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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ANANIAS AUGUSTO DE ANDRADE 15 June 2018 (has links)
[pt] A atividade hoteleira, a exemplo de qualquer atividade empresarial, resguarda uma relação direta com os aspectos de desenvolvimento ambiental, social e econômico. Trata-se de um segmento com elevado potencial para contribuir positivamente com a comunidade local na qual está inserido a partir da consideração dos diferentes stakeholders na política de sustentabilidade das empresas. Logo, a atuação de um hotel de forma consciente e sustentável, a partir de preocupações sociais e da correta utilização dos recursos naturais disponíveis, contribuirá para o bem-estar das próximas gerações. Sendo assim, o estudo discorre sobre o conceito de sustentabilidade, sua respectiva inserção na estratégia de empresas e a adoção de ações relacionadas ao conceito de Triple Bottom Line. O presente trabalho pauta-se em dois estudos de caso de hotéis brasileiros que possuem algum tipo de certificação de sustentabilidade e visa compreender quais são os fatores motivadores para a adoção de ações sustentáveis por parte desses hotéis e os respectivos fatores facilitadores e barreiras para adoção de tais práticas. Foram utilizados como referência teórica estudos de hotéis, tanto no Brasil como no exterior. Os resultados da pesquisa realizada com os dois hotéis, comparativamente com outros estudos publicados, apresentam relatos variados para a adoção pela empresa de práticas de sustentabilidade. As motivações variam desde alinhamento aos valores e vocação do hotel até aspectos financeiros para ampliação de ganhos. As práticas ambientais adotadas apresentaram semelhança entre os casos analisados e estudos publicados, considerando o caráter de padronização existente em processos de certificação. / [en] The hospitality industry, like any other business segment, is directly related to the environmental, social and economic development aspects. This segment has a high potential to contribute positively with the local community in which it is inserted when the different stakeholders are considered in the sustainability companies policy. Therefore, the performance of a hotel in a conscious and sustainable way, based on social concerns and the correct use of the available natural resources, will contribute to the well-being of the next generations. Thus, this study discusses the sustainability concept, its respective insertion in the companies strategy and the adoption of practices related to the concept of the Triple Bottom Line. The present study is based on two case studies of Brazilian hotels with sustainability certifications and aims to understand the motivating factors for the adoption of sustainable practices by hotels and the respective facilitating factors and barriers for the adoption of such practices. We used as theoretical reference studies of hotels, both in Brazil and abroad. When compared to other published studies, the results of the research carried out with the two hotels present different narratives that justify the company s adoption of sustainability practices. The motivations range from alignment to hotel values and vocation to financial aspects to increase earnings. The adopted environmental practices presented similarity between the analyzed cases and published studies, considering the character of standardization existing in certification processes.

Södra Mälarens innehållsrika backscatter : En studie av hur backscatterdata kan granskas, bottentypsklassificeras och utnyttjas med hjälp av GIS och statistiska metoder / The rich backscatter of southern Mälaren : A study of how backscatterdata could be examined, classified and be used with GIS and statistics methods

