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Petrologia dos basaltos toleíticos de 2.1 GA do Greenstone Belt Vila Nova, Escudo das Guianas, Amapá, BrasilHoffmann, Itiana Borges January 2017 (has links)
O significado da idade do magmatismo, reconhecimento das séries magmáticas e ambientes tectônicos que controlaram a origem das rochas metavulcânicas do Greenstone Belt da Vila Nova (GBVN), é uma importante ferramenta para entender a evolução do Escudo das Guianas durante o Paleoproterozóico. Este trabalho apresenta novos dados geoquímicos de rochas metavulcânicas e de U/Pb em zircão (LA-MC-ICPMS), que foram suplementados por petrografia, dados estratigráficos e estruturais obtidos através de mapeamento geológico e descrição de furos de sondagem. Na região de Vila Nova, as unidades do GBVN repousam sobre o embasamento Arqueano composto por ortognaisses, metagranitos e anfibolitos do Complexo Tumucumaque. A base do GBVN é composta por metabasaltos e metabasaltos andesíticos, sotoposto por um domínio superior metassedimentar com rochas químico exalativas e metavulcânicas subordinadas. As rochas metavulcânicas incluem anfibolitos e anfibólio xistos, cujos corpos estão alongados segundo a xistosidade regional de direção NW-SE. A geocronologia pelo método U-Pb em zircão mostra uma idade de 2.154 ± 6 Ma para um meta-andesito da porção inferior do GBVN. O evento de metamorfismo orogênico esteve associado a três eventos deformacionais. Os eventos D1 e D2 formaram a xistosidade (S1), preservada como dobras intrafoliais (F2) e a clivagem de crenulação (S2), originadas a partir de movimentos de cavalgamento. O pico metamórfico (M1) está marcado pela assembleia plagioclásio+hornblenda+granada e, plagioclásio+hornblenda+diopsídio, indicando temperaturas entre 450 e 650 °C e pressão entre 4 e 6 kbares. Os metabasitos compreendem Fe-toleítos e Mg-toleítos com afinidade komatitica, composições geoquímicas enriquecidas em LILE e ETR e empobrecidas em HFSE (com anomalias negativas de Nb, Ti e P) e padrões de ETR semelhantes ao MORB. As características observadas indicam um magmatismo toleítico relacionado à bacias de retro-arco e arco de ilhas de 2.15 Ga no Escudo das Guianas. / The significance of the age of magmatism, magma series and tectonic settings that controls the origin of metavolcanic rocks of Vila Nova Greenstone Belt (VNGB) is an important issue in order to understand the evolution of Guiana Shield in Paleoproterozoic times. This work presents new U-Pb LA-ICP-MS geochronological and geochemical analyzes carried out on zircon grains and metavolcanic rocks of the Vila Nova greenstone belt (VNGB) which were supplemented by petrography, and stratigraphic and structural data acquired through description of boreholes and field work. In the Vila Nova region, the VNGB units rest on the Archaean basement composed of orthogneisses of the Tumucumaque Complex. The lower portion of the VNGB is composed of metabasalts and andesitic metabasalts, supported by an upper metasedimentary domain with exhalative chemical rocks and subordinate metavolcanic rocks. The metavolcanic rocks include amphibolites and amphibole schists, whose bodies are elongated according to the regional NW-SE schistosity. U-Pb zircon geochronology data showed an age of 2154 ±6 Ma for a meta-andesite of the lower portion of VNGB. Orogenic metamorphism event followed by three deformation events were recognized. The D1 and D2 events formed the schistosity (S1), preserved as intrafolial folds (F2) and the crenulation cleavage (S2), derived from thrust movements. The assemblages plagioclase + hornblende + garnet and plagioclase + hornblende + diopside define the metamorphic peak (M1-M2) with temperatures from 450-650 °C and lithostatic pressure between 4 and 6 kbars. The metabasites comprise Fe-tholeiites and Mg-tholeiites with komatiitic affinity, geochemical compositions enriched in LILE and REE and depleted in HFSE (with negative Nb, Ti and P anomalies) and MORB-like REE patterns. The observed features indicate an expressive magmatism related to back-arc basins and island arcs at 2.15 Ga in Guiana Shield.
