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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Struktur, Funktion und Regulation der fünf c-di-GMP-spezifischen CSS-Domänen- Phosphodiesterasen in Escherichia coli

Lorkowski, Martin 05 January 2021 (has links)
Die fünf CSS-Domänen Phosphodiesterasen aus Escherichia coli K12 (E. coli) gehören zu den weit verbreiteten c-di-GMP-PDEs. Ein Vertreter, PdeC, wurde bereits von Herbst et al. (2018) charakterisiert. Durch DsbA/DsbB geförderte Disulfidbrückenbindung (DSB) in der CSS-Domäne von PdeC wird die PDE-Aktivität des Proteins gehemmt. Gegenteilig ist die freie Thiolform, in Abhängigkeit von der TM2 als Dimerisierungs-Domäne, enzymatisch aktiver. Diese Form wird von den periplasmatischen Proteasen DegP und DegQ prozessiert. Ein irreversibel aktiviertes TM2+EAL-Fragment wird generiert, dass durch weitere Proteolyse langsam entfernt wird. Die Reduktion der CSS-Domäne von PdeC zur der freien Thiolform stimuliert die PDE-Aktivität der EAL-Domäne in vitro. Zusammen mit den Daten von Herbst et al. (2018) wird die CSS-Domäne in dieser Arbeit als eine neue sensorische Domäne charakterisiert, dessen Aktivität durch einen DSB/Thiol-Schaltmechanismus reguliert wird. Alle fünf CSS-Domänen-PDEs von E. coli K12 weisen eine ähnliche Domänenarchitektur auf, jedoch unterscheiden sich Redox-Biochemie, Proteolyse und PDE-Aktivität innerhalb dieser Proteinfamilie. Auf Basis der PDE-Aktivität von Nicht-DSB-Varianten wurden PdeB, PdeC und PdeG als aktivierbare (Reduktion steigert die PDE-Aktivität) und PdeD und PdeN als nicht aktivierbare (Reduktion inaktiviert PDEs) charakterisiert. Ein weiterer Vertreter de CSS-Domänen PDEs, PdeN, scheint nicht über die Ausbildung einer DSB in der CSS-Domäne reguliert und aktiviert zu werden. Nach erfolgter Proteinbiosynthese wird die Proteinkonzentration vielmehr über den N-Terminus reguliert, wobei saure Wachstumsbedingungen das Protein maßgeblich induzieren und die Aktivität erhöhen. Wird das Protein erfolgreich in die Membran eingelagert, kann es bedingt durch die strukturelle DSB seine PDE-Aktivität entfalten und die Biofilmmatrixproduktion maßgeblich beeinflussen. / The five CSS domain phosphodiesterases from Escherichia coli K12 (E. coli) belong to the widespread group of c-di-GMP PDEs. One representative, PdeC, has already been characterized by Herbst et al. (2018). DsbA/DsbB promoted disulfide bond (DSB) formation in the CSS domain of PdeC inhibits the PDE activity of the protein. On the contrary, the free thiol form is more enzymatically active, depending on the TM2 as the dimerization domain. This form is processed by the periplasmic proteases DegP and DegQ. An irreversibly activated TM2 + EAL fragment is generated that is slowly removed by further proteolysis. The reduction of the CSS domain of PdeC to the free thiol form stimulates the PDE activity of the EAL domain in vitro. Together with the data from Herbst et al. (2018) the CSS domain is characterized as a new sensory domain whose activity is regulated by a DSB / thiol switch mechanism. All five E. coli K12 CSS domain PDEs share a similar domain architecture, but redox biochemistry, proteolysis, and PDE activity differ within the protein family. On the basis of the PDE activity of non-DSB variants, PdeB, PdeC and PdeG were characterized as activatable (reduction increases PDE activity) and PdeD and PdeN as non-activatable (reduction inactivated PDE activity). Another representative of the CSS domain PDEs, PdeN, does not seem to be regulated and activated by forming a DSB in the CSS domain. After protein biosynthesis the protein concentration is rather regulated via the N-terminus, with acidic growth conditions significantly inducing the protein and increasing its activity. If the protein is successfully inserted in the membrane, it can develop its PDE activity due to the structural DSB and influence the biofilm matrix production significantly.

