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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ny i Sverige, ny på bostadsmarknaden : En studie om asylsökande och nyanländas boendesituation / New in Sweden, new on the housing market : A study of the housing situation for refugees

Lindroos, Paulina, Lidhäll, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Sweden has had an increase in refugees in recent years, while the situation in the housing market has been increasingly constrained. Housing has in earlier research been shown to form an important part of the integration of refugees in society. In Sweden, refugees have the option to arrange for their own housing (in Swedish ‘Eget boende’, EBO) or be accommodated by the immigration authorities (‘Anläggningsboende’, ABO). This study aims to examine how the national strategies EBO and ABO are applied in municipal practice through a case study of Botkyrka municipality. The primary source material for this study consists of interviews conducted with people who are working with the accommodation of refugees, but also related government official reports. The study indicates that there are a number of problems related to the strategies EBO and ABO. Interviewees expressed a desire for a more equitable and planned receiving system. As is argued in the study, social housing, housing subsidies and investigating the municipal housing companies' competitive opportunities, are important solutions that could provide refugees with better chances on the Swedish housing market. In sum the study contributes in part to a deeper understanding of the relationship between the Swedish housing market, policies and long-term planning, and in part of the opportunities for persons with newly granted residence permits to establish themselves on the Swedish housing market. / Sverige har haft ett ökat flyktingmottagande de senaste åren, samtidigt som situationen på bostadsmarknaden blivit allt mer ansträngd. Bostaden har i tidigare studier visat sig vara viktig för flyktingars etablering i samhället. I Sverige kan en asylsökande välja mellan att ordna ett ‘Eget boende’ (EBO) alternativt att bo i Migrationsverkets Anläggningsboenden (ABO). Om en asylsökande beviljas uppehållstillstånd, kan den som nyanländ i ABO bli anvisad en bostad i en kommun. En nyanländ som bott i EBO under asyltiden fortsätter göra det när den fått uppehållstillstånd. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur de nationella strategierna EBO och ABO omvandlas till kommunal praxis genom en fallstudie i Botkyrka kommun. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar genomfördes intervjuer med personer som har arbetsuppgifter kopplade till asylsökande och nyanländas boende, men även rapporter och artiklar studerades.  Studien indikerar att det finns ett antal problem kopplade till boendestrategierna EBO och ABO. EBO kan innebära osäkra boendeförhållanden för individen karakteriserade av trångboddhet och otrygghet. Ur ett kommunperspektiv innebär EBO svårigheter i planering för funktioner som skola och bostadsförsörjning eftersom kommunen saknar vetskap om hur många EBO som är bosatta i kommunen. ABO kan innebära trångboddhet men också att individen får vänta länge på att etableringsinsatserna kan startas. Studien visar att det finns skillnader i vilka möjligheter boende i ABO och EBO har för att få en permanent bostad. Enligt materialet från intervjuerna finns en önskan om ett mer jämlikt och planerat mottagningssystem. Genom att testa lösningar som social housing, bostadsbidragslöfte och utreda de kommunala bostadsbolagens konkurrensmöjligheter skulle nyanlända kunna få en bättre chans på bostadsmarknaden. Sammanfattningsvis bidrar studien med en djupare förståelse av relationen mellan bostadsmarknad, politik och långsiktig planering och om vilka möjligheter nyanlända har att etablera sig på bostadsmarknaden. Studien ringar också in problem som uppkommer i arbetet mellan stat, region och kommun när det gäller bostäder för nyanlända, och ger rekommendationer på möjliga lösningar.

“Faktiskt, jag blev inspirerad av Zlatan.” : En kvalitativ studie om afghanska ensamkommande barns etablering i Sverige, de bidragande faktorerna, ungdomarnas upplevelser och drivkrafter / “Actually, I was inspired by Zlatan.” : A qualitative study on the afghan unaccompanied children´s establishment in Sweden, the contributing factors, children’s experiences and impulsion.

