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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prevalence nadváhy a obezity u adolescentů a její možná redukce pomocí intervenčního pohybového programu / The prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents and their possibilities of reduction by means of an interventional activity programme

ŠVECOVÁ, Pavla January 2010 (has links)
The points of the Master Thesis have become the research of prevalence in overweight and obesity in adolescent age group, writing out and application of interventional activity programme focused on reduction of overweight and obesity. In theoretical part of the Master Thesis, there was given the characteristic of overweighting and obesity, followed by their causations and complications, and as well as research methods and medical treatment. Two hundred and eight adolescents were undergone the research. The experimental and comparison groups were found upon of those adolescents. The experimental group, thirty adolescents, had undergone through twelve-week-long-programme. Contents of this programme were mainly power-yoga and yoga exercises. After the attendance of this programme; body weights, BMIs, waist circumferences were decreased. As well the sum of skin folds and the sum of body fat were decreased. Also psychosocial relations were amended. Given hypothesis have been verified by the correct presumptions about the effect of interventional activity programme. Enlisted data were statistically processed and interpreted.

Sledování příjmu a výdeje energie během redukčních pobytů / Monitoring of energy intake and expenditure during reducing stays

Pražanová, Ivana January 2017 (has links)
Obezita představuje ve vyspělých zemích závažný zdravotní problém a hlavní rizikový faktor rozvoje kardiovaskulárních onemocnění, cukrovky 2. typu, nemocí pohybového aparátu a některých nádorových onemocnění. Je také provázena řadou komplikací a výrazně zhoršuje kvalitu života. 27 pacientů, kteří byli hospitalizováni za účelem redukce hmotnosti na oddělení D3 III. interní kliniky Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice v Praze v období ledna až počátku dubna roku 2017 byli sledováni z hlediska výskytu komorbidit a příjmu a výdeje energie za použití aplikace kaloricketabulky.cz, portálu casprozdravi.cz a krokoměrů Garmin Vivofit. Byla hodnocena vhodnost bioimpedanční metody pro sledování změn složení těla pacientů během redukčních pobytů za použití přístroje InBody S10. V souladu s teorií se ve sledované skupině pacientů vyskytovala v důsledku extrémní obezity celá řada komplikací. Diagnostická kritéria pro metabolický syndrom splňovalo 23 (85%) pacientů. Rozdílné hodnoty obsahu energie a jednotlivých živin v aplikacích kaloricketabulky.cz a Nutriservis jsou příčinou průměrného denního rozdílu 717 kJ mezi záznamy pacientů a nemocničním rozpisem. Průměrně pacienti ušli denně 4713 kroků. Pacienti průměrně zredukovali hmotnost o 7,6 kg (SD ±3,54). Bioimpedanční metoda vykazuje příliš vysokou variabilitu a není...

Bioimpedanční spektroskopická analýza kompozice těla v době laktace. / Bioimpedance spectroscopic body analysis during lactation.

Urbánková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to cover the changes in body composition by bioimpedance spectroscopy in Czech breastfeeding women during three periods - 3 weeks postpartum, 3 months and 6 months postpartum. Eight healthy breastfeeding women were involved in the study. At each examination there were measured anthropometric parameters and bioimpedance spectroscopy parameters by the Body Composition Monitor. Breast milk was also extracted during the study. We observed a gradual decrease in body weight of monitored women. The median weight loss between the first and third examination was 2,2 kg, the median weight in 6 months postpartum was 1,3 kg higher than the median of prepregnancy body weight, two of the women had lower weight 6 months postpartum than before the pregnancy, the body weight of other six women was higher in a scale between 0,1 kg to 3,1 kg. There were not proven statistically significant differences in body composition during lactation. A trend of decrease of TBW was observed during all lactation periods. A trend of slight increase of ICW was observed between the 3rd week and 3rd month postpartum, and then the decrease of ICW in the 6th month postpartum. An increase of LTM and BCM was measured between the 3rd week and 3rd month postpartum, those values have shown a decrease again...

Komparace vybraných antropometrických parametrů závodníků kvadriatonu a rychlostní kanoistiky / Comparison of selected anthropometric parameters of competitive quadrathletes and racing kayakers.