Role of undecaprenyl phosphokinase in mycobacteria

Röse, Lars 12 July 2004 (has links)
Die Familie der Mykobakterien setzt sich aus pathogenen und apathogenen Vertretern zusammen. In dieser Arbeit wurden 3 Mitglieder dieser Familie für Untersuchungen herangezogen: ihr prominentester pathogener Vertreter Mycobacterium tuberculosis, der Erreger der Tuberkulose, das als Impfstoff eingesetzte Mycobacterium bovis BCG, das durch Attenuierung aus dem Rindertuberkulose-Erreger Mycobacterium bovis hervorging und das apathogene Bodenbakterium Mycobacterium smegmatis. Ein Schlüssel zum Verständnis der Mykobakterien und speziell ihrer Widerstandsfähigkeit ist die Kenntnis ihrer komplexen Zellwand. Peptidoglycan als deren Bestandteil und insbesondere der mittels Undecaprenyl-Monophosphat bewerkstelligte Transport von Peptidoglycan-Vorläufern aus dem Cytoplasma an die Zelloberfläche steht dabei im Zentrum der Zellwandbildung. In M. tuberculosis, M. bovis BCG und M. smegmatis wurden Deletionsmutanten für die Undecaprenyl-Phosphokinase (Upk) hergestellt. Für M. smegmatis wurde gezeigt, daß die delta upk Deletionsmutante, in Übereinstimmung mit Deletionsmutanten homologer Gene in anderen Bakterien, eine erhöhte Sensitivität gegenüber dem die Zellwandsynthese hemmenden Antibiotikum Bacitracin aufwies. Überraschenderweise zeigte M. tuberculosis delta upk diesen Phänotyp nicht. Weiterhin ließ sich für M. smegmatis delta upk im Vergleich zum M. smegmatis Wildtyp Peptidoglycan an der Zelloberfläche in geringerem Maße nachweisen. Eindrucksvoll zeigte sich die Bedeutung der Undecaprenyl Phosphokinase in der gestörten Entwicklung von Biofilmen im Falle der M. smegmatis delta upk Mutante. Dies galt sowohl für in vitro Bedingungen als auch für ein, im Rahmen dieser Arbeit, neu entwickeltes in vivo Modell. Vergleiche von M. tuberculosis Wildtyp und M. tuberculosis Mutante auf der Ebene von Proteom- und Transkriptom-Analysen führten zur Identifikation eines zum mykobakteriellen Fettsäure-Synthese II (FASII) System gehörenden Operons, das im Falle der upk-Deletion verstärkt exprimiert wurde und damit möglicherweise einen Kompensationsmechanismus für die fehlende Phosphokinase darstellt. Eine reduzierte Persistenz von M. smegmatis delta upk in infizierten Makrophagen legte nahe, daß Upk bei mykobakteriellen Infektionen eine entscheidende Rolle für das Überleben der Bakterien und ihre Virulenz spielt. Dies konnte erstmals für M. tuberculosis im Rahmen von Maus-Infektionsversuchen gezeigt werden. M. tuberculosis delta upk ließ sich als neues Mitglied in eine Reihe von als growth in vivo (giv) klassifizierten Mutanten einreihen. Die Herstellung von Deletionsmutanten wird als Möglichkeit betrachtet, verbesserte Impfstoffe herzustellen. Die physiologische Konsequenz der Deletion sollte bestenfalls neben einer Attenuierung des Ausgangsbakteriums (gilt besonders für M. tuberculosis) eine Überexpression protektionsrelevanter Antigene zur Folge haben. Im Vergleich zum bestehenden Impfstoff M. bovis BCG führte die Impfung von Mäusen mit M. bovis BCG delta upk sowohl zu geringerer bakterieller im Anschluß an die Vakzinierung als auch zu einer verbesserten Langzeit-Protektion gegen Tuberkulose. / The family of mycobacteria is composed of pathogenic and apathogenic bacteria. This study was performed with 3 members of this family, the most prominent pathogenic member, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, the vaccine strain Mycobacterium bovis BCG which was developed by attenuation of the bovine tuberculosis agent Mycobacterium bovis, and Mycobacterium smegmatis which is apathogenic and widely distributed in soil. A key to understanding mycobacteria and, especially, their resistance is to understand the complexity of their cell wall. Peptidoglycan is a major component of the cell wall and the transport of peptidoglycan precursors out of the cytoplasm to the bacterial surface by undecaprenyl monophosphate is central to cell wall synthesis. Therefore, deletion mutants of the undecaprenyl phosphokinase gene (upk) were generated in M. tuberculosis, M. bovis BCG, and M. smegmatis. In the case of M. smegmatis it was shown that a delta upk deletion mutant, as with deletion mutants of homologous genes in other bacteria, exhibited an increased sensitivity to the antibiotic bacitracin, indicating that cell wall synthesis was hampered. Surprisingly, M. tuberculosis delta upk did not exhibit this phenotype. Furthermore, a lower level of peptidoglycan was detected on the cell surface of an M. smegmatis delta upk mutant compared to M. smegmatis wildtype. Relevance of the undecaprenyl phosphokinase was demonstrated by impaired biofilm development in the case of the M. smegmatis delta upk mutant. This was observed in vitro as well as in vivo using an animal model which was newly developed in this thesis. A fatty acid synthase II (FASII) system related operon revealed by comparative proteome- and transcriptome-analyses comparing M. tuberculosis wildtype and M. tuberculosis delta upk mutant, and may reflect a compensatory mechanism for the loss of upk. Reduced persistence of M. smegmatis in infected macrophages suggested a decisive role of Upk in mycobacterial infection concerning survival and virulence of bacteria. This was later demonstrated to be true for M. tuberculosis in a mouse model. M. tuberculosis delta upk was, therefore, classified as a new member of the group of growth in vivo (giv) mutants. Construction of deletion mutants is a strategy to identify improved vaccines. Ideally, the physiologic consequences of a gene deletion would result in attenuation of the modified bacterium (especially in the case of M. tuberculosis) and overexpression of antigens relevant for protection. Compared to the existing vaccine M. bovis BCG, vaccination of mice with M. bovis BCG delta upk exhibited a lower bacterial load upon vaccination as well as an improved long-lasting protection against M. tuberculosis infection.

