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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trilingvální Bratislava: sociolingvistický pohled / Trilingual Bratislava: A Sociolinguistic View

Satinská, Lucia January 2011 (has links)
The M.A. thesis approaches the trilingual language situation of Bratislava via example of four case studies of old trilingual Bratislava inhabitants. The first chapter introduces the historical context of old Bratislava; it is an extended introduction to the city issues, its ethnicities and languages. The second chapter processes respondents' language biographies with regard to language acquisition, contemporary language use and transferring languages to the next generations. The third chapter is close analysis of code- switching in respondents' speeches. The fourth chapter concentrates on language ideologies connected to individual Bratislava languages and ethnicities. The last chapter describes the components of collective and individual memory of respondents, such as mental map of the city (emerging through speaking about the city promenade, confectioneries and also celebrations) and repeated stories connected to languages. The thesis contributes to the discourse about (not only) language identity of Bratislava and approaches the use of specific sociolect of the city's older generation of indigenous inhabitants.

Diskursivní konstrukce nové identity městského regenerovaného prostoru: příklad nábřeží v Bratislavě / Discursive construction of a new identity of the regenerated urban space: the case of waterfront in Bratislava

Juhász, Matej January 2016 (has links)
Waterfronts in post-socialist cities have became under the influence of post-socialist transformations an areas of conflict, which are full of contradictory pressures based on the different actors and their views. This diploma thesis deals with plans and waterfront regeneration projects in Bratislava from the perspective of discursive practices and representations of investors, developers, city government and citizens. The work also examines the role of the actors involved in the formation of new identities of regenerated areas via different representations. It focuses on the process, which leads to the formation of new identities in the plans and projects of waterfront regeneration. The work uses an qualitative analysis of planning documents and discourse analysis of different web resources. It examines both the process of discursive construction of place through a variety of discursive practices and offers an insight into the backstage relationships of actors involved. Keywords: discourse, representation, identity, Bratislava, waterfront, regeneration

Dopravná sieť Bratislavy a okolia / The transportation network of Bratislava and nearby region

Kšonžek, Miloš January 2010 (has links)
The thesis describes and assesses the current state of the transport network situation in the capital of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava. The core topic is a description of the problem areas, assessing the current status and evolution over time, for the urban public transport system.

Caring Cities - Pflege in zentraleuropäischen Hauptstädten

Österle, August, Mittendrein, Lisa January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Obwohl die lokale Ebene in der Pflegepolitik eine zentrale Rolle spielt, nehmen international vergleichende Studien dieses Feld bisher kaum in den Blick. Das Ziel von "Caring Cities" besteht darin, am Beispiel von Bratislava, Budapest, Prag und Wien, die Rolle zentraleuropäischer Städte im Bereich der Pflege zu untersuchen. In der "pflegenden Stadt" treffen die nationale und die lokale Ebene auf verschiedene Weise aufeinander. Einerseits manifestieren sich nationale Pflegeregime in einem spezifisch-urbanen Kontext. Andererseits sind lokale AkteurInnen selbst in die Regulierung, Organisation und Erbringung von Pflege involviert und verfügen so über einen eigenen gestalterischen Spielraum. Um dies zu analysieren, wurden quantitative Daten erhoben und Interviews mit ExpertInnen in den jeweiligen Städten geführt. Die Untersuchung bestätigt für alle vier Hauptstädte die große Bedeutung regionaler bzw. lokaler Akteure in der Pflegepolitik. Während Wien auf eine lange und relativ kontinuierliche Geschichte lokaler Sozialpolitik aufbaut, wurde in Tschechien, der Slowakei und in Ungarn Pflegepolitik mit der Transformation in den frühen 1990er Jahren verstärkt an die regionale und lokale Ebene übertragen. In diesen Ländern ist der Sektor aber auch durch ein hohes Maß an Fragmentierung und teilweise überlappende Verantwortlichkeiten charakterisiert. Dies wiederum ist Konsequenz einer vielfach fehlenden umfassenden und kohärenten Pflegepolitik. Angespannte öffentliche Budgets, vor allem in den jüngsten Krisenjahren, haben den Ausbau einer adäquaten Dienstleistungsinfrastruktur zusätzlich verschärft. / Series: Forschungsberichte des Forschungsinstituts für Altersökonomie

Liga v malom futbale v Bratislave / Amateur football league in Bratislava

Králik, Peter January 2013 (has links)
Focus of this Master's thesis is a business plan. The main focus of this business plan is organization of amateur football league in Bratislava. The goal of this Master's thesis was to determine whether this project can be successful, what is needed in terms of organization prior the league, during the league and after individual seasons of this amateur league. Furthermore,this project was also looking to determine demand and the registration fee and finally, to draw up financial analysis. When it comes to determining the registration fee it was crucial to take into consideration results of the created questionnaire. In addition, author's personal experiences that were gained through taking part in such amateur sport events in Prague,were also constructive in development of this business plan. The outcome of this project is a financial analysis which confirms expected economic convenience of amateur football league taking place in the capital of Slovak Republic.

