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Stabilisation Of Black Cotton Soil By Lime PilesVenkata Swamy, B 09 1900 (has links)
Modification of black cotton soils by chemical admixtures is a common method for stabilizing the swell-shrink tendency of expansive soils. Advantages of chemical stabilization are that they reduce the swell-shrink tendency of the expansive soils and also render the soils less plastic. Among the chemical stabilization methods for expansive soils, lime stabilization is most widely adopted method for improving the swell-shrink characteristics of expansive soils.
Lime stabilization of clays in field is achieved by shallow mixing of lime and soil or by deep stabilization technique. Shallow stabilization involves scarifying the soil to the required depth and lime in powder or slurry form is spread and mixed with the soil using a rotovator. The use of lime as deep stabilizer has been mainly restricted to improve the engineering behaviour of soft clays Deep stabilization using lime can be divided in three main groups: lime columns, lime piles and lime slurry injection. Lime columns refer to creation of deep vertical columns of lime stabilized material. Lime piles are usually holes in the ground filled with lime. Lime slurry pressure injection, as the name suggests, involves the introduction of a lime slurry into the ground under pressure.
Literature review brings out that lime stabilization of expansive clays in field is mainly performed by mixing of lime and soil up to shallow depths. The use of lime as deep stabilizer has been mainly restricted to improve the engineering behaviour of soft clays. Use of lime in deep stabilization of expansive soils however has not been given due attention. There exists a definite need to examine methods for deep stabilization of expansive soils to prevent the deeper soil layers from causing distress to the structures in response to the seasonal climatic variations. In addition, there exists a need for in-situ soil stabilization using lime in case of distressed structures founded on expansive soil deposits.
The physical mixing of lime and soil in shallow stabilization method ensures efficient contact between lime and clay particles of the soil. It however has limitation in terms of application as it is only suited for stabilization of expansive soils to relatively shallow depths. Studies available have not compared the relative efficiency of the lime pile technique and lime-soil mixing method in altering the physico-chemical, index and engineering properties of expansive black cotton soils.
To achieve the above objectives laboratory experiments are performed that study:
1. the efficacy of lime piles in stabilizing compacted black cotton soil specimens from
Chitradurga District in Karnataka. The efficiency of lime piles in chemically stabilizing
the compacted black cotton soil mass was investigated as a function of:
a)amount of lime contained in the lime pile
b)radial migration of lime from the central lime pile
c)migration of lime as a function of soil depth
2. the relative impact of the lime pile technique and lime-soil mixing method in altering the
physico-chemical, index and engineering properties of expansive black cotton soil.
The organization of this thesis is as follows
After the first introductory chapter, a detailed review of literature performed towards highlighting the need to examine stabilization of expansive soils using lime pile technique is brought out in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 presents a detailed experimental programme of the study. 25 mm and 75 mm diameter lime piles were installed in the compacted soil mass to study the influence of amount of lime contained in the lime pile on the soil properties. The amount of quick lime contained in the 25 mm and 75 mm lime piles corresponded to 1 % and 3 % by dry weight of the soil mass respectively. Radial and vertical migration of lime from the central lime pile was examined by sampling soil specimens at different radial distances from the central lime pile and at different depths of soil sample. At a given depth and radial distance, migration of lime was estimated by comparing the exchangeable cation composition, pH and pore salinity of the treated soil with that of the natural (untreated) black cotton soil specimen. Alterations in the soil engineering properties at a given depth and radial distance were evaluated by comparing the index properties, swell potential and unconfined compressive strength of the lime pile treated soil specimen with those of the untreated specimen. To compare the relative efficiency of lime mixing and lime pile technique in altering the swelling behaviour of black cotton soil, batches of black cotton soil specimens were treated with 1 % and 3 % quick lime on dry soil weight basis. The compacted soil-lime mixes were cured at moisture contents of 31-34 % for a period of 10 days. The physico-chemical, index and engineering properties of the 1 % lime mixed specimens are compared with those of the 25 mm lime pile treated specimens. The properties of the 3 % lime mixed soil specimens are compared with those of the 75 mm lime pile treated specimens.