Nord, Robert January 2016 (has links)
Sjöfartsverket har i sitt arkiv en stor mängd backscatterdata, insamlat med multibeamekolod, som ännu inte har använts till sin fulla potential. Backscatterdata innehåller information om den reflekterade signalens styrka, även kallad amplitud. Stora mängder backscatterdata kan användas för att beskriva den akustiska bottenreflektionen. Syftet med denna undersökning är att beskriva hur variationen för amplituden varierar beroende på vilken bottentyp den reflekteras ifrån. En metod för att skapa rasterdataset med bottenhårdhet och bottentyp baserat på amplituddata ska utvecklas. Resultaten från denna metod ska sedan jämföras med kartdata från Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU). Totalt användes cirka 45 miljoner bottenpunkter i studieområdet. Varje punkt innehåller information om amplitud som systemet har registrerat från det reflekterade ekot. Dessa data behövde genomgå databehandlingar, bl.a. en vinkelkorrigering som ger ett mer trovärdigt värde av amplitud. Med hjälp av befintlig information om studieområdets sjöbotten i form av en maringeologisk karta från SGU, kunde amplitud från ett antal specifika uppskattade bottentyper studeras direkt. Resultatet uppvisar stora skillnader i amplitudens variationer. Specifika medelvärden och standardavvikelser kan urskiljas beroende av vilken specifik uppskattad bottentyp som studerades. ”Mjuk lera” gav en svagare signal med relativt låg standardavvikelse. ”Häll” och ”sten och block” reflekterade en liknade men starkare signal. Amplitudata från backscatter-informationen i hela datamängden utnyttjades för att skapa raster vars syfte var att beskriva den uppskattade bottenhårdheten. Olika raster skapades med olika parametrar beroende på ändamål. Gemensamt för alla skapade raster är att de är uppbyggda med metoden ”flytande beräkning” som möjliggjorde en mer utjämning. Resultatet av medelvärde och standardavvikelse från varje enskild bottentyp utnyttjades för att utföra en klassning av bottentyper på ett skapat raster lämpad för just bottentypsklassificering. För att få ett mer noggrannare medelvärde och standardavvikelse studerades ett 68 % konfidensintervall för de olika bottentyperna. De bottentyper som valdes för klassningen var ”mjuk lera”, ”sand, grus och sten”, ”häll”, ”sten och block” och även ”lägre amplituder”. ”Häll” och ”sten och block” klassades samma eftersom deras fysikaliska egenskaper gör att deras värden ligger nära varandra vilket gjorde det svårt att urskilja dem.”Lägre amplituder” utnyttjades för att identifiera områden som har lägre reflektionsförmåga än mjuk lera. Vilken bottentyp det är kan endast provtagning ge svar på. Med hjälp av tolkning av skapade raster och den maringeologiska kartan så korrigerades intervallen och användes som klassning. Resultatet från klassningen visar tydligt att områden kan urskiljas i kartbilden. Majoriteten av klassningarna resulterade i typen mjuk lera. En jämförelse av klassningen med den maringeologiska kartan visar att stora skillnader finns mellan dem. Mjuk lera gav en överensstämmelse på 86 %, sand, grus och sten 30 % och häll, sten och block 52,5 %, vilket gav en total överenstämmelse på 56,2 %. Jämförelse utfördes även med 9 provtagningspunkter som fanns tillgängliga i området. Det visade en total överenstämmelse på 89 %. Undersökningen visar att amplitud från havsbottnen korrelerar med bottentypen det är. Noterbart är att metoden för bottentypsklassificering som utvecklats i denna studie inte har kunnat kvalitetsgranskas med ett trovärdigt resultat, p.g.a. av statistiskt för få provtagningspunkter att jämföra mot. Studien visar dock att med mer data och noggrannare referensdata kan en mer automatisk klassningsmetod utvecklas. / The Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket) has a large amount of backscatter data collected with multibeam echosounder in their archive that has not been fully used despite its great potential. Backscatter data contains information about the strength of the reflected signal, often called amplitude strength. Large amounts of backscatter data could be used to describe the acoustic bottom reflection. The purpose of this study is to describe how the variation of the amplitude strength varies dependent on which estimated bottom types the data reflects from. Also a method will be produced which purpose is to create gridded dataset of estimated bottom hardness and bottom type based on amplitude data and compare this method with official data from the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU).A total number of 45 million depths (data points) were used in the study area. Every data point contains information about the amplitude strength that the system has recovered from the reflective echo. This data needed to be preprocessed, including an angle correction that produces a more reliable value of the amplitude strength. With existing information about the bottom from the study area, in this case a marine geological map from SGU, the amplitude from some estimated specified bottom types could be studied. The result shows differences in their variation. Specific values of mean and standard deviation could be distinguished by which estimated specific bottom types that were studied.The amplitude strength from the backscatter information of the complete data set was used to create a raster that describes the estimated bottom-hardness. Different raster were created with various parameters dependent on the purpose. All of the created raster data had in common that it was created using a technique called “flow calculation” which result in more equalization.The mean and standard deviation for every individual estimated bottom type were used to create interval for classification of the bottom types. To achieve a more accurate estimation of the mean and standard deviation for the bottom types, a 68 % confidence interval were used. The classes that were chosen for classification was “soft clay”, “sand, gravel and stone”, “solid rock”, “stone and block” and “lower amplitudes”. “Solid rock” and “stone and block” were combined in the same class because of their similar physical properties. “Lower amplitudes” were chosen in order to indicate areas where the amplitude strength from the reflective echo was lower than “soft clay”.The result of the intervals was adjusted by an examination of the raster data and the marine geological map and was then used for classification.The result from the classification shows that areas of different bottom types could be distinguished in the map. The majority of the classification was of the type “soft clay”. A comparison between the classification and the marine geological map showed some differences. “Soft clay” matched with 86 %, “sand, gravel and stone” 30 %, “solid rock, stone and block” 52,5 % and the total matched with 56,2 %. Comparisons between 9 samplings in the area were made. The result shows that the classification-accuracy is 89 %.The study shows that the amplitude strength correlates to the bottom type. Note that too few samplings for bottom classification were used in the study and thus the results are not fully reliable. The study, however, shows that with larger amount of data and more accurate reference data a better automatic classification method could be developed.

