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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet de la diversité des essences forestières sur les niveaux de population de la processionnaire du pin (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), à différentes échelles spatiales, dans la forêt des Landes de Gascogne / Effect of tree species diversity on population levels of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), at different spatial scales, in the Landes de Gascogne forest

Dulaurent, Anne-Maïmiti 10 December 2010 (has links)
Les peuplements forestiers mélangés subissent moins de dégâts d’insectes herbivores que les peuplements purs, du fait d’une diminution de l’accessibilité à la ressource ou/et d’une amélioration des conditions de survie de leurs ennemis naturels. Pour vérifier ces hypothèses, nous avons étudié un insecte ravageur, la processionnaire du pin (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), et ses insectes parasitoïdes dans le contexte de monoculture de pin maritime (Pinus pinaster) de la forêt des Landes de Gascogne, où persistent localement des zones de milieu ouvert (parefeux, coupes rases) et des boisements d’essences feuillues (haies en bordure de peuplement de pin, ripisylves, îlots). Nous avons pu démontrer que :(1) La colonisation des parcelles de pin par la processionnaire est limitée parla présence de haies de feuillus en lisière de parcelle. En effet, les feuillus jouent un rôle de barrière physique, entravant la détection visuelle des pins par la femelle de processionnaire lorsqu’elle recherche un site d’oviposition.(2) La longévité des principaux parasitoïdes, spécialiste et généraliste, des oeufs de processionnaire est favorisée par la consommation de miel lat produit pardes pucerons du chêne. Cela permet notamment à l’espèce généraliste, qui émergedeux mois avant la processionnaire, de prolonger sa présence dans le milieu et doncd’augmenter sa probabilité de parasiter des pontes de processionnaire.(3) Les chrysalides de processionnaire du pin survivent mieux dans le sol desmilieux ouverts que sous couvert forestier (de pin ou de feuillus), du fait d’unetempérature et d’une humidité plus élevées. L’association de pins et de milieuxouverts favorise la processionnaire par complémentation des habitats, tandis que laprésence de feuillus peut représenter un piège écologique pour les chenilles aumoment de l’enfouissement.(4) À l’échelle du paysage, les peuplements de pin maritime au centre depaysages hétérogènes sont moins infestés que dans les paysages de monoculture.De plus, les niveaux d’infestation de la processionnaire diminuent lorsque laproportion de feuillus dans le paysage environnant augmente.Ces résultats sont interprétés en fonction des mécanismes écologiquesexpliquant la relation entre diversité et herbivorie. Des possibilités de transfert vers lagestion forestière de la forêt des Landes de Gascogne sont proposées, ainsi que desperspectives en termes de recherche scientifique. / Mixed forests are less prone to insect damage than pure forests because ofreduced host accessibility and/or improved control by natural enemies. To test thesehypotheses, we have studied the ecology of the pine processionary moth (PPM)(Thaumetopoea pityocampa) and its parasitoid, in a monoculture of maritime pine(Pinus pinaster) plantations, the Landes de Gascogne forest. There, open areas(firebreaks, clear cuts) and patches of broadleaved woodlands (hedgerows, riparianforest, natural forest remnants) still persist locally. In this study we have shown that:(1) Pine stand colonization by PPM was limited by the presence ofbroadleaved hedgerows at stand edge. Broadleaved trees formed physical barriersdisrupting the visual detection of pine trees by PPM females when searching for anoviposition site.(2) The longevity of the two main PPM egg parasitoids increased whenspecimen were fed with honeydew produced by oak aphids. The generalist species,which emerges two months before PPM, could benefit from this longer lifespan tooverlap its host emergence.(3) PPM pupae survived better in the soil of open areas than under forestcovers (pine or broadleaved trees), because of higher temperature and humidity. Theassociation between pine stands and open areas benefits PPM through habitatcomplementation, whereas the presence of broadleaved trees may act as anecological trap for PPM caterpillars.(4) Maritime pine stands within heterogeneous landscapes exhibited lowerPPM infestations than similar stands within pine monocultures. PPM infestation levelsdecreased with increasing percent broadleaved area in the surrounding landscape.These results are discussed according to the ecological mechanisms whichmay explain the relationship between insect herbivory and tree species diversity.Perspectives for improved PPM management in the Landes de Gascogne forest, andfor further scientific research are proposed.

Přínos Josefa Zemana pro spolkový život lidí se zdravotním postižením / Josef Zeman's Contribution to Associational Life of People with Disablement

Klvaňová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my thesis titled "Josef Zeman's Contribution to Associational Life of People with Disablement" is to familiarize the readers more closely with Josef Zeman's contribution to the development of care for individuals with disablement, with respect to his participation in the federal movement. The accessible sources from the archives, period literature and Josef Zeman's estate were processed by the historical and analytical method. The introductory chapter maps the historical context of the time focusing on the legal aspects of the federal movement. Next part is devoted to the life stages and bibliography of Josef Zeman. The third chapter is focused on his active participation in improving the living conditions of disabled people through associational activities. The final part documents Josef Zeman's contribution in the field of special education.

