Spelling suggestions: "subject:"basis""
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Studies on the regulation of the Napin napA promoter by ABI3, bZIP and bHLH transcription factors /Martin, Nathalie, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2008. / Härtill 3 uppsatser.
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O direito à educação básica no âmbito do MERCOSUL: proteção normativa nos planos constitucional, internacional e regional / The right to basic education in the Mercosur: normative protection in the constitucional, international and regional levelsDaniel Bernardes de Oliveira Babinski 03 May 2010 (has links)
O direito à educação básica conforma direito de tipo especial, visto que sua proteção é condição necessária para o usufruto de todos os outros direitos fundamentais. A presente dissertação de mestrado procura analisar a extensão da proteção normativa concedida a esse direito nos Estados-Partes do MERCOSUL. Tal análise será feita mediante uma pesquisa conduzida em três níveis distintos, nomeadamente, o plano constitucional, internacional e o regional. Em virtude de sua natureza individual e coletiva, fundamental e humana, o direito à educação básica é tutelado nestes três planos, ensejando uma necessária apreciação de suas interelações. Desta forma, o presente estudo analisa não apenas as normas constitucionais em matéria educacional, mas se amplia para toda a produção de documentos internacionais tratados e declarações - que tutelam o direito à educação básica. Por último, analisaremos o papel da educação no fenômeno da integração mercosulina, concluindo que é inegável que a estruturação do Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL ainda não foi capaz de incrementar a proteção normativa do direito à educação básica, resumindo suas atividades à compilação de informações estatísticas, reconhecimento de diplomas e títulos de grau entre os Estados-Partes e fomento de uma mentalidade favorável à integração. Infelizmente a ousadia das declarações internacionais contrasta com a timidez das atividades mercosulinas. / The right to basic education conforms a special right, given that its protection is a necessary condition for the enjoyment of all other fundamental rights. This dissertation aims to analyze the extent of juridical protection granted to the right to basic education in the Member States of MERCOSUR. This analysis shall be done through a survey conducted at three different levels, namely, the constitutional level, international and regional. Because of their juridical nature as individual and collective, as fundamental and human, the right to basic education is protected in these three planes, allowing for a necessary appreciation of their interrelations. Thus, this study is not reduced to the educational provisions located on the constitutional plain, and contemplates the entire production of international documents - treaties and declarations - which protect the right to basic education. Finally, we analyze the role of education in the phenomenon of integration conducted in the MERCOSUR, concluding that it is undeniable that the structuring of the Educational Sector of MERCOSUR has not yet been able to increase the legislative protection of the right to basic education, summarizing its activities to the compilation of statistical information, recognition of degree certifications among States Parties, and promoting a spirit of integration. Unfortunately, the boldness of the international declarations contrasts with the timidity of the regional activities.
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Volnočasové aktivity a jejich možnosti při práci s průřezovými tématy na 1. stupni ZŠ / Leisure activities and their posisibilities at work with cross-sectional themes at the first stage of a primary school.ZACHOVALOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis deals with leisure activities and their possibilites at work with cross-senctional themes at the first stage of primary school. This thesis is aimed to determine attitudes of teachers to integrate cross-sectional themes to education and creating a five-day program. Section defines theoretical basis of literature on the concept of leisure activities and is characterized by cross-senctional themes. It suggests procedures for integrating cross-senctional themes in education and outlines the possibility of of cross-senctional themes intersection with leisure activities. In the practical part is used the questionnaire method to investigated attitude of teachers to integrate cross-senctional themes into teaching in primary schools. The main point of this master thesis is a five day program focusing on environmental education.
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Průřezová témata ve výuce na 2. stupni ZŠ / Cross - curricular Themes at Middle School LevelMACHARTOVÁ, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with cross-curricular themes at middle school level. In theoretical part the cross-curricular themes are described, as included in the general curriculum for basic education. Further attention is dedicated to {\clqq}Multicultural education``. Practical part includes the survey of teachers at elementary schools in reference to their work on the school curriculum for basic education and cross-curricular themes. Diploma thesis also includes suggestion of several lessons which can be used for multicultural education.