En samverkan mellan högkapacitetstransporter och torrhamnar : Kartlagt utifrån triple bottom line / A synergy between High Capacity Transporting and Dry Ports : Charter based on triple bottom line

Larsson, Cajsa, Johansson, Lina January 2017 (has links)
Hållbarhet har blivit ett aktuellt ämne inom de flesta verksamheter och strävan är erhålla en ekonomisk vinning utan att äventyra naturresurser, människan och samhället. Verksamheters förmåga att distribuera gods säkert, snabbt och kostnadseffektivt är avgörande för internationell och inrikes handel och ekonomisk utveckling. Godstransporter är en stor källa till utsläpp av växthusgaser och därför är det viktigt att nya transportlösningar hittas för att minska de avtryck som godstransporter gör i en försörjningskedja. Användningen av så kallade högkapacitetsfordon, HCT-fordon, förväntas öka då möjligheten att köra lastbilar som överskrider EU:s dimensioner för längd, bredd och vikt kan medföra ökad effektivitet och reducerad miljöpåverkan. Även konceptet torrhamnar, det vill säga en anläggning med en terminal som drivs likt en hamn, kan användas för att konsolidera gods, avlasta hamnen och öka intermodaliteten hos godset. Intermodalitet innebär att godset fraktas från A till B med hjälp av en kombination av flera olika typer av fraktsätt, exempelvis sjö, tåg och lastbil.   Följande rapport kartlägger hur en samverkan mellan högkapacitetsfordon och torrhamnar skulle kunna se ut. Detta genomförs med hjälp av att utifrån hållbarhetsmodellen triple bottom line som avser de tre dimensionerna ekonomi-, miljö- och sociala effekter, identifiera styrkor och svagheter hos begreppen. Med hjälp en teoretisk litteraturstudie, en fallstudie av ETT-projektet, en observation av Skaraborg Logistics Center samt nio stycken intervjuer med experter inom området, analyseras effekterna av en samverkan mellan högkapacitetsfordon och torrhamnar.   Rapporten identifierar att bättre ekonomiska-, miljömässiga och sociala effekter nås om en torrhamn är kopplad till ursprungshamnen med järnväg snarare än med HCT-fordon. Ytterligare identifierad problematik där en torrhamn försörjs med HCT-fordon utgörs av de tillfälliga tillstånden för att få framföra de längre och tyngre lastbärarna. Analysen visar att för att uppnå en god effekt från en samverkan mellan HCT-fordon och torrhamnar krävs att varje begrepp ensamt uppnår de faktorer som krävs för god effekt.   Rapporten är avgränsad till att räkna allt gods som normalt gods, endast avse HCTtransporter på väg samt att förutsätta att svenska arbetsregler följs vid inrikes transporter på väg. Rapporten studerar inte detaljer kring potentiell utveckling inom tekniken, exempelvis säkerhetssystem, IT-system eller aerodynamik. / Sustainability has become a highly prioritized subject among most companies and the goal is to maintain financial value without jeopardizing nature's resources, neither human health nor the society. How safe, fast and cost efficient a company distribute their goods is crucial for international- and domestic trade as well as economic growth. Haulage is a great source of greenhouse gas emissions and therefore it is crucial that new solutions of transport are developed in order to reduce the negative footprint of haulage in a supply chain. The use of high capacity transporting (HCT) vehicles is assumed increase when the EU's dimensions for a truck’s length, width and weight are allowed. This exception from EN standards would lead to increased transport efficiency, economic efficiency and reduced impact on the environment. The logistical solution of dry ports, namely a port on inland, can be used to consolidate goods, unburden the port and increase intermodality within the goods. Intermodality is when goods is transported between its starting location to its end location using several different kinds of transport ways.  The following report maps how a synergy between high capacity vehicles and dry ports would look like. By using the triple bottom line sustainability model the report identifies strengths and weaknesses of the two concepts. The reports analysis is created from a theoretical literature study, a case study of the ETT project, an observation of Skaraborg Logistics Center and nine interviews with experts within the field. The report identifies that better economic, environmental and social effects are achieved if a dry port is connected to the port of origin by rail way rather than with HCT vehicles. Further identified problems is the temporary permit of conveying the longer and heavier vehicles. The analysis shows that in order to achieve a good effect from an interaction between HCT vehicles and dry ports, each term alone require that the necessary factors for good effect is fulfilled.  The reports limitations are to consider all goods being normal gods and only to consider HCT-vehicles, not HCT-haulage by rail way. The writers also make the assumption that Swedish rules of labor are applied on domestic transportations by road. The report does not study details within IT, security systems nor aerodynamic.

