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Estilos de crianza percibidos y autopercepción en escolares de 10 a 12 años / Perceived Parenting Styles and Self-Perception in 10 to 12-year-old schoolchildrenVillegas Guardia, Deborah Ximena 13 August 2021 (has links)
El propósito de esta investigación fue comparar la autopercepción según los estilos de crianza percibidos por escolares de 10 a 12 años (60% hombres) de dos colegios privados de Lima, así como comparar ambas variables según sexo. Se aplicaron la Escala de Estilos de Crianza y el Perfil de Autopercepción para Niños (SPPC) a un total de 165 escolares. Los resultados evidenciaron que existen diferencias significativas en las dimensiones aspecto físico (p < .001) y conducta (p = .001) de la autopercepción según los estilos de crianza, específicamente hay mayores puntuaciones en dichas dimensiones en el estilo negligente. Además, los estudiantes tienen una autopercepción positiva de sí mismos, siendo las mujeres las que tienen una autopercepción más positiva sobre su propia conducta. Se concluye que los estilos de crianza influyen en el desarrollo de la autopercepción de los menores, pero no es un factor determinante. / The purpose of this research was to compare the self-perception according to the parenting styles perceived by scholars from 10 to 12 years old (60% male) from two private schools in Lima, as well as comparing both variables according to gender. The escales applied were Escala de Estilos de Crianza and Self Perception Profile for Childen (SPPC) where applied to a total of 165 schoolchildren. The results showed that there are significant differences in the physical appearance (p < .001) and behavior (p = .001) dimesions of self-perception according to the parenting styles, specifically there are higher scores in these dimensions in the negligent style. Also, students have a positive self-perception of themselves, where women have more positive self-perception about their own behavior. It is concluded that parenting styles influence the development of minors' self-perception, but it is not a determining factor. / Tesis
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Clinging to Power: Authoritarian Leaders and Coercive EffectivenessWolfe, Christian J. 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Ledarskapets betydelse för medarbetarnas sjukfrånvaro : En komparativ fallstudie / Leadership importance for employee sickness absence : A comparative case studyBerggren Quintana, Clara, Consoli, Isabella January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjukfrånvaro har länge varit ett centralt och politiskt samhällsproblem i Sverige. En orsakande faktor för medarbetarnas ohälsa är stress och psykiska påfrestningar, vilket bland annat kan påverkas av ledarskap. Det finns olika ledarstilar som chefer kan tillämpa, vilka har olika påverkan på medarbetarnas hälsa. Dessa är transformativ och transaktionell ledarstil samt demokratisk eller relationsorienterad ledarstil och auktoritär eller uppgiftsorienterad ledarstil. Fördelaktigt för de anställdas hälsa är ledarskap som tillämpar Kaizen som arbetsmetod vilket förklaras som att verksamheten kontinuerligt ska förändras till det bättre. Således visar tidigare forskning att ledarskapet kan ha betydelse för medarbetarnas psykosociala hälsa på arbetsplatsen. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva och analysera skillnaden mellan chefers ledarskap på avdelningar med hög respektive låg sjukfrånvaro. För att besvara syftet utgår studien från teorier om ledarstilar och arbetsmetoden Kaizen. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte har både chefers och medarbetares perspektiv på problemet tagits tillvara på i undersökningen genom en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie med en iterativ växelverkan mellan deduktiv och induktiv ansats. En komparativ metod har genomförts då två jämförbara avdelningar, med hög respektive låg sjukfrånvaro, har studerats. Slutsats: Studiens resultat är att chefers ledarskap skiljer sig utifrån vilka ledarstilar som tillämpas samt i vilken grad chefer arbetar enligt Kaizen. Chefer som har olika ledarskap har även medarbetare med olika sjukfrånvaro, således kan chefers ledarskap ha betydelse för medarbetarnas sjukfrånvaro. / Background: Sickness absence have long been a central and political societal problem in Sweden. One factor that has caused employee’s ill health is job strain and psychic stress which may be influenced by leadership. There are different leadership styles that managers can apply which have different effects on employee health. These are transformative and transactional leadership styles as well as democratic or relationship-oriented leadership styles and authoritarian or task-oriented leadership styles. Advantageously for employee health is leaders who apply Kaizen as a working method. Kaizen can be described as continuous improvements. Thus, leadership is significant for employees' psychosocial health in the workplace. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the difference between managers' leadership in departments with high and low sick leave. To answer the purpose, the study is based on theories of leadership styles and the Kaizen method. Method: To answer the purpose of this study, both managers and employees have given their perspective to the problem. They have participated in the survey through a qualitative and quantitative study with an iterative interaction between deductive and inductive approach. The study has been carried out using a comparative method by studying two comparable departments with reported high or low sickness absence. Conclusion: The result of this study is that the leadership differs according to the leadership styles applied and to what extent managers work according to Kaizen. Managers with different leadership also have employees with different sickness absence. Thus, manager’s leadership can be important for employees' sickness absence.