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Možnosti volnočasových aktivit při práci s průřezovými tématy na 1. stupni ZŠ / Possibilities of leisure-time activities at work with cross-sectional themes at the first stage of a primary schoolHEJCMANOVÁ, Radka January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is written about the possibilities of leisure-time activities at work with cross-sectional themes at the first stage of a primary school. The thesis is aimed to capture the experience of teachers in integrating cross-sectional themes and making up a five-day program. Teoretical part is defined basic terms of the general educational program and cross-sectional themes and are characterized by leisure-time activities. Outlines the procedures how cross-sectional themes are adapated into the school educational programs. Joining between cross-sectional themes and leisure-time activities, pointing out possibilities of leasure-time activities offering goals for fulfilling the content cross-sectional themes issues in education. The practical part is find out the situation of the integration of cross-sectional themes helped by questionnaire methods at primary schools. The focus of this thesis is to prepare a five-day program of leisure activities with a focus on multicultural education.
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Utveckling av dokumentdatabas / Development of Document DatabaseLorentzon, Marie, Lindstrand, Anders January 2002 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete inom Programmet för Användarinriktad Systemutveckling vid Linköpings universitet, Campus Norrköping. Resultatet är en databasapplikation som är utvecklad specifikt för C.N.S. Systems AB i Linköping. I uppgiften ingår analys, utformning, realisering, implementering, dokumentation samt i viss mån även förvaltning och drift. Utvecklingsarbetet har skett i nära samarbete med företaget som har tillhandhållit arbetsplatser och datorutrustning. Applikationen är ett dokumentregistreringssystem där information om företagets interna och externa dokument lagras. Tidigare har motsvarande uppgifter lagrats i Excel. Den färdiga databasapplikationen har främst gjort det lättare att registrera och söka ett dokument vilket också var ett av de uppsatta målen. Själva databasen är utvecklad i Access och gränssnittet i Visual Basic. Kopplingen mellan dessa är skapad med ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 (ADO). Rapporten ger inledningsvis en närmare presentation av utgångsläge och förutsättningar. Därefter beskrivs teorin bakom det arbetssätt som använts. I resultatdelen presenteras applikationen översiktligt, valda delar lite mer ingående. Och slutligen, i diskussionsavsnittet, görs en subjektiv bedömning av resultatet och utvecklingsarbetet. / This report is based on a project within ”User oriented System development Program”, ASP, at the University of Linköping, Campus Norrköping, Sweden. The result is a database application developed for C.N.S. Systems AB in Linköping. The report describes analysis, design, implementation, documentation and in some extent maintenance of the system. The development work has been done in collaboration with the company at their office in Linköping. The application handles and stores information about internal and external documents. The purpose of the database is to improve registration and searching of documents. The system is designed with MS Access 2000 connected to Visual Basic with ActiveX Data Objects 2.0(ADO).
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Grundsmaksperception hos 4-6-åriga förskolebarn : Förmåga att identifiera smaker i livsmedel före och efter träning med grundsmaklösningar. / Basic taste perception in 4-6-year old pre-school children. : Ability to identify basic tastes in foods before and after training with basic taste solutions.Magnusson, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Individuella smakupplevelser varierar stort och är delvis beroende av hur väl och intensivt individen kan urskilja grundsmaker. Jämfört med vuxna uppvisar barn en högre preferens för sött och starkare aversion mot bittert. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka 4-6-åriga förskolebarns förmåga att identifiera grundsmaker i livsmedel före och efter träning med grundsmaklösningar. Även barnens förmåga att verbalisera smakupplevelser innan grundsmakträning undersöktes. Studien genomfördes på en förskola, totalt elva barn deltog i studien som bestod av fyra moment. En gruppdiskussion om (grund)smaker, provsmakning av tio olika livsmedel med fortsatt samtal om vad dessa smakade. Tredje momentet var träning med grundsmaklösningar där barnen fick öva på att känna igen sött, surt, salt, bittert och umami. Sista momentet var ett grundsmaktest där barnen fick svara vilka grundsmaker de kunde identifiera i varje livsmedel. Resultaten visade på en signifikant skillnad förmåga att uppfatta salt jämfört med övriga grundsmaker, samt en markant ökad förmåga att både identifiera och verbalisera samtliga grundsmaker i livsmedel efter grundsmakträning. Från att ha benämnt ”gott” och ”äckligt” som smaker kunde barnen efter träning i större utsträckning sätta ord på och identifiera flera olika grundsmaker i livsmedlen de smakade. En kort grundsmakträning är en enkel metod som kan bidra till att få små barn att inta ett positivt, nyfiket förhållningssätt till nya smaker och mat i allmänhet. / Individual experiences of taste differs greatly and is partially due to both the ability to detect basic taste