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Tectonique intracontinentale dans le bloc de Chine du sud : exemple de la chaîne du Xuefengshan / Intracontinental tectonics in the South China block : example of the Xuefengshan beltChu, Yang 15 September 2011 (has links)
Les observations détaillés indiquent que la chaîne de Xuefengshan peut être divisé en deux parties, la zone Ouest, caractérisée par des plis-coffrés, et la zone Est à déformation ductile polyphasée. Elles sont séparées par le chevauchement principal vers l'Ouest. Dans la zone Est, les structures dominantes sont des plis à vergence NW associés à des schistosités pénétratives de plan axial et des linéations NW-SE. De l'ouest vers l'est, la schistosité montre un style en éventail. Les roches du socle affleurent seulement autour des plutons triasiques. Les roches de la chaîne de Xuefengshan sont généralement déformées ductilement mais faiblement métamorphisées, toutefois, sous la croûte supérieure, on met en évidence un décollement ductile et synmétamorphe qui accommode les différences de déformation entre les roches sédimentaires et le socle. L'architecture de la chaîne du Xuefengshan résulte de la déformation polyphasée: la première phase (D1) est caractérisée par un cisaillement ver le nord-ouest. Le deuxième phase (D2) correspond au rétro-plissement vers le SE. La dernière phase (D3) est un événement de raccourcissement NW-SE avec des plis doits et schistosités verticales. En combinant ces nouveaux résultats structuraux avec les données géochronologiques, la chaîne de Xuefengshan est interprété comme un orogène intracontinental formé au Trias moyen. Cette chaîne résulte du sous-charriage continental d’une partie du bloc de Chine du Sud, en réponse à l’effet lointain de la subduction de la plaque de Paleo-Pacifique vers le nord-ouest. / Detail field observations indicate that the Xuefengshan Belt can be divided into a Western OuterZone, characterized by km-scale box-fold structures, and an Eastern Zone, separated from theWestern Outer Zone by the Main Xuefengshan Thrust. In the Eastern Zone, NW verging folds coevalwith a pervasive slaty cleavage and a NW-SE trending lineation are the dominant structure. Fromwest to east, the dip of the cleavage surface exhibits a fan-like pattern. Basement rocks are sparselylocated around some Triassic plutons. The rocks of the Xuefengshan Belt are generally ductilelydeformed but weakly metamorphosed, however, below this upper crustal level, a high straindecollement accommodates the difference of deformation between the sedimentary and the basementrocks. The architecture of the Xuefengshan Belt results from polyphase deformation: the first one(D1) is characterized by a top-to-the-NW shearing. The second one (D2) corresponds to a backfoldingand back-thrusting stage. The last phase (D3) is a NW-SE shortening event associated withupright folds with vertical axial plane cleavages. Combined with geochronological data, theXuefengshan Belt is interpreted as an Early Mesozoic intracontinental orogen, which possiblyoriginated from the continental underthrusting to the SE of a piece of the South China block inresponse to the far-field effect of the northwest directed subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate.
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Geologia da região de Colatina (ES): Uma abordagem geocronológica, petrográfica e estrutural por ASM / not availableRenan Garcia Lopes 29 April 2016 (has links)
A porção leste do Orógeno Araçuaí, de idade neoproterozoica, compreende uma extensa área composta por anatexitos, leucogranitos, kinzigitos e granulitos migmatizados, que provavelmente estão correlacionados com o registro de uma ampla fusão parcial da crosta intermediária a inferior. Na região de estudo afloram rochas do Complexo Nova Venécia, que é caracterizado por ortogniasses e, sua paragênese é dada pela associação entre cordierita + granada + biotita + feldspato potássico + plagioclásio + quartzo e, a presença de sillimanita indica que estas rochas chegaram a fácies anfibolito superior. São rochas que variam de metatexitos a diatexitos com ampla variação das estruturas de fusão parcial. A mineralogia observada no ortognaisse é praticamente a mesma encontrada no granitoide Colatina - aflorante na região, com exceção dos minerais metamórficos cordierita e sillimanita, observadas pontualmente na região de estudo. Com relação à deformação na região de estudo, nota-se que esta deu-se de forma contínua, indo desde o estágio pré-colisional até o pós-colisional, estando o registro desta, tanto no bandamento gnáissico, quanto na anisotropia de suscetibilidade magnética (ASM) e nos cristais de plagioclásio deformados observados no Norito, que possui ocorrência restrita na área. A mineralogia magnética é dada principalmente minerais ferromagnéticos oblatos, sendo estes a magnetita e em menores proporções a pirrotita e maghemita, podendo também ter influência de minerais paramagnéticos como a biotita. Foram identificadas duas fases deformacionais, a primeira relacionada ao metamorfismo que gerou o bandamento gnáissico e migmatítico e