c-di-GMP-abhängige Signal-transduktion bei der Kontrolle der Cellulose-Synthese in Escherichia coli Biofilmen

Richter, Anja 29 March 2016 (has links)
c-di-GMP stellt einen wichtigen Regulator bei der Kontrolle von Motilität, Virulenz und der Biofilmbildung in Bakterien dar. Aufgrund der Vielfalt c-di-GMP-synthetisierender (Diguanylatzyklasen, DGC) bzw. abbauender (Phosphodiesterasen, PDE) Enzyme, c-di-GMP-bindender Effektoren und zellulärer Antworten etablierte sich die Theorie paralleler Regulationsmodule, die sich aus DGC, PDE, Effektor und Zielmolekül zusammensetzen und spezifische Prozesse wie die Cellulose-Synthese kontrollieren. Während die Aktivierung dieser durch c-di-GMP bereits verstanden und damit Effektor und Zielmolekül bekannt sind, konnten dem Modul bisher keine spezifisch wirkenden DGCs und PDEs zugeordnet werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Proteine DgcC und PdeK in E. coli spezifisch auf die Cellulose-Synthese in Makrokolonie-Biofilmen wirken und ein solches c-di-GMP-Modul bilden. Beide sind aktiv an der Umsetzung von c-di-GMP beteiligt und mittels Interaktionen Teil eines Multi-Protein-Komplexes, der auch die Cellulose-Synthase-Einheiten BcsA und BcsB umfasst. Aufgrund dieser Co-Lokalisation können DgcC und PdeK die c-di-GMP-Konzentration in unmittelbarer Umgebung zum c-di-GMP-bindenden Effektor BcsA kontrollieren. DgcC-PdeK somit stellen das erste Regulationsmodul dar, welches durch lokalisierte Synthese und Abbau von c-di-GMP wirkt und dessen Spezifität aufgrund multipler Protein-Interaktionen gewährleistet wird. 2011 kam es in Mitteleuropa zu einem schweren Ausbruch von Shiga-Toxin-produzierenden E. coli O104:H4, in dessen Verlauf fast 4000 Menschen erkrankten und etwa 20% ein Hämolytisch-urämisches Syndrom entwickelten. Die in dieser Arbeit erlangten Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die einzigartige Kombination aus Toxin-Produktion und Biofilm-assoziierter Eigenschaften – das Potential zur c-di-GMP-Akkumulation (TL Povolotsky), verstärkte CsgD-Synthese und vor allem keine Cellulose-Produktion– möglicherweise zur erhöhten Virulenz dieses E. coli O104:H4 beitragen. / c-di-GMP represents an important regulator in the control of motility, virulence and biofilm formation. Due to the multiplicity of c-di-GMP-forming (diguanylate cyclases, DGCc) and -degrading (phosphodiesterases, PDEs) enzymes, c-di-GMP-binding effectors and cellular outputs, the theory of parallel existing c-di-GMP-regulation modules was established. Such a module consists of a DGC, a PDE, an effector and a target controlling a specific cellular output such as cellulose synthesis. Whereas the activation of cellulose synthesis is well understood, and therefore effector and target molecule are known, so far no DGC or PDE has been associated with the cellulose-specific c-di-GMP-module. Within the framework of this work it was shown that DgcC and PdeK act specifically on the regulation of cellulose synthesis in macrocolony biofilms, thus forming a c-di-GMP module. Both proteins are enzymatically active concerning c-di-GMP metabolism and through protein-interactions part of a multi-protein-complex, which includes the cellulose synthase-subunits BcsA and BcsB, too. Due to this co-localisation DgcC and PdeK can control the c-di-GMP-concentration in close proximity to the c-di-GMP-binding cellulose-synthase BcsA. Therefore, DgcC-PdeK represents the first signalling module, which acts through local c-di-GMP-synthesis and -degradation and controls specifically cellulose because of multiple protein-interactions with the synthase-complex. In 2011 a serious outbreak of shiga toxin producing E. coli O104:H4 occurred in Middle Europe with nearly 4000 patients of whom approximately 20% developing haemolytic uraemic syndrome. The results obtained in this study suggest that a unique combination of shiga toxin production and biofilm-associated properties – the potential of c-di-GMP accumulation (see PhD Thesis T. L. Povolotsky), enhanced CsgD-synthesis at 37°C and especially no cellulose production – potentially contribute to the enhanced virulence of E. coli O104:H4.

In-vitro-Analyse der antimikrobiellen Effektivität von Octenidol, Natriumhypochlorit und Chlorhexidin gegen Enterococcus faecalis anhand eines intrakanalären Biofilm-Modells / In-vitro-analysis of antimicrobial effectiveness of Octenidol, Sodium hypochlorite and Chlorhexidine against Enterococcus faecalis on the basis of an intracanal biofilm model

Hoffmann, Carolin Yvonne 22 February 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The application of nanomaterials for the delivery of natural antimicrobials in engineered systems