Modélisation de la consommation électrique à partir de grandes masses de données pour la simulation des alternatives énergétiques du futur / Electricity demand modeling using large scale databases to simulate different prospective scenarios

Barbier, Thibaut 22 December 2017 (has links)
L’évolution de la consommation électrique est un point clé pour les choix à venir, tant pour les moyens de production d’électricité, que pour le dimensionnement du réseau à toutes ses échelles. Aujourd’hui, ce sont majoritairement des modèles statistiques basés sur les consommations passées et des tendances démographiques ou économétriques qui permettent de prédire cette consommation. Dans le contexte de la transition énergétique, des changements importants sont en cours et à venir, et la consommation future ne sera certainement pas une continuation des tendances passées. Modéliser ces changements nécessite une modélisation fine de type bottom-up de chaque contributeur de la consommation électrique. Ce type de modèle présente des challenges de modélisation, car il nécessite un grand nombre de paramètres d’entrée qui peuvent difficilement être renseignés de façon réaliste à grande échelle. En même temps, les données et informations de tout type n’ont jamais été autant disponibles. Cela représente à la fois un atout pour la modélisation, mais aussi une difficulté importante notamment à cause de l’hétérogénéité des données. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse présente une démarche de construction d’un simulateur de consommation électrique bottom-up capable de simuler différentes alternatives énergétiques à l’échelle de la France. Un travail de recensement, de classification et d’association des bases de données pour expliquer la consommation électrique a d’abord été mené. Ensuite, le modèle de consommation électrique a été présenté ; il a été validé et calibré sur une grande quantité de mesures de consommation électrique des départs HTA fournie par Enedis. Ce modèle a enfin pu être utilisé pour simuler différentes alternatives énergétiques afin d’aider au dimensionnement du réseau de distribution. / Future trend of electricity demand is a key point for sizing both the electricity network and the power plants. In order to forecast future electricity demand, current models mostly use statistical approaches based on past demand measurements and on demographic and economic trends. Because of current context of energy transition which comes along with important changes, future electricity demand is not expected to be similar to past trends. Modeling these changes requires a bottom-up modeling of each contributor to electricity demand. This kind of model is challenging because of the large number of input data required. At the same time, data and information are more and more available. Such availability can be considered both as an asset for modeling and as an important issue because of data heterogeneity. In this context, this dissertation offers an approach to build a bottom-up load curve simulator which enables to simulate prospective scenarii at the scale of France country. Firstly, an assessment, classification, and matching of the large databases explaining the electricity demand have been performed. Then, the electricity demand model has been presented. It has been validated and calibrated on Enedis’ large volumes of electricity demand measurements of medium voltage feeders. Finally, this model has been used to simulate several prospective scenarii in order to improve the electricity distribution network sizing.

Methane flux in the Doñana wetlands : Waterbird guano addition and benthicinvertebrate effects / Metangasflöden i Doñanas våtmarker : Effekter av vattenlevande fåglars guano och bottenlevande evertebrater

Ratia, Noa January 2019 (has links)
Wetlands are globally important biogeochemical hotspots, and their roles as either significant sources of greenhouse gas or carbon sinks are strongly controlled by environmental drivers such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus availability, which can stimulate emission of three greenhouse gases: nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Mounting evidence suggests that aquatic invertebrate activity can enhance wetland greenhouse gas flux, through bioturbation and bioirrigation of surrounding sediments. However, waterbirds reduce the density of aquatic invertebrates, which could potentially reduce greenhouse gas flux. Alternatively, the nutrient contents of waterbird guano may stimulate microbial activity responsible for these gas fluxes. The research project FLAMMINGGOS (Functional Links in Avian, Microbial, Macrophyte, and INvertebrate Greenhouse Gas Output Stimulation) aims to test the relative strength of top-down and bottom-up effects of predatory waterbirds on wetland greenhouse gas fluxes. This study is a part of the FLAMMINGGOS project and studied the bottom-up stimuli effects of methane flux, through addition of waterbird guano to sediment cores sampled from three sites in Doñana, Spain. Guano did not enhance methane flux; on the contrary, the overall flux rates decreased after guano addition for one site. There was also a positive correlation between methane flux and the presence of benthic invertebrates. This suggests that the top-down gas-stimuli effects of waterbirds may be stronger than the bottom-up; benthivorous waterbirds, such as flamingos, may lessen the emissions of CH4 through predation on benthic invertebrates. Further research is however required to fully understand these interactions and gas flux stimuli effects. / FLAMMINGGOS

Sustentabilidade em gestão de projetos e sua relação com sucesso em projetos: proposição de um modelo teórico e empírico. / Sustainability in project management and its relationship with sucess in projects: proposal of a theoretical and empirical model.

