en sektion i AutoCAD har jämförts med befintliga ritningar för att se om informationen från skanningen stämmer överens med ritningarna. I modellen som fåtts ut från försöket har också mätning och undersökning skett för att se hur bra det går att mäta i modellen och om det är något som fungerar lätt att använda sig av i praktiken. Arbetet går även ut på att få en god inblick i hur laserskannern Leica P30 fungerar.


Melo, Thiago Felipe Schier de 10 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:13:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoFelipe.pdf: 2344076 bytes, checksum: 9960ed5c322e00c52b176a71902b1256 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-10 / Este documento analiza los principales impactos generados por las actividades mineras, el Puerto de arena estrellas, ubicado en el distrito Uvaia, Ponta Grossa - PR. El objetivo fue identificar los diferentes tipos de impactos ambientales relacionados con la actividad minera; resaltar conflictos ambientales locales y evaluar la calidad del agua de los cuerpos de agua en la industria minera. La metodología para la evaluación de impacto ambiental a las matrices y listas, de acuerdo a las fases de implementación, operación y cierre de la empresa. Los impactos se agruparon en los impactos positivos y negativos, así como actuales y potenciales. Con respecto a las áreas con conflictos ambientales se identificaron mediante las áreas correspondientes en exceso y subutilizadas, con referencia a la legislación del Código Forestal y el Código de Minería. Para el análisis de la calidad del agua, se desarrolló una estrategia de investigación que representa un intento de delinear la situación ambiental actual. En cuanto a los principales resultados se encontró que la mayoría de los efectos sobre el desarrollo se asocia con la fase de la operación: los conflictos son causados por las zonas no-conservación de la APP y de no cumplir con las normas reglamentarias para la minería, que están destinadas a regular la la utilización racional de los yacimientos minerales y, por último. Sobre la calidad del agua a lo largo del proyecto reveló que la mayoría de las irregularidades no se encontraba en los parámetros físicos (turbidez, sólidos suspendidos, pH y conductividad), pero los parámetros sobre las características de agentes bacteriológicos (coliformes totales y Escherichia coli) . Los cambios en esta área están relacionados con el crecimiento del sector minero influenciado por la dinámica social relacionada con el uso y ocupación de la región. / Este trabalho aborda os principais impactos gerados pela atividade mineradora, do Porto de Areia Estrela, localizado no distrito de Uvaia, município de Ponta Grossa - PR. O objetivo foi identificar os diferentes tipos de impactos ambientais, relacionados à atividade mineradora; destacar os conflitos ambientais locais e avaliar a qualidade da água dos corpos hídricos na área de mineração. A metodologia utilizada para avaliação de impacto ambiental foi a de matrizes e listagem, de acordo com as fases de implantação, operação e desativação do empreendimento. Os impactos foram agrupados em impactos positivos e negativos, além de potenciais e efetivos. Com relação aos conflitos ambientais foram identificadas áreas com uso correspondente, áreas sobreutilizadas e áreas subutilizadas, tendo como referência a legislação do Código Florestal e o Código de Mineração. Para análise da qualidade da água, foi elaborada uma estratégia de investigação que representa uma tentativa de delinear o cenário ambiental presente. Com relação aos principais resultados constatou-se que a maior parte dos impactos no empreendimento está associada à fase de Operação: os conflitos são decorrentes da não conservação de áreas de APP’s e também pelo não cumprimento das Normas Reguladoras de mineração, que têm por objetivo disciplinar o aproveitamento racional das jazidas e, finalmente. Sobre a qualidade da água ao longo do empreendimento constatou-se que a maior parte das irregularidades não estava nos parâmetros físicos (turbidez, sólidos em suspensão, pH e condutividade), mas sim nos parâmetros referentes às características bacteriológicas (Coliformes totais e Escherichia coli). As alterações ocorridas nesta área estão ligadas ao crescimento do setor minerário influenciado pelas mudanças sociais relacionadas com a dinâmica no uso e ocupação do solo da região.

