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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of Atmospheric Pressure and Water Table Fluctuations on Gas Phase Flow and Transport of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Unsaturated Zones

You, Kehua 03 October 2013 (has links)
Understanding the gas phase flow and transport of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in unsaturated zones is indispensable to develop effective environmental remediation strategies, to create precautions for fresh water protection, and to provide guidance for land and water resources management. Atmospheric pressure and water table fluctuations are two important natural processes at the upper and lower boundaries of the unsaturated zone, respectively. However, their significance has been neglected in previous studies. This dissertation systematically investigates their influence on the gas phase flow and transport of VOCs in soil and ground water remediation processes using analytically and numerically mathematical modeling. New semi-analytical and numerical solutions are developed to calculate the subsurface gas flow field and the gas phase transport of VOCs in active soil vapor extraction (SVE), barometric pumping (BP) and natural attenuation taking into account the atmospheric pressure and the water table fluctuations. The accuracy of the developed solutions are checked by comparing with published analytical solutions under extreme conditions, newly developed numerical solutions in COMSOL Multiphysics and field measured data. Results indicate that both the atmospheric pressure and the tidal-induced water table fluctuations significantly change the gas flow field in active SVE, especially when the vertical gas permeability is small (less than 0.4 Darcy). The tidal-induced downward moving water table increases the depth-averaged radius of influence (ROI) for the gas pumping well. However, this downward moving water table leads to a greater vertical pore gas velocity away from the gas pumping well, which is unfavorable for removing VOCs. The gas flow rate to/from the barometric pumping well can be accurately calculated by our newly developed solutions in both homogeneous and multi-layered unsaturated zones. Under natural unsaturated zone conditions, the time-averaged advective flux of the gas phase VOCs induced by the atmospheric pressure and water table fluctuations is one to three orders of magnitude less than the diffusive flux. The time-averaged advective flux is comparable with the diffusive flux only when the gas-filled porosity is very small (less than 0.05). The density-driven flux is negligible.

Εφαρμογή μεθόδων εξόρυξης δεδομένων σε βαρομετρικούς χάρτες

