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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Good Guy vs. The Bad Guy : An analysis of how American presidential inaugurations are described in British newspapers

Sahlin, Nadia January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to demonstrate whether the descriptions of Donald Trump’s inauguration 2017 differed from Joe Biden’s inauguration 2021 in three of the biggest British newspapers: The Guardian, The Independent and The Telegraph. One article from each newspaper concerning the inaugurations 2017 and 2021 was investigated. Different linguistic tools such as path strategy, the inverted pyramid, whether passive or active voice was used, polysemy, quantitative iconicity, denotation or connotation, binary oppositions, metaphors and newsworthiness were focused on. The results have shown that the British newspapers reported in favor of Biden. Trump was often described with words of negative connotations such as dark, fears, anxious, grim, uncertain and testy, while Biden was often described with words of positive connotations such as rejoin, repeal, unity and fulfill. Further, Trump was often actor in sentences making him a bad guy, while Biden was often actor in sentences making him a good guy. Since Trump was often connected with negativity, news about him was considered to be of higher newsworthiness, and he was mentioned considerably more in the articles about Biden’s inauguration than the former President Obama was mentioned in the articles about Trump. Furthermore, Trump was described more than Biden, as for instance his high age was referred to, but not Biden’s age, which is higher than Trump’s. The metaphors ARGUMENT IS WAR and POLITICS IS WAR are used in articles about both presidents.

Refuge from Climate Change? : The Principle of Non-Refoulement under the ICCPR and the ECHR in the Context of Climate Change

Herrault, Joel January 2021 (has links)
In the early 1990s the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted that the gravest effects of climate change could be on human migration, as millions would be displaced by coastal erosion, flooding, and drought. Today, this is considered a reality that is coming ever closer. Yet, there are currently no binding international frameworks dedicated to the issue of climate induced migration. In addition, the current regime of international refugee law is woefully inadequate at responding to the issue. Individuals that do not fall under the refugee definition are thus commonly left with the general scope of international human rights law standards, so-called complementary protection.   On these premises, this thesis sets out to examine the circumstances under which the non-refoulement principle in international human rights law could be applied in the context of climate change effects and especially slow onset processes, and how the principle could potentially be developed. Principally through examining jurisprudence concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights, this thesis finds that while there is a possibility for non-refoulement obligations to arise due to the effects of climate change, the precise scope of such protection is unclear. Although case law has emerged and continues to do so, the complex nature of climate induced migration and the undeveloped jurisprudence on this issue leaves important questions unanswered. This thesis finds that there seems to be no obvious response to the question whether climate change is a relevant factor in the legal analysis of non-refoulement claims, and whether it should be. Furthermore, there are great challenges in discerning the required intensity of harm for the threshold to be met and protection to be granted. In addition, this thesis finds that applying the non-refoulement principle in the context of slow onset processes entails several difficulties, particularly concerning the timing and prediction of the harm. It is therefore concluded that, as long as there is no framework dedicated to the issue of climate induced migration, clarity will be much needed in case law as to the scope of non-refoulement obligations in the context of, especially, slow onset processes due to climate change.

Vztah vlastnictví a zpravodajských obsahů. Kvantitativní obsahová analýza bilancí let 2019 a 2020 v českých médiích / The Relationship Between Media Ownership and News Content: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Year In Review Articles on 2019 and 2020 in Czech Media

Bláhová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis explores the relationship between news content and owners of print and online media publishers in the Czech Republic. In the recent decade, the Czech media scene has been subject to a phenomenon called oligarchisation, a process when vast most majority of international owners were gradually replaced by local media moguls who also do business in other sectors than the media. The theoretical part of the thesis looks at the media oligarchisation in the Central and Eastern Europe and associated threats to the standards of journalism and democracy per se. The empirical part offers a quantitative content analysis of year in review articles on 2019 and 2020. These articles were published in print and online newspapers in the five main media houses. The coding unit for analysis is an evaluative mention, i.e. only one part of each article, dedicated to a single event, name or trend. The resulting data is tested by a simple analysis of relative frequency, and is also subjected to Pearson's chi-square test. This latter examines the relationships of categorical variables. Subsequently, a correspondence analysis focuses on the most significant associations between media houses and variables of the analysed articles. The results of the analyses indicated that three of the five examined...

Reforma Rady bezpečnosti OSN a úskalí s ní spojené / Reform of the UN Security Council and the associated stumbling block

Jindřich, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Reform of the UN Security Council and a stumbling block associated with it - abstract This thesis deals with matter of the Security Council reform, the most crucial body of the United Nations. It examines approaches of eleven specific countries which are divided into two groups. The first group is comprised by permanent members of the Security Council, the second one by states which, in case of their creation, could claim new permanent seats in this body. This thesis examines not only their real policies, but also their policies from theoretical - specifically neorealistic - point of view. Two different hypotheses were deduced from neorealism which were tested and subsequently evaluated as (in)valid. Hypothesis emerging from a standard neorealism put emphasis on policy whose goal is to maintain, alternatively to increase a state's autonomy (autonomy-seeking policy). International organizations are viewed as entity which limits, to some extent, this autonomy. On the other hand, hypothesis emerging from a modified neorealism put emphasis on policy whose goal is to gain, alternatively to increase influence on other actors (influence-seeking policy). On the contrary, within this policy international organizations are an useful entity because it is possible to achieve such an influence by means of them. In the...