Martens, Mauro Luiz 22 May 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho trata dos temas sustentabilidade, gestão de projetos e sucesso em projetos. Por abordá-los de forma conjunta, preenche uma lacuna de pesquisa que trata da conexão entre os três temas. O objetivo da tese, desenvolvida por artigos, é propor um modelo teórico e empírico de sustentabilidade aplicável no contexto de gestão de projetos e orientado para o sucesso em projetos. Como metodologia fez-se uso da abordagem combinada, envolvendo pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa com aplicação de multi métodos. A pesquisa qualitativa foi utilizada para a sistematização da literatura dos temas chaves e para o desenvolvimento de estudos de casos múltiplos com aplicação de entrevistas com gestores de projetos e de sustentabilidade, bem como aplicação de questionário aos membros de equipes de projetos. A pesquisa quantitativa foi utilizada para a realização de levantamento survey, com 143 gestores de projetos em empresas brasileiras, e análise estatística por meio da modelagem de equações estruturais, bem como foi aplicado o método de análise fatorial exploratória. Os constructos e variáveis do modelo teórico proposto, bem como os protocolos de pesquisa survey, foram validados por meio de um fórum com 11 especialistas oriundos de 10 universidades, localizadas em seis países diferentes. Como contribuições deste estudo pode-se destacar a estruturação do referencial teórico de sustentabilidade em gestão de projetos e de sucesso em projetos; a apresentação e validação da estrutura de um modelo teórico e empírico de constructos e variáveis de sustentabilidade com enfoque Triple-Bottom Line - TBL (econômica, ambiental e social) em gestão de projetos orientado ao sucesso em projetos; e, a validação estatística do relacionamento entre sustentabilidade em gestão de projetos e sucesso em projetos. Esta última relação foi confirmada pela alta significância da relação causal entre os constructos, pois sustentabilidade em gestão de projetos contribui positivamente para o sucesso em projetos, explicando 43% dos efeitos sobre sucesso em projetos. Em decorrência, foram desenvolvidos seis artigos científicos, alguns publicados e outros submetidos para periódicos internacionais. / This research looks to study sustainability, Project management and project success. Merging these themes, this thesis works on a gap of research related to approaching both topics. For that matter, this study, developed by articles model, aims to propose a theoretical and empirical framework of sustainability, applicable into project management context and oriented to project success. The combined approach was used as methodology, engaging qualitative and quantitative research by applying multi methods. Qualitative research was used to systematize the literature of key themes and to develop multiple case studies by applying semi-structured interviews with people responsible for projects and sustainability areas and questionnaire application to projects team members. Quantitative research was used to develop a survey involving 143 project managers in Brazilian companies. Statistics analysis was carried out in order to treat the data through structural equation modeling. Exploratory factor analysis was also used. Constructs and variables of the conceptual framework proposed, as well as the survey research protocols, were validated by experts through and expert panel of eleven experts from ten universities and six different countries. Contributions of this study may highlight the development of the bibliographic review of sustainability in project management and project success topics; the presentation and validation of the conceptual and empirical model of constructs and variables of sustainability (with triple-bottom line perspective) in project management oriented to project success; and the statistical validation of the relationship between sustainability in project management and project success. This relationship was confirmed by the high significance of the casual relation between both constructs, explaining that the constructs of sustainability in project management contributes positively to obtain project success. It was found that 43% of these constructs affect project success. At the end, six scientific articles were developed, and some of them were already published and others submitted to international journals.

Urbanismo bottom-up: sociedade em rede e processos de urbanização emergentes / Bottom-up urbanism: network society and emerging urbanization processes.

