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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicação do conceito \"vazamento antes da falha\" (LEAK BEFORE BREAK) em tubulações de aço 316LN soldado com metal de adição 316L / Application of Leak Before Break concept in 316LN austenitic steel pipes welded using 316L

Gabriel Giannini de Cunto 07 March 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo prático da aplicação do conceito Leak Before Break (LBB), usualmente aplicado em usinas nucleares, em uma tubulação fabricada a partir de aço AISI 316LN soldada com a utilização de eletrodo revestido AISI 316L. O LBB é um critério fundamentado em análises de mecânica da fratura, que considera que um vazamento proveniente de uma trinca, presente em uma tubulação, possa ser detectado por sistemas de detecção de vazamento, antes que esta trinca alcance um tamanho crítico que implique na falha da tubulação. Na tubulação estudada, foram realizados ensaios mecânicos de tração e análises de Ramberg-Osgood, bem como ensaios de tenacidade à fratura para a obtenção da curva de resistência J-R do material. Os ensaios foram realizados considerando o metal base, a solda e a zona termicamente afetada (ZTA), nas temperaturas de operação de uma planta nuclear. Para as propriedades mecânicas encontradas nos ensaios foram realizadas análises de carga limite para se determinar o tamanho da trinca que cause um vazamento detectável e, também, o seu tamanho crítico que cause a falha por colapso plástico. Para o tamanho crítico de trinca encontrado na solda, região que apresentou a menor tenacidade, foram realizadas análises de Integral J e de módulo de rasgamento T, considerando falha por rasgamento dúctil. Os resultados demonstram um comportamento bem definido entre o metal base, a ZTA e a solda, onde o metal base apresenta um comportamento altamente tenaz, a solda um comportamento pouco tenaz e a ZTA apresentou propriedades mecânicas intermediárias entre o metal base e a solda. Utilizando o software PICEP, foram determinadas as curvas de taxa de vazamento versus tamanho de trinca e também o tamanho crítico da trinca, considerando análise por carga limite. Observou-se que, após certo tamanho de trinca, a taxa de vazamento do metal base é muito maior do que para a ZTA e solda, para um mesmo comprimento de trinca. Isso ocorre porque é esperado que a trinca cresça de forma mais arredondada no metal base, devido à sua maior tenacidade. O menor tamanho crítico de trinca foi encontrado para o metal base para trincas circunferenciais. Para as análises de Integral J realizadas na solda, foi demonstrado que a falha por rasgamento dúctil não ocorrerá nas condições consideradas e essa hipótese foi sedimentada pela análise de mecânica da fratura elasto-plástica (MFEL) com o uso do diagrama J/T. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que a tubulação estudada estaria apta a ser empregada em um circuito primário de um reator que utilizasse o critério de LBB, nas condições de carregamento e geometria consideradas. Adicionalmente, concluiu-se que nessas condições apenas o modo de falha por colapso plástico é esperado. / This work presents a study of application of the Leak Before Break (LBB) concept, usually applied in nuclear power plants, in a pipe made from steel AISI type 316LN welded a coated electrode AISI type 316L. LBB concept is a criterion based on fracture mechanics analysis to show that a crack leak, present in a pipe, can be detected by leak detection systems, before this crack reaches a critical size that results in pipe fail. In the studied pipe, tensile tests and Ramberg-Osgood analyses were performed, as well as fracture toughness tests for obtaining the material resistance curve J-R. The tests were performed considering the base metal, weld and heat affected zone (HAZ), at the same operating temperatures of a nuclear power plant. For the mechanical properties found in these tests, load limit analyses were performed in order to determine the size of a crack which could cause a detectable leakage and the critical crack size, considering failure by plastic collapse. For the critical crack size found in the weld, which is the region that presented the lowest toughness, Integral J and tearing modulus T analyses were performed, considering failure by tearing instability. Results show a well-defined behavior between the base metal, HAZ and weld zones, where the base metal has a high toughness behavior, the weld has a low toughness behavior and the HAZ showed intermediate mechanical properties between the base metal and the weld. Using the PICEP software, the leak rate curves versus crack size and also the critical crack size were determined by considering load limit analysis. It was observed that after a certain crack size, the leak rate in base metal is much higher than for the HAZ and the weld, considering the same crack length. This occurs because in the base metal crack, it is expected that the crack grows in a more rounded form due to its higher toughness. The lowest critical crack size was found for the base metal presenting circumferential cracks. For the Integral J analyses performed in the weld, it was demonstrated that the failure by tearing instability will not occur under the considered conditions and this hypothesis was confirmed by elastic-plastic fracture mechanic (EPFM) analysis using the J/T diagram. Thereby, it can be concluded that it would be possible to apply the investigated pipe in a primary circuit of a reactor that utilizes the criterion LBB under the considered geometry and load conditions. Additionally, it was found that under these conditions, only the failure mode by plastic collapse is expected.

