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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On-site sanitation systems - An integrated assessment of treatment efficiency and sustainability / Små avloppsystem – En integrerad utvärdering av funktion och hållbarhet

Vidal, Brenda January 2018 (has links)
Small on-site sanitation systems for wastewater collection and treatment are prevalent in suburban and rural areas in many countries. However, these systems often underperform, causing potential impact to the receiving waters and increasing the risks to public health, thus hindering the overall sustainability of the systems. Understanding the different sustainability dimensions and trade-offs between assessment indicators can support the planning of sustainable on-site sanitation systems for a specific context. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the sustainability and function of on-site sanitation systems by defining a set of indicators to assess on-site sanitation options and estimating them for different scenarios, and by investigating the treatment efficiency of on-site facilities for domestic wastewater treatment in a field study. Particular attention was given to the removal of phosphorus (P) and indicator bacteria due to their relevance in terms of eutrophication risk and public-health concern. In a multi-criteria approach, twelve indicators were defined to assess nine on-site sanitation systems. A reference group representing stakeholders’ views assigned weights to express the relative importance of each indicator. The reference group assigned the highest weights to the indicators robustness, risk of pathogen discharge and nutrient removal. Assessing the robustness proved to be challenging, as there is a gap between how the sanitation systems are expected to perform based on their design, and how they actually perform in practice, mainly due to incorrect construction, operation and maintenance. The discriminating power of the indicators was calculated using the entropy method, which showed that the indicators energy recovery and capital cost had little impact in the final ranking of the alternatives. A sustainability ranking was obtained by using the method ELECTRE III. A scenario analysis based on different settings of interest based on socio-economic and geographical factors was done to evaluate the changes in the ranking of alternatives. Overall, the greywater–blackwater separation system ranked the highest in the baseline scenario and when nutrient-related indicators were important (Scenario 2), together with the urine diversion system. The sand filter and drain field were the most sustainable options when nutrient removal and recycling was not important (Scenario 1), and (in combination with chemical P-removal) when the indicators related to energy and climate change had the highest weights (Scenario 3). In terms of P-removal, chemical removal outranked the alkaline P-filter. In a field study, the effluent wastewater from twelve on-site wastewater treatment facilities with sand and alkaline P-filters was evaluated in terms of removal and discharge of organic content, total and dissolved phosphorus, and indicator bacteria (E. coli, total coliforms, intestinal enterococci and C.perfringens). The results showed that the investigated sand filters generally had low P-removal capacity and sometimes exceeded the criteria for excellent water quality set by the EU bathing water directive with regard to intestinal enterococci and E. coli. Only one sand filter of eight was confirmed to remove P according to the Swedish guidelines for areas with non-sensitive receiving waters with a tot-P effluent concentration below 3 mg L−1. This indicates that a downstream treatment step is needed to meet the guidelines regarding P discharge concentrations. Alkaline P-filters generally removed P efficiently. Despite high effluent pH, the collected data did not generally confirm a further reduction of the bacterial content of the wastewater in the P-filters, as had been previously hypothesized. However, effluent concentrations of indicator bacteria showed moderate positive correlations with effluent concentrations of P and organic matter, indicating the potential of the P-filters to serve as a polishing step also for bacteria. / Små lokala avloppssystem för insamling och rening av avloppsvatten är vanligt förekommande i omvandlings- och landsbygdsområden i många länder. Dessa system fungerar ofta sämre än förväntat vilket kan leda till effekter på recipienter, ökad risk för folkhälsan och begränsa systemens hållbarhet. En djupare förståelse för hållbarhetsdimensioner och avvägningar mellan olika indikatorer kan stödja planering och implementering av hållbara lokala avloppsystem för specifika sammanhang. Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats var att utvärdera hållbarhet och funktion av enskilda avloppssystem. Detta utfördes genom att först definiera en uppsättning indikatorer för bedömning av ett antal enskilda avloppsalternativ och sedan utvärdera dem för olika scenarier. Vidare var syftet att undersöka några systems prestanda för rening av hushållsavloppsvatten i en fältstudie. Särskilt fokus lades på reduktion av fosfor (P) och indikatorbakterier på grund av deras relevans i relation till övergödningsrisk och folkhälsoperspektiv. I en multikriteriestudie definierades tolv indikatorer för att bedöma nio typer av enskilda avloppssystem. En referensgrupp som representerade olika intressenter viktade indikatorerna för att uttrycka den relativa betydelsen av varje indikator. Referensgruppen gav systemens robusthet, risk för utsläpp av patogener, och näringsreduktion störst vikt. Att bedöma robusthet var en utmaning i studien, eftersom det finns ett gap mellan hur systemen förväntas fungera, och hur de faktiskt fungerar i praktiken, mestadels på grund av felaktig konstruktion, drift och underhåll. Indikatorernas diskriminerande effekt räknades ut med entropimetoden, som visade att indikatorerna energiåtervinning och kapitalkostnad hade liten inverkan på alternativens slutgiltiga rangordning. En scenarioanalys genomfördes baserad på socioekonomiska och geografiska faktorer. En hållbarhetsrankning erhölls genom att använda ELECTRE III-metoden. Överlag rankades system som separerar gråvatten – svartvatten samt urinseparerande system högst i basfallsscenariot och när näringsrelaterade indikatorer var viktiga (scenario 2). Markbäddar och infiltrationsanläggningar var de mest hållbara alternativen när rening och återvinning av näringsämnen inte var viktigt (scenario 1) och (i kombination med kemisk P-rening) när indikatorer relaterade till energi och klimatförändringar viktades högst (scenario 3). När det gäller P-rening, gav system med kemisk rening ett bättre utfall än de med alkaliska P-filter. I en fältstudie utvärderades tolv enskilda avloppsanläggningar med markbaserade system och alkaliska P-filter med avseende på rening och utsläpp av organiskt innehåll, totalt och löst P och indikatorbakterier (E.coli, totala koliformer, intestinala enterokocker och C.perfringens). Resultaten visade att de markbaserade systemen generellt hade låg P-reningskapacitet och ofta överskreds kriterierna för utmärkt vattenkvalitet enligt EUs badvattendirektiv avseende intestinala enterokocker och C. perfringens. Endast ett markbaserat system av åtta uppvisade en P-rening som låg under de svenska riktlinjerna för områden med normal skyddsnivå, med en utsläppskoncentration på under 3 mg L-1 tot-P. Detta indikerade att markbäddar behöver nedströms placerade reningssteg för att uppfylla nuvarande riktlinjer för utsläpp av P. Alkaliska P-filter avskilde generellt P effektivt. Trots högt pH-värde kunde ingen ytterligare minskning av bakterieinnehåll i avloppsvattnet från P-filtren påvisas statistiskt. Utsläppen av indikatorbakterier uppvisade emellertid måttliga positiva korrelationer med utsläpp av P och organiskt material, vilket visar på en viss potential att P-filtren kan fungera som ett ytterligare poleringssteg även för bakterier.

