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Hodnocení svalových dysbalancí u hráček házené / Assessment of muscle imbalances in handball playersBrožová, Eva January 2018 (has links)
Title: Assessment of muscle imbalances in handball players Objectives: The main aim of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of muscle imbalances in the handball players of the first - league team of woman by means of the kinesiological analysis and segmental analysis from the BIA method. Methods: In modified kinesiological analysis, we focused on assessing posture and examining shortened muscles. To segmental analysis by the BIA method, we used the Tanita MC - 980 apparatus, where we first assessed the asymmetry in the distribution of muscle mass on individual body segments. Results: In 80 % of the total, the upper cross syndrome was recorded. Lower cross syndrome was found in 67 % of the players. The results of segmental muscle mass analysis using BIA showed a statistically insignificant difference (p > 0.05) in the distribution of muscle mass in the upper limbs (average difference of 0.05 kg) and a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the distribution of muscle mass at the lower of the limbs (average difference of 0.11 kg). The following significant correlations were found for the whole population (n = 15): m. Iliopsoas right and the amount of muscle mass (BIA) on right upper limb (r = 0.549), iliopsoas on the right and the amount of muscle mass (BIA) on left upper limb (r =...
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Tělesné složení extraligových hráčů hokejbalu kategorie U15 - U18. / Body analysis of street hockey players in categories U15-U18Gärtner, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Title: Body analysis of street hockey players in categories U15-U18 Objectives: The main object of this thesis is to determine body analysis of street hockey players playing Extra League in categories younger and older juniors using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Measured data should be compared amonit groups of players aged 15 a 16, 16 and 17, 17 and 18. Methods: In the thesis are used sometometric methods to gather antropometrical parameters and also the bioelectrical impedance analysis of the body structure using the device Tanita BC 418 MA to determine body structures of individual players. Results: We measured and compared selected parameters of body structures of street hockey players (n = 101) in age groups of 15, 16, 17 and 18 years. The differences in the amount of body fat, body fat percentage, free fat mass and bodily fluids amonit individual groups of street hockey players were monitored. Body fat percentage and free fat mass do not depends on age. Amount of body fat and free fat mass depends on age. Ice hockey players are taller and have more fat free mass. In comparison with the antropological research of the players in the same age from the year 2001 we discovered, that present-day players are, on average, 3,68 cm shorter, but they are, on average, 1,5 kg heavier, which is caused...
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Srovnání procenta tělesného tuku u studentů učitelství prvního stupně ZŠ s šetřením z roku 2005 pomocí bioelektrické impedance horních končetin / Comparison body fat at student's elementary school teaching with survey from the 2005 year by the help of bioelectrical impedance of upper extremitiesKOUBOVÁ, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Obesity is nowadays one of the very topics discussed as a highly serious health problem. This thesis is concerned with the percentage of body fat have student teachers for 1st Primary Schools Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in Czech Budejovice and the results are compared with the survey in 2005. Research underwent 114 students, of which 8 were men and 106 women. Measurements were carried out in the months of May to October of 2011. For measuring device was used OMRON BF 300, which uses the method of bioelectrical impedance of the upper limbs. The results show that, compared with research in 2005 there was a slight increase in percent body fat in women and men.
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Kvalitativní diagnostika ve fitness centru / Qualitative diagnostics in fitness centerVojtíšek, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Title: Qualitative diagnostics in fitness center. The aim of the diploma thesis: The aim of the theoretical part of the diploma thesis is to summarize the knowledge about the diagnostic entrance test for motion assumptions in fitness and afterwards to help as a study material for people who are interested in being educated in this department. The aim of the practical part of the diploma thesis is to perform the model situation of the diagnostic entrance test in the fitness center carried out in the presence of 10 certificated personal trainers with many years of experience and then with help of semi-structured dialogs and the overall analysis of the concept of the diagnostic, together with an analysis of their experience with diagnostic entrance test in fitness as a whole. Subsequently these data are compared with the theoretical part of this thesis. Objectives: There was used the method of analyzing specialist literature and qualitative research. The qualitative research was done in the fitness center. Results: The outcome of the project supported the theory that the diagnostic entrance test is still not common part of the work of fitness trainer and commonly implemented diagnostics in fitness does not match the theoretical principles of diagnostics, but it is sufficient for the purposes of...