Aplicação do conceito \"vazamento antes da falha\" (LEAK BEFORE BREAK) em tubulações de aço 316LN soldado com metal de adição 316L / Application of Leak Before Break concept in 316LN austenitic steel pipes welded using 316L

Cunto, Gabriel Giannini de 07 March 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo prático da aplicação do conceito Leak Before Break (LBB), usualmente aplicado em usinas nucleares, em uma tubulação fabricada a partir de aço AISI 316LN soldada com a utilização de eletrodo revestido AISI 316L. O LBB é um critério fundamentado em análises de mecânica da fratura, que considera que um vazamento proveniente de uma trinca, presente em uma tubulação, possa ser detectado por sistemas de detecção de vazamento, antes que esta trinca alcance um tamanho crítico que implique na falha da tubulação. Na tubulação estudada, foram realizados ensaios mecânicos de tração e análises de Ramberg-Osgood, bem como ensaios de tenacidade à fratura para a obtenção da curva de resistência J-R do material. Os ensaios foram realizados considerando o metal base, a solda e a zona termicamente afetada (ZTA), nas temperaturas de operação de uma planta nuclear. Para as propriedades mecânicas encontradas nos ensaios foram realizadas análises de carga limite para se determinar o tamanho da trinca que cause um vazamento detectável e, também, o seu tamanho crítico que cause a falha por colapso plástico. Para o tamanho crítico de trinca encontrado na solda, região que apresentou a menor tenacidade, foram realizadas análises de Integral J e de módulo de rasgamento T, considerando falha por rasgamento dúctil. Os resultados demonstram um comportamento bem definido entre o metal base, a ZTA e a solda, onde o metal base apresenta um comportamento altamente tenaz, a solda um comportamento pouco tenaz e a ZTA apresentou propriedades mecânicas intermediárias entre o metal base e a solda. Utilizando o software PICEP, foram determinadas as curvas de taxa de vazamento versus tamanho de trinca e também o tamanho crítico da trinca, considerando análise por carga limite. Observou-se que, após certo tamanho de trinca, a taxa de vazamento do metal base é muito maior do que para a ZTA e solda, para um mesmo comprimento de trinca. Isso ocorre porque é esperado que a trinca cresça de forma mais arredondada no metal base, devido à sua maior tenacidade. O menor tamanho crítico de trinca foi encontrado para o metal base para trincas circunferenciais. Para as análises de Integral J realizadas na solda, foi demonstrado que a falha por rasgamento dúctil não ocorrerá nas condições consideradas e essa hipótese foi sedimentada pela análise de mecânica da fratura elasto-plástica (MFEL) com o uso do diagrama J/T. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que a tubulação estudada estaria apta a ser empregada em um circuito primário de um reator que utilizasse o critério de LBB, nas condições de carregamento e geometria consideradas. Adicionalmente, concluiu-se que nessas condições apenas o modo de falha por colapso plástico é esperado. / This work presents a study of application of the Leak Before Break (LBB) concept, usually applied in nuclear power plants, in a pipe made from steel AISI type 316LN welded a coated electrode AISI type 316L. LBB concept is a criterion based on fracture mechanics analysis to show that a crack leak, present in a pipe, can be detected by leak detection systems, before this crack reaches a critical size that results in pipe fail. In the studied pipe, tensile tests and Ramberg-Osgood analyses were performed, as well as fracture toughness tests for obtaining the material resistance curve J-R. The tests were performed considering the base metal, weld and heat affected zone (HAZ), at the same operating temperatures of a nuclear power plant. For the mechanical properties found in these tests, load limit analyses were performed in order to determine the size of a crack which could cause a detectable leakage and the critical crack size, considering failure by plastic collapse. For the critical crack size found in the weld, which is the region that presented the lowest toughness, Integral J and tearing modulus T analyses were performed, considering failure by tearing instability. Results show a well-defined behavior between the base metal, HAZ and weld zones, where the base metal has a high toughness behavior, the weld has a low toughness behavior and the HAZ showed intermediate mechanical properties between the base metal and the weld. Using the PICEP software, the leak rate curves versus crack size and also the critical crack size were determined by considering load limit analysis. It was observed that after a certain crack size, the leak rate in base metal is much higher than for the HAZ and the weld, considering the same crack length. This occurs because in the base metal crack, it is expected that the crack grows in a more rounded form due to its higher toughness. The lowest critical crack size was found for the base metal presenting circumferential cracks. For the Integral J analyses performed in the weld, it was demonstrated that the failure by tearing instability will not occur under the considered conditions and this hypothesis was confirmed by elastic-plastic fracture mechanic (EPFM) analysis using the J/T diagram. Thereby, it can be concluded that it would be possible to apply the investigated pipe in a primary circuit of a reactor that utilizes the criterion LBB under the considered geometry and load conditions. Additionally, it was found that under these conditions, only the failure mode by plastic collapse is expected.