Clay mineralogy and soil classification of alluvial and upland soils associated with Blackwater and Nottoway rivers in southeastern Virginia

Al-Hawas, Ibrahim A. M. 01 August 2012 (has links)
Because the Coastal Plain of southeastern Virginia has not been extensively studied, thirty random samples associated with Blackwater and Nottoway rivers were collected in the spring of 1987 from Surry, Sussex, and Southampton counties. Soil classification as well as mineralogical, chemical, and physical analysis were conducted for all samples. The purposes of this investigation were to: (1)classify the soils in this area, (2) determine the distribution of sand and clay minerals, (3) examine the weathering effect on clay minerals on different position of the landscape for different parent material sources. The soils examined classified as follow: Aquic Hapludults 43% > Typic Hapludults 26.6% > Ultic Hapludalfs 10% > Humic Hapludults 3% = Typic Rhodudlts 3% = Aquic Hapludalfs 3% = Typic Udipsamment 3% = Typic Quartzpsamment 3% = Psammentic Hapludalfs. Qualitative analysis of clay minerals revealed that kaolinite and hydroxy interlayer vermiculite were the dominant clay minerals; that montmorillonite, mica, gibbsite quartz, and vermiculite were of lesser quantities; that chlorite, feldspar and interstratified minerals were of trace amounts. Kaolinite represents about 21-70%, HlV 11-60%, montmorillonite 0-20%, mica 0-16%, gibbsite 0-13%, quartz 1-12%, and vermiculite 0-10%. The presence of these minerals were mainly related to the acid reaction of the soil media, which was essentially attributed to Al and H ions in soil solution. From the past history and geological composition of the Piedmont it is assumed that kaolinitic minerals were transported and sedimented in the Coastal Plain. Hydroxy-interlayer vermiculite minerals was weathering from vermiculite because most of the Al was adsorbed by vermiculite to form HIV. Therfore, gibbsite was not precipitated. Montmorillonite was assumed to have formed from mica minerals. That was substantiated by statistical analysis which showed a high negative correlation between gibbsite and vermiculite (r=0.46, n=30) and between montmorillonite and mica (r=-0.6, n=10). / Master of Science

