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Why they kill : criminal etiologies in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, R.L. Stevenson's Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and Oscar Wilde's The picture of Dorian GrayLéger-St-Jean, Marie January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Postava novináře v britském románu 20. století / The image of a journalist in the 20th century british novelHoráčková, Ludmila January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis The Picture of a Journalist in the 20th century British novel is to map the space dedicated to characters of journalists in literature, the 20th century British novels in particular. Depiction of the journalistic characters is based on fifteen selected literary works within three different novel types - comic novel, detective novel and social-critical novel. Using a detailed analysis of a sum of both the narrative and the extra-literary elements the thesis compares various characters of male and female journalists appearing in the selected novels. It tries to compare the differences as well as the similarities within portrayals of journalists in different novel types. As a conclusion the thesis evaluates the overall picture of journalists in these works and attempts to trace any similarities or recurring trends in depiction of journalists in literature.
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Connections between the gothic and science fiction in Frankenstein, Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and the island of Dr. MoreauPereira, Ismael Bernardo January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo estabelecer um diálogo entre três obras da literatura britânica do século XIX: o romance Frankenstein (1818), da autora Mary W. Shelley; a novela O Médico e o Monstro (1886), de autoria de Robert Louis Stevenson; e o romance A Ilha do Dr. Moreau (1896), de H. G. Wells. Tal comparação será feita com base nas convenções advindas dos gêneros Gótico e Ficção científica, presentes nas obras. Como principal alicerce teórico para a definição de gêneros entendem-se as considerações de Tzvetan Todorov, que defende que os gêneros são inevitáveis como horizonte de interpretação, além de serem entidades em constante mudança numa cadeia de influências através da qual novos gêneros são criados a partir de outros pré-existentes. O presente trabalho parte desse pressuposto para determinar de que maneira os gêneros Gótico e Ficção científica estão presentes nas obras, observando como os traços do Gótico, ao se adaptarem através do tempo, deram lugar a convenções ainda semelhantes, mas que já apontavam para o que posteriormente seria considerado um novo gênero literário. Primeiramente, são feitas considerações sobre conceitos de gênero textual/literário através do tempo, as quais mostram o quanto seu estudo permaneceu constante. A seguir são definidas certas convenções dos dois gêneros, assim como o modo como dialogam entre si. A segunda parte do trabalho analisa as duas primeiras obras em ordem cronológica, Frankenstein e O Médico e o Monstro, de maneira a perceber a predominância de convenções do Gótico – especialmente relacionadas ao conflito interior dos personagens, como o "duplo" – ao mesmo tempo que a emergência de temas da ciência, como os de criador/criatura e ambição científica. O último capítulo verifica como a primeira fase da Ficção científica de H. G. Wells em geral e A Ilha do Dr. Moreau em particular resgatam convenções dos dois gêneros supracitados, ao mesmo tempo servindo como consolidador das convenções do último. Conclui-se, portanto, que houve uma evolução que possibilitou a emergência de um novo gênero ligado ao contexto histórico das obras, o que legitima a consideração dos gêneros como entidades mais livres e não restritivas, que podem estar presentes em diversas obras ao mesmo tempo e ampliar seu horizonte de interpretação. / This thesis establishes a dialogue among three books from 19th century British literature: the novel Frankenstein (1818), by M. W. Shelley; the novella Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886), by Robert Louis Stevenson; and the novel The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896), by H. G. Wells. This comparison is made based on the specific Gothic and Science fiction conventions present in the books. The main theoretical support for the definition of genres employed here comes from Tzvetan Todorov. The author argues that genres are inevitable as horizons of interpretation, entities in constant change which tend to create new genres from pre-existent ones, in a chain of influences. This thesis considers this supposition to determine how Gothic and Science fiction make themselves present in the works analyzed, in a way that Gothic traits, being adapted through time, give way to similar but yet innovative conventions, which subsequently would be considered a new literary genre. Primarily, considerations concerning the concept of genres through history are made, all of which show how this study was kept constant. Hereafter, certain conventions regarding both genres are defined, as well as the manner they dialogue amongst themselves. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the analysis of Frankenstein and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and establishes the predominance of Gothic conventions – especially the ones related to the inner conflict of the characters, such as the "double" –, while considering the emergence of scientific themes, such as the creator/creature relationship and scientific ambition. The last section verifies how the first cycle of H. G. Wells' Science fiction in a broad sense, and The Island of Dr. Moreau in a strict sense, reemploy conventions of both genres, serving to consolidate the latter. Therefore, it is concluded that there was an evolution which enabled the emergence of a new genre, considering the historical contexts and the books analyzed. This consideration justifies genres as wide-ranging, non-restrictive entities, which may be present in various works simultaneously and broaden their horizon of interpretation.