Avaliação da ruptura e do recrescimento de flocos na eficiência de sedimentação em água com turbidez elevada / Evaluation of the effects of breakage and regrowth of flocs on the efficiency of sedimentation in water with high turbidity

Voltan, Paulo Eduardo Nogueira 28 May 2007 (has links)
Durante a floculação, a agitação promove dois efeitos simultaneamente, a agregação e a ruptura. A ruptura ocorre devido à atuação de forças de cisalhamento sobre os flocos. O aumento da agitação com, conseqüentemente, aumento do gradiente de velocidade médio, em água com flocos formados, promove o aumento das forças de cisalhamento e a degradação parcial ou total dos mesmos, em poucos segundos. Retornando à condição anterior de agitação, pode ocorrer o recrescimento dos flocos. Através de ensaios em reatores estáticos (em equipamento de jarteste) foram estudados os efeitos da ruptura e da refloculação na sedimentação dos flocos, para velocidades de sedimentação entre 0,9 e 7,0 cm/min. A água de estudo foi preparada com caulinita, resultando turbidez de 100 uT, e coagulada com sulfato de alumínio. Foram realizadas as etapas de coagulação, mistura rápida, floculação, ruptura (G=75, 150 e 250 \'S POT.-1\') e refloculação (G=25, 20 e 15 \'S POT.-1\'). A ruptura, em poucos segundos, prejudicou a remoção dos flocos por sedimentação. Quanto maior o gradiente de velocidade na ruptura, maiores foram os valores da turbidez remanescente do sobrenadante, mesmo após a refloculação. A refloculação, mesmo nos primeiros minutos, diminuiu a turbidez remanescente do sobrenadante se comparada a logo após a ruptura. Quanto menor o gradiente de velocidade durante a refloculação, menores foram os valores da turbidez remanescente do sobrenadante. Apenas para velocidades de sedimentação, gradientes de velocidade de ruptura e gradientes de velocidade de refloculação menores ou iguais a 2,5 cm/min, 75 \'S POT.-1\' e 15 \'S POT.-1\', respectivamente, foi possível obter sobrenadante com valores de turbidez remanescente similares aos encontrados inicialmente, sem ruptura. / During the flocculation, the shear rate promotes two effects simultaneously, growth and breakage of flocs. The break up of flocs is caused as a result of disruptive forces. The increase of the shear rate in water with formed flocs increases the disruptive forces and it also can break the flocs partial or totally in a few seconds. Restoring the previous low shear conditions, flocs can grow back. By using the jar test equipment, the effects of breakage and reflocullation on the efficiency of floc sedimentation were studied, using settling velocities between 0.9 e 7.0 cm/min. Water of study was prepared with groundwater and kaolin, resulting a turbidity of approximately 100 NTU. Coagulation was performed by using aluminum sulfate. Coagulation, flocculation, breakage (G=75, 150 e 250 \'S POT.-1\') and reflocculation tests were carried out. In a few seconds the breakage of flocs hindered the settling removal of turbidity. The higher the average shear rate in the break-up, the higher result the residual turbidity even after the reflocculation. In the first minutes, the reflocculation decreased the residual turbidity after sedimentation if compared to the residual turbidity just after the break-up and sedimentation. The lower the average shear rate during the reflocculation, the lower result the supernatant values of residual turbidity. Supernatant could only be obtained with the value of residual turbidity similar to the values found initially (without breakage of flocs) for the settling velocity, the average velocity gradient of break-up and the average velocity gradient of reflocculation equal or less than 2.5 cm/min, 75 \'S POT.-1\' e 15 \'S POT.-1\', respectively.