States' international obligations to control private military & security companies in armed conflict

Tonkin, Hannah Jane January 2011 (has links)
Tens of thousands of contractors work for private military and security companies (PMSCs) in armed conflicts around the world, often hired by states to fulfil functions that were once the exclusive domain of the armed forces. In this context, PMSCs have performed a wide range of activities including offensive combat, prisoner interrogation, military advice and training, armed security, intelligence and logistics. The proliferation of PMSCs during the past two decades has challenged conventional conceptions of the state as the primary holder of coercive power in the international arena. Nonetheless, this Thesis argues that the traditional state-centred frameworks of international law remain vitally relevant to the regulation of private security activity in contemporary armed conflict. Three states are in a strong position to influence PMSCs in this context—the state that hires the PMSC, the state in which the company is based or incorporated, and the state in which the company operates—and this capacity for influence enables international law to regulate PMSC activities indirectly using these states as an intermediary. This Thesis critically analyses the pertinent international obligations on these three categories of states and identifies the circumstances in which PMSC misconduct may give rise to state responsibility in each case. It also examines the recent practice of certain key states in order to evaluate their compliance with these obligations. By providing a clear and in-depth analysis of states' international obligations to control PMSCs in armed conflict, this Thesis may not only facilitate the assessment of state responsibility in cases of PMSC misconduct; it may also play an important prospective role in setting standards of conduct for states in relation to the private security industry. This in turn may encourage and assist states to develop their domestic laws and policies in order to improve overall PMSC compliance with international law.

United Nations Peacekeeping and Non-State Actors: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Conditions Required for Cooperation

Hodgin, Gregory 14 August 2009 (has links)
This paper attempts to determine the theoretical requirements for a non-state actor to give peacekeepers to a Member state of the United Nations, who would in turn give those peacekeepers to the United Nations. The paper examines two case studies, specifically the contract between Blackwater and the United States Department of State and the SHIRBRIG series of treaties. The paper finds that there is some overlap between a Member state’s needs and a non-state actor’s needs and that there is a theoretical possibility of the donation stated above taking place.

Miljösystemanalys av alternativa avloppssystem i ett urbant område ”Svartvattensystem : Skogaberg ” Ett pilotprojekt i Göteborg / Environmental Systems Analysis of sewerage alternatives in an urban district ”Blackwater System : Skogaberg” A pilot project in Göteborg

Torjusen, Geira January 2002 (has links)
Starting point to this Paper is the idea and wish to adapt the society and its different activities to a recycle society. A building area in Göteborg is planned and investigated for such adaptation. In the district named Skogaberg, about 130 households totally are planned from what 20 are blocks of flats. The idea with this project is to constitute an alternative sewage system, a Blackwater system, were the fractions of most nutrients and least pollution are separated, taken care of and utilised. The aim is to get a market and use the nutrients of the organic waste from the household in agriculture use. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pays attention to water- and sewage systems from a recycle perspective and the aim of a long-termed sustainable development. The agriculture sector has also an intention to protect the environment and the means for sustainability. The object of this study is to map and analyse a planned alternative sewage system in Skogaberg from recommended criteria for water and sewage systems. The alternative solution in Skogaberg will be analysed compared to a conventional solution. A specific aim is to estimate the possibilities and limitations of the alternative system when it comes to recycle of nutrients. Phosphorus and cadmium are chosen to describe and indicate the resource utilisation and environmental impact of different nutrient sources. Sanitation and risks with diseases, environmental&resource saving criteria together with technical&socio-economic criteria are intended to constitute a general background for the analysis. Criteria recommended, to concern environmental adapted water and sewage system by the Swedish EPA, is used in order to make an assessment of the planned system and a more viewed assessment and analyse is done from experiences and observations that I have got from literature sources and place studies. The results show good theoretical possibilities to get and recycle nutrients from the system with an alternative solution. With an alternative sewage system in Skogaberg opportunities that the users reflect and care are created. This project may provide us with innovations and ground for further research and development in future project. But it is also important to consider that these projects are established in the system of the society and that these recycle systems are not directly comparable with ecological recycling system in nature.