Βαρσάμη, Ευθυμία 27 December 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα Διπλωματική εργασία ασχολείται με τον τομέα της Eξόρυξης Δεδομένων (Data Mining) από Βαρομετρικούς Χάρτες. Οι τεχνικές του Data Mining έχουν εφαρμογές σε πλήθος δεδομένων, όπως αυτά που προκύπτουν κάθε στιγμή από το διαδίκτυο, τις συναλλαγές και άλλες πηγές. Η εφαρμογή των μεθόδων του Data Mining έχει ως σκοπό την εξόρυξη χρήσιμης και εύχρηστης "κρυφής" γνώσης από διαφορετικά μη αξιοποιήσιμες πηγές. Η εργασία είναι διαρθρωμένη σε τρία κεφάλαια. Το πρώτο κεφάλαιο εισάγει τον αναγνώστη στην γλώσσα του Data Mining, αναλύει τους τομείς εφαρμογής του, καθώς και τα είδη των δεδομένων στα οποία είναι εφαρμόσιμο. Έπειτα γίνεται μια εκτενής αναφορά στις τρεις κυριότερες τεχνικές Data Mining, την κατηγοριοποίηση, τους κανόνες συσχέτισης και την ομαδοποίηση. Το δεύτερο κεφάλαιο αναφέρεται στην ομαδοποίηση, που είναι η τεχνική που θα εφαρμοστεί στην παρούσα εργασία. Αναλύονται οι κυριότεροι τύποι δεδομένων καθώς και τα διάφορα είδη αλγορίθμων που εφαρμόζονται. Επιπλέον, παρουσιάζονται οι βασικοί ορισμοί του πεδίου και αναλύεται η σπουδαιότητα λήψης συγκεκριμένων αποφάσεων όπως η επιλογή του αλγορίθμου, του μέτρου ομοιότητας και της αναπαράστασης των δεδομένων. Το τρίτο και τελευταίο κεφάλαιο αναφέρεται στην προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία. Στην συγκεκριμένη εργασία χρησιμοποιούνται μέθοδοι μη επιβλεπόμενου Data Mining για την επεξεργασία βαρομετρικών δεδομένων τού ευρύτερου Μεσόγειου χώρου, με σκοπό να εντοπιστούν περιοχές κυκλογενέσεων. Έτσι στο κεφάλαιο αυτό αναλύεται το προς εξέταση πρόβλημα, και αναφέρονται οι στόχοι της εργασίας. Γίνεται αναφορά στο χρησιμοποιούμενο λογισμικό (WEKA) και έπειτα αναλύεται διεξοδικά όλη η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία και παρουσιάζονται οι χάρτες των αποτελεσμάτων, ενώ γίνεται σύγκριση αυτών με τα πραγματικούς βαρομετρικούς χάρτες. Τέλος, στα συμπεράσματα διαπιστώνεται η πρακτική αξία της μεθόδου και παρουσιάζονται κάποιες προτάσεις για περαιτέρω εξέλιξή της. / The present project deals with Data Mining to Barometric Maps Data. Data Mining techniques apply on several types of data, as those that emerge daily from internet, transactions and many other sources. Data Mining methods aim at finding useful, handy "hidden" knowledge in otherwise non-reclaimable sources. The project is structured in three chapters. The first chapter familiarizes the reader with the Data Mining language, analyzes the fields to which it is applicable and the kind of data that can be used. Afterwards the three most important Data Mining Techniques (Association Rules, Categorization, and Clustering) are deeply analyzed. The second chapter refers to Clustering, the technique in use here. The most important types of algorithms are mentioned and explained. Furthermore there is a brief reference to the most important field definitions and the importance of certain decision making issues (as the algorithm choice) is analyzed The last chapter presents the proposed method in this project. Non – supervised Data Mining methods are used to process barometric data of the wider Mediterranean space in order to detect cyclogenetic regions. So, here, the problem under examination is analyzed and the goals of this project are presented. After a brief reference to the software used (WEKA), the whole proposed methodology is deeply analyzed, the result maps are presented while at the same time are compared to the real maps. Finally, the practical value of this method is noted and are given a few proposals for future work.