Heróis e coringas no palco : o teatro da arena prega a resistência

Klafke, Mariana Figueiró January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como tema central os musicais Arena conta Zumbi (1965) e Arena conta Tiradentes (1967) e se propõe a investigar como o Teatro de Arena lidou com a conjuntura pós-golpe. Ambas as peças são encenadas entre o golpe e o AI-5, correspondendo a um período de tentativa de resistência a uma nova conjuntura repressiva que estancou um projeto modernizante e democrático que teve importância no imaginário do grupo. O Teatro de Arena teve grande importância na história do teatro brasileiro dos anos 1950 e 1960, encenando peças que apresentaram questões sociais e políticas nos palcos, e a ditadura civilmilitar trouxe a necessidade de reformulação do trabalho do grupo. Para analisar as peças, construímos um trajeto que passa pela contextualização histórica e cultural do período em questão e traçamos uma série de articulações teóricas que iluminam as relações entre teatro e política e os debates estéticos com os quais o Arena vinha dialogando, nacional e internacionalmente. Propusemos também uma leitura contrastiva com a peça O rei da vela, encenada pelo Teatro Oficina em 1967, e com os filmes O Desafio (1965), de Paulo Cesar Saraceni, e Terra em Transe (1967), de Glauber Rocha. Procuramos discutir os dilemas estéticos e ideológicos que o Arena enfrenta ao ter que lidar com a ideia de criticar uma movimentação revolucionária malograda sem, no entanto, descartar a ideia de revolução. Ao criar o Sistema Coringa, que articula teorias díspares como as de Stanislavski e Brecht, Augusto Boal e o Teatro de Arena apresentam problemas interessantes que esclarecem sua leitura sobre o período e demonstram uma trajetória importante de acúmulo de debate no teatro nacional. / This dissertation has as central subject the musicals Arena conta Zumbi (1965) and Arena conta Tiradentes (1967) and aims to investigate how the Teatro de Arena handled the post-coup situation. Both performances are staged between the coup and the AI-5, corresponding to a period of attempt to resistance to a new repressive situation that stagnated a modernizing and democratic project which had importance in the imaginary of the group. The Teatro de Arena had great importance in the history of brazilian theater of the 1950s and 1960s, staging plays that showed social and political issues in the stage, and the civic-military dictatorship brought the need to recast the group's work. To analyze the plays, we build a path that passes through the historical and cultural context of the period in question and draw a series of theoretical articulations that illuminate the relationship between theater and political and the aesthetic debates with which Arena was dialoguing, nationally and internationally. We also propose a contrastive reading with the play O rei da vela, staged by the Teatro Oficina in 1967, and the films O desafio (1965), by Paulo Cesar Saraceni, and Terra em Transe (1967), by Glauber Rocha. We seek to discuss the aesthetic and ideological dilemmas that Arena faces when had to deal with the idea of criticizing a revolutionary movement unsuccessful without, however, rule out the idea of revolution. Creating the Sistema Coringa, which combine disparate theories such as Stanislavski and Brecht, Augusto Boal and the Teatro de Arena presents interesting problems that clarify their reading of the period and demonstrate an important course of debate accumulation at the national theatre.

Les acteurs associatifs et la lutte contre le sida au Bénin : de la professionnalisation au gouvernement des corps / Associative Actors and HIV/AIDS in Benin : from Professionalization to Government of Bodies