Nazari, Murtaza, Husseini, Kasim January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på de bidragande faktorerna för etableringen av afghanska ensamkommande barn i det svenska samhället och därmed bidra till kunskapsutveckling om målgruppens behov hos yrkespersoner som kommer i kontakt med dessa barn. En kvalitativ metod har applicerats på studien. Studiens frågeställningar har besvarats med semistrukturerade intervjuer av åtta etablerade respondenter som har kommit som ensamkommande barn till Sverige. Utifrån tidigare forskning som handlar om ensamkommande barn och de tre teorierna systemteori, KASAM och Bourdieus fyra kapitalformer, har studiens material analyserats. Studien visar att myndigheternas insatser och stöd har varit uppskattade och betydelsefulla hos ensamkommande barn i deras etableringsprocess. Det framkommer att en kombination av flera yrkespersoners stöd och insatser, exempelvis av socialsekreterare, lärare, boendepersonal, vuxna volontärer, vänner, god man och kontaktperson, har spelat stor roll i ungdomarnas etablering. Studien visar därtill att några centrala faktorer såsom uppehållstillstånd, skapande av sociala nätverk, språkkunskap och yrkespersoners genuina intresse och engagemang att stötta dessa ungdomar, har varit avgörande för dessa ensamkommande barn att komma in i det svenska samhället. Det visas tydligt i studien att ungdomarnas egna ambitioner, drivkrafter, styrka, strategier, vilja och att målmedvetenhet har varit väsentliga i deras etablering. / The purpose of this study is to identify the contributing factors for the establishment of afghan unaccompanied children in Swedish society and thereby contribute to increasing knowledge among professionals who come into contact with this group. A qualitative method has been applied in the study and eight established participants who arrived as unaccompanied children to Sweden have been interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The results have been analysed based on some previous national and international researches on unaccompanied children and also on three theories: system theory, KASAM and Bourdeius' four forms of capital. The study shows that the efforts and support of the authorities have been significant and appreciated by unaccompanied minors in their establishment process. The study also declares that the participation of several professionals, for instance social workers, teachers, housing staff, volunteering adults, friends, gaurdian and contact person have played a major role in the young people’s establishment. Furthermore, the study shows that some central factors such as a residence permit, to have social networks, knowledge of the Swedish language and the extra support from the people involved have been essential for getting into the Swedish society. It is clearly shown in the study that the young peoples’ own ambitions, self motivation, struggles, own strategies, and being purposeful have been essential in their establishment.

Ensamkommande barns upplevelser och erfarenheter av Sveriges psykiatri-sjukvård : En kvalitativ studie / Unaccompanied minors' experiences and Experiences of Sweden's Psychiatry Care : A Qualitative Study

Salam Mohammed, Hawraa January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the challenges that unaccompanied minors face in accessing healthcare, especially mental health services, in Sweden. It uses a qualitative approach with five partici-pants aged 18–25, who were previously unaccompanied minors. Through interviews, the study identifies themes and patterns related to the theoretical framework, incorporating the KASAM theory and transcultural psychiatry, which emphasize self-reflection and cultural factors. The results reveal difficulties such as fear of impacting the asylum process, language barriers, anda lack of knowledge within the healthcare system. The study aims to contribute to understanding and improvements within the healthcare system. Limitations include a focus on Swedish conditions and the age group of 18–25. Suggestions for future research involve exploring wait times for psychiatric care and effectively communicating knowledge about mental health to these children to identify areas for improvement in healthcare. Overall, the study underscores the need to overcome barriers, customize healthcare to individual needs, and enhance understanding of this vulnerable group.

Den tillfälliga lagens påverkan på barnets rätt till psykisk hälsa : med fokus på asylsökande ensamkommande barn / The temporary law’s impact on the child’s right to mental health : focusing on the asylum-seeking unaccompanied minor

Troillet Mancini, Paulina January 2018 (has links)
This study examines how the new temporary law (SFS 2016:752) guarantees the child’s right to mental health; focusing on the asylum-seeking unaccompanied minor. This subject is examined since the Swedish law that regulates migration got reduced to the minimum standards that can be found in the EU and in international conventions when Sweden received 163 000 asylum seekers during 2015. 35 400 of them were unaccompanied minors. This leads to the question if the new regulations jeopardize the child’s right to mental health. To answer that, this study’s theoretical ground that will be used is legal positivism. By practicing a legal-judicial method and law-based sociological method the study follows three questions; 1. What is Sweden bound to guarantee according to the Convention on the Right’s of the child, associated with the mental health of children and the provisions of the temporary law? 2. Does the temporary law constitute grounds for existential uncertainty, and is it thereby violating the child’s right to mental health? 3. What does the situation look like, related to the mental health of asylum-seeking unaccompanied minors? In relation to the Convention on the Right’s of the Child this temporary law, and the impact of it, is examined. In the discussion it is clear that not only article 24 (the child’s right to health) is fundamental to the question of mental health, but several other articles. The result of this study has shown that the temporary law clearly violates the asylum-seeking unaccompanied child’s right to mental health.