Chan, Andrea C. January 2013 (has links)
Biofouling is the undesired biofilm formation on surfaces at a liquid interface that interferes with the affected substrate’s function. It is a ubiquitous problem in many engineered systems in industry. Biofouling causes contamination, essential damage to materials, and impedances to crucial industrial processes. These adverse effects lead to health hazards, gross increase in energy consumption, and significant decrease in overall productivity, all of which result in higher operational costs and environmentally destructive consequences. Interest in discovering effective alternatives to conventional antimicrobial agents has gained momentum. Current anti-biofouling strategies have significant disadvantages, such as the generation of toxic by-products, indiscriminate corrosion of surrounding materials and the environment, and promotion of resistance development. Alternative methods of controlling biofouling are in high demand because present-day solutions are far from sustainable. Plant secondary metabolites are promising candidates as novel biocides because they are (i) highly effective in killing microbes while being non-toxic to humans at antimicrobially active concentrations, and (ii) safer and non-damaging to the natural environment. Herein, antimicrobial efficacies of five plant-derived compounds were assessed against various species of planktonic bacteria as well as biofilms at various maturity stages. Allyl isothiocyanate (AIT) and cinnamaldehyde (CNAD) displayed the greatest inhibitory effects against all planktonic species tested. The minimum inhibitory concentration is defined as the lowest concentration of a substance that inhibits visible microbial growth, and the MBC is defined as the lowest concentration at which 99.9% of the population is killed. AIT yielded MICs of 156.25 mg/L and MBCs of 156.25 to 312.5 mg/L, and CNAD yielded MICs of 78.125 to 156.25 mg/L and MBCs of 78.125 to 312.5 mg/L. Furthermore, 312.5 mg/L AIT and 625 mg/L CNAD successfully reduced > 80% of biofilm adhesion as compared to negative controls. AIT and CNAD were therefore further evaluated extensively. Hindered by their volatile nature and immiscibility, plant secondary metabolites typically do not reach their maximum antimicrobial capacity due to low bioavailability. Thus, they would benefit from being protected and delivered in nano-sized carriers. In this study, mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) were evaluated as carriers for AIT and CNAD delivery. In one, employment of MSNs as carriers doubled the antibacterial efficacy of free form AIT and increased kill rate of free form CNAD by six times. Furthermore, free form AIT caused ~70% of 60 day-old biofilm to detach, whereas AIT-loaded MSNs essentially removed all of the biofilm. As for CNAD, its free form had no significant effect, whereas CNAD-loaded MSNs caused ~80% reduction in biofilm biomass. MSNs were further engineered to incorporate lactose pore caps to achieve specific, on-command delivery. These MSNs were designed to respond to external stimuli intelligently, with gatekeepers that degrade only in the vicinity of certain target bacteria that are able to metabolise lactose. Capped AIT-loaded MSNs reduced bacterial viability by ~85% as compared to the negative control, while capped CNAD-loaded versions reduced viability by ~40%. This stimuli-triggered MSN delivery technology would be more sustainable than current methods because resistance development would be lowered, and the delivery vehicles could be recycled and reused. Herein, the complete AIT- or CNAD-loaded, lactose-capped MSNs delivery complex proved to be an effective and environmentally conscientious system for killing unwanted bacteria.

Le succès de recrutement de la moule bleue : influence de la qualité de la ressource trophique