Soriat, Clément 26 May 2014 (has links)
Dans la plupart des pays francophones de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale, les politiques de lutte contre le sida semblent davantage avoir été suscitées par des financeurs internationaux qu’elles ne sont le fruit de mobilisations collectives. Le Bénin est sur ce point emblématique. Les conditions d’émergence des acteurs associatifs béninois conduisent à leur implication dans l’action publique de lutte contre le sida selon une logique de « professionnalisation ». L’idée développée est que ce processus résulte d’une adaptation aux contraintes imposées par les bailleurs et qu’il n’est pas neutre. Il a des effets politiques et contribue à la redéfinition de relations de pouvoir, tant au sein de l’espace de la lutte contre le sida que dans les arènes locales dans lesquelles les acteurs associatifs sont implantés. Ces effets sont masqués par un phénomène de neutralisation politique entretenu par la focalisation des acteurs sur des enjeux techniques. Ils sont pourtant bien réels. Les mobilisations collectives sont mises à distance. Des groupes sociaux favorisés (les akowé), en investissant les ONG et les associations locales, acquièrent de nouvelles positions de pouvoir. Leur maîtrise des instruments promus par les bailleurs, indicateur majeur de leur professionnalisation, participe grandement à la construction de leur légitimité à occuper ces positions. Enfin, l’usage des instruments en question peut avoir des effets en termes de gouvernement des corps, les acteurs associatifs renforçant alors leur contrôle sur les séropositifs et participant à la construction de la population comme objet de connaissance et de gestion à distance. / In most of West and Central African French speaking countries, HIV/AIDS policies seem to have been generated more by international donors than as the result of collective mobilizations. On this matter, Benin is representative. The conditions for the emergence of the Beninese associative actors lead to their involvement in HIV/AIDS public action following a professionalization process. The central idea is that this process is non-neutral and that it results from an adaptation to the donors demands. It has political impacts and it contributes to redefine the relations of power both in the “HIV/AIDS space” and in the local arenas in which the associative actors are established. Despite their reality, those political impacts are hidden by a political neutralization effect maintained by the actors’ focusing on technical issues. Collective mobilizations are distanced. Favored social groups (the akowé) gain new positions of power by involving themselves in local NGOs and associations. The knowledge of the tools promoted by the donors, a major indicator of their professionalization, seriously helps to forge their legitimacy to occupy these positions. Eventually, the use of these former tools can have an impact in terms of government of bodies. The associative actors strengthen here their control over HIV-positive people and are part of the establishment of the population as a subject of knowledge and of remote management.

Differentieringsgradens inverkan på Kriminalvårdens platsbehov : en simuleringsstudie / Swedish Prison and Probation : a simulation study of the effect on space requirements by the degree of differentiation

Barkman, Joakim, Palmerius, Anna January 2004 (has links)
<p>Kriminalvårdsverket är det statliga verk som har hand om kriminalvård i Sverige. Vid årsskiftet 2003/2004 finns det 4 571 nominella anstaltsplatser fördelade på män och kvinnor. Ett stort problem idag är att antalet anstaltsplatser inte räcker till, samtidigt som ekonomin inte tillåter några större utbyggnationer. </p><p>Simuleringen speglar en önskad väg genom svensk kriminalvård för att på så sätt utnyttja platserna som finns på ett tillfredställande sätt. Utdata från simuleringen kan inte tolkas exakt eftersom det inte fanns statistik att tillgå inom alla områden. Då data saknats har istället sakkunniga från olika områden fått uppskatta värden till simuleringsmodellen. Simuleringen kan användas för att se tendenser för hur beläggningsgrader och kötider skiftar imodellen. </p><p>Utifrån det önskade flödet genom anstaltsvistelsen kan slutsatser gällande antalet platser dras. Först och främst är det för få anstaltsplatser totalt, eftersom simuleringen urartar vid längre körningar. Då fler platser tillförs blir systemet stabilt. På kvinnosidan bör det satsas på fler öppna normalplatser för att öka flödet till de slutna normalplatserna. Det bör vara fler öppna än slutna normalplatser. Även för män behövs det fler platser. Här är läget mer kritiskt än för kvinnorna, eftersom det i stort sett behövs fler platser till alla differentieringsgrunder som finns i dag. </p><p>Vidare kan det utläsas från resultaten att det är mycket svårt att lyckas med det inofficiella önskemålet om att 90 % av de häktade ska vara placerade inom sju dagar från det att de meddelats dom. En bidragande orsak till att modellen har svårt att tillgodose detta önskemål är att frifötterna prioriteras i modellen. Detta beror på att de köar direkt till platserna och därmed placeras så fort en plats blir ledig. Detta leder till längre köer för de häktade då det råder platsbrist. Även detta måste beaktas vid analys av utdata.</p>

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