Det ensamkommande barnet Ansvarstagande, mottagande & skyddsnät : En kvalitativ textanalys med inslag av en förvaltnings/implementeringsmodell

Fogelberg, Emma, Damberg, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Based on the Migration Board's statistics report, the number of children that has gone missing within a time interval of 4 years (2010-2014) comprises 1331 children in total, of whom 146 are girls and 1185 are boys. A rising interest about what has happened to those children created a fundamental platform for this thesis. By reading Åkerman’s report from 2012, and the book De förlorade barnen: en rapport by Mikkelsen and Wagner (2013) the curiosity grew deeper. The research questions that were established were divided into three parts. Their aim is to examine which organization or public authority has the main responsibility for asylum seeking children that arrives to Sweden by themselves, if the quality of the reception has changed since the municipalities took over the responsibility, and what is/has been publicly done to strengthen the protection concerning the individual child. The aim of this study is to authentically answer the research questions, using a qualitative text analysis and an implement model. The qualitative textual analysis is primarily based on reports from Gunnarsson (2008), the Cabinet Office (2011), and a report from the National Swedish Board of Health and Welfare published in 2012. Further reports and books are used in order to authenticate the legitimacy of the arguments and facts that is accounted for in this thesis. The implementation model that is used is an implement problem shaped by Pressman and Willdawsky. The model is used in order to force the problems that solemnly appear in this thesis. The conclusion establishes that within the distinctive reports it exists different views, but also similarities. The various texts establish that despite a set of rules and regulations there has been a considerable ambiguity among the involved parties, in who holds the greatest responsibility for the asylum-seeking children. Åkerman claims that when the children arrive in Sweden they stand without any form of social safety net, whereas Gunnarsson (2008), the Cabinet Office report (2011) and the National Swedish Board report (2012) refer to the laws (LMA, SoL).

Verkställighetshinder i utlänningslagen : En studie om reglering och Migrationsöverdomstolens tillämpning av verkställighetshinder som stadgas i 12 kap. utlänningslagen

Al-Ameri, Wahab, Al Zaybak, Haitham January 2020 (has links)
Some expulsion decisions cannot be executed due to the existence of deportation impediments, which in this case means that foreigners are in a legal limbo in such a way that they have neither the right to stay nor the opportunity to leave Sweden. The regulation of deportation impediments is found in Aliens Act (2005:716), but it is the application of these regulations that determine how specific cases are assessed, why it is highly relevant to study said cases.  The essay deals with political, practical and medical impediments, found in Chapter 12 of the Aliens Act, in order to establish the applicable law, and by analyzing ten court cases from the Migration Court of Appeal, study how the court assesses the Swedish Migration Agency's application of these legal barriers. The provisions being studied are chapter 12 1-3 §§ Aliens Act, concerning political impediments, chapter 12 18 § Aliens Act, concerning practical and medical impediments, and also chapter 12 19 § Aliens act which establishes the possibility of a new trial in a case. The applicable law is established through a legal dogmatic method, and the legal cases from the Migration Court of Appeal are analyzed using a legal sociological method.  The study concludes that political impediments are weighed heaviest in comparison to medical and practical impediments, due to the latter two not being derived from international conventions or instruments as opposed to political impediments. Furthermore, it is easier to present evidence when invoking political impediments, as evidentiary requirements are set lower than those for practical and medical impediments. At the same time the individual has an opportunity to be granted a new trial if he or she invokes a new condition that concerns political impediments, while a new trial cannot be granted if the individual invokes medical or practical impediments. The provisions concerning practical and medical impediments should therefore be developed or amended in such a way that they are adapted to the circumstances that may arise in these cases. It is also concluded that the Swedish Migration Agency's investigation and interpretation of these impediments must be more comprehensive. It must be adapted to the conditions referred to in the case, due to the application of these provisions being complex and requiring the Swedish Migration Agency's staff to be well trained and accurate in each individual case.