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L'écriture du non-humain dans la poesie de D.H Lawrence. / Writing the Non-Human in D.H.Lawrence’s PoetryBouttier, Sarah 02 December 2011 (has links)
Chez D. H. Lawrence, le non-humain correspond à la fois à une forme de vitalité primordiale et aux créatures végétales et animales que cette vitalité anime bien davantage que les hommes, étouffés par une civilisation moderne qui les rend inertes. Le non-humain apparaît comme le dépositaire d‘une présence pure, existant avant ou hors de la culture. Lawrence est donc confronté à la difficulté de représenter cette présence pure par un moyen intrinsèquement « humain », le langage poétique. Il ne se pose alors pas simplement en anti-humaniste : son écriture poétique du non-humain procède d‘un conflit permanent entre la volonté de se libérer du carcan humain et la nécessité de demeurer dans la sphère humaine, voire de réinstaurer la limite entre humain et non-humain. Ce conflit s‘exprime déjà dans le non-humain comme simple matière vivante, sous la forme d‘une tension entre une conception de la matière comme pure présence extérieure à tout discours humain et une vision de la matière comme objet scientifique par excellence. Dans l‘évocation des créatures, le conflit incite Lawrence à réinventer spécifiquement pour elles des rapports au monde (émotions, perception, agentivité) qui leur permettent de préserver leur présence. Dans le rapport de Lawrence aux créatures non-humaines, le conflit demeure car Lawrence remet en question la limite qui le sépare du non-humain mais la réaffirme également. Enfin, la dialectique entre la volonté de saisir la présence du non-humain et la crainte de l‘abstraire complètement en l‘incluant dans le langage semble particulièrement présente dans ce que nous tentons de définir comme un langage poétique propre au non-humain, au-delà de sa simple utilisation chez Lawrence. / In D. H. Lawrence‘s poetry, the non-human is both a form of primordial vitality and the living world of non-human creatures. Non-human creatures are seen as more able to embody this vitality than modern men, stifled by their civilization. The non-human stands outside the sphere of culture, and its mode of existence is consequently an untouched, pure form of presence. Therefore, Lawrence faces the difficulty of representing this pure presence through an inherently ―human‖ means, poetic language. However, his stance is not entirely anti-humanist: his poetic writing of the non-human is founded on an unceasing conflict between the will to break free from the constraints of humanity and the necessity to remain within a human sphere, and even to reinstate the limit between human and non-human. In the representation of the non-human as mere living matter, this conflict is already manifest, taking the shape of a tension between matter as existing completely outside human discourse, and matter as a scientific object par excellence. When Lawrence evokes the creatures, this conflict brings about a reconfiguration of specific non-human modes of being in the world (emotions, perception, agency), which allow the creatures to interact with each other without diminishing or abstracting their presence. In the poet‘s own relationship with the non-human creatures, the conflict appears again as Lawrence questions the limit between human and non-human while reinstating it. At last, the dialectic between a will to capture non-human presence and the fear of abstracting it when including it within the sphere of language seems particularly present in what we have attempted to establish as a poetic language specific to the representation of the non-human, in Lawrence and other poets.
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Figures de l'espace et de la frontière dans la fiction de Rudyard Kipling / Literary Borderlines and the Spatial Imagination in Rudyard Kipling’s FictionRaimbault, Elodie 20 November 2009 (has links)
Voyageur durant toute sa vie, connaisseur de l’Inde, des États-Unis, de l’Afrique du Sud et du Sussex, défenseur de l’Empire britannique quand sa stabilité territoriale est menacée, Rudyard Kipling possède une expérience de l’espace mondial directe et physique qu’on retrouve problématisée sur les plans thématique, narratif et stylistique dans sa fiction. La notion de frontière produit à tous niveaux des relations de différentiation et d’opposition mais aussi de contact et d’échanges : le voyage se fait conquête, aventure ou vagabondage, le rapport à l’espace est politique ou poétique. L’espace impérial est nécessairement délimité et Kipling conçoit un Empire agent fédérateur d’une mosaïque de nations. Stylistiquement, la phrase de Kipling parvient de même à fédérer des langues et registres variés sans nuire à l’unité textuelle et la narration se fonde sur l’articulation entre les éléments individuels et l’ensemble. L’instance narrative crée des lignes de convergence qui relient entre eux les récits en créant des réseaux d’œuvre à œuvre, aboutissant à la construction partielle d’un monde cohérent et à une possibilité d’ouverture dans cet espace balisé. L’économie interne des œuvres les révèle en tant qu’objets composites et unifiés, faisant jouer poèmes et illustrations au sein de recueils de nouvelles, intrigue principale et micro récits dans les romans. Le texte est figuration à part entière lorsqu’il inclut une carte annotée et qu’il crée un espace typographique signifiant et moderne. Mettant en regard l’espace représentant et l’espace représenté, l’agencement du texte et celui du monde narratif qu’il peint, l’espace littéraire kiplingien fonctionne de façon dynamique. / Rudyard Kipling was a traveller all his life and a champion of the British Empire at the time when its territorial stability was put at risk; he knew India, the U.S.A., South Africa and Sussex intimately. His direct and physical experience of the globe frames the thematic, narrative and stylistic characteristics of his novels and short story collections. Through the notion of borderline, relationships of differentiation, opposition, contact and exchange are built up thematically, in the narrative and in the style: the traveller is represented as a conqueror, an adventurer or a wanderer and global space is apprehended either politically or poetically. Imperial space is necessarily delineated and Kipling conceives of an Empire federating a mosaic of nations. Likewise, Kipling’s sentences stylistically patch up diverse languages, dialects and registers without endangering their textual unity and his narration hinges on the relation between separate elements and the whole text. The narrative authority creates converging lines between stories and networks appear between books, building up a coherent fictional world which suggests the possibility of an opening in this highly demarcated space. In their internal organisation, the books are at once composite and unified, the main narrative interacting with poems and illustrations in the short story collections and with micro narratives in the novels. Text becomes truly figurative in the annotated maps and when the typographical space is modern and significant. Kipling’s literary space dynamically confronts physical territories and a linguistic representative space, the textual organisation and the narrative world it depicts.