and the intensity at which it is interpreted. Compared to grown-ups, children tend to show a higher preference toward sweet and a greater aversion towards bitter. The purpose of this study was to examine 4-6-year old pre-school children’s ability to identify basic tastes in food before and after training with basic taste solutions. The children’s ability to articulate their taste experiences were also studied before basic taste training. The research were conducted at a single pre-school, eleven children participated in the study which involved four different parts. A group discussion about (basic) tastes, testing of ten different foods accompanied by continued conversations about what the food tasted like. The third part was training with basic taste solutions where the children got to practice recognizing sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. The last part were a basic taste test in which the children were asked to answer what basic tastes they could identify in each food. The results showed a significant difference in the children’s ability to identify salty tastes compared to other basic tastes, also a notably improved ability to detect and articulate all basic tastes after basic taste training. The children went from naming “tasty” and “disgusting” as tastes, to being able to put words on, and identify, many of the basic tastes in each food. A short training session with basic tastes is a simple method which can benefit young children by contributing to a more positive and curious approach towards new flavours and food in general.
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New ways of understanding: a governmentality analysis of basic education policy in post-apartheid South AfricaPrinsloo, Estelle Helena January 2013 (has links)
Social problems that are identified by government policy are articulated in ways that confer the responsibility of their management onto the state. In this way, policy reform serves as a means to justify political rule, as the ‘answers’ to policy failures are located within the realm of state intervention. This role of policy is maintained by the traditional definition of policy as it enables policies to be presented as the outcome of ‘necessary’ actions taken by state institutions to better the wellbeing of citizens. Since 1994, mainstream research on basic education policy in South Africa has employed traditional understandings of policy and its function. In doing so, these inquiries have failed to question the very idea of policy itself. They have also neglected to identify the productive role played by policy in the practice of power. To illuminate the necessary limits of policy reform, an alternative approach to analyse basic education policy is necessary. This thesis premises policy as discourse and advances a governmentality analysis of basic education policy during the first fifteen years of democracy (1994-2009) in South Africa. By drawing on the work of Michel Foucault, the study argues that government – ‘those actions upon the actions of others’ – during this period in South Africa was informed by both a liberal and a neo-liberal mentality of rule. The tensions between these two rationalities contributed to the continuation of apartheid’s socio-economic inequalities in the postapartheid era; an outcome buttressed by the contradictory impulses within basic education policy. By considering policy as a productive translation of governmental reasoning, the boundaries of intervention for future policy reforms are highlighted. These show that the inequalities that were perpetuated during the first fifteen years of democracy justify policy responses similar to those responsible for their production
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'The school funding system in post-apartheid South Africa: Is the right to adequate basic education accessible to the rich only?'Arendse, Lorette Elizabeth January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The financing of public schools in South Africa is dependent on school fees to a great extent. However, the legislative process governing the charging of school fees perpetuates the entrenched inequality in the education system and violates the constitutional rights of those learners who are unable to afford school fees and other educational costs. This study examines the impact of the school funding system on the right to basic education of these learners, who are in most instances black and/or poor. / South Africa
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Matematické a statistické metody pro podporu vývoje softwarových aplikací / Mathematical and Statistical Methods as Support of the Development of Software ApplicationsBohuslav, Radek January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the creation of a program enabling calculation of selected economic indicators of Arbela s.r.o. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The content of the theoretical part is a description of individual methods and procedures of financial analysis, description of principles of time series, and regression analysis. In the practical part, the program created to calculate the selected economic indicators of the company Arbela s.r.o. is presented. These indicators are subsequently evaluated and foreseeable development of the company is determined for the future. At the end of the thesis, solutions for possible improvement of the economic situation of the company can be found.
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