Toupoint, Nicolas 24 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Chez les invertébrés benthiques marins à cycle de vie bentho-pélagique, le taux de fixation-métamorphose est l'un des facteurs déterminant du succès de recrutement et donc du renouvellement des populations. Relié à l'abondance et au comportement des stades péri-métamorphiques (larves compétentes et post-larves), le taux de fixation est régulé par l'interaction de multiples facteurs endo- et exogènes. Prérequis du fonctionnement vital des organismes hétérotrophes, la ressource trophique est un facteur exogène biotique d'importance puisqu'elle affecte leur condition physiologique. Son influence sur le recrutement n'est souvent envisagée que d'un point de vue quantitatif alors que les recherches menées en laboratoire attestent de l'importance de sa qualité lipidique. Dans ce contexte, la présente étude a pour objectif principal d'évaluer l'influence de la qualité de la ressource trophique sur le succès de recrutement et implique la moule bleue (Mytilus edulis, L 1758) comme modèle biologique. La recherche se concentre sur les sources de nourriture potentiellement disponibles pour les stades péri-métamorphiques soit, le plancton et le biofilm. Une emphase est portée aux acides gras polyinsaturés (PUFA) et essentiels (EFA), dont le caractère indispensable aux organismes aquatiques est largement admis. De plus, les études menées sur le recrutement décrivent un découplage bentho-pélagique entre larves et recrues, une importante variabilité spatio-temporelle de la fixation, ainsi qu'une synchronisation du pic de fixation. La disponibilité en larves et le comportement sont souvent les facteurs incriminés, mais l'origine de tels phénomènes demeure encore incertaine. La présente étude propose donc d'apporter des éléments de réponse supplémentaires en fournissant une analyse fine de la variabilité spatio-temporelle au cours de l'ontogénie larvaire. Ce projet est constitué de trois grands axes de recherche dans lesquels nous définissons la fixation comme le processus par lequel les individus s'associent au substrat, et le recrutement comme le nombre d'individus présents à un temps t de la vie benthique : i) Considérant la théorie de " match/mismatch " de Cushing, nous posons les hypothèses que la concentration en EFA dans la nourriture influence les succès de fixation et de recrutement. Nous avons suivi simultanément le développement larvaire et les conditions trophiques pendant deux saisons de reproduction successives (2007 et 2008); ii) Considérant le biofilm comme une ressource trophique potentielle, nous posons les hypothèses que le taux de fixation augmente avec l'âge du biofilm et son contenu en EFA. Nous avons conditionné et caractérisé finement des biofilms en milieu naturel afin de tester leur influence sur le succès de fixation des moules; iii) Considérant le rôle important du comportement et des conditions physiologiques des stades péri-métamorphiques, nous posons les hypothèses d'une importante variabilité spatiale à petite échelle, d'un découplage bentho-pélagique et d'un avantage physiologique lors du pic de fixation. Nous avons suivi le développement larvaire dans plusieurs sites, ainsi que la qualité lipidique des post-larves et de leur nourriture. Nos résultats mettent en évidence le contrôle prédominant des communautés phytoplanctoniques sur le succès de recrutement de la moule bleue via deux processus novateurs : i) le " match/mismatch " avec la qualité lipidique du plancton et ii) le déclencheur trophique de la fixation (" trophic settlement trigger ", TST). Le rôle nutritionnel des PUFA/EFA semble important pour le recrutement de l'année, mais leur teneur dans les compartiments benthiques et pélagiques ne semble pas pour autant affecter le comportement et la physiologie des jeunes moules au cours de la saison. Ces dernières semblent répondre fortement aux variations d'abondance du picoplancton autotrophe (picoeucaryotes, < 2 μm) au sein de ces deux compartiments. Enfin, nos résultats montrent un couplage bentho-pélagique entre larves et recrues, et suggèrent pour la première fois que le découplage dépende de deux traits comportementaux typiques des bivalves : le retard de métamorphose et la dérive bysso-pélagique. Cette recherche apporte de nouvelles pistes de réflexion quant à l'écologie des invertébrés benthiques et souligne l'importance de considérer la composante planctonique et le comportement au cours de l'ontogénie larvaire et post-larvaire lors des travaux menés sur la dynamique des populations en milieu naturel. Une emphase particulière devrait être portée sur la qualité lipidique et la composition taxonomique de la ressource trophique, et la séparation des différents stades de développement semble nécessaire pour comprendre la dynamique des populations. La notion de TST constitue le point majeur de l'étude puisqu'il s'agirait d'un signal indépendant de l'habitat prospecté qui synchroniserait un comportement de fixation, peu importe la qualité du substrat et/ou l'histoire de vie des individus.