Drop size distribution analysis of mechanically agitated liquid-liquid dispersions

Carrillo De Hert, Sergio January 2018 (has links)
Many daily life products consist of mixtures of oil and water. When an immiscible material is dispersed an interface in-between the two phases is created which gives rise to rheological phenomena which can be exploited for product formulation; this is the case in products such as hand-creams and food products. Furthermore emulsions are used to transport hydrophobic materials, for example, many pharmaceuticals are injected as emulsions into the bloodstream. The performance of such products depends on their microstructure, which is determined by its formulation and how its constituents are mixed together; therefore the microstructure depends on the properties of the dispersed phases, the emulsifier used, the equipment used and its processing conditions. Emulsified products are seldom mono-dispersed due to the complex drop breakup mechanism in the turbulent fields inside the equipment in which the phases are forced together. The chaotic breakup mechanism of highly viscous dispersed phases yield complex and broad drop size distributions (DSD) as a result of the dominating viscous cohesive stresses inside the parent drop. Former studies have used the Sauter mean diameter and/or the size of the largest drop as the characteristic measure of central tendency of the DSD to correlate their results and to prove mechanistic or phenomenological models; however these parameters in isolation are insufficient to characterise the whole DSD of highly polydisperse emulsions. In this dissertation a vast amount of silicon oils of different viscosity were used as dispersed phase to study the effect of various processing conditions and formulations on the resulting DSD. The effect of several formulation and processing parameters were studied for two different mixing devices: stirred vessels and in-line high-shear mixers. (1) For stirred vessels, the effect of stirring speed, continuous phase viscosity and dispersed phase volume fraction were studied in combination with the viscosity of the dispersed phase for steady-state systems. (2) For in-line high-shear mixers a model that links batch and multi-pass continuous emulsification for multimodal DSD was derived from a transient mass balance. Processing parameters such as time and volume, flow rate and number of passes through the mixer, and stirring speed were studied for a wide dispersed phase viscosity range. The analytical methodology implemented included the use of one or more probability density functions to describe the shape of the DSD. The models proposed gave reasonable approximations of the Sauter mean diameter and allowed to study the drop size changes and the relative amount of different types of drops resulting from different breakup mechanisms.