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[pt] A censura à arte fez-se presente nos diversos momentos históricos do Brasil, até
ser formalmente extinta pela Constituição de 1988. A proibição de censura prévia,
porém, não impediu que obras de arte fossem submetidas ao crivo dos Poderes
constituídos, instados a manifestar-se acerca dos limites da liberdade de expressão
artística. Em setembro de 2017, ocorreu um “estopim” administrativo, judiciário e
midiático com a ocorrência de quatro casos de censura em apenas um mês, que
tomaram notoriedade em todo o país, especialmente a exposição Queermuseu e a
performance La Bête. Esses casos são considerados como o marco inicial do
período estudado neste trabalho. A partir desses quatro episódios, a tônica do
debate público e da atuação dos Poderes constituídos mudou de foco,
representando indício de uma possível mudança estrutural do comportamento das
instituições e do público no que toca à liberdade de expressão artística e à censura
no Brasil. Com intuito de analisar essa mudança, foram feitos estudos de caso de
doze obras de arte que sofreram ao menos um ato de censura entre setembro de
2017 e março de 2020, quando ocorreu o fechamento dos espaços culturais devido
à pandemia de COVID-19. O trabalho abordará as peculiaridades da censura no
período estudado, que tem por característica negar a si mesma. Também serão
abordadas as ferramentas jurídicas e administrativas disponíveis aos artistas e ao
público para impugnar os atos censórios emanados dos Poderes constituídos. / [en] Artistic censorship has been constant in brazilian history, until its formal extincion
after 1988 Constitution. Although previous censorship is prohibited, works of art
have been submited to the constitutional Powers, since then, in order to determine
the limits of artistic freedom of expression. In september 2017, four episodes of
censorship occurred in the same month and became notorious all over Brazil,
specially the Queermuseu exhibition and the performance La Bête. This cases
are the starting point to this research. This four episodes unleashed a conservative
turning point in the behaviour of the institutions and the public debate concerning
freedom of speech. In order to analyze this change, case studies will be carried
out, comparing the most notorious episodes of the period. The time frame has
been restricted from the cases Queermuseu and La Bête, that took place in
september, 2017, until the closure of cultural spaces during the COVID-19
pandemic, in march 2020. This paper approaches the peculiarities of censorship in
this time frame, featuring the tendency to deny itself. Also, this research will
expose some of the legal and administrative tools available to the artists and the
citizens to fight censorship by constituted Powers.
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Det auktoritära ledarskapet idag / The authoritarian leadership todayRowson, Emma, Thurén, Albin, Eriksson, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Studien har som syfte att undersöka hur framgångsrika ledare framställs idag och till vilken utsträckning samt i vilka situationer de brukar ett auktoritärt ledarskap. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har dagsaktuella ledarskapstrender samt fiktiva ledare i aktuell populärkultur analyserats genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att vissa egenskaper är gemensamma hos framgångsrika ledare i såväl trender som hos fiktiva ledare. Det råder delade meningar samt avsaknad av en nyanserad förklaring av vad som är ett auktoritärt ledarskap. Genom att sätta ihop en samlad bild av ett auktoritärt ledarskap går det att urskilja hur vissa situationer efterfrågar och förväntar ett auktoritärt ledarskap. / The purpose of this study is to examine how successful leaders are portrayed today and to what extent as well in which situations they practice authoritarian leadership. To fulfill the purpose of the study have current leadership trends and fictitious leaders in recent popular culture been analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The results indicate that some characteristics are mutual for successful leaders in trends as well as fictitious leaders. There is a disagreement and a lack of nuanced definition of an authoritarian leadership. Creating a collective definition of an authoritarian leadership makes it possible to discern how certain situations demand and expect authoritarian leadership.