Om förståelsen för behovet av vård av psykisk ohälsa bland nyanlända flyktingar och asylsökande under 1990–2021 och olika aktörers reflektioner utifrån ett krisnarrativ : En tematisk dokumentsanalys / Understandings of the need for care for mental illness among newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers during 1990-2021 and the reflections of various actors based on a crisis narrative : A thematic document analysis

Johansson, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker förståelsen för behovet av vård av psykisk ohälsa bland nyanlända flyktingar och asylsökande i Sverige under 1990–2021. Studien tillämpar ett krisnarrativ perspektiv för att kontextualisera varför och hur förändringar i lagstiftningen sker och förståelsen av den. Vidare undersöker studien hur detta beskrivs och förstås i lagtexter, propositioner, offentliga utredningar och rapporter från 1990–2021 med en analytisk ram av krisnarrativ. Denna krisberättelse är konstruerad genom vittnesmål från socialsekreterare, migrationstjänstemän, journalister och professorer kopplade till migration. Detta kommer att förstås utifrån de teoretiska perspektiven om vem som har rätt till rättigheter (Arendt, 2017) och vem som är sörjbar (grievable) (Butler, 2016), samt ett holistiskt perspektiv på hälsa med hjälp av begreppen health-lifestyle (Cockerham, 2005), empowerment och KASAM- känsla av sammanhang.  Genom följande frågeställningar: (1) Hur beskrevs behovet av vård och rättigheter för flyktingar och asylsökande i officiella dokument? (2) Hur har förskjutningen av rättigheter till hälsa och synen på behovet av vård bland flyktingar och asylsökande sett ut? och (3) Vilken inverkan kan rätten att ha rättigheter och att vara sörjbar ha över hälsofrågor hos flyktingar och asylsökande? En kvalitativ tematisk dokumentanalys antogs med en explorativ design baserad på ett induktivt förhållningssätt till det empiriska materialet. En hermeneutisk tolkning har tillämpats som innebar att skapa en djupare tolkning än den intellektuellt begripliga kunskapen. Resultatet visar att lagtexterna, propositionerna, offentliga utredningarna och rapporterna, har skiftat mot en mer decentraliserad struktur och med ett mer holistiskt perspektiv på hälsa. Tillsammans med vittnesseminarierna vittnar detta om att det paradoxalt nog har lett till en mer individualiserad syn på flyktingar, att de i större utsträckning tar ansvar för sin egen hälsa där en osäkerhet till följd av tillfälliga uppehållstillstånd är kopplad till en otrygg och prekär tillvaro. / This study investigates the understanding of the need for care for mental illness among newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers in Sweden during 1990-2021. The study applies a crisis narrative perspective to contextualise why and how changes in legislation occur and the understanding of it. Furthermore, the article investigates how this is described and understood in legal texts, propositions, public investigations, and reports from 1990–2021 with an analytical frame of a crisis narrative. This crisis narrative is constructed through testimonies by social secretaries, migration officers, journalists, and professors linked to migration. This will be understood from the theoretical perspectives of who has the right to have rights (Arendt, 2017) and who is grievable (Butler, 2016), as well as a holistic perspective on health using the concepts of health-lifestyle (Cockerham, 2005), empowerment and SOC- sense of coherence. This study asks: (1) How was the description of the need for care and rights for refugees and asylum seekers described in official documents? (2) How has the displacement shift in rights to health and the view of the need for care among refugees and asylum seekers looked like? and (3) What impact can the right to have rights and to be grievable have on the health issues of refugees and asylum seekers? A qualitative thematic document analysis was adopted with an exploratory design based on an inductive approach to the empirical material. A hermeneutic interpretation has been applied which means creating a deeper interpretation than the intellectually comprehensible knowledge. The result shows that the legal texts, propositions, public investigations, and reports have shifted towards a more decentralised structure with a more holistic perspective on health. Together with the witness seminars, this testifies that, paradoxically, it has led to a more individualised view of refugees, that they take responsibility for their health to a greater extent, where uncertainty because of temporary residence permits is linked to an insecure and precarious existence.