Social and Asocial Niche Construction in Microbial Populations

Driscoll, William Wallace January 2012 (has links)
Cooperation presents a major challenge for evolutionary theory: how can competition favor a trait that imposes a cost on the individual expressing it while benefitting another? This challenge has been answered by theory that emphasizes the importance of assortment between individuals that tend to cooperate and those who tend to behave selfishly, or `cheat'. Microbial cooperation remains puzzling, given the generally high genetic and taxonomic diversity of most microbial communities. Many microbial populations rely on shared, beneficial extracellular products for an array of functions in nature. However, when these lineages are maintained in liquid cultures, many are invaded and outcompeted by spontaneous `cheater' mutants that forego investments in these products while benefitting from those produced by neighbors. The apparent evolutionary instability of microbial investments in extracellular products in well-mixed laboratory cultures finds a natural parallel in the phenomenon of toxic microalgal blooms. These extremely dense populations of often free-living microalgae destroy populations of competing microalgae and grazing zooplankton that normally control population densities. Bloom populations of planktonic microalgae are unstructured, and seem ill suited for the evolution of cooperation. In this thesis, I have established a new theoretical framework for understanding the evolution of microbial external goods. This framework highlights the importance of cell-level structure in the distribution of these external products, as well as genetic structuring in populations. This perspective informed an investigation into the social niche of a biofilm-dwelling regulatory mutant of the important biocontrol strain Pseudomonas chlororaphis. In the highly self-structured environment of a bacterial biofilm, a surprising mutualistic association between this mutant and the wild type emerged, underscoring the importance of microbial ecology in understanding the evolution of niche construction. Extending these lessons to the evolutionary problem of exotoxins in free-swimming microalgae yields the novel possibility that fluctuations in density of toxic strains shift a cell-level functioning exotoxin into a true public good that may be exploited by cheaters. I show that exotoxicity can serve cell-level functions in Prymnesium parvum. Despite these cell-level benefits, the existence of nontoxic lineages within toxic blooms hints at a complex interaction between rapid evolutionary and ecological changes in toxic blooms.