Groundwater Recharge in Crystalline Bedrock : Processes, Estimation, and Modelling / Grundvattenbildning i kristallin berggrund : Processer, uppskattning och modellering

Bockgård, Niclas January 2004 (has links)
<p>Kunskap om grundvattenbildningen är nödvändig för att man ska kunna förutsäga konsekvenserna av grundvattenuttag och underjordsbyggande. Grundvattenbildningen i berggrunden är dock svår att uppskatta. Syftet med avhandlingen var att öka förståelsen av grundvattenbildningen i kristallin berggrund, att undersöka hur grundvattenbildningen ska uppskattas samt att utveckla nya modeller för att beskriva grundvattenbildningen. Studien grundades på tre angreppssätt: grundvattendatering med freoner (CFC), geohydrauliska observationer och matematisk modellering.</p><p>Koncentrationerna av CFC-11 och CFC-113 befanns vara låga i det undersökta berggrundvattnet, vilket i kombination med låga syrgashalter tyder på anaerob nedbrytning. Koncentrationerna av CFC-12 och tritium överensstämde ganska väl, vilket betyder att den skenbara åldern kan vara den sanna åldern. Resultaten tyder på att CFC-datering inte är pålitlig i skogsmiljöer med finkornigt jordtäcke.</p><p>Vid nederbörd observerades ett snabbt gensvar i den hydrauliska potentialen i den studerade bergakviferen, trots det 10 m mäktiga moräntäcket. En avsevärd del av de observerade potentialvariationerna befanns vara belastningseffekter, som inte innebar någon magasinsförändring eller något vattenflöde. Berggrundens belastningseffektivitet uppskattades, ur potentialens svar på lufttrycksförändringar, till 0,95. Ytbelastningen beräknades från mätningar av lufttryck, vatten i jordtäcket och snö. Omkring 20 % av årstidsvariationen hos den hydrauliska potentialen uppskattades bero på enbart belastningsförändringar. En enkel begreppsmässig modell kunde användas för att simulera den observerade hydrauliska potentialen. För att beskriva enskilda grundvattenbildningstillfällen på bästa sätt var det nödvändigt att ta hänsyn till effekten av ytbelastningen.</p><p>Numeriska experiment gjordes med en modell av en jord–bergprofil. När berget modellerades som ett heterogent kontinuum bildades omättade zoner i berget vid stora hydrauliska gradienter. Fenomenet uppträdde i områden där låggenomsläppliga zoner låg uppströms höggenomsläppliga zoner, och ledde till minskad hydraulisk konduktivitet i berget.</p> / <p>Knowledge about the groundwater recharge is essential for the prediction of impacts of groundwater withdrawal and underground construction. Recharge in the bedrock is, however, difficult to estimate. The objectives of this thesis were to increase the understanding of groundwater recharge in crystalline bedrock, to investigate how the recharge could be estimated, and to develop new models to describe the recharge. The study was based on three approaches: groundwater dating using chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), geohydraulic field measurements, and mathematical modelling.</p><p>Low concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-113 were found in the bedrock groundwater, which in combination with low dissolved-oxygen levels indicated anaerobe degradation. The CFC-12 and tritium concentrations agreed fairly well, which means that apparent ages could be true ages. The results suggest that CFC dating may not be reliable at forested, humid sites covered by fine-grained soil.</p><p>A quick response in hydraulic head to precipitation was observed in the studied bedrock, despite the 10-m thick till cover. A substantial portion of observed head variations was found to be loading effects, involving no storage changes or water flow. The loading efficiency of the bedrock was estimated, from the air-pressure response, to be 0.95. The surface loading was calculated from measurements of air pressure, water in the soil, and snow. About 20% of the seasonal variation of the hydraulic head was estimated to be related to loading changes only. A simple conceptual model could be used to simulate the observed hydraulic heads. The loading effect had to be included to properly describe individual recharge events.</p><p>Numerical experiments were performed with a soil–bedrock profile. When the rock was modelled as a heterogeneous continuum, unsaturated zones developed at high hydraulic gradients. The phenomenon appeared in areas where low-conductive zones were located upstream of high-conductive zones, decreasing the effective hydraulic conductivity of the material.</p>