Beyond the dichotomies of a coercion and voluntary recruitment, Afghan unaccompanied minors unveil their recruitment process in Iran

Ali, Rami January 2018 (has links)
By shedding light on accounts from unaccompanied Afghan asylum-seeking minors in Sweden who were child soldiers in Syria, this thesis explores and examines their narratives and their involvement in the civil war in Syria. The research aims to create a deeper understanding of how these children themselves made sense of their participation in the war by answering the following questions: How were the children approached by the recruiters? What kind of reasons for joining the war are put forward by the recruiters and what strategies do the children encounter: a) economic; b) identity formation; c) social deprivation; d) feeling of vulnerability; e) militarization; f) mental development; g) ideology/ religious-sectarian; or all together? How do the children perceive these encounters and make sense of their recruitment to the Shiite Fatemiyoun Brigade? To which extent has the ideology of Shi’ism played an important role for them in joining the Syrian War? This is a qualitative study based on in-depth interviews which combines procedures from two approaches and techniques: an ethnographic approach and a narrative approach that explores the interviewees’ experiences in a period of time and also generates detailed insights. Despite the fact that none of the respondents testified for being recruited at gunpoint or having been ill-treated, the respondents emphasized that they were forced to join due to the bad circumstances they were living in. In addition, many similarities with other cases regarding child soldiering in several countries have been explored in this thesis, for instance factors related to the socio- economic context and the experiences that are related to the children’s development processes. Differences can be located in various details regarding ideologies and indoctrination since the respondents did not share the politico-religious purposes of the recruiters.

Inclusive Education for Refugees and Asylum Seeking Children : A Systematic Literature Review / Inclusief Onderwijs voor Vluchtelingen en Asielzoekende Kinderen : Een Systematisch Literatuuronderzoek

Dijkshoorn, Anna January 2016 (has links)
BACKGROUND In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of children with a refugee background in the Netherlands. All of these children who are under 18 years of age must go to school, but they face many barriers towards inclusion. Appropriately educating this diverse group of children presents schools with challenges. Supportive programs are needed to overcome these barriers and challenges. AIM The aim of this paper was to explore what supports are put in place to foster refugee students’ inclusion in school. METHOD A systematic literature review was conducted to synthesize research on school-based programs and practices. RESULTS A broad range of supports were identified. Most studies addressed access barriers to learning by offering emotional and educational support, while fewer studies focused on opportunity barriers such as negative attitudes and lack of parental involvement. CONCLUSION It was concluded that schools can play an important role in supporting the inclusion of refugee children and their families because of their accessibility, but that more high quality research is necessary in order to assess the effectiveness of supports that minimize barriers towards learning and promote their inclusion in school.

Skyddsgrunder för ensamkommande barn : - en rättsvetenskaplig analys

Cirik, Aleyna Yildiz, Tawfik, Hanin January 2023 (has links)
With the increase in unaccompanied children in 2015, it has become common to discuss the legal status of unaccompanied children. By the Swedish law persons under the age of 18 are considered to be minors and therefore have no ability to make decisions in personal matters with legally binding effects. A childs case does not always require the same seriousness as adult cases to be able to obtain a residence permit. This leads to at different asylum process for unaccompanied children who lack guardians upon arriving to Sweden. Various assessments are made for unaccompanied children that adults do not need to undergo for a residence permit. Through the legal dogmatic method, an analysis and report has been made in relation to the EU law, current Swedish laws and international commitments that affect unaccompanied childrens rights within Swedish legislation. The courts way of assessing grounds for protection, as well as how these are tried has been analyzed. The concept of unaccompanied children has been defined, but the focus on their rights in Sweden has also been reported. / I samband med ökningen av ensamkommande barn under år 2015 har det blivit ofta förekommande att diskutera ensamkommande barns rättsliga ställning. Personer som är under 18 år betraktas enligt svensk rätt som omyndiga och har därför ingen förmåga att med rättslig bindande verkan fatta beslut i personliga angelägenheter. Ett barns ärende behöver inte alltid ha samma allvar och tyngd som krävs för att vuxna personer ska kunna få uppehållstillstånd vilket leder till en annorlunda asylprocess för ensamkommande barn som saknad vårdnadshavare vid ankomsten till Sverige. Det görs olika bedömningar för ensamkommande barn som vuxna inte behöver genomgå för uppehållstillstånd. Genom den rättsdogmatiska metoden har det gjorts en analys och redogörelse i relation till EU-rätten, gällande svenska lagar och internationella åtaganden som påverkar ensamkommande barns rättigheter inom den svenska lagstiftningen. Domstolarnas sätt att bedöma skyddsgrunder samt hur dessa prövas inför domstolar har bedömts och analyserats. Begreppet ensamkommande barn har definierats men även fokus på deras rättigheter i Sverige har redogjorts.

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