a segunda relacionada ao dobramento identificado nos estereogramas de alguns domínios estruturais e à foliação observada no granitoide. Com relação à geocronologia, foi obtida a idade de 582,9 ±4,1Ma para a rocha fonte que gerou os sedimentos que deram origem ao ortognaisse. Idade essa muito próxima à de 576,3 ±2,9Ma obtida para o granitoide Colatina, relacionada a sua cristalização, indicando que provavelmente ambas as rochas - a rocha fonte dos sedimentos que deram origem ao ortognaisse e o granitoide Colatina - foram geradas em um mesmo evento, sendo que o pulso magmático que gerou a rocha fonte dos sedimentos do ortognaisse possui caráter pré-colisional e o granitoide Colatina sin-colisional. Nas bordas de sobrecrescimento dos zircões do ortognaisse foi obtida a idade de 522 ±2Ma, sendo esta atribuída ao último evento metamórfico que atuou na região. Razões Th/U mostram que a origem dos zircões analisados do ortognaisse (núcleo dos zircões) é magmática, sendo essa de aproximadamente 0,42 no núcleo dos zircões e de 0,15 nas regiões de borda de sobrecrescimento, indicando serem estas bordas de sobrecrescimento metamórfico. A idade obtida em monazitas do ortognaisse foi de 503 ±4Ma e, de acordo com a temperatura atingida durante o pico metamórfico (820°C, calculada por Munhá et al. 2005), indica que esta idade relaciona-se também ao último evento metamórfico, visto que a temperatura de fechamento da monazita é de cerca de 750°C. Com a idade metamórfica obtida nas bordas de sobrecrescimento do zircão e na monazita, calcula-se uma taxa de resfriamento de aproximadamente 3,7°C/Ma para a região. Por fim, a idade obtida para o norito foi de 513,2 ±2,3Ma, sendo este associado ao estágio pós colisional, estando a deformação registrada em cristais de plagioclásio deformados observados na análise microestrutural. / The eastern portion of the Araçuaí Belt, Neoproterozoic age, comprises a large area consisting of anatexites, leucogranites, kinzigites and migmatized granulites, that probably are related with the registration of an extensive partial melting of the middle and lower crust. In the region of this study, there are rocks from de Nova Venécia Complex, that is characterized by ortognesis and, the paragenesis is given by the association cordierite + garnet + biotite + potassium feldspar + plagioclase + quartz and, the presence of sillimanite indicates that these rocks reached upper amphibole - granulite facies. The migmatites range from metatexites to diatexites with wide variation in partial melting structures. The mineralogy observed in these rocks is almost the same found in the Colatina granitoid, with the exception of the metamorphic minerals as cordierite and sillimanite, that were observed in a specific outcrop. Regarding the deformation in the study region, it was performed continuously, going from pre-collisional to post-collisional stage, recorded in the gneissic banding and in the granitoid, also the weak deformation observed in the plagioclase crystals of the norite. The magnetic mineralogy is given mainly ferromagnetic oblate minerals, which are magnetite and to a lesser extent the pyrrhotite and maghemite, it can also have influence of paramagnetic minerals such as biotite. Two deformational stages have been identified, the first one was related to the metamorphism that generated the gneissic and migmatitic banding, and the second, associated to the folding pattern identified in stereograms of some structural domains and in the foliation observed in granitoid. Geochronological data show the age of 582.9 ± 4.1Ma as the age of the source rock that generated the sediments that gave rise to the paragneisses of the Nova Venécia Complex. This age is close to the 576.3 ±2.9Ma obtained for the Colatina granitoid, related to its crystallization, indicating that probably both rocks - the source rock of the sediments and Colatina granitoid were generated at the same tectonic event. These data suggest that the magmatic pulse that generated the source rock of the paragneisses sediments and Colatina granitoid have, respectively, pre-collisional syn-collisional characteristics. The U/Pb analysis in the edges of the zircons show the age of 522 ± 2Ma, that can be attributed to the last metamorphic event who acted in the region. The ratios Th/U show that the origin of the analyzed zircons (zircon core) is magmatic, with the average value of 0.42 in the core of zircon and 0.15 regions in the edges, thus indicating that they were due to a metamorphic event. The 503 ± 4Ma age obtained from the monazite crystals was assigned to the temperature reached during the metamorphic peak (820°C, measured by Munha et al. 2005), indicates that this age can be also related to the last metamorphic event, since the temperature closing system of the monazite is about 750°C. The relationship of these ages and the metamorphic temperatures allow to estimate a cooling rate of about 3.7°C/Ma. Finally, the norite age of 513.2 ± 2.3Ma, can be associated with the final collisional stage, as shown by the deformation recorded in plagioclase crystals observed in the microstructural analysis.