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Ledarskap och motivation : En studie om chefers syn på sina anställda och deras tillvägagångssätt för att motivera arbetsgrupperCarlström, Ebba, Davidsson, Lovisa January 2024 (has links)
In all workplaces there are some type of a leader, a leader who in some way must guide and drive the work-group towards success. Today, there is a lot of research into what drives the employee forward and creates motivation. Research that is harder to find on the other hand is how the actual managers work about creating motivation and what their own view is of their leadership. The purpose of this study is to fill that knowledge gap by finding out how managers view their own leadership, what view they have of their employees and how they feel they work with motivating their work group. In order to find out, a qualitative study of eight interviews with managers of different levels in the industrial sector was carried out, based on McGregor's theory X and Y, in Lewin's three leadership styles; authoritarian, democratic and let-go and in self-determination theory. In the study, the focus has been on the managers' perspective, which gives a subjective picture based on the respondents in the study's perspective. The results of the study showed that the managers view their employees based on Theory Y, which means that they see people as voluntary workers and that people have the ability to make their own decisions. How the leadership styles could be applied to the managers was not as clear as there were elements of both the authoritarian and the let-go leadership style, but it turned out that the democratic leadership style was dominant among the managers. Finally, it could be stated that managers use both internal and external motivational factors to motivate their work group. Based on their motivation exercise, however, the managers show that it is the inner motivational factors that the greatest focus is on in order to achieve a high level of motivation. / På alla arbetsplatser finns det någon typ av ledare, en ledare som på något sätt ska vägleda och driva arbetsgruppen mot framgång. Idag finns det en hel del forskning på vad som driver medarbetaren framåt och skapar motivation. Forskning som är svårare att hitta är däremot hur cheferna går till väga för att skapa motivation och vad deras egen syn är på sitt ledarskap. Denna studies syfte är att fylla den kunskapsluckan genom att ta reda på hur chefer ser på sitt eget ledarskap, vilket synsätt de har på sina anställda och hur de upplever att de går till väga för att motivera sin arbetsgrupp. För att kunna ta reda på detta genomfördes en kvalitativ studie på åtta intervjuer med chefer av olika nivåer inom industrisektorn. Detta med grund i McGregors teori X och Y, i Lewins tre ledarskapsstilar; auktoritär, demokratisk och låt-gå och i självbestämmandeteorin. I studien har fokus legat på chefernas perspektiv, vilket ger en subjektiv bild utifrån respondenterna i studiens perspektiv. Resultatet i studien visade att cheferna ser på sina anställda utifrån Teori Y, vilket innebär att de ser människan som frivilligt arbetande och att människan besitter förmågan att ta egna beslut. Hur ledarskapsstilarna kunde appliceras på cheferna var inte lika tydligt då det fanns inslag av både den auktoritära-och låt-gå-ledarskapsstilen, men det visade sig att den demokratiska ledarskapsstilen var dominerande hos cheferna. Slutligen kunde man konstatera att chefer använder sig både av inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer för att motivera sin arbetsgrupp. Utifrån deras motivationsutövande visar dock cheferna att det är de inre motivationsfaktorerna som störst fokus ligger på för att uppnå en hög motivationsnivå.
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Authoritarian Learning during crisis: Egypt & Morocco in the Arab Uprisings / An explorative study into pathways of authoritarian learning in Morocco and Egypt during 2011Saliba, Ilyas 12 December 2024 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht, wie Bedingungen und Dynamiken auf der Makro-, Meso- und Mikroebene autoritäres Lernen während Krisen beeinflussen. Die Studie verfolgt einen Mehrebenenansatz, der Informationen und Daten auf drei Ebenen in einem analytischen Rahmen und einem Forschungsdesign kombiniert, das sich auf mehrere Methoden stützt. Auf der strukturellen Makroebene findet Analyse, dass die Bedingungen für autoritäres Lernen in Ägypten aufgrund der Sequenz der Protestdiffusion während der arabischen Aufstände weniger förderlich waren als in Marokko. Auf der Mesoebene stürzte die tägliche Mobilisierung das ägyptische Regime innerhalb weniger Tage in eine existenzielle Krise, während in Marokko die wöchentlichen Proteste weniger Druck auf den Palast ausübten und dadurch Regimeeliten ermöglichten, zu lernen. Auf der Mikroebene zeigt die Studie, dass die ägyptischen Eliten unter Mubarak die Parallelen zwischen ihrer Situation und den Entwicklungen in Tunesien unterschätzt haben. Dies führte dazu, dass die ägyptischen Eliten die Bedrohung durch die Proteste unterschätzten. In Marokko haben sich die Wahrnehmungen der Regimeeliten im Laufe der Zeit verändert. Während die Proteste in Tunesien und Ägypten, nicht besonders relevant schienen, änderte sich diese Wahrnehmung, als die Proteste auf Monarchien wie Bahrain und Jordanien übergriffen. Die Anerkennung der Parallelen zwischen der eigenen Situation und der von Regimen, die bereits von den Protesten betroffen waren ermöglichte autoritäres Lernen in Marokko. Die geringe Bedrohungswahrnehmung der ägyptischen Regimeeliten führte dazu, dass Sie die Gefahr falsch einschätzten. Die Studie entwickelt einen analytischen Rahmen und einen methodischen