Chapter 4 examines the efficacy of lime piles in stabilizing compacted black cotton soil specimens from Chitradurga District in Karnataka. Experimental results showed that controlling the swell potential of deep expansive soil deposits is possible by the lime pile technique. Treatment with lime pile caused migration of dissociated calcium and hydroxyl ions into the surrounding soil mass. In case of 25 mm lime pile, the experimental setup allowed measurement of migration of lime up to three times the lime pile diameter. In case of 75 mm lime pile, the experimental setup allowed measurement of migration of lime up to 1.6 times pile diameter. In both experiments, migration of lime was also uniform through out the soil depth of 280 mm. Migration of calcium and hydroxyl ions increased the pore salinity and pH of the treated soil mass. The increase in pH caused clustering of additional exchangeable calcium ions at the negative clay particle edges. The increased pore salinity and exchangeable calcium ions reduced the diffuse ion layer thickness that in turn suppressed the plasticity index and the swell potential of the compacted expansive soil. The laboratory results hence bring out that lime pile treatment in the field can substantially reduce the swell potential of the soil at least to a radial extent of 2 to 3 times the lime pile diameter.
The 75 mm lime pile contained lime content in excess of the initial consumption of lime (ICL) value of the black cotton soil - namely 2.6 %. Laboratory results showed that migration of hydroxyl ions even from the 75 mm pile could not elevate the soil pH to levels required for soil-lime pozzoIonic reactions (pH ≥12). The very low solubility of lime in water (< 1 g/litre) and the impervious nature of the black cotton soil are considered to have impeded efficient interactions between lime and soil in course of treatment of the expansive soil with lime piles. Absence of soil-lime pozzolonic reactions precluded the formation of cementation compounds in the lime pile treated soil specimens. Cementation compounds formed by the soil-lime pozzolonic reactions are responsible for the much higher strengths of lime stabilized soils. Consequently, treatment with 25 mm pile had no impact on the unconfined compressive strength of the black cotton soil. Comparatively, treatment with 75 mm lime pile slightly increased the strength of the treated soil due to increased inter-particle attraction and particle flocculation.
Chapter 5 compares the relative efficiency of the lime pile technique and lime-soil mixing method in altering the physico-chemical, index and engineering properties of expansive black cotton soil. Experimental results showed that mixing of soil and lime promote stronger chemical interactions between lime released hydroxyl ions and clay particles than that achieved by diffusion of lime from a central lime pile. The more alkaline pH of the lime mixed soil specimens rendered the clay particle edges more negative. Consequently, more calcium ions were adsorbed at the clay particle edges of the lime mixed soil specimens imparting them higher exchangeable calcium contents than the lime pile treated soil specimens. Also, at 3 % lime addition, the pH of the lime-mixed soil was sufficiently high (in excess of 12) to cause dissolution of silica and alumina from the clay lattice necessary for the formation of cementation compounds. The stronger lime modification reactions plus the lime-soil pozzolonic reactions (applicable for soil treated with lime content greater than ICL value) achieved by the lime mixing technique rendered the expansive soil much less plastic, much less expansive and much stronger than the lime pile treated specimens. The results of the laboratory study hence suggest that if a choice exists in the field between conventional method of spreading-mixing-compacting of soil-lime mixes and treating the ground with lime piles, the former technique should be adopted because of its greater efficacy in stabilizing the expansive soil.
Chapter 6 summarizes the findings of the study.
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Remedial Measures For Alkali Induced Heave In SoilsReddy, P Hari Prasad 06 1900 (has links)
Sub-surface soil pollution by various processes with high concentration of contaminants can significantly alter geotechnical properties of soils causing unexpected failures of structures founded on them. The changes can occur due to alteration in soil water interaction processes and/or by intense chemical interactions leading to mineralogical and microstructural changes. Behaviour of soil upon contamination with alkali pollutant is one of the major concerns faced by the geotechnical researchers in recent years. In the present study an attempt has been made to understand the role of mineralogical and morphological changes on the volume change (swelling and compressibility) behaviour of soils by prolonged interaction with caustic alkali pollutant. Based on the results it has been proposed to develop remedial measures to nullify and/or control the detrimental effects. A comprehensive experimental program has been planned to achieve these objectives. The experimental investigations carried out and results obtained are presented in eight chapters as follows.
The broad outline of thesis is given in Chapter 1.