Hamra, José Eduardo Calijuri 27 April 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa os processos de urbanismo bottom-up a partir do contexto social em que emergiram e de sua atuação em meios digitais. Como contexto são analisados os movimentos sociais contemporâneos, a consolidação da sociedade em rede por meio da popularização das TICs e a emergência de novas culturas organizacionais. A análise histórica desse universo é sempre vinculada a seu impacto no processo de produção das cidades, até a apresentação da situação contemporânea. Sobre a atuação nos meios digitais a pesquisa investiga por meio da mineração de dados e análise de redes, a atuação no Facebook, a partir de um estudo de caso. As investigações revelam as dinâmicas dos principais atores, como o número e frequência de eventos, o engajamento com o público, os diálogos no espaço virtual e as ações de transformação urbana. Como resultado, a pesquisa não pretende apresentar conclusões precisas e definições de conceitos, mas apontamentos que permitem uma melhor compreensão e planejamento do urbanismo contemporâneo. / This research analyzes the processes of bottom-up urbanism from the social context in which they emerged and from their presence in digital media. As context, are analyzed the contemporary social movements, the consolidation of the network society through the popularization of ICTs and the emergence of new organizational cultures. The historical analysis of this universe is always linked to its impact on the production process of cities. About the presence in the digital media the research investigates through the data mining and analysis of networks, the action in Facebook, from a case study. The investigations reveal the dynamics of the main actors, such as the number and frequency of events, engagement with the public, dialogues in virtual space and actions of urban transformation. As a result, the research does not intend to present precise conclusions and defi nitions of concepts, but notes that allow a better understanding and planning of contemporary urbanism.

Relações tróficas e limnológicas no reservatório de Itaipu: uma análise do impacto da biomassa pesqueira nas comunidades planctônicas / Trophic and limnological interactions in the Itaipu reservoir: an analysis of the impact of the fishing biomass in the planktonic communities

Ribeiro Filho, Rinaldo Antonio 20 November 2006 (has links)
Inúmeros estudos experimentais contribuíram para o desenvolvimento da teoria das redes tróficas lacustres, revelando o importante papel dos peixes, ignorados no campo da limnologia durante décadas. A maioria dos estudos foi desenvolvida na Europa e Estados Unidos e a generalidade da teoria ainda não foi amplamente testada em ambientes subtropicais e tropicais. Apesar das controversas, as hipóteses de cascata trófica e de bottom-up : top-down são os modelos conceituais mais utilizados. Neste contexto, este trabalho baseia-se na hipótese de que as relações tróficas em cascata, relacionadas aos efeitos bottom-up e top-down, podem ser encontradas no Reservatório de Itaipu, inserido em região subtropical. Com base em dados disponibilizados pela Itaipu Binacional, para o período de 1999 a 2004. Análises de Covariância (ANCOVAs) foram realizadas para determinar as relações das variáveis dependentes clorofila-a, cianobactéria e transparência da água sobre as demais variáveis limnológicas. Análises de correlações também foram realizadas para verificar a existência de algum tipo de efeito na cascata trófica. Os resultados obtidos caracterizam o reservatório como mesotrófico, com situações de oligotrofia na zona lacustre. Efeito negativo foi verificado para transparência da água em relação aos sólidos suspensos totais e turbidez. A clorofila apresentou relação positiva com nitrogênio total, mas não para fósforo total. Os peixes onívoros, detritívoros e insetívoros exerceram efeito negativo (controle) na densidade das cianobactérias e na concentração de clorofila. A estimativa da produção de peixes no reservatório foi melhor relacionada com as cianobactérias do reservatório, gerando um modelo estatístico através desta análise. Os efeitos top-down e bottom-up foram confirmados, sendo que as forças top-down foram encontradas apenas no primeiro nível trófico e as demais apresentaram efeito bottom-up. / Many experimental studies contributed for the development of the theory of the lacustrine food web, disclosing the important paper of the fish, for decades ignored by the limnology. These studies, in its majority, had been developed in Europe and North America and the generality of the hypotheses supporting the theory was not tested yet in subtropical and tropical environments. Although controversial, the trophic cascade and bottom-up: top-down hypotheses are the two main conceptual models presently used. This work is based on the hypothesis of the trophic cascade relations, particularly related to bottom-up and top-down effect can be detected in Itaipu Reservoir, a subtropical system. Using the made data available by Itaipu Binacional, from 1999 to 2004. Analyses of Covariance (ANCOVAs) were accomplished to determine the relationships of the dependent variable on the chlorophyll-a, cyanobacterias and transparency of the water (independent variables) and between the other limnologycal variables. Analyses of correlations were also accomplished to verify the existence of some effect type in the trophic cascade. The results show that the reservoir presented mesotrophic, and oligotrophic and characteristics in the lacustrine area. A negative effect was verified between the water transparency in relation to suspended solids and turbid. The chlorophyll presented positive relationship with total nitrogen, but didn\'t present any relationship with the total phosphorus. The omnivorous, and detritivorous and insectivorous fishes presented a negative effect (control) in the cyanobacteria concentrations and chlorophyll. The estimate of the production of fish in the reservoir was better related with the concentrations of cyanobacterias of the reservoir, generating a statistical model through this analysis. The top-down and bottom-up effect had been confirmed, the forces top-down had been found only in the first trophic level, and the others presented bottom-up effect.