Identification of pre-synaptic processing proteins from Bacteroides fragilis

Parry, Frances Louise January 2011 (has links)
The repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is required for the survival of all organisms. In bacteria, DNA DSBs can occur during normal housekeeping processes such as DNA replication or by exogenous damage due to chemicals or radiation. DSBs will compromise the integrity of the genome if left un-repaired, and can be fatal to an organism. Repair of DSBs by homologous recombination (HR) replicates missing chromosomal regions before joining of the separated DNA ends. In Escherichia coli the HR repair steps are; pre-synapsis, synapsis and post-synapsis. In the pre-synaptic stage a DSB is processed into a 3′ single-strand overhang, the substrate required for strand invasion in the synapsis stage and the eventual repair of the DSB. At present there are three identified pre-synapsis systems involved in recombination in bacteria; represented by the AdnAB, AddAB and the RecBCD protein complexes. Each system functions in a similar manner but differ in the physical composition of the machinery. This project investigated the pre-synaptic system of Bacteroides fragilis NCTC9343. Genes encoding putative pre-synapsis proteins were initially identified through analysis of the NCTC9343 genome. The function of these proteins was investigated in vivo by rescue of a repair-deficient strain of E. coli. This demonstrated that Bacteroides fragilis encodes a two component system, where both genes products are required to work in concert for pre-synaptic processing of DSBs. The identified genes were BF2192 and BF2191, and have been renamed addA and addB, respectively. To further examine the role of the AddAB proteins in DSB repair, a Bacteroides fragilis strain with a deletion of addAB was constructed and shown to be extremely sensitive to DNA damaging agents. The AddAB complex was purified and found to be an ATP-dependant helicase and exonuclease that acted on double-stranded DNA ends. In conclusion, this project has identified the proteins involved in pre-synaptic processing of DSBs in B. fragilis NCTC9343, consisting of AddAB homologues, and shown their protective role in repair of DNA damage.

Modely změn v ekonometrických časových řadách / Models of changes in econometric time sequences

Strejc, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This paper is concerned with change-point detection in parameters of econometric regression models when a training set of data without any change is available. There are presented two well- known sequential tests - CUSUM test for linear regression model and a test based on weighted residuals for an autoregressive time series - including their asymptotical properties under certain conditions. Two asymptotically equivalent variance estimators are compared in a finite sample situation using Monte Carlo simulations. There are also presented and compared critical value approximations using different bootstrapping methods and variance estimators. Finally, the weighted residual test is applied on S&P 500 historical data.

Estimating the determinants of FDI in Transition economies: comparative analysis of the Republic of Kosovo

Berisha, Jetëmira January 2012 (has links)
This study develops a panel data analysis over 27 transition and post transition economies for the period 2003-2010. Its intent is to investigate empirically the true effect of seven variables into foreign flows and takes later on the advantage of observed findings to conduct a comparative analysis between Kosovo and regional countries such: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. As the breakdown period (2008-2010) was included in the data set used to modelling the behaviour of FDI, both Chow test and the time dummies technique suggest the presence of structural break. Ultimately, empirical results show that FDI is positively related with one year lagged effect of real GDP growth, trade openness, labour force, low level of wages proxied by remittances, real interest rate and the low level of corruption. Besides, the corporate income tax is found to be significant and inversely related with foreign flows. The comparative analysis referring the growth rate of real GDP shows that Kosovo has the most stable macroeconomic environment in the region, but still it is continuously confronted by the high deficit of trade balance and high rate of unemployment. Appart, the key obstacle that has abolished efforts for foreign investment attraction is found to be the trade blockade of...