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Writing Revolution: The British Radical Literary Tradition as the Seminal Force in the Development of Adult Education, its Australian Context, and the Life and Work of Eric LambertMerlyn, Teri, n/a January 2004 (has links)
This thesis tells the story of an historical tradition of radical literacy and literature that is defined as the British radical literary tradition. It takes the meaning of literature at its broadest understanding and identifies the literary and educational relations of what E.P. Thompson terms 'the making of the English working class' through its struggle for literacy and freedom. The study traces the developing dialectic of literary radicalism and the emergent hegemony of capitalism through the dissemination of radical ideas in literature and a groundswell of public literacy. The proposed radical tradition is defined by the oppositional stance of its participants, from the radical intellectual's critical texts to the striving for literacy and access to literature by working class people. This oppositional discourse emerged in the fourteenth century concomitant with nascent capitalism and has its literary origins in utopian vision. This nascent utopian imagination conceived a democratic socialism that underpinned the character of much of the following oppositional discourse. The thesis establishes the nexus of the oppositional discourse as a radical literary tradition and the earliest instances of adult education in autodidacticism and informal adult education. The ascent of middle class power through the industrial revolution is shadowed by the corresponding descent of the working class into poverty. Concomitant with this social polarisation is the phenomena of working class literary agency as the means to political and economic agency. While Protestant dissenting groups such as the Diggers and Levellers were revolutionary activists, it was Methodism that formed a bulwark against revolution. Yet it was their emphasis on self-improvement that contributed to an increasingly literate populace. Radical texts produced and disseminated by individuals and organisations and read by autodidactics and informal reading groups are seminal in the formation of a working class identity. Spearheaded by the Chartist movement, education became a central ethic of working class politics and the civil struggle for economic and political justice throughout the nineteenth and well into the twentieth centuries. The avant garde movements of the early twentieth century are analysed as a strand of this tradition. The narrative of the thesis then moves to the penal colony of Australia and explores the radical literary tradition's development there. Early colonial culture is seen as having a strong impetus towards a developing a native literary expression of the new land. Where conservative colonial literature struggled to differentiate itself from formal British literary models, the radical heritage and its utopian vision of a working man's paradise gave definitive expression to the Australian experience. This expression was strongly influenced by Chartist ideals. The British radical literary tradition is thus seen to have had a dominant influence in the development of a native radical literary tradition that strove to identify the national character. Socialist thought developed in Australia in concert with that in the parent culture, and anarchist and libertarian trends found a ready home amongst independent minded colonials. Yet, in preventing the formation of a native aristocracy the small radical population made a compromise with liberalism that saw a decidedly conservative streak develop in the early labour movement. There were little in the way of sophisticated radical literary offerings at first, but from the mid-nineteenth century a vanguard of radicals produced a thriving native press and other fugitive text forms. At the turn of the century the native radical literary tradition was vibrantly diverse, with a definitive style that claimed literary ownership of the Australian character. However, exhausted by the battles over WWI conscription and isolated by censorship, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was able to subsume the vanguard position from the socialists. The Party laid claim to the Australian radical literary tradition, at once both strengthening it with the discipline of a Marxist ideology and diminishing its independence and diversity. Party literary theory centred upon the issue of class, developing a doctrine of socialist realism that communist writers were expected to practice. How well a writer adhered to socialist realist principles became a measure of their class position and loyalty. Drawing more from primary sources, the thesis develops an analysis of the intellectual development of the Australian post-WWII writer Eric Lambert through his experience of class instability during Depression and war. The study examines Lambert's decision to join the Party and his literary response to his experiences of war, the Party, the turmoil of 1956 and life after the Party. Lambert's body of work is then analysed as the unintentional memoir of a writer working as an adult educator in the radical literary tradition. Lambert's struggles, for artistic independence within the narrow precepts of Party dogma and with class tensions, were common amongst intellectuals committed to the communist cause. Like many of his peers, Lambert resigned from the Party at the end of 1956 and suffered a period of ideological vacuum. However, he continued to write as a Marxian educator, seeking to reveal that which makes us human in the humanity of ordinary people. It is concluded that, while the Party did much to foster disciplined cohesion, the mutual distrust it generated amongst its intellectuals suppressed the independent thought that had kept the radical literary tradition alive. Although the Party developed an ideological strength within the radical literary tradition, its dominance over thirty years and subsequent fall from grace acted to fragment and discredit that centuries-old tradition which it subsumed. An argument is made for a reinvestment of the centrality of the radical literary tradition in the education of adults for the maintenance of social justice and the democratic project.