Cooperação em P&D e ecoinovações: influência sobre o desempenho socioeconômico de empresas / Cooperation in R&D and eco-innovations: influence on companies socioeconomic performance

Tumelero, Cleonir 06 February 2018 (has links)
A adoção de rotas tecnológicas ambientalmente sustentáveis é uma estratégia acertada para empresas que queiram manter ou melhorar suas posições de mercado e contribuir para a prevenção e adaptação às mudanças climáticas globais. É nessa perspectiva da inovação e da sustentabilidade que este estudo avaliou a influência da cooperação em P&D e das ecoinovações sobre o desempenho socioeconômico de 221 fabricantes de produtos elétricos e eletrônicos. As teorias de Gaia, do Holismo e a teoria evolucionária da inovação predominantemente orientaram o estudo. Os dados foram coletados em 2017 e processados via SmartPLS®3. Por meio da técnica de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais o modelo conceitual do estudo foi validado com 99% de confiabilidade (p<0,01), demonstrando com originalidade que a cooperação em P&D e as ecoinovações explicaram satisfatoriamente em 51,3%o desempenho socioeconômico das empresas pesquisadas. Três hipóteses comprovaram que a cooperação em P&D com parceiros tecnológicos influenciou positivamente a introdução de ecoinovações de produto, ecoinovações de processo e ecoinovações organizacionais nas empresas investigadas. Duas hipóteses comprovaram que ecoinovações de produto e ecoinovações organizacionais influenciaram positivamente o desempenho socioeconômico das empresas. Uma hipótese não comprovada demonstrou que ecoinovações de processo não influenciaram positivamente o desempenho socioeconômico das empresas. Dos atributos de ecoinovação, três não foram validados estatisticamente: a simplificação das embalagens, a simplificação da construção e a eficiência energética dos produtos desenvolvidos. Apesar de os atributos não validados demonstrarem atraso tecnológico dos produtos elétricos e eletrônicos, há predominância de uma rota tecnológica ambientalmente sustentável nas empresas, o que é um visível diferencial competitivo. São notáveis as implicações deste estudo a partir dos emergentes paradigmas da economia circular e da economia verde. Se cooperação em P&D e ecoinovações permitiram resultados socioeconômicos satisfatórios, em empresas distintas usuárias de minerais e de energia elétrica, então cai por terra o paradigma da inovação poluidora, que ignora que recursos naturais são finitos. Fica evidente que o paradigma Triple Bottom Line, que considera o equilíbrio entre as dimensões ambiental, social e econômica, possui base viável para a indústria do terceiro milênio. Emerge nas empresas a responsabilidade de ancorar a mudança tecnológica em todos os elos de suas cadeias de valor, desde a extração de matérias primas da natureza até a educação de consumidores para o uso e descarte consciente de produtos. É possível sugerir que não corrigir a rota tecnológica baseada no paradigma econômico dos excessos sobre os recursos planetários pode ser qualificado como responsabilidade corporativa de lesa ao Planeta. Ademais, indústrias e cadeias de valor de base poluidora parecem estar fadadas ao desaparecimento. Os resultados deste estudo são restritos à amostra de indústrias investigadas no Brasil. Temas com potencial de pesquisa emergem em simbiose e biomimética industrial, sistemas de ecoinovação em Smart Cities, ecoinovação social, ecoinovação de marketing e ecoinovações na Indústria 4.0. / The adoption of environmentally sustainable technology routes is a sound strategy for companies that want to maintain or improve their market positions and contribute to the prevention and adaptation to global climate change. In this perspective of innovation and sustainability, this study evaluated the influence of cooperation in R & D and of eco-innovations on the socioeconomic performance of 221 manufacturers of electric and electronic products. The theories of Gaia, Holism and the evolutionary theory of innovation predominantly guided the study. Data were collected in 2017 and processed via SmartPLS®3. Through the Structural Equation Modeling technique, the conceptual model of the study was validated with 99% reliability (p<0,01), showing with originality that the cooperation in R & D and the eco-innovations satisfactorily explained the socio-economic performance of the companies surveyed in 51.3%.Three hypotheses have proved that cooperation in R & D with technological partners positively influenced the introduction of product eco-innovations, process eco-innovations and organizational eco-innovations in the companies investigated. Two hypotheses have shown that product eco-innovations and organizational eco-innovations have positively influenced the companies\' socioeconomic performance. An unproven hypothesis showed that process eco-innovation has not positively influenced the companies\' socioeconomic performance.From the eco-innovation attributes, three have not been statistically validated: the simplification of packaging, the simplification of construction and the energy efficiency of developed products. Although the non-validated attributes demonstrate technological backwardness of the electrical and electronic products, there is a predominance of an environmentally sustainable technological route in companies, which is a visible competitive edge. The implications of this study are noteworthy from the emerging paradigms of the circular economy and of the green economy. If cooperation in R & D and eco-innovations have enabled satisfactory socioeconomic outcomes, in companies which are distinct users of minerals and electricity, then it falls down the paradigm of polluting innovation that ignores that natural resources are finite. It is clear that the Triple Bottom Line paradigm, which considers the balance between the environmental, social and economic dimensions, has a viable basis for the industry of the third millennium. Companies have the responsibility to anchor technological change at every link in their value chains, since the extraction of raw materials from nature up to the education of consumers for the conscious use and disposal of products. It is possible to suggest that not correcting the technological route based on the economic paradigm of excesses on the world\'s resources can be qualified as a harmful corporate responsibility to the Planet.In addition, polluter-based industries and value chains seem to be doomed to disappear. The results of this study are restricted to the sample of industries investigated in Brazil. Topics with potential for future research emerge in symbiosis and industrial biomimetics, eco-innovation systems in Smart Cities, social eco-innovation, marketing eco-innovation and eco-innovations in Industry 4.0.

