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Zhodnocení migrační propustnosti krajiny - případová studie na dálnici R 10 / Evaluation of landscape permeability and migration potential - A Case Study on the motorway D10Novák, Libor January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of technical barriers to accidents with wild animals. On the highway D10 during the years 2006-2014 a total of 598 accidents with animals happened. Six categories of barriers were determine: 1) no barrier, 2) metal guardrails, 3) concrete dividers, 4) reinforced metal guardrails, 5) noise barrier wall, 6) fence, which had been given spatial location during the field survey. The paper also addressed the impact of urbanized areas and created the density of accidents per 1 km of the highway. The results show that there was no evidence for an effect of technical barriers (p = 0.73164). An analysis of accidents density implies some hotspots where there is > 19 accidents / km.
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Charakterizace dielektrických bariérových výbojů za atmosférického tlaku / Characterization of dielectric barrier discharges at atmospheric pressureBudík, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to get to know metodology and construction of suitable electrical insertion in measurement of energy consumed by discharge. These findings will serve to scale dependings of output to frequence for surface and voluminous dielektric barrier discharge in synthetic dry air and determination of effect of humidity in air on electric characteristics of discharge.
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Možnosti udržateľného rozvoja cestovného ruchu na Veľkom bariérovom útese / Approaches to Tourism Sustainability in the Great Barrier ReefJozefčíková, Katarína January 2009 (has links)
Sustainable tourism development is nowadays one of the most discussed topics. The thesis is focusing on the sustainability of the unique site of Great Barrier Reef, which is at risk of an extinction. Because of its fragility it is fully dependant on stable climate, sustainable economic development rate and reasonable use of its resources. The closer attention of the thesis is paid to the analysis of tools implementing the principles of sustainability that are being used in the Great Barrier Reef by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. The detailed analysis of these tools brings out many benefits, as it is providing the particular instructions of how to act sustainably when managing tourism operations.
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Studium dílčích inaktivačních mechanismů uplatňujících se při sterilizaci eukaryotních systémů v dielektrickém bariérovém výboji / Study of elementary inactivation processes acting during sterilization of eucaryotic systems in dielectric barrier dischargeVojkovská, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on studying of the effect of the dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) on eucaryotic microorganisms. Plasma sterilization is considered to be an alternative method to conventional sterilization processes. Contrary to standard decontamination methods it doesn´t stress exposed material by heat, pressure and chemicals. Plasma acts on eucaryotic and procaryotic systems by means of synergy of three inactivation mechanisms. They are various reactive species, UV radiation and heat. The Aspergillus niger has been chosen as a bio-indicator enabling to evaluate the effect of plasma assisted microbial inactivation. Plasma was generated in dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) at atmospheric pressure. Nitrogen and argon were used as working gases, paper and PET foil were used as carrying media. The influence of various working conditions on the sterilization effect was studied. Namely it was the influence of plasma exposition time, plasma power density, the type of operating gas and type of supporting medium. The effect of UV radiation in combination with temperature, temperature and direct plasma were studied separately. According to our results the efficiency of DBD increases with plasma power density, resp. plasma exposition time. When comparing sterilization efficiency of nitrogen and argon operating at the same conditions, the higher sterilization effect was observed in argon. The influence of the carrying medium on sterilization effectiveness was proved. It was caused by the different structure of surface. It was found out, that in our experimental setup the active species are probably the main inactivation mechanism. The influence of temperature on inactivation of microorganisms was negligible. The combination of UV radiation and temperature reached the decontamination level about 2 orders. The discharge parameters were studied by means of optical emmision spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy enabled to evaluate possible damage of exposed materials through DBD.
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Vliv adhezní mezivrstvy na lomově-mechanické chování kompozitu PP + anorganické plnivo. / Influence of adhesive layer on the mechanical behavior of PP+ inorganic filler composite.Švestková, Dana January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis was dealt with the study of system PP and particular filler, specifically PPH and like a filler was used commercially available CaCO3 (SOCAL P3). This type of filler is declared by the producer as a filler without surface treatment. The submitted thesis had a goal to find and testing the suitable method and methodology for defined surface treatment of the filler. This is the first step for systematic study of influence the various types of adhesive layer on mechanical properties of declared composite. The plasma discharge behind static pressure was used for the surface treatment of the fillers. These fillers were afterwards analyzed by using of sedimentation analysis, infra - red spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scan electron microscopy (SEM). The composites with various volume part of the fillers were prepared in PIB and studied by short-time tests. Regarding to experimental demand there wasn't possible to realize the whole originally intended program i. e. study of influence the different types of adhesive layer, including to form the model for FEM approach. Nevertheless finding and testing the suitable method of surface treatment is completely basic for the others study. The above mentioned method was used in this application for the first time and it is possible to consider this process like an original approach.