Vamzdyno nuogulų tyrimas ir apibūdinimas / The research and characterization of pipeline scales

Verikienė, Vaida 22 June 2010 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe „Vamzdyno nuogulų tyrimas ir apibūdinimas“, apžvelgus mokslinės literatūros šaltinius, apibūdintos ant vamzdžių vidinių sienelių susidarančios nuogulos, kurių sudėtyje vyrauja geležies junginiai. Nagrinėjama, kokią įtaką vandens kokybei turi ant skirtingų medžiagų vamzdžių vidinių sienelių susidariusios nuogulos. Aptariama, kokios dėl nuogulų susidarymo iškyla problemos vandentiekio sistemoje. Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto Vandentvarkos katedros laboratorijoje buvo atliktas eksperimentas, sumontavus du eksperimentinius stendus. Juos sudarė skirtingų medžiagų (PE, cinkuoto plieno ir seno plieno) vamzdynų sistemos, kuriomis cirkuliavo skirtingos kokybės vanduo. Buvo nustatyta kiekybinė ir kokybinė nuogulų sudėtis. Kiekybinė sudėtis apibūdinta ChDS pokyčiu, esant skirtingai vandens išbuvimo trukmei vamzdyne. Kokybinę sudėtį apibūdina geležies, mangano junginių, amonio jonų, nitritų ir nitratų koncentracijos vandenyje. Tai pat nustatyta vamzdyno nuogulų granuliometrinė sudėtis. Atlikus tyrimus paaiškėjo, kad bendrosios geležies koncentracija mažiausia buvo PE, o didžiausia – seno plieno vamzdyno mėginiuose. PE vamzdyne mangano koncentracija didėjo ilgėjant vandens užsistovėjimo trukmei. Amonio jonų, nitritų ir nitratų kiekiai mėginiuose neviršijo higienos normų. PE vamzdynų nuogulų ChDS rodikliai buvo mažiausi abiejuose stenduose. Palyginus eksperimentinių stendų nuogulų mėginių rezultatus, paaiškėjo, kad ChDS reikšmės priklauso nuo vandens... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the Master‘s Thesis "The research and characterization of pipeline scales" the literature review of scientific sources was described pipeline scales which contains predominantly iron compounds. The impact of water quality on the pipeline scales was investigated. Negative impact of the formation of pipeline scales on water distribution system was analysed. Experimental investigation was carried out in the laboratory scaled equipment at Water Management Department of VGTU. Experimental pipelines consist of different materials (galvanized steel, old steel and polyethylene (PE)) pipe system with circulated different water quality. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the scales was measured. The quantitative composition was described of the change of COD under different water age in to the different pipelines. The qualitative composition was described by iron, manganese compounds, ammonium, nitrite and nitrate concentrations in water. It was also set the particle size content of pipeline scales. Results showed that the lowest iron concentration was in PE pipe samples and the highest in an old steel pipe samples. The concentration of manganese increased with increasing duration of water age in PE pipe. Ammonium ions, nitrite and nitrate levels didn't exceed the requirements of hygiene norm. The lowest COD rates were in PE pipe scales in both laboratory scaled equipments. It was found that COD values depend on the quality of water that circulated in pipeline. It was... [to full text]