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Star formation in the Gould Belt : a submillimetre perspectiveMowat, Christopher January 2018 (has links)
This thesis presents my work characterising star formation in Gould Belt molecular clouds using submillimetre observations from SCUBA-2 on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). I use these observations alongside data from previously published surveys using instruments including the Spitzer Space Telescope. I investigate the effect of including submillimetre data on the numbers, classifications and lifetimes of Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) in Gould Belt molecular clouds, particularly protostars. Following a literature review, I use SCUBA-2 450 and 850 μm observations to characterise star formation in the Lupus I molecular cloud. A total of eleven previously identified YSOs are detected with SCUBA-2, as well as eleven starless cores. Two cores have masses greater than the Jeans mass, and one has a virial parameter of 1.1 0.4, meaning these cores could be unstable against collapse. I use submillimetre emission to calculate disk masses, and find that one YSO has a disk mass greater than the minimum mass solar nebula. I find that Lupus I has a high percentage of both protostars and Very Low Luminosity Objects (VeLLOs). I also fit YSO Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) with models, allowing protostellar envelope masses and temperatures to be calculated, and interstellar extinction to be constrained for some YSOs. The signs of recent and future star formation support the hypothesis that a shock has triggered a star forming event in Lupus I. I also use SCUBA-2 data in conjunction with archival Spitzer and Herschel data to produce SEDs for five new candidate First Hydrostatic Cores (FHSCs) in Serpens South. These observations were then fit with models by the first author of this work, Alison Young. This work was able to identify two of the FHSC candidates as probable FHSCs, and constrain the rotation rate and inclination of one of them. I use JCMT Gould Belt Survey (GBS) observations of ten molecular clouds to produce an updated catalogue of protostars in these clouds. I use the FellWalker algorithm to find individual sources in the SCUBA-2 maps, and match them to the Spitzer YSO catalogue of Dunham et al. (2015). I use bolometric temperature to classify 362 out of 592 candidates as Class 0 or Class I protostars - a factor of two increase compared to the Spitzer catalogue due to improved submillimetre coverage. I find that protostellar lifetimes of 0.59 – 0.89 Myr - approximately 25 % longer than previously estimated. I also calculate protostellar luminosities, envelope masses, and envelope temperatures, and examine the distributions. Finally, I newly identify 19 protostars as VeLLOs, and increase the number of known VeLLOs in these clouds by a factor of two.
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Safe and Sound: A Resource Guide for Music Theater Technique and LiteratureJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Since its inception, the American Broadway industry has flourished and grown to include numerous vocal styles and techniques. The early twenty-first century has seen a rapid increase in demand for collegiate courses and instructors pertaining to music theater. It has therefore become necessary for voice instructors to be equally comfortable teaching both music theater and classical techniques such as bel canto. This document serves as a resource for instructors seeking more information on defining and teaching vocal styles in music theater including legit, mix, and belt. The first two chapters address the following three questions: 1) What is bel canto and how does the technique function? 2) What is music theater as a vocal style and how do colloquial terms such as legit, mix and belt function within music theater? 3) Are the technical ideas behind bel canto and music theater really that different? The third chapter offers a curriculum for a semester-long course (a hybrid between a song literature class and a performance-based seminar) called Singing Music Theater Styles: From Hammerstein to Hamilton. This course shows the rich development tracing techniques of bel canto through techniques used in contemporary music theater. This document concludes with an annotated bibliography of major sources useful to both the instructors wishing to teach this course and the performers looking to expand their knowledge of singing music theater. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2018