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Komparace jednotlivých metod určování bazálního metabolismu / Comparison of methods of basal metabolism determinationKosková, Martina January 2018 (has links)
Title: Comparison of individual methods of basal metabolism determination Objectives: The aim of the work is to compare the individual methods of basal metabolism. These values were measured by indirect calorimetry, plethysmography, bioelectric impedance and predictive equations. Methods: The research was attended by 31 people, including eight men and twenty-three women. All participants of my research were aged 21-30 years. None of the participants was a professional athlete, they were all healthy and none of the women were pregnant or had menstruation. The indirect calorimetry, bioelectronics impedance device Tanita MC - 980 and BOD POD were used to collect the data. Basal metabolic rates were calculated from the prediction equations by Harris & Benedict, Fleisch's equation and Schofield's equation using measured anthropometric values. Results: The results of the methods that have been used for this group of people vary, but the difference is not significant. If we choose as a reference method indirect calorimetry, we can't replace it by any other method. The results for other methods are not significantly different, so we can replace one method with another, except indirect calorimetry. From calculations, we also found out that fat free mass greatly influences the results of basal metabolic rate...
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Body composition and energy expenditure in men with schizophreniaSharpe, Jenny-Kay January 2007 (has links)
There is an increase in the prevalence of obesity among people with schizophrenia thought to be due in part to the weight enhancing side-effects of medications commonly used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia. Despite the deleterious health effects associated with obesity and its impact on quality of life and medication compliance, little is known about body composition and energy expenditure in this clinical group. The primary purpose of this thesis was to enhance understanding of body composition and energy expenditure, particularly resting energy expenditure in men with schizophrenia who take atypical antipsychotic medications. Unique to this investigation is the evaluation of clinical tools used to predict body composition and energy expenditure against reference methodologies in men with schizophrenia. Further, given the known links between obesity and physical activity, an additional but less comprehensive component of the thesis was a consideration of total and activity energy expenditure in addition to the interaction between psychiatric symptoms, side-effects of antipsychotic medications and physical activity also occurred as part of this thesis. Collectively, the goals of this thesis were addressed through a series of studies – the first two studies were related to the measurement and characteristics of body composition in men with schizophrenia, while the third and fourth studies were related to the measurement and characteristics of resting energy expenditure in men with schizophrenia. The fifth and sixth studies the utilised doubly labelled water technique to quantify activity and total energy expenditure in a small group of men with schizophrenia and explored the use of accelerometry in this cohort. The final study briefly considered the impact of psychiatric symptoms and self-reported medication side-effects on objectively measured physical activity. In the first study, thirty-one male adults previously diagnosed with schizophrenia and sixteen healthy male controls were recruited. Estimates of body composition derived from an anthropometry-based equation and from bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) using deuterium dilution as the reference methodology to determine total body water were compared. The study also determined the validity of equations commonly used to predict body composition from BIA in the men with schizophrenia. A further aim was to determine the superiority of either BIA or body mass index (BMI) as an indicator of obesity in this cohort. The inclusion of the control group, closely matched for age, body size and body composition demonstrated that there was no difference in the ability of body composition prediction methods to distinguish between fat and fat-free mass (FFM) in controls and men with schizophrenia when both groups had similar body composition. However this study indicated that an anthropometry-based equation previously used in people with schizophrenia was a poor predictor of body composition in this cohort, as evidenced by wide limits of agreement (25%) and systematic variation of the bias. In comparison, the best predictor of percentage body fat (%BF) in this group was gained when impedance values were used to predict percentage body fat via the equation published by Lukaski et al (1986). Although percentage body fat was underpredicted using the Lukaski et al. (1986) equation, the mean magnitude was relatively small (1.3%), with the limits of agreement approximately 13%. Linear regression analysis revealed that %BF predicted using the Lukaski et al. (1986) equation explained 25% more of the variance in percentage body fat than BMI. Further, this study also indicated that BIA was more sensitive than BMI in distinguishing between overweight and obesity in this cohort of men with schizophrenia. Because of the almost exclusive use of BMI as an indicator of obesity in people with schizophrenia, the level of excess body fat may be in excess of that previously indicated. The second study extended the examination of body composition in men with schizophrenia. In this study, the thirty-one participants with schizophrenia (age, 34.2 ± 5.7 years; BMI, 30.2 ± 5.7 kg/m2) were individually matched with sedentary controls by age, weight and BMI. Deuterium dilution was used to distinguish between FFM and fat mass. The previous study had indicated that while BIA was a suitable group measure for obesity, on an individual level the technique lacked the precision required for investigating