Groundwater Recharge in Crystalline Bedrock : Processes, Estimation, and Modelling / Grundvattenbildning i kristallin berggrund : Processer, uppskattning och modellering

Bockgård, Niclas January 2004 (has links)
Kunskap om grundvattenbildningen är nödvändig för att man ska kunna förutsäga konsekvenserna av grundvattenuttag och underjordsbyggande. Grundvattenbildningen i berggrunden är dock svår att uppskatta. Syftet med avhandlingen var att öka förståelsen av grundvattenbildningen i kristallin berggrund, att undersöka hur grundvattenbildningen ska uppskattas samt att utveckla nya modeller för att beskriva grundvattenbildningen. Studien grundades på tre angreppssätt: grundvattendatering med freoner (CFC), geohydrauliska observationer och matematisk modellering. Koncentrationerna av CFC-11 och CFC-113 befanns vara låga i det undersökta berggrundvattnet, vilket i kombination med låga syrgashalter tyder på anaerob nedbrytning. Koncentrationerna av CFC-12 och tritium överensstämde ganska väl, vilket betyder att den skenbara åldern kan vara den sanna åldern. Resultaten tyder på att CFC-datering inte är pålitlig i skogsmiljöer med finkornigt jordtäcke. Vid nederbörd observerades ett snabbt gensvar i den hydrauliska potentialen i den studerade bergakviferen, trots det 10 m mäktiga moräntäcket. En avsevärd del av de observerade potentialvariationerna befanns vara belastningseffekter, som inte innebar någon magasinsförändring eller något vattenflöde. Berggrundens belastningseffektivitet uppskattades, ur potentialens svar på lufttrycksförändringar, till 0,95. Ytbelastningen beräknades från mätningar av lufttryck, vatten i jordtäcket och snö. Omkring 20 % av årstidsvariationen hos den hydrauliska potentialen uppskattades bero på enbart belastningsförändringar. En enkel begreppsmässig modell kunde användas för att simulera den observerade hydrauliska potentialen. För att beskriva enskilda grundvattenbildningstillfällen på bästa sätt var det nödvändigt att ta hänsyn till effekten av ytbelastningen. Numeriska experiment gjordes med en modell av en jord–bergprofil. När berget modellerades som ett heterogent kontinuum bildades omättade zoner i berget vid stora hydrauliska gradienter. Fenomenet uppträdde i områden där låggenomsläppliga zoner låg uppströms höggenomsläppliga zoner, och ledde till minskad hydraulisk konduktivitet i berget. / Knowledge about the groundwater recharge is essential for the prediction of impacts of groundwater withdrawal and underground construction. Recharge in the bedrock is, however, difficult to estimate. The objectives of this thesis were to increase the understanding of groundwater recharge in crystalline bedrock, to investigate how the recharge could be estimated, and to develop new models to describe the recharge. The study was based on three approaches: groundwater dating using chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), geohydraulic field measurements, and mathematical modelling. Low concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-113 were found in the bedrock groundwater, which in combination with low dissolved-oxygen levels indicated anaerobe degradation. The CFC-12 and tritium concentrations agreed fairly well, which means that apparent ages could be true ages. The results suggest that CFC dating may not be reliable at forested, humid sites covered by fine-grained soil. A quick response in hydraulic head to precipitation was observed in the studied bedrock, despite the 10-m thick till cover. A substantial portion of observed head variations was found to be loading effects, involving no storage changes or water flow. The loading efficiency of the bedrock was estimated, from the air-pressure response, to be 0.95. The surface loading was calculated from measurements of air pressure, water in the soil, and snow. About 20% of the seasonal variation of the hydraulic head was estimated to be related to loading changes only. A simple conceptual model could be used to simulate the observed hydraulic heads. The loading effect had to be included to properly describe individual recharge events. Numerical experiments were performed with a soil–bedrock profile. When the rock was modelled as a heterogeneous continuum, unsaturated zones developed at high hydraulic gradients. The phenomenon appeared in areas where low-conductive zones were located upstream of high-conductive zones, decreasing the effective hydraulic conductivity of the material.