A detailed review of literature on the type of phyllosilicate minerals present in various soils is presented in Chapter 2 with a view to select most common soils for the study. Various sources of contaminants and their effect on the properties of soils have been summarised. Present understanding on the mechanisms leading to changes in the soil properties has been elucidated. The occurrence of alkali contamination has been reviewed in this chapter which enabled to select the ranges of alkali concentration for the study. Based on the review of various methods employed to improve the soil behaviour, the use of salt solutions such as potassium chloride (KCl) and magnesium chloride (MgClB2B) and pozzolanic fly ash has been considered to counteract the alkali effects. Based on this detailed survey, the scope of the present investigation has been elaborated at the end of the chapter.
Chapter 3 presents different materials used and various methods adapted in the current study. Three soils having different mineralogy have been used in this study to bring out the effect of alkali solutions on their volume change behaviour. While two soils were classified as CH, the third one was of CL. The CH soils used in this study are called Black Cotton Soils in India. One soil contained predominantly mixed layer illite-smectite mineral (BCS I) and the other contained predominantly montmorillonite mineral (BCS M). The locally available CL soil used is referred as red earth (RE) whose predominant mineral is kaolinite. Alkali solutions of concentration ranging from 1N to 4N are prepared using sodium hydroxide pellets (NaOH). Slat solutions viz. potassium chloride and magnesium chloride and pozzolanic fly ash obtained from Neyveli thermal power plant (NFA) are used as additives. Procedures to determine the geotechnical properties of the soils such as Atterberg limits, specific gravity, grain size distribution and compaction characteristics are given in this chapter. Procedures for identifying the mineral and microstructure of the soils such as X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are also presented in this chapter. Standard oedometer tests with fixed ring apparatus were performed to study the volume change behaviour of soils under various conditions.
Volume change behaviour of soils in the presence of alkali solutions is presented in Chapter 4. In order to assess the effect of alkali solution on the volume change behaviour of soils it is necessary to study their behaviour in water. Relatively very high swell was observed in BCS M, whereas the swell in RE and BCS I soil specimens was very low and moderate respectively. Adsorption of water to form diffuse double layer near the negative surface of clay mineral particles leads to swelling in soils. The thickness of the double layer depends on the cation exchange capacity of soil. Higher cation exchange capacity leads to development of higher thickness of double layer thereby inducing swell. The higher is the swell the higher would be the compression. The effect of different concentrations (1N, 2N and 4N) of alkali solutions on volume change behaviour of three types of soil is presented in this chapter. All the three soils studied, irrespective of their mineralogical composition, exhibited high swell when contaminated with alkali solution compared to water. However, the extent and nature of swell varied both with the type of mineral present in the soil and concentration of sodium hydroxide solution.
The swell in BCS I increases with increase in the concentration of the alkali solution. In 1N alkali solution the high swell occurred is due to the breaking up of interstratified mineral into constituent minerals initiated by the leaching of potassium from soil due to high pH. In 2N and 4N alkali solutions, the observed high swell occurs in two stages: the first stage of swelling is due to breaking up of interstratified mineral into constituent minerals initiated by the leaching of potassium from soil due to high pH, and the second stage of swelling is due to the formation of new minerals (Zeolite P in case of 2N NaOH and Sodalite in case of 4N NaOH). The nature of swell is influenced by the formation of minerals depending on the concentration of alkali solution. Thus the studies clearly indicate that the swelling is due to the release of potassium from soil at higher pH and due to mineralogical changes depending upon the concentration of alkali solution. Confirmative tests were conducted to support the release of potassium during first stage of swelling and mineralogical alteration after second stage of swelling.
The high swell in BCS M becomes higher in 1N alkali solution. The increased swell in the soil with 1N alkali solution is due to increase in the ion exchange capacity of soil at higher pH. The swell which is very high with 1N alkali solution decreases with 2N alkali solution. With increase in concentration of alkali solution to 2N, the increase in the negative charges due to alkalinity becomes less and the swell decreases due to dominant influence of electrolyte effect. With increase in the concentration of alkali solution to 4N, both these influences become less and the amount of swell remains the same.
Significant increase in the amount of swell is observed with alkali solution even in non-swelling red earth. The nature of swell as well as the formation of minerals is not altered by the change in the concentration of alkali solution. At any concentrations of alkali solution the observed swell is noticed in two stages – very small first stage of swell due to lower ion exchange capacity and considerable second stage of swell due to the formation of new mineral (Sodalite) with any concentration of alkali solution. It has been observed that the normal hyperbolic swell – compression relationship does not apply for the alkali contaminated soils. The higher swell does not result in higher compression, as the swollen soil remains fairly incompressible. Analysis of the results and detailed studies on micro-structure and mineralogy of soils bring out mechanism of alkali effects. Comparing the swell behaviour of soils with alkali solutions brings out the relative importance of various mechanisms proposed for induced heave.