Mänskliga rättigheter, föreningsengagemang och demokrati : En studie om socialt kapital och studentföreningar i Sverige

Robertsson, Minna January 2018 (has links)
This essay addresses how associational life could be of importance for democracy and human rights in Sweden through examining how associational life can contribute to and strengthen democracy and create social capital. The purpose of this is to deepen and contribute to the knowledge of how activity in non-political and non-religious associations can become of importance to democracy in Sweden. This is operationalized through a stud of how active members of student associations in Sweden perceive their activity in these associations in relation to how they perceive democracy, their roles in society and what it means to be a good citizen, as well as how this relates to theories about the relationship between associational life and democracy in general. The essay concludes that the Swedish student associations as part of associational life in Sweden plays an important role in Swedish democracy. / Den här uppsatsen kommer att utforska hur föreningslivet kan få betydelse för demokratin och de mänskliga rättigheterna i Sverige genom att titta på hur föreningslivet kan bidra till att stärka demokratin och skapa socialt kapital. Syftet är att fördjupa kunskapen och bidra till förståelsen av hur engagemang i icke-politiska och icke-religiösa föreningar kan påverka Sveriges demokrati. Detta operationaliseras genom att undersöka hur föreningsaktiva inom svenska studentföreningar ser på sitt eget engagemang i förhållande till demokrati, sin roll i samhället och vad det innebär att vara en god medborgare och hur detta förhåller sig till teorier om föreningslivets förhållande till demokrati i allmänhet. Uppsatsen når slutsatsen att de svenska studentföreningarna som en del av det svenska föreningslivet har en viktig roll att spela för demokratin i Sverige.

Central Asian civil society : dynamics of associational life in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

Alexandrov, Timur January 2018 (has links)
This thesis analyses local forms of civil society practised in contemporary Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and provides a common thread on which to base a Central Asian understanding of civil society. I look to find out factors and constituents, which on the surface might be different from a classical liberal concept of civil society. The thesis applies a wider anthropological framework, which sees civil society as a broad network of social relationships, including traditional forms of associational life that can be relatively independent of the state. The study draws upon a multi-locale ethnography in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan including in-depth and focus group interviews, participant observations, case studies, and archival research. I have investigated associations whose activities are concerned with reciprocal relations within society based on community solidarity, self-help, and mutual trust. These include professional associations, trade unions, ethno-cultural associations, religious organisations, courtyard clubs, the traditional Uzbek neighbourhood institution of mahalla, and informal practices of gap and khashar. While arguing that the meaning of civil society depends on context, the study has found that traditional elements of the preserved social fabric in Central Asian societies are reflected in today's networks of individuals. The thesis has generated knowledge on how local forms of associational life define the civil sphere by shaping social organisation, solidarity and mobilisation. Through empirical understanding of the public space, formal and informal networks that bond people together, we can locate wider ethnographic differences between not only the original and Central Asian concepts of civil society but also between two local cultures of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Environmental and Adaptive Buffers that Mediate the Response of Subalpine Ecosystems to Environmental Change

Conner, Lafe G. 01 June 2015 (has links)
This document reports the results of 4 studies of subalpine ecosystem ecology, describing ways that spatial heterogeneity in soils and plant communities mediate ecosystem responses to environmental change. Ecosystem responses to environmental change are also mediated by regional climate patterns and interannual variability in weather. In the first chapter we report the results of an experiment to test for the mediating effects of associational resistance in a forest community that experienced wide-spread beetle kill. We found that Engelmann spruce were more likely to survive a beetle outbreak when growing in low densities (host dilution) and not through other types of associational resistance that relate to higher tree-species richness or greater phylogenetic diversity of the forest community. In the second chapter we report the effects of early snowmelt on soil moisture in subalpine meadow and aspen communities. We found that soil organic matter, soil texture, and forest cover mediated the effects of early snowmelt and were more important drivers of growing-season soil moisture than was snow-free date. In the third chapter we report the effect of early snowmelt on growth and seed production of early-season and midsummer herbaceous species. We found that the primary effect that snowmelt timing had on plant growth was through its effect on species distribution. Changes in the timing of snowmelt had limited effect on the growth, flowering, and seed count of species after they were established. In the final chapter, we report the effect of early snowmelt on soil respiration, microbial biomass, dissolved organic carbon and soil organic carbon. We found that early snowmelt resulted in warmer soil temperatures compared to neighboring snow-cover plots, and that microbial biomass and soil respiration showed no signs of a snowmelt legacy effect during the growing season. Soil organic carbon in rapid and slow-turnover pools was affected more by plant community than by snowmelt timing, and the primary drivers of soil respiration during the snow-free period were first soil organic matter and second soil temperature. Taken together, this dissertation reports our findings that subalpine ecosystems are resilient to environmental change in part because organisms in these systems are adapted to environmental conditions that are highly variable between sites, seasons, and years.