DNA synthesis during double-strand break repair in Escherichia coli

Azeroglu, Benura January 2015 (has links)
Efficient and accurate repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) is required to maintain genomic stability in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. In Escherichia coli, DSBs are repaired by homologous recombination (HR). During this process, DNA synthesis needs to be primed and templated from an intact homologous sequence to restore any information that may have been lost on the broken DNA molecule. Two critical late stages of the pathway are repair DNA synthesis and the processing of Holliday junctions (HJs). However, our knowledge of the detailed mechanisms of these steps is still limited. Our laboratory has developed a system that permits the induction of a site-specific DSB in the bacterial chromosome. This break forms in a replication dependent manner on one of the sister chromosomes, leaving the second sister chromosome intact for repair by HR. Unlike previously available systems, the repairable nature of these breaks has made it possible to physically investigate the different stages of DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) in a chromosomal context. In this thesis, I have addressed some fundamental questions relating to repair DNA synthesis and processing of HJs by using a combination of mutants defective in specific biochemical reactions and an assay that I have developed to detect repair DNA synthesis, using a polar termination sequence (terB). First, by using terB sites located at different locations around the break point, it was shown that the DnaB-dependent repair forks are established in a coordinated manner, meaning that the collision of the repair forks occurs between two repair DNA synthesis initiation sites. Second, DSBR was shown to require the PriB protein known to transduce the DNA synthesis initiation signal from PriA protein to DnaT. Conversely, the PriC protein (known as an alternative to PriB in some reactions) was not required in this process. PriB was also shown to be required to establish DnaB-dependent repair synthesis using the terB assay. Third, the establishment and termination of repair DNA synthesis by collision of converging repair forks were shown to occur independently of HJ resolution. This conclusion results from the comparison of the viability of single and double mutants, deficient in either the establishment of DNA synthesis, HJ resolution or in both reactions, subjected to DSBs and from the study of the DNA intermediates that accumulated in these mutants as detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Fourth, the role of RecG protein during DSB repair was investigated. Solexa sequencing analyses showed that recG null mutant cells undergoing DSBs accumulate more DNA around the break point (Mawer and Leach, unpublished data). This phenomenon was further investigated by two different approaches. Using terB sites in different locations around the break point and ChIP-Seq analyses to investigate the distribution of RecA in a recG null mutant demonstrating that the establishment of repair forks depends on the presence of RecG. Further studies using PriA helicase-dead mutant showed that the interplay between RecG and PriA proteins is essential for the establishment of correctly oriented repair forks during DSBR. As a whole, this work provides evidence on the coordinated nature of the establishment and termination of DNA synthesis during DSBR and how this requires a correct interplay between PriA-PriB and RecG. A new adapted model of homologous recombination is presented.

Intermediates of DNA double strand break repair in Escherichia coli

Mawer, Julia Sofia Pamela January 2012 (has links)
A DNA double-strand break (DSB) is a severe form of DNA damage. In fastgrowing cells, DSBs are commonly repaired by homologous recombination (HR) and in E. coli they are exclusively repaired by this mechanism. Failure to accurately repair DSBs can lead to genomic instability. Characterising the DNA intermediates formed during DSB repair by HR is key to understanding this process. A system for inducing a site-specific DSB in the E. coli chromosome has previously been described (Eykelenboom et al., 2008). Here, this system has been used to determine the nature of the intermediates of the repair. It was shown that in a Rec+ background the repair process is rapid and efficient. By contrast, in a ruvAB mutant, which is defective for the Holliday junction (HJ) migration and cleavage complex, RuvABC, HJs are accumulated on both sides of the breakpoint. Replication forks also accumulate at defined positions from the DSB, indicating that unresolved HJs are a barrier to efficient replication that is associated with the repair. This suggests that the resolution of HJs needs to occur prior to the establishment of DNA synthesis. Despite the accumulation of HJs in a ruvAB mutant, cell survival occurs when DSBs are induced for short periods, suggesting that HJs can be resolved in a RuvAB-independent manner. In contrast, the RecG helicase is essential for survival. In a recG mutant, replication forks but not HJs are detected in the region of DSB repair. In a ruvAB recG mutant, intermediates in this region are lost. These observations are consistent with a role of RecG in the stabilisation and maturation of D-loops and not the resolution of Holliday junctions. Nevertheless, an additional role for RecG in later stages of repair cannot yet be excluded. This work provides a solid framework for the further study of DSB repair in E. coli.

A Study of the Purpose and Value of Recess in Elementary Schools as Perceived by Teachers and Administrators

Beard, Vickie 01 August 2018 (has links)
Children spend at least seven and a half hours or 46.9% of their waking hours in the school setting, which brings a unique responsibility to schools (Beighle, Erwin, Morgan, & Alderman, 2012). School systems are expected to educate children according to adopted state standards and encourage a healthy, active lifestyle. The concept then is to increase knowledge by putting focus on academic achievement as well as promoting good citizenship by developing children’s social, emotional, and physical development, which happens during recess. Yet, recess and free play opportunities are on the decline in school systems across our nation. This reduction or elimination is being attributed to the federal and state accountability measures being instituted on state assessments. The growing trend is for schools to increase the amount of academic time and reduce the amount of time children can experience recess or free play opportunities. Research is being conducted through qualitative methods to assess the purpose and value of recess in the elementary school setting in a rural school district in southern middle Tennessee. Findings from this study will be useful in establishing school and district recess policies and evaluating recess practices within the district.

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