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Recurrent brief depressive disorder reinvestigated : a community sample of adolescents and young adultsPezawas, Lukas, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Pfister, Hildegard, Angst, Jules, Lieb, Roselind, Kasper, Siegfried January 2003 (has links)
Background: This article presents prospective lower bound estimations of findings on prevalence, incidence, clinical correlates, severity markers, co-morbidity and course stability of threshold and subthreshold recurrent brief depressive disorder (RBD) and other mood disorders in a community sample of 3021 adolescents.
Method: Data were collected at baseline (age 14–17) and at two follow-up interviews within an observation period of 42 months. Diagnostic assessment was based on the Munich Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI).
Results: Our data suggest that RBD is a prevalent (2.6%) clinical condition among depressive disorders (21.3%) being at least as prevalent as dysthymia (2.3%) in young adults over lifetime. Furthermore, RBD is associated with significant clinical impairment sharing many features with major depressive disorder (MDD). Suicide attempts were reported in 7.8% of RBD patients, which was similar to MDD (11.9%). However, other features, like gender distribution or co-morbidity patterns, differ essentially from MDD. Furthermore, the lifetime co-occurrence of MDD and RBD or combined depression represents a severe psychiatric condition.
Conclusions: This study provides further independent support for RBD as a clinically significant syndrome that could not be significantly explained as a prodrome or residual of major affective disorders.
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Samverkan mellan aktörer som arbetar med personer med funktionsnedsättning inom LSSFarzanehfar, Forogh January 2021 (has links)
En person som har insatser enligt LSS (Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade) kan möta många olika aktörer i sin vardag. Studien avsåg att undersöka hur samverkan fungerar mellan aktörerna inom LSS. Frågeställningar behandlade två frågor som handlade om främjande faktorer och hämmande faktorer för samverkan. Urvalet begränsades till personer som arbetar nära brukare och mer eller mindre på daglig basis ser dennes behov av stöd. Verksamhetschef, boendestödjare och platsansvarigchef är de aktörer som har en övergripande bild av samverkan. Utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer och en tematisk analys genererades 7 teman. Främjande faktorer var gemensam värdegrund, tydlighet och strukturerade rutiner, verksamhetsmål, ömsesidigt samförstånd och förtroende. Hämmande faktorer var lagar och förordningar, brist på kommunikation samt brist på kunskap. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att för en välfungerande samverkan, behövs det samsyn kring aktörernas olikheter. Goda relationer och respekt för varandras uppdrag och regelverk är central i samverkan.
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The Effect of Explicit Timing on Math Performance Using Interspersal Assignments with Students with Mild/Moderate DisabilitiesHou, Fangjuan 01 May 2010 (has links)
Explicit timing and interspersal assignments have been validated as effective methods to facilitate students' math practice. However, no researchers have explored the combinative effect of these two methods. In Study 1, we extended the literature by comparing the effect of explicit timing with interspersal assignments, and interspersal assignments without timing. Generally, participants' rate of digits correct on easy and hard addition problems was higher during the explicit timing condition than during the untimed condition. However, the participants' rate of digits correct decreased after initial implementation of the explicit timing condition.
Motivation plays a crucial role in maintaining performance levels and helping students make continuous progress. Preferred reinforcers and setting academic targets have been widely utilized as active motivational components to increase the likelihood of a successful strategy in school settings. In Study 2, we employed a brief MSWO reinforcer assessment to identify individual student's low- and high-preference reinforcers and examined the effects of explicit timing on interspersed assignments combined with high preference or low preference reinforcers, and setting academic targets. In general, explicit timing combined with preferred reinforcers and academic targets produced a more sustainable effect on participants' rate of digits correct than explicit timing alone. In addition, high-preference reinforcers were more effective than low-preference reinforcers for three of five participants. For two participants, an increasing trend was observed when low preference reinforcers were contingent on meeting academic targets. These results are discussed relative to using preference assessments with students with mild/moderate disabilities.
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Der Briefwechsel von Jacob von StählinGurewitsch, Vladimir 03 August 2017 (has links)
Die Veröffentlichung des Briefwechsels von Jacob von Stählin war nur ein Schritt auf dem Weg der späteren Erweiterung der 'Quellendatenbank' für die Darstellung der exakteren Geschichte der russischen und breiteren europäischen Musikgeschichte.
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The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Executive Functions, Moderated by Trait AnxietyBaranski, Michael Francis Stephen 13 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Primary Care Nurse Attitudes, Beliefs and Confidence Levels Regarding Alcohol Abuse and Its Treatment: Impact of Educational Intervention.Vadlamudi, Raja Sekhar 17 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Alcohol abuse has been a major burden on the society. In the fight against it a key issue the education of the primary care nurses has been ignored. This study evaluates the effect of education program on the attitudes, beliefs, and confidence levels of primary care nurses regarding alcohol abuse and its treatment. Data from the Project Mainstream educational intervention were used with permission from the investigators. Two hundred one students and faculty of nursing at Vanderbilt University participated in the intervention, which was designed to train primary care providers in the Brief Negotiated Intervention technique for early detection and treatment of alcohol problems. Participants completed questionnaires before and after the educational intervention. Analysis of the data using paired samples t-test and one way analysis of variance showed statistically significant positive change in the nurses' attitudes, beliefs, and confidence levels regarding alcohol abuse and its treatment after the educational intervention. This study has shown the importance of educational intervention in dealing with alcohol abuse.