Analýza hospodaření společenství vlastníků jednotek v konkrétních podmínkách Společenství XY / Analysis of flat owners associations management in the case of Flat owners associations XY

Poutník, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this final thesis is to explain of the flat owners associations management and point out the particularities in accounting and tax specifics of this entity. The theoretical part deals with the general characteristics of the non-governmental sector in the Czech Republic and in selected member states of the European Union. In broader context the legislation and accounting regulations related to flat owners associations are discussed as well. The practical part is focused on an analysis of accounting and tax aspects in particular conditions of Flat owners associations XY.

Protection of Personal Data, a Power Struggle between the EU and the US: What implications might be facing the transfer of personal data from the EU to the US after the CJEU’s Safe Harbour ruling?

Strindberg, Mona January 2016 (has links)
Since the US National Security Agency’s former contractor Edward Snowden exposed the Agency’s mass surveillance, the EU has been making a series of attempts toward a more safeguarded and stricter path concerning its data privacy protection. On 8 April 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the CJEU) invalidated the EU Data Retention Directive 2006/24/EC on the basis of incompatibility with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (the Charter). After this judgment, the CJEU examined the legality of the Safe Harbour Agreement, which had been the main legal basis for transfers of personal data from the EU to the US under Decision 2000/520/EC. Subsequently, on 6 October 2015, in the case of Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner, the CJEU declared the Safe Harbour Decision invalid. The ground for the Court’s judgment was the fact that the Decision enabled interference, by US public authorities, with the fundamental rights to privacy and personal data protection under Article 7 and 8 of the Charter, when processing the personal data of EU citizens. According to the judgment, this interference has been beyond what is strictly necessary and proportionate to the protection of national security and the persons concerned were not offered any administrative or judicial means of redress enabling the data relating to them to be accessed, rectified or erased. The Court’s analysis of the Safe Harbour was borne out of the EU Commission’s own previous assessments. Consequently, since the transfers of personal data between the EU and the US can no longer be carried out through the Safe Harbour, the EU legislature is left with the task to create a safer option, which will guarantee that the fundamental rights to privacy and protection of personal data of the EU citizens will be respected. However, although the EU is the party dictating the terms for these transatlantic transfers of personal data, the current provisions of the US law are able to provide for derogations from every possible renewed agreement unless they become compatible with the EU data privacy law. Moreover, as much business is at stake and prominent US companies are involved in this battle, the pressure toward the US is not only coming from the EU, but some American companies are also taking the fight for EU citizens’ right to privacy and protection of their personal data.

Zeit­schrift für Recht und Islam (ZR&I)

23 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Eine wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft kann ihren inneren Austausch und ihre Wirkung nach Außen nur sicherstellen, wenn sie ihren Mitgliedern und auswärtigen Interessierten ein zeitgemäßes Diskussionsforum bietet. Angesichts des gestiegenen Bedarfs an zuverlässigen Informationen über das islamische Recht und die rechtlichen Entwicklungen in islamisch geprägten Staaten besteht seitens der GAIR die Notwendigkeit, hierzu einen verantwortungsvollen Beitrag zu leisten. Um dieser Aufgabe gerecht zu werden, wird zukünftig der Schwerpunkt der GAIR-Mitteilungen deutlich stärker auf den fachlichen Diskurs gelegt. Das neue Format deckt neueste Entwicklungen in Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung aller Rechtsgebiete im In- und Ausland ab, soweit sie das Recht islamisch geprägter Staaten oder aber Menschen aus solchen Staaten betreffen. Wesentlich ergänzt wird dieses Angebot durch Tagungsberichte, Rezensionen und Aufsätze, in denen auch islamrechtliche Fragestellungen diskutiert werden.

Zeit­schrift für Recht und Islam (ZR&I)

23 May 2017 (has links)
Die Zeit­schrift für Recht und Islam (ZRI) (vor­mals GAIR-Mitteilungen) ist die Ver­eins­zeit­schrift der Gesell­schaft für Ara­bi­sches und Isla­mi­sches Recht e.V. Neben Nach­rich­ten aus dem Ver­ein befasst sich die ZRI vor allem mit neuen Ent­wick­lun­gen zum und im Recht isla­misch gepräg­ter Staa­ten, gibt einen Über­blick über die Gesetz­ge­bung im In– und Aus­land, berich­tet über aktu­elle Recht­spre­chung und Fatawa, sich­tet jüngst erschie­nene Lite­ra­tur und ent­hält Rezen­sio­nen, Tagungs­be­richte und Auf­sätze.