Gerčáková, Daniela January 2014 (has links)
Title: Comparison of selected anthropometric parameters of competitive quadrathletes and racing kayakers. Objectives: The aim of this work is to assess the somatotype and anthropometric characteristics in elite athletes in marathon kayakers and quadrathletes. Methods: This research included the analysis and comparison of two groups of athletes. Using the Heath-Carter system of measurement, somatotypes were calculated using the computer formula, 'Somatotype - Calculation and Analysis'. Body composition was determined through the use of skinfold calipers SK in conjunction with noninvasive bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Specifically, the Tanita 980 MS and BIA 2000 measurement units. Results: Two research samples were developed (speed kayakers as one, quadrathletes as the other), whose results (set average) were compared. On the basis of anthropometric data and calculations, it was found that both research samples corresponded in their somatotype category, ectomorphic mesomorph. According to this research, the speed kayakers (with a focus on marathon distances), are generally taller and heavier than the quadrathlete sample, yet had relatively less body fat. Keywords: Somatotype, body composition, BIA, skinfold, quadrathlon, flatwater kayaking

Komparace životního stylu a vybraných komponent zdravotně orientované zdatnosti mezi studenty sportovního a všeobecného gymnázia / Comparison of lifestyle and selected health related fitness components between students of sports and students of general gymnasium

Hlinecká, Klára January 2015 (has links)
Title: Comparison of lifestyle and selected health-related fitness components between students of sports and students of general gymnasium Objectives: The main objective is to compare the amount of physical activity, form of eating and spending of free time between students of sports and students of general gymnasium in the age of adolescence. Furthermore, assess whether and what is the difference between their physical fitness and body composition. Methods: The amount of physical activity, form of eating and spending of free time we recieved by written inquiries through survey based on a modified questionnaire 6. CAV 2001 for children and youth. We measured body composition by bioelectrical impedance using the device BIA 2000 M. Physical fitness monitored group was verified by six motoric tests: jumping from a distant place, sit-ups, beep test on 20m, the number of overhand grip pull-ups by boys, dwell in the overhand grip chin-ups by girls, the flamingo balance test and sit and reach test. The research sample consisted of 20 students of the sports gymnasium and 20 students of general gymnasium. Data were analyzed by using basic statistical functions and then compared. Results: It turned out that in our research group students of sports gymnasium are more physically active and proficient with more...

Volnočasové aktivity a motorická výkonnost u dětí staršího školního věku / Leisure time activities and motor performance among school aged children

Bohata, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Title: Leisure time activities and motor performance among school aged children Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to evaluate a level of motor performance and leisure time activities among school children aged 12 - 14 years, on elementary school Boženy Němcové in Litoměřice. We want to know, if students with extended teaching of music and aesthetics will get worse results compared to students without extended teaching. Methods: Study presents empirical quantitative research and 86 students participate in it. Level of motor performance was determined by the test battery called Unifittest 6 - 60 and structure of leisure time activities was monitored by the part of the sociological questionnaire called COMPASS II. Amount of substucaneous fat was measured by the multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). We werified our hypotheses by the two sample t-test and with coefficient of effect size Cohens'd. Results: On the basis of evaluated results the statistically signifiant diference was not found in all hypotheses between comparator groups with level of significance (p ≤ 0,05). Cohens'd proved only small or no effect size, except for girls in Leger test where we proved medium effect size (d = 0,5). There wasn't signifiant diference in the structure of leisure time activities. Key words:...

Vyhodnocení srdečního výdeje bioimpedanční metodou u pacientů se stimulátorem / Evaluation of cardiac output by bioimpedance method with patients with pacemaker

Soukup, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibility of using impedance cardiography for calculating cardiac output. Kubicek’s, Sramek‘s and Sramek-Bernstein‘s methods are discussed here. These methods were applied to a data set, obtained by measuring on subjects with implanted cardiostimulators. The subjects’ heart rate was being changed by the programing of cardiostimulators. Thanks to this procedure the measured data were not affected by artifacts, connected with the heart rate change caused by a body stress, or other influences. An influence of heart rate on a cardiac output value based on the statistical processing of the data set was studied.

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