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Predicting work-related behaviour from personality traits and situational characteristicsWertheimer, Demi 30 June 2022 (has links)
The dual influence of person characteristics and situational contexts on behaviour has long been debated on by personality and social psychologists alike. Traditionally, personality traits have been emphasised, whilst the assessment of situational influences has received limited attention. As a result, there has been little progress in understanding how situational contexts impact individuals' daily organisational behaviour – a key imperative of organisational psychology. This study leverages recent developments in situation assessment to investigate the extent to which personality traits and situational characteristics independently, and in combination, predict workrelevant behaviour. Survey response data from 256 South African participants within the International Situations Project (ISP; Baranski et al., 2017) were analysed. Sets of multiple regression analyses were conducted with each of seven work-related behaviours as criteria, using the Big Five personality traits and DIAMONDS situational characteristics as predictors. Next, barebones meta-analysis (Hunter & Schmidt, 1990) of the resulting multiple correlation coefficients was conducted to estimate the relative predictive power of traits vs. situations, averaged across target behaviours. The results revealed that the combination of personality traits and situational characteristics explained more variance in work-related behaviour than their independent effects. Although situational characteristics independently predicted all work-related behaviours, personality traits were not strong predictors of particular behaviours. These findings highlight the importance of integrating knowledge of both traits and situations to enhance our understanding of why people behave the way they do. Practically, results further suggest that organisations may increase the ability to predict employee behaviour on the job by incorporating measures of situations, in combination with traits, into human resource management applications (e.g., personnel selection and assessment).
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Predicting work-related behaviour from personality traits and situational characteristicsWertheimer, Demi 30 June 2022 (has links)
The dual influence of person characteristics and situational contexts on behaviour has long been debated on by personality and social psychologists alike. Traditionally, personality traits have been emphasised, whilst the assessment of situational influences has received limited attention. As a result, there has been little progress in understanding how situational contexts impact individuals' daily organisational behaviour – a key imperative of organisational psychology. This study leverages recent developments in situation assessment to investigate the extent to which personality traits and situational characteristics independently, and in combination, predict workrelevant behaviour. Survey response data from 256 South African participants within the International Situations Project (ISP; Baranski et al., 2017) were analysed. Sets of multiple regression analyses were conducted with each of seven work-related behaviours as criteria, using the Big Five personality traits and DIAMONDS situational characteristics as predictors. Next, barebones meta-analysis (Hunter & Schmidt, 1990) of the resulting multiple correlation coefficients was conducted to estimate the relative predictive power of traits vs. situations, averaged across target behaviours. The results revealed that the combination of personality traits and situational characteristics explained more variance in work-related behaviour than their independent effects. Although situational characteristics independently predicted all work-related behaviours, personality traits were not strong predictors of particular behaviours. These findings highlight the importance of integrating knowledge of both traits and situations to enhance our understanding of why people behave the way they do. Practically, results further suggest that organisations may increase the ability to predict employee behaviour on the job by incorporating measures of situations, in combination with traits, into human resource management applications (e.g., personnel selection and assessment).
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Researchon Solution-focused brief therapy in shool - A document-analysis of 9 scientific publicationsWallin, Göran January 2010 (has links)
ABSTRAKTWallin, Göran (2010). Forskning om lösningsinriktat arbete i skolan, En dokumentanalys av 9 vetenskapliga publikationer (Research on Solution-focused brief therapy in school, A docu-ment-analysis of 9 scientific publications). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogik, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola.Lösningsinriktat arbete, SFBT eng., har under det senaste decenniet använts som en mo-dell/metod i skolan. Modellen/metoden har använts både i inlärningssituationen och för att främja elevers socioemotionella utveckling. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilken veten-skapligt granskad forskning som finns tillgänglig för lösningsinriktat arbete i skolan och vil-ken effekt metoden har i skolkontext. Detta har genomförts genom att söka på framförallt två databaser Academic Search Elite och ERIC via EBSCO. Resultatet av efterforskningarna visar att ingen svensk forskning finns på området. Av 125 funna publikationer har nio valts ut som underlag. Med utgångspunkt av sju variabler genom-förs en dokumentanalys. Resultaten visar att designen på forskningen är spridd. Två av under-sökningarna är kvasi-experimentella. Typvärdet för studierna är aktionsforskning. Av de nio undersökta publikationerna studerar sju effekten av en intervention där barn och ungdomar befinner sig ”riskzonen”. Endast två av studierna visar effekt av lösningsinriktat arbete vid inlärningssituationen. Resultaten visar generellt på en lovande effekt av en lösningsfokuserad intervention i skolkontexten. Dock, i vissa fall, har en effekt uteblivit. Effekterna är inte enty-diga och ingen av studierna visar explicit en effekt av de kriterier som ställs upp för en lös-ningsfokuserad intervention.
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Engaging Holistic Wellness and Strengths to Support Youth and Families with Trauma: A Solution-Focused Body-Mind-Spirit ApproachEads, Ray 25 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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