body composition in men with schizophrenia. Waist circumference was used as an indicator of body fat distribution. The findings of this study indicated that in comparison with healthy sedentary controls of similar body size and age, men with schizophrenia had higher levels of body fat which was more centrally distributed. Percentage body fat was on average 4% higher and waist circumference, on average 5 cm greater in men with schizophrenia than the sedentary controls of the same age and BMI. Further, this study indicates that the use of BMI to predict body fat in men with schizophrenia will result in greater bias than when it is used to predict body fat in other sedentary men. Commonly used regression equations to predict energy requirements at rest are based on the relationships between weight and resting energy expenditure (REE) and in such equations, weight acts as a surrogate measure of FFM. The objectives of study three were to measure REE in a small group of men with schizophrenia who were taking the antipsychotic medication clozapine and to determine whether REE can be predicted with sufficient accuracy to substitute for the measurement of REE in the clinical and/or research settings. Body composition was determined using deuterium dilution and REE was measured using a Deltatrac Metabolic Cart via a ventilated hood. The male participants, (aged 28.0 ± 6.7 yrs, BMI 29.8 ± 6.8 kg/m2) were weight stable at the time of the study and had been taking clozapine for 20.5 ± 12.8 months, with doses of 450 ± 140 mg/day. Of the six prediction equations evaluated, the equation of Mifflin et al. (1990) with no systematic bias, the lowest bias and the lowest limits of agreement proved to be the most suitable equation to predict REE in this cohort. The overestimation of REE can be corrected for by deducting 160 kcal/day from the predicted REE value when using the Mifflin et al. (1990) equations. However, the magnitude of the error associated with the prediction of REE for an individual is 370 kcal/day. The findings of this study indicate that REE cannot be predicted with sufficient individual accuracy in men with schizophrenia, therefore it was necessary to measure rather than predict REE in subsequent studies. In the fourth study, indirect calorimetry (Deltatrac Metabolic Cart via ventilated hood) and deuterium dilution were used to accurately determine REE, respiratory quotient (RQ) and FFM in 31 men with schizophrenia and healthy sedentary controls individually matched for age and BMI. Data from this study indicated that gross REE was lower in men with schizophrenia than in healthy sedentary controls of a similar age and body size. However, there was no difference between the groups in REE when REE was adjusted for FFM using the mathematically correct method (analysis of covariance with FFM as the covariate). There was however a statistically and clinically significant difference in resting, fasted RQ between men with schizophrenia and controls, suggesting that RQ rather than REE may be an important correlate worthy of further investigation in men with schizophrenia who take antipsychotic medications. Studies five and six involved the application of the doubly labelled water (DLW) technique to accurately determine total energy expenditure (TEE) and activity energy expenditure (AEE) in a small group of men with schizophrenia who had been taking the atypical antipsychotic medication clozapine. The participants were those who took part in study three. The purpose of these studies was to assess the validity of a commercially available tri-axial accelerometer (RT3) for predicting free-living AEE and to investigate TEE and AEE in men with schizophrenia. There was poor agreement between AEE measured using DLW and AEE predicted using the RT3. However, using the RT3 to measure inactivity explained over two-thirds of the variance in AEE. This study found that the relationship between current AEE per kilogram of body weight and change from baseline weight in men taking clozapine was strong although not significant. The sedentary nature of the group of participants in this study was reflected in physical activity levels, (PAL, 1.39 ± 0.27), AEE (435 ±352 kcal/day) and TEE (2511 ± 606 kcal/day) that fell well short of values recommended by WHO (2000) for optimal health and to prevent weight gain. Given the increasing recognition of the importance of sedentary behaviour to weight gain in the general community, further examination of the unique contributing factors such as medication side effects and symptoms of mental illness to activity levels in this clinical group is warranted. The final study used accelerometry (RT3) to objectively measure activity in a group of 31 men with schizophrenia who had been taking atypical antipsychotic medications for more than four months. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between psychiatric symptomatology, side-effects of medication and physical activity. Accelerometry output was analysed to provide a measure of inactivity and moderate intensity activity (MIA). The well-validated and reliable standardised clinical interview, the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was used as a measure of psychiatric symptoms. Perceived side-effects of medication were assessed using the Liverpool University Neuroleptic Rating Side-Effects Scale (LUNSER). Surprisingly, there was no relationship reported between any measures of negative symptoms and physical inactivity. However, self-reported measures of medication side-effects relating to fatigue, sleepiness during the day and extrapyramidal symptoms explained 40% of the variance in inactivity. This study found significant relationships between some negative symptoms and moderate intensity activity. Despite the expectation that as symptoms of mental illness reduce, inactivity may diminish and moderate intensity activity will increase, it may not be surprising that in practice this is an overly simplistic view. It may be that measures of social functioning and possibly therefore cognition may be better predictors of physical activity than psychiatric symptomatology per se.
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