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Sistemática e tafonomia de microfósseis vasiformes neoproterozoicos do Brasil e seu significado paleoecológico e filogenético. / not availableSoares, Luana Pereira Costa de Morais 09 October 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investigou microfósseis neoproterozoicos em forma de vaso (\"vase-shaped microfossils - VSMs\") da Formação Urucum (Grupo Jacadigo) e Formação Bocaina (Grupo Corumbá), ambas inseridas na Faixa Paraguai Sul, Brasil. Estes microfósseis foram comparados a outras ocorrências neoproterozoicas no mundo. O objetivo foi contribuir com o conhecimento de aspectos paleobiológicos, evolutivos e bioestratigráficos relacionados ao aparecimento de eucariontes unicelulares tecados em ecossistemas anteriores ao surgimento dos metazoários. Os VSMs podem ser atribuídos a quitinozoários, tintinídeos e foraminíferos, porém, características diagnósticas importantes apontam o grupo Amoebozoa como afinidade biológica mais próxima. A variedade morfológica e composicional observada em VSMs neoproterozoicos, inclusive nos exemplares brasileiros, documenta a mais antiga diversificação da vida unicelular eucariótica, presumivelmente heterotrófica, preservada no registro geológico. As diferentes fácies sedimentares contendo VSMs fornecem informações valiosas sobre fatores ambientais que podem ter sido importantes na diversificação bem como no seu possível desaparecimento entre o Neoproterozoico e o Mesozoico. Além disso, a ampla distribuição e variedade desses microfósseis sugerem uma possível aplicação bioestratigráfica. Microscopia petrográfica (MP) e Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Espectrometria de Energia Dispersiva de Raios X (EDS), Microscopia Confocal (MC), Espectroscopia Raman (ER), Catodoluminescência (CL) além de técnicas geoquímicas e geocronológicas foram aplicadas para caracterizar a composição e morfologia dos microfósseis, bem como para a rocha encaixante, visando inferir a natureza e paleoecologia dos organismos responsáveis pelas produção das tecas e o ambiente em que viveram, se diversificaram e desapareceram. / This research investigated vase-shaped microfossils (VSMs) from the Urucum Formation (Jacadigo Group) and Bocaina Formation (Corumbá Group), both inserted in the Southern Paraguay Fold Belt, Brazil. These microfossils were compared to other neoproterozoic occurrences in the world. The aim was to contribute to the knowledge of paleobiological, evolutionary and biostratigraphic aspects related to the appearance of unicellular eukaryotes in the ecosystems that preceed the appearance of metazoans. VSMs can be attributed to quitinozoan, tintinids and foraminifera, but important diagnostic features point to the Amoebozoa group as the closest biological affinity. The morphological and compositional variety observed in neoproterozoic VSMs, including Brazilian specimens, documents the earliest diversification of eukaryotic unicellular life, presumably heterotrophic, preserved in the geological record. The different sedimentary facies containing VSMs provide valuable information about environmental factors that may have been important in the diversification as well as their possible disappearance between the Neoproterozoic to the Mesozoic. In addition, the wide distribution and variety of these microfossils suggest a possible biostratigraphic application. Petrography, Scanning electron microscopy, Confocal microscopy, Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, Cathodoluminescense, besides geochemical and geochronological techniques, were applied to characterize the composition and morphology of the microfossils, as well as for the host rock, in order to infer the nature and paleoecology of the organisms responsible for the production of the test and the environment in which they lived, diversified and probably disappeared
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China's Eurasian Foreign Policy: Region-Building Through State-Building Since 1991Garcia, Zenel 27 April 2018 (has links)
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, its leaders have been preoccupied with efforts to increase state capacity in order to exercise more effective control over their western frontier by controlling their minority population and generating the conditions for economic development in the area. Although these state-building initiatives have always incorporated an international component, the collapse of the USSR, the transnational characteristics of development, and China’s concern around the challenges of terrorism, separatism, and extremism have necessitated an accompanying region-building project in Eurasia. Using a synthesis of the region-building approach and the concept of regionalization, this study traces how Chinese domestic elite-led narratives about security and development generate domestic state-building initiatives which in turn produce region-building projects. Furthermore, this study assesses how region-building projects are promoted through narratives embedded in foreign policies that establish the historicity of China’s engagement in Eurasian affairs and norms of non-interference and co-development. Finally, it traces the empirical construction of regions through integrative infrastructure.
By revealing the three symbiotic phases of Chinese domestic state-building and region-building, this study demonstrates how region-building projects have facilitated China’s ability to increase state capacity, control, and development in its western frontier. Furthermore, China’s region-building projects have gradually transformed Eurasia in a manner that has resulted in its eastward orientation through the usage of connective infrastructure and co-development projects that place China at the center of Eurasia. This project demonstrates how China has emerged as a dominant power in Eurasian affairs that not only exercises significant political and economic power, but more importantly, ideational power.