27 October 2014 (has links)
Eine wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft kann ihren inneren Austausch und ihre Wirkung nach Außen nur sicherstellen, wenn sie ihren Mitgliedern und auswärtigen Interessierten ein zeitgemäßes Diskussionsforum bietet. Angesichts des gestiegenen Bedarfs an zuverlässigen Informationen über das islamische Recht und die rechtlichen Entwicklungen in islamisch geprägten Staaten besteht seitens der GAIR die Notwendigkeit, hierzu einen verantwortungsvollen Beitrag zu leisten. Um dieser Aufgabe gerecht zu werden, wird zukünftig der Schwerpunkt der GAIR-Mitteilungen deutlich stärker auf den fachlichen Diskurs gelegt. Das neue Format deckt neueste Entwicklungen in Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung aller Rechtsgebiete im In- und Ausland ab, soweit sie das Recht islamisch geprägter Staaten oder aber Menschen aus solchen Staaten betreffen. Wesentlich ergänzt wird dieses Angebot durch Tagungsberichte, Rezensionen und Aufsätze, in denen auch islamrechtliche Fragestellungen diskutiert werden.

Zeitschrift für Recht & Islam

Hatem, Elliesie, Scholz, Peter, Anam, Beate, Kreutzberger, Kai 11 August 2020 (has links)
Eine wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft kann ihren inneren Austausch und ihre Wirkung nach Außen nur sicherstellen, wenn sie ihren Mitgliedern und auswärtigen Interessierten ein zeitgemäßes Diskussionsforum bietet. Angesichts des gestiegenen Bedarfs an zuverlässigen Informationen über das islamische Recht und die rechtlichen Entwicklungen in islamisch geprägten Staaten besteht seitens der GAIR die Notwendigkeit, hierzu einen verantwortungsvollen Beitrag zu leisten. Um dieser Aufgabe gerecht zu werden, wird zukünftig der Schwerpunkt der GAIR-Mitteilungen deutlich stärker auf den fachlichen Diskurs gelegt. Das neue Format deckt neueste Entwicklungen in Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung aller Rechtsgebiete im In- und Ausland ab, soweit sie das Recht islamisch geprägter Staaten oder aber Menschen aus solchen Staaten betreffen. Wesentlich ergänzt wird dieses Angebot durch Tagungsberichte, Rezensionen und Aufsätze, in denen auch islamrechtliche Fragestellungen diskutiert werden. Ab 2010 wird darüber hinaus eine eigene Rubrik „Rechtsvergleichung“ aufgenommen, die theoretisch-methodische Aspekte aufgreifen soll. Im Sinne der wissenschaftlichen Tradition bieten die GAIR-Mitteilungen außerdem die Möglichkeit an, auf jeden erschienenen Aufsatz in der folgenden Ausgabe eine Erwiderung oder Ergänzung einzureichen.:EDITORIAL (5f.) RECHTSPRECHUNG & URTEILSBERICHTE (7-12) Peter Scholz: Nichtanerkennung einer katarischen Privatscheidung: Anmerkung zu OLG Stuttgart, Beschluss vom 3.05.2019, Az. 3465 E – 519/18 (7-9) Peter Scholz: Nichtanerkennung einer pakistanischen Adoptionsentscheidung: Anmerkung zu OLG Stuttgart, Beschluss vom 21. 01. 2019, Az. 17 UF – 25/18 (11f.) ARTIKEL (13-173) Ahmed Gad Makhlouf: Tarǧīḥ und maḏhab: Zur Rolle des tarǧīḥ-Verfahrens bei der Entwicklung der traditionellen islamischen Rechtsschulen (13-37 Batol Kobeissi: Die Hisbollah und die schiitische Frau – ihre religiösen Rechte und entsprechende politische sowie öffentliche Darstellung (39-56) Doris Decker: Die Fatwā-Praxis des schiitischen Großayatollahs Sayyid Muḥammad Ḥusain Faḍlallāh am Beispiel Masturbation (57-78) Thomas Eich: Zur Geschichte zweier ḥadīṯe, die häufig in der Diskussion über FGM zitiert werden (79-104) Christian F. Majer: Die Ṭalāq-Scheidung und das deutsche Recht (105-112) Elisa Schweitzer: Zum Straftatbestand der Kindesmisshandlung: Ein Blick auf die Rechtspraxis in Saudi-Arabien (113-144) Hamit Alp Ünlü: The Recognition and Enforcement of German Money Judgments in Turkey (145-151) M’hamed Hamidouche & Amina Berkane & Ahmed Berkane: La finance islamique au service de l’économie sociale et solidaire de l’occident (153-173) TAGUNGSBERICHTE (175-189) Samy Ayoub: The Ḥanafī School: History, Transformations, and Future, 3–5 December 2018, Amsterdam (175-186) Achim-Rüdiger Börner: TIF 2019 – Tunisia Investment Forum, 20. und 21. Juni 2019 in Tunis (187-189) REZENSIONEN (191-199) Kilian Bälz: Rezension zu Adnan Trakic / John Benson / Pervaiz K Ahmed: Dispute Resolution in Islamic Finance. Alternatives to Litigation?, London / New York: Routledge 2019, 196 + xiii. (191-193) Achim-Rüdiger Börner: Rezension zu Naseef Naeem: Der Staat und seine Fundamente in den arabischen Republiken, Berlin: Deutscher Levante-Verlag 2019, 794 S. (195-199) CALL FOR PAPERS (201-204) IMPRESSUM (205f.)

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