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Ochrana zdraví z hlediska prevence nozokomiálních nákaz v Nemocnici Prachatice a.s. / Health protection depending on prevention of nosocomial infections in Hospital Prachatice a.s.BIBOROVÁ, Emília January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the prevention and monitoring of healthcare-associated infections at the Hospital Prachatice, a.s. The main objective was to describe current situation in the field of prevention of nosocomial infections in this hospital. I focused on verification of medical personnel knowledge of nosocomial infections, the work of cleaners and the quality of hand hygiene of medical personnel. Diploma thesis is focused on the 4 selected departments of the hospital department of internal medicine, gynecology-obstetric department, surgical department and ARO and ICU. Thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The present knowledge about the healthcare-associated infections are processed in the theoretical part. To obtain all needed information was used domestic and foreign professional literature. The practical part was about the observation and the short research in the Hospital Prachatice, a.s. The research part was combined. The qualitative method including short interviews with the cleaners was combined with a quantitative method. Within this quantitative method have been used short questionnaires, which were intended for nurses. With these questionnaires I tried to find out their basic knowledge about nosocomial diseases and how they prevent them. The microbiological department of the Hospital Prachatice, a.s. was helpful in monitoring the quality of hand hygiene through method of microbiological fingerprinting. The questionnaires were handed out to nurses which worked on shift in that time on four mentioned departments of hospital. I return total 32 questionnaires back. Questionnaire had 11 questions and my plan was find out the basic knowledge of nurses about the issue. Interviews were conducted with cleaners working on focused departments where the research took place. The microbial fingerprints of hands were collected from medical staff on current work shift including doctors and cleaners. The fingerprints were made on blood agar where after 24-hours of incubation the colonies of bacteria were evaluated. None of the fingerprints was completely negative. I determined totaly 4 research questions: 1. Are all workers of selected hospital departments well informed about nosocomial diseases? 2. What is the hygiene quality of hands among medical staff? 3. On what hygienic level is job of cleaners how often they are cleaning, which way and how often they are changing the working equipment and are the all hygiene criterions followed? 4. How is manipulated with laundry? The results of the questionnaires was surprised for me because most of the medical personnel correctly answered all the asked questions. It was found a total 16 kinds of gram+ and gram microorganisms during a hand hygiene by microbial fingerprints. Most occurred findings was Staphylococcus epidermidis and Microccocus species. In two cases occurred a epidemiologically significant Staphylococcus aureus, which in both cases was found among cleaners. From my observation, investigation and interviews with cleaners I can infer that the work they are doing, they do really conscientiously and normally the health regulations are not violated. Further was found that the manipulation with laundry in Hospital Prachatice, a.s. is in accordance with the hygiene requirements for medical devices. What is important is the effective education of personnel in the prevention of infections and supervision of compliance of mandated procedures.
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Ošetřovatelská péče ve zvýšeném hygienicko-epidemiologickém režimu z pohledu pacienta / Nursing care in a hygienic and epidemiological regime from the patient's perspective.KŘEPELOVÁ, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
Considering contemporary lifestyle and possibility of travelling imported infections accrued and some illnesses come back that have not occurred nearly at us more. Not only haemorrhagic fevers and other highly infectious illnesses but also hospital multiresistant bacterial strains that mean high risk for patients constitute a threat. The number of nosocomial infectious grows still. The patient is in the case of suspicion or already diagnosed infectious illness isolated and treated in the infectious department or in the tribal department in the room with increased hygienic-epidemiologic regime. The patient is saved in a single room, the possibility of visits is reduced and the staff uses personal protective equipment. The man is holistic being and it can come due to isolation to lack of satisfaction of his/her bio-psycho-social needs. The aim of this thesis is to identify unsatisfied bio-psycho-social needs of patients in increased hygienic-epidemiologic regime and to describe changes in needs of the patient depending on the time of hospitalisation. The theoretic part describes the problematics of infectious illnesses, system of the care for the patient with infectious illness and changes in human needs in the period of the illness. The empiric part of the thesis deals with unsatisfied bio-psycho-social needs of isolated individual through quantitative research. The research suite was made up of 10 patients who were hospitalised in the room with increased hygienic-epidemiologic regime. The survey was carried out in the Hospital Jihlava by semistructured interview and the results of the survey were processed by opened coding by method paper and pencil. It is emphasized that the most needs of the patient have biological, psychical, social and even spiritual aspects. The rate of satisfaction with caregiving depends on the health condition and personality of the patient. Not small influence has the length of the hospitalisation, too. It was found out during the survey that the patients have not enough information about specifics of the care in the infectious department and that is why there is often a misunderstanding of necessity of barrier measures. It is possible to avoid useless misunderstanding through timely and suitable education. It was created an educational material with the title "Guide for patients hospitalised in the infectious department of Hospital Jihlava" for this purpose. Employees of the infectious department of Hospital Jihlava were informed with results of the research during a workshop, too.