Mechanisms of cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus, resistance associated with novel germplasm derived from Sinapis alba x Brassica napus

Tansey, James 11 1900 (has links)
The cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is an important pest of brassicaceous oilseed crops, especially canola (Brassica napus L. and Brassica rapa L.) in North America and Europe. Application of foliar insecticide is the only method currently employed to control C. obstrictus populations; because this approach is environmentally unsustainable, alternatives including host plant resistance have been explored. White mustard, Sinapis alba L., is resistant to C. obstrictus and was chosen as a potential source of resistance for B. napus oilseed. Interspecific crosses of S. alba x B. napus have produced several lines that are resistant to C. obstrictus feeding and oviposition and yield fewer, lighter-weight weevil larvae that take longer to develop. I investigated potential mechanisms of this resistance, including assessing differences in visual and olfactory cues among resistant and susceptible genotypes, and antixenosis and antibiosis. Determining effects of visual cues associated with host plant resistance required investigation of weevil vision. Deployment strategies for resistant germplasm were assessed to evaluate incorporation of susceptible refugia to promote long-term durability of resistance traits. Results reported in Chapter 2 indicate that the C. obstrictus visual system is apparently trichromatic and incorporates receptors with response maxima near 350, 450, and 550 nm. Modelling indicated that UV light alone reduced weevil responses but the interaction of yellow and UV light increased responses at a threshold reflectance level of UV. Results reported in Chapter 3 indicated that differences in yellow and UV reflectance among host plant flowers influence host selection in C. obstrictus. Results described in Chapter 4 determine differential attraction to the odours of S. alba and B. napus and among resistant and susceptible accessions. Inferences of the identities of glucosinolates found in varying amounts among susceptible and resistant genotypes suggested that 2-phenylethyl glucosinolate influenced attractiveness. Results described in Chapter 5 indicate differences in adult feeding and oviposition preferences among resistant and susceptible genotypes. Oocyte development, larval biomass and larval development time varied among weevils feeding on resistant and susceptible genotypes. Based on results of Chapter 4, 1-methoxy-3-indolylmethyl glucosinolate was implicated as contributing to antixenosis and antibiosis resistance. Results reported in Chapter 6 describe effects of mixed plots of resistant and susceptible genotypes on weevil spatial distribution and oviposition. These results are consistent with associational resistance and attributed to reduced apparency of susceptible plants in mixtures and antixenosis resistance associated with resistant germplasm. / Plant Science

Isang Yun and the Hauptton Technique: An Analytical Study of the Second Movement from Duo für Violoncello und Harfe (1984)

Kim, Sinae 27 April 2012 (has links)
Composer Isang Yun developed an idiosyncratic musical language that blends Eastern-Asian and Western-European art traditions. Exiled from Korea due to political conflict, he continued his compositional career in Germany, where his music is renowned for its use of the Hauptton (“main-tone”) technique. Yun was the first to discuss this technique, which he interprets as a process rooted in East-Asian musical traditions, including Taoism philosophy. His music is remarkable in that it fuses this process within the context of Western formal structures. I combine Straus’s associational model with Yun’s Hauptton theory to analyse the second movement of Duo für Violoncello und Harfe (1984) in order to show the inclusion of Eastern-Asian and Western-European musical elements in Yun’s music. I begin by analysing several Haupttöne at the surface level through associational relationships, followed by a large-scale analysis of the entire movement with one fundamental Hauptton.

Mechanisms of cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus, resistance associated with novel germplasm derived from Sinapis alba x Brassica napus

Tansey, James Unknown Date
No description available.

Isang Yun and the Hauptton Technique: An Analytical Study of the Second Movement from Duo für Violoncello und Harfe (1984)

Kim, Sinae 27 April 2012 (has links)
Composer Isang Yun developed an idiosyncratic musical language that blends Eastern-Asian and Western-European art traditions. Exiled from Korea due to political conflict, he continued his compositional career in Germany, where his music is renowned for its use of the Hauptton (“main-tone”) technique. Yun was the first to discuss this technique, which he interprets as a process rooted in East-Asian musical traditions, including Taoism philosophy. His music is remarkable in that it fuses this process within the context of Western formal structures. I combine Straus’s associational model with Yun’s Hauptton theory to analyse the second movement of Duo für Violoncello und Harfe (1984) in order to show the inclusion of Eastern-Asian and Western-European musical elements in Yun’s music. I begin by analysing several Haupttöne at the surface level through associational relationships, followed by a large-scale analysis of the entire movement with one fundamental Hauptton.

Isang Yun and the Hauptton Technique: An Analytical Study of the Second Movement from Duo für Violoncello und Harfe (1984)

Kim, Sinae January 2012 (has links)
Composer Isang Yun developed an idiosyncratic musical language that blends Eastern-Asian and Western-European art traditions. Exiled from Korea due to political conflict, he continued his compositional career in Germany, where his music is renowned for its use of the Hauptton (“main-tone”) technique. Yun was the first to discuss this technique, which he interprets as a process rooted in East-Asian musical traditions, including Taoism philosophy. His music is remarkable in that it fuses this process within the context of Western formal structures. I combine Straus’s associational model with Yun’s Hauptton theory to analyse the second movement of Duo für Violoncello und Harfe (1984) in order to show the inclusion of Eastern-Asian and Western-European musical elements in Yun’s music. I begin by analysing several Haupttöne at the surface level through associational relationships, followed by a large-scale analysis of the entire movement with one fundamental Hauptton.

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