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Geochemistry of Quaternary Basic Volcanic Rocks from the Mexican Volcanic BeltJanuary 2013 (has links)
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Muddy floods in the Belgian loess belt : problems and solutionsEvrard, Olivier 24 April 2008 (has links)
The first part of this thesis aims at defining the conditions triggering muddy floods in the Belgian loess belt. On average, each municipality is confronted with 3.6 muddy floods each year. Annual costs associated with their off-site impacts are estimated at € 16-172 millions for the entire Belgian loess belt. A topographic threshold is derived to predict the source areas of muddy floods. Furthermore, the storms required to produce a flood are, on average, smaller in May and June (25 mm) than between July and September (46 mm). This difference is explained by the variability of soil surface characteristics that determine the runoff potential of cultivated soils (soil cover by crops and residues, soil surface crusting and roughness). Steady state infiltration rates of cropland and grassed areas were characterised in the field using a 0.5 m2-portable rainfall simulator. Overall, grassed areas have a lower infiltration rate (16-23 mm h-1) than croplands (25-52 mm h-1). Muddy floods are mostly observed between May-September because of the coincidence of critical soil surface conditions for runoff generation with the most erosive storms. After an adaptation of its decision rules to the local conditions, the STREAM expert-based model provides satisfactory runoff/erosion predictions at the catchment scale.
The second part of the thesis aims at evaluating the effectiveness of measures to control muddy floods. A modelling case-study showed that peak discharge was reduced by more than 40% by installing a grassed waterway and a dam at the outlet of a 300 ha-catchment. Monitoring the same catchment (2002-2007) demonstrated that the grassed waterway as well as three dams prevented any muddy flood in the downstream village despite the occurrence of several extreme storms (with a maximum return period of 150 years). Peak discharge was reduced by 69%. Specific sediment yield dropped from 3.5 t ha-1 yr-1 to a mean of 0.5 t ha-1 yr-1 after the installation of the control measures, thereby reducing drastically sediment transfer to the alluvial plain. Finally, a methodology is provided to implement grassed waterways and earthen dams in other dry valleys in the Belgian loess belt and comparable environments.
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Surface and subsurface structures of the western Valley and Ridge in Tennessee and geometry and kinematics that permit reconstruction of the Tennessee salient, southern AppalachiansWhisner, Jennifer Kathleen 01 August 2010 (has links)
The southern and central Appalachian foreland fold-thrust belt comprises a series of orogen -scale curves that extend from Alabama to New York. One of these is the Tennessee salient, a foreland-convex curve that extends from Cartersville, Georgia, to Roanoke, Virginia. Development of a kinematic model for deformation in the salient has been hindered by a paucity of penetrative deformation in this generally low temperature, low volume-loss portion of the orogen.
Industry seismic reflection lines provide greater resolution of subsurface geometry of both the basement surface and the overlying fold-thrust belt, confirming some previous interpretations and changing others. A series of cross sections based on the seismic reflection data incorporates the improved understanding of basement geometry, as well as new interpretations of fold-thrust belt structures such as a sub-thrust detachment fold along the western margin of the Valley and Ridge, a smaller detachment fold along the Cumberland Escarpment, and a duplex below the Knoxville sheet in southeastern Tennessee.
The cross sections, combined with recently published analyses of calcite twin strain and paleomagnetic data around the salient, provide sufficient data to develop a new palinspastic reconstruction method and to propose a kinematic model for development of the salient. The basis of the reconstruction method is, in areas where the front of the indenter is oriented oblique to transport, the maximum shortening direction and particle displacement paths are also oblique to the bulk transport direction. Cross sections, kinematic indicators, and palinspastic reconstructions suggest that the Tennessee salient is a primary arc formed by a combination of uniform displacement in a single direction and transport-parallel simple shear (plane strain), that most major faults formed initially curved in front of the irregularly shaped Blue Ridge-Inner Piedmont indenter, and that transport in the fold-thrust belt may have occurred by plan view movement on networks of minor faults, which permitted forelandward propagation of the curved faults without significant rotation. Although the technique does not provide a unique solution, the resulting palinspastic restoration is kinematically admissible and geometrically reasonable. So, it may improve palinspastic restorations of facies in basins with no vertical axis rotations and minimal penetrative strain. Attachments are in PDF format and may be opened with Adobe Reader™.
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