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Uměle vytvořené migrační přechody živočichů a jejich efektivnost / Artificially created animal migration passages and their effectivenessVAJGANTOVÁ, Miroslava January 2011 (has links)
Highways, expressway and other infrastructure have a negative impact on the surrounding population of animals. These linear structures in the landscape create impassable barriers and thus cause more or less isolated subpopulations (called barrier effect). Therefore, the newly constructed building of European highways and passages specially built for the animals, known as green bridges (ecoduct). Effectiveness of transitions is influenced by several factors (width of the bridge, the frequency of passing cars, the speed limit, etc.). This thesis deals with the efficiency of artificial crossings for wildlife and provides an overview of the results published so far.
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Příprava a charakterizace plazmatem aktivované vody pro využití v bioaplikacích / Preparation and characterization of plasma activated water for bio applicationsLemonová, Hana January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is the preparation and characterization of plasma activated water (PAW) prepared by dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure in air for the future applications in agriculture and medicine. The theoretical part is focused on plasma activated water and its effects on seeds and plants. The work also deals with the preparation and application of PAW in the world. Various types of plasma discharge configurations suitable for its preparation are described here. In the experimental part of the master thesis, distilled and tap water were chosen for activation. The concentrations of active particles in PAW generated by DBD such as nitrites, nitrates and hydrogen peroxide were determined. The value of the concentration of active particles changes probably due to mutual interactions when nitrites are oxidized by hydrogen peroxide to nitrates. Physical properties of PAW such as conductivity and pH were also characterized. After the preparation of PAW, the conductivity increases due to the increase in the concentration of active particles formed by dissociation and ionization of water molecules by plasma. The particles presented in the air, which are dissociated and ionized by plasma, also diffuse into the liquid, and contribute to this increase. The decrease in pH also corresponds to an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions and the formation of nitric acids. Another aspect of this work was to study plasma activated water during the first eight hours after its preparation and to determine its properties. We have found that PAW prepared from tap water retains its characteristic properties for at least 8 hours and distilled water for 6 hours. In the master thesis, the analysis of plasma discharge was performed using optical emission spectroscopy. OES measurements were performed in the wavelength range 300 to 800 nm. The second positive nitrogen system (N2 (C 3u) N2 (B 3g)) and the first positive nitrogen system (N2 (B 3g) N2 (A 3+u)) were identified in the overview spectrum. Molecular nitrogen ions, OH· radicals, atomic oxygen and atomic hydrogen can be observed in the spectrum, too. The dielectric barrier discharge was also captured using a high-speed camera, and the recording shows the occurrence of multiple discharges that are spatially as well as temporary unstable.
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Příprava a charakterizace vrstev deponovaných metodou plazmové polymerace na bázi 2-ethyl-2-oxazolinu / Preparation and characterization of layers deposited by plasma polymerization based on 2-Ethyl-2-oxazolineKucserová, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the deposition of layers of 2-ethyl-2-oxazoline monomer in a dielectric barrier discharge in a nitrogen atmosphere. The theoretical part describes polyoxazolines, dielectric barrier discharge, plasma polymerization and diagnostic methods that describe the characteristics of the prepared layers. The experimental part deals with the deposition of layers and the determination of physicochemical properties. Finally, the results are compared with layers that were made of 2-methyl-2-oxazoline.
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