Estimation of Altitude : using ultrasoinc and pressure sensors

Veedhi, Carisma Catherin, Yeedi, Vasantha Sai Darahas January 2020 (has links)
This paper deals with the estimation of altitude of the drone for which the sensors like ultrasonic, barometric pressure sensors and their characteristics plays a major role. To  estimate the altitude of the drone, we used the matlab software with Simulink. apart from the software and hardware description, we discuss several issues regarding the equipment,abilities and performance of the drone.

Influência da pressão atmosférica no comportamento sexual dos insetos / Influence of atmospheric pressure on the sexual behavior of insects

Pellegrino, Ana Cristina 29 November 2011 (has links)
Tempestades acompanhadas por diferentes combinações de ventos, chuvas, variações bruscas de temperatura e de radiação solar são manifestações climáticas frequentemente associadas com queda na pressão atmosférica. Para os insetos, especialmente os pequenos insetos, estas condições de mau tempo são desfavoráveis e podem acarretar alta mortalidade na sua população. Neste trabalho foi demonstrado que as mudanças na pressão atmosférica influenciaram várias atividades do comportamento sexual nos insetos em ao menos três ordens, representados por Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) e Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Os parâmetros comportamentais observados foram: (i) Resposta de atração do macho ao feromônio sexual (para D. speciosa); (ii) comportamento de chamamento das fêmeas (para P. unipuncta e M. euphorbiae); e (iii) comportamento de cópula (para D. speciosa, P. unipuncta e M. euphorbiae). Estes parâmetros, por sua vez, foram analisados sob diferentes condições de pressão atmosférica no Brasil (Bra) e Canadá (Can). Levando-se em conta dados históricos nestes locais, foi definido como condições estáveis de pressão atmosférica variações de ±1,5mbar (Bra) e ±1,0mbar (Can); aumento de pressão variando de +2,0mbar (Bra) e +4,0mbar (Can); e queda de pressão variando de -2,0mbar (Bra) e -4,0mbar (Can), ao longo das seis horas anteriores a cada bioensaio. Os machos de D. speciosa responderam ativamente ao feromônio sexual em condições estáveis e de aumento da pressão atmosférica, porém permanecerem imóveis em condições de queda da pressão atmosférica. As fêmeas de P. unipuncta realizaram comportamento de chamamento sob condições estáveis e aumento da pressão atmosférica, reduzindo sensivelmente este comportamento quando houve queda da pressão atmosférica. As fêmeas de M. euphorbiae apresentaram comportamento de chamamento apenas em condições estáveis de pressão atmosférica, e permaneceram em repouso sob aumento e queda da pressão atmosférica. O comportamento de cópula em P. unipuncta e M. euphorbiae foi realizado preferencialmente sob condições estáveis de pressão atmosférica, e intensamente reduzidos em condições de queda e aumento de pressão atmosférica. Em D. speciosa, apesar dos casais terem realizado a cópula, independentemente das variações observadas de pressão atmosférica, o tempo investido e as sequências comportamentais durante essas cópulas foram encurtadas nas condições de queda da pressão atmosférica. Os resultados aqui apresentados demonstraram que o comportamento sexual dos insetos foi influenciado pelas variações da pressão atmosférica, e aparentemente, a percepção antecipada dessas variações teria um valor adaptativo importante, selecionando os indivíduos mais aptos, permitindo assim sua sobrevivência em razão das mudanças bruscas nas condições atmosféricas. / Storms accompanied by different combinations of wind, rain, sudden changes in temperature and solar radiation are climatic events often associated with decreasing atmospheric pressure. For insects, especially small insects, these weather conditions are unfavorable and can cause high mortality in a population. This study showed that changes in atmospheric pressure affected various activities of the sexual behavior in insects of at least three orders, represented by Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The behavior parameters observed were: (i) male response to sex pheromone (for D. speciosa), (ii) calling behavior of females (for P. unipuncta and M. euphorbiae) and mating behavior (for D. speciosa, P. unipuncta and M. euphorbiae). These parameters were analyzed under different atmospheric pressure conditions in Brazil (Bra) and Canada (Can). According to historic data in these locations, the variations in atmospheric pressure were determined as stable when varying ±1,5mbar (Bra) and ±1,0mbar (Can); increasing when varying +2,0mbar (Bra) and +4,0mbar (Can) and decreasing when varying -2,0mbar (Bra) and -4,0mbar (Can), throughout six hours preceding each bioassay. D. speciosa males responded to the sex pheromone in stable and increasing atmospheric pressures, but remained still in decreasing atmospheric pressure. P. unipuncta females called under stable and increasing atmospheric pressures, and reduced its behavior considerably when there was a decrease in atmospheric pressure. M. euphorbiae females called only under stable atmospheric pressure, and remained still under increasing and decreasing atmospheric pressures. The mating behavior in P. unipuncta and M. euphorbiae occurred preferably under stable conditions, and was reduced in increasing and decreasing atmospheric pressures. D. speciosa, despite mating under variations in atmospheric pressure, invested less time and shortened the behavioral sequences under decreasing pressure. The results presented here demonstrated that the sexual behavior of insects was influenced by variations in atmospheric pressure and, apparently, the early perception of these changes may add an important adaptive value to them, since it selects those who respond to these conditions, allowing their survival under changes in climatic conditions.

Influência da pressão atmosférica no comportamento sexual dos insetos / Influence of atmospheric pressure on the sexual behavior of insects