Ansatz zur Untersuchung von autoritärem Lernen in Krisen, der empirisch zwei Fallstudien zu Ägypten und Marokko während der arabischen Aufstände untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen vielversprechende neue Wege für die Erforschung autoritären Lernens in der Krise aufzeigen. / This study explores how conditions on the macro-, meso- and micro- levels affect authoritarian learning during crisis. It combines data from three levels into a multi-level analytical framework and research design relying on various methods of data collection. On the macro-level, the study finds that the sequence of protest diffusion during the Arab Uprisings in Egypt were much less conducive to authoritarian learning than those in Morocco. On the meso-level, the massive daily mobilisation plunged the Egyptian regime into an existential crisis in a matter of days, while in Morocco, weekly protests allowed the palace more opportunity to learn. On the micro-level, the study finds that bounded elite perceptions led the Egyptian regime elites to underestimate similarities between their situation and developments in Tunisia. Leading them to reject that they can learn anything from events in Tunisia. In Morocco, perceptions amongst regime elites shifted over time. While they did not consider the initial protests particularly relevant to their situation, this perception shifted when the protests spilled into other monarchies. Acknowledging parallels between their situation and those of regimes that were deposed by protests led to authoritarian learning affecting regime calculations. Lastly, relatively low threat perceptions amongst Egyptian regime elites led them to misjudge the threat that the protests posed for their rule, rendering it less likely that authoritarian learning impacted regime calculations. In contrast, before the protests in Morocco even erupted, the palace elites acknowledged the threat posed by mass mobilisation for the hegemonic position of the monarchy. Further, this study develops an analytical framework and methodological approach to investigate authoritarian learning applied in a comparative case study of Egypt and Morocco during the Arab Uprisings. The findings provide promising avenues for researching authoritarian learning during crisis.
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Parenting styles affecting the behaviour of five-year oldsLatouf, Natacha Carina Duarte Sequeira 29 February 2008 (has links)
The main aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between parenting styles, as used by the pre-school parent and the social behaviour of the five-year old. Specific attention was given to three main parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. The eight developmental perspectives applicable for the five-year old were also discussed.
The research was conducted according to the quantitative approach. The Parental Styles Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) was completed and returned by a sample of 30 parents (N=30) from Evergreen Pre-primary in Gauteng. The representative sample of five-year olds being observed by the teacher were 24 pupils (N=24). The teacher rated the five-year olds' behaviour using the Behavioural Questionnaire (BQ).
These results indicated primarily that the Authoritative Parenting Style was most used by the parents of the five-year old group and that this Parenting Style tends to lead to more acceptable social behaviour among the five-year olds. / Social Work / M. Diac.(Play Therapy)
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Truth and reconciliation processes and civil-military relations: a qualitative explorationLiebenberg, Johannes Christiaan Rudolph (Ian) 11 1900 (has links)
This work narrates a qualitative sociological exploration with auto-ethnographic underpinnings. It deals with the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (SATRC) as a contextual case among others. The thesis seeks to answer the question of whether countries following a TRC route did better than those that did not use TRCs, when it comes to establishing civil control over the military. The author's exposure and involvement in the process as participant, participant observer, observer participant and observer inform the study. With the SATRC as one cornerstone other cases reflected upon include Argentina and Chile (Latin America), Spain and Portugal (Southern Europe), Namibia, Nigeria and Rwanda (Africa). / Sociology / D.Litt. et. Phil. (Sociology)
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The politics of memory: the role of the children of Holocaust survivorsLurie, Liane Natalie 01 1900 (has links)
The Holocaust represented humanities first confrontation with unparalleled destruction and evil unchecked. It continues to impact upon the lives of survivors, their children- the second generation- and generations thereafter. The study aimed to provide the second generation with a voice. Their roles within their respective family systems and the impact of the Holocaust upon them are explored.
The theoretical framework is social constructionism. One-on-one in-depth interviews were conducted with three adults whose parent/s are survivors. The manner of analysis was `Hermeneutic.'
The participants' narratives took the form of interview transcripts. These were analysed and themed by the researcher. Themes that repeated themselves were elaborated upon and later linked with the available literature.
The researcher hopes that the dissertation will contribute to existing research on the multigenerational effects of trauma in relation to familial and individual roles and memory. / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)
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