Análise de processos de aprendizagem do tipo bottom-up e seus resultados nas organizações / Analysis of bottom-up learning processes and its results in organizations

Maemura, Marcia Mitie Durante 05 May 2016 (has links)
Com este estudo procurou se identificar os resultados produzidos pela aprendizagem do tipo Bottom-Up (BU) em organizações, tendo-se em vista que as variáveis Cultura Organizacional de Aprendizagem (COA), Mecanismos de Coordenação e Integração (MCI) e Liderança (LID) podem interferir na relação entre o método de aprendizagem e os resultados obtidos pela organização. Para se compreender o fenômeno, após uma pesquisa bibliográfica, foi desenvolvido um estudo multicaso pela metodologia proposta por Yin (2009). Foram pesquisadas quatro organizações atuantes em segmentos distintos, nomeadas neste estudo como \"Empresa X\" (setor farmacêutico), \"Empresa Y\" (setor alimentício/franquia), \"Empresa Z\" (indústria e comércio de calçados) e \"Empresa W\" (setor farmacêutico). Nestas empresas foram inquiridos o Diretor, o Vendedor e os responsáveis pelo setor da inovação, produção, comercial, financeiro e RH. Os respondentes foram entrevistados e preencheram um questionário, além de ter existido coleta prévia de dados secundários para maior compreensão dos fatos relacionados às empresas. Como resultado, constatou-se que nos casos analisados, aparentemente existe uma combinação entre o fator MCI e os constructos LID e COA, que possibilita a existência da aprendizagem do tipo BU. Os resultados provenientes desta combinação tendem a se manifestar em termos financeiros, competitivos e mercadológicos. A combinação do fator e os constructos não necessariamente conduzem à inovatividade da organização. / This study sought to identify the results produced by the Bottom-Up learning (BU) in organizations having in mind that the variables Organizational Learning Culture (OLC), Coordination and Integration Mechanisms (CIM) and Leadership (LEAD) can interfere with the relationship between the learning method and the results obtained by the organization. To understand the phenomenon, after a bibliographic research, it was developed a multi case study by the methodology proposed by Yin (2009). They were surveyed four organizations active in different segments, named in this study as \"Empresa X\" (pharmaceutical industry), \"Empresa Y\" (franchiser in the food sector), \"Empresa Z\" (footwear industry and retail trade) e \"Empresa W\" (pharmaceutical industry). In these companies were surveyed the diretor, the salesman and and those responsible for industry innovation, production, commercial, financial and HR. Respondents were interviewed and filled out a questionnaire, and have existed prior collection of secondary data for greater understanding of the facts related to business. As a result, it was found that in the cases analyzed, there is apparently a combination of CIM factor and constructs LEAD and OLC, which allows the existence of BU learning. The results from this combination tend to express in financial terms, competitive and related to the market. The combination of the factor and the constructs do not necessarily lead to the innovativeness of the organization.

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