Ana Cristina Pellegrino 29 November 2011 (has links)
Tempestades acompanhadas por diferentes combinações de ventos, chuvas, variações bruscas de temperatura e de radiação solar são manifestações climáticas frequentemente associadas com queda na pressão atmosférica. Para os insetos, especialmente os pequenos insetos, estas condições de mau tempo são desfavoráveis e podem acarretar alta mortalidade na sua população. Neste trabalho foi demonstrado que as mudanças na pressão atmosférica influenciaram várias atividades do comportamento sexual nos insetos em ao menos três ordens, representados por Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) e Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Os parâmetros comportamentais observados foram: (i) Resposta de atração do macho ao feromônio sexual (para D. speciosa); (ii) comportamento de chamamento das fêmeas (para P. unipuncta e M. euphorbiae); e (iii) comportamento de cópula (para D. speciosa, P. unipuncta e M. euphorbiae). Estes parâmetros, por sua vez, foram analisados sob diferentes condições de pressão atmosférica no Brasil (Bra) e Canadá (Can). Levando-se em conta dados históricos nestes locais, foi definido como condições estáveis de pressão atmosférica variações de ±1,5mbar (Bra) e ±1,0mbar (Can); aumento de pressão variando de +2,0mbar (Bra) e +4,0mbar (Can); e queda de pressão variando de -2,0mbar (Bra) e -4,0mbar (Can), ao longo das seis horas anteriores a cada bioensaio. Os machos de D. speciosa responderam ativamente ao feromônio sexual em condições estáveis e de aumento da pressão atmosférica, porém permanecerem imóveis em condições de queda da pressão atmosférica. As fêmeas de P. unipuncta realizaram comportamento de chamamento sob condições estáveis e aumento da pressão atmosférica, reduzindo sensivelmente este comportamento quando houve queda da pressão atmosférica. As fêmeas de M. euphorbiae apresentaram comportamento de chamamento apenas em condições estáveis de pressão atmosférica, e permaneceram em repouso sob aumento e queda da pressão atmosférica. O comportamento de cópula em P. unipuncta e M. euphorbiae foi realizado preferencialmente sob condições estáveis de pressão atmosférica, e intensamente reduzidos em condições de queda e aumento de pressão atmosférica. Em D. speciosa, apesar dos casais terem realizado a cópula, independentemente das variações observadas de pressão atmosférica, o tempo investido e as sequências comportamentais durante essas cópulas foram encurtadas nas condições de queda da pressão atmosférica. Os resultados aqui apresentados demonstraram que o comportamento sexual dos insetos foi influenciado pelas variações da pressão atmosférica, e aparentemente, a percepção antecipada dessas variações teria um valor adaptativo importante, selecionando os indivíduos mais aptos, permitindo assim sua sobrevivência em razão das mudanças bruscas nas condições atmosféricas. / Storms accompanied by different combinations of wind, rain, sudden changes in temperature and solar radiation are climatic events often associated with decreasing atmospheric pressure. For insects, especially small insects, these weather conditions are unfavorable and can cause high mortality in a population. This study showed that changes in atmospheric pressure affected various activities of the sexual behavior in insects of at least three orders, represented by Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The behavior parameters observed were: (i) male response to sex pheromone (for D. speciosa), (ii) calling behavior of females (for P. unipuncta and M. euphorbiae) and mating behavior (for D. speciosa, P. unipuncta and M. euphorbiae). These parameters were analyzed under different atmospheric pressure conditions in Brazil (Bra) and Canada (Can). According to historic data in these locations, the variations in atmospheric pressure were determined as stable when varying ±1,5mbar (Bra) and ±1,0mbar (Can); increasing when varying +2,0mbar (Bra) and +4,0mbar (Can) and decreasing when varying -2,0mbar (Bra) and -4,0mbar (Can), throughout six hours preceding each bioassay. D. speciosa males responded to the sex pheromone in stable and increasing atmospheric pressures, but remained still in decreasing atmospheric pressure. P. unipuncta females called under stable and increasing atmospheric pressures, and reduced its behavior considerably when there was a decrease in atmospheric pressure. M. euphorbiae females called only under stable atmospheric pressure, and remained still under increasing and decreasing atmospheric pressures. The mating behavior in P. unipuncta and M. euphorbiae occurred preferably under stable conditions, and was reduced in increasing and decreasing atmospheric pressures. D. speciosa, despite mating under variations in atmospheric pressure, invested less time and shortened the behavioral sequences under decreasing pressure. The results presented here demonstrated that the sexual behavior of insects was influenced by variations in atmospheric pressure and, apparently, the early perception of these changes may add an important adaptive value to them, since it selects those who respond to these conditions, allowing their survival under changes in climatic conditions.

Systém pro určování nadzemní výšky letajících objektů / System for Identifying Above Ground Level of Flying Objects

Boba, Peter January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with design and development of a system for measuring altitude (height above ground level) of flying objects. It describes theoretical background related to altitude measurements in avionics as well as various techniques of altitude measuring. The measurement is conducted by HMD (Height measuring device) - embedded system which uses barometric pressure sensor to measure altitude. The main part of this thesis is dedicated to ground unit - a server running custom set of applications. Using this server and radio link, it is possible to send control commands to HMD, receive data, and propagate data into web application. Furthermore server acts as a data storage and is able to process and analyse data. The thesis also discusses the precision of the measurement and the data output. System was tested and used during several glider aerobatics competitions.

Two-Satellite Positioning with a Stable Frequency Reference, Altimeters, and Bistatic Satellite Altimetry

Yen, Shih-Wei 05 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Use of Time Series, Barometric and Tidal Analyses to Conceptualize and Model Flow in an Underground Mine: The Corning Mine Complex, Ohio

Sahu, Parameswar January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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