Technologie znovuvyužití odpadních vod / Technology of wastewater reuse

Velikovská, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents the knowledge of wastewater reuse. The theoretical part of the thesis describes types of wastewater (greywater, brownwater, and yellow-water) and their characteristics. Further, the theoretical part describes the possibilities of re-use of wastewater as a source of water in detail, including treatment technology, and the heat recuperation from wastewater. The practical part of the thesis uses gained knowledge for designing a greywater treatment and heat recovery technology of grey water in an apartment complex.

Znovuvyužití šedých vod v multifunkčních budovách / Reuse of wastewater in multifunctional buldings

Skřička, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents reader with current knowledge in the field of gray wastewater reuse. The theoretical part describes the current state of water in the world, thus characterizes wastewater and describes its treatment. Further, this section describes the possibility of obtaining thermal energy from wastewater. At the end of the theoretical part, the reader is presented with some existing buildings in the Czech Republic that use the wastewater re-use technology system. In the following practical part, all the knowledge from the theoretical part are applied for a concrete project of construction of a graywater re-use technology system in the area of Vlněna in Brno city.

"Resposta imune humoral na malária humana: quantidade e qualidade de anticorpos anti-Plasmodium falciparum" / Humoral immune response in human malaria : quantity and quality of anti-Plasmodium falciparum antibodies

Leoratti, Fabiana Maria de Souza 24 August 2004 (has links)
Neste estudo avaliamos a resposta imune humoral de indivíduos naturalmente expostos à malária em áreas endêmicas no Brasil. Os anticorpos IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM, IgE e IgA anti-formas eritrocitárias de Plasmodium falciparum foram determinadas por ELISA. Anticorpos IgG, IgG1, IgG2 de alta avidez e IgG3 de baixa avidez predominaram nos indivíduos sem complicações de malária ou assintomáticos, enquanto anticorpos IgG4, IgE e IgM predominaram nos indivíduos com complicações clínicas por malária. Os resultados mostram que mesmo em regiões com transmissão instável de malária pode ser observado o desenvolvimento de imunidade protetora quando anticorpos apropriados são produzidos / In this study, we have evaluated the humoral immune response of individuals naturally exposed to malaria living in endemic areas of Brazil. We determined IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM, IgE and IgA antibodies against Plasmodium falciparum blood stages by ELISA. We observed that the level of high avidity IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 and low avidity IgG3 antibodies were higher in asymptomatic individuals or with uncomplicated malaria, while IgG4, IgE and IgM antibodies were higher in individuals with complicated malaria. Taken together the results showed that even in unstable malaria regions it can be observed the development of protective immunity against malaria when appropriate antibodies are produced

"Resposta imune humoral na malária humana: quantidade e qualidade de anticorpos anti-Plasmodium falciparum" / Humoral immune response in human malaria : quantity and quality of anti-Plasmodium falciparum antibodies

Fabiana Maria de Souza Leoratti 24 August 2004 (has links)
Neste estudo avaliamos a resposta imune humoral de indivíduos naturalmente expostos à malária em áreas endêmicas no Brasil. Os anticorpos IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM, IgE e IgA anti-formas eritrocitárias de Plasmodium falciparum foram determinadas por ELISA. Anticorpos IgG, IgG1, IgG2 de alta avidez e IgG3 de baixa avidez predominaram nos indivíduos sem complicações de malária ou assintomáticos, enquanto anticorpos IgG4, IgE e IgM predominaram nos indivíduos com complicações clínicas por malária. Os resultados mostram que mesmo em regiões com transmissão instável de malária pode ser observado o desenvolvimento de imunidade protetora quando anticorpos apropriados são produzidos / In this study, we have evaluated the humoral immune response of individuals naturally exposed to malaria living in endemic areas of Brazil. We determined IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM, IgE and IgA antibodies against Plasmodium falciparum blood stages by ELISA. We observed that the level of high avidity IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 and low avidity IgG3 antibodies were higher in asymptomatic individuals or with uncomplicated malaria, while IgG4, IgE and IgM antibodies were higher in individuals with complicated malaria. Taken together the results showed that even in unstable malaria regions it can be observed the development of protective immunity against malaria when appropriate antibodies are produced

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