The effect of salt solutions used viz., potassium chloride and magnesium chloride to restrict the influence of alkali solution on the volume change behaviour of BCS I is presented in Chapter 5. These salts react with alkali solution to form partly soluble potassium hydroxide (KOH) and sparingly soluble magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)B2B) respectively. Presence of ionic potassium can bring out potassium linkages, by bridging potassium ion between the unit layers of expansive minerals reducing the swell. Magnesium ions can restrict swell, by replacing the monovalent exchangeable ions present in soil and/or by formation of magnesium hydroxide which is a weak cementing agent. The effect of potassium hydroxide on the volume change behaviour of soil has been studied and the results clearly indicate that fixation of potassium is facilitated by high pH of KOH solution. Addition of potassium chloride has partially controlled the alkali induced heave in soil. Of the two stages of swelling observed in soil in the presence of 4N alkali solution, only the first phase of swelling is reduced which may be due to electrolyte effect and/or due to fixation of potassium. The second phase of swelling that occurs in soil due to mineralogical changes can not be controlled with the use of potassium chloride. Addition of magnesium chloride salt solution also reduced the effect of alkali solution mostly due to suppression of thickness of diffuse double layer that develops near clay surface. The nature of reduction in the swell of alkali solution during the two stages by magnesium chloride is similar to that of potassium chloride. The partial reduction in swell of soil in the presence of salt solutions leads to reduction in the compressibility of soil. Detailed data and analysis, presented in this chapter, bring out the role of microstructure and mineralogy on soil behaviour.
The abnormal volume changes due to mineralogical changes affected by high concentration of sodium hydroxide could not be controlled with salt solutions, attempts are made to utilize fly ash to control the alkali induced heave. The pozzolanic compounds produced by hydration of compounds presented and/or produced by lime silica reactions can bind the soil particles controlling the swelling. The results on the effectiveness of fly ash on BCS I soil are presented in Chapter 6. The physical and chemical properties of fly ash along with the mineralogical composition and the microstructure of the fly ash are also presented in this chapter. Before studying the effect of fly ash to control the volume change behaviour of soils in presence of alkali solutions, the effect of alkali solutions on the volume change behaviour of fly ash itself has been studied. The results showed no noticeable changes in swell and compressibility of fly ash, encouraging its use for controlling the alkali induced swell. The ability of different percentages (10%, 20% and 50%) of fly ash to control alkali induced volume changes in soil with varying concentrations of alkali solutions, viz., 1N, 2N and 4N has been studied. The results indicate that the addition of fly ash effectively reduces alkali induced swell in BCS I. The effectiveness of fly ash increases with increase in its content. The reduction in swelling of soil is partially due to replacement of soil with fly ash and mainly due to cementation of soil particles by pozzolanic compounds produced. More than 25% of fly ash is generally required to significantly reduce the swell in alkali solutions. The reduction in swell with addition of fly ash also leads to lower compressibility of soil. The role of microstructure and mineralogy in controlling the volume change behaviour are also presented in this chapter.
The effectiveness of fly ash in controlling the volume changes in RE and BCS M due to alkali solutions are studied in Chapter 7. The addition of fly ash completely eliminates the swelling in both the soils. The reduction in swelling up on addition of fly ash is essentially due to efficient binding of particles by pozzolanic reaction compounds. Addition of even 10% of fly ash is sufficient in completely arresting the swelling of RE and BCS M by alkali solution. Detailed data and analysis of the results to bring out the role of microstructure and mineralogy on the behaviour of soils are presented. It is clear that relatively higher amounts of fly ash is required to control the alkali induced heave in BCS I than in other soils at higher concentrations of alkali solution.
The major conclusions from the study are presented in Chapter 8. The thesis demonstrates that alkali contamination alters mineralogy and morphology of soils affecting the volume change behaviour significantly. The study also brings out that fly ash can control the undesirable swell that occurs in most types of soils by cementing the soil particles to resist swelling. Though the amount of fly ash required to control the alkali induced heave varies, 25% of fly ash is often sufficient.
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