Degradation modeling of concrete submitted to biogenic acid attack

Yuan, Haifeng, Yuan, Haifeng 03 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Bio-deterioration of concrete, which is very common in sewer system and waste water treatment plant, results in significant structure degradation. Normally, the process can be described by the two following parts: 1) Biochemistry reactions producing biogenic aggressive species in biofilms which are spread on the surface of concrete. As one of the most significant biogenic acid in sewer pipes, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is produced by sulfur oxidizing bacteria (SOB). 2) Chemical reactions between biogenic aggressive species and cement hydration products which is responsible for concrete deterioration. A reactive transport model is proposed to simulate the bio-chemical and chemical deterioration processes of cementitious materials in contact with SOB and H2S or sulfuric acid solution. This model aims at solving simultaneously transport and biochemistry/chemistry in biofilms and cementitious materials by a global coupled approach. To provide an appropriate environment for SOB to grow, the surface neutralization of concrete (i.e., the absorption of H2S and aqueous H2S corrosion) is considered. To obtain the amount of biogenic H2SO4, the bio-oxidation of H2S by the activation of bacteria is simulated via a simplified model. To provide a suitable environment for SOB to grow, the abiotic pH reduction of concrete process is introduced. The production rate of H2SO4 is governed by the pH in the biofilms and the content of H2S in gas.It is assumed that all chemical processes are in thermodynamical equilibrium. The dissolution of portlandite (CH) and calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) and the precipitation of gypsum (C¯S H2) and calcium sulfide are described by mass action law and threshold of ion activity products. To take into account the continuous decrease of the Ca/Si ratio during the dissolution of C-S-H a generalization of the mass action law is applied. By simplifying the precipitation process of gypsum, a damage model is introduced to characterize the deterioration of concrete due to the swelling of gypsum. Thus, the porosity evolution and deterioration depth during deterioration process are taken into account. Only diffusion of aqueous species are considered. Different diffusion coefficients are employed for various ions and Nernst-Planck equation was implemented. The effect of the microstructure change during deterioration on transport properties is considered as well. For both biofilms and cementitious materials, the balance equations of total mass of each atom (Ca, Si, S, K, Cl) are used to couple transport equations and (bio-)chemical reactions. The model is implemented within a finite-volume code, Bil. Following the introduction of principle of the finite volume method, the coupling of the bio-chemistry process in biofilms and chemistry process in cementitious materials is illustrated. By this model, some experiments reported in literature, including chemical immersion tests (statical solution condition and flow solution condition) and microbiological simulation tests, are simulated. The numerical results and the experimental observations are compared and discussed. The influence of properties of cementitious materials (initial porosity, carbonated layer, etc.) and environmental factors (concentration of H2SO4, content of H2S, etc.) are investigated by this model as well. Furthermore, a long term predictionis conducted

Amibes à potentiel pathogène dans les unités dentaires

Gravel, Sabrina 05 1900 (has links)
Il a été bien documenté que les différentes canalisations des unités de soins dentaires contiennent un épais biofilm. Ce biofilm est constitué entre autres de bactéries, mais aussi d’amibes. Certaines amibes ont un potentiel pathogène et peuvent causer des infections graves. Deux cas d’infections amibiennes et possiblement reliées aux unités dentaires ont retenu notre attention et sont à l’origine du présent projet. L’identification morphologique des amibes afin de déterminer si elles présentent un potentiel pathogène ou non est une tâche ardue, même pour les protozoologistes chevronnés. Nous avons donc utilisé la réaction de polymérase en chaîne (PCR) pour identifier les amibes. Des nouvelles amorces ont été élaborées pour détecter les amibes des genres Acanthamoeba ainsi que Naegleria. Des échantillons d’eau et de terre ont été prélevés dans l’environnement, et des échantillons d’eau et de biofilm ont été prélevés dans les unités dentaires. Une partie de chaque échantillon a été mise en culture selon une méthode améliorée pour une identification morphologique, et l’autre partie a été soumise à un PCR direct. Des Acanthamoebae et/ou des Naegleriae ont été détectées dans 100% des échantillons, mais les espèces varient d’un échantillon à l’autre. Des amibes à potentiel pathogènes sont détectables dans les unités dentaires ainsi que dans l’environnement, et celles-ci pourraient représenter un risque pour la santé de certains individus. / It has been well documented that the various tubing of a dental unit are covered with a thick biofilm. This biofilm mostly consists of bacteria, but amoebae can be found within the biofilm as well. Some amoebae are potential pathogens and may cause serious infections. Two cases of amoebic infections that were possibly linked with dental units drew our attention and stimulated our researches. Morphologic identification of amoebae in order to determine their possible pathogenicity requires much expertise, and is even difficult for proficient protozoologists. Therefore, the use of PCR is essential to detect potentially pathogenic amoebae with subjectivity. We elaborated new primers for the detection of Acanthamoeba spp. and Naegleria spp. Samples of water and dirt were taken in the environment, and samples of water and biofilm were taken in dental units. A part of each samples was cultivated for morphological identification, when a second part was utilized for PCR identification. Acanthamoebae and/or Naegleriae were detected in 100% of our samples, but the species varied from one sample to another. Potentially pathogenic amoebae were detected in dental units and in the environment, which could represent a health risk for some individuals.

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