Porovnání cen bytu v České republice a na Slovensku. / Comparing flat prices in the Czech Republik and Slovakia

Šimášková, Ľubomíra January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this Diploma Thesis is to benchmark prices of preselected types of flats in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Main aim of this exercise is to examine the pricing rules in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Other area of focus is to set prices for selected prices of flats in the suburb and in the city center of Brno and Bratislava and compare them with each other. Analyze which factors affect prices and how they differ from each other.

Diskursivní konstrukce nové identity městského regenerovaného prostoru: příklad nábřeží v Bratislavě / Discursive construction of a new identity of the regenerated urban space: the case of waterfront in Bratislava

Juhász, Matej January 2015 (has links)
Waterfronts in post-socialist cities have became under the influence of post- socialist transformations an areas of conflict, which are full of contradictory pressures based on the different actors and their views. This diploma thesis deals with plans and waterfront regeneration projects in Bratislava from the perspective of discursive practices and representations of investors, developers, city government and citizens. The work also examines the role of the actors involved in the formation of new identities of regenerated areas via different representations. It focuses on the process, which leads to the formation of new identities in the plans and projects of waterfront regeneration. The work uses an interpretative analysis of text segments. It examines both the process of discursive construction of place through a variety of discursive practices and offers an insight into the backstage relationships of actors involved. Key words: discourse, representation, identity, Bratislava, waterfront, regeneration

Konjunkturální Bratislava / Conjunctural Bratislava

Sokol, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
Conjunctural Bratislava is complex regional study which emphasises the topic of identity and social features of the city and its impact on the physical infrastucture and organisation of the city. First theoretical part introduces the Theory of conjunctural city based on connection between hierarchy and dynamic development in broad sense. Second part provides the systematic view of Bratislava, explaining some aspects of the theory (population, economy, urbanism, transportation, culture). Short chapter is dedicated to current conceptual ideas of Bratislava in terms of a city and a region, too. The last part of the study brings a brief prognostic view of main prospects of the city and some possible problems which may occure soon or later. Empirical study in appendix is aimed to Bratislava's hiphop culture and its musical production. I have chosen four songs for the analysis (three local ones and one from Prague hip hop group PSH). Bratislava has been chosen for its uniqueness, being one of the very few remaining conjunctural cities in Europe. Keywords: Bratislava, city, identity, hierarchy, theory, regional development, hip hop

Konjunkturální Bratislava / Conjunctural Bratislava

Sokol, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
Conjunctural Bratislava is regional study which emphasises the topic of identity and social features of the city and its impact on the physical infrastucture and organisation of the city. First theoretical part introduces the Theory of conjunctural city based on connection between hierarchy and dynamic development in broad sense. Second part provides the systematic view of Bratislava, explaining some aspects of the theory (population, economy, urbanism, transportation, culture). Short chapter is dedicated to current conceptual ideas of Bratislava in terms of a city and a region, too. The last part of the study brings a brief prognostic view of main prospects of the city and some possible problems which may occure soon or later. Empirical study in appendix is aimed to Bratislava's hiphop culture and its musical production. I analysed three local hip hop songs. Bratislava has been chosen for its uniqueness, being one of the very few remaining conjunctural cities in Europe.

Za zrkadlom slovenskej identity / Behind the mirror of identity

Juráš, Ján January 2017 (has links)
Does the question of collective identity still remain in the hands of companies and institutions, or is it rather becoming an uncontrolled marketable commodity and a victim of the economic opportunism and growing nationalism? What selfidentifying legacy is Slovakia building today? On the one hand we live in the era of historically high economic prosperity, on the other hand we are not creating environment which would help us to identify ourselves. The commercial buildings have become the despotic temples of today's cities. The public buildings are turning into stage props in the name of fnancial “optimization”. Ideological and physical environment of educational and cultural institutions sufers from being underfnanced in comparison with the European average. The eforts to put an end to the 1990s’ provincionalism and to redefne our social self-esteem are suppressed at the expense of the boundless polished ofce areas. The thesis is a critical refection of Slovak politics in the context of education and culture. By puting together seemingly disparate felds of science and fne arts the author

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