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Reciprocal Haunting : Pat Barker's <i>Regeneration</i> TrilogyKnutsen, Karen Patrick January 2008 (has links)
<p>Pat Barker’s fictional account of the Great War, The Regeneration Trilogy, completed in 1995, is considered to be her most important work to date and has captured the imagination of the reading public as well as attracting considerable scholarly attention. Although the trilogy appears to be written in the realistic style of the traditional historical novel, Barker approaches the past with certain preoccupations from 1990s Britain and rewrites the past as seen through these contemporary lenses. Consequently, the trilogy illustrates not only how the past returns to haunt the present, but also how the present reciprocally haunts perceptions of the past. The haunting quality of the trilogy is developed through an extensive, intricate pattern of intertextuality. This reciprocal haunting at times breaks the realistic framework of the narrative, giving rise to anachronisms.</p><p>This study offers a reading of trauma, class, gender and psychology as thematic areas where intertexts are activated, allowing Barker to revise and re-accentuate stories of the past. Drawing on Michel Foucault’s concept of discourse and Mikhail Bakhtin’s notion of dialogue, it focuses on the trilogy as an interactive link in an intertextual chain of communication about the Great War. Received versions of history are confirmed, expanded on and sometimes questioned. What is innovative about the trilogy is how Barker incorporates discursive formations not only from the Great War period, but from the whole twentieth century. The Great War is regenerated and transformed as it passes from one dialogic context to another. My reading shows that the trilogy presents social structures from different historical epochs through dialogism and diachronicity, making the present-day matrices of power and knowledge that continue to surround, determine and limit people’s lives highly visible. The Regeneration Trilogy regenerates the past, simultaneously confirming Barker’s claim that the historical novel can also be “a backdoor into the present”.</p>
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Why they kill : criminal etiologies in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, R.L. Stevenson's Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and Oscar Wilde's The picture of Dorian GrayLéger-St-Jean, Marie January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Reciprocal Haunting : Pat Barker's Regeneration TrilogyKnutsen, Karen Patrick January 2008 (has links)
Pat Barker’s fictional account of the Great War, The Regeneration Trilogy, completed in 1995, is considered to be her most important work to date and has captured the imagination of the reading public as well as attracting considerable scholarly attention. Although the trilogy appears to be written in the realistic style of the traditional historical novel, Barker approaches the past with certain preoccupations from 1990s Britain and rewrites the past as seen through these contemporary lenses. Consequently, the trilogy illustrates not only how the past returns to haunt the present, but also how the present reciprocally haunts perceptions of the past. The haunting quality of the trilogy is developed through an extensive, intricate pattern of intertextuality. This reciprocal haunting at times breaks the realistic framework of the narrative, giving rise to anachronisms. This study offers a reading of trauma, class, gender and psychology as thematic areas where intertexts are activated, allowing Barker to revise and re-accentuate stories of the past. Drawing on Michel Foucault’s concept of discourse and Mikhail Bakhtin’s notion of dialogue, it focuses on the trilogy as an interactive link in an intertextual chain of communication about the Great War. Received versions of history are confirmed, expanded on and sometimes questioned. What is innovative about the trilogy is how Barker incorporates discursive formations not only from the Great War period, but from the whole twentieth century. The Great War is regenerated and transformed as it passes from one dialogic context to another. My reading shows that the trilogy presents social structures from different historical epochs through dialogism and diachronicity, making the present-day matrices of power and knowledge that continue to surround, determine and limit people’s lives highly visible. The Regeneration Trilogy regenerates the past, simultaneously confirming Barker’s claim that the historical novel can also be “a backdoor into the present”.
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Cross-cultural encounter and the novel nation, identity, and genre In nineteenth